JVEATHEB VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 1 “FLIWER” PLANE DROPS INTO SEA OFF FLORIDA All Available Boats Rush Toward Scene * To Aid Distressed Flier Filar Report *4 Aa Haviafl flptol Oslo Wing* ni Warlpg Bharawar4 HARRY BROOKS MAY BR UNFORTUNATE MAN Took Off Firm TUctIHo, Ylor 14a, For 3tU*i Aa4 Loaf Otw4m At Lottor CUy MBLBOLmNE. ru.. IW 25—(M A uull airplane Msntlfled by watch” in u i type simitar ta the Ford “fHrrer" la which Harry Brook* hop ped off from Titusville for Miami tUf aftarnooa fall Into tly» aaa about a mil# and a half off nor* late tc ***■ All aval labia boata put oot for tbo wracked plana 1 according to infarma tlt« .-sacking the fawpho»s company h< ra. Tha oparator aald that watcher* along tha shore, *ho saw tha plana br'ora U fall, read tha name Ford” ca tha faaalaga and daacrlbad it a* a rmall plana. Tha pilot of tha distressed plana waa seen Jnat before dark. fraafuJlj waring hta coat from a top the wing-. Guest guard boats at Fort Lander isle had bean notified and we-*' eith ar preparing to, or had taken off for the scene. MIAMI. Feb 26—40 Harry Brroka who left Titusville this aftefnooa la bis. Ford .-qxvpv" *»»• **»*ml wr.a as pact ad It land hare at I o'clock UT.’ght, but 41 mlantaa after tha hour ha had nat pat la an appearance and no word had been received from him. f o * ? Hairy Brooks In hla Ford ffreer pi..» flaw frrm Detroit to Ti utv.lto Florida, a distance of 100 mllat, ear* tUr iu the weak, and in ao dt-lif act « new.dXanca record for small t»pr planes. Miami hid bean hie goal when he took off but ha was forced down at TUusvllls whan hit gasoline sup ply was eshanatad. Ills plane hsd n wing spread of omy LS feat, weighed (60 pounAs and 'srnn powered by a two cylinder 30 horsepower motor . a KORI) AN WATCHMAKER NE WYORK. Fab, 26—(**) —Henry Ford- conld achieve success as a watchmaker If ha svar fatlad as an automobile manufacturer In tha be lief of Bruce Barton, author and edi tor. Mr. Barton told tha North Caro Itna Society of New York that Mr. FortTonce told him that was what ho would do In rasa of fallra in hla presant work. Ha said Fnra*waa an genius, not only In mod ern Ufa, hut of nil time. MAY MAKE AUTO TAGS AT PRISON 0 saw ■■ Governor McLean Will Be Ask -04 to Glyo His Approval To Proposition RAI.E!OH. F»b 36—(A>)-In the event that Oovernor McLean approves tha proposltloa tha statu prison will submit n bid Monday for the Stata'a automobile license contract, Bupt. Ceorge Rosa Pott said here today. Oovernor McLean ts now in New York. Mr. Pou said favorably dis posed to tha plan. Hla approval has bean held up awaiting the prepara tion of figuraa of tha actual cost of tha plant and Its operation. Thaae figures are now ready. The plan that Mr. Pou will Submit to tha governor calls for the Installa tion of 123A00 worth of machinery which could taka cars of 1.500.000 plates, ha said. Tha present number „.*n use In the state la about one-third that, but Mr. Pan stated that he thought tha next legislature would probably p.'.ss u law requiring cars to carry two Instead of one plate aa at present. ( Tha bids will be opened Monday at noon. Sprnga Silver director of flic State automobile license bureau, aald THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY, BUY. GREENE TO MARK HISTORIC FACTS MMmSbU Celebration PWnive4 In Snow HIM SB March Twenty-Fourth A browse tablet will be uaveiled In Boost Hill March 34, by Greene coun w: sad the Col. Alexander McAllister •chapter. Daughter* of the American Revolution. Iwcommeuoration of two historic facia, the (overeat Indian battle ever fought In North Carolina and the southern boundary of the Granville district. - x Oovernor Angus W. MrtJhan and Mrs. Bdwlit C. Gregory of Hallabury, elate D. A. if Regent, will be among the distinguished guests at the unveiling exercises. Governor Mc- Lean will be the main speaker. Mrs. W. B. Murphy, of Snow Hill, Regent of the D. A, R. chapter, will be In charge of the program. A braes band from Fort Bragg and a color squid wilt add color lo tha occasion. A big barbecue dinner will be featured. BchgtfH-hildren from all over the county wi|l attend ,as wail an visitors from a stride range through cut the atite. The marker will be erected in the triangle In the canter of Snow Hill. Oreanc county commissioners appro priated 1605 for the Marker Perm la cion the marßbr ip the trtan gle was ghran tha town commission ers Mrs Murphy expects to announce lull detail* for the progyjam ehortly. a THREATEN fFE OF MR. PARDUE - v Minister gays “Voice” Called Hiaa At 12 O’clock At Night To Make Threat REIDSVILLB. Feb. 26—<AV-The Rev. Thomas F. Perdue, chief etkte's witness la tha Gatlin trial declared tonight that ha had been threatened! with violence but that ha had “oily (Alone hla duty and felt ng fear.” Thursday night, five minutes of midnight, daclarad tha minister a mas online voice called Mm on the tele phone. "We are coming after you.” the minister quoted the voice aa saying "and we are going to run you out olf town. v The purported threat aroused no fear at all In him he said. BBATH PASADENA. Calif , Feb. 25—0P)~ Mfs. Idly Batch, wealthy philanthrop ist and widow,.of Adolphus Busch, founder of the Anheuaer Busch Brew ing company of St. Louts, died here teday. Mrs. Buach was S 3 years old. Think Smith Very Busy In Preparing to Make Race Though Gurney Smith t last elec tion's runner-up continues to remain silent as lo whether or not he will again offer. Interest In ilia approach ing Democratic primary In June ccn tcra In the sheriff'* office. /As local representative of Watkins company. Smith i* calling upon tht folks in the rural sectlona of the county and there cr<> some who believe that he la not mlsalng an opportunl'y to put in a good lick In hla own be half at the on coming primary. Leav. Ing hi* home early In the morning and returning late to night. Bmith if al ready running <s not devoting much of hit attention to Goldsboro. In fdrt be hae been here so TUil* that r* porters hsve hsett unable to get 'it touch with him. • But he doesn't like a long cam paign." stated a- brother of Mr Fn itb when queitloned as lo the in THIRTY-BIX PAGES TODAY GOLDSBORO, N. C. SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 26. 1928 Did You Ever Hear Anything Like This? ’ Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Andrews us tha Belfast community bill today entertain their friends at a taint birthday party. Mr. Andrews will bn seventy-fire today and . Mrs. Andrews will be seventy. But thH is not the end of,, the strange coloeldoac*. Mrs, Andrews Is the second wife, sbd the first wife was also born on February 2«. Tha wall known Belfast couple will to day be extended general, congra tulations.- <• '* , TORCH p£ER STTUCSOUGHT Pollen Inspector Declares Man Made Btutiaaaa of Robbing Women NBW YORK. Feb. -r The mau who killed Miss Margaret BrOwi by netting her afire after knocking her unconscious is a pro fessional robber of women. {Jpepeclor Coughlin said at police headquarters today. However though Coughlin In fmated that the Identify of the fire slayer were known, he acknowledged thut hid captor waa not assured. MUCH INTEREST IN EXPOSITION .a - ;., Civic Club Direetora Asked To Maat Monday. Afternoon To Hear Program A joint meeting of the Goldsboro members of the Exposition Steering committee. Directors of tlie U-Viry club, Klwanls Club. Merchants Asso ciation and Chamber of Commerce ha 4 bean called by Secretary Bartlett, t > be held Monday afternoon at 4 1 30 >n tha assembly rooms of the Goldsboro Chamber of Commerce to dlscuis the coming Eastern Carolina Exposition plans. "The opening date for Eastern Carolina's blegeat annual event is only six wsekx from Monday", Secre tary Bartlett said. Tbs object in call ing ylhla joint meeting of the directors of the civic clubs In the city is lo thoroughly acquaint them with the program, plans and everything con nected with the big show ao that t|ie varloui clubs may carry the hack to thair members ” There is mpre outside Interest In the Exposition have ever had for any of the jrevious expoejtlou, Brt latt aald. From all indications i.o v, Goldsboro might as well prepare for her biggest week, so rar as visitors are concerned. The pageant, (o be -dag ed on (he opening day. In the opin'm c t the maragement. will bring more than 10,000 people to JJoldsborn, bnlf of whom have never luen there sc fom. The Expr.xltion management la vt\ir urgent that the meeting Monday nf ternoon be well attended. The time Is 4:30 the place la Goldsboro Chamoer of Commerce rooms. tention* of the man who last yetr pushed Sheriff Grant hardest . Jim Byrd of Mt. Olive H reported os still busy and W. D. Grant says tost the political atory printed In Th; Nr we several day* ago brought him n yraut flood of letters of endorsement ttgather with numberless persona'. m knowltdgemenw of support. To date there cren't any candidat.M - nnounced or ever, discussed for the place of Register of Deeds against Mlxa Desele Oral (ham. This was one of the most sought after offices In tb<> c-i nity last election, hut thH tlm> Ml*a Ortnihant may be re nomln.i.- l <vithout opposition, many belleVe. The southern part df the county seems to be freeest from political talk. "There Isn't even a mention of the subject around Fremont" -raid J. A. Hast, of Fremont, while In the city last uight MAN FOUND DEAD IN GIRLS' FLAT f ' vr - ~»c—' ■». , “ v I m -1 i IHR V / % M in \ l r vmHk '''r- \ F 1 Mystery cloaks the destl, us Ttiomas ituttlh Unset), who was found d. In tbs Chicago u. t»u lut-tiy ants. Violet UH.bo apd .Ingrain. Tha women lisve Wen betu uy Uie police tur further in«< gatlou lulu UiA case. ” . ' ‘ On Trail of Two Suspected In New Hanover Booze War WILMINGTON, Feb 35 UP) j Double fo.'c’* tovght wire on the tta'l of ••'/. rfen ' iti* n:*d Jack .lackn.m. Tic tnr.mr *t.i S M%ltl ><' * c _, 4) the alleged murdcrea (>r Tom Kvam. of Wilmington and Slim Hill of Char- : lotta In what offlcaiN described aa a bootleggefs war, raging lu New llm ever county yesterday. Jackson, reported to have fled With Moortt, after the latter Was said lo nave slain llill and seriously wound ed Pete Kelly of Charlotte on tha> Castle Hayne highway yesterday waa wanted an an accomplice. New llanoveKcuunty commlsaloneVa today offered a reward of p(bo for the capture of Moore, and Governor McLean hae been asked to Offer an gaslessmotor” DEMONSTRATED Lindbergh Present When “Elec tro- Magnetic” Pow«f De veloper la Shown DETROIT. Fch. 35 (4*l A corpora Hun has ht*en formed, to develop a ! "free energy" motor Invented Uy Fes ter J. ItenderithoJUT’lttiburg electrical * nglneer an ({.lncorporation papers are to be filled by Henry Breckenrldga attorney In New York. Major Thomas G. Lampbler, who left this afternoon by air for Mitchell field Long Island raid beore his departure that he Is interested In the corporation but hp declined to name other persons In lered. Earlier In the day Major Lampbler s.-ld Col. was not connect ed with the enterprise, yet Beckan nrldge la Lindbergh's attorney. An Experimental model of the motor said to be electro magnetically oper ated without fuel ahd drawing Its power from the sir or ground I* at hr I fridge Field where a successful test was reported to have been made yesterday. fI.EARIYGIIGI NK MFI’ORT NEW YtfRK, Fch. !S—(4 I ) —The nev tual condition of clearing house and bank companies for tha week .(five days) show ercess reserve of 125,255- Wki This Is an Increase In reserve of 133.753.4W1 compared with thd week before when a deficit In reserve of 15,534,650 reported. I equal amount for the state. Mean while ' imth county and stats officers eon { lined with redoubled energy thair '-trch for Moor# and Jackson. Moore an expertyieed gsllor, waa ballovod j to have taken Tefuge In Eastern North jt'arculna swamps or headed to aoaso ! .t >rt to ship on an outgoing voaool. I’eta Kelly, In the hoepttal fight •h* desperately for his life, gave to of!U era his version of th* shooting. Moore secordiiA to th# story, halt ed hi* aulo on lha highway near where Kelly, Hill and others were s'tting In another machine. Moore, c short distance away, called to Hill end after declined to get oat of tha car. Is alleged to have aald: "I under frJcooGauad oa Page Tw« Big Fight In Ohio Is Again Threatened i COLCMBITH, 0.. Fhb. 35—(A*)—Ra*' | petition of the 1930 battle between •Behalor WarrAn G. Harding and Oen laouril Wood for control of Ohlo'a' delegation to the (T. O. P v '„ conven- Con Is forseen lu th* fight between , Frank B. Willis and Secretary of Commerce Hoover. J ~ ~ Ask City and County Unite To Build Municipal Building “With the County Commissioner* calling for pi ins for a large near fall, to cifti approximately |1S0,IK)0 "romlnent (Mllxen yesterday "it wonld mc.-iii an olßwiftu'ie time to think and talk slaiut the jail housing problems of both the County and City. ‘‘•We need a new Connty Jail and numerous Grand Juries have instated that onefbe built, hut a new jail by itself would inevitably detract from | the beauty and appearance of tha court house square, aud accentuate, » Ivertiae and perhapa exaggerate tbs sad and unfortunate side of human character the criminal element In our mhlst. < •'l'ndnubtedly, we ngid a new County Jail or place of .confinement, and so does the city of Goldsboro, which also Intends building one. 'Hie city also needs a new City Hall. "The present one, hall Is old mid antiquated, entirety inadequate for even present demands. "There's plenty of room on the THIRTY-SIX rAGBB TODAY Will R. O’Berry Dies At Home In Dudley From A Stroke Os Paralysis MEMBERS FAVOR BUILDING HOME RipM(«4 That Maetinr WW Bn Held How* to Tift CwMitry Club Project Efforts among stockholder* In the Goldsboro country elnb Ut go alieed with the erection of n club home Is rapidly gaining ground, an official In th* club. Hid yesterday .It wIU he only n matter of a few days before n meeting la called, a business manager elected and plans, perfected for com pletion of the project started about two year* ago, he predicted. •| find." said the official 'That thara- Ts' a strung sentiment for th* dab to to ahead with th* plans and to Mt In aueh shape as to provide a complete 1 country facilities for Goldsboro. As tor ns golfara, wa ar# laying on the old rouraa and getting along nicely Bat we do need a place where -are can entertain our frieoda, have as the goal for an automobile ride, picnic grounds, and in fact fill a mack’Mad id place In th* community life. "And all stockholders i have talked with are In favor of going ahead wUh plana. On* of the biggest stockholders told me yesterday that he would be willing to double hie subecriptlon at soog ga It Is assured the home will ha built ip the near future." - Thera sue uhpmf I*6 men a t the city who are stockholder* la the dub ARMY OFFICERS HELD FOR FRAUD F Arrasta4 oa Cham* of Pa44lag Payroll and el Falaifyiag Aa To Eatptoyuwi DETROIT, Feb. 36-4*>—Haven officers aud non commission officers of the regular army and tha Michi gan national guard. S 3 division, hnva been arrested by Halted State* sec ret service agent# on charges Os per petrating frauds amounting to thous ands of dollars by pay roll padding and forging. « DEBATE BEHAI. TO UtMOMNI. CWTIf OHAFEL HILU Fsb 26—<*>>- On th* w nnlng contention that the cov e-.intents) policies of Mussolini are not tor the beat Interests of Italy J. A Wilkinson, of Panlago. Univer sf.y ol North Carolina freshman. won the Mary D. y Wright memorial medal victory ltort night when -he Mitlasiliropic assembly defaatsd the Dialcllc seaate. Court jfouse squars for a beautiful municipal Building. 1,1 .house the city administration with n modern jail on top for th# point use of both county and city. Moat new Court llonse* and Municipal buildings are jjow built this wsy, with the jail on top. hut out of sight, mors sanitary, wholesome and human*. "This probably would not coat much more than tbs expanse of a large, new county jail, while the city could dispose of H‘s present holdings If de sired to advantage, aud use the pro ceeds In largely If not'dWholly In cow struct inn of the new tfuMhngs on the < ount House square. "Rome practical plgnt la quite fea sible and could be worked out to great profit and advantage to both county and city. If the connty and city commissioner* and community pride will only wake up and go to thfnkfug then acting. "Shal It be Warn#'* New Jail or n new City hall?" Mff liHFtt Off THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ■■ ■ I.— I I IW HlM— —mm ‘PRICE FIVE CENTS WmOm RIM Pr—lml CttkgM at Switftmi Part Os CWMty FUNERAL FROM BOMB AT I THIS AffTIIHIOOM Oa Faftnry 11 mmuwMmmmasee Will R. O'Berry, 11. am tt Mm most prominent cutset** es tha sawn v ty died, at hla hosae la DmUey at *g|a yastsrday afternoon. Death raaattad from paralysis 1 hea days ago Mr. O'Berry .affered a stroke whleh name after a daellae la haaltfc last tad lav mmy monlb*, hbt#f IRttlMk Friends and ralatlvaa ware at hla ha« ■ids when the ead same. Will R. O'Berry waa edk. ht U*e Old O'Berry hoesepiao* at Dudley aa* October 13. l*dl. the gou es the lade J. R. O'Berry, and oa th# plaatattoa which his father aparated he gum d* manhood, wfeso twenty yaara at <me ha want ta Wilson aa avawr at the broad acres of Mrs. I, T. Rth, an aaai. Fur elavan yaara ha ramaHmi a ctlleen of Wllaoa eoaaty. Thea bw waa' mada steward if nglimjalf. lha state’s penal iaetttaUoß, a fdat: ilea which he held for ala yaara and perfomed with dlettnatiaa. - * • < v H# was forty years of o«a when he returned lo the Dudley home gteep "•d lived, au»arvWhdp 51111** He wee married Ip tun and aha.wtth two nhlldlia Hrrlvt, Th# children are Jee Ram o'S* try and rberiott* Blaaheth trjerry Mr O'Berry waa a member at tha RdpeMlcaa party, bat a maa wha numbered Ms frieade amoag «t«m btra es both parties. Hmmm, nprWht. true and fair dealing with ML Ma name was syaoaymeus with troth. Funeral will he held (ram the horn* at 3 o’clock this afteraoan gad R#v w. t. Bowen of Wtleoa. at tha GhrMlea church of wMek Mr. O'- Berry wag e number wRI ha hi charge. He will be smiled Ip Rnv. A. R. Room and Rev Christopher Hooks. RELAtfONSARE NOTGROKEN OFF IttUlhß Os Cmtmmee Oaky London, Feb. n (Tt Rama dm patches announcing that the Italian minister te Austria has barn aammoa ad to Italy for a paraoaal Bgg**irgnei with Premier Muaeollnl and hag Ml been formally "recalled” have laaaaa ed somewhat th* fear threogheat Great Britain that another Balkan crisis might develop oat es the dif ferences between Italy and Aaetrta ov er th* treatmeal of the Oemn speak ing populsthm in th* Italian Tryw* and the Huagsriea gu> eoteur*. TWENTY LIVES 1 LOST AT SEA (fIWWfWP*-! - 'J-’. Italian StgaMpr CaUM fat Fas Wild Ramiu Trofalßf Ship IX3NDON. Fob. 36-4*)—A llnpl# seamon tonight appeared to have ear vived the colHaloo with tha eeVtat training ship Rovactooh whleh eaak th* Italian stsamar Alcantara oft Cam tania with rwsultlnjf death to Shoot 30 of hh comrade*. The alienee of the TovgriMh hr hours after th* tragedy had led to PM eral fear tor her safety ala* MM th* Russian commander quieted thaae Ip a brier radio muosaga that ha had ricked up on* of th* Its!lsa craw sad waa proceeding to Soathamptaa.

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