WEATHER Phlr and MH«kt)F warmer VHmUit '“ fhniv fair u 4 wvmr i-«- 1 »■——■■■ ■■■*■* vouwa seven ; number 21 JOHN W. FAISON IS CONVICTED OF MANSLAUGHTER ; ' T p . •> . t Sentenced to One Year In Prison For Death of t Mrs. Elsie Holt Snipes BtntMM Par Death et Nativa Os PriaeatM b Lightest CaaM Be -bapaaad JURY DELtIUERATED X MORE THAN 6 HOURS DoOndnnt Verdict With Btalcal Culm Bat Mrs. SaFpea Weepa | RICHMOND March W—OP>— I. W. Faison »a* found guilty of volun . lory manslaughter by a Jury ia llusting* court bar* lata today in vOnnerllon with the death-of Mr* KIM* Holt Snipe*, native of Prince ton, N>. C. The gentence of one year In prison recommended with the ver i let waa the Ughtsst possible under the Virginia Aw. The defendant, who contended that Mia. Rut pea committeed suicide wh|le he waa In her apartment, received the verdict with atdlcal calm, hut Mra. Faison, who had supported her hus band since his arrest wept as she '•sard the sentence sending her hus band to prison. The verdict waa returned after a deliberation of six hoars and X minutes. * At the reconvening of cogrt today, the jnry requested Judge Ernest H. Wells to inatnipt U aa to the various verdicts It might rettfrn Again, short ly after 4 o’clock* the Jnry questioned the Judge sa to whether It might find the former manager of the* fashion able Hermitage country clnh guilty <>t voluntary mgaslsugbtei M retired nnd returned filth the verdict in a : h<>rt time. Information received by The- News last night waa that It had not been Indicated that the defendant would make an appeal and k was consider eo doubtful ff he wduld J. J. Hatch, loeal attorney who ap peared for the prosecution In the case, spent last night In Richmond and planned to return to Goldsboro today, leaving Richmond about noon. He will ’hh accompanied to Princeton by Mr. and Mrs. To be Holt, parents of the fclyin woman by whom he was employ ed to aartst In the prosecution of LOVING CUP WON BY HIGH SCHOOL *'• ■* n. - - 0 -v Huccotwful Wgjrne County Dra matic Festival Ended On Lasting Evening Wayne county’s first dramatic (as tlval waa brought to a most success ful conclusion last svsnlng with the presentation* of three plays. The Judg es, Mrs. Wade Dorset! and Mru M»Vy Morris, rendered their decision at the end of the contest it. favor of the High Reboot brumMlc Hub which •■!• ;« red as ita ti 'em to the Rea”, an Irish pay by J. M. 8yn»«. and Dr. William Smlt*. prealdyn* of he Rotary club presen’ *J the Rt ;ry silver loving CU;>. Last night’s : rogrsm was ipmed ley Nahunta riving Booth Tirldng ton’s comedy '".he Tryli' ng Place” ;> was done wit! great (MU and waa warmly received by the nivUcnce Rd wlp AycocW placing tt»s »*rt of young Lancelot Briggs, love sick youth pin ing for the favor of the sophisticated nnd beautiful dideaaqi Mrs. Cartls. handled with great ease by Mis* Paul ine Crowsoa, was II a star must be named, probably the outstanding: mem tier of the cast He looked the part n*d played It with surprising ad i lot ness. Other members of the cast, *!| of 'whom did veil with their res pective parts, were Lassie Cogdell as Mis. Briggs. Haael Ctlnedlaet as Jessie Briggs. Albert Morris as Mr lugoldsby, Edward Davis aa Rupert f with, and Earl Bdgerton aa the mysterious voice. Grantham came on second, present ing “Gauls atl Cauls Jr.” Here we had hllarloes comedy done to perfection. It would Am u hard gutter to Gad a (Continued On Page Pearl THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINIM ABB FRESH-READ BTC BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUT. Bellview Cow Dies Os Painter’s Colie Here's d story that sound* like Kinston, bits It* scene was laid in Bellview, Goldsboro suburb 11. B •Workman i* a painter and paper hanger. But he believes In the val ue of milk as a food and believes that thVTamlly cow U a necessity. Anyway lie had wow aiy he lefra bucket of paint where rt Vlie animal could get at It. She did. and drank It. Result, one cow dead of psinter’a colic. GRANT IS OFF FOR ST. LOUIS Accompanied by Officer Rhoden, WiU Return Godwin and Hr*. Jones to City Sheriff W. D. Graut last last night icr St. Louis, Mo., to c\fim Henry Godwin and Mrs. Elaie/Jenea bald ny the authorities city under charges of eloping pad abandonment The couple were arrested there on March 13th. while they were regis tered at th*> Pontiac hotol under aa y umed names. MBkrlff Grant received word ls«t ulght that the extradition papers had been received and honored by th* Governor of Missouri. nj The sheriff etated that he rtpected to arrive In St T*6U» Mf*’ fHMTiITOr toon on Thursday and would return to this city on Hunday or Monday. He was accompanied 'by Plain Clothes Officer Chink Rhodes. ONE VICTIM -■ LEFTANOTE Directed That His Body Be Sent To Mdtkor In Omaha, Nebraska BOSTON. March 20—<A*)—But one of the six men imprisoaad In th# tor pedo room of the sunken Submarine H-4 wrote a Message during their last 74 hours of Ufa. a thorough In spection of the vessel Indicated today. This message, a brief one. waa found In th* clothing of Beaman George Pel sat; at tha Chelsea Naval Hospital where the bodies of tha last sight of th* S-4's crew were taken follow ing the removal last night. It wffx written ia red crayon on n small piece of cardboard and read: *”My body to Pelaar. 5*09 8 l»th Street, Omaha. Neb." The address was that of Pslnar's mother. Mrs. Kate Meleslva, Hated lu official naval recorth a* his next of kin. New Uses for Cotton Will Be Theme Textile Institute The steering committee of th* Bat tern Carolina Exposition met In Goldsboro yesterday afternoon* and put finishing touches to tha program that had not been finally acted upon to that time. Reports from various committees were read and all were very encouraging to the committee. Chairman William Royall of th* floor i.pace committee reported that sppqe was being sold about as fast as th* committee could get to th* prospects. Only a few automobile spaces remain yet to he sold. Mr. Royall said, and thers are several prospects lor all of these. A very satisfactory report was kinds Icr Chas. Miller, chairman of the lo cal advertising committee. In his ab sence' The report showed that adver tising materiel has been dtstrlhnted • ary thoroughly throughout th* city. Secretary Bartlett reported that | things are shaping up nicely for the ' Cotton Textile Institute to be held URGES SUPPORT OF EXPOSITION Bnrtlrtt nnd Befit Make Talks At Rmlm MmUri of Rdttry Ctib a • « Aa appeal by N. W. Bartlett, see, rotary, that Goldsboro get solidly behind the Santera Carolina Expoel- Uoa pad make H tha great success which the importance of the city Jaa rifles and the presentation by Hanry Falk of n paper on "The Rotartau. the ilauder of Mm He to” featured the regular session «f the Goldsboro club at th* Hotel Goldsboro laat evening An Item on the program and one adding much to It eras th* fee tare danr,, give* by Jack Meta, tour year old youngster. Jerk got plenty of applause for hla medley dance. “71m Eastern Carolina Exposition kas been the means of giving this section the greatest feeling of unity, has got all th* towns to pulling t»- g at her fop the good of the section, more than pithing else.” apld Mr. Eortlett ia hla talk t ’Now the 35 c cmnties comprising thp section are looking toward Goldsboro to sponsor tha greatest exposition ever. The ter ritory looks upon your city aa the hading city industrially, and th* one beet suited for presenting a complete exposition. 1 hex peek from you th* support for th* Exposition which th# ooontle* are expecting ” “Yh* Rotary Mea,’’ said Mr. Balk, “la unique In th* history of man. Like the other half of a railroad ticket, •a someone wrote la a recent Issue Os this Rotartan, man la no good If da tsacked Rotary Is performing a World wide function In bringing meu together—binding them intim|f»ly In the handle of life and enabling them tv see tigs other fellow's viewpoint, lo understand him. and that lead* to human companionship, and to friend ship life’s moat satisfying Inspiration “When the timet comes that the men world understand eac It other the rime will he wt hand when the Hon end the lamb shall He down together and humanity will he freed from the incubus or war.” Southern Passenger Train Is Derailed NORCROSS, Oa. March 2V—<*»)-•> Passenger* were neverly shaken up hut non* seriously Injured when a Southern railway train number 15. Richmond to Atlanta, was derailed two mile* south of her# early Ua" ulg hl. —— - ' A broken main driving axle on the oegine threw th* locomalive and the 4 other car* comprising the train off •he tracks. Non* of them turned over. Both main tracks of the road were blocked by the accident and officials said It probably would be midnight or later before traffic could be resumed. APTO WAIinUCTI HER IHER CLEVELAND. Ohio.. March 2d—(A*) —James W- Packard, 64 ona of thr founders and former president of the Packard Motor Company of Detroit and for years a prominent figure n the automobile field, died at a hos pital her* today. , Thursday and Friday morning. April 12 and 13. A definite program will he worked ouf at a meeting to he held In Raleigh today with Dean Tboa. Nelson of ths State College, 8. K. Boney. representing the power companies of the State, and Hunter Marshall Jr., secretary of the North Corollas Cotton Maittifacturers As •octatlou.” New uses for cotton will be the theme of the whole discus sion. The Eastern Carolina Chamber of Commerce Is keenly Interested In finding «ew uses for cotton, which will hive a tendency to increase the consumption of 755 fleecy staple. E C. Morse, of New York, will be on the program to officially represent the New Cses Department ot the cot ton Toxttlo Institute of* New York. Flans worn laid for condacring the annual Automobile tour through the adjoining towns and counties to help advertise the Exposition. Just (Continued on Page Three) GOLDBBOOO. N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 11, 111* GRIM GRAVE OF GALLANT CREW vv] A "'TV ||Sk I y" vT IP [L. m if I \ t j | ' \\R» \ i m II L a |1 w| I a %\ EubMsartn* B-4 as ft appsurai white being towed Into the Hasten Navy Yard with Its grim cargo of sight bedlsu. The Sag la flying at halt moat •a memory of the men who lest their Uvea when Urn Ship waa iWMsad Standa rd Food Inspection Ordinance Is Recommended Suggested standards for proper |s s pact too of meat throughout this port of the mate will ba referred to th* various local board! of health and aeuMg ofncers 'for adoptioa as a~ re sult of e meeting held here yesterday In which health otflcera, packing com puny representatives and others met s' the call, of Dr. L. W. Corbett, of the Wayne county health office. The Httwidard * tlon » 1 1l he foriniilatWFiv n »l’.t ts*nl tn be prepared hy *Dr A. 11. Kc.r. Dr. L. K. Koonce, Raleigh! Dr. McCullum and Dr. Caldwell. Appointment- of Ahe committee end ed a aeaaioa which had begun In the memorial community building In the Would Bar Sinclair’s ! Horses in Maryland Maryland Racing Commission an nounced tonight, through James F. Hayward, secretary that It had requested owners of the four one mile traeks In the state to bar the horses of >ke JHjtcaca* Btabl*. owned by Hahry T. Sinclair, oil magnate. Jt?cau»e of his connection with the Teapot Dome of scandal THINK THAT DAM WAS DYNAMITED Rude Drawing of Water SyflteAi At INrtnt Is Discovered, Together Wlth*R«pe IX)B March 20— Of)— Evidence that a dynamite explosion may have <4used the collapse of the Rt. Francis dam and released the Hood of liquid death on the Rants Clara river valley today was in the hands! of Investigating authorities. While Officials were not definitely convinced that the dam had been dy namited. so much credence was plac ed on the findings of Deputy Sher iffs assigned to the flood area that every resorvolr and dam in the entire Los Angeles water system tonight was under a heavy guard. Among the discoveries which WTI - xsld tended to support th* dy namiting theory was the finding near the dam of a sheet of note piper with a roughly outlined chart of tha structure end s short piece of newly t rayed rope. The stand was axaertsd tn b P sime style used by acqaedect dynamiters who In the past have blas ted sections of th* wstereray. The chert was said to bav*> been written In the same handwriting that sketched chart* found at th* prev ious dynamiting*. morning. Fotlnwlng the morning Mo tion, the Wayne county hoalth de partment and jhe Bob White peek ing company aatrvai a barbecue din t er to th* visitors and hi the after noon they worn takgjufor an automo bile trip th^iTtf^S^ Dr. Kerr la discussing tha)must and milk problems -which are con fronting the health departments of the rsilbus counties, stated that the L ose ti state qg meat products, fur the purpose of cold-storage, waa not c guarantee of purity. ’Proum stuff a* soon as it comas oat of cold Itor age. spoils qulokly. Wo must gat at eome way of limiting peddling by __ (Continued on pug* atl) Federal Tax Receipt! Show A Big Increase - RALEIGH. March 243—OT)—feder al Income tax collection for this year today war* |4437.M«, collector <3ll - mOrissom. announced tonight. This is 140T.0M more than bad been collected at this asm* time in 1927. and Indicates Mr. Grissom said, that tho total for the year will 'bo above 530.000,000 as compared with about 119.200,000 col looted hi 1927. North Carolina •Invsoears put u good sum into General Motor* and R. J. Reynolds Mock, he said attri buting of the IncreaM In Hone fop this year'to Increased fth tomes due to these Investments Is' companies that made good profits la 1927. * Mountain Trout May Lure President to North State THF NEW! BI’BKAr, Commodore Hotel WASHINGTON. March 20—If Presl dent Coolidge Is not bombarded with a floA or Chamber of Comm arc# and civic club telegrams, with the Idea that pressure wilt dominate hla choice ot a place to spend his vacation the l!i2X summer White House bids fair to be In North Carolina's “Land of tho Skyi” As much has been told your corres pondent and more about the presi dents vacation views. On# of the com pelling reasons wfiy Mr. Coolidge favors Asheville end "Zeslandla” In particular Is not to be disclosed now. It is possible that it can be given ont for pnbHcatlos later. When Representative Zebuloa Wea ver, Tenth Diftrtct Congressman, and David H. Blair. Internal Revenue Collector for the country and a Re publican wheel horse in North Caro lina, went to see the President last Large Part oi Slate’s Electorate Is Against Smith, Says Langston Eiffel Tower Takes Life Seventh Jumper PAR3ft March *o~lD—Eiflel lower for the wreath time today proved' the nemlat* to puraahuU Jumpers when Marcel Oayet craah-, *d 4M feet to death. Oayet leaped from ths ascuM platform of th* famous tower. Pre vious tests with sand hags hud keen successful hot when he took Om leap himself, the parachute Aayet waa •xperjm'nilng wWh a modified military parachute de signed to ope* quickly for low flying planes lint i mmmmmmmmmmmmmm ■*■»* DICE HOWELL WILL APPE AR Ngrth CaraHm iipnas W» Stuff At Eiffffrig— At Bfl*t t HI! Satftriay ft Os wide Interest throughout Boat Caroline Is the hews that Mias Dirt# llowall estiva North Caro Han lou who has mads a distinguished record aa a lyric soprano lu metropolitan gg* tern will be the principal soloist Sat urday at th* patriotic exercises and historic anvelling horn sponsored by th* Colonel Alexander McAUlat** chapter. Daughter* of tha American Revolution. Numbers of peFioua from nil part* of the atata are expected Is Snow Hill Saturday for tho unveiling of Mto marker to commemorate the *oath us boundary of Lord GraavlHe's one eighth part of Carolina and tha moat” Mvera Indian battle ever fought la North Corolla*. Tim marker was gives by th* I). A H chapter and Oreesm county commissioner*. A plcslc dia ller and barbecue will baa feature ofl the day. Governor A. W. McLean, will ha a main speaker, his subject to ha “Ouf Debt to our Ploheero" Hoa. J. P. rrtsMil* will apeak on th# elgulflc ' arc* of the Tuscorora campaign. Mrs. |Edwin C Oratory, Stats D. A. R. Regent, and Mrs. #. 0. Spencer Vico Prealdant General. D. A. R and Atony other patriotic organisa tions heads will also he on thsi pro gram. WITH REPLIES TO ROHNBOV ALBANY. N. Y„. March SS.-iP)— Governor Smith tonight character ised as “demagogic” slander state ments mad* by Senator RoMnaoo. Republican. Indiana, on the floor of Itho Senate yesterday that Harry P Sinclair, a prominent Agar# la thu oil scandal, had heeu n henry con tributor to th* New York State 4ut oeretic gubernatorial campaign lu in*. •* - - week they fousd him uncommonly interested In their Invitation. Two or three years ago Mr. Weav er went to see him with the Mayor of Asheville and Mr. Coolidge. as la Ills wont when he Is receiving visitors on I a mission with which he Is not In rympathy kept them standing. Mayor Cathey actually had a 11 minute xpeech prepared lrat he didn’t get to proclaim a siagle sentence touching on the beentles of hie native heath. The other day Representative Wear ar and Mr. Blair spent half aa hour with th* Prealdant. They gave him. as he had asked them, a minute deo ciption of “Zeslandla”, the home of Phillip S. Henry, and of Fred Seel *y’s Grove Park home. They studied maps, discussed ths Ptsgah Nation al Forest and th* Groat Smoky Moun tain park aft*. Toward the end of th* Interview, which revealed an enthusiastic iator l (Continued On Page Threel i MBMBBB OR the associat—i M ■ I ■■■■■■■ ■——— price ms cuff WtMtH’SalM Jmms| F 0» OWMWON Attack’s Noir Task ntTrijll AttitaMs Tt—wnlt PpsMM* • * ttM uffEum^F ;- winston sauEm, March (MU '—■* P—)N4*n «t Nod es rolls*. iaclaita* O. MSK Qortsai, . .Tovernor McUm, Ills—i Mttseal Daonls a- »m—lit. —wt»y mu* James A. Kan mm, V—. A. PrrtiA «—My « Urn MMi Carol Im dopartmslt of asrtoSttSfn Representative Wm, 0. HiaSW, ►« any declared their nppealttoa to Ape* rrnor At Smith's casdtdacy lb' iU< •aria* questionnaires aost 0— kyf Santfcrd Mart la. adftor of— WlS stoa-Salem Joarsol. to lOfSP—ft)o what bar they ora sapforttoj^fhaMbw ymllniMJ m—https* f ' tfc» state* lao—s doftTpopmo. r*b the rtawa of Ih—Mptelts-hto« SMS lit North Carol 100 who ar* t> «Mo*Pi of Col. John hern. rttidldalt I* JgpotoStM tavdt- > far. The story Into* Jpotwst’tl » vraor Stolto’a eaaAiUtdy palely fl-s U 4 > ■ I I—a v mom 3 nlats ▼ PQtmmi • Hp—'- a vsry large parcsnlaSS Os MpfMj|ttoP* matte steotorato la "«ttoMito'4».aat 'nd racocataod so ooa of the oatetoaA isa Dotooersto of ISo Stale daolssai y wMowa aettoa of tatth”** "s!' MSI staadard basest. Colon* i Lsasatos’a lottef woo the thirteenth to reply to ooaaftossaitto ' east oat hr The Jaaraal IMS ««l— is' toktsg s poll of appraits—lf fif ty leading Democrat* aad mail Aston tor State office* la Nor— OsAWss to aetarailM their atoiToa Ms AI Smith lease. Os this aaatoer tea hs»e declares their npsaaftlts to •■Mrs nomination, taro have aaM they were under,ided, while oaly oae has come oat for the Mew Tort Optorsor. “t look with grave cqaeera «y ea say movement* or teadeaeiea fkl celated to revive tkoee til— li—a which distract the pahHe tbowcht. and accept tec aay I*aSSHhl> wtMh 1* calculated to rovlvo attack* Op** . thosa laws aad oaastltvtleaal ppA» risloaa rslatlac to pr*hlMttoa % * ha , write*. "For this reason I css set htt rtgard with appreheaalos toe nom- Inatton of Ckrveraov StoWh. whose legislative career has hoes la eppor eat accord with effort* to jrp—l pcohiMUea legislation, aad whose adeslalstrstlre record has heoa Is Sf psrsat accord with the view tost the Stats Is set oMlsated to MMlHktfl support la aid of ovary psfH— of the NatVxsal CosetKalloa." The letter fottows: I hart your latter of March IM> In which yen authe laoalry: **Aho you In favor of the somlseOoo of tiorersor Alfred B. Smith a* Oam icrstic candidate for WrttM—f Mo Answer to this i a*airy l t **||p". North Carolina has for tot §s* W years draws tha attoatlos of top as* tion to her rapidty taersostof S*»Sv rots under Democratic State AAmtots t rations. Kora loss tins# la th# ate lier period fetlowlac to* aearttispi of Rapnbllcaa mtsraie, tha pohlt* piled was dirtrtad tram #SMN OOP deration or mrwiviml Vml lv* measure, by Urn MaaaJal OshU stem determined this |PtoMaa A*- •“Sllt.’SrP?

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