| WKAtHBB .VOLUME 8IX; NUMBER 272 STARTLING STATEMENT MADE BY LARRY NEWSOME s' * »• 11 ... "3.7‘v • * * -• " • * ' ■ f;, ♦ . „ Says He Was Hired at Still By Eric Tedder And Paid in Liquor Statements Made Be* fore Prison and State Welfare Officials From Death Cell. STORY ISPROVED , PARTLY CORRECT tf-'V „ ■ ■ « Nerro Says He Was Drank On Tedder’s Liquor When He Kill ed Beulah RALEIGH, Jan. 10.—(AP) —ln statements from his death row cell at Rtoto Prison here Larry Newsome, Wayne coun ty negro sentenced to death for criminal’attack and murder of 15 year old Beulah Tedder has aaid that he was employed by Eric Tedder, fsther of the girl to help st s liquor still, that he was paid a gallon of whiskey for each “run" and that he was drunk on Tedder's liquor at the time he attacked the white msnV daughter. Newsome's statements were made in the presence of prison officials and state welfare work* A thorough investigation car ried on in YPfcynu county yester day of Newsome’s story resulted in partial corrobora#on and par tial denial. Mack Newsome, father of Larry, a negro of the old t chool type said that Larry had told him he was working for Mr Tedder st a atitl. He said that mi several occasions Larry had brought liquor home saying that he has just made, it Larry’s wife said that 0 her husband was often away at night and that she did not know where he went. Following directions given from his ceil here by Newsome s trip, was made from the home in which Tedder lived at the lime df the slaying to a place where, according to Larry the Whiskey was made. Remains erf Area were found close to a spring as Larry had said, a little open place in a thicket showed signs that activity had gone on. Nearby there was found part of a copper boiler and part of a still which had been cut by an sxc sometime ago. Accbrding to investigations by prison oficials, Tedder de story. Leaves $20,000 To Church Orphanages IJOXINOTON. Jag, 9—<*■)—Tb t Thomasvllle Orjfbanago *nd the Methodist Children * horns fct Winston Belem eech wsll nedn SIO,OOO from th« ssUte of James Elliott. Thoaaa ville merrhaat who died recently. the bequests are made payable upon the deetb of hie mother and sister. lilt UMAX C.IFTOB SATItE TAK HEEL BELIEF OF SO WE WASHINGTON, Jan. 10—(J**> — Bean fort county cUlsens are inclined to be Here that "Duck" Lieuellcn. Ore* an rtsr pollcetaan who participated in the sci rest*of WHIUm Edward Hickman slayer of Marian Parker, ta a native North Caro l(ala a. r \ & New Corporation Is Formed For The City RALPIOH. Jan. I#—lw bey' a* 2 ***“ rM *»^ •c.tSLrr: *** c. RoralL Kianma " T a n d , sseth c. Royal and C - * Ooldsboro. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYER? BEFORE THEY. BUY. " ' ‘ - * ' • " * . BIG INCREASE IN DEPOSITS Depaaita ia National Bank of Goldsboro Up 25 Par Cent During Past Year Deposits in the National Bank of (ioldiboro were one-fonrth grister at Ike end of 1917 than they were at the cpd of 1936, reports snbmUted last night at tbs annual meeting of stock holders showed Reports of Officers showed that dur ing 1987 deposits Increased 96 per cent. and that the number of accounts incressed 90 percent. Total deposits tn this hank wore given as approxi mating 1760,000 and s year ago |key were approximately 1600,000. Stock holders were highly pleased with, the fine progress the bank has shown during the year. • * Reports of officers Indicated that the sendee charge has Increased ap preciably the number of profitable ac counts on the hooks of the Institu tion. 0. A. Norwood was re-electod presi dent of the bank. M. J. Best rice presi dent, and Thomas H. Norwood, cash ier. The following .were re-elected to comprise the hoard of directors: Georgs C. Royall. Sam Bridgers, J. T. Jeffreys, Thomas If. Norwood. M. J. Best, (L A. Norwood and. John Nor wood. 1 -mr'Tsx. TURKEY YOUTH DIES INJ3TY Woodrow Wilson Hudnon, 15, Had Boon 111 For Only TKrcc Days 1 . Funeral service over the remains of Woodrow Wilson Hudson, son of "Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hudson of Turkey, will be held from the Sampson coun ty residency of the parents this after noon at I O'clock. Young Hudson, who wu fifteen years old and named for | the fimous Democratic statesman end world leader, died In a local hospital at a late hour Monday night. A complication of diseases caused Ms death, appendicitis, perotonltls, and pneumonlA. He was taken 111 only lasi Friday. The parents, three broth ers and five Raters survive. Rev. A. H- Carter will be In charge of the funeral this afternoon and bur ial will be made In the family plot near the boipp. —i - ■ i m TO BANISH TROTSKY . * ’ o ‘ - 1 Nona Hurt Aa Train Railp Aa RmmiK of Defec tive Switch WISH ■ The Norfolk and Southern pasgßn ger train number nine, from New Bern which Is due I* here at 6:39 p. m. with Captain J. B. Davie, conduc tor, and engineer J. N. Charlton was derailed early last evening at the Ash street crossing, Just as the train was pulling into the station. ,FV»rtua atety the tratu was stopped before the reratled car bad left the track far enough to he overturned, and none of tL* pasengers eras Injured. T.ie do-railing was said to have best due to a defective switch, the lock to the switch having become broken seme time, ago. II hr as said. According to reports received hr The News last night, the engine and one car had crossed the switch and ware almost across the Ash atr-wt crossing, when the car behind, which vss Mild to have been loaded with fish as an express shipment, left tha rails. *! . No rue knew however, that the car re* off the rails, nntll the «rose ; ln;-. had been almost completed. Then, it was said, the drag of Ike wheels on tho ground, told the crew Ui.u »oijk i king was wrpug. and the tral-v *'*4 mum* decoding to the Inf,' miih i. received fast night. If the car' 4> d Ken pulled much further. af'- It had left the track. It wuuM hoblv have turned over. g - All mail, baggage sod express <> i tit • t.-alo had to he transferred jtn the nt; t ion.\ htle the passengers wulkud ilu short distance. w PANAMA FETES COL LINDBERGH I’reuident and Vice President of RepubUr Take FlighU With Him PANAMA. Jan. 10-ifl*)—Thd presi dent and vice president of Panama were passengers of Lindbergh today In today's celebration In honor of the Iller's vleit After a short test flight. Lindbergh took President Cblehrl up for a 16 minutes trip. When the executive step ped from the sir craft arter the first ride of hie life he said "admirable, magnificent, a man must fly In order to realise bow Inslgniricant he Is Ip 1 (be universal order of things After cabinet members bed has tened to congratulate the chief exe cutive. Thomas Dnque the vies presi dent and owner of the SUr and Her-' aid. A mem bar of the Associated Press went up with Lindbergh for a 16 min ute flight. Undbergh was entertained at Innch ten repectlon* and sight seeing trips. ning the local hidge was host to the visitors at a delightful oyster roast at the Griffin Manufacturing com pany, "I don’t know when I have at tended such a fine supper meeting." said C. O. Smlflt. long a leading Odd Fellow of the city and state. “Mr. Griffin and Mir. Bhrago had certainly fixed up things right for us." About 160 attended this affair and M, L Block reported that thirty-five bushels of oysters were eaten. Installation of 'officers of the Neuee Lodge of the order ended the day’s celebration B V. Winstead was ■ seated as Noble Grand; B. W. Jlu i net Ir, as vice grand; C, Q. Smith, ro • cording secretary; K. C. Futrell. fin i anclpl secreUry; U. V. Ihste, tressur > ir; Dr. 0. Lee Overman, warden; W. . B. Westmoreland, conductor; C. H Moore, JL S B.j J. K. Langston, L. i a. 8-; C. H. Warren, R. 8. 8.; and, . T. Jl. Robinson, trustee, p _ r Gov. A1 Smith Gives Reason Hut Not Found One Itaas Stiff* ffteCinff Merit of Reprieve Plea * NEW YORK, Jan. W Odv cuor Smith today denied the pirns of Hath Snyder and Henry Judd Gray for executive clemency. Both are sc he duled to die In the eleotria chair ou Thursday night for the murdor ot the woman's husband. "The execution of this judgment on a women Is so distressing that I had hopes that tha appeal would disc lime epmc facts which would Justify mv .lust ference with tbs process of lAW,* sgid the grflernor lit snuounclng Ills rieclaioa. "I have hits!* which my Conscience In the li«;n: of my oath of office will spp ’J»c «.n which J might temper the law with mercy," be continued. Up to now there ia no extenuation shown for what the seven Judges the -■ «rt of appeals In agreement with tha 19 jurors and the Justice hava] lopnd to ha a deliberate and pro-medi cated murder committed by these de fendants. „ \ ARRIVING FOR PARTY EYEffT / vaiMWHly qf Al Smith Oc cupies Inromiag Jaduten Dny DHeintert '■ '• WA!H!O?»ITrtN. J .it 1 to l/IV Th'o tirst nation wide lotorchanga of De* mocretlc opinions since 1924 gathered headway toduy with the arrlvaf es many members of the national com mittee for the Jackson day dinner on Thursday night and sessions of tha committee later tn the week. Committeemen streamed through party headquarters all day to partici pate in brief conferences with Clem Khever. national chairmen. The visits were followed by smell group con* focences behind closed doors in hotel rooms nt which viows on the parly outlook were exchanged. The predominate topic, of interest yes apparently the availability of Governor Smith as the party nomin ee and eeveral committed themselves to his candidacy wlthodt quelifca tion while no absoltste opposition was expressed. This was attributed by some to the fact that Southern tom rajlteemen were slow In arriving and also to a precaution against antagoni sts Smith backers so that a "favorite son" might have a chance as a com promise candidate, MORE TALK OF TARIFF HEARD £ Senate Consider* Whether It Sho|ild Declare For Down ward Revision of Duty „ S » 6 WASHINGTON. Jan id— llf and taxation, that old legislative toam. monopolised the spotllpht today In Congress while favorite of lesser public appeal made their voices heard intermittently and with difficulty. A genuine old fashioned debtfo* perfor mance was put on by the senate with Hr rrlson of Mississippi Joining In to: swell the volume in the discussion of the (tariff. The senate considered whether It should declare In favor of e downward revision tariff but taxes crept In occasionally. l f n the committee rooms. Senator Simmons of NoiYTCarolina laid bis plans to prevent delay of the tax bulletin March 7t. I NHU.II) BTFF.L OKDFRA NKW YWIK, Jen 1» -4A*)-«IIefllled orders of the United States Steel cor poration December 31, made public today showed aa unexpectedly large i, increase of $19,436 tons over the pre ceding month, reuchlag 3,972.174 tons. r. 1"... INSTITUTE TO BEGIN TODAY ri llarbce and Parhaai Wfl Laai I)inc— gkwui At Aaaaal . ft msWmsWws CHAPEL HILL Jan. 1» It'might have seemed the logical thing to have assigned Managing Editors J. A. Parham and D. R Barilo of tho Charlotte Observer and the Asheville Citisen, respectively, to the SUM S6S* slon on the program of tho fourth nu chal North Carolina Newspaper Insti tute In session hare • Wednesday. Thursday and Friday of this week; hut the committee thought their sub jects, although allied, roquirafP real technical treatment and wiated to give each elbow-room, Mr. Parham > to load the discus sion ou syndicate features, Mr. Bur bee that ou typography. Both have Ideas which they have had amp!* time to demon strata: Mr. Parham for ton years aa managing editor of tho Charlotte Observer end before that oa the editorial staffs of the Wllmiftgtoh Btar and the Nows and Observer, and Mr. Barbae Ip executive portions -of newspapers tn Tennessee. Alabama and lx>ulsiaaa as well as In this slats. Mr. Parham .has always Ml tlmti hd would thrive better jr bo stuck to I dlcat tolls aKThu?* mv' nft* lose j ffrmly convinced. Both hava a tremen dons amount to do with tha faaturps and typography of their paposs; If they wore to get, mixed m tho pro r.ram. save for the slight difference 1 ii> personal appearance—from which ii’HUipr woitM noticahly suffer—there would ha no Mtch la the ceremonies. The Idea the committee has hud before 1t has been to- select practical wo Aeday subjects end aaeign them , t » t !»' <■■ who are still eugag- ] cd In l!f!> work of helping to prodsce a live newspaper. 0 ■ , " " ATTEMPTS T 0 - END HER LIFE o New Rep# Woman Deepen^—t After- I-onjf Period es • lIIIMMM -» CO6 . NKW BERN, Jan 1O~~<0) Mrs. Olennle Sutton Banders, wife of-Geo. | Handers, is recovering rrbifi a pie'-il wound In thq head Inflicted by herself In a fit of despondency over poo* -health st her home here late today. Mrs. Sanders the mother of eevea children, had Just returned to her home following a physical examina tion at a hospital. She had been In poor health for ouveral months, She was slope at tha time of the shoot ing. Her husband, attracted by the shots, fdund bar lying on the Goor. She was returned to her home several hours later aod wee said tonight to be resting comfortably. %’,i ■ « I Red Cross Names Officers And Hears Reports for 1927 ** Election 4f offJcersNsnd submission the annual tooistlpi/of the Wayue County Chapter of life American Red Cross. i Upon nomination by the committee H —Mrs. W. D. Creech. Mrs. Paul Ysl ! vertou and Mrs. C. M. Wllklus-the I following were named as officers tSr I the. yegf: i Cheirmsh. Mrs. R. B. Miller; Vice Chairman, Mrs. J. 8. Collier. Plke r rllle; Treeeurer, Mrs. C. B. Miller; i Chairmen Nursing Act. Mrs. Lionel £ Well; Chairman Disaster Col. George K Freemsp; Life 8. and First Aid. Mr. R. C. Hobinaon; Jr., Red 'Cross. Miss Helen Wilson; Publicity, f Mrs. Leslie Well; IJ Three hundred end elghty-stx SX - rehrlce men were aided by the c-bap c ter In 1927, according to the report » of Mr*. L D. Glddeus. secretary, who • In her report submitted the following statistics: Henry's Latest v k Wi ■t a jl B mm At the opouhkg of Ford Kxpooi- Uon ia New York CHp. Henry FoN announced that ho ptoauoi to fly to, South America to inspect the big rub ber plant plantation which the PWrd Company is now flevsleptpg oa tho Amasou River. DEPtiniiup^ ONE MILLION Rfrirti fll Amiiul Mcctiaff Wayne! National Rank Stock* holder* Held YwUrday Deposits Ju the ffsrnt Nstloakl Bank Incraaaod H.aoO.Ogp the* pant year, reports made yesterday at the manual mootina tsS ikttV* |llißnßi ifiwwvtifW spa id. c * Meottng *of the Wayne Mittamul stock holders was hold In tho oftlej t ii-. a a A halo kuilillnu mm. Yrg Ihw flee wSIQEms fl* sgwWw* OMSfmsmql Jwß •erday morning. Reports Yy —Ihf president and by the cashier showed an excellent year's business^ with de posits totaling about 94.Ud.M6. A year mo deposit# totaled about $3,- 160,0 M. It was during the past year that the Wayne National became U qu(dating agent for tho Peoples Bank bad Trust Company. Leslie Weil was named g director of the Wayne Notional, lifting the vacAhcy loft in the death of Joe Rosenthal AH members of tho board here re-elected. The board es direc tor# will meet Thursday to name ad ministrative officers tor tha rtar.- ASHEVILLE DR. TOFACECOURT Cmp Called Ywtorday Rut At torney* Ase Nut qfMgnt to Aaswur . AHIIRVILI.R, Jan. .16 Tho case Instituted by the state board of medical examiners to revoke tym lic ence of Dr R. a Carroll of the High land hospital here because of alleged Immoral conduct eras celled lu sup-, erlor court late today. No lawyers representative of either (he State Board or of Dr. Carroll were present when the csee wse celled snT th a ° clerk eanouncod that It would again be called Wednesday. , Vlatta made by Secretary-... 139 Office Interviews v.-H* Telephone Interviews 1W letters written .............Hi letters Received ...... v ....«« lamas on AdJ. Service Cert . 37 Adjneted Service Cert. applied for 39 Duplicate Discharge Cert Obtained .... 13 Insurant* relnatsted and Converted .... M HoapiUl last lon obtained for.. 19 Compensation for 3 Death* . f i Mrs. Ruth E. Well, chairman of the committee on home hrgiaaa and care of the *lrtc. reported that under the administration of MU* Alice Ward, of the public health department, class ct Ip Home Hrgfepa csr* of tfcs sirs' have been conducted In High ; school* as follows: -j Continued on Pace Six) _ co I . ' ' ... ————m— MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS * pm PIVIORNi To Talk Plans Here Thursday n*«4i*44 mm iwrueii whi 3U||fßi * iiHnit MU.LU. at- —A L Making M Baptni woni Cartttaft" Tlm StasHac cwartHfi of tto KwUn Carolina Exposition aad 4a inmoMla Hot, to to told is Oblda boro tto wash at April Mb will toM a masting Thursday Sight Utla wash la OoMatoro to dlecaas (arttor tto pragma tor tto waafc. Tto *astfa» win to bald pnaagtiy «t f a au la tto biatac room at tto Hotal GbMa boro. Ttoaa la to tto g oasts at tto Expos toon at dinner. Cblaf amoag tto aalun far 4|P i uMloa will to tto Mad of Jrogtaa to oat oa thta raar, la addMte to toatM tlb* Mattal ClllhHtT Tattlaflwa hlw a *rw aa wa a * a awt aajp ea a Making-" aa4 tors a sMtis* gtotarw different episode will to attettsd to ••cl* of Htinl toVM w ooommMNrp n it., a Mwotl nui nwad too# tk* bflanntednMMa tna lerniory covered ay me pw™ Carolina Cbawber at roam area- K tto iMgaaat la gal tot tod- ito* ‘ turaa outdo. H will to tto--tJ«t iMag ' - lar tto ragafar gpaHataartea gp» f raoaaa will to tstoa as • p. to. aa4 at ilia aaaaiag aaaataa tto riwtotor of ito .•MWMt'.'rti tojggjy and wa 4441 want to Ora tto giigia to«tog tto* oh tbroagb tto wtota thing at aaa stowing. If a atettaa ufotara la nato, tto pletara wtil to lag la tto KfpestUnn ItolMtag TH ifny n