. I CoWtr M tIM I VOifUMB SIX; NIMBI* *7l TWENTY-TWO MINERS ARE KILLED IN EXPLOSION » v m *> v ,' . , ' - 1 " • < 4 “ ~ 1 ~'"®' 11 ~ *"O"" - O O ® »* , *of** , mmQpmm _ mmm QT~ mmQpmm smmQp—m ® /?uf/i to Attend Ball Meet Here; Passes Through Gty Twenty-One of Burned And Mutilated Bodies Identified by Numbers IhmjlilMl to Biptotaa WtotoMfitoj.tto.to* , -ass® Mask tP Dtatroy Air pluM in Which Chics** Ntwapaacrawn Cum WBST FRANKfORT, in . J*»- *- OT> -Tw«i|r-two mine re w*r* killed outright »■ » |S3» ****** wh,ck ertaksl * mile chamber in the Ik dustrtal Cowl Compwny'* nine «MM»* tar It. km today Twenty-one bod- IM tamed end mutilated by tbe f®«« •f the Maot were found »*t« today and Identified by the numbers ort the. Mirny lamp* attar,had to tbeir cloth I log. I The bodies wore located by mine rescue teemtworklug with gaa masks and cutting their way throaah fallen wall* more than a mile from the abaft Official! of the mine said tonight that all employeee bad been aooounted for. Qeaee of Me explosion waa under at'aed aad atato inspectors were eon-' d acting an Investigation The position aad coadiUon of the dead Indicated that death waa canned fay the violence ot the sxplontoa. although gaa waa preeoat la the mine when workers Mine officials retaaod to dlacaae tin (tleactar tonight and newspapermen end Phtaa—Phaaa mam ardersd ta leave the premises. Aa airplane bring ■lag reportera and photographefe from Chicago landed near the month of the mine aroused the fire of eev eral of the empioyeea who tbreaten t d to demoltah the machine, the provi dent of the local minora union, how ever .Interceded aad the tawapaper men aaceeded la preventing damage ot their plana DOCTOR’S PLE A IS NOT GUILTY Arraigned la Lee Angela For ftacjL Murder of Wealthy Chicago Widow . MM ANGELES. Jan. •—(dPk — .A plan, of not gailty waa entered fay Dr. Chan: MeMtlllan today when be waa arraigned on an Indictment charging Mm with the each murder of Mrs. Amelia Appelby. widow of a WeaMhy Chicago Inventor. Superior Court Judge Hardy aet the trial for Janu ary 17. The arraignment required lean than three mllea when naked by the Judge now he pleaded-the physician held hie head erect aad replied* "I am not guilty.” . / Dr. McMllUnn wu represented in court by J. 0. Mayo, tt-yoar old at tut nay. UNDY REACHES PANAMA NATION FWm From San Jooe, Costa Rica to Panama Capital, 310 MUas PANAMA. Jan. P—(A’l-An.rthvr tilnmph awaited the good will unite*- xador from tbo United Stale*, Col. < harles Lindbergh when he land. d here teday, named In hla honor Cam » Mndbergh. He came selling through apaep from the direction of Bn* boa aid aettled down to earth at I:6s U the afternoon. It had taken him a little more than four bourn to span •ha d'nthnce between San Joan, Coni j Rka and the ciptai of Panama 310 mile*. „ POST PUNK on. hVarIXG WASHINGTON. Jan. -Re tail of the fklMluhlr oil c«maplracy PM * *•* Postponed today uaftl April *1 Mcahaa uAIUta Itlaeaa of Albert B. Phil. , r.. *-JIA A THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THK MORNING WHILE MINDS ABB REBH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY) BUY. Admits He Drank Canned Heat Toddy Canned heat waa yesterday add ed to the Hat of kaown ooncocttooe which on* thirsty alcohol hound of the city have been known to drink A man confessed yesterday that ha aasd the baht to get drank on epmeUama. “| Just pour-the alcohol off from paraflnV he told Welfare Superintendent It. Hf. Edward*, "aad drink the kicky etnff right down plain. Now I have got an far (hat I simply can’t atop. Havel got to get somebody la help me gel back on my feel. And I Juat cun.- (by 'to ask If you would aorty give me n hand.” - Mr. Kdwarda refused to reveal the name of the unfoi&ttate. "I told him to go to the heeUh de partment mid tell them there Dial he had been drank for ftve'yeam and wanted to gfct straightened ont" Mr. Edwarda related. REVEALS STORY OF ADVENTURER o ' ■ <4 Kacaped Fnrn Mexican Bandits By Making Tfc*m Drank -etatawtata- . MEXICO CITY. Jan .h—(/R— An adventure story of an A'merican engi neer and hla faithful Manleaw aervept getting their bandit kidnaper* drunk titled four of them and then escaped wan related tonight by U - P. Barber ot I4M Angelee. Weak aad almnat at the point of collapse. Barber related atory to frianda who were autborl »ed to pas* tt on to eager newspaper luen who were not allowed to eßthr the n sick room. » Barber * one powerful .body, he la Imore than six feet tall—ln no sunk from confinement and hardbbtp and bln face so haggard and bearded tSat he seemed IS' years older than hla true age of 16, He told hla story la rambling disconnected faehtpn. con tradicting himself at lime*. Ha was unable to talk long at a time or give, an account of hta exploit* because of the hardshlpa he underwent lUSOIMT EXy Al HTKD The fund to send tho Landmark to those unable to pay for It has been exhausted . and there are heavy de mands on .the same from a number of widows and old people who any they love to have the Landmark but they are Unable to pay for It ABI E MKITMCT OX A HAYES XOMIHATION WASHINGTON, Jan. * (*>)- A favorable report was ordered today by the Senate Judiciary Committee on the nomination of Johnson J. Hayes of breensboro to he Federal Dtetrlrt Judge for the Middle Dtnlrict of North Carolina. Wayne County Has Total Debt of $2,665,155, Said (Kdltar** hotel l«wtnli(lUi article, MW leading editorial (• til* ban.) The total indebtedneaa of Wayn* ' counjy and IU subdivision*. exclualva of toarna and cittaa. to t2.66&,U5, ac cording to Paul W. Water in the cur rant lasua of tha University News Latter. Tha total Agura Include* bond and tooting dabt and doaa not deduct •Inking fund*. Mr. Jaguar baaaa hta figure* on tba survey completed re cently by tba North Caroilaa Kduca ■ Uoaal t'ommlaalon. Wayne'a debt par, capita in MI.M. > Her rank in opmparlaon with tha . oabta of other countlea la staty-aacond. Thar* fra, iu other *frda, 61 «***- ASK REHEARING ~ FAMOUS CASE e" * * Auprcnc Conrt Roqueated Grant' New Trial In Brown WIN Cum f ItAt.KIOH. Jan 9—A petttlon for a ithearlfi* of the Judge George H. Br*wn will cane has Man filed with the State Supremo coart by attorney* , tor Mrs. Brown and referred to CM* Juatlee W. P. Staot. Dnrtnloa on whether of not the case ‘May he re opened real* Wftfa Justice Stacy. Mrs. George Crabtree of Goldsboro, a* slater of,the deceased Jurist, would ' share laregty in the estate under the verdict given la the first hearing and upheld by the Snprkme Court Will of Judge Brown VM attaeiied hr rotntlyee In n aeunntlonal trial Inal i nuiumer on the allegation that the' | distinguished Jurist waa not mentally | capable of making g will. A small < fortune wan Involved, and the promt- | nance of the parties to tbe salt added < to the Interest In ike litigation when t It was tried at “Utile” Washington. A Superior Court Jury ruled with j Uinee who sought to break the will | and the case went to jibe Supreme , Court of which Judge Brown wan for | years a distinguished member. \ The Supreme court wap divided on , the question and voted agataat a new j trial, Uirnt to tjro. - Aa now stands. Justice Stacy will j cither approve or deny the petition J lor a rehearing. If he deulee tbe pe lUtion the nastier will be cioeed but If he approvea ll* tkn fgm««# wttl ease jrill faP docketed for aaothar hearing before the Bd|raata court. ’ 1 I pWrYlh erwttlirt a i»ew trlTd is rfF! nled the case will be dend but if ;V* f new trial la treated the whole mxnei wilt go tack to twelre good men with ( lhe certainty of a third round be tors ( tbe Bupream court however the Jury a decide. ® ( Potltlam for the rehearing of the rasp waa 'endorsed by the following attorneys, at least two of which are , required to be disinterested. C. E. f Thompson. Elisabeth City; W. B. ( Ayd let t, Elisabeth CKy; Rohoyt Ron ark. Baleieb; O. V. Cow per, Kinaton aad A. P. McLean, Durham. , * < OBJECTIONS . TO NEW PROBE: jf ■* Hwnntn Think* It WIN Abtrftcatr ‘ Own Power In Approve CooUNro Plnn t , - i wAftH&tGTON. Jan, administration’s plan for "an Invest!- ( gallon of the 8-4 disaster approved j Saturday by the Honse. encountered such determined opposition today In | the Senate naval committee that far ther consideration of It was deferred until Thursday. While approving the naming by the President of a commission for a stndy of improved methods for the protee- ‘ tton of submarines and crews, ( leading Democrats on the committee , objected to what they termed the Senate abdicating its own function of investigating matters coming nnder ( administration of executive depart mentA tiea which have a higher per capita oebt than Wayne. The per capita dabt la about |8 under the average per capita debt tor the state aa a whole. The average county In the faute ban a county-wide debt of. f1.3W.033 and a township and district debt of HOI Jl6. Excluding the debt of towns baa a debt of 11.MY.237. A study «f aad c|tlet the average county then the table reveals that thirty-three counties have * debt In excena of this amount. Only twenty-pins coun ties have lea# than a million dollar of ladebtodnesa. Guilford county hah! v (Continued Os l ag* Thra#l 4 GOLDSBORO, N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 10, 1030 "it Jacobi Leaves SI,OOO To Odd Fellows Home . WILMINGTON."fan, 9 <>P>-~An Item of tl.ow was bequeathed the Odd Fallows Home ait Oodsboro by Marcus W. Jacobi, wealthy Wil mington hardware dealer who died qp January I. according to tbe will probated here today. WALSH T&KS OF ED HICKMAN % \ Think AMwmi Insanity Cans* ei Very Unnntnrnl Craps •f The Youth KANSAS CITY, Jan. grWJi-A plea that William Edward Hick man. cou tensed kidnaper and slayer of Mar ian Parker In Lea Angeles, la a victim ot dementia praaoox will be offered In the youth’s defense. J. K. Walsh, counsel for Hickman indicated here today. Walsh said he bad been informed by A Loe Angeles alienist that be thought Hickman suffered from adolescent In sanity. Tbe attorney indicated the Hickman defease would be conducted along lines similar to that employed lo Clarence narrow la tbe beopotd* Loeb case In Chicago. MRS. SMYDERIS tO BKGUARDED Governor SniDi Refuses to rgMumnt As Fnt*i Due Mmm VDWK, Jut! i-.'«M',.onpiVol!| vr tTplih d-cl ned It aon'Minro Ma dr- , • siou today on the uppUcnUou so»- i i stay of egecutloa l for Mrs. UttUt . 'par|*( aad Itasry Jpdd tiray . They u< sentence to die In the *l - irlc chair Thnrsday nlpht for ti> Harder of the woman's husband, Tbe governor, plainly worried over the coedition ot hta wife, who waa op erated on for appendicitis last Satur day. Spent moat of tbe day be his suite at tbs Hotel BUtmore. . Hie concern waa apparent. In Ms definite refusal to discuss the Sayder Grayscale. *T will talk about that when A am good and ready,” be said. "But there will be ao decision. I don't ursat to ta raked About It again.” Meanwhile the warden at Ming Blag prison had changed Mrs. Say der”s cell and posted extra guards over her following upon the disclo sure that Iter Slotber Mr* Josephine Prown had smuggled messages from the prison to ta published la a news paper an bar Inst message to the pub lic. i; FOI RTH MCLREK MAX MLAtWHTER ('MARGE lAMAIXPrr BOOTLEGGER MARINETTE. Wl*,. Jan. %— (AV- Among the charges that may be aa Prank Gall, of Barer. Wl*., was hrongbt kaslnst a seller of liquor hi that of fourth degree manslaughter, found. • Gall, the charges against Kim re iltea, sold liquor to Calentise liar onek, who uniter the Influence of the Intoxicant, slagged Into the path of a train December 31 and was kHl •Ac— . *' . ■'( Arraigned yesterday. Gall waa re leased on fI.OOO bond. MARINES HELD BY HEAVY FOG 400 Wur* Ready to Sail Front Norfolk For War-Torn Nicaragua »—(MP) — More than 400 men composing four com panies of tbe Marine regiment, newly organised for duty In Nicaragua, were stltl in porf "here tonight, their ehlp fog bound to her pier. Tbetr trans port was scheduled to salt ts|s after noon short before 3:30 the fog dea lt rthed ns thicker than pea sonp swept 4la from tbe sef, blaukeUag tbe coast. Bambino Admits He Is Writing Book of His Life; Doesn’t Know How Many Homers He’ll Get in ’2B Failed U *sndk Mm flundiy Afternoon But Cnnw Ai <:I0 Yesterday Mominff KKN ROY ALL JUNIOR, CRTS HOMER POINTERB Ww En Rout* to Csmp Rrynn For Tkroo Dny’a HunUng Trip on Cooot George Herman Ruth, bettor known an ike Bab*. The Uadbergh. of bane ball. Is old-fashioned th tbe stalker of jmderwoar In’ winter be wqara heavy. Bo tbo tjrenty-odd baseball land of Goldsboro who forsook the warm "rqddlyneee" of their tads al tba un holy hour of al# o’etoek yesterday morning discovered. Huth had bean expected to arrive Sunday atternoon or sight, bat changes In bin schedule brought him to Goldsboro for an hour yesterday morning—*■ hour while be walled tor tbs Pullman oa which ha cam* from the north ta bd* ahlftad to tha Mew Bern train. Five hundred fans who had read tbe atory ta The Nnwa of Sun day were down at the station Sunday to fctve lhe Babe a rousing wntcoms, but he did nol appear and there were numerous exclamations of disappoint ment. But H* came ytatarday morning aa the Allnntlc OoUat Und traia fbafrj m- i.-j* . • fta.. g wblrh hung ocrer the cRy. 'fib * totj a* it wax it Clung clammily to wna an* objects a tow font away'had a v*§«* Uidisi Inet naan that waa anreai. v Tbe head light of tbe train cat weakly againat Urn clutching mtattwaan Tha Jrata’ waa aldtoat la batata M Pta rten. ll rolled to a stop and the Bam bino waa the first passenger to awing tanrn. "Daylight cornea mighty Into (town hare." He said to Tbe News reporter. Walter Denmark. Secretary of tha Chamber of Commerce bad arrived at tbe atettou to give Rath weloalM lo tbe cUy, about tbd Urn* that the, train did. The fog that filled the throat, tba eye*, iba aura, that abut out elaar visibility, chiliad Denmark, and ha stopped to gat a cup of ooffta ,at tbe Terminal Hotel case Aa ta dradk the coffee aad ate a saawteh. Ruth, dr eased ta a dark broyu salt, last from shaving, bln coal black hair neatly parted on the left, earn* la nntt eat down on a nearby stool. Never thinking that the mighty Baba would have pulled from oat dream land at each an unholy boor and on such s morning. Denmark drank kin •offee and hurrtedf toward the train, aiming to find out ponttAuly H Baba waa a passenger "Is Rath on thprt.” he naked sower one he met ta tbe station. -Why. that waa him that wag Alta Ying by yon there In the case,” waa tbo reifly And It wa,a. Uy this time the Bambino was spot ted for fair, and n tHtle knot of peo ple began to crowd about klm. - {Continued on Pad* Saves! . 1 u,.,,.i-ascs. St. Paul Would Build Neat Parsonage and S. S. Annex At i coufernece held it #• Pfctil Math»dtat church on Sunday morning Uio following wan -> read and unani mously adopted by the members P*** ••at Tka hut Id Inf committee appointed by the quarterly-conference be«e leave ♦o report the following: , t * That the tentative been diafted.' that they think will ftlt for the erection of a Sunday acbool bnlld- Ijig, and are here for obeerratloa aid rnggeetlop. That the building be located pre ferably on lota of Mr. B. 0. Thorny •on, which are situated, Jppck of the church. That a suitable parsonage also be To Let New Wayne . 1 Routes January 26 RALBIOH. Jan. P- (#) A ] bridge across Tar River at Weak tagton. N. 0., 1336 feet loaf with a 166 foot steal swing spaa 'pro- ] Tiding two openings ot 60 toot tech through which boat* may pa* la Included la tta January M let ting of Highway bids by the State highway commission. . i The proponed bridge will fa* to- i catod on a common stem of routes I •1 sod M will cost About IMS- < 666. i Highway projects for II count ies Included. S * Wayne county 16.9 mllea faacd i surface oa root* 46 fro* Genoa < to Sampson county line tawaid I Newton Gfov* | Wayne county 9.33 mllea pod- | crete on route I«1 to Greene roun- I ty line. Greene county 9.10 mtlta 1 from Snow HiU to Wayn# county I line U-.-i , ill Tma II ' jk 12 I I . , nVVMMy I * " • ~ i uiili.uii GM~" —■ — WiftUlNalVMl lari (JPi l* *V ABII a fwlw mtata* • gro*/ get for at lamß two yuara, Urn aaaato ueverthaleas gave thin subject tta drat real alidug today aad ladulped in m old fashioned row of oratory oa Uit < resolution of Senator McMastar Rr- | pUbllcsn, South Dakdta. daelnring | for a general reduction of Import , schedules. Tbe move St tba SMth i Dakota, Kepublleans stirred Saunter | then quoted President Cool idee ta da- , fending the bt«b rates of tba Prassnt act against tbe attacka from (arm | bloc Republicans and the Jttae of tta , Democrats. Who listened wtth Joy to tbe Republican* quarrelling over tbo j tariff < " A vote on tbe MoMaster resolution , flnaaly weal over until tomorrow aa Senator Smoot and McMaetor became . fßtaaytled ta a lengthy ergataeat , rrowtag from aa accusation by tha South Dakotan that Senator Smoot waa Interested to high tariff beeaase |p owned anger factories. • ■— ..... New Teapot Dome Probe Is Provided WASHfNOTpN, tan. *-(#)-**•- other enquiry Into tbe Teapot Dome Naval Oil reserve lease waa ordered today by the senate la approving the resolution of Senator Norris, RepnA- Ilean. Netaaaka. directing tha public extinct Oontlnental Trading company ot Canada which figured ta the reuse. » » • {jpastructed at some point In the city ft an early date. That a committee of three be nested by tbs body I m select a finance com* mlttee. who shall finance these two projects. That thi Sunday school building IS estimated to coat fifty or rtsty thous and. and tbn parsonage <sfcht or tea thousands J. T. Jeromei' A. T. Grlf fln. Miss Hattie Dewey, J. I* Borden. J. D. Mke. T. B. Denser on. Clarence A rone Sec and .Treea. The chairman d fthe Board of Stew ards. the chairman of the BaUdlng Committee and R#v. J. M Daniel, pas tor of the church, were appointed tn name a finance j committee to work 1 cat pinna for financing the project. i . ■ . . ''4' ■ h V ■ MEMBER OF I THE ASSOCIATED rasas I ■i i "' ■Hi ■■ ■■■*■■ mix nva uunG *. ■ : Gs Will It Prmmi at ***** Evoaiaf INVITATION ACCEPTED BY ROTH AND mVRNB Baba Ruth, tto Uadhifi—|uyjHjJ win to pwwpt * » to—toll afi• ttHtlAing It-B be bold &A llpl But>dim Thiifitiy w*mm •§ H •V* clock barring a ——to to l—M. A ■ R«th Ik [■min ihrnaah tto aNf •w—»>*•* • * " " ~ w kurl. Bicntan at tto OkHSa of Commerce, ttol to WWuMtofla.il to RUTyt a rant tug *•«« rvhhlss an fell wajr*ssKl la Stow ‘*w®n * provided It SMM wttll (Im if rnuU M. Spaaoar. H«» !»rl *PO*a- < man wlion (Mat Ruth to oa a kßtot* 4 tag trip at Caaw Rryaa. MhNr Jtow lira Lmtof to tto day. tor. ttoMtoftl Stt ill loach with tor. —gar to —to ' Horn and woa IMM M *» Uttar that tto Mtr a*— atoaw •" ■ » ■ - tto iaritattoa to attend tto « futtfim ill tßbi oltw tto m towanato ytoatoh <tojto» i th w ■•w/foithrliiir •u tto if TmwwW* in £m« as Byal kg ma» kg top||—§ igg toßgkMgtol ■ ~»*, w a—y tow to \ •Ml card earn, praeeat ttoMe J. * t* Wade, ot witmtngtea. rleo-pmrtdaal of tto new laagna. to to at*M’ to tto «i «a nleVAe s_,. t* kllk dfc AdJltol’ to* tAe’ i irat if* •# w* w**m mi* —• "i»»w mm »—• «•* Ua«|a. A top. would to ftototf' oa tto atopa, a ana wtod lakwoU ktoto to tto a hato paal—rMdr tor tola —to, to'aprSjiH|—aatto to- ■ tto trophy to pe to Oto *—» R—St rloat aauator to tto aatotafpMl. Hr. Wadi would accept tto ttpp*r OB tmtoH o( tto leap— Tto rommiKM of -.lSp* ; Wada praaaat. u that doahtod that I r cmidkmt Btr4fw would INI' ibti bp coaM tettocttjr oattoatohtto —to ;ng would to tto hope nf HU Tsg— JljJ Orphanage tore, tot R Id —a** —* Ruth fit partial to t— ygppptow H Mr stauoaa. Rath and other BM— bar* ot tto haattoc k»fi» wtt» «*<*• Ira ring tto Crmroa capttel atoat Cl*. wilt to aaat (ran OoUahpreSfSp* Barn to HCM—f tto —Tty to tto city Tto dalagatkw wtt taotada a rapraaaatatlra ot tto ——V. tod Klwaata. r»■••- *- rtiaator ot Omm % r urea, tto Com—toy M—i and HAVE CLUES IN banarobbery Youhr Mm Who War* ARnMi Katar—y After H—<H HaHUp An PM I AMf—KMO. Jaa. t iM Alton Haoaaa of Bonlgoa—nr aad —r W— aon. Lazlagtoa jroatl, arroatad hdto haturday m .-pacts la tto bank robtory hat tolar dadatol apt to to tto right part— waro ralaaaad today aadar hoary toada. —BOfIBTT, Jaa. I 4fl —W Blair# of Chathaai catAßr today fitoh catad that to toltovad that to hid to* to rotation that would load to root of thraa mm who —Alal|HM in tha bank rwhtory of a baa* hfaf Saturday whan la todh waa tatoa. , . ?., Sheriff Blair and kta dipallki WCfO out until I o'clock tkla anyjtoi »t|r ninn down clnaa hat m ' >toda «cJt

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