f V WEATHER PWr Tkuißr 04 Friday, aomewbat *mw Thertday ■' 1 ■——— ■ VOLUME BIX; NUMBER Sf7 THREE BODIES ARE TAKEN FROM WRECKED SVBMAfUNE M f( ttmmmmmmmmmmm^mmrnmammm Between 1921 and 1927 w Business Transacted Increased by $17,163 ‘ Increase of lU7 Over 1926 Was At Rate of Mors Than 9100 Monthly ’ MAJOR SIMKINB EXPECTS 1028 TO BE BIG YEAR Statistics Showing Steady Growth Over Last Eight Years Art Released Goldsboro posts I rscsipls during 1927 w#re forty peresut mors than postal receipts eight years ago, ac cording to statistics Issusd yesterday by Postmaster K. A. tUmkins. Tbe re sume of tbe consistent climb of amounts of business handled at the local post office was, made by Major Btmklas upon the occasion of com paring 1927 figure* with 1926 figur es. ' 1- i ‘ .*■•:' Receipts for 1097 were approxi-1 mutely 91.30 ft more than receipts sor ’ 1926. Mr. Slmkins said, for tbe 1927 ’ total Was 961,963 as against 960, CSS for 1926. " v J • , .■ t " Buslnesj done In J 917 was 917,163 more than business done In 1921, the of Mr. Him kin» shows? "During December," said Major Rtmkins. “We sold 9(00 more In stamps than daring any other month TiTTfrr HMtorJ of tUTMEff ttTWEfr: going over the figures this morning and tbe check showed increases In ttr.mpr of ever)- denomination expect the add 1-2 oant. * “I h-ll«ve that 192* will •*• even gr-atr r expansion la the amount of money handled than In several yeses, i 1 expect the totsl to be about 969,000 or (sP.Dty. He pointed out ,tji*t shoot MOOD increase in receipts might be expect* cd frert the mailing or mall m uer | uktalcKU-a through tbs office One bf the larger mail order companies baa made Goldsboro tbs distributing of fice for 1650 postoffices in North Csro ' linn, Vouth Carolina and Virginia. This business Is sxpected to begin lo go forward early this year. t’osial receipts for the past eight years arO as follows: %. w . 1911 9*4.800 1922 950,0-HJ 1923 , c 952,300 1921 954.800 1 1925 760.256, 1926 960.665 1927 ...j, 961.933 11 » r - * NEW HEAD EAST PROHI FORCES ; James A. Clifton of Fayetteville /and Caudel of 8. C» Will A Swap Pools Clifton, district Federal prohibi tion administrator with hsadquarters In Fayetteville has been transferred to Charleston., 8. C.. effective Jana ary 15 He Wilt enceeil District Ad ministrator Caydel of Charleston, who It is understood, has five'll or ders to rellsre Mr, Clifton in the Eastern District H>r North Carolina It la also reported that Clifton and , Candell are asking 1 that they bejUr-] lowed tp remain In tbslr present , «plac>s witlMtiit transfer. France and United States . Are Nearing No- War Pact “■ —i ■■ mu. I *■' * n ■*■■ * f “~ l '» HIRIH, JM. 4-(AP> -JMk rrtarjr Kollo**’* net* l« Forelfa miniate' Hrlaad of berember is «o**r*l i - * that lbo prepeaed part • |o Mllaw law between Yrnarr m 4 the I’nlted Male* hr mlanred |i| '■ II [«*“?*' 1 to Inr lode other nations *ll matt W raw* THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRBBH—BEAD BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. * ■- '• ■ ' * ' , “1 0- • “ ■ , &■■ ■■■ ,je.i JL —. ..1,10-* '«-**■■—i 55 Per Cent Cases Arc Booze Charges Violation es the prohibition taw In seme form caused approximate ly ii perceat es the eases tried la Wayne Ceaaty Recorder’* eenrt during the last three meath* es IW7, a fount wade jesterdaj b» ‘ The Hews shewed. Itarlag October, Kmember and December I*6 cas co were tried in fbe eoaaty eenrt. es this another <9 were fer naan fnenrlng whiskey, having nhkkej fer the parpose of sale, transport ing ar driving while drank. Tbe eases for all other caases num bered only IM, and It was pointed oat that thoagh the charge d d net show It, llqnor might have been indirertly tbe raase es several of the other, charges. MERCURY STOOD AT 20 BELOW “Began to Wonder If We Would Ever See Goldsboro Again,” Says pr. Ccrbelt "There was one time," aald Dr. .U IVfj Corbett, who with Mrs. Corbet{ and children r&dTned yesterday from Tonneesee, "that I began to wander it we would see Goldsboro nay more, We were climbing one of the moun -1 tains on our way back when the water gave out of The radiator. ( ’ Kverythlng wm frose up and it, was only after searching around a gpod bit that ! found a rule stream i"u>vnlng about 300 yards from the road. It waa a scramble to get to 11. and the only receptacle I had to get j water waa the hot water bottle; brought along to keep the baby warm 1 bis had liotfrt before, of conns. It seemed like the si ream was miles away from the car. Then when tl had made many trips bach and | forth to the stream, and had gbt | started again a tire tore up. Luckily we found a house not far away and stayed ell night. ed Thu !;j only ;tough Vlyinlg was enfouni«r#)—Gov citior Smith of New York has delTSod to attend the Jackson Day AlanopAo hti given by the Democratlc/hsre on Januaily 12, but It was wrt appar ent w'hnt extent bis iloclslo may up ] set the piaft»-of-j{arty/leaders for, general get togetbor. .. Until today therd had been every Indication here that tbe New York rovernor was expected to be present vlth other s mentioned as presidential possibilities and to deliver an ad orese on parly laauea to 1929. Mr. Smith'a statement that he bad no In tention of coming brought no Im mediate response or comment from those who extended tbe invitation. The dinner Is mors or Isis of a party Institution, although anna was bow fpgr years ago Hi lt»* Hovornor Cox and all ofhar prominently men tioned presidential nominees wars on the list of epeakars and It is ths plan r party leadfra to again pat the pr widen' 1 I nsnirenta through their j ?.;er* ca January 12. * GAINS IN TRUCK INDUSTRY SEEN - - - u Shipments for Post Year Show Increase Oyer Those for Same Period in 1926 RALEIGH, Jan. 4 —(A 3 ) —Despite the practical obliteration of the apple crop by weather condttlone i.tso cut the peach crop to the bona. North Carolina farmers during 1927 (hipped out >l9 more carloads of dlv crated product* than In 1926 reports obtained from tbe state department ol agriculture ebow. While the 1927 figures may be sub ject to slight revision they are prac tically correct up to December 26. In some products there waa a fall ing off . However., in other*, including stragberrle* and Yrlsh potatoes, sub tisnial ggl.W were noted. The total number of carloads of varied drops shipped to points outside the state In 1927, was. 17.119 us oqm-. pared with 16,300 In 1926. Shipments for the two yes rH per iod were: | _ I’roSfuct- 1927 1926 ..Apple* . 176 Cabbage .....“. SB 76 Cantaloupoe 60S 397 Carrots U J 9 File umbers . 9R9 §69 Crape* l J Iflraja peas -- Ml r,9t LeUuca .. 446 540 Ml Ted vegetables ........ 746 6*3 Beaches 1677 .21(5 Peppers Yrt ‘ll Spinach 6 o Strawberries 22«2 12T»3 Hiring beans . 465 550 Sweet potatoe* 7(2 767 Tomatoes o jg Watermelons .1014 1301 It tub Potatoes 7562 6709 Total 17,119 16,300 These figures do not of conme, In • elude any of such staples as cotton, I tobacco, corn, etc While the cotton i "I'*ld wss cut last year b> the boll r eevil, afW a reduction of acreage, the crop brought 992,000.000 6t 910.- 1 000.000 more than tbe previous year. i * Wlilte tobacco production, largest ! In history of tbe state brought In 9120- rj 7t*floo Off 917,000,000 more than In . 11926 and there won n good bureaus la 'corn Which brought la 318,799,960. ■ * t \ DEBATE POLICY fol NICARAGUA « * \ mwMMmmamnom* # Prarnssita Republican Among Thooe Attacking Policy es Administration WASHINGTON, Job 4 r treabed by the Christmas vsoaftn. f ongress got buck on the job todnF > plunge into dlecusatoh of admtu -1.. trillion policy In'-Nice rag ua. T»u to face a neatly executed admtnlstra tlon coup deatgaed to remove the c t disaster from tbs preeeqt raafau of debate. Incidentally It learned through n Senate committee that tbe celebrate Heart expose documents warn rated ■:-s ; :»uprlous" by fivn handwriting vparts, Including throe employed by Hr. Hearet himself. Tbe document* itrltid d tmH rated Senators In nllsg <1 Metlco pajpaeuts touting 91,229, ' Bin the Nicaraguan affair, enDam d by c itsltics among Martnss In the lur meek brought nn attack on ad mocrats In the Hones but Including n Progressive Republican In ths Senate warTssistant RESIGNS POST Prcmidcnt Nominate* Gharlca Robbing to Bnrc«od Baaford MncNider Washington. Jan. If iw expected, resignation of AsSte lnet Secretary Sanford Mecnider Sd ths war department materialised to* day and President Coolldgg Immed iately nominated another lowan, Chan. Rotibin*. to succeed him. Tin rcalrtiatloß of MneaMor who T ret camp Into prominence ns nation nl cammandor of the American Laglnn wee acoppaaled by an Interchanon of complimentary letters between be and Mr. Fool ids* In which Mr. -CoolWoe > jok V cognition es the assistant s#c rtUry r iloolra to return td buainoos pursuit e. South Begin* to Thaw Out After Cold Sftap ATLANTA, Jan. 4—t/PV-ptxle be gan to thaw out tonight although king Winter waa reluctant to relax bta tour day grip, the tightest bSld he bag bad on the south nines January 1914. The aouth for tbe most part was. Mill bncomfnrtabls tonight bat fore tastb fog tomorrow brought relief ex cept In the coastal regions of Soatll Carolina and Georgia. , t OiWIA LANDS PIT■ IN SORT If ( AItOI.I.NA FEDERAL DISTRICT sin. —I - m V WAKHfNGTON, Jan. 4—(A*>—Prest ilrnt Upolldgf today made the follow ing nominations: To be United States district attor neys: Edwin L. Girin Tor tb* middle rllxVnlrt of North Caroling Thomas J. ltarklus to be district ft t.mey for the wentorn district r 6C North Carolina. To be United States marshal: Jos eph John Jenkins for the middle dty 1 trlct of North Carolina. STARTSEARCH FOR YOUNG MAN I s 111 I Vfnitrd Friend in High Point, 1 Started Hack to College and No Further Word r % .. I HIGH POINT. Jan. 1 ~— Search * was started today tbrouxliout North - Carolina and Tennessee for Willlem > K. Luster, young man of OrUnd. Fie., missing since Monday, when M. P, Woodall of usar High Point, with «horn (.niter spenj the ChrleUnag j holiday* reposted to authorities he ffared the youth had met with acel ’ dent. Luster left her* on a motorcycle , shortly after midnight Monday to re '■ turn to College In Tennessee . t Mr. Woodall asked that a search • he made when be received a telegram n from the college officials declaring i I bat, the you had not arrived or been until from. v "... ■ > f • 4 * » . *, _ ,( >; • ;• Sea Begins to Give Up 1 ; Its 40 Dead Who Went - To Bottom With Vetimpi r ; a The New® Printed 72 Local Item® Wed. Seventy-two news Items pertain ing directly to people of Uetasbero nod Wayne eennty ware printed la (ha Mews yesterday. ~Hi fl pr ated In Tbe Mews Tuesday mart tag, thn number ft tonal Roam In ; UM past two l**ne* of thn paper | reached 142. The nam bar es tonal Rams print ed In Wednesday's News was «t» men than the number printed t> nay ether paper es Um elly ea thn tpnna war- . . FUNERAL FOR AGED CITIZEN '. i a 8. D. Pnrkinu, Eighty-Tbmn Waa OMnat Citiaan hi PUtr viilc Community is * mnmswghndiWMhMi' . Pikevill* township and community tout Its oldest clttaen la tbe death of, S. B: Perkin*. 93. at th* home of a daughter, Mrs. Will Bdgertoa of Kealy, according to laforauttoa reach ,Ull J)Bidsb«ro yeeterday. . Bffaa asoatbs ago tb* aged and honors d waa lajarad la an aut. mobile wreck. Hta lags warn brbtata nod hi* chest brained. Despite ht* vhvancsd ago. he made a valtaat Dgbt far Ufa which laHoi mow ha. Mr. Psrktae was a member of th# J hit. Ganaal hunker church and a. man respected la hi* rellgtoa. Fun- J 6r«l service was conducted V Rev. -. Tennyson Lewis of ths Ootdaburai Attends church and hartal wan mads St Ptkevtlto try (be ( A S his wife, wbo proceeded him to Um grave about ten years ago. ,V •uivtvtag ar# tour children: K. D. geth aud A. 0. Parkins, and Mrs. Will Kdgb'Um 'j:’T”^'n7 vo ' t vyw* ** \ Y* d MOTHER WILL AID HER BOY Mne. Hickman anti Slater To Bt By William’s Sid* When Coat la CaDM LO« ANGELES, Jan. 4—— The mother and staler of WliUam Htck jnap a three week* hence wbdn th* youth's rantty trial bcglna la oooaecilon wH» Ms confessed kidnaping and staying of Marian Parker. Pleas to bring Um mother nod Ear 17 yoar old danghtar here from Kan sas City waa reviewed today by the coaaset for Hickman. ' 0 Charles Edwards, fohaer chief or police of Kansas City also will be a Irfsnen wllness. Edwards has bshn advisor te th* HJrinnan family and Is familiarly kgoWn to t'/vta year old •W* • _ UTiUe Hickman s-iuotney. granted I' preWvti his case ia> rtaad of 35 da/s which ho requested from Supafinr. xourt ,-Judge Hardy,' went aboiit marshalling defense forc es, legal authorities thumbed tb* vista's most recant statute* pertaining to innanlty defreuses ‘ , Dk-rw Beltova T%«t Mtp** ~,KSSp£%™ W«rk rfbcmta! OH* WpT pi «i PROVINCCTpWII, MM* !•*#»- (A*|—-Tha »oaken aitotarlsa JM, * toy y aided the bodies a* M 10 men who loot UetrltVM Mm U* (hip »M rmntqed Ml «* m flm VftW* U Divert entertaf tto Ml title afto** nooa refried Ito tatife thm Me M Klue room u< fro* tfti poena iMMM> they wmTriM elowty to tin mv*« («• at tit* end of rapN ltwiM fro* ulnH ■bipe o* tin aSHMMk' ‘ With nft atunpU at tlMttlWtiip, the bodes war* placed tfl toatottnad rut aboard a destroyer'wjtlptf iWM ’ lodUfht (or Hi* navy yaf# ttfee, “>“• * ; r-ineß Thar* tiny wtll to tratUnmi" , to *t»« naval hoapiul where Moo win to *ad». 4 Mtot aejfMhr ri*M pin oa on« ladteattd gtojtoy wti that of o»e of tto who war* aboard. - v taKr*' Anothar vraa a ■adMlM ’ tin third apparently* fdhtoftoM • ff,cer zZZiZ/ Dhr*r* who recovered tin toploi «C| pressed tin optoM ttot JlffC *?** . partment* TtoT” d»f w* iSUlto ! completing their •torch if Mllf, fen» 1 part meat Iwtora tiny wenWWd to •top oparaUoaa for tto ilf. •:v GET READY fp ANOTHER SIGHT tack MiiQttiMl ' c" ♦ * WAftGUAHA. Nlc . Jaa d-toM \m American Marian and NtoaMCdM m ■ tloaal guardsmen haldtoc UW Mm «' Quilali aro oa tto took tot Mina attach hy ‘ho ratot a. nral MVht* who la toUovad to to IwaNMf i'thr ormbla opportanlty. - Particular cart la IjiMb AMm to f'mi mid •storotßiiU n|ltrii |pi ln^ ( aoat tofty ta Oeotal which to tto ilairlhutiofl can tar •HtifttfSp stripttrdtot’ot flto very quiet ot tin »*twMtoojjfi> -)** rliu-e the Marine* loot eae'lfcA h Iliad and five woaadod to a Mti*f ! •trick Honda). , MANOUANA-I*) WlMtathf «v,> Bwgjpiffi* en Ala, wowoa Nko aßofoi ftA* mart tkoo • )#ar Off* 4* pH lock* tMM to »k# kk IP# ” tor* ki Marrtofo to ktr WN oakk,- Joke mA 6m AAoaw, kotlk t* AIM warAo As tko ooa wodtky ta Mim; g| . vii&iß'-:HUi