WEATHER Fair iiiartir ui Inter. Little •tease ia tefirtun VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER * DECRY ADMINISTRATION’S NICARAGUAN POLICY &<*'-• n 0 . * 4 ''-'I ’ «• Lane Believes Sandino Would Become President If U. S. Withdrew Forces Bwtetsc DO Faroes Bringing Marines Him to Bars Furt h or Amsricas Li too SENATE TESTIMONY IS MADE PUBLIC Laao Thinks Ssadioo, If Not SloppS by Marines, Would Take Managua Soon "i WASHINGTON, March k-UP)—Al tar a brl«( hot share Gar* up In tte Renata today on tha adnHnlat ration's policy In Nicaragua, Chairman Borah of tha Senate foreign relations' com mittee made public tha testimony giv en to t|at committee on Nicaraguan condition* laat month by high naval official* The taatlmony contained little not already published as to political con ditions and hauled but members of the commlttaa Ogre highly Interested in an opinion by General Lane that In the event Marines war* withdrawn General Sandino would march on Managua and take charge of the gov < rnment. The Nicaraguan debale in the son ata was laaached by Senator Dill, of Washington, a democrat who de clared ha favorad immediate withdraw a I of Marines to prevent dnrther loss of American lives. He declined to ngraa with Senator Bhortrldge of Cali* forala that the Marinas wars neces sary to protect American Ilyas and property. Thle out of the way, the senate pass eo a bill autborlalag the Deschutes Ir rigation projects out waat and one mending of land gas permits oa public lands for,two years. What waa good news for some and bad news for others came from the house census committee. There the Kean bill for rsapport ioument of the membership of the house of represen tatives waa approved. If adopted, it means a lota of congressmen for .a number of atatea hut a gain, for oth ers. •„ Will Hkys disappointed those who •spected to see him In committee hearing action again. He failed to show up at tha senate committee con sidering the Brookhart bill to prevent “block booking of motion picture Mima. Another senate committee continued Its work on the Capper proposal to put nil stockyards under the federal stockyard regulatory act but no final action was taken. • te MANAGUA, Nlc.. Mardh 3—(APb — American Marines, scouring northern Nicaragua in search of Sandino rebel forces which clashed with a Marine detachment near Daralil Monday have killed 1 rebel and wounded another In an encounter near Somoto, there wera no Marine casualties. \ LINDBERGH ARRIVKH AT (TBTIN FIELD CURTISS FIELD. N. Y.. March 1— (AV-Colonel Charles K Lindbergh a landed here at U o'clock on hla fligl l from Boston. The Colonel and Ms Urea passenger were met at the field by Major Thomas O. Lanphelr, Harry K. Knlgbt and B. F. Mahoney. Ihrjr left the field at once for New Vci4r ty motor. . _ DENY PLAN FOR A THIRD PARTY llßthorth Is Off to Attend Dry Meeting At Bt. Petersburg, Florida RALEIGH. March 3 -(Ah—Lea ring ten ght for tha meeting of "dryn" In St. Petersburg. Florida, the Rev. C. A. Upchurch, superintendent of the North Carolina Antl-Baloon League said he wished to make It plain tbat_ no formal prig ram waa on foot by* dry Democrat s of the South’*or of l North Carolina, so far a« ha know. 1 to "bedg* tha party la event of the nomination of Governor A! Smith of New York for the presidency. - f-rr THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BRAD IN THE MORNING STOLE MINDS ARB FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. BIG INCREASE AT POSTOFFICE "■: t : ■ ' . '- - ■ , ' N February Receipts Were Nine teen Per Cent Greater Than Receipts a Year Ago Receipts for the Goldsboro postof fice during February were 18.38 per cent greater than receipts for Feb ruary n year ago, according to re port made yesterday by Postmaster B. A. Bimkina. The paat a month receipts wera $1,294.31 as against $4,422 54 for the asms month a year ago, an Increaae of $571.73*. The Increaae In February, however, waa not as grant aa tha iucrease ip January, which amounted ’to nh*ut 40 per cent. During that month a total off 7.874.14 was here aa against $6,307.20 u year ago. ‘The increaae In January and part-! ly in February," said Major Bimklns “la largely explained by the loca tion of the catalogue distributing business hare. Hodrever, February— as wall as January—would have] showed a healthy Increaae even if tiia catalogue business' 1 had not been giv en to Goldsboro." , , £_ O , . ' o* Discover Body of Boy Chocked Death' By Wire INDIANA HA BOR. Ind. March I— —The body of another hoy, about nine years old and with a wire tightly ehoul hia J waiaL was found, in the muddy waters of the Indiana harbor ship canal late today. The body wea found lex than five blocktf' L-om the spot where a child of siml-, lar age and appearance waa taken from the canal February 23. WOULD LIMIT FORECASTING C 1 "■ ■■ Addenda to Agriculture Supply Bill Would Cut Off Money For Cotton Forecast WABHINOTON. March I—o*9-- A limitation was placed upon the cotton forecasting activities o1 the depart ment of agriculture by the house today In appending to the agricultural sna rly bill an amendment prohibiting the use of funds for tha Insurance of cotton price trend predictions. .Tha amendment Is subject, however, to a llnal vote In the whole bill. *’ It was adopted by a vota of 83 to 48. and waa offered by Representative Dickinson, lowa. Republican In charge of the bill on the floor, aa n substitute for an amendment- by r#f>reae>>tatlve tones. Democrat. Texas which would have prohibitad the Issuances of any price trend prediction. Wayne County Asked To Give $2,500 To Near East Relief Wayne county As asked to con tribute $2,500 In the near East Relief ,'ond. North Cerolina'i part In the fond being raised nationally I« SIOO - Neil Joseph Is chairman of this work for the county and accord ing to word from Lieutenant Governor J, Elmer Long la “giving the cause active leadership" ( “Should you visit the Holy Land” v rites Mr. Long, “s mid a thousand soul stirring associations, you wonld feel s certain heart ache at you wandered through the streets of Jer usalem. or over the hills around Na g?.r*th! It Is the land or which you bare long dreamed, hut upon it does m l rest the spirit of peace that you always had associated with Jesus. Contention la everywhere—Jews quarrelling with Arabs. Armenian bickering with Greek over their rights I of worship Moslem and Christian each disdaining the otfier You wonld see Ibe clevage of faith and the deep aqjtfgonlem of prejudice. YOUNG BOY STOPS EFFORT KIDNAP SISTER » w ■*' t - . • uGi-- .f v GRAIN SPIRITS ARE DISPLAYED CtMgrtfe Hu Little Joke About i What Alcohol Doeo To A Man WASHINGTON. March 3—OP) -The display on the llonae floor todiy of bottles containing grain alcohol pre cipitated a verbal battle between the wets and dry during which It waa said that Alcohol buoyed the spirits of wme people and paid tliat made them imagine they were great peraouages, oven members of Congress. ! The dispute developed when Rep [ ifsentatlveJSlroclch, New York, plac ed on a table in front of the speakers chair a half doaen or ao of bottles and lest Inlies which ha aild contained the alcohol, lie announced that he propos al to use them to Illustrate a speech on the nrartice of polsoulng Indus 'trial alcohol. Itcp.'Cr.unptoii, Repub lican. Michigan an avowed dry. Im mediately objected. He said that the ( rdiatittrtion expressly provided for mqlntalnlng order in the house and that he considered such use of alco hol would constitute disorderly con duct ■> BURLINGTON . ; MAN IS FREE Declared Nut Guilty of Having MundereiTMia L. Robertuon In January GRAHAM. N.. C., March 3 George Holmes. Jr . Burlinaton aales msn. late this afternoon walked from the Alamahce county courthouse a free man. following his trial on a charge of second degree murder for the killing of Odl* L. Robertson in front of a Burlington theatre on tha night of January 17.. The jury waa out an hour and a half. Holmes pleaded self defense tes tifying that Robertson had ttfrust hla hand tbwgrd hla pocket In a threat ening manner and after the two met near the theatre box office. He testi fied that 111 feeling had exlalted bet ween them since one night laat July when Robertson Invaded his home against the will of Mrs. Holmes, salted her twice and suggested Im pfr per relation*. He said Robertaon had made threats against him several ; times since that time. •*„ Announcement of the verdict was followed by a demonstration of ap oroval *ln the courtroom. FORMER L-R FLAYER REPORTS TO CAMP NEWTON, March 3-Albert PHll lipa, former Cat-iwba college and Len oir Rhyne player will leave her* next week for Beaumont Texas to again .resume his role as one of the leading pitchers of the Beaumont ».taff in the Texas league. “To overcome this la one of the grea* task* of yhigtendom. For what could be more In keeping with the mission of {he Christ than to make the land of Hla labor one of good will and friend liness? So long those nations have walked In the dark of hat*; ran they rot be brought intp the light of love? “No one la In' a better poatlton to appreciate the significance of train ing native leadership under Christian aipiplce* than American men and woman. The alx American collages *n the Near East are renderlna this form of International service; These institutions need your sympathetic consideration aow If they are lo con tinue their work The endowment fund which we are endeavoring lo raise will rover the annitsl deficits but Vl’ii not provide for expansion. “North Carolinians have long been interested In the welfare of she boys and girls In the Near East. Why (Ceallaued oa Pag* Two) GOLDSBORO, N. a BATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 3. 1928 BOY IS HIT BY CAR ANDfKILLED 1 l-Year Old Sum Brady Follow* Ball And Korin About Oncoming Car Funeral was bald war vesterda) ovvr ihj- JpuTh s tfr Bern Brady. II year old ten o' Henry Drady of near Smitliflkd. who died in the Johnston county! hospital from the effect* of having been (ruck hy an automobile. The little fellow will) several com pan ions, waa on hit W hon e from school. They were Making with a bail and Sajp I* said to hive darted sud denly across the road after the ball, when an automobile Irlven by In land L. Morqualrdt s 1 tick the child He picked him up and rushed him to the hospital but the I Ml# boy never regained consclnutnesi and Thursday morning about nine o'anrk he passed away, hla akull wasdn-actured and also hla right leg x, Mr. Morqualrdt, wft Is with the Protectograph com pang with head quarters at Raleigh a very much hurt over the accldt it, though It itemed unavoidable. Th* "lltll* boy was I student of the graded school In f kiithfleld, Mrs. n. T. Royall being bli teacher. Interment wax roads I aside liia moth er who preceded hint to the grave tr.rae time ago. ' ( ■*§» ' T"T REED CASE4O JURY THIS DAY Girl. Soon to Become Mother, Ixtughs When Reed Beyn They Decided Not to Merry OTTAWA. HI., March t- Tin defense rosted Its case today in the trial of lllram Reed chanced will, bombing a school house in order to avoid marrying the tea, l»e , IV i Bradford. . The case will go to the jii’y t .mor row. tha state having announced It wished only an hour for reLuttal wit nesses. The attorney* will conflrt? thsmselve* lo abort two I-osra earn in their closing arguments and ex pect to be through by noon. Climaxing hit fight to prove hla pt. -wence or putting (ixplotlrea In the actoot atovi the young farmer repudittul nearfy fvery statement In his signed state ment. - “If you loved lola Brad rd, whv didn't you marry her when you learn* ed of her condition last September?’ asked Attorney Russel Hanron. Reed shifted Hta gas* uneasily. "We bo& decided." he hesilaled "we both decided she 1,1 it wtr| to get mar I red then." The girl was Reeds sweetheart. And the girl who was slnnrit fatal ly Injured when the st'rv« ■*t her reboot room burst, laughed In his face, but tier father the Rev. Herbert Bradford, sitting behind Iter, kept his eyes lowered, at they were during the testimony as to her approarhlng moth erhood K___ AWARD HUGE ' DAMAGE SUM Pasquotank Man Asked For 8(00,000 And la Awarded 860,000 Elizabeth city, March s—(An —A Pasquotank Jury today awarded William Harco. 160.000 In a sl* damage suit against the Norfolk- Southern railway. The verdict , was brought In at 4:ls p. m. » The suit grew out of a grade croaa- Ing accident here In which an oil truck owned by the local man was wrecked and Rarco seriously Injured. For several weekt It wa» feared that Rtrco'a injuries which Included a ructnre of hi* skull and other serious hurt*, would prove fatal. • , JUNIORS WILL MEET MARCH 8 (lint on Council Will Bo Hoot on Annivemry lo Diatrict Convention _________ SI ''"’Membef* of the local Junior Order chapter will go la full forca to at tend the district meeting sad seventh anniversary celebration of the Clin ton council In Clinton op Thursday, March 8, It was saa6unc«d yester day. Several hundred Junlitre are expected to bf la attendance J. A. MrNorton of Wilmington will be the speaker of tb* occasion. The Clinton council will expend It self In giving the visitors n good tih!*. The celebration will start at 3 o'clock ia the afternoon with a concert by the band of Daugh try Post of the American legion, with a business session following from 3 to 6 o'clock. A turkey dinner will be served at 6 p. m. tu the loindon Warehouse with W. H. Moors, gpst Councilor of Clin ton as master of .ceremoaies. Rev, W. G. Farrar, post council, will de liver the Invocation, and I. P. Davis, district deputy state Councilor will present the speaker. Mr. McNorton. Initiation of candidate* will end the day's program. Death Sentence For 0 An Illegal Operation ■ \ CHICAGO, March I—(AP)—<4*l After three and a half hours of deliberation a jury tonight convicted Dr. Atnertl Rongettl, of murder and fixed hla punishment at death for performing an Illegal operation on Loretta lend ers, I*. causing her death. This I* Die first death sentence pasted in Cook county since electrocution dis placed hanging aa a means of execu tion In this state. SEEK CLUE TO BANK ROBBERY Cuhicr Hay* Four (Am Kid* nuped Hint and Wif* and Forced Them Open Vault t U s KINGBTRBK, 8. C.. March 3—<**>— Mate and county officer* today con tinued seeking a clu*> to four men reported by D. L .Taylor cashier of ■« Planters Bank of Htminghaway to have kidnaped him and hi* wife last night and to have made him open the hank this morning after which (he quartett escaped wlth v *ll the money tn the bank "~"v Sheriff 11. 8. Gamble of William*} burg county returned here this after noon after visiting Ifemlnghaway a small town of the county and said the robberj/were reported to have obtain-, cd frotoi $4.0»0 to $«,00fl. No arrest* had been made at that time. Want Army Inspection of Airport Before Opening Formal opening of the Grtdsboro airport will lie delayed until a final inspection of Ibe field can be made by Lieutenant M. M. Murphy of Fort Bragk. the airport commlaslon deckl ed at it* meeting at the etty hall yes jt-rday afternoon. ■ Though rtipimerclal filers who visited the city thi* week and used tha port for the firat tlm* agreed that It was -a satisfactory landing Held, 11 was deemed advisable lo gain the authoratlve advice of ■Che Fort Bragg officer before definitely deter mining on™(he date for the opening. U. Murphy, who waa the first gov ernment aviator to Inspect the field and a site, will alao he conanlted relative to the proper method* of marking the field perman ently and especially for the formal opening. , A latter was dispatched to U IRt phy yesterday afternoon asking him tq I DOCTORS HAVE ' FINE PROGRAM Three Paper* Ob Fur DtnruMaion After Regular Mon Lilly Banquet The Wayne County Medical Society held Its regnlar monthly masting nt the Hotel Ooldeboro last evening which waa preceded by a dinner i> lb# banquet hall. Over 85 member* werp In attend ance. mqny being from out of tha city. In this connect lo* It ia oaM that the Wayne Uoclety is oa* of th* rank ing groupa of mtdlcoa In th* eUt*. Immediately followlag tha banquer. Dr. A- H. Kerr gave an tnteraatiag talk on “A municipal program and It* efecta," which waa follawad by Dr. W H Smith with <j§oma peculiar man I feoui lions of malaria" »n<j Dr. D. J. Rosa with Spina Bifida and Hy drerephalpp'’ which w«k« wall re ceived and enjoyed by th* M. Da, preaaot. •; * - 1 ■ - —~ FLOGGING CASE TO END TODAY t* P . ‘ ' , Solicitor BraitAtU to Bpomk Bui Judge Harrtg Than CMifNr Jury RALEIGH. March 3—UP) Th* cteraotev .-of th* prlnalpal* involved marked th* *rg«lh*ftt to » Harnett ii kmh. jifr hrqp—»ds i» um Bapa flogging trial in suparlor eonrt haw {oday < Rruridlng Will Doan "and mem bar# ol hia. family and tbtlr atoriaa of th# whipping aa unteltavahl*, wltnaaaaa who lold an Inrrtdlbl# atory. R. N. Simms, chief detent* attorney, dos ed M-* aide* argument late tqday- M. M. Jernlgan of Dnnn. and Piyda Douglas, Raleigh preceded Mr. Rimma, for th* defense in th* *r gument while I. R. William* of Duan opened for the etat*. Defense attorneys, while painting out weak points they said they **w In th* state wltnaaaaa tale, upteld testimony of Th« defendant* who,vat up alibis and good characters for Dr. J R Hester, Baird Pool and A. L. Daniel farmers, all of the Knigbtdala, alleged members of the masked band of men who aaaanlted date Solicitor L. S. Brasafleld was slated to rlose for th* state tomorrow morning. He has 3:6 hours to apeak, if he choose*, in as much as hla assoc iate Mr. Williams, spoke only 39 minutes. The charge by Judge W. C. Harris will follow. The case will pro bably go to the Jury late tomorrow. ThHiTKRN MINER* KILLED RERUN. March?Y (AV-Thlrtoea miners were killed and 3$ Injured to day when two cages In a mine near l|e<-klli)ghausen. Swestfalan. Prus sia. broke away and plunged lo the bottom of the shaft. name al hla earliest convenience a data when ha contd rome to Uolda tioro, aa he agreed to do on hia prev- Icua data, for a final Inapoctlon of tha field Plana for the opening will go forward aa noon aa hla advice hia heen received The airport romroiaaion yesterday d accused tha advlaabtllty of offer ing prize* to aviators naked to taka part In tha raretnoulae to accompany iha opening. A prise might be provid ed It "was thought for the filer who came from the farthereet point to at tend the dedication. Program* used at the opening of municipal porta In other cities will be uttemhled that the local commlaaion may have Informa tion aa to what other cltlee Wave done In thlp ll«f . . The matter of selecting a name for was not gone Into at the bieeting yesterday afternoon . MEMBER'OH " THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS Girl Was Being Dragged Away Will Play Winner el Wttnn Four Oaks Gams f«r Group OuuaptoMkip WILBON, March y—A five r«r oM daughter Os J. 0 Ayooek. who reliU oa tIM Goldsboro highway boot the overhead bridge. woo ibb>oM frosa bar bad tbla morning about four O'- clock by bb unknown kldaaper who bocaaia frtßbtaaad by acraaaaa aod fad trow tba bouaa 100 ring tba IttUa girl in a wiadow aUI. Niea Bad eoaa ty authorities wara notified Ol tbt to* ltdaat and ruahed to tba boobs, bet ware unable «• find aay does an which Work. , Mr. Aycock. parent of tba HUla five and a bait yaar old girl aotd tbara wara four children algaping la tba room tba little girl aad bar bMtbat sleeping on oaa bad aad taro othar childran In another bod. Tba Uttla girl. Mildrod aad bat bar tba praaanca of mtad Os bar Uttld brother alaraa poor* old alaaplgg with bar tba cMId might bara baoa taboo from tba resat. , Tba Intrudar rolaad tba wtitebW. and bad bla •rma iPodn| tbs' eMId and waa droggiac bar through tee window hand toramoot whes tbs Mb' tla brother waa awakaoad sad grob bad bar by tba foot aad Nr bar state town aad bald bar. Tboy bawaa’te aaraaaa aad a tbirtaaa yaar jM «M on aaotear bod la tba -rasa waa awakaaod aad saw * gbaa'a ' site aceaad tea cited. Tba udftetes arous 'd Mr, and Mrs. Ayooak aad w«aa I j H a tew mM M nWMBWMkdi '■■f fww iniw room m ivnwi tba light oa tbo poraoa not aad tel wiadow caaw down leovtag tea otald on tba bad. Both childran wort too tligbtaaod to spedk tor soom ttaw : , Thar# la ao elae to whaai teg rullty party or pattloa wara. With tba exception of a aaMte hrataa tea Iktlo girl wa> unhurt Tba obUd bad a pramoattion bnawtbiag wwaM gat hat, aad told bar aiotbar two dayo ago god had oiaag to bar star ataaa. Senate Paaaea BU Settle State Claiaw £■ WASHINGTON. March »—<*V-*ha Senate passed aad oast t«j tba haaaa today a Mil to aaula elalaaa of tea Stato of North Corollas agalaat tbo Psderal government to tba amtaat as mite*. Tbo claims bobm of white data book to tbo war of ISIS, had baan proved aad ralad valid hi tea trtaaury depart awet goaatat Over man sponsored tba MIL LOS ANGELES IS SEEN NEAR HERE Two Kinsten Man Attenupt Ta Race Bin MrHrlMa TVfai CHy Nawn WAsAINOTON. March »—The dirigible Loa Aagaloa waa ngattas tea md of her roaad trip of a tarty 1,- *OO milaa to tba Paaama Caaal loaa lata today as aha moved op tea MM ala Atlantic coast to fahahstal, M. .1. Bhe radioed bar horns port to have the loading craw randy for bar Peek ing after mMiright. The message from U. C. E RoeeadobL sold the tWp ohaald "liber moor to tbo mast ihora or te her haogßr, depending npoa waathir ondltlona. NEW BERN — (A*) —Tbo navy dtrift hlo Los Angeles papa ad a low Miles seat of New Bnmuat Site (bis after noon going north. Tbo Mg craft was flying at an altitude of about I.SSS foot and appeared-to bo moktag alow pra grasa. Members of tbo crow wore easily risible. KINSTON—(te —The V, 9. Nary Dirigible Loa Angeles peaked wtthla a few miles of tbo city about S:W tek evening. The coming of tbo giant ataljp Was fora told by two Klaotaataao who attempted to roe# It aour EoCt, Mara-

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