WEATHER rwtty tUmij, atfctUr WMT W«4- «*—Aam. bli la wwt VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 3 DRYS BEGIN EFFORT PREVENT NAMING OF SMITH Both Parlies Will Be _;,:j Asked to Include Dry Planks in Platiorm - - «, May Uiv* Paiarrati U Bail Party ia Caaa Naw York ' Govoraor Naaicd HEADS OF 30 GROUPS ARB IN CONFERENCE Merthyr CaM for 81. Pttera burg, Florida, oa March 4, ’ To Diacoao Mat Ur » VABIHNOTON, Fab 2« (4) - two movements, one designed to pi; • diunpar on the presidential aspira ttu. s of Governor Smirk, of New York. IHa other to force both the 11*publican apd Democratic partial To toa the mark on prohibition in the coming campaign, etarted today under the direction or dry laadera. Tba offensive directed at I lie two political partiea waa launched at a conference in which repreaentativea of 30 or more national temperance organisaatioaa participated. Iteeo lutiona were adopted demanding claar cat prohlSTtlbn tftanks and standard baarara genuinely dry. While reluctant to dlacuae for pub lication what will ba dona, the gen erally foreran outlook would in clude the advisability of urging Southern Democrats to 'Suit their party in the event the New York governor Ip nominated at Houston. Otje of tboee here for today'a gen eral meeting ia C. Upchurch, North Carolina Btate Superintendent ct the Aati-Baloon League. He nHuced no words Hi predicting that Southern dry lenders will do Their utmost to konp tha Democratic presi dential nomination nwny from Gov ernor Smith and In tha evant of hia nomination to work against hia elec tion. A» 1 ' \ RALEIGH. Feb. 21 <4>-North Carolina "drya H will attend the cau cus of southeastern Democrats at fit. Petersburg, Fla.. March 4, and may propose creation of a "dry” third political party in event Gov ernor Al Smith of New York la nominated. o No word has been puhlirly made to that affect bat It has been talked about in “dry" councils and the pol ity of the position thoroughly dis cussed. v- _ ' toiM FOR A KISS * • o* WASHINGTON, Feb. 28 (4)— *> Twenty-five hundred dollnra for • circuit"?3urt n jury hers when It re turned a verdict for damages against Vasllos I. Chebithes, a Washington attorney. Mrs, Madeline McNamee Price, wife of a Jacksonville, F\p„ real estate broker, and formerly rhebltbe's secretary, charged that the attornay forcibly kissed her at a hotel In Chicago In 1825. SPENDS NIGHT IN COFFIN BED OA SivithAdd Negro Janitor Much I>rturbed About Strange Happening SMITH FIELD. Fab 28—• Jim" one of the colored Janitora at the conrt hnuse. la much concerned over the fact that one of the cofflna kept In the basement of the courthouse for ine burial of paupnrs. showed signs yesterday morning of having been oc cupied. When questioned as to Why he thinks It was occupied. Jim etutter • r r-red ont that there was a foot print wher# ,thp person stepped Into It and two mors at the end in dicating that tha Intruder had'brac ed his feet against tha enda of the coffin when he tky down. Jim baa rot been able to express yet wbat he thinks of a person wko would choose a coffin for •’bed Ifcfore he had to. but from bis stuttering, be evidently baa some strong feeling pbout tha guitar. . . „ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN TRK MORNING WHILE MINDS ARK FRESH—READ Bfc BUYERS BEFORE THEY! BUT. CITY PLACED ON FIRE HON’R ROLL ! Goldsboro HsiTno Fir* Loos During One Month of 1927, BUtlrtlcs Show » • Goldsboro la on the list of cities In the state whidh have no ttrr losses fer one month In 1827, reports of State Fire Statistician Andrew Joy ner show. The etate Insurance department has just given out HJJ list qf fire honor roll towns for ord does not purport. Mr. * Joyner nays, to give all towns having no fire losses for one or more mouths for d> the year, but only thoqe towns whose firs ctiiefa send In each month a rlgned report stating that there was no firs damage exceeding four dot-' iars during the month. From this monthly record the annual honor roll la assembled The town p( Gra ham led the Hat for 1827. The year's record hi as follows: Graham. Alamance copnty, no fir# loss for 12 months of 1027. Teh months —Plnetops. Nine montha each Nashville, Fairmont. ‘ ' * *\> i Eight montha each Aydeu, Sa# ford and Burnkyllle. * Seven months each —Marion, Ker nersvitle, Aberdeen. Elm City. Six months each—Wake Forest, Littleton, Plnehurst an* Ytaeford Five montha each—New Bern, Ox ford. Monnt Airy, Faryvllle, Shelby, Beaufort. Four moittha each—Thomaavllie, Zebulon, Frank Union, Plymouth. Three montha each Concord, Rocky Mount.t^mithfield. Southern Pines, Greenville. Mooresville, Hick cry, Biitinore, Edentoo. Benson, l-eaksrille, Forest City and <Waynes vflle. One month each Greensboro, High Point, Washington, Wilson, Gastonia, Lexington, Goldsboro and others. This ia the second llmo within four years that Graham has kept out Urea, lu 1024 the municipalliy had ,g clean record. The following poor Ayden. In Beaufort county, reported no fire losses and Madisou in 1026 uaa without blazes, while GrabAn was iu the eleven months of no loss column. Another distinction In ad dition to having the best no firs rec ord during the year goes to Rocky Mount from the fact that cities of 26.000 or over population class It was a record of three months In the class, while New Bern, with a' rec ord of five mom ha leads the 10,000 a»d over population cities. * PILOT SAVES 3 UFEOFGIRI Lass Parachute Caught on Plane Side Aa She Leaned Ont at 15,000 Feet ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., Feb 28 i/P) —An 18 year old girl's ambition lo set a new world record a par achute Jump was prevented from ‘’tiding In tragedy today by her quick > thinking pilot who brought his ship from 15.000 feet to a, landing on one wheel and a wing lip ‘wltlTe Ihr lass dangled from under the carriage. Jean Duan. the girl, went aloft with Dr. R. !<. Kills and when at 15.000 i feet she went over the side, but her parachute caught on the plane and t left her dangling In midair unable to I climb back to the plane or to release herself tills realising what had happened i headed for the field while llie crowd stood helpless and borrqw stricken i watching the slender form of the girl I dangle from the wing Coming down l lo the field Ellis lipped Tils machine , to ons side. The girl was knocked t unconscious but was not aerloualy injured. - . •- ; IDENTinESPHYSIciAN AS ONEOFFLOGGERS & . * . , „ a 6 ■- 7 3fy *•'4.'*'* * * * M . * - Tracked by Prints '*"*■"* ' . [ Btepben H. Hoppe (above), burglar aed JaHbreakvr, la eougbt by tba anthorltlaa for tha murder at a policeman In Quincy, Maes, Let October. Iloppe's trail waa picked up after a man waa wounded ee eaplag from a Hartford. Coma, pa trehnaa last week. Although had hia features altered by a facial surgeon, his gagerprlnts gave the pvitoe the elite they were leeklrg tar. flaterssUeeal Htvewll i m ll|W i'l^ 3hsp»®*l Jm nv Btepben H. Hoppe (above), burglar aod JaHbreakvr, la eougbt by the anthorltlea fur the murder at a policeman In Quincy, Maes, Let October. Hoppe's trail waa picked kp after a man waa wounded es caping from a Hartford, Coma, pa trolman Let week. Although poppa had hie features altered by a facial surgeon, his gagerprlnts gave the pviloe tire elite they were leaking tar. tlatvrasUaeal Neweveet) SEARCHERS DO NOT FIND MEN THisit Farces Many Plane* That Hourt Over Waters of Coaat To Rrturn Hone - WARHIN°THN. Feb. E*.~UPI *A dusk settled over the ltorders us t'ltcs apeake Hay, nearly two score army, navy apd mkrlne aviators relumed lo their various stations weary from a futile all day search for 3 missing navy filers whose mysterious dis appearance yesterday Is believed to lisve added another tragedy to flight annals. A single report that an alr plana waa heard by a lighthouse keeper at Thomas Point, Maryland, two hours after a plane carrying Commander T. U. Kllyson, lieutenant Commander hmldt and LI, Roger Ra«enhou*er, left Hampton itoada. Virginia, for Annapolis, caus ing (he navy department to shift tha major search to the northern regions of the bay. Bui the coasts of Mary land. Virginia and North Carolina al so came under the close scrutiny of fellow filers until darkness pre vented further search. BIG DIRIGIBLE IS HEADED HOME Don Angele* Muxt Burk Strong: Head Wind in Returning to I-ak eh urtat WASHINGTON, Feb . 2*.—<*l— —a "stiff head wind over the Carrlbesn. the dirigible U»s Angeles was headed home tonight Shoving off from het mooring mast at France Field, Pana ma at 10:15 o'clock this morning af ter a +2 / liiMir rest from her nonstop flight TropC Hahchttrst, N: J , she buf feted the wTmuf Which yesterduy aid ed her. A Although her flight down lo the Isthmus required but 40 hours. Id. Commander C. E. Kosendahl informed the navy department today that It would require about 30 hour* for tha Ixjs Angeles to reach Cuguacanaybo Lay. Culm where the naval aircraft tender Patoka fa anchored. The dis tance from Frnwe Held lo Ihe bay is about 745 miles. tAsslstanl Secretary Warner said that considering the uotrained crew al Franca Field and the short trfask of 60 feat to wMch she anchored the project was carried out auccessfuly. Ha said the cruis* proved the feasi bility of using lighterman air craft “in commerce blrtPffm North and Cen tral America. GOLDSBORO, N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 29, 1933 MAKING RAIDS | IN JOHNSTON Johnston Oftteora Cnnturc Still Operator After Fist and Skullftjfht Deputy Sheriff R D. Marlar, of Pentouville township, assisted by Da pullea A. It llihml, O. 11. Rarafoot and loiwrenca t>arork. arrested James Webb at a whiakay still In Meadow township, sajia tha Smithflald Her ald The 60 gulloh copper tstlll waa located near the Webb home. Three barrels of beer and aboul teq gallon 4 of whiskey were found. Pits had bean dug lu the ground around tha silll for hiding the whiskey, and It Is reported that there was apace fn these pits for sixty or more gallons. 11 Webb resisted arrest and rolled ov ir the ground Tor soma Nme with one of the officers In k , “flm and skull” light, Finally tha officers (succeed ed Ip pulling handcuffs on him Two other men by the of Tart and Jarnlgan, both white; wart arrested at the same time, and all ware brought hare to Jatl. Webb la said to be'a desperate char acter. About two years ago whan Ku Klux visited him to wr.-n him L> dis continue his lawlessness, ha shot at them several lime* and two ware re ported to have been fatally wounded. Webb has a wife and two or three small children. Early last Monday morning Depu tlqa Marlar and Hood captured afiatlll •tsar Mill Creek church Tha still was Id operation buT had been de serted before ihe officers reached It. Three bsrrala of beer were found and rt^royed. MURE MFTtWIIHNTN AT STATU ‘ , COM,RLE TlftY lUPTIMTS RAlrliKitf Felt, -ts i. ,There art six imr i Methodist. ..t North Caro lina State College than there nr t Baptist a. Tha tally stands 48l to I I*7. followed by 216 Presbyterians. 81 EpLscopalaana, 48 members of the Christian church, 56 giving no pref erence, 35 Lutherans, 26 members of the Reformed'Church, 10 Cut holies. There Is but one Quaker and one Hindu, four of Jewish filth, * one Freewill Baptist, one Mormon, three Unitarians, five Moravians at Stats Collage. KINSTON OPENS HER NEW HOTEL Josephus Daniels Is Principal Speaker st Banquet Opening Fine Structure (Courtesy Kinston News-leader) KINSTON, tvST "?B —Because he rav n boy who dared to dream of progress, Joe Daniels., the country editor, came hack in Ihe role of a tnnious ex-sAlesmau utl disneo of over 150 penjitw.HMp at tended the atockhedder* which Inaugurated the new Hotel Kinsion her* tonight. The Hotel Klnafon waa said by Mr.' Daniel* to be a monument to the progress of Eastern North Caro lina. He paid high tribute to Ihe ad 'vance of tlrH section oC the country. The program conalaled of 15 other addresses by leading citlxen* of the city, ft. W.. Cattnady of the hotel Is ard was toastmaster. >• Greetings from the preaa, the luniks and other • Ivlr organizations were extended by officials of these organizations. Tonight's program Inaugurates ihe tew Motel Kinston. Tomorrow night a mammoth affair, open to Ihe en tire populace, will be held. Yhe hotel la built on ‘the Gothic plan and stands 12 stories above the city. v ll Is visible for five mileg on every able. '' One of the largest civic gather ing* ever held fn Ihi* section was ac corded when the stockholders met here tonight. Prominent clilzjtnt from neighboring cities were prea vnt. The hotel Is nnder the management of L. V. AleTander, veteran hotel man. lie Is assisted by an |thlc DR. KERR TALKS .TO ROTARY CLUB I • - Outlines Accomplishments of Health Deportment in Better » Sanitation for City Whit we need to make Goldsboro u healthier and cleaner city more than anything els*, declared Dr. A- H. Kerr, food Sffloor for the heattl) department, sis talking lo of the Goldsboro Rotary Clnb last night. Is n more enlightened concep tion of the problems of sanitation and co-operation from"* "every otm toward putting what we know IMb practice. Illustrating hia point. Dr. Kerr told of bavin* a call to coma to a hone which |raa bothered with the mosquito problem. There were no tin cans, saggy gutters that collect ed water or other breeding .places for the pests on the outside of Mia house. In lEe kitchen, however. Dr. Kerr found that four can* filled with water had been used aa ''teat” for a kitchen cabinet to protect the cabl ret against an Titt/MWa o?*unts. Tha watar In tha cahs waa alive with wiggle tails anjl Dr. Kerr waa fla 11 ? contradicted -whtyt he pointed out. that these wiggle tails later became moequltoa. To convince the lady of the honae, he poured the vaster Into a large Jar. stopped up the Jar and uskfd the botnewlfo lA let $t re main there for s week hr ten days. “Why. you know," tho housekeeper greeted Dr Kerr on hia sent trip, "dame body urnat hgve Slipped lb here and filled the Mg Jar up with mosquitos, for it Is fall." "But where are the wiggle IgUsr’ asked Dr>' Kerr, and lie poured the u-nter Into another receptacle id show that they were gone. “Well, they are," admitted the woman, “but I shnu t believe they mode those cjtcetpra.'! When the health department sanl tftt'oii work was first begun a "spot" mi -i was made of Uoldsborq amt this totaled ’ 1,666 maaqujfto breading places In the city. In recent years this number tias been greatly re duced, he said. <vThe health department, be Went on fuither, was Instrumental In secur ing Hit- paaeage of a city ordinance*! requiring Ihe Installation of sewar nge where connections with mains were available, and thia hal largely eliminated 1206 open privies Inside the city limits a few jrears ago Continuing, Dr. Karr outlined how the health department only recently prevented the sale of three cars of frozen oranges In the city, consigned here by oulaidera: how a complete check-up on all food handlers and Inspection of meals and produce sold here was required. Tlie public relations committee, headed by Joe A. Parker,' Waa In structed to it tidy the proposal of a rlty-rnunty municipal building and report Use findings to the clnb. Kd. V. Taylor, In charge of securing an attendance at the district meeting In Greensboro in May, called for slgna •ures of those plannlng ( to go. , . fr . SAYS HOOVER IS NOT FR ANK H*credary of Commerce Offers His Name For Preuident in Maryland Primary .WASHINGTON. Feb 21—<>*>)—Sec tetary Hoover was accused In the llousq today by representative Till man. democrat, of Arkansas, with de clining to lx* frank in his reply to senator Borah's questionnaire dh pro hibition. Tillman said he represented himself avid other dry* who ,-dld not think ihe -secretary's answer was respon sive. ANNAPPOLJO, Md, Fab. 28,~Ap plication of Herbert Jtoover for plac ing his name on the republican pri mary I (allot In Maryland was filed inday with Secretary of fttale Wlne brenner, 3rd. Dancing l Marvels ■ 1 i . I L IB] l i) . NMpjy* f ; WvPmka pleasure fn peaaentWß Merton Jaqua and Albert JoiMMh at PUtabunrh, Jrtnt holder, at th»* national marathon cjanclng rease4. having destroyad all fermae i saaeda lay keeping an their Mat far 41 hours and 44 minutes ha a SaMfcp Ottg. ballroom. Itaf-rnauaeei lAeMSetaa Newel REPORT THAT BODY IS SEEN Effort to I/Ocate Body of Yooef Harry Brooks I« 8011 Go ing On MELBOURNK. Rekindled by the aig|>*lTiK In the a«a today or an nSject resembling a hu man b<Mly, hope flared again tanlght Si searchers continued their efforts to locate the body of Harry Brooks, Ford chief pilot, missing since hts Flivver monoplane dived Into the ocean last Saturday. The object sighted by watcher* on the shore near tha inlet. IS miles south of hers, waa gone when a sea plane reached the spot after tha pilot, was Informed that |«> boats ware nvaltabln at the Inlet for the search. Vessel* later were brought to tha rpnl where the search waa continued. Though Do definite plana yet have Iw-en made, citizens talked today of holding a public funeral service on the beach In caaa Ihe body rematnad unsound. {fc CECIL HILL IS oUEADATHOME Prominent Young Hood Svnmp Man Dim of Pneumonia After Wefck’s IHnew Cecil mil. 2*6. died at, hia bouts Iq he ilood Hwsmp aecttnn of Saullon township st 2 o’clock yesterday af teriiooi), death -resultltug from penu monte developing as a complication c.f Influenza. He had been 111 only About a week, and news df his death will rome as a shock to a great num ber of friends In the northwestern pari of the county. The deceased was Ihe son of Mr. and Mrs. /eh Hill, and a grandson of the late Rerry Parks. Surviving him are his parents, his widow and three brothers. The h’•others are Roland. Kirby apd Will Hill, all of Wayne county. Funeral will be held from the l-ome at 2= 30 this afternoon with Rev. Mr. Mllltken, pastor of Ilood Swamp church, iu charge. MF.MRRR OF, - THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICR FIVE CENTS Will Dean In o > a ° Again on Stand Harnett Caantr Jarjr la Btariac Latent of WaJu Ftdcgtat Triak RALEIGH. F»h It (OL-WUI Dmr. ft-yeor-old ItrMr blaeg—ilia, todoy told • Harnett county Jury tn Wak* ctMtjr superior eenrt that nmonglhe T 8 or IM robed in who took him from b|e home near here and floured him were Or. J. R. Hea ter. physician. end Bat id Pool bul A U Daniels, lermere of the BMcht dale eectlon, the defendente ft the cnee. „ One hoar nod It mllnntee war* consumed this afternoon in aelaeltao Os the Jury from n special rentre «C 7B men from the nolahharhm aona i>. celled here ea moUon at amiet+tt I* 8. Braaaftekt, who neeerUd that Woke county rtttnene hod diaeaaaed end reed{the cnee much #aet the night of the flogging. Hftemher M. 1B2«. Veniremen ‘were netted their attt tudee toward the K. K. E- and whether they er hnl be longed to the nrgn id gelled One ertd be wee a member new. Judge fierrle excusing him. A few said the? had o formed optaidae Id ft* ease. The lory wee mode o* of tl fnttfen ahd one operator Teen ty-niuemen'Vfcre questioned hefere the lory tie completed. ** ’ ‘ar Sm *"* **’ mg ptotote. am* SwSjiiy c*me to hie two-room h«t abeutaßd nlght end took him from Me wtfh end ffr« children. The bend, he enld, carried him to tide for ehont M minute* to V iwnmp la the divar * Mutton of the county, where they Hogged him with name kind es na Inetrument that "eat** him. They eccueed him at Improper een duct toward hie SO-year-old deugh ur, Llllte. he snld. v Hie wife end children tried Jtm pre vent the crowd from tahleg him. retd Dean. Dean teat If ted the mnrh ed crowd Threatened to hilt him It he did uot admit Me mlerenfeit TMe he refaeeC he ndM, end won freed on e read etrange te him, ‘ which he leerned Inter wee near Mlddleburg. It wee ehodt |the following day that ha reached home, walking, Dana added. * * • ; . * r * TOITHU IITTHWI TAKBd 0A?8 RALEIOH. Feb. Sg (A).—Clnnde Kltchln. of Scotland Neck, hfa of the leu distinguished Coagreeeman from North Carolina, and a former Wake Koreat College athlete, today took the oath ot attorney hefere .'udge W. C Herrla tn superior eenrt STATE&ASS *» VISITS VEAZEY Vocational Agricaltam laiita of Raleigh Study Rggewnf Hdffci The senior clean In rocntlngnl ado ration of North CnroUaa Itnte Col lege came yesterday to Wnyne coun ty to vteit Prof. A. H, Vedaey U study hi* method* of tench tog end community orgnatalag which rn> rently gained south-wide at teat lee. E. Cook* and R. W. Cline es the Htate College factuly eeeempeMed the students, IS In number. Thee# making the trip were: C. R. Am monn, of Lumberton: T. C. Bub*. Zebu Ion; H. J. Carr, Clinton R. F. D.; E. V. Miller. Warreasrille; a a Kirk man. Pleasant Oardea; J, B. Manesee. Blacoe; W. F. Phillips; Manly: M o. Pleasants. Lontahnrg; .1. K Pollock. Warsaw; D. C. Ran kin. Greensboro; W. R. Bechler. China Grove; A. a Smith, inctoem. Spring*; H. M. Bteit, Wendpfejv. r Warner. Ral«lgh:"t. I». Oi 'fffit*. Hickory; w. If williams, Glen wood, and SC. T. Chapel ami C. W. Johnson.

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