WEATHER Ctoady followed hy rata Tkered.y and Friday Ml mask «kMH ta iraptra- VOLUM *Xf NUMBER Ml PARDUE RELATES ALLEGED CONFESSION TO JUDGE Gatlin Case Defense riniiwa Confession To Pardue Not Competent * * 10 ,l *“oSfwB > So«HINO EflM Nk» qaeetton srbgthar • te***" * . . .»>•«•< 01 rr VTL inMr ~—» t Tta«nc« wm raised ' {odAX for llta A** tlBMi *“ th * courU Hetty iHUta. charged with the »«• atr 4«r of her tether, S« llh lh * STirtata r. PirlH w« naked to relate hla etary that the girt oonlra- M 4 || |ip a t o«o of W* raettrol **r vice*. « Instantly detent# attorney* entered and objection «o*tag that the presch af* itory h* declared lncoa* patent Two boar* ot latanae ergmnent fol lowed with the )«ry ahaant from the courtrodns and at tha coaclaaloa of tba verbal tilt. Judge Mcßaa anaouac ed be would taka tkf »»H* r «* d » r advisement aad could auk* no dec l rtan before tomorrow morning. Court then adjourned for the day A courtroom crowded almoat be yead available etandlng room heard tba mlatatar ralata for the Information of Jadgo Mcßae tba circumstance* —.... .kteb ba aaya Mr*. Oatlta ooa taaaad tba murder of bar fathar. In a voice that barely wee audible. Pardue. e thta-fueed man with pierc ing 4ye*. told how ba wa* coadiictlng a revival earvtoe at Raldavllle laat Kay. •*l gad preaoked oa contention of aln aad tbaa aaked tboaa who wlahad to coma up for prayer Mr* Oatlln tan* up with the other*. Bh* lingered oa bar boo** attar tit* real had gone. Finally I meat to bar and »ald Aim* I don't uodorataad til*. Why do you linger. Why do you linger. Then I told bar Alata you ara atlll undacld rd. You kaow aomathlng that aUnda between yea aad Ood and It coma# be tween You aad God. I then want over to talk with aom* otfcar member* of, the congregation aad later ah* cam* to me aad aald I want to speak to yoa personally." Thla waste tk* rkolr loft, Pardue aald. aad than he declared Mra. natlln aad: & •Mr. Pardee. !*m guilty of two »»f the biggest alna In tb# world. I»o yon think J egg be forglvant" “I told her," continued the avenge- Hat, "that aa far aa I knew tkara wa* no ala that cannot be forgiven *■- rept th* uapardoaabl* ala mentioned In the Bible. "She said I am guilty of murder. I dropped my bead Intending to any bo more. Than ah* aald It I* not what you think It la. "I asked her whether It wa* a child or gjnwn per*on. "A groera person." ahe aald "! killed jay fathar.** Pardu* waa about to continue but the Judge interrupted* aaytng he had heard anougb for hi* Information. Defense counsel then Insisted that It waa alleged other parts of the confes sion ware obtained at a differed place and aavaral days Ister. Defense «ousel asked Pardue If he did not Invite Mm. Oatlln to supper at his born* a saw days eft*.- the alleged confession at th# church. Pardue aald b* did and eiplatuad that be did not know tha clrcumstaqc c* and wanted to "get her right with Cod." riOPdll PBOB* COAL SITUATION WASHINGTON. Fab. 1* —(A*)— Th* Eanat* I at*relate Commerce Commit tee today approved th# resolution of tenet dr Johnson. Republican of Cali fornia, for mi Investigation of the bit uminous coni situation In Panneylvnn ta. Ohio aatk Waat Virginia. _ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING .WHILE MINDS ARB FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY. BUT, ' ' » a o ' * ' LAST RUES FOR E.L MIDDLETON 16~ funeral ser vice over tha remains of K. L. Middle ton, deceased secretary ot North Caro lina Baptist Sunday* school work, was held at tba Flrat Baptist church. *bur hem. Wednesday at 3 o'clock with Dr. C. C. Coleman, paa tor, In general charge of the eervlce Other prominent mlnlstera ot the Etate who ggelsted in tko service,ln rind* Dr. C. R. Madry. Dr. R T. Vann, Dr. Livingston Johnston and Dr. «. H. Templeman. Wlnston-Balem. with local Baptist pastors attending In a body. Mr Middleton waa at one lime teacher tn this city, having been the president of th* Baptist Female Semi nary, operated her* in the early nine ties, and laler teacher In th* public schools here. Ill* whole life, sine* his graduatlan from Waka Forest col lege In 11*3. waa devoted to leader ship In ifte religious 4 and educational Ufa of the (Mate. He died at the Baptist hospital in Whthtttti-Salem after an Illness of sev eral mihuhs and tji* body wa* brought to Durham to tha home of hla widow who baa mown! to Durham from Raleigh aluce the beginning of hit Hints*. Hundreds of denominational lead era and friends from all parts of the f:tat* were here to attend the service A number of relatives and friends from Goldsboro were present. FOLLOW CLUES REDDICK CASE Thomanvillc Offieera Baekinx Negro Who Shot PaHce man On Only -* PITTBBORO, Fab. H—(A*)—Chief of Polk# Smith and Sheriff Sink of Tbomaavlil# ware hef* teday for tha PWrpoae of running down clue* In con nection wlih the slaying of policeman Raddlct at Thomaavllle last week. The visiting author!!!** bad planned to visit Burlington. Iteldsvllle and pro bably Lumberton In the'eame caea. Brings Suit Against Goldsboro Lumber Co. NEW BERN. Feb. iiy-Attnrneys have not finished their arguments In th* caas of John Moore against .1. W. Rawls, the Ooldsboro Lumber Com patty and ih* Dover and Bouthbou?id Railroad, started Monday In super ior court before Judge W. C. Harris. Two more lawyers will make address ee to Ih* Jury today, before the case la turned ovor to th# jurors. Mr. Moore I* suing for tS.OOfI damages as the result orinjurle* In 1935, when two rib* were broken on th* aklddlng ma rlin# on wtnc|) he was loading log* e=. - Contractors Get Ready to Rush Paving of New Routes Road builders who have been award til the contract for hard surfacing the route* from Adamavlll* lo (he Gredn# county Hue and from Genoa to the Sampson county line at Newton Grove are moving their equipment to the county and it Is poaalbl* that both new paved route* may be completed before th* end of th# year. It waa learned yesterday McGuire la getting settled to. start paving In earnest on th* routs from Adamsvlll* to tb* Green* county line which will be about X.l miles In the county. He also has been award**! the work from th* Wayna line fnto Snow Hill. *" A representative of this contractor waa quoted yeeterday as saying that FOREST EXPERT IS HERE TODAY Demonstrations In Pomotry IlMUtcomcnt Will Bu Csm doclud in County ■very owner of timber land ta •Wayne county l» InvUad and urged to attend demonstrations iu Forest fanagemeut to be given Thursday and Friday by Mr R. W. Crasher, Ex tension forester of North Carolina, at tbe following places. Casey Brothers-10 to 13 o'clock. Thursday February l«th. Grant haras Wore—2 to 4 o'clock. Thuraday February I Mb. D. H. Put# (Belfast cfommunlty)— 10 to II o’clock, Friday February 17th. J. D. Hlnae and C M. Braswell (Rosewood Community>—3 to 5 o’clock .Friday. February 17th. Bring a sharp axe, aald County Agent Robertson in announcing tba At Mr. I’ale's farm there will be elaged a wood cutting contest with tbc li)*a qj arousing some friendly competition among lbote present. SIMPLE RITES FOR GREAT MAN iJord Oxford, Slate*man. Will Be Buried From Pariah Church BUTTON COURTENAY. England. Feb. IS—UP)—While eminent men and tbe press of great Hr Ulan praised th* Burl of Oxford's Ilf# of eervlce and mourned hla death, tbe body of tbe aged statesman who died at Ms home hare today was carried tonight to the Pariah church her* where it will rest uatll Interment. Th# Rarl win bo burled privately and not In Westminister aa h,ul been expected. Thla announcement was made tonight by tbo family in accordance with a special wish ex pi eased by % Lord Oxford. wMillfH ago. A Memorial service Tor the former premier will be held lu Ihe Abbey at noon February 31* BOYCOTT BRITISH COOHM CALCUTTA. India. Fab. IS UP) With the Simon Commission on In Ulan Reforms due tier* Monday, the Swarajist and Nationalist leaders of 'Bengal today proclaimed a boycott or Wrltlah goods Th# iSSycott effects cotton cloth especially. LEBRIZ MEETS RICHARD BYRD Frenchman T«il* Him He Could Not Have landed Ai (a* Bourget on Flight Governor IPrVnli dnrlug the war. Col. Inur.Klon rtHddiM In Raleintt for more than a year and | during that time ha made strong friendships which have been renewed wilhf' hie entry Into State politic It is the conconaus of opinion hern tint ho will be ihe next Lieutenant Gover nor of North Carolina 3 o HILL Jl IIY Ik DKABLOI'K OTTAWA. 111., fbb. 15-(A*)~ The Jury de liberal Ink Ihe fate of Harry IUII, Strcatolr youth accuand of inatrl tide today waa in ,a deadlock. Ilecelviug the case at 3 o'clock yes terday afternoon the Jury 'tellhoratiHl until II or lock. Tim Jury waa brodght back Into totirt this 1 morning at kt3b. £_ SPECIAL TERM CHATHAM COURT .w . " Srt To Hear Cum* Again*! Al IfKtd Gang of Hob her* Who Operated In Stale I’ITTSIKIRO.- PVR I*—(ip)- A apn lal Icrm of crimlnnl cmirt In April for trial here of several prisoners held In cotynijcUon with recent robberies snd auto tlieirts waa practically assur ed today aaM local authorlllea. The presiding Judge probably will not be Judge R. A. Nunn, who Is understood ’<> be tied up with sessions expected to run past April. LINDBERGH HT~J/OfUt, Feb IS UP) Aviation lias developed more rapidly In the last 25 years tbau has sny other mdW* of transports!lon within a similar period Col. Charles Lindbergh declared to day at-'-'k luncheon In hli honor. "Ten year* ago a filer couldn't b* In tbe air In atorm, In high wind, or rain.*' Lindbergh sa(d "Today It I* possible to fly In any weather. Our on ly unconquered obstacle* ars fog and aleet and these will be over me In a’ few years. Already Ihe radle and ara marking the way for Iran* > port at lon through fog " Effect of Manipulation Os Market on Prices 01 Cotton Is to Be Found y * - Hubpuen* Atilhmily Vetrtcd in SuM'ommitiec of Honatc Given AuUmrily lo Ael Under Kcnoiution of Bens tor Smith of Houtk Carol inn WABNINUTON, Feb. U - (il’i • loihlag Ms agrirattare cemmHlee wRb (ba power as sab peeaa the He ante teday directed M ta determine by a tbereagb going regain wbriber declining rotten price* have melted I ram gay maalpalaikn of the market or say asdar haflraace. Tbe eeqelry probably will ba road acted by a aab-eemalttae kaided by Senator Smith at Heath, rerelie* aether as (be reaeladea eeqalry, wbe declared (bet Jl wa* bis perpe»e ta ear all (be brand COOPER GETS , HIS FREEDOM "V-. Term In CommuUUtm Gave Him Überty Before Dair That Wa* Expected •WILMINGTON. Feb. IS Thom** K Cooper, former VGtmlngton banker, tala leaving without Incident wrote rtnis (o hla New Hanover county prison term today aa ha inrned hla bock on Ihe county stockade where he had been Imprieousd for It months. The rommutMtiou of hla eight year sentence by Gov bfcLewn, Monday ter minated the sentence several daye earlier than had been anticipated „ The term commuted for tt month* with ihe usual Urn* off far pood be haviour‘mad* Cooper *llgt|»f# tVr Im mediate release Cooper when Inform ed he was to be released.- retired lo Ms toll where friends awaited him i ailed for his pet dog. and departed ■v «‘i a simple farewell to prlenb otfl , flals. jp % WALSH WINSHIS 1 UTILITIES FIGHT Federal Trad* Cmmlmion Will Investigate Financing of Utißliea " " WASHINGTON. »h. out a roll call th* Henate tonight passed Ihe Wsieh power resolution af ter It hail been amended In direct the Federal trade commission to conduct an enquiry Into Ihe financing of pub- Ik utilities corporation*. The vole on the George amendment was 46 lo SI. Kevenlcen Democrats lolnrd 29 Republicans In vbting for the ameridnieHtl. while eleven HepuJiH «nn* Joined with 20 Democrat* in vot*' Jit#, axainxt II '■ “ ' Senator Overman voted for Ihe iini ndmeut while Renal nr'fUmmons who was for It was paired with Fra* tar. Republican, who waa against. lllmint TO CilYB YIgWS '** rm I 0> H4M fOYTROI, *WAKItINGTON, kVh' If-(/P) Sec retary Hoover tats» be called before the,Senate Commerce Committee to c.ive His views on the administration . plan for flood control. Faison Banker Recounts How Truck Market Made NEW BERN. Feb. K, Somethin! over s hundred njcn composing thi klwtnls anil b’aimcrs ddbs wilt Ihany Inyllcd guegta, md at the Jaa per Conwilldaled school last wight to bear M. Mr!). William* and A. D. Andrews tell about th* workings of the Faison Iruck growing and market farilltle*. Horace Hill pcpeldcnt of the Klw anis club, presided over the meeting, and called on L. B. Human to' Intro duce the first speaker of th# evening*, Marshal! Williams of Faison, a bank et-farmer. who for Gv'rty minutes gate to the assemblage a vivid pk : lure ot conditions about hla home, [raison for th# paat forty year*. H# | -aid it waa;a long and tedious task power granted by tb* reset#(ten “to determine whether aad a* ta flatmeee from say »ew*as bar# * reaiMiMalklg (esr Ik# dlußttlEfe vev - il irspwnaiwiv aa awv a agy fcrlrßg gklglßlii fma* il** orpa . WEg WWMHEWE ew— — gLgag*4 uya J! -Rv RRaR—• w Hemal*r HmMb declared bis re holbllob gave to tbe eamaiMtaa tbe pewar to regain % eabpeeaa ar etbcrwK# (be atteadaare as saeb w Kar use* aad tb* prsdatdtaa as sarb derma** at* aad to (aka saeb IgaHlMßf RA Mil givku abta." ; MAKE BIG HAUL IN LOCAL STORE Thieve* Secure Over IKMUe etmh and Qua*lily as Grok Ai (Mi Star Stare Thieve* of unkown Identity broke la io the local Gold Star Mora sometime Tuesday n(ght, making a clean gat eway. and carrying vrtih them over g hundred dollars In cask, a quantity of Hour and other articles ot ralaa, H waa learned reel order Entrance Inta tb* store W*F aald to bare been gashed through a tran over a Moor la tb* rear of tb# place., th* glaaa in tba traaeom being lonud broken whan tha start opened for haoiEpas yeeterday morning It to I hong hi by facet police thgt fttbriT must have lieen at least twa men. owe boosting tb* nrtorr trp tir tbg tran-' aom*. and than waiting on (ha outat# to give tbo alarm In case anyone should coma alpag. Up to Igte yesterday afternoon a complete"check-np could not be (pad# ai.d to tha exact extent of merchan dise stolen, could not be determined. The time, and Ih* circumstances of this last robbery, were said to ba sim ilar lo the series of abta* robberies which occurred her* several week# I ago. - Police era working on the case. PRINTER SPJARL IS CONCLUDED BMh Accepted Yroterdgy Cee« , (rerted For SUte Priniinß For BienniuEi » RAIJEIGH. Feb IS * ' 4 Rocky Mo mH Mm flora Ho DM Not Oppmm Bofkor'o ; RAUCion, pvb l»~"TW kartora taN iat me wroag." eatd H. T. PVwb teln. ot Kooky Mount, apeaker o( Uw I*l7 Mouno of Repieaaq|attrea and candidate for Uenteaanl OMfin, .who «u In tko cKy Taeaday OfH Mr. KottttUtn' anki to now know anything about tto bill to eef up a lieeaatng board for tortore aatll It rune on ito floor of tto Homo. H# bod toon reported M totag a mem tor of tko eoauktUM that tolled tto Mil. Tho Rocky Myaat au 4M Hat aeon to to worried ow tto report - that tko toaaortal artloU wore “or latililnK" asalast bin and that tkey Intoadod to throw ttolr anppert to boro, who also with W. R Pnr fwyn. of Northampton Oeaaty a ap> poalns Mr. Vtopiitik. ■ Alt DIM M WMoT MIAMI, rta.. Ito. 11. "MH" Mro Atltosloatol Jekaeon, fl. of Norwtok, t’onn . mother of Vtoak toward Jokn aon former anototot aaorotary es tto A m«fie*i> board % train toM early today. Mra.JObnoott and tor «an to an ttolr lay to Coho. RAtliSi?. fWTP-fIFMWI i# IT projocta calliac for 111 mtloe on non croto and dirt road* la mattered eeo tioaa of Nortk Carollaa and oa pm brtdgeln Jonaa couaty trill to walk .ML- by Urn highway eomnteaioa to March 11. *r V The total project* t wJll mft akoot H 7M.OM. It waa aaid . ' . ■- . ' .» • RADIO FUND IS GROWING Martha Way la Pint OntHll tor To HatoJW On DW * s The progres* ato (Motor la to, drive for a radio sot the tynaty Bog# whit* hmII m*t «rh| Mfflcloni mm* com to allow that tha gabtla <* Oohto boro want to aao a radio la tho Mend Mr. H. B. Psrkar ttfrawl tha to# that ha waa wr» alad todaad to aw ih