WBA7HKR Fair. iiwUt mMw la Northeast PorUo. Thareday, Friday Mm. o VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBS* If NO OPINION YET IN LARRY NEWSOME CASE APPEAL * > a ‘ -Jtu « k 13 Other Cases . Are Reviewed ■ W added Venae Ayeock, of WejrMkle AWmel by Slate RALEIOH, Eareh 7—(T) The Qkjfa BipTfM court (o4if bunded down a tml <4 IS opinion. Tto ap peal of Larry Nmoat, Wayne coun ty awn, eaategeed la be eletrocat ed far thetaurder of Ik year old Bru le Tedder, we* not Pended down. la two original proceeding* the ggprean coprt decided for the »t*U and fl—liiil the cnees. In one of those cues, executor* of the will , of George V. Biking, of Ahbington. Peon., eoeght to reowrer tlT.gee.f2 la payment to the state tax oopals elon. Deowaher 2. lilt, la transfer of loherltaaoe tax oa e total of |i,f7l,- )M common sad preferred .lock In the R. /.'Reynolds Tobacco Compauy, Wtaotoa-Ms*. The exeestora aaiatelned the State of North Caroline waa without power to collect eay Pert of the tax from the States estate oa the Reyaolda •toek. conteadlng that the stature un dor Which the ooileeflon was made wee invalid. In the oeaa of Weddell, veretu Ay eock. Weyas oouaty. the court as- I!rimed the Judgment of the lowsr crurt. RALEBOH, March T~(to-Arga aMnts ta the chain stare tax test case were completed today end Judge K. H. Creamer lo Wake Superior coart call he would reader Judgment to morrow ■ The cnee wee started by 12 chain ■tore , osgaafaatleae operating la North Caroline to teat the validity of the apodal license tax of |M plac ed hp the 1827 geeersl assembly oa rack store of companies maintaining ■tore than I stores In the stole. QUEEN ENTRIES ARE COAONG IN I A Csßsm Girth Win Be Ai Home And Have Chance To Enter * Contest Although Goldsboro has ua yet made no public mova toward nominating Its quaeas, antrisi IfiT the Qasens Contest for the Sixth {Annual Eastern Caro lina Exposition to ha held In Oolda toro. the week pt April »th, will coma to rather rapidly from now until clos ng time next Thursday March 16th. recording .to aa announcement mads at headquarters recently. From ell, Indications this year will furnish a larger number of 1 candidates than at any other Exposition held. One fea ture of the Queans contest this year that will add to the number is the fad'that the yoahe ladles will bars to coma only oaa day, and that on Mon day. the opening day. This happen* to fall oa Eaatar fJonSmy, which make* ft easy for the college girla who are 'nrtanoto as to bo selected, to be at the Exposition and not mlaa anything from school. Tha Junior Queens will bw there Just one day; Wednesday, A ternooo and Wedaeaday night. T\* Senior Queens will also gst Into th)s movie whether they win br not, but tha wianara will gat in as '‘winners/' The latest to enter h Miss Mary Grady Cheers. as “Miss Snow Hill ". Prom reports coming Into headquar ter*. “Mias Bngw HUT will be a hard on* tf> bast. Snow HJII, has always sent beautiful candidate*. which would laud one to believe that they ham plenty of them over in Green couaty. Each of {be two winners In the Senior Queens “con test wilt be time S2M. ta gold by the Exposition. Dry Forces End Their St Petersburg: Meet ■T. PETERSBURG. Pin., March 7 (to—‘Dry forces of tha South and ration regardless of party affiliation wars called to arms to defeat all candidates for office who either are negative or silent on tha question of prohibition enforcement In resolu tions adopted ham tonight at the cloa iLg session of tha Southeastern Fro MbHloa convention of the Antl-Bal ooa league. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY, BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. COUNTY DRAMA TOURNE YOPENS TONIGHT VELMA WEST GETS UFE SENTENCE I 1 m m I I fiRHK ; i*; r WL Jff ■ [ HI I 1 I •• ■ M 11. l- A l " I h ' m? - bp Hk ' ant-. M YmJ 7 s wmtrs When the Ohio ateta prosecuting author Elsa agreed to accept a second learns murder guilt plea tor Velma West youthful husband "hnnuw y stayer.'' prison for lire waa tha ssntswoe. Under Ohio laws w*n.i- > be apptlsd for after ten years' imprlsumueat. which would nwk« \ •MU a young matron when she may again seek freedom. * nm«r»«u—al MiWSMfik- ; ‘ : D>JY PASSES WITHOUT ANY WORD PROM MISSING COUPLK AND BABY k H * Yesterday passed without any word being received concerning the where abouts of Mrs. Charles T. Jones, and her two ye*£ old aon. Charles, Jr„ who left the city Saturday joMBU and are thought to be in compssy with Henry Godwin. fred C. Smith, father of John Dav id Smith, yesterday denied the truth of reports that hi* »on had driven the missing married woman snd mar ried man to Wilson*'Saturday night Young Smith, said the father, wn on duty a* a fireman Saturday night, except for abont twenty-five minute* whan he called upon a friend. Mr. Spilth said be could produce affida vits from a number of people proving that hts sou was Jn Goldeboro Satnr day night and that It would havo been Impossible for him to have driven with the missing couple to Wilson or rny other point. The father w»* equally positive SI’KANIA ASD HI NHARY TO AKBITKATK «L 5 EPISODE GENEVA. March 7—<AP)-Both Ru mania and Hungary today accepted the proposal at Sir Ansten Chamber- Load of Booze Taken And Man Arrested by Deputies A Chevrolet automobile held, 37. S gallons of whiskey confiscated and cne man imder arrest, these arc the net proceeds of a rum chase by De puties Kornegay and Smith near Oas »y'* Chapel east of the city last night. Tha couaty officers had been "tip ped off" by Kinston officers that the rum car was headed this way, and drove east oa highway number 10 to meet IL Near Casey's I'hapAl they passed what they believed to he the car for which they searched. Pacing about, the deputies drove up to the auto believed to have a Mg load of Loose and called upon the driver to halt Inatqad of pulling to a halt, the driver put on speed and attempted to make a Yut-away. Seeing that the UuU the gtaiem p from tfie city of hie sou, along with “>1*1" .Daniels, had no connection whatever with the dis sppearauoe of Mrs. Jones and God win. John Dovh!. . lie Indicated, had been naytng for a month or more that he intended taking a trip, and Mr, Smith lioupht thsl (he present absence was the trip which h« had long planned. He exhibited a note Irom his son. rcqueHtlng that his trunk, together with that of Daniel*, be secured at the fire station and held by the fg|l»*i The note also ask ed mall to be held. The not*» was mailed In Italeigb. it j*as said. Meantime local offltor-<. carrying out the urgent request ofMr. Jones, hue hsnd of Ihe misting Vomatt, are mak ‘ng every possible effort to get trace ut the couple believed ta be together. Mr Jones declare* tlTat it is for the sake of saving hW young son that he works now. « JJ v - ■in, British foreign minister, that a small committee |>e uppoiated with the ‘power to call ex|>erts to deal with the situation *ri*ipg for the discov ery of machine gun parts st Bt. Oot thard. . machine was .not fast cnmtg)t to out distance Ihe cifliccr*, the driver drew ruddmly to the side of the road, stop ped with a Jerk and he. with the other occupant of the machine took to the woods. Deputy Smith, the ten second m»n of Sheriff Grant's force was In sfier the'two sad in * vhort space had made up the handicap with which he alerted and Usd overhauled the driver. He gave hlif name a* Alton McNeil at Sanford and said the other man. who made good his escape, waa someone he had given a lift further dowu the TflSid. McNeil waa held without bond last right snd will be arraigned before Jndge Bland Mouday morning. GOLD6BOBO, N. C. THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH «, IMS GROUP STUDIES PRICE REPORTS c*,. . g I'Almor Qi#Klßßg< CBH<*rnftng Africßltsße StatcflMßt Which CBWWd Cotta® Stamp WASHINGTON. March »—<A>>—fire of a soaSforial sub-cummltlse aided by Iwo Hoot bern House members was trained today on the sensational break, in ike cotton market last September following the publication of a depart sent of agricallure bulletin deaffug with price trends. A resolution of Bonator Smith. De mocrat. South Carolina, tha sub committee chairman., providing for enquiry into poeulble market manipu lation operation despite the cotton futurea control not, afforded the op portunity. Arthur W. Palmer, chief of the cotton marketing division of the bureau of .agricultural economic* was the only witness hoard. Palmer .made guarded answers to Senator Smith. Heflin and Roptoseo utlve Rankla and Vinson* wh% ant with the Senator*; but finally made ‘lt plain that his division had done no more than furnish a record of day to day cotton prloea to other agencies of the bureau .which compiled the challenged statement. Vinson and Rankin assarted that the direct effect of the price state mat was a |7 break in cotton prices on the day it reached the market and an argument ultimate alnmp of I4M. “la view of the fact that the pre diction wee made by yogr bureau that prices would go down, the < ommlUse would lipc to know «n what laßr that prediction we* mads,” Senator Smith told Palmer. ,j>The tSfiffo f the whole eutton tut tties Taw In the Integrity with which the xlatiiiarri* of cottotA deliverable un<l*r aiitl*«>r'li(; «I lb* «i’>t>-' 1 i»I ?gricti!lnw nro milntuijici,. I n*ve considered Dial If they were rigidly maintained, 1t would go far toward atablUslng the cotton markst.” Washington a joint to rotation of Congress appropriating au additional 1200.000 to fight the P*9t boll worm of cotton waa signed today by Pyealdent Cooltdge. Mr. Coolidga bad requested the passage of such a measure. » - f 3 ,o ■ UNLOAD CARGO OF RUM BARGE 6 .Jk ■*>, Vcotwl Entrrinjf Wilotinirton Hat! 1009 Comm of Assorted Fine Liquors WILMINGTON. March 7-UPI - A, thousand and nln* c»«e of assorted fin* liquors and ten kegs or scotch fnalt were taken from kliroad the t-hsrplr George Slover and checked into the 0. K. custom house, lier# to day by 11 lilted State* Marshal B. W. Ward ,of Raleigh M . The Slover. with Us c*rg<h>Qi4j|K erhsuM by .count gunrdxmeu Monday nlghl a* It win stealing across the bar at the of the Cape Pear River. 10 mile* south of hers. Three men. Captain A. A Mil liken, his brother H K MIIIIKen, and Prank Preston, were *rre*ted abroad il»* ta»ai They are charged with viola lion and couuplrary (o violate the prohibition law* and placed under bond by the United Stales (Vunmia * inner here. r ' Creditors Examination Os C. W. Horne Is On RALEIGH, March 7—(to- The ex amination of creditor* of the affair* of Chas W. Horn«..ftlayton farmer merchants. went over so tomorrow af ter another airing tixiay and Joseph It. Theatre, Jr., referee in bankruptcy, presiding expressed belief the hearing will not lie ro»< ludadbefore some time In Apirl Attorneys for the creditors, Larry 1 Moors of New Hern and R. C. Law rence of Lumberton. had not arrived snd the case was carried over. }, ’ ;v .jjA ' A ' I Players Os Goldsboro High ta Match Talent Against New Bern High Bob Edwards Makes Known Intentions •*! want folks lo know that t am a Democrat," said Hupertutendant of Welfare K. 11. liMwards ’’sad that I purpose In lilt to support for president the- nominee at the uatkmal DdmocratlOgourontlon to be hqld at Houston Texas, whether he be Governor Smith, Josephus Daniels, "llm" Rood. Oovernor Ritohie, Carter Qlaaa, 'Tom’* Heflin, John 0. Edward*. 0. L Bless#, where be ha wet' or 'dry', Chrlatlgu or pagan, Pro testant er Roman CsthoHc, Jaw ar Gentile, bond or frew—but ho must be white. ” / AUTOS CRASH EAST OF 017 Greensboro and Rolrtffll Bin Ar® Slightly Injartd Whn . Cora Moot Hood-O® U T. Lane of Raleigh aad O. D. Barite* of Greensboro wet* slightly Injured w’ben their autamwtotau crashed In front of tha Trey 'William* rating station, atx mllea east -m highway number 10 yesterday atara tag. Mr Lane was driving a Bulek roupc east and Mr. Barns* a Chrys ler coup* and going weak Barnes was said to have attempted to drive around a Kurd aulootobU*, misjudged the distance before the aa comiug I'ulck nnd the crash resulted. Roth car* were* badly wrecked. lam and flame* were hurried to • -local hospitals for treatment, but fcports late yesterday afternoon wtr* that their hurt* were-not serious. Lucky Johnson Again Makes Good His Escape KALKIGH. March 7.—(to—"Duwkr" Johnson, uotorioua negro, was at large again today, shad of his prtaoo number AP4M. Jahason, a Ilf* Grier, seat up Croat' . Durham county for second degree burglary. FVb. 1, 1821, escaped last night from Hie rock query camp at i Ratsavilta.. MEN’S FA SH Ml Y EORECANT EUR NPRINO IB WOW GIUCAOO, March 7 —Wow I Oet this! * w® *4 A three buHon suit of reddish brown! mxiture in which tluta of luvandor and bronse are »-omlnent, displayed with a yellow shirt with two Inch wide stripes of white, a black and whito checked necktie and a croem cohjed hat. t Uncle Sam To Give Vacation To 14 Wayne County Youths Fourteen Wnyn# county young men tun spend a thirty-day vs c Ml 101 l sf KY»rt Ilragg, beginning Juaa 17. fliwl tfacle Ham will bear all ex panses. according to snnounceinonf made yesterday by W. F. Nenfcr, conn ty representative for Ihe Dltlaens Military Tratiilng Gsmp. Thu only re quirement n#ce**ary lo get this thirty days vacation from Unde Sam is for the applicant to be of go*d chsracter between Hie ages of 17 snd ?T,'and physically fit. Mr Nnfer yesterday urged that ! those desiring to attend the camp i should not lose any time in filing ap plications. | . • Only 82 boys out of a quota of 1008 allowed for North Carolina have ap ! plied for admiaelon lo the oaoips. ! M RM«ra to Boa" Ig Wk of Play Umbl Dnuaatlc Link Will j w PrgaMt MARGARET KORNCGAY COACH FOR LOCAL HIGH "Jan oml Minuet ’’ la THW of On*-Act PUy Tp Ba Give® By N*W Btm i Goldsboro high school sod Now Bara high school will meet a* I o'- clock ton is hi ta tha opening of tha Wayne Oouaty Dramatic Tournament when the play “Jess and Minuet '* will ha presented by the Or**** County players, sad tWTirisfi tragedy . "Riders to the BA” wBI ha present id by tha Wayne player*, This wilt he the opealag number of a Tourna ment sod' from All Indication* pro misee to draw a crowd that In nil probability wilP Dll the eudHortam to Ita rapacity Talk of tbs contest jhaa been fa tha during the past j two weeks, sad all those interested | ind msny who ar* aet quits go, have i !tc?fitrt’lvc'i' ii‘a fulfil} mitouii the sumher ta attaudaao*. „ ' New Bent sends word that tor play ers are corning over wMh an egeup letit play, leaving rehearsed their presentation thoroughly, the Craves VgpsvmthiAtaaa are ready to stack up against tlta eaat of Goldsboro’s "Rider* to Urn Saw" Tha sam# east that ha* presented the local play to other audiences In the city recently will carry tto per. formaace through tonight RanttaMut from New Bern seems to Ind Hale that tbs Goldsboro players will have to present something good If they are to match ability with the dramatic tal ent from the Craves city. O* the other hand, those who have witness ed Golds horn's presentation coached by Mlaa Margaret Eoruegay—aay that the New Bern players will need to b* at Mwlr hast If they aspect to walk home with the Rotary trophy cup. At a merlins of the Rotary dob held on Tuesday night, tt waa declared that (Continued an PAfe Ptor) **** .si <■-'■■■■■■ ssi* i■ KANSAS WILL f BACKLOWDEN lkkfil« At Itorfo lMtrwt«l For Hint us District Drt«- gatg® UrfW HKH MOINES. lowa. March 7—OP) lowa's seven Ablegate* at large to the tupublican Nnttoagl fipnvenQos at Ktanas fitly were Instructed today |by Iks Slate Republican Convention ;in support former Governor freak O. f/uwden of Illinois for tha presi dential nominal tan. The state's II district delegate-*. ! were " strongly urged" In coat their vote for .Mr t«wden asssßaa r pj'dtL2=ar=a=s^a:rs while, the quotas allowed l<ottiaiaaa, South Carolina'aqd the other aiatea. m« being rapidly taken It la upai ed that tha campaign to secure r*>- rrulta will close hy Mia third week |o March and unlaaa North Carolina hoy* apply, thatr places will ba taken by boy* from other states. Thu alt nation la at Id to ba person ally disappointing lo Major General Richmond P. bavin. Commanding Oan oral of lha Fourth Corps Araa. Who i* a native of North Carolina and saa a pointed “To Want (Point from this state. The only requirements for sdmia cion to the camp* la that the appli cant be bataraan tha agaa of 17 and 24, of good moral rharactar. physical (Con tin nod aa Pago Tw| MEMBER OF THE ASBOCIATKQ PRESS * pwca wva cams AFtTRM STATE >’ PRINTING stoto N®w ’ RALEIGH. March T-OFJ-Og®- t recta for atate print lag, awarded printers at tha recent letting teM if Governor McLean's printing »«— Ig govsrnor. attorney general Braasmttt Ui !h« •ton contracts were aude with prig lara tu Raleigh. Naw Bam. Oxford. Durham and Whwtoo-Balem. K. G.. and fort Wayna. tad. L j, I- hl HH it t KRVIKK/kttRMI l\li V Rr Pi iRT HHh And ti iRS I IMMifl OF ballet wound a* etatoai to kaftan murder of tha gtrl, To bolster ita ctaMa Uat the hul •M which killed tha PPUBg *N®M® / was ttrod by oMwr haada tto» Mr own aad, from another ®K»ag. tto ' l-roHscutiou placed op tto ataad Pr. V. ti. Dubose. Selma, toopttai phf ek-ian. who examlpad tto body atort ly after death Mbs Dr. 8 R CeaerteH, Mualgua> ery. who performatf oh autopsy a® Mias Monlebaro, Dr. Dohoai kljlHi his belief that the wound waa cnaaed by n |g cnHhr* weapon. Mgg Moth teharn'* revolver waa A.M ttUti* There were no powdar bora* about the wouada as hi would expaat to Had In cusee of f utaldo. the phyMataa gall Blake claim* Mlaa Moatubaro ktUad hersalf after hi and another off!oar •rrested her for reekleaa driving. WALKER M LATE WASHINGTON, March I (E l® 1 ynr Walker of Now York added to MB rcpntattoa of being Into (hr engago meat* today at the aapaos* of Pf®l dent GooHdga aad three cabtaat oM cent, hut he ant a teataltve hgOM mrnt for the tearing down of tha OM •tadersl Ballding near etty toll Jtß Manhattan. Ha was gt ml puts* behind attodata, to eplltag on Urn Fraatdaut. wßooTto had never vee* hetroe. At noon, *tto® he waa due at tha WMte Hoaaa,.ha was stilt In conference With ftymrf Mellon, sttoraey general dargant dad Foot master General New. Me had kept them waltiag half M hoar to to • gin a discussion of tha todotol build- i| log question* which has been a® yeata. f ‘ j. . . *-5 ( jRVv

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