WEATHER VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 270 MARY LEWIS TO HEADUNF/EXPO. * . 9 T \ "TSmSSmmm r“ 1 Bmly atf ICainpalttM OF«i Caaapaay Apfaara Or Last mill m ■ipniutw peUtaa Ovaad fn f«WT of Ih T«t awl him mwrt stager, IMM b*oa bNM M (to Um txpistain to to toM ' hi flsddteme tot wto el April Ilk k this spring. Vasina* es starting . , iff Into rito with Ito Iftoto toto Bm U«li will to palto •may rito tto eto« tor rito *i Ito KkguaMaa. v Tto null ri Bhlwi Can- Um »M rend (bis MMnMMit with ■ gresd (Ml ol Interest. M)i Iwtriwr Bartlett, touM Iki " *■ MM to tto meet pef star mmw« ilmn that mr hm ftorifc. Ito toa toM toaril by •WM a# Raster* <amltataet wto« ato aggaaw* la (to ('mite! ■ rnjr teal year. It addition to betas if * toM tor aaacart »ta«ar. Miss towh ll a Tarjr toaattfal wemau, ttatraadßy eagttavlee tor aa*. "Umn Uwh h rafarrto to to ttofrattaa totaf America's I'Haa ■aaaly. Me mere Mtotor ceacsrt *tomr aaa to ha* tolar (toa XJaa Mary Lewis wto tot toM « started (toa a toa« llat at eele toltlaa to etoaa tto Htxtfe it nasal Eastern Caraltea Expos Klee at GeMsbern, April UU." *Wa are arranging Mr traatoat toavraai ato we are expeethw ear toal Eiyaritoa fraai erery state (rial* Heeretary Bartlett aaM Halarlay. v Ttoae far tto bynlln are > alratoy betetag n. tiacetoary Bartlett toe rleilto (to ctty ear, aMI ttoaa to (to totoraat at Ito V •** to atoat completed tto JJtoton which will to la £> Tto gtegraai far tto ftxpeaNtea wM to la rtor«« al Ito «sM*b>r» Wuama’s a(ph» Tbtorwaa anuni tor rt > I««M Mr. BarUatl aat afffeara at tto etoh toto. MEXICAN-PAPERS WERE FORGERIES Before Senate Committee That Doc u men la Were Spurious WASHINGTON Jan. 7—OF)—The Melxarn documents In Henrat newa paper* were accepted today na forg erlea on the haala.M hand writ Inn ex pert! reports by Mifnel Avila, procu rer ol the papere and John' Pane. wr ’(*r ®t lb® Haarat atorlea before tto special senate coaratUM aa It cenrluded Its enquiry. Asked point Mank ’by Benntor Reed. Republlcnn of Pennsylvania. If to forged the do cuments. Arlla said no. PrMaed as to who did Nike them, he referred to the man, who gave them to a*. " Avila said that a clerk In the Mexi can eon mil ate office In New York ’ sold him tto papers purported to come from the official files there. Avtta named soother Mexican aa the man who sold him papers represent ed aa havlag come from Mexico city. ( oolidge TtfMake C" Trip To Havana f WASHINGTON. Jan. 7—<*>)—Aa a g« , od will aqtbaeaador extraordinary President Coelidge will lanve Wash ington next Friday on a trip to Ha vana which be hopes wilt demonstrate Hie frlepdly feeling of the V. S, for n 4! the Republics of the western v hemisphere. v •' J The purpose Journey, the f r*t outside of the U. S. for Mr. OooJ- Idge klnce he became president, is to make the opening address br the Pea American Congress. la the back ground. however, is the desire to Im press vpob the representatives of the mote than 20 nations who will 'treat hln that thq U. 8 holds no Im perialistic designs In Its relations with the countrla south of the Rio Giande v FIRE THREATEN* ROXBORtI DURHAM, Jan. T.—W> —Flies said to have originated ia a hardware tore in tto heart of, Roxhoro. lata tooigh: had spread to thiea other buiidiugs. word received hare said. At If:IS o'- clock It was said to tor* been spread- Ingqpapldly due to high wlndj and that the town was la serious danger of being wiped out by .flames. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERB BEFORE THEY BUY* » F9UBTKBN PAGES TODAY' BELIEVES LORD SAVED HIM FROM DEATH BABE RUTH TO PASS THRU CITY TODAY King of Swat Expected To Arrive in City At 7 O’clock for New Bern Local Weed Market Will Re-Open Tues. With the amoant of tohicco sold tore already a million pounds In asceM of that told last year, the ftoldsboro tobacco markat will re opaa Tuesday an* la expected to remain open until sometime In February. FRESHMEN NAME THEIR OFFICERS Ears Griffin to PreaMent, Hilda PearttaH Vice President and Tilly Keel, Sec. , * . Feeling the need of organisation In order to put.across some of their big pleas during the coming spring, ihe Freshman class, IM strong, of the Goldsboro high school met In the school cafeteria during lho Activity Period Friday morning and sleeted Ears Griffin, member of »-A. a* their president, Hilda Pearsall, of 8-B, vice president, and Tilly Keel, secretary eiid treasurer. The first year students have been busily engaged during the fall term in getting themselves adjusted te the high school work, and now that they are beginning to feel that tbay are a vital pert wf the life of tto school, they are anxious to move forward and taka an active part In the activities of the school. What will be the main objective by the whole student body In the hope that something Mg will be forth coming. There are five sections of Ihe eighth grade this year. These sections have as their Home Room teacher*. Mias Nellie Cobb, A-A; Miss Dean Bailey, 8-B; Mlsa Roberta Crswford, 6-D: Mr.D. A. weaver. IW; and Mrs. W.l*. Middleton 8-B. The Freshman class makes up about 38 percent of the stu dent body and have some of the hast leaders of airy Freshman class en tering the h|gh school in repent years They have ijlready, contributed much toward building up a spirit of good cltlsenship. It was last fall that three sections of this class. A. B. and C., made the whole school wake up to the fact that the Book Campaign was put across mainly because of their efforts. About fifty percent of the books qrers contributed by members of the first year class. O . HE USES APPLICATION WILMINGTON, Jsn. 7.-<AV-ltaJor W. A. .Snow, district engineer today announced that the War Departn en* had disapproved the application of the county commissioner* frfr per mission to roimtruct a bridge across Cape Fear river from Market street with a 35* foot clear opening and a 3* foot vertical opening at low water. 22 Goldsboro High Pupils Make Averages of Above 90 Twenty-one students of the Golds boro high school made avAages of 02.5 or above for the past school month, according tn information giv en out by Prlntespl T. T. Hamilton This is two more than was reportnd as having attained the average for the month before. Four students who made the high averages for the month before failed to gain a place for the past- gtpoth. while six students main tained the scholarship sufficiently to make the ertrage who were not on the. roll before. Eater to# (to. member of 16-A. and Roxle Hardy; bf (-A. led the whole school with average of 96.6. Esther Lee£px was the leader In November with an average of 94. while Roxle Hardy ranked 3rd, with an average of (6 v v ; Seven students from the Dth, Is Hettrieri for Ca«D Bryan Bo bw New Bern for limit > tog Trip ■* mi 0 WILL RETURN NOHIH ON THURSDAY NIGHT »>—* —rr Gene Tunnry Expected Join New York Party About January 15 * C»« b Babe Ruth will arrive la Goldsboro sometime this afternoon or tonight, provided bis schedule works out aa announced. The King of Swat, with a company'of New York City sports men and writer* are en route to Camp Bryan and on the coast below New Bern, tor a few days of sport. Definite word* as to the time that the Bamb'uo and his party will reach Goldsboro cot|W not be secured yva icrday. InformaTTon given The News was tn the efthrr that bo left N*| .York last nifttt.- The posttbllltifs are. It Was said, that he will bare over the At lantic Coast Line klqul 7 o'clock this evening anrHTiat he prllMiav* a abort, lay-over liTtb* elty while waiting to proceed to Ne,w Bern, lloweve?, had the Babe left .New York at 8:48 last night ha could reach the city at 2:88 this afternoon. .... The Babe wifTSe the gaoet of Frank M- Btevens, New York Spojt*-s%. vho Is a mttabqr of the User:* Bnr j an game preserve, A lelegr *rp fejm « Mr. Btevena to George Nirnlt. *>f NV v Fern, district game war'l-rr. nnt-t that Ruth would rajnalii la the sec tion Until Thursday. c i T. y i That wilt' place the Babe back la Goldsboro next Thursday night to/ ai least a 46 m'nutcs wait after Ihe train rest be* bare from New Bern The telegram from Mr. HicvfTia yes terday fnstracted that reservations for a drawing room be made for the famous baseball player on the night of the 13th, - Oene Timney' tod expected In b* * member of party but at thd last minute went to Dover Hall. Gs., tn company with Met.chan, spokta writ er on the New York Times Tuaney now plans to Join Mr. 3lrW« at (Camp Bryan about January 16, It was said. While UWIU be Ruth’s first shoot ing trip in Kastern North Carolina, he Is noe entirely unfamiliar with the rectlon. A shorP time after Jack Dunn owner of the Baltimore Orioles had taken Ruth from a prep; school team and placed him on his payroll, the Ortolea played exhibition ball In Fayetteville and It was there that the youngster Ruth got some of his first homers. * Irvin Cobb. Bud Flatter and the late Christy Matthewson have visited at Camp Bryan with Mr. Btevens On Tuesday night W. B. Blades. New Bern man. plans to lake the Ruth-Btavena party to Ocracoke aboard his yacht- greds thrM from the 10th. end eleven from the senior class made the av erage of 92.6 and above for the poet month, as compared with five stud ents from the 9th grade, thrM from the 10th and eleven from the senior class the month before The highest average for November was 96, while the highest Jor the past moiiiti wag -96.5 One student made the highest average tn November while two stud en'la were tied for highest honors dur ing the pest month. Btudents whose average- for the| school month was 92 6 or above I and whose deportment grade was 92.5 or above are: Esther lee Cox and Roxle Hardy. 94.5: M*ry U Pipkin. 94; Garlte Forehapd;.»i.6; Kidney My ers. Edna Wilson and Helen Daniels, 96; Mary Elizabeth Fusatfl and Rlch (Continued Page Four) GOLDSBORO, N. C. SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 8, 1928 BIG YIELDS OF STAPLE CROPS ■O' * - • Year 1927 A» Wtoto Saw Very Hattofartory Crop licua in Nwrlh State V° v # ___ +m*rnm ■ RLkIJCIGH. Jan k -lA*) Although total crop vxlum tod North Carollaa for 1837 ara still to bo datermiaed, htaffy yUld* a rare ported tof many of the major products. Increases are noted tn com. bar ley, tatoeeb, Irish potatoes, sweet po tatoes. soybeans, cowpess, peanuts and toivet beans over 183«. < *nia atsta maintains It lead over all ottor stJatee In ttAAocp. Reports received at the Stale De partment of Agrlcature manned by William A. Graham, commissioner, indicate the following yields, for the past season: • Corn 63,834 bushels; winter wheat 6.148,880 bushels; oats 1.733. MM bush els: barley 480, bushels, rye, L330.M0 buahelsr buckwheat 3M.MO bushels; toheeco 448,008,08 ft pound*. Irish po tatoes 7,348,808 bushels: sweet po tatoes. 18,148,000 bushels;, sorghum syrup 3,484.000 gallons; peaches 1.300 two bushels; Xrapes. 61,138 tone; pe- cans 400.000 pounds; soybeans 1,608,- t«00 bushels; cow peas TlloOO bush els; posniil 310.000 080 pounds; vel vet henna. 8.000 tons. , The composite yield per acre In North Carolina In 1837 was 104.1, a r. compared with H 13.6 lor the Unit ed Stans as a whole. Hie tq|al value of 88 crops in the I'gflcd States last year was estimat ed at >8.438.636.888 as compared with |7.T03.080.a00 for I (84. ‘W a gsfu of »©r,. 144,888. Tto greuteet iiMsw wss In worn While tbs nation aa a whole Show 'd a d cease* In potatoes. North CaroMnt etfj vul t marked tnc.-eaer; 'lh? cct on crop thonß’i sniill-r t'isn 1024’a hrhqght »33f1.711,ft0ft more .V reage In the United HUles-planted to farm crops Increased from 366,867,800 to 366.026.0*0. Comparative prices for l!J3t nil 1937, as of December I, were aeQtol lows: 1(26 1937 Corn 98 .81 Winter Wheal ...s 1,48 1.46 Oats .89 .73 Barley .. l.Ofl 1.10 . Rye 1.25 1.3 T. Buckwheat .. 1.00 1.00 Tame llsy 20.00 18.00 Wtfd Hay 18.00 13.4 ft Tobacco .....26.40 36.88 Ntmu ~1,60 | v (fb 8. Potatoes 1.00 .80 Korshum eyrup . .7. 90 Soybeans .. 1.76 1.68 Commander Bayliss Is Made Defendant BOSTON. Jan 7-0P)-dTnd*r the .'dmlralfy rule that the commander a vessel which &In celllelon with another becomes a defendant In the of subsequent enqulrt U Vom. Beyliss who commanded the Peuldling when It rammed and aunk the submarine K-4 off Prevlncetown on December. 17. today was named a defendant be tore the Naval Court oa enquiry In vestigating the disaster, , The action came In the midst of tes timony which Commander Baylias was riving as a voluntary witness and resulted from bis formal admission that his destroyer bad been In a colli sion with the 8-4. Co*t« Ricu Greets 4 Col. Chas. Lindbergh RAN JOHEt Costa Rlcra., Jan. T-« (A*) -Little Costs It Ira today gave Col. (thsrlee Lindbergh one of the biggeit welcomes of the Central American good will tour. So eager was the crowd to reach the flier when hs laftded ITial Lindbergh wae forced to take the .lit fß?e«Ttimes sfter landing on the field and It was not until 2:16 p. m cen tral time that the Bplrft of Bt. touts came to rest on the sixth lap of the tear. ; Before coming to earth the Ame*l r*p hero flew over (he volcano Pods shout 16 miles from Ibe city and then sped across Hen Jose Jto'f. flying above the President’s palace > and the American legation. Bold Bud Bank Bandits .JLoek Up Cashtere and Get 94,000 AMHEBORO, Jan. T (A*) —Officer* throughout central North Garottes aad mi the bolder rtwtlon of VlrgiaU and Bcuth Carorthe tonight March ed fer three bank robbers who abgrt ly after nous today locked tbs cashier and assistant cashier of the Beak, of Bgnnett at Btoaett, 88 miles Dam here te the vault and escaped with 84.880 ia cash. 0 The men are known to have escap ed in a Chrysler sedan, officers said, but they wsjg without lafoinsattoq as to the direction they took 1a leav ing Bennett Th e bandits 1 chons h time when the hank was practically deaertod one of their number la t»e waiting siitoniobitr. the ' two uthtti walked leleurely la. Trey flqalted their guns oh Keller Andrcwa, as sistant cashier, the only person is tie hank, and forced him Into the vault After turning 4he combtetUea tb*F scooped up M.OOB in cash an* prepariiia to leave when Caebl.r J. A. Purvis came in. daverteg him with their pWtols they ordered him to open the vault. When he (all** on two attempts, he iw of the bandits M’ADOOWILL BE AT DINNER Hope* 7* Hkow DmocraU Folly (1. McAdoo has accepted an luvitetlto to apeak at tin Jaetoto Day lleteocra-' ' t»c dinner hw*. January 12, hut <tn I Ve «n»et of the other speakers, he will not appear In the sole of a pros I- \ dnnjlsl candidate. I*etead,ato >■ expected to draw to* i «n the axpertencM of the 1684 Deflto* coaventlen In Madison Bquars ! Garden to five points to « warning t- I* 1 party must not Indulge In an other. such .contest over the nomina tion If U hope* to win la IBJB. When Mr. McAdoo was asked to day whether he would attend the din ner as a candlT*te he replied. "No, as gn ex-randidnte." Sandino Continued Hid Moved Against IT. 8. WASHINGTON, Jan 7- <A') - While Major General toJaune, command ant of the marine corps was eompla* ling preparation to leave for Nicara gua. dlapatchM from that country re vealed no material change la tke military situation. The rebel leader Sandino counties operations In the ; northwest, reports" said, tot haa ai voided say direct contact with Mar i lues in the last few days. The commander rettemted the! he was going to Nicaragua for an Inspec tion which will carry him Into the lighting area and then would proceed to Ban Diego, California , Mate Flays Teklght RAUOIGH. Js'n. 7 —fA*i—After be ing defeated by Wehe Forest, tonolr- Rhjme .basketball tosm came to Ral eigh today to take on N- t. ftati Polleke. Odd Fellows of District . Meet in City on Tuesday Delegate* repreeeatlng Ihr 1* Odd Pillow chapter# «* • h * ,f doa«n coun ties will rare* with the N««h Isidfe here Tuesday In th“e Quarterly bual ue*« meeting for the sixth district, A buslnas* session at 3 o'clock In lb* afternoon, at & o’clock an oyatar •upper at the A. T Orlftla Manufac turing company, and at fsJO the tn etallatlun of for the local ledge—auch la the program aa an nounced last night by C. O. Smith, for many years prominently Iden tified with the Odd Fellow order In lhl« city and In the State , It la generally expected that resolu tions , expressing the loaa of the or der and of the elate In the death of Marco* Jacobi, prominent Wllmlag tvntan who died thla week, Will he FOURTEEN PAGRB TODAY warned him that hie third trial would be bis teat. 5 ’'Don't give Mm a third try,** be said see ol tb« aea said. •‘Let’s knock kia* te the base aad gal out of here.” b • When the vault door opened oa the third attempt. Parvis was punhed »• aad the eos.blaattoa turned agate. At this Juncture a customer came te. bat to# robbers did ant attempt to overpower Mm. but :M'«id HMfe ud passed him sad Jumped into their machine It waa uot uutU Um o»u --tomer heard th« shouts ol the impris oned men that be realised whet bad happened- The* after spread lap the atom here weat for a hardware merchant aad th a two «peeqd the vealt aa Purvte shouted the combination. WINSTON «ALEM. Jaa. 7 ~(ff*~- Offtecrs here this aftamooa arrested two men hum an suspicion of hated cm netted with the robbery of UM bank nf Bennett, but the cashier lat er said thar were not (be men' who locked kim aad Ms uhstetaat ia (be vault aad stole 14.888 -y—l’W'l WILL CONFIRM NAMING HAYES WARHlNfmteTjito 7 Umatlon Os (he nomination at Job* ston J. Hsyks of Oreetaburo aa F»d aral Judge of the newly created middle commended to Ute Senate Judlrayy committee Announcement that favorable . Op tion oa confirmation would be tskeh waa made late today by Beagtor Ov erman, Democrat, North Carolina, chairman the sub-camhiHtM which heard the protest filed hy cltlaaae of the district to retentloa of Hayua on the bench He Is now serving uu d*r rectma appolatmouC «•' XV The prludpal chaeSes. against Hay *? were that he Phs oorrupt aa a prae ttclng attorney, using hie office as solicitor of the 17th Jedteal district wrongfully to extort money to effect compromises In cases where he should have prtwernted aad wtahad at vio lations of the prohibition taw Following teatlmoay of H*tm In his opt behalf what the verdict of the sub-committee would be practically was admitted hy J.' it Ragland, of Marlon, who appeared as counsel tor Protestants of the confirmation of nomination. v When Hayes bad concluded, Rag le ltd declined tn crone examine him. tolling him that he was "sorely dis appointed In the manner In which the com wm presented i have done the heat I could under the clrcumetaacM. Ragland <*ald. I came Into the case as touts#l at a late hour Therefore f was hand'espped. 1 wm dteappolated t.)Mt certain witnesses who were eg pccted did not appMr, an* I wm dis appointed In IM* testimony of certain witnesses Who did take the stand." (be flrel Hem of bualneea on the pro gram Tutitday afternoon. Thla aeaaton Will be brief. It waa aald. with no bnalnaan oilier than an edncatlonal matter taken up at a pravfons moot ing to be taken ap The Neuae lodge will play the hoot at the oyster supper la be serrod at 1 o'clock and"* officer* of the local lodge are making plana for a pleas ant kour with the vlailocp % The regular meeting of Neuee lodge gt T<JO will he featured, by the l»- stallat'.on of elect Ire 'and appolntlra officer* The elective officers'who will lie seated B T. Winstead, noble grand; K W. Jlnneue. rice grand: C. O. Smith, recorder; K C. Fulrell. secretary and R. V. Pats, treaeurer. Appointive officer* will be Installed at tha aag|e time. ■■■—.— 1 n ■ ■■■«« MEMBER OR THE ASSOCIATED PRESS * HDCHifiGnm - - - fj,. Dudley Man |> Badly Hurl In Stalk Cutter 1 - ■ "The Load had a hmad te M IlMt route I. expiate# hie llsage IPMr rknuimd into Mta etas eSMkt fa the kal*M of a eottou ateUi ua(- pltal Mrteuely lajwrud. Ctee sable te HrMieu. The ether let te hrebea a* the shin, a (pug strip as Buab waa chopped from one hip and thUR Rfs up tbe*2uh wouadu of Mr, Miate>». for the bla«M of the übuppar hurt MU ol groM an* Malta MU the wta«fll sod the pbyqtateta fmuwd Moed p*4- cteUd**! oThMbS tete*Sfltaß . w wm Itet Mr lißitnifi NM* Ing as well m <wuM bo o*B*«te*. Mr I.T^ IteW*" WMh. Ita mulM bh* mmm a*—* gjgrjffigg jnmp Stodeadl'y btedM hut the machine lurched m he leaped and a fort wm eba m »n* tk« tab pulls* late the pauMtoL The Iggggortgn blades cut egateat the Hpe Os the BUM. Ha wag drawn m far lute the aarlidii as the stee at his hotly wort* por mil Thu Ma*ue Jawteud ia* t|* ■iil*mi risntLnugtol (halt Mite intrata #flk* wsw* »■.wvigega humpy flul*. Albert Williams. WhA ITvM o« aa ndtetelag tori, hear* tiff frmrtlc ertee of Mr. Montego and Mb the mules ranalog Thus eutaealy bo saw itam stop. Their fear' firitad* sudden IJ'Yhobve passe* gal thev stood mill kbit remhmigh(iar lli WM* wash scroqrtae neld * Mr. Williams wm ab««t 488 yards from the scene of the fpeMatl awl he raced toward the cutter. Charter Casey arrived shout the tehte tflhta Aa they drew ueuror they hqaN Mosingn from Ms tertoroes geelUda in the machine talking at the males, euemptlug te calm ttaas. ■gib bmus ent he. confeeeed later, he Mated (tar would take aaßSer srll* bolt ietefs the Geld an* that It would bfl the end of him. One hundred yards hdtore reaching their (Head they ensue agon hie shoes that had bqta ehoppod elf. Perceiving thp cf their neighbor drawn Unto the mew of the aucblqe. the a|>großohlhg men hurried caatlonrty. (earing ttar would eeud the melee dqqjgvtec swgy They readied the agaCThe m«Je* were unhitched Mr. Idbutego hit been pulled |ato the btedM la such fMh ton that he had to bg "uuwauud* te reder to bo freed. PhyeiCteM was* sunsmoued The badly injured men wm hteught to Goldsboro with all dispatch. Herd kls landlord aad rotative. 8. Wgi* pro ceeded with hlaTto the hoepttaL “The Lord had a baud te It," That... •a the way Mr. Moslngo exptetas hi* uot being killed la the runaway. FAIL T 0 Flffft MIF NORFOLK. Jaa. 7.—BF) -tafftah to trace the four mart acboqiMr Al vena, reported In dtatrees Ilf mAia southeast of Vagw Mettor -Tharsddy the coast gneri tatter Mesceutte. which was east out la eunrob tar «ta VSUMI radioed todhg (|||Htab WM returning to port.

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