• - - - II WEATHER Fair Tkaradag, THU, tae.aa.l-g VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 273 DENY TRUTH OF LARRY NEWSOME STATEMENTS ' \ * S t « - ' 4 • . c m ' *' t. * ‘ • -9 ■ • -EXECUTION STAYFOR MRS. SNYDER UNTIL!(TaTm FRIDAY . , . ■ * <* ° ; e Still Found Had Been » » \2* ” ‘ O Cut Up By Revenuer r Several Years Past Sheriff Grant Positive That Ne-< It re Wee Not Drank ea Night Os Crime AIX GIVE MR. TEDDER - EXCELLENT CHARACTER InvaatlgaUoa B]i Deputies Die* closed Falsity el Newaome Statements (Nelei the leading edltertal le * Ibis h*M b baaed m thb ca»e. I are ta the editorial ter The \«w»’ eptniea.) “Not a word of troth In NT That waa tha Warn* conntr officer* yesterday classed- statement* eradltod to Larry Newaome. to die In tha eleo trlc chair for tha murder ot BeuU Taddar, that be had bean employed aa a atilt hand by Eric Tedder, father of .the dead Ctrl. Aaaoclatod Preaa dla . patches from Raleigh told of the ne » gro etatlnK further that on the eva n'.na that be attacked .and then mur dered the girl child- hswaa drunk on Honor which Tedder had given him in payment for aanrlcaa at the atilt- Newaome told State prleon official* and welfare worker* In the preaence of reporter* that Tedder paid him with a gallon of whiskey for ovary ran - made at the atitl. Neighbor* of Tadder Joined with of ficer* In claaalng thestatemenis of the negro aa utterly without foundation, and expressed righteous Indignation that they had been made. The atlll found cut up not tar from where Tedder lived at the time the crime wa* committed wdg cut up by Herenu* officer J. J. Button more than fire year* ago. according to De puty Sheriff J. C. Kornegay. Raleigh new* storied had referred to the find ing of the piece of atlll aa a partial corroboration of Newaome. a “It wee before I had gone to work •In the office of Sherlfr Great that 1 waa up la the Gleet Swamp sec tion with Chink Rhodes, Thomas and another on a whbkey raid. I remem ber we came across the cut up atlll, and t hink aald he kaew that Revenue officer Rattan had cut up this atlll on hi raid tome time ago. I remember this distinctly," Deputy Kornegay raid. Was Set Break ■, . » , Sheriff Ot gat pointed out that it vorftd bava been ea»lly possible for Newsome to have told welfare offi cer* where they might find the part* the still, aa lie waa thoroughly familiar with the territory. "And It waa that old still entsup flea years or more ago that the Raleigh Investiga tors discovered when th*y came down late Tuesday afternoon," said Sheriff (•iSUt. Aa for that negrd being drunk on the. night he attacked and thpn killed th<* girl." went on the Sheriff “That's *ll a lie. 1 ptad* a special examination the night we got Larcy—the night the crime wa* committed—and he wa* not drunk and had not had a drink. I asked him especially If he had tak en anything to drink and ha aald no. And that payt about his going home and to sleep I* all wrong. He hart not been to bed when we y»K him., waa out la front of the'Tedder' lonise when placed under arrest." Hath Sheriff Grant and Deputy Kornegay agreed that there had been some whiskey making going on In the section In past months, but not once did any suspicion ever point to Mr. Tedder, they said. A complete invea tlgation to ascertain If there waa any ruy tratb In the reports oat of Rai < gh that Tedder bed engaged In the manufacture of whbkey waa made by the Way*# officers aa soon as they were notic'd by welfare authorities concerning NeWsome's statements. It -«*» aald. Tha Investigation resulted In a further vindication of Mr. Ted der. "There wasn’t a man In that sec tion of Wayne bounty," said Sheriff Grant, “who wk* more law abidlrtg or more respected than Eric Tedder. He did not |ave aa much of the world* goods as some, hat he was known as _ (CoaUauad Ob Page Ptrei —• ’, . i THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING .WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY. BUY. i ■ t * - ! - 4 -) * . . , GIVE MR. TEDDER FINE CHARACTER Fremont Men Resent Newsome’s Implications Against Good Man „ , °»- (Special Te The Mews) FREMONT Jon. 11—Fremont cltt • cen* end people residing in this pa.’ of Wayna county are highly Incensed over statement* made by iJtrry New some that he bad bean employed by Eric Tender, father of the slain girl, aa a etui hand. All nnltetP today In condemning the statements as utter ly f*:*a. “I hHve known Eric Tedder for ten year*’, said J. A. Beat. " and often and on our store ha* »old him goods o.tan and on. He was always prompt in hit obligations and If he had had any underhand dealings we would have had some suspicion against him. And we never did. , ‘ H*. is a man attached to bis family and I remember how gently he took care of a little cripple In hi* family when they would come to Fremont. No you can’t make me believe that ‘here is a hit of truth in tha- New some -statements.” •*■*■* - ' Tiny s*y that timt yeeklns, men tioned in the story, md nuke some Uglier up that way In-time past, but ho Is rone rrom (here how, is In Baltimore or somewhere." t» f _ e v i SEEK AUTHORS MEXICO PAPERS ‘Miguel Avila Under Suspicion of Manufacturing Spurious Documents WASHINGTON, J%p. ll—)—Klght t ten naval planes en roate from I Norfolk to Ouantamo to participate in • the annual fleet maneouvera stopped here today for refueling. They were ot - the T-9 type. f , Nine of the plane* hopped off ’ [ shortly after refueling bat the re , mslned were moored opposite the V. i 8. S. Sandpiper to wait anlll tomor i row to take the air for the Southern target 'ground*. ..-ij. , ■ ■ ■■■■■•■ -a ■ ■■■ GOLDSBORO, N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12, 1228 - I il I llii*! ■ ■■ 4?W. ■ GRIST WORKING OUT NOVEL PLAN T> ] Would Bring Experienced Fana* era In State To Work Laada Now Idle HALRIGH. Jan. 11- OF)— Oommta sloner Freak D. Grist of the elate de partment of labor and printing la working out a plan whereby exper ienced white tenant farmers wtmld be brought to the state lo farm some of the many acres of farm land lying Idle at present. Thousands of dollars aro going to waate egch year because lliu re markable fertile land Is not being touched, he finds. <3 * ‘So often farmers era at a decided disadvantage In being able to hire only Inexperienced and Incapable negro help whereas profits could he greatly Increased with capable assistants. Di versification Isl sorely needed In the section*, where the maUi dependence Is still on cotton and tobacco." The unemployment In the state tight now is now unnaual. he says, but conditions are not as had In the state as elsewhere. Port terminals tor eoslarn Caro lina are seen ag a atep forward by the commissioner aft&l. a trip to Naw Bern and other cities and he thinks there Is still hope for state-owned terminals. i- i— . ' BREVARD MAN > EXONERATED Girl Breaks Down and Admits She Fabricated Story Os Being Attacked BREVARD, Jnn. 11- Prof. F. P. ruUgr, band master of Brevard and prominent civic leader, wjj completely exonerated' after a six hour hearing of charges which bad been lodged against him by a 14 year old girl alleging attack. During h greening J cross examina tion In which tha girl changed her story severl times, the girl brokt down and admitted the stories were not correct. Cutter denied ever having seen the girl. Following the hearing attorneys expressed the opinion that the girl waa saltering from allucuna ttona at the time the charges were' made. Norwegian Ship Brings Solid Load Potatoes ~ - : r, WILMINGTON, Jan. •—(AP> A Norwegian steamer arrived here to day from Canada with a cargo of 12,004 bags of aeed Irish potatoes, said to be the flrat'shipment of the kind ever received here. * The cargo is tor state distribution. Duty amounted to about (10,000. —— ; ~ip : ; Thousand* Expected to Greet Big Babe at Meet this Evening **>•. ■ ■. ■ ’ •' ♦••••■. *" ■ ,» IJsrlng experienced a new kick In the form of C,°C. C.. which stands for graven County Collarets. a* you will be surprised to lemrn. Oeorge Herman Hndbergh of bssebalPla that ho haa more non-etop smashes to his credit, will arrlre In Ooldaboro about 7 O’clock this evening for two hour* of entertainment here. Director it. (X Robinson of the com mnnlty building yesterday studied hard to devlaa waya and meana of stretching ons the atandtnx room cap acity of the Memorial building for the monster baseball mass meeting to be held at II o'clock this evening. Admis sion to the meeting will be free and first come first served will be the or der la matter of getting a place In side the building and a glimpse at Ruth. r ' One of Bambino's most faithful ad mirer* was heard to say yesterday afternoon thlt he expected to be down , at the commnnlty building by 4 o'clock In the afternoon in order to have a good vantage point. At 'S o’clock this afternoon repre sentatives of the civic organisations of Ooldaboro will leave ffca chamber of . (Vj, > a V 306 Is Telephone No. [ Os Editorial Dept. The telephone number of the ! editorial department of The News Is now 306. lips for news stories' telephoned lo this number will be appreciated. Circulation. Advertising and business department* are reached at -the old number of the paper— «l3. COTTON FARM’RS ADOPT PROGRAM ■“7* Approve ReHoiution Caffigg For Education in AMMUt Stppie Planted i' -•—. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. A plan providing for trltholdtag the i surplus crop from -the market until the price should provide a “reasonable problt” and to reduce acreage wben i ever a surplus was grown was adop ted here today by a meeting of south ern cotton farmers held under the ansplcee of the Amertoan Cotton Association. Tha plan, submitted by Col Harris Jordan of Greenville, 8. C., manager of tha better farming campaign of the Association provided that administra tion of the plan should be carried cut by chairmen and vice chairmen In each county and expenses should be provided by levying 14 cents a bale on the cotton and 914 a year on banks | handling toann for uxodnaara. .. - A resolution waa adopted urging that cotton acreage be reduced this l year and that the amallePares be cul ] Grated more Intensively to Increase the yield or better cotton per acre at l a lower coat of production and that lard that will not produce a half bale r»f flni .entttn per acre should be ! planted h a J<*x*'tn« crop to Improve tha fcrtiUty of the soil. FIVE REBELS DIE IN CLASH i . 50 in Pwty Attacked By Marinis and Guardaiucn Un der Lt. Satterfiield MANOUANA. NTc, Jan. <*>— Five rebels wera killed tn aifAngage ment between the followers of Oen- I eral Sandlno and a joint patrol of U. 1 3. Marine* and Nlcaraghan National I guardsmen. Marine hegdquarters were infnrm - e«t today. The patrol wan commanded by Lt. Satterfield. It la eatlmatad that M men Were la the rebel party. U. Satterfield la not listed In the Nary and Marine Corps register, but many Marlas corps non-camml**lon officers hold commission* In the Nlc u ragusn national pnard. . t* .. S ' • . - >■", THE BARK RUTH PROGR4K ft p. m. t.eldsbero leaves city In meet Bamblne a*d party en rente here Irsa New Bern. 7 p. m. Banquet at Hetel Gelds* boro, with represenlnllve* es civ ic orgaatsattoa* honor laa Bambino and New Bern business men whe I will come le city wRb him. H p. m. Rn*s meeting nt Cem* mnnlly building: Admission free. Ruth te shew klhtelf. commerce rooms and somewhere down , on ronte 10 they will greet the, Bambino. LVank M. Slevena. New York sportsman, and a party of New Rem men and escort them to the city. Miking up the delegation which will meet the Babe’* part and escort him to the city will be: R. E. iHievens, L, M. Ross and Joe R. ; Willlamaon. repreneptlng the Cham-j her of Commerce; A. T. Griffin, repre senting the Klwanls club; K. C. Roy all, reprcsenling the Rotary,club; 1L H. Jenkins the Her- 15 MORE BODIES FROM S-4 WRECK I —* Eight Others ot Craw in Fatnl ( nlibiiw. Remain tn Bh Recovered PROVINOBTOWN, Jan. ,!!-<«— Fifteen additional bodies of men who died 17 Ist home under water In the broken hull of then sunken submarine 8-4 Were recovered today by divers of the naval Balvage fleet. Tha num ber hr bodice thus fer recovered now total* 33. Six of the I remaining ne recovered bodies are known 40 ha In tb* airtight torpedo room, leaving only two unaccounted fer. Ail of the bodies recovered today ware found In the engine room end the asotor comportment of the sunk en boat. ’-They were found* laying aboat In rations postures on tha Iron floor of tha passage ways with the exception of one victim, whose body waa found In sleeping pontnre on a collapsible cat * The find of the single body on the cot wea taken to Indicate that this victim was tbh first to have been overcome and that he was placed there by more ragged ms tee. RtKMiEfiTS ROGER* WASHINGTON. Jan. 4—OH— The qualifications of Wilt Rogers for president ware Enumerated to the house today by Rep. Howard, of Ohio., a Democrat who proponed hi* nomin ation and election. Mr. Howard while speaktne from the Democrat!* side, smgfanted that the nomination be made by both partita" Me tended Rogers" a Mateeman and a gentleman." LITTLE GIRL BURNED DEATH 100 C hildren Endangered Wbtn Film Swaapo Playground C*nt«r riIHADBLPHIA. Jan.' 11 (A*)— One eight year old girl lost her lift and at least 4 other children were serionaly Injured today In a fire that swept the upper part of the German town community center here where more then 104 children were assemb led. Many of the children were on the third floor and mad* their exit down a fire escape. These were overcome and Had to he carried out of the place. SCHOOL Bl ILDINfI BURNS WILMINGTON. Jan. 7—(SV-Fir* of unknown origin late last night de stroyed e school building and Ha con tent* in Horry County, R.‘ C. Two residences nearby were slightly dam aged and the entire loan wee estimat ed at 9100.000. chants Association: and Henry Belk representing tba press. A party of New Bern business men headed by Mr. Henderson, will ac company Ruth to Goldsboro from New Bern and InnsdlsUly upon tf* Tiral of the party here, a banquet will be served at the Hotel Goldsboro. At K o'clock the Rig Babe will appear before the mass meet I off at tbs Mem orial Community bulldlns. Directors of the newly organised Eastern Carolina Baseball League are expected to be present tor the meeting and after Ruth has made hie appear rnce the election of’ officers for the Goldsboro club of the leagne may be gone Into. C. H Warren superintendent of the Odd Fellows Home tier*, yesterday I notified Walter Denmark, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, that ,|he boys of the Home would be on : hand to greet Ruth. Mr. Denmark also Lent yesterday letters to all of the high school principals of the county InrHlnx them to bring the boys of their schools and be present for lhe a . ' » , Stay Granted Pending Hearing of Insurance Company’s Civil Suit PARHAM OPENS PRESS MEETING ' ■ > • • , - fharlotte Editor Shown Impor tune* of Folwt la MofNra * . - Nowopapor OHAPKL J«I. 11—" OM Os the outstanding developments In the Held of American journalism during , the last ten or fifteen year* has been the*rapid increase In the number of syndicate feature* produced and need bp the dally newspaper*.’’ asserted J. A. Parham, managing editor of the , Charlotte Observer, specking here at the Mate University tonight at the opetUmg aeiakoa of the Newspaper In tuit ute Lending the dleenseton of “New*- paper features" Mr. Parham said that "the number of syndicate hone ee and lbs number of features have been greatly multiplied. Lfhewine ’ many newepapera literally have multl plled the numbers of features bought and need. The paper with which I am nonnested could hardly he regard ed as an exception, and yet it to using now about twq doaea dally eradicate ’ feetgfe* uah« |Mdir thgß half a doaen tea year* ago. “Maay pa pent, however, have about leached the limit la the a amber of syndicate features they can nee pro fitably." ho faM, «»d while I do M* look for a doc rente In the ase of each features la the next tea years, I do predict la the number of eradicate houses fhd in the number of fen tires produced. In my opinion, It to going to become a matter of the sur vival Os the strongest. If act if the fittest "The tremendous Increase in the . i. umber at producers and users of ayndkete feature* hue back of It a canes, other than merely the enter prise and energy of the syndicate houses," he sard. "The newspaper , pojblltehars—of dally newpapera 1 am speaking now—have leaned from experience and observation that the pqhlk ; wants something sine than news In Its newepapera. The public , demands not only spot news, bet alee entertainment; at the hands of Its newspaper, editors and publishers have learfifed that a good newt str oke combined with plenty of euter , talnment. Informational and, tasplra . tional features attracts, holds more . readers—more circulation—than a , good news service alone." WM.MORTON IS DEAD OF WOUNDS Was BuperintMndent of State Bridges in aat«rn CinUm Far CoHußiookm WILMINGTON, 11-(d^—Wfl lam Morton, of Wilmington superin tendent of Bridget for the N. C. State highway commission is Eastern North Carolina, died today In 'a Washing ton, N. C„ hospital from a bullet wound received while was hunting MBlrrels. AIR _ mission> BE EXTENDED Llndborgli Will Visit Venexoeia Before Ending Hig South American Tour BALBORA, Canal Zone, Jan. W—A/P) Col. Charles Lindbergh has definitely decided to extend hto tour of good will Having vlrtdally completed bis cehtrsl American tour he will fly to Ventauela. Landlno, as close as possi ble to Caracas. He will tbea go to St. Thomas, one of the Virgin In lands end to Porto Rica, Haiti, aad Santo Domingo. He will taken off for Colon on the Carr a been aide of the Ismuths tomor row morlnng. But his plane have not „ been dcflntely decided with regard to dates sad the sequence of hto flight. ■ .mw. ■■in.— „■■■■■, MEMBER OR THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ’==-r7-v. ■.sas.'as.: pttaFknanm . t ■ * xmg l ' » » sMeommae Supreme lWt ßailee A.^Lgvy EXECUTION WAS SET FOR MIDNIGHT TpNIGHT in nod im look mb rood; GibvJMMb NRW YORK, Jen U-ddW-Moth dor of hmr hiwhdnri had k*am 'pW'^bp tomorrow night, waa granted a May tonight until to a. m.. PrMtoy hy Sup reme court fustics A. Levy. Ha |Uf waa granted pending tmrtag of the suit brought hr the Pmdartlal Life Os m,gm on the life es her hatband Albert Bayde* , Tin ippitetUoi t oulpclst In Court j puttee Levy ww aa anevpaefed move oa the part of Mm/dßyder’e at torneys as R had baaa announced that a writ of habeas corps* vftmM he •ought la ftodmal court. The applksttaa waa mad# la ha half or Lorraine Snyda* wtm haa > salt on the gcaaad dd|j|»uttm j! stay (be aaecaUoaer* (mod ftUad the last rail dm es eSsted life at Mrs. ftntff Snyder nad Heavy Md Gray. Although the lawyer* w*ra rctlv*. the prtonaera Mjemmifag dbtrtv ed only apathy. Mrs. Snyder remain ed In bed all day r«faaiag (aad hi" most entirely. -Gray read hto Bible, ate nnrmaltlr batSthout apparent pieaeare and welted quietly far tha^end. Both prisoners learnedt fmm rapera that the Governor had dented i heir plea for a May of aaecetloa. hit neither alt owed any grant mmtfcm. Heritor the warden said the caadem r.ed had eaaaad their ptea had beta dented nad the news would .ha aa' surprise to thmu. NO TRUE BILL IN WAKE CASES ' R A LEIGH, Jan. 11—~ Plaag as the state to call If I stead ante la- ' rlading several alleged mmhhlTg of the United Klaasmea of America ta trial here tomorrow 1a aeaaertlea with the Holly Springe flogging eua <>* four yeara age late today mtoaar* rled when the new county grand lary reported "not a tree MIL" aa elmrgaa of aseault with intent tokttl. The solicitor had prepand a new bill of Indictment against tie dateod nuts when be learned that aa old In dictment returned hy a farmer ffßßd Jury did not charge the g»teng*Bhi with feloay. The old charge, Ni mbi were merely oae of assault a eanor. When tke state saw that they roald not secern a true MU m a felony the solicitor immediately re quested Judge Craamer, te aol ptreg the old charge. Thin was gene. - Two Wake county yoethe aaM they had been flogged In the Rally tgteage section by n masked bogy " T ONE CHILD Kn.LKD. WIBM NCHOOL BPS MTOM ZIB^ Broadway* Jan. M m waves tlgatlon Into the school hat Wreck near here late yesterday la which cm child wan killed and tea othara eHght ly Injured was being preened today by Lee County authorities. Margaret Thoaum. 11 suffered a crushed shall ead almost Instant death when aha was thrown agatomt the aide of the ban which crashed Into a treo near the highway. Tie driver of the vehicle *aU be Mat control of It while going gaunt § |pt.