WEATHER If« Always Fair Weather VO* I TUB SIVBN; NUMBER 7 Features Scheduled In Local Theatres This Week _ ■JT?' <.,» • - ..... b ■ —■ ■ - —. : - • —*■—— .jg. I. .i . . ' Mary Picktord is Starred Again in “My Best Girl” , » . "Tha players h Hy Mat Olrl* art •a wall «|IW l|r their puts that the aadlawa tMUka of than u reel peo pt« rather thaa as actor* and actress §gt9 * ' ■*- ■ , * o ••a . j| - ' tr c TMa aaatatioa from a prominent Mow Ybfh critic's revtesi of Mary Ptckford’s aawaat Utolted Artist* Picture caactaaly ap tha merit of tha ptOL of thla eomMy-romaace. Headed ky young Cturlaa Roger* aad Hohwt Boaworth, “MY Beat Olrl H which comae to the Opera Houae Mon day and Theodor la aaid to have one ot the hedt balanced companies on the fCfMNI. BiliMiM" in th« technical nentc. refer* to a cast la prhlch each mem ber la perfectly qualified to portray the exact character called for in the eerlpt. Aad each role In Mlsa Pick ford 1 * story to filled by a player who tried te H*e hie or her part rather thaa aserely act it. thua addin* im measurably to the reallam of the nr nil tin# Ini proouci ion , * The leadiac man. Charles Roger r. has been declared by no leas an au thority thaa Miss Picktord herself to ha one of tho moot promising “ON TOUR” IS GOOD REVUE •o _______ Keith’s e t Rihifh Announce Fine Program For This . p Wooh On To*r", a beautifully staged rente of character song* and danc es, fsolurlag Dorothy Barnette, a very clever little comedienne, In the deadline act tor the Keith Vaudeville MU that la anpearUtf r. yonac players on lEe screes. HU meteoric rise has been oae of the sensations of film driest. Hobart Boaworth. who is noted for his char acter portrayals, appears as the aUI hoc sirs ia Mary’s “nickel and dime” dory. - # Mist Pick ford* “parents” with Lu cian Littlefield an tha ben peeked post nma-father. and Saanhlae Hart as the hypochondriac mother, provide many of the laughs. Mack Swain, the fam ous comedian of Charlie Chaplin’s "The Oold Rush” appears as the police Judga ia the night court sequence. t’armeliU Oeraphty plays the start wild and wayward slater. AVonen Tty lor, known as the “perfect society type” enacts the part of Racers’ fin ances, and Evelyn Hall the well known English dramatic, star, is cast as the millionaire's wife. John Junior appears a* the “cheap s port” aad smaller parts are handled by William Courtrlght. Pat Harmon, Harry Walker and Frank Finch- Smllas. The picture was directed by Sam Taylor, whs handled the meta phone on such Harold Lloyd successes as For Heaven's Sake; The Freshman «ir| Shy and Safety Lad/ *' very beginning of hla act and bolding them until Its fiMah, With the excep llou of the Interruptions of laughte#. FAMED SINGERS HERE THURSDAY 1 " * ■ i ■!*' j Hampton Institute Quartet! Will Appear At Dillard High School Once again tba famona Hampton Singers will bring to Goldafioro music lovera a feait of real NHhdrlcaq mua-, ,lc. The quartet of negro folk houkh frequently beard over radio Mg tor nearly la (nlf century In many parts of the world will he beard again at the Dillard High sol»ooT"Thl» coming rhuraday evening nt 8:30 o'clock. Critics dt musk agree that for com- Mnlng melody and harmony with pathos and feeling these singers are rarely excelled or even equaled. John Wninwrlght who has rounded out hie forty year* of singing bass seems bet ter now than ever. Tfte other meiubera though uftth lea* experience have voices which blend bemkifully to gether The Quartet la spreading the good will of Hampton Institute which they represent all over the state. They have included in their Itlnery the moet important Institutions of the atate •such as Duke University. Wake Pur est. Davidson. North Carolina college for Women at Greenaboro and many of the colored colleges. It la through the effort of Prof. H. V. Brown, supervising principal of the colored schools, that they have c< me tp Goldsboro for thtj, past sever al years. The white people of Goldsboro who find It opportune will enjoy a rare treat If they will go down to Dillard high school Thursday night to hear these wonderful slngere. WOOLEN ON WAT TO RTBOPE CHAPEL HILL. March 3— , o' ' 5 IS kJB - if fe ”• gJ ‘’yk., V'" - __ a.. ' MAIiY PtCr,K>UD In " MY DCSTGiat" mtt hoi hk wl - „ -- - - r -■ • - r . “Girl From-Chicago” Stars Conrad Nagel and Myrna Lo» ‘“'The Olrl from ('htrago,”>e Warn er Bros., product km. co-starring Con rad Napet and Myrna Lo,v < »thee to the North Btaif theatre next Friday for a rna of one day only. Hie out Includes William Auaael, oarro( Nye, Patti Punier and Ehfrllle Aldersun. Ray Enright directed This hrillldnt melodrama of the underworld Is bas ed on the story of Arthur Homers Roche end the scenario was executed by Graham Raker. It recounts the hajr ■ - M ' ’ $ NORTH BTATB—MoiwUr TiwUy 0«ly | WALL FLOWER/ North State Adult* (all Mai.) . , 25c I Jr nil' pi/ 11l I 111 I '"\ I mi11..1.1 .111. I _LU.. ..j. ( OMIMO ATTRACTIdMH—FOI THIB MOST* l.rota Garbo. John Gilbert In *Lere" Geo. b. tribar, Kart Pane In “Hob, Mine" K«d Im Kocqne, PbylL Ifmcr in M Plgbling 0 Eagle” Joan ( ran ford, James JtsnUy > n “)>*•« Marie” Nelly O’Neil In ‘•Hecky'’— And other Mg plr« lares. —Welch ter Announcement* In Tkle Paper— TT- r- Ti ■ ■ ; ... » GOLDSBORO, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH I, I»2* rising adventures of a Bouthern-girl who leave* her father on the „ old plantMlnn to come to tile City for the pnrpdn of freeiiM her brother from the gang whoae machinations have placed him In the shadow of the chair. ”Th* Olrl from Chicago” la one of the tyithentic melodramas, which have power to hold the Imaginatloift and thrill the spine* of beholders. But .there i* glamour, too. ahd humor, and warm humanity. You’ll be satisfied. Review Os Fifth Federal Reserve Business Is-Given CHARLOTTE, March I—oP> Business In the Fifth Federal nii|W district In January was Hi smaller volume thaa lu January a year aco says the business and agricultural report, made public today. The dis trict includes North Carolina. Debits t« individual acoou nfltgures Debits to individual account flg «res la clearing houae banka, es« of the beat business barometer ware lees than during the same period a year •go. ' / , flusluess failure# In were mure numerous than In Janu ary last year, hat the liabilities war* <■# March If*2«. and numerous Other large projects are planned for early n*ti union, all of which should af turd substantial relief to the unem ployed and thla In tarn should ha lavorablF reflected in retail and la wholosaie trade. Yobacco brougTu good prices „ In Jab nary and North Carolina grower* arc »; * i ' .■■■. v ■■■ - ir 4 I SECOND SECTIOW Pages One to Six * - T. . PRICS FIYR CUfn 1 combined from 47. M to #4.99 percent. V “' , . a .. 1 FOR SHEET METAL WORE AND ROOFING WILLI AMSUm METAL WORKS PHONE 11*7 » , \ ! B. WALNUT nr. ■. i » ■■■ » ■ ■' m imp ' T-WJ MONDAYS *- and TUESDAYS All KEITH Vaudrvillb DAYS STATE <| th*a«r R . {>• 5 ACTS VAUDimUI