/ • S , * .-4 ' - f ' i" «i j '■'* * WEATHER hOTMm cioudtaam. mUm la Owk trsl tal East port too lot a May Sun ja.» —a a HHJr tftUi . ■■■■"""■ "»■'" 111 "■■J - #' Yzx.i r. .'ijiuji ~~g * '""..isiii "'■■ ••■"' ' 1 i—zrr VOLUME SIX; NUMBER SIS aausji, I ~ i.nfr i i" jli 1 :-y— ■ ■— ■ • ~ ' ■ -.; ■ ■■- " „ TWO DIE, ONE HURT, IN WILMINGTON BOOTLEG WAR « . ' ■“ ' * ** Officers Find Second Body inSearching For Slayer of Another Man Mim* Ttet VMM Mu, WkabCvttM Shst, Hm m- Chance Awe-forall^io^t PROBABLY OCCURRED Om mt Dm4 Mm Had Lms LM «f Nil— *f Pwpfe Who HaS Bought Whiskey WILMINGTON, Feb 34—<*">—T«» lun, of Wilmington, and 811 m Hill, •aid to be from Charlotte. wars atot *to deetb today and Pet# Rally, alao oT Charlotte. probably (aUlly alaabad with, a kaUa and wonadad with a pla tol In Wbat Maw Haaorar officer* de clared «u i frM for air bootlegger* war. beginning Id the eerly iaor*|M Irmtlam* Taro a*a bare baa placed In Jail la connection with the laying, but officer* aarly tonight ref Med to give their name* or enyNßtettor they ware white man or*to#f roea. Jl Later aa effort* to lacata the alleg ed clayey became more Inteaaa, of ficer* said they war* searching for Warren Moore, of Naw Hanover conn t». In coneetion with tto flaying of Bvaaa and Hll&ftd th* wounding of Kelly. f Tto body of Evaas waa found In th* Pcetl* Hayne section thl* morning. While aharifr* officer* were March ing for hi* slayar. they cam* upon Hill * tody. It waa fonad thl* attar* boob 11 miles from where th* remain* of Evans war* discovered. MU’* tody waa atUI warm whan ft waa found. It was aald to have fallen from aa automobile as two men hurried to tto city with Kelly Who was wonadad at the same time Hill waa killed. Deputies attached to the Sheriffs id floe, shortly after Hill’s body was discovered gave chase to a man in an satomoblle they believed to be the slayer. In HlM’s pockets was * lodg list of name*. Officer* after examining the list, aald the names evidently were those of persons to whom wlskey had been sold. Another list contain ed name# that were believed to to luoe# of customers from whom mon el for liquor waa due. " D o j xmf - BANK ROBBERS TAKE $50,000 81s DagperaAors Uae Machine (Sum and Shnifans in Dar ing Hold-Up KANSAB CITT. Mo.. Teh 24—(AN —Armed with two •üb-machi’te nun* three sawed off shot gun* and several 45 automatic*, a band qf bank rob bers estimated at 10 to II In number today shot up th* city bank here and \ ft?) C. Kemper, president In an- late today after a check up said th* amountwaa cover ed by Insurance. «- * » __l BOND SEARCH •, WILL RESUME v Government Hopes to Find M#e About Continental Trading Company WASHINGTON. Teh it—(AN—Rc > opening its enquiry tomorrow, the Donate Teapot dome committee will reach Into new field* In It* effort to throw the full light of publicity upon the operation* of the Continental Trading Company of Canada. On* of these fields. Chairman Ny* xetd today. Ilea In Canada. Whether tto Naw York branch of thq Dominion Bank ot Canada became th* agent of the Cons i*ntal In the United State* and aa aucli Is liable for the income tax on th« 13.050,000 of profits which tto corporoation made In profits in oil deals (n this country may he de termined. _ „ ■ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FBEBH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY, BUY. ■ * -, > v X t -'■ •' 1 - -i Thirteen Bodies Are Recovered From Mine JBNNY LINl). Ark.. Feb 24—C«*> —Mtnww number 3 and 1* of th# Mama Coal Company here nave up th* last of their dead tonight and « 13 Identified bodV*. mtAe evld- I , ance of a ga* ey plosion at »:Sa a. m in tto tnnnel* were lu Fort Smith morgue*. FUGITIVE IS TAKEN HERE Jack Beaumont Will Be Return ed to Winstou on Charge Violating Narcotic Act Jack Beaumont waa arrested here yesterday by United BUt*e Deputy Marshal Honeycutt of Kaialgh as be ing a fugitive from Justice and last night returned to th* elate capital tq, be turned over to authorities of tto -Western District Federal court of North Carolina. Beaumont waa arrested Iq Wtnatou-Balem February 10, 19*7, on a charge of having nar cotic* In his possession for the pur pose of isJe Federal narcotic agent* here said, arraigned for a prelimin ary bearing nnd allowed to go under *SOO bond pending r trial. Ha (ailed to report when hi* cm# was called and a search had been conducted for him. Narcotic Agents L. Ford and W. R. Turner, who cam* lq Goldsboro aonUL. 'time ago In connection with their du lled In enforcing th# Harrlsoo antl- Set. identified Beaumont as th* .q>*n wanted In Winstan Salem end notified the department which ordered Deputy lloncycutt to make the arrest. The agents said that Beaumont had been encountered In Wllaon and otb er Eastern Carolina cities. In Golds boro he had posed as a paralytic, and those who had known him expressed surprise .when he - was taken for th* Winston Salem count. j \> * • , PINK THINNING PROJECT • DURHAM. Feb. 24—fAN—Twenty ! eight farmer* ot Durham county *t -1 tended a pine thinning, demonstration held on the farm of J. C. Nichols In White Cross community county agent W. I. Smith report*. On# half an acre ot pine for*et- waa thinned under th* direction of R. W . Grantor, exten sion forester at State. College. The meti who attended aald that they would also thin <iut alt diseased stunted and deformed trebl) fn their farm woodlots and leave the straight -healthy trees, to mature for' 1 ilinfiFr Detndfcstrations In terracing and or chard management were alao held during the week,.Mr. Smith said. Legislators Will Be Asked Attend Forestry Meet Here [Member* of the legislature will be Invited to attend the ananal* conven tlon of the North OaroHns Forestry , Aaaoclatlon in Goldsboro In Septem ber. It waa decided here yesterday at a conference at which Col. Joseph tlyde LJjaJm of Chapel Hfh, director of th*M#>restry Association, took up with Lionel Well, a director of the Association and chamber of commerce officials (he proa ram to be presented Accompanying Col. Pratt on hi* rlslt to Goldsboro and participating In the conference was Mrs. Keeves. aasts tant secretary of the Forestry Aaeo t lation. A* now planned the convention to be held here will eclipse any previous convention of the Aaaoclatlon. Demon stratlons lu forestry will be conduct ed in Wayne oounty forest* and a com prehensive display of forestry pro ducts will be arranged. The t’hape' 111 l man coaslders that ■ n 1 , * ■ - - .»■ GOLDSBORO* N. C SATURDAY MORNING* FEBRUARY IS, I*2* ■ '.•mm ■■■■. ■ " ■■■ ■ ■■ mm ■■■■■. i , tr „ > LOCAL BOY SETS NEvTAMERiCANRECORD - • . .^jsaps. I .' ■. rz—~r^r~. SHORT COURSE ENDING TODAY S«VMi ,CMHtIi«H Send Reprtmn taiivew t« First llay’a Coaraea Sevgn counties were repredsnted at the beginning vs short course for Eastern Carolina poultry raisers I her* yesterday.-Poiltry experts con ducted claeses in the morning and af ternoon and last night the second an nual abort course end* today. Counties represented yesterday were: Martin. Johnston, Sampnon. Wake. Craven, Duplin and Wayne. Th* attendance record Is expected to In crease today. Last night's session was featured by tbs showing of a moving picture film Illustrating correct poultry rais ing procedure and by a ta|k by Dr. A H Kerr on the relation of poultry raising lo (he other activities of the farm. Those' taking part In the conduct ing of course* are: R. 8. Dearstyne H. S. Wtlfong, W. F. Armstrong, and Dr. B. F. Kaupp of the poultry de partment of State College; E. W. Gaither district agent; and Dr. Wil liam Moor* of Raleigh, state veter inarian. - - '■ - STATE l>i;mi HMKNT oi NATIONAL U 4 ARII UKTX RATING Raleigh, Fob. J - (JP)—The statw de tschment of the North Carolina Na tional Guard, comprising a personnel Os twenty two men commanded by Captain Charles G. Barden, was in r pec ted late Thursday afteruouu by Federal and State army officers and rtcelvtd the highest rating given. FINDSPEARLS . BUT IS LOSER ’ —-V | Cook Auctions JkwejN To Get Money to Pay Attorney Fees CHICAGO. Feb. 34.—<A>)-P#t#r Kjrrlakos, eretwhilpl bootblack and wrestler and now a cook; today with a morose sigh expressed the hope that he would And no more 120.000 string* of pearls Hla statement was made Juet aft*% he had seen the pearls he found last May auctioned off to pay the fees of attorneys whore he hired to gain pos session of thorn for him. Th# oook. then a bookblack. found the string of 128 graduated peat I* set with a diamond clasp In the un on station. Ha tried to sell the bead* for 53.60 but found no buyer. Final-' ly he took them to a Jeweler and who noted the value and called the police. Kyriakos was arrested for •tenting the pearls but no one ever claimed them or reported such a theft. “He .stuck to hla story of finding them and was discharged only to find the police had the gem* which Anal ly were turned over to the public niiglijM|y. ■ / - i the Forestry Association Is oHtvely promoting one phase of North Caro lina interest-forest preservation and - reforestation—which Is of great Im portance and he, together with other i official* of the Association, hopes to stimulate some general public Inter -1 eat In the meeting to be held here, i September was named as the month fur the convcntlou but dales were not finally fixed. The last meeting of the Association was In High Point and several hun dred delegates were lu attendance. Upon requests of Col Pratt. Governor A. W. McLean named delegations > from to represent the state at the i gathering and many towns of the > lommbnweallh sent official delegates, men appointed by the mayors of the i town*. It la the first time. It was said yes terday, that the bmly has held a con vention in Eastern Nortb Carolina. GREW IS LOST AS SHIP SINKS oCt Meagre Details Available Can coming Fata of Italian Stamper , DEAL England. Feh. 24 </P>—Ser ious lo** es Ilf* was (eared from the alnklag tonight of the Italian steamer Alcantara after collision with the Russian Cadet training ship I'nvarlsch. The. collision occured In a denes fog which blanketed* over straits tonight. The other steamer* were reported standing by. The only account ot the tragedy was pieced out from a aeries of brief m#*- rag** received by Lloyd* North More land radio station front the British -teamer Moldavia. The Moldavia reported lhat after rearchlug tho vicinity of the crMb lor an hour and a half. It had found only one man who died shortly after, a* that It was convinced that no one bad escaped alive fromJ.be sinking snip. "*™ “ A NOL PROS IN FLOGGING CASE Dozen Wnke County Men Go Home Free When Court Thrown Cano Out RALEIGH. Feb. 34 — (/f) —Assault charge* against a dos*n men In con nection with the flogging of E. A. Jones. 63 on# armed country merchant un<M|l” serro help** ware Jhrown <*H 'tt superior court lata today when th, stats suggested a verdict of not rullty. ladtv'dual case* charging assault v/ere nc.l prost-il by the slate. ,' The s.nt • 11|>; i *ed It* ptwron In I the trial lUo third »0 cat sect on alth the flogging lu pointing ont that Janes contradicted himself several times In relating, details of Use beating admin istered to him and -Sam Green, negro by a band of 75 masked men. w.- iriog he aald. K K. K. robes on the night t.f December 13, 1928” Court adjourned until Mondff. The state announced eases Dr. J.,R. Hester, one of the dejjud|auta In the trial ending today. Baird Pool In conectlon with inother flogging tnd A. L. Daniel, would be called that of Will Dean. ° ' The defendant* went home tonight, their cases closed. Jone* Went back to hla. country store near Wake' For est, looking the part of a broken man w<th nothing to say. The Chatham county -Jury was discharged. i ' CAL MAY BACK FLOOD CONTROL Under Certain Ctmditlons Would Favor Federal Government Doing Work WASHINGTON. Feb. * 24—(A>>— As Dongress neared s shpwdown today In the flood control fight It was dis closed that President Coolldge would oe willing under conditions 10 ftaVe the Federal government shoulder the expense of protecting the lower Mla slppl valley. He feels, however, that it .Is a question for Congress to determine after agreement lie* been reached as to the type nnd scop# of protest Jpg to be afforded fa addition lie hold* that anythin* th* Federal government does without fluanclaJ assistance from the local com mu n I ties should lie con fined to the ares flooded last year. Fight to Finish In State of Ohio COLYtMRUS. Ohio., Feb 34 (Ab —U. 8. Senator Frank 11. Willis and secretary of commerce Hoover today declared It a finish fight for control of Ohio's delegation to the Kansas City rouvetnlon anil for popu lar endorsement of Ohio's voter*. FIRST QUEEN IS NOMINATED - "--r- Some Young Woman of Wnyn la Going to Win S2SO In . Gobi At Exposition The fret town to enter n candidate in the Senior tjweens’ contest for th* Sixtho Annual Eastern Carolina Re position. is Rocky Mount, Mias Susie Jonca ha* been selected -to bear lbs title of “Miss Rocky Mount" nt the Mg annual event. Miss Jones Is one of Bsstern Caro lina's most beautiful young Udien and thousands who visited, th* Bu tern Caroling Rsposltlon at Rocky ■Mount last year, will remember Mia* June* as being on* of thA local can didate*. She was a close contender for first pine* In the content laat year from Rocky Mount last year And It, goes without saying that Eastern Carolina "queens'' wll have eome keen competition from Rooky Mount's representative. The rules sad regulations govern- Vrtg thl* rear's content are now be ing mulled out from headquarter* of th* Eastern Carolina Chamber of ('.ommerce in Klnaton and in Indica tion* nr* that there will to more candidates entering from more towns thl* year than at any other Exposi tion held yet. ” Th* two winners this year; one from Wayne county nnd ona from towns outside of Wayne county will to giv en $350.95 In gold. All candidates will be presented on tha opening af ternoon, April 9th and again that ‘jMnht- The voting clone* on tto open-, tng night and the winners will to ans nounced In time to get Into the Mo t*ot picture m the winner*. All the candt late* will to shown In the picture as they er# presented. .Only » no day of th4 coutest, th# man igement Mya, thla year. Th# Queens will bo crowned Thursday sight this year instead of Frdiay as has been ihe custom heretofore The aged of Fie Queens this year have been re do erd to IS year*. Heretofore tto eg* ha t been 17. Junior Queens ages run fiq-.a 8 year* to 12 year*. ANNOUNCER GUARD HBTENWTH WASHINGTON, H*b. 24 —(A*J—Pre* tnt strength o fth# Country's Nation al Guard unljs feder/ly recognised, th# -War Department annotiheed to day total* 154.093 officer* and men. HUNT BLAMED BY HICKMAN . ■■■» n i i——— Stale Contends Murder nf Drug gist Is Proved on Young Hunt U>B ANO ELKS, Feb. 24 —UP)—A confe*ekNi by Wm. E. Hickman put ting the blame for the killing of C. Ivey Thoms, druggist/ on the Hntunders of his ro-defendgut, -Welhy Hunt, was Introduced today at the joint murder trlal of the two youth* Attorneys for Hickman contended the confession was the last link of n chain of ' evidence fixing dlreck responsi bility for the killing One Injured When Truck Turns Over Three Times N I.I1II.MWI.! .1.! 111 I'HIM I I I. Eugene Ballanger. 1« year old white boy, sustained a fractured arm and uijurin abuut the head and hip; Hob Corp, while man oscaped Injuriaa, and a two-ton truck waa completely wrecked In an accident near Plke vllle yesterday mornlnit. Oore. a driver for Jeffreys „ and f-ona, «M approaching Hlkerill# with I a full load of fruit. A negro driving a Ford turned suddenly into thehlyh *ay n front of the bln truck, and Mr. I Oore vt-ered to the left to escape smashing the small car. The huge machine slipped off the highway to the post dirt and turned over three tlmea before settling to rest, plete wreck. BOY IS KILLED 1 IN EXPLOSION Top of Head Blown Away When Gorbide Tank Bursts When Tested Out A tragic accident occurred near Rethany church Wednesday morning In Johnston county about eight q clock when a carbide tank exploded. Instantly fll»1«g Valton Hodge, a ftf teeen year old boy, and 0 slightly In juring Yale* Creech, aged 33. eon of Mr*. Alll* Creech, aay* the SmHhfield Herald According to information received, the light plant wm charged iMt week, but failed to give a bright light, and Mr. Creech assisted by young Hodge wm working nt th# carbide tank when It exploded. A piece of tto tank struck (be boy In tto forehead above kta eye*, taking off M»e #ntlr*-top x»f hla bend. Death wCi toeUntaneoM. Mr. Creech . wm allghtly burned nnd on# eye wen painfully hurt, but bin injuria* were uot considered serious The Hodge boy’n father died eaver #l y*lf* ago nnd hln mother tod mar ried again, it* wm living *t tto home of Mrs. Alll# Creech nnd attending Glendale high school. Ha wm In the ninth grade. Th# fnneral wm held yesterday af ternoon nl on# p'cloch nt Rqthnny Baptist church, conducted ttf tto pMtor, Rev. W. D Btauclh Interment took place in th* cemetery at tto cherrh. The deceased la survived by mother, on# brother nnd three aim > r e j SHOOTS HEITfAYI PAST POLICEMEN o Relieved Hhe, With Uo«Rpunie*L Headed For Hlfh Petal With Whiskey . WABHINOTON. Feh. 54— <AV- A girl, riding beeld* a man la an auto mobile believed to bear n cargo of liquor from Southern Maryland for High P#lnt N. C-. shot bar way by two Bjotorcycl# policemen her# to day and eacaped. q , ' Tipped that wm #n routo to North Carolina, oftfcar# etA tlotted themeelvea near th# district line early today and when the cat approached th# driver Ignored the command to. halt, ran Into on* mot orcycle nnd knocked It over nnd rpeeded up to shout 76 miles an hour. Two officers followed and Ike girl. In nearing position, shot a rain ot . bullets nt the pursuers who emptied their revolver* but failed to hit th# tleelng car. The police had been lu fermed that the couple had been making regular trips to High Point with liquor * J , i TO VOTE ON BILL WEDNESDAY WASHINGTON. Feb. 24— UP)— An agreement to votelText Wednesday on th* Bw4ng Johnson Boulder Canyon dam bill and all pending amendment* was reached today by the Senate tr t igatlon committee. jP>e driver of the Ford did pet atop to offer aid to those In the accident which was said to have caused. Hia name rould not be learned yea* terday. The triple somersault scattered ban anas and other fruit up and down the highway and the miracle waa that both Mr. Oore and fife Ballanger youth, who waa riding With him. were I not Instantly killed A small hole waa knocked in the hark of the hoy's head The News was told by a brother, and lie was unconscious for- about an hour. After he wae examined at ” a local hospital, however, It was said that hi* Injuries ware not so serious as to require hospital treatment. 4P 0 + ’ , * . s O . , , MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PUCK FIVE CENTS Makes Fire In ■ 41*5 Seconds Clips S*f Seconds Os PvftYtft— Tl»s Mods Firs Fim m Flint sad Stool Scout wards, II vsnr old •on o( Mr*. J A Mwords «( ttt I John street. *“« • new Amerleae rw ord among ley Scents for making tlr* by the um of (list ssd «ml la the Spout rally hold horo Pmrtor T, according u> notification resolved yesterday Iron Ooorso W. Mhtor. chief of tbs registration karoos of the national Bov Scout Connell Os Ana* tries to W. V. River*. aoost eases* live. Young Edwards klaltod a lira Mr 4 and 14 seconds and tSn MS gra clou* American raoord aa raaordaO in tha office at Mr. Mer M * nod 44 atconda Edwards’ MM M two- . fifth* of n aanond fenttar Ums nag i word previous report**. -3" Tha font setting n saw AsmrlraO high mark for Bov Boost tin making work w*a parformad kg Ttowarde lo fa Wayne County SM*t rally I* wMM§‘ ba compotad aa a mamkar at Um tram sponsored by the FI rot MSW ehnr*h J. C. Pate la Scostmaatar of tMa troop. Young Edward. to tha itaond mam bar of tha ti'oop apoaaorod Ip tko First Baptist church to aehteea BO* tloaal distinction. DarW Lilas, SOW i student at Waha Forest Oyll—to thaa saoooaofnllv completed tools ana eaaary to wla all marM hadgaa She * that tha oonsaM swards. 7 r —. 1 ~,4 TORCH KILLER NOT CAPTURED % Wf- M - ir m B[fw mev GsiHy Party In Simps BVAHNAROSYIUfS, N. J., lhk 14— (MT- Tha torch killar of IftoS Margaat Brown still was at largo to night Biota troopara said daring tha day that hl*j Identity waa known, that hd WEE E middle EE Ed DroftSElOßEl EMUS ™ m wsiwwsw anew me^m^m#. cf high social standing. hat Inter pro aecntor Bergen daatod that anything definite waa known a boat the kttlor. «ORH BY BAMIUttI TOKYO, Feb. *4—<^V—The great eat eruption of the Aaamayama trtt cano la atgkt years occurred yesterday afternoon. a ‘ A deafening roar aeeomyaated the disturbance and largo kealdara wars thrown from tha crater doing mack damage to property. No caaualttoa were reported. * e* n» . WALKER IS NOW ON WAY HOME V •'- ,?T'; ' . Tells Wigßlon Folks Bd One 4 Simply to Got Bsttor Ac* sail tod I WINSTON-SALEM, Pgb. J|.—(4P>— ( oncltiding g tour of a wook os tha south with aa addraoo before MS citlieae at noon today. Mayor Jamas J. Walker of Now York City, boardod his private car at 4:SI o’clock thto afternoon and began hie retwra journey to Manhattan. He told the people at tha leads— "l come to yoa with so mtoatos. haft as one Americas ettlsea risking Am erica* territories hi the hogo thgfl I will know them better sad they vflfc*. know me bettor.’* 1 Adding that scores of moo who rams from other statao have "toads gotto" la New York Skyer Welker said. “Really, I caaaot think of Mel two native bom New Terrors eke have s mounted to anything, my salt lo one other whom lam Sat ftiisOi ted to mention. “Thane Waa appta—4 aesA omm man ** UsawwmAe Eha— ■nu mmu moinss kiime nf « >* r mJ

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