Trmr rwir r,ln un Um MR* vougp SIX; NUMBER 274 _ —i? ■•Xi w ’• a>A - - . ■■kT* (BBk MB BMP BP H’ V M’Ji l ;? ■ W ■ | ■ I b Precedes Judd Gray To Chair By Two Miliules; “Forgive Them,” ‘ » She Cries as Straps Arc Placed Justice Levy Late Yesterday Afternoon Had Va cated Stay of Execution Granted Wednesday; Had /Conferred With Attorney General GRAY DIES MUTTERING INAUDIBLE PRAYERS; HE HAD WALKED INTO CHAMBER UNASSISTED £ - i Priests Administer to Mrs. Snyder As She Walks Along Into Death House and Minister Is Present to Repeat Prayers For Her Para mour; Mrs. Snyder Died Almost Instantly. SING SING PRISON, OSSINING New York. Jan. 12—(API —Mrs. Ruth Snyder and Henry Judd Gray died in tho electric chair here tonight, she crying out for forgiveness and he mutter ins inaudible prayers. Mrs. Snyder was pronounced dfead at 11:09 o’cldck end Gray at 11:16. Both had been announced resigned to their fates by their ipiritual advisors shortly before the time for the execution. They walked to the otyulr without assistance. Neither had been given stimulant of any sprt. Aa ench ant in the chair, a priest for Mrs. Snyder, and a min ister far Gray, murmured prayers. The executions were carried thiough without the slightest hitch. Just before 11 o'clock, Warden Lawes called the official wit nesses. four doctors and 20 reporters into his told thwm i that the time had come. Irima^L Briefly he procedure and then all started for the death across the prison grounds into a wailed enroofh a door directly fttto the death chamber. This is a large, bright room about 5Q feet square with four doors, four short benches for witnesses, and the chair. There are Mo other furnishings. The piaster walla are a light cream and the floor stone. It is a room giving no impression of sadness , but for the central chair with its straps and metal fittings. Besides the Bfficial witnesses, seven doctors, half a dozen 1 guards, the executioneer and hia assistants and the jyere the only ones in the room. 9 After all had entered, si%l scarcely before trite witnessqflSad seated themselves or found standing room along the walls/Mrs. Snyder was brought in. • She entered through a door behind a chair, over which a large i sign, bearing the one word, “Silence”; waa fastened. At first her utterances were incomprehensible beyond the fact tKat*she ,was calling on the Deity. “Have merpy on my soul,” were the first words plainly dis tinguishable. A? she waa strapped in the chair by four guards, the mat rons stood betweep her and the witnesses. As the prison priest mut mured prayers, she was asked if she had any last , words, o Then she suddenly seemed to realize to the full the imminence of death and pulled herself sharplv erect. Her volte came in a •thrill treble and her hands clinched ih tense emotion. “Forgive them father," she cried in this strange unnatural voice “for they know not what they do.” She waa silent then, and, as if at some unseen signal, the black mask was placed over her face and the executioneer, Robert I Elliott, standing in a little alcove, pulled down the switch. t It seemed to watchers that death was so sudden it must have been entirely painless. There «° struggle and no outcry. Gray immediately followed and the process repeated. When was aaked if he had any word, however, he made no response, merely continuing his soundletis prayers, and the mask waa strap jp pikes . ■o O * I The warden stood about ten feet to one side of the chair dur ing both of the electruciops, but he kept his head bowed and, so far as fcoukl be told, he did not once look at either.prisonef. , * As soon as Gray had been pronounced dead, the warden open 1 ed the door into the court and the solemn procession of witnesses 1 back to the warden’s office began. When the office was reached* the main door was thrown open. “AH right, boya,” a guard called to reporters among the witnesaaa ami all dashed to their waiting cars. . There waa a mad race of roaring engine* then for half a mile to the roadhouse wfceretwo score e K r been Installed to carry the news of the execution* to the **>l% __ _ -■ | ■ ■" ■.■* lii"--!" I ... ■ Tn t yfto » j I Smith Outlines His Ideas On Democratic Principles * v ; -- WASHINGTON. Jan. 16-4*V-Th* text of the letter sent by Governor fmlth at Nsw York to be read at to nlgkt's Jackson Day dinner here fol lows in part: The Democratic party deserves site ceaa in the nation, but in my opinion cannot obtain it by relying wholly up pn the miaUkee pf Its political ad v tear to*. It should inspire confidence by s cosatmcttve, forward-looking platform which promises of material betterment tor the nation. Tbw» i hoe Id be no western, ao eastern, no Miuthern. no northern Democracy. Jef tersonlan Democracy is built upon THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FMBH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. proposals sufficiently beoad and Üb ral to enlist all men who believe 0 the principle* of represent*! iv* government. We should think nation ally and not locally. "It Is my ttthp pr*Rrict|on*\hat our platform should be built at plying the fundamental principles of Jeffer sonian Democracy unflinchingly to each specific problem of the day. "The greatest degree of local seR government by (|* tbe minim um of interference by the federal gov ernment, legislation sos tbe Interests of all, and not for any class or group, non Interference with the internal as- GOLDSBORO, N. C. FRIDAY MORNING* JANUARY IS, 19SS ~ ■ Through Rocky Mffunt Today H ■ IHk - ■ m fl yWL ,'v^H CALVIN COOL!DUB En route to Havana, Cuba, where he wiU oddres the Pan- American Congress. President Cjalvin Coolidgd wjjl pass thru HLyi Mount' and Wilson today. MEahs-iWgWMnMa JaHuaey -^* 'tlx--» r.-TL^SSW OLD RAILROAD WILL GO QLT KXIMTBICfc ’ . ciilCA<£p, Jin IZ—iAV-Thc »"<■* ond Ur*»«t and one of the way systems of the couufby\ thtf Old Chicago Milwaukee and Et lull system. oftlclatly will pas* out of existence Sunday night and,the Cht hXflT Milwaukee. 8t > T roalroad. and structure Will HarhwMiy Marks Meeting Democrats At Jackson Day Dinner in Washington CALYPSO HOME RAZED BY FIRE Residence and Household Fur* uishiitgs George W. Albritton Burned Wednesday Night A tire of unknown origin, which la •bl<* to here been one of the mast uiunsgtng blues to occur In that sec tion In some time, completely destroy ed the home together with the house hold furnishings of George W. Albrlt ton, of Calypso. Wednesday evening about eight o'clock. The entire family was said In have teen away from home at the time the fire broke out. the blase not being dis covered until It had gained such head way as to he beyond coutrol of fire men. » •—*- The estimated damage waa said to run Into tbe thousands. It could got be 1 learned at to whether any of this dam age was covered by insurance. -IOX.KR HglllTfC FOR WOHRIV THIS NPBIKO NEW YORK. Jan. U—MR—Women or fuhlon will sur longer skirts nut spring—fully one Inch below the knee—ls tbe models displayed at the semi-annual style review of tbe Gar ment Retailers of Amsrlca are follow ed. There are new colors for spring wear Independence blue, a light navy bide, water blue, a blue with a green ish tinge, and natural beige, a grayish ton# of balge. fairs es other nations, tolerance of conflicting opinion—these are our articles of political rata. "Whan we follow these we succeed. We should follow them now.” ■ -m i. -I,:. ~ ■# ■ =X I {CHILDREN ARE INJURED BRnai iWunnliull* ed in Wrack Naflr While viile Yaria&ay WIIITEVILLE, JnaJl*—(AV-Foer teen atndenta of the Ballsboro high' j school were Injured, but seriously, .today, when a school mis In which they were riding turmd over near Hallahoro. The hue waaemollshed. Three pbysirUna aaatAed by trained nurse*, set up an ■unifleacy hoapiUl here rendering aid to lie all of whom were brought pure after the wreck. . Annie Laurie Odum the moat ser iously hurt, was knookwl itsooaseiou* when her hand struck the aide of Abe bus. She alao had a finger severed by Hying glass. Internal injuries were leafed. The other children eaaapad with pore or ices serious eat*- . ■ ■■ y liLCXARPKR N. WBNfl DIBS AT ACE OF *7 KALJEIGH. Jaa. IZ -Si— Burial ear rice were conducted burp today for Alexander a Webb. IT, Confederate ’JlU(g.>s and , prominent warren rial ns etttami who died nt''Mb n baa»a. yesledsy. Mr. Webb served in the war be tween t|w slates and was a mess cons* ytiSJSSSP “ irMH, -UTfIVRURp^i 306 Is Telephone No. | Os Editorial Dept. ,Th 9 telephone number of the 11 •xHtniial d-partnient of I to no v ."Jiti. Him tor news stories ••tophoned to Ihit. wTll be apprec sit'd. circulation. Advertising and ‘business dtymrtn;c»iis are reached at the old number of the paper si 3. ’ a WASHINGTON. Jaa. IZ—(AP)—tJU •er deciding t & take their party con vention Into the Solid South this year for the first Jims in history. Democra tic leaders from all over the ndtton came together tonight at a Jackson Day dinner designed to harmonise in differences that made for a pariv traged# in New York In 19Z4. ' Houston, Texas, one of the small est cities ever to entertain a nations I psrty gathering, wsa chosen 'for tho IS2Z convention after a five ballot con test with San Francisco and Detroit in tbe Democratic national committee Only one of itus central figures of the Madison Square Garden balloting, Wllllgm G. McAdoo. attended the din-, ner tonight, but the other. Governor Bmtth of New York, sent a messitu expressing his regret at being absent and urging tho party to meet ea-h specific problem of the day. Neither McAdoo, who has voluntar ily retired from tbe areqp. nor Smith hsd any reference In their prepared statement* to their past differences. Instead, earh sounded a rallying cry for the party to apply tha principles set down by Jackson and Jeff ergon as the one way to the White House. There were other signs of harmonis ing efforts aside from the address at the dinner. During the day friends of Governor Smith in tbe National Com mittee decided te defer until conven-l lion time—June JU— their efforts to change a system of fleeting the na tional chairman so that he would he elected by the committee Itself and not the party nomine* Tor president. Selection of Houston as tbe con vention city was described by some committee members as a further ef fort at harmony In the party, a re cognition Os tbe long service the De mocracy la tbe Booth has given tee party, a service unbroken In every election since the Civil War. ■, t,'-- .vr-m DR. WINTERS Wtti i irmißi? 11l LuLiUKci ;,i y . : " ' f Mectißg'Tg He H«M At BgtfMt At 7:S§ • , i * ■■■'"'• » ( otiimunity Cotton Improrwnent" Is tbe topic which Dr. R. f. WinUra, Director of tbe North Uaroltna Agri cultural Experiment Button at Ral eigh. will diaense before a strictly far aiePsi, meeting at Belfast school ibis erasing at J o’clock. County Agent A. K. Robertson'yes terday mailed Invitations over tbe coanly urging fanoers from rarlous rt*mia unities to bo prsMit for Um meeting. Mi be bag added a word >of month Invitation la bis travels over the county this tern is one m tbe beet poatdd agri < ult oral experts in tbe aoetb,” said Mr. Hubert son yeeterday “and no doabt he will give inroneatton at Be (fast Friday night that would moan many dollars to Wayne county If Mm folks would he present and then decided to practice what be will preach, We ought to have neyeral hundred out u hear him. It is not often than an agri rulturat speaker of suck roeogntoed authority comm to the sections." Reports yesterday mere that ‘gm. nouncement of the talk by Dr. Wlstem had creutad much tntsreat among ter mers of tee county and that a large audience was promised.. L * itoosßv r . Jan. ll f - (/Pi (’larence ft Chamberlin Item York lo Germany field and Rogers <£ wutisms took off at >3:lt today in aa attempt to establish a new duration and clewed circuit distance ntjfht rf errd. IDTIIOB ‘ DKPABTMKKT RBBKIN6 BHI RtTM Jan. I»—of> The ini M uri nous actlrtles of thud inter lor department wilt regain an es pce<i:>nra of tITMUAN next year ei.A . IP s .su i j -i mi. n SENATE MAKES CONFIRMATIONS Garin In VaCßfl In A» Attonwy For New Federal Middle District , % . •, * ‘ ’ ■* - v A•• WASHINGTON. Jan. 4S Senate 4pdsy confirmed tka nomina tion of Rdwin L. Gavin for UMted States 1 Attorney for (he middle dis-' trlot of North Carolina, Thomas J. Harkins as U. S. 'Attorney for tk* western district of North snd J. J. Jenkins aa United Mates marshal for middle district of the same state- \ Bandits Rob Eton College Bank in Dramatic Fashion Two unidentified bandits, with pco nibty g woman companion. robbM lb* Eton Bank and Trust company at Klon College this afternoon, escaping with in cash. | The hold up occurred five minute* liefor* closing time. Lighting from a big sedan, a mao wearing blue over alls snd a black h*t ar.d apparently 3Z years old. walked to the bank window where Mrs. C. M. Cannon, the only occupant at tbe time, was standing and asked to have It changed into nickels. Mrs. Cannon to make the change and whop rbe faced back to the window; tho long barrel at a gun wus levelled at her. "Btlck em up," the max said. ' o * Goldsboro Gives Big ' Babe Royal Welcome ' On Appearance Here . - i SCHOOL HONORS BIG BAMBINO 1 By Action Stadnat Bmly Hi it mm* n_ a « i sllfl PHTMPPI •*■ T r George Herman "Babe- Rath, la 1 the latest newcomer to enroil in the N||6|Bbgn High aMmnL ter the stud > eat body of teat inailtutioa. took If ' 'Upon tbemaeives to eloet kirn In boa ’ ermry membership yesterday ing one from their number to notify 1 "lake" of bin election Oarey Meta, mamher of tee —tag class' and etreniatlcn manager of tbe > High Scbeoi News, was lbs •»*»»• 1 man and llarey. with all the eothua* 1 team of any, of the hundreds of young sters throughout the eountry, prepar ed to nuke the official aaaos no sweat 1 lo the auw mmgber. A rommlttee eempueed of. the preel deata at tea different classes drafted a tetter to "Babe" advising him of .tee place hu man occupying in the 1 heprte of., ten boya aad girls of sHcceasfnl record deria# the eanMng. ] reason 1 Tbe commutes worked hard aa'tbe] letter, because they wanted the "Babel to feel hie election keenly T* »W»| formulated questions which they bop-1 ed tke baseball Idol would be rtrathl I ante enough to answer. The sired to kagm M Rabg , s M Mi hlatoryd starting from tbe Ume be ftrat enter-1 ad the ranks at professional ball. Thfy wanted bbt advice as la what they could keep physteatty fit far participation In ithlidcfl, ig4 t&Houi other thingi nf Interest to ihs nwill high school hoy of today. According to Gsrey's accouat of tec Interview, which Babe willingly granted, tbe big boy waa "all there." ' He was glad to.see me." said Garay. ''He looked over the heads of all tbe mpa who had gnu* to his room te ana him. sbd called ma over to sH on tea rod of the bed with him. I waa aar* Prised, but not a bit ecafed. I told bite teat I panted te nab a tew qeeettcws. Me told to fire away. With note bbok In band, I ‘fired away aad Jotted down Ute replies." , Oa being questioned concerning Babe's acceptance of honorary mem bership In the high school student [body. Oarey informed bis friends that "big boy” seemed very glad. "I told Babe that the students hod steot cd him sa an honorary mamher, and r Ha asked me to carry back to them Wrd that he appreciated the honor rdiT much." (bteey Itanded Babe a copy of tho high school newspaper aad Informed him (hit he would he put on the mailing list to receive a compllmen taty subscription. , Doubting tho reality of Ike econo, Mrs. Cannon said she hesitated tor a moment. The man behind the gun sold she had Um choice of sticking her hands up or being shot. She raised her bands. Completing the Job. the bandit or dered Mrs. cannon to get ap and eater the vault. She pleaded apt to b* locked up because the time lock would hold her until morning. She was prw , mined she would not be looked up if she would play square and remain inside 30 minutes. When eh* heard tbe mo|pr start. Mr*. Cannon went to work to release herself sad succeeded. The oar bad *P*d off oa the road connecting tea street with the Greensboro highway. T^l " .. -- nxa nn qpm Knltrtwlmtnt it Dtrair nmi Tfctu § DiwmßiiiiV KkitiMiiiff 1 ■■ v ■. .A- *. * A&M W jk*U C nUtfl CM Am IMF ÜBIII tchofll clrtWlFßii fA S FNsift Rirnwfll biMI PittMl ?ZZJIS3£ Bwai " ,,uw * mmm »«« *^pmP ducks gewm,npd where a banquet was brought base twits last taey wanreo aa pad to give the boa«. imro High school ffowu, wgg granted a private Interview wth tbs Satem, Accompanying Bate to Ootdnbeco through with without formality mr 'peaking and la a short ttam the Mg Robe was hteded toward tea Osgk* mnnlty building. Crowds had bmn ttffbsrlag at this Bab* walked sate tbe ptelfrem MM ery Inch of spoo* la the aodltarh— forth *a* presented by Boaster Hoy all aad Rath was ap Rath la per son. He didn’t bam nap tronW* gut ting attention. It was wf tho teas warn if4hiaihHHHig tlißt Wnittl Rtnsggd "Whoa you do anything, do it vMth *ll your buart. but to tk* crowd who looked at Batk It mended as If 9b» mosthenes was putting aa one of bis i&flpplvft "Too fellows don’t have aUy trouble retting bnlla, mlt.s bbte aad the KM to play with." said tha Ramktnn *fk : dressing himself to tee Mn of tho andlenco. but whoa I was growing up w* played with rags rolled up to the shape es a ball. Rate ’old tea crowd teat be got hic first hdesbaU ‘ practlos at tbe age of six to a Catho lic orphanage Wbea he \eturns a ' profmetomu hal.playm h. draw *» a week to start with Ra, related. "And wbea yea do aaytMßg, As It did some great stunts St gwJbWr some es the Rule tot**," abßsanasd Besstw Royeil. and Uto ebssrtog rs- Ths Mg fellow took a place sear

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