i mu ami i ‘ ■ . . IITV Jjk *f* *■! M. Sr | I S*-*•■•»•"■*»• -fir I ' 117 I jpUJfIMUt 20 > ■ PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS IN CITY IN 1927 OVER $300,000 » r iMajor Lejuene Makes A Sutjden Decision To Study Present Crisis Will Sail Pim CRuMm. 8. C. On Cruiser Carry ins Ra* 37 inf or cements X ' ft BAY THAT DESERTER IS AIDING GEN. BANDINO Comauwier of Marines WiU Spend Two Week* In Corinto, Anaouace* *> ' immmmmmtfornaimt WASHIIibTON, lea. Mor ns reinforcement* tenantry ordered •o Nicaragua will be If* to the strife tom llUle republic by their comman der In Chief Haler John A. toluene. He plane to apend the week siting «p the situation there. A rooted at reports of easnslUsa snawi the HaHaea he their enorta to ran to earth Wluw general Sandtno and at word rseolvhd today from Mar ine offeere in Nicaragua that two Marine deaertere were training San dlno'% men. QeneraS Lejuene, himself, an old campaigner, announced unex pectedly that be would embark oh . Monday for Corln|o ' - finder present plana be will aatl from Charleston, 8. C., on a light crnHier which will carry a part of the reinforcement detachment. The Tea sel will paaa through Panama canal end thence to the west coast, Oen enir Lejuand it'd that after spend* n* two weeks In Nlcararua be would re turn’to the United States. Ml decision to look Into the situa tion personally was not eg pact#l to Involve any changes In organ to tt commander at Nlogyragna who - has been Instructed to gasume control there. Negrm To Find His Planted Gold RALBTOH. Jan. «—(fl-Balr Sand ere, SO negro ooarleV on the New Hanover roeda came to Raleigh under guand today hopeful of becoming SI - 800 richer hot went back to Wllmtng ton a mighty disappointed man ad> mtttlng "lure of gold Had him.” who aald he had hidden, |l.- «0* in gold and some "war papers'’ I e railway embankment about 10 year yean ago befan he Joined the armr turned e section of Raleigh into n scene of gold digging. He dug and dug some more making a hole in the embankment deeper than his height. He found no gold. He , raid he had permission of the Judge woh sentenced him recently to two years to come here*' and aearch tor the money CHICAGO PLANS NATIONAL BASKETBALL TOURNAIftNT , 0 a ' ll • > CHICAGO. Jan. 6—(AV-Armed with l the approval of the National Federa tion of State High School Athletic As soclatlong. the UniTenlty of Chicago today proceeded with plana for It National Interschotustlc Basketlnll Tournament Apr l ! tto 7, Inclusive YOUNG BOY IS ELECTROCUTED Accused of Slaying Woman and Her Baby. Youth Went Calmly to Death' COLUMBUS. Ohio. Jan. I— UP) ~ f aim and silent to the last Ploy<‘ Hewitt, 17. slayer of a woman and h» five year old don. went to death it the electric chair in Ohio State prt con tonight Hewitt the youngest Ohio elayei to a?y the enpreme penalty by execn ilou was a bedraggled figure as h. was led into the death chamber hi kmg black hair hanging low over hi face. Not « word came from him nor dl Hl gsir W rtm of emotion after rwUedloek when ha stepped into th room The enrrart waa turned on a* f-** P and a miantaa igter ha via ’ ‘C v .. * THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ftJBAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRICSB—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. I —* - ' v. ' The News Prints 275 Local Items in 4 Days In the last four Issues of The News there has been printed* a to tal of 376 new* Items concerning Goldsboro and Wayne county, F;t ty Items were printed yesterday, and In that Issue of the paper ap peared an axel ns re Interview with Senator P. M, Simmon* which bx# attrae'ed considerable favorable comment for the paper, not only In the city but In the state. You get the home newt first In th* Goldsboro News. You get it com plete, you get It accurately. ..vu— ' REAL ESTATE /* ANNOUCEMENT City and Section Get New Bust neos in of Claude H. Martin Claude H Martin, for the pgs' twenty-two years well and favorably known In Goldsboro yesterday an ; ouncad tjyt oooaUig; .at ♦ tail -eat*** i ns'ncss Inflt's city. Mr. Martin has !-asrd and outfitted offices at WU-bO2 Wayne Naflonel Rank building **»«» mpoae# to dong general real satatr •ie*n*ea in Goldsboro. county -d autround'n* territory. Mr Maffta enters trnnu business for ! ijnsnlf in this field after 10 y*ys of tmt «nc* Prior to he~lnntng rent s’ate work he trls ■» travelling eeles man with the Goldsboro Grocery Co. in this canac’tr nnd In hU later real state activity be waa brought, into ontset with s great many people n Goldsboro, in Wayne county and In eurrdnndfng towns of the aert'ou He roVblv has es wide & puhl'c ae ntatntance among the rural aect'ons f this section as any other man. The new realtnrdfor Goldsboro la • ativg of Enreka nnd was educated t Trln’tV College, now fluke Unlver '♦v. H* haa long been Identified with rrorresalve forcea ta the city and country. " „ u “I believe that Goldsboro has -Town to aucb an extent.” said Mr. Martin las! evening “that Its present -nd future Justifies gn additional teal state business drd'rit®d to the pro motion and sonnd development of tho ity, county and section.' NEW COSfI'ANY RAI.EIOH. Jan. Ineorppr ■'ed today Neume Land Company of New Bern, real estate business, an- Horlaed capital 115,000 Subscribed ; ?,500 by Edward Tucker. B. R. Gition nd J. A. Gulon of New,Bern. Preacher Cooks Meal For j£S Sundpy School Workers Not only U Rot. J. A. Smith, pastor f. First BaptUt church, a mbnlator -r‘th marked platform present* to nek up meaty sermons, hot only l# i* an enthusiastic football fan, a do- j ote* of Ismk Walton and a hhnta >an par excellence Rut It develop -1 yesterday that upon occasions ho <i a rousing good cook, flood women of the church told the tory. Th* meal served to seventy-five nembera of the Sunday school work- j •r's Council of ths church last T>'<sd csdny night wsa eooked entirely by T r. Smith, the good women adiW ted "And >t wsa sa well bal need a meal ■-* any diet tlon could get no ” said •t>a who swears by vitamin A. that Is, h«n she does swtpur. tbs meal cooked by the Baptist pastor consisted of balled ham— nat the bought kind string beans. i »ta—wail ayplas. candlad stract fata UOLUbHOKO. N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 7, 1928 ACCIDENT EARLY TODAY FIRE DAMAGE | AT ROSEWOOD • | Two Sluleti nnd Cow Are Burned To Death in Bam of Mrs. , Cox ii V ’ Damage of not far ehort of fl.ooo »hS enatalned bv lfr* Nannie Cox, T.ftStlady of Rosewood asetl s. »'• f ; e early 1 hur*4ay night U**iroyed, the barn and Jfoed stables at her home near the Rosewood school. Valiant \ work on th# part of resldeuts ot the * ■.• immunity who were ettomilßg the t venfng rlnsTHn asfricnKnre preTeni f d a tool hones dnd poultry boose near the burning tarn from being destroyed. s7* , , ' Two mulss and a cow were burned to death In tha firs which destroyed the stable*. There were about 50 bar-1 re Is df corn' and 50 balsa of hay in the feed rooms. „ j The flames, origin of which haa not been ned. ware discovered •- bnut eight o’clock Thursday evening. 1 bey had gained inch headway when found that it waa Impossible to sub »ue them. The Cox residence la dir ectly in the rear of the Rosewood •chool and the evening class In egrl -nttnr# was In session at the time. V’ord was hurraed to the men atstke -hoo! and they hastily nrgnnUbd /fapulw t«w>» Bra brHsadm Tbs' those snffering in the fire •loor-ct ted the service rendered was shown Jn the rnctlnt of the follatrtng 1 v The Neseg yesterday. "Mr! end Mm B. R Oein-'v f nd Totker Mrs J R Cox, -> p-ess the'r apnrxc atioa to ftJ'oT* f -nd o*!,' of Ros*w >,d t< 11 ty for their kind assistance In the f'*e disaster of ike nisht of January 5,.” ■.- | - • , 4 No Trace of Vpssel That Asked for Aid - 4 „- ' jkl ’’•U Jan. s—l^)—The United States‘Coast guard cutter Mo -toe waa advised by Wireless .l.hia Af ternoon that S. 8. Pabwire •'•nn waa hurrying to disabled ,hoon*r Alv«'na and that ft was, ex pected to reach tha leaking boat this j afternoon. * teeter it was learned from naval j off Cals hers that, another cntt«r which put ou* from Norfolk had ‘reach ed tho ecene but had not located the • **Wcr or any of Its nine members l -»f the orsw. The schooner was report 'd leaktnv hsdlv >nd every memCer df the crew suffered from cold. SON OF PREBJBKYT GAINES INir«|!l» WAKE FOREST. Jen. «—OP) —T>en- OalneA 9, eon of the president of'Wake Ciljoge today was suffering with a doable fracture of the right forearm, received in a fall while at play. V' one concession Mr. Smith mads to . d'-l’cstrsaen wiles. lie didn’t try to hake the rolls, but he at least orderad them. ! "He put al9 ham tp bo<llng," said ona of th# good women. “Just like he had been accustomed to It for a j long time, Ths ham done, ha was j thoughtful enough cook to use the water In which' the'liam had boiled te season the canned strlnglees beans he had bought and opened “lid cut the apples, am! put them ' tnk rooking, and 1 was Just getting toady to pour the sugar over the candled potatoes when ho stopped me end said It waa.jfotng to be all hts meal. “He looked pretty greasy in h’s Mg ! apron after the meal yaa over hut hs i want and washed up and hoW ; grayer - meeting all eight,” concluded one of . thc ladiee who had watched In aaate •! m*#t th# big praaceh r'l aire, deft i *» b# V*. th# apal ready. ‘; ... ■w jl / 'Man Is Pinned j Under An Auto Craah, Breaking Glass v and Groaitn Attracted Water Plant Employees to Spot Night workmen at the city water plant onNuttla River a tpUe west of the city were early this nlornlng at tracted by a resounding craah, the round of breaking glass, momentary i s lonce and then the loud groans ot a maa In pain. Jumping Into an automobile at the plant, they speeded to highway nam bor 10 some distance of ths spot > from which ths groans came. A Ford sedan waa lying on Its aids and pinn ed under the car was * man. "Bomcbpdy hit mo.” th# water plant employees Quoted tbs man aa saying as he was pulled out Thors wsa olily one ear at ths scans ths wrecked one, and a railing along side the bridge at the curve approach ing the bridge' had been torn away. Apparently tbe car had not taken the core hutched plunged head first into tha rail, it waa said. J. D Richardson of Smtthneld. waa the name the nam gave as he waa be ing pulled from under the car. Those who rescued him said that It ppeared BJOtoUk m Iftgd »m hnitawi—d thal he was badly dllt up. Ho was carried to the Goldsboro hospital. "Is he seriously Hurtf’ Ths Ngws asked, calling the hospital. “No, and he's sle, prtng now and 1 dna't know anything about it” f ALSIt SEEKS'. i GAIN PAPERS *■' * ' ' AUnrnrv 3*y* He May Have To Ask Court to Produce Hick man Confession LOS ANOEIJB3, Jan. « -WPl— De mand” lor posaeaa on of a purported ! second confoaalon by Wg. Hickman | concerning tho kidnapping and flay-! l’tg of Marian Parker was formally inedt t.-idgy by the yonth'i attorney, i. Il'a lawyer, who was retained by I UkYaun’e mother, declared he wonld appeal to tlio court# If necessary to ' compel delivery or ths document 'Web Is supposed to con'aln lllck r-*n’s mot ves for ktlllug ths young Ctrl '(’ ’ ‘ .he aßorncr said he understood the second confession had been ob tained during the trip from Los An geles to Oregon near Where Hlclt man was captured and that tha at orney waa keeping it a secret i GHOST MEN’ MAKE THREATS >• j , Plggiy Wisely Head Defies Writers of Blackmail Mis give in Memphis Memphis. Tctfirr Jan. 6—~l d arned tn a letter that the “moat bru- I tal crime every con.mlted” wonld rs-1 cult If he failed to, leave 56.500 In a' secluded apot tonight Clarence Saund- i era, chain grocery store owner, defied th# perpetrators who signed them selves ”Tha Three Ghoat Men”, to attempt to carry out their threat. Put It In the paper that I will not have any body guard and H they Want to taka a shot at me let—them try, was the challenge hurled by Saun* * dors, who fonr years ago ga'ned na tional prominence In hit sensational Wall street’ battle to protect himself irom .vbear raid noon shares of the Ibggly Wiggly stor-s corporation of ■rhich be was president Saunders of- N. red a 11,000 reward for tbe writer* trrest - Police aaid they hid uncovered does tiafrUksiy wonld lead to the arrest shortly of one or more of the Ghost . Men, but the nature of the elites were h# t rOTealsd. . • 1.5 i i ■ . ■ . .. ... PEANUT SHOW TO GO WEST o *• 1 / '■' - o - Eastorn CaroHiut Uhtmbor of ('ommerce Dirpdorn jfui* ww wwswe.** aemweesm ' Um Chicago The Kastera Carolina Chamber of 0 Commerce Directors voted unanimous ly In favng of uponaorlag a NaUonal Peanut Exposition to be hsid slthar m Chicago or Kansas City lit th* fall ot lift, at their regular monthly meet ing In Kinston yesterday afternoon. The plan!. In general appeireld to the I tody ami a resolution was passed au thorising the President sad Secretary to get definite plan* to be submitted at 'the February meeting of the Dir ectors for final act on. Invitation# were rend from the interested parties a Chicago end a very urgent Invita tion promising all moral support and as much other support as the "Bud get” and By Laws wonld .Mptt from the Chamber of Ctptraerce W Kansas City. The Invitation also foisted that th* decision of the directors he sent 'immediately to the Interested .parties. • Mr. Phrk Maihewson of the State Conservation and Development De pnrtment at Rxleivh was present and extended the moral supnort from his department towards petting th'e Mg mtoeet wrar deo-leeta.ajfn.ih Csiw Hna and the State as n whole "Msjor I'b'llips asked me to say tk«t the De partment with yon tn this undertaking and hopes that it will be put over tn "'Mar way, If th* Directors of ths Eastern Carolina Chamber of Corn mere* see fit to sponsor ft Secretary Palto Collin* of tho Kin let ePxnlbw of commerce believe* i • inti it w inld be a master stroke for i-’aetern North Caroltaa to takslt to Kar wis City. Aloaao Parris and Prae | ton WoodxH. of Benson prominent I I hneiroos men in that section, were mitch pleased that "our” own or rnn'r* 'on had been asked to sponsor tti's Nst onal BhowThe opportunity! fa her* to puj over a real big thing for Eastern Carolina. , Secretary j * nartlclt paid after the meeting "Plana ' ! are already on foot in some section* £ • r the territory, to take a solid train . l ied of E-i*|.»rn Carolinians tp 'the lllg Show if *t la held In the W##t” I the Secretary said DenfliiH# plans will be announced later sail definite mnonne-ment will be mads at to the Cnal action of the directors at ths February. lAYOHARLfS REPLY MADE KELLOGG* « NOTE TO FRANCE WASHINGTON, Jen. «— UPy—X fav orable reply to OecreUry Kollo-'*’* rote to France of December 2*. sug- Dwtlnt an Inturnational covshant #e- * alra means of settling in ternational depute* waa received to- ; day at th* French embassy. The nut* * will bo delivered to fhc Siatt Depart- j ment later in tba day. aim ■ .......1 aw ■ I, . , ~r -- J -- I Wayne Medical Society Is At Home For Ladies f Tha 4ar Os the "isolated" phy»f cian In Nor’h Carolina has puwl declared Dr. Parrott of Klnatoi>, form er pres dent of the SUte Medical Boc et,v In the course of an address be fore the January meeting the Wayne County Medical Society at the Hotel Goldsboro last •renin*. The medicos had foregone the asual business meeting and conalderaUon , of scientific papers and teat . gave themaelvea to entertain n*Their sweet hearts. wires, and daughters i who were present as guests ot honor , Ward's orcheatra had been secured to r play during the hour and the aynoo* , paling ]a» in a banquet room gaily , decorated for tbs occasion added an I unrestrained lirelineea to the occas , ion. I j Dr. C. T. Btroanider waa matter of Iceremonie# and called upon Her. W. ft ' Cone to deliver the Invocation. . i'uUuwuig an Mutual Out Public Utility Finns Show Faith They Have , In Goldsboro’s Tutu re ft ' - . ? ' ■ .... .- o'! 1 Can® 9 Juror* Who, Drank All Evidence f*' ' » * V LOS ANOELBB. Jan. *~<JD - c Nina Jurors, five of them women 1 pho drank all tbe evidence submit ted to them la a lignor case **d ■ turned the defendant loos* today were ehaaed out ot tfity fonrt ks an angry Judge. Tn dismissing three fourths of th* Jnry which heard the ease, t>e judge bitterly flayed wh f be termed was a violation of fomt sacred duty aa American cUlaeaa. He said he had heard all about It on the street* of Los Angels* ta*t night. Three women who composed the remainder of tba Jury said the/had not drank anY orUtaae* «»d wot* fflA-uWI, , t . f o -■ • ——w— i. I HOOD BANK PAYS 6 MOS, DIVIDEND litre* *•* Or* H*R P« C«ti The Hood Industrial Baak MaHad oat checks today to Us stookboldor* tor the usual thro# and oa*4khU por cini ssml-annnal dividend This Bank which began busings* thrae and one-half yearn ngo Ha* won the cdrairaUoti of our eL.asw# by th tns nuor lu which U is *«<’c*Mfu3 serving the community, and Its busk nuss and customers art steadily th ere aging. ■ Th* Hood Bank W different from t|m other hanks of Ooidabora for twd main reasons; one being tkiOtatto convenient Installment loans* the ; other being that It pays S percent in ternet on sarings, according to otfl i cent of th* bapk. ; Th* bank features three pertlculsi things is connection whh Us baslne* as follows: “Courtesy and Conyan -iSBMt: K loan sos Bvery Mood and iW Percent Interest Payings." ■ The last ntatemstt of condition fbewa that the bank ha# assets -of |H9,d4d 79 Os this amount the follow <pg Items ar# shown: tnrplus l.dto, undivided promits If.Ml, reserve tll.7Sd.tir. A total of 6.2 M loan* have been made through the bank and the average of each loan la f11t,41. ptore MAGNATE I® THREATENEfe BT GHOSTMMh MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Jan, $-Wh- A. letter threatening "disaster to you aa> i yottr family" trnlnoa he left 15.500 li t old pIM bills at n spot under a rail road trestle tonight w s receive*’ by Clarence Saunders chain grocer ■tore magnate. It waa signed’ “Th Three- OhAstmeo." . ctora. physicians, surgjona and f ecial tats came down off their dl« <lty and esvorted themselves gilts ' idicerously for the delight and edlfl aUon f of the ladles present. Dr. T. VI, Bissell waa master of stunts and eight royally he announced, n bnloon blowing contest the idea, he Mid, be ing to determine the Inng capacity of 'he patient^'"” Mrs. J. W. Wilkins of Mt. Olive and Vrs W. H. Cobb of OoldahgM, dip tomatlcaily IffTidlod the btrau giv en to them andnt the end of the tlm which Dr. Blase!I had aanoancad they were declared wlnaara. In a contest In which blanks in a aeries of sentences yere Ur he rilled so m to make sense by the addition of name* of Wayne county doctors, Mrs. w. H. Vaughn, superintendent of the Goldsboro Hospital, and Mra. W. T. Dnttoa of Seven Springs, warn wia v*fp. i ... < e , ***<& . .« , Jr l ‘ MEMBER ar t THE ASSOCIATED I PRESS I MMHI Fill CaraUm Power ks* UgM Cw I J pany Hf* Kspdsdad Ahwt •125,000 la Yar PREPARE FOhTrESENT o AND FUTURE OP ftECTION Added Telerh ng EqidfWlt m§ Dual* Drive Watar PMf Art InXtltd tUt the nationally ortMlMd p«lh Itc utility companies opeeatta* la GoWaboro h*v« treat faith la the fa* lure of the city Is .how* hy the eft* tene ye improvements u 4 tttorte meats they have midden tMrOeMt hero plente and eerviee the paat year, improvement* are txneaalaaa*ade Id these eomoauiec in the city tit Bfeflt made by tba city iteelt rm heyead 1390,000 accord ins to flgaiai M*» , pi lad la the office of the |MMMNR» Chamber ot Cofnaierog. The Carolina Pother aad Light mh Hrr mad# n Ee+ * *!-■’ i vnpt|iKirtri i da* * tat ot Unprpvtnietn hePenMaa cal plant. Kxt j*t«oa # tha s»** 2 "'ary prepare* the Carolina !*»*#■'* *J Usbt Company to atiat alt da* .rends tor current la the etty had •»rrttory tor a loss period of team. Ample current la provided at a rad* on*bl« tof MNMtffeiiWfeftK Rpa !>r tba Southern IML TdhghW* *d i'elefraph cumpaoy la the otty. Near Able* hive been placed over a la te ■art of the city, and addWoaal li*j||> tee provided at the i-entr*! office Car <A% eubecribers. The hapPoeataeahl irovided telephone eervtoe Oar *dta wood and a sect ion at tha dtp wVeh . / 'm* been millu bida tor eervtao or month. In addins to thadr.twdßtNo irovfblone tor the tntura l*o*lfc at The enlargement proem* at tha tleephono company wot oadNdfiee *e»ly after a thorough earvay «f U* Itr'e need* and prospsata tot tha (Continued m Pam fik) >. "—mh MRS. SNYDER -MAY GET STAY Ihe Will Be rfoaght a* WHntMl In Insurance Caw ifhli uled For Friday NEW TOItK. Jim M»V-The*a rat a new turn in the affaire of filrp. 3ath Sayder today but Jam what Ha v 'urpoee wn or '■» remained a master at caojeetorn. Counsel for the woman. echXSuled in die with Henry* Jadd Rey aatt , rhursd.y tor the murdav allir'h* band, filed no applioatlaa fag fag •ary trial of the salt tgaHMf Mi Hient bye company that had tanred the ela'a maa for alma* fIHJN. Rat hr a Ftlpnletton urvead oo vtlh ’owneel for the Insurance coiopoov at foment for tha ease erne rV jppfap •t e dav foHoving that set fir fa*'eg#, cutlon until after tba bearing. me,!—, i. urn—M ■"■■ l » ao REBOLYBS iXCKSAftE* APPHOPEIdfIOTH lULramr, J*r„ ir-m—W*. m Burr Johaeoa, head of tfit 'stofi Board of Chnritiee. molvea Imp tha Vev Tear an tnnreaiad a|*ropH%> Mon frf Mothera* Aid; for a tMafia And nffVdrnt p»raon a*

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