WEATHER Occasional ikowiri lu4v *od Mon day sight Cooler by Monday sight to l-wbbt c VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 25 5,000 ATTEND D. A. R. CEREMONIES AT SNOW HILL BELIEVE BANK ROBBERSTAKEN „ * *» Pistol Battle Results When Par ty Slopped By Tennessee 7 Officer ROCKINGHAM. N. C. March 24 (AB —Three men/who held up the, cashier of the Bank of Norman on February SI, and their two women companion*, ere believed to be held by Tenneee* authorities Sheriff J. 8. Brae well of Richmond county left here thin afternoon for Newport, Tenn to identify th< - r>bber*yStnr If poevlble, to brlna them baclr'to the, stile. , • A man held at Knoxville I* believed to be Jack Borden. He Is now nurs ing wounds Inflicted liy officers of the city. Information received here ts that he hud *7OO Ip cash ou hi* person when coughi” The other four, believed to be R'll Coker, (Hen Rutter, Klla lllack and Esaie Foster, the latter claiming to be the wife of Borden, are held at Newport. All five were arretted after a aeries of events on Thursday iiigjit. The quintet, according to Informa t on received here, appeared In Knox villa In a Chrysler roadster and Bukk redan and had cn encounter with of ficers during which the man believed In be Borden was host. The other four flew toward the North Carolina Una stopping at Newport for something to eat Two men in the Batch stopped In front of a cafa and a waiter was fringing them food when the New port chief of police appeared and at i< mpted :to arrest them At the Instant the two women drove up and a general shooting bee took place. The two women, the Neyrport chief aoiJ' , wlr i walt#r were alt *hot»ac cording to Infprmatlon received by * local officers -l- .■ * _ FOUR CITIZENS TO BE HONORED Eailt Scouts Will Stage Core- Monies in Memorial Com munity Bldg, Mon. Night Captain N. O.Berry, Col. Jos. Ft- Robinson. I.eHlle Well and Herman Weil wilt be honored by Eagle {trout* of the city In ceremonies to tie staged ft the Memorial Community Building Monday evening at 7:45. The occa sion arranged by tbe Eagle Scouts of '.he city as a tribute to the four men for wjwt they have contributed to the life of their section and stale. Bcout Executive W W. Rivers, announced. David Bland. Jr., will preside at tbe meeting and* a Scout token will be presented by Clnrence Peacock to the men In whose honor the cermony has been scheduled The public Is la* vlted to attend. ERIC ABERNETHY DIES IN MISHAP Son of UnWemity Physician Killed When Car Leaves Road Near Fort Barnwell KINSTON. March The body of Erie Abernathy, IT year old University or North Carolina fre«h man and ton of the University physl clan . lay In a local undertaking es tabilahroent here today following s the fatal craah on the New Bern high way at dawn thta morning In which he was killed. Aycork Brown. C 4. Beaufort news paperman, who waa badly shocked and shaken In the smashup waa ex petted to leave for Durham tonight. Yomi*>Abernrthy , a father may arrive hero tomorrow to claim the remains of bis son, who waa pinned beneath the debris of the' car when It leTt the road near Fort Barnwell. DlftlUUt IHJPHtTItMf DECATUR. Oa.. March 24—(A’l— The recaiverehlp and injunction suit brought against the Stone Mountain Confederate Monumental Association to recover and prevent donations to the memorial project by the city of Atlanta and Fulton county was dis missed In DeKalb county Superior Court today. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY, TWENTY PAGES TODAY Sue Won’t Have To Waste Time Raising Kittens From Now On I-WIW f, MR. AND MRB. BUS MONKEY ANNOUNCE BIR*J*H OF DAUGHTER AND HAVE GREAT ARGUMENT A8 TO . WHETHER IT LOOKS LIKE FATHER JIGGB OR MOTHER BUB; TO BE SHOWN TODAY Mr. and Mrs. Jlggs Monkey an nounce the birth of a daughter (or It may be the male gender) at their home In the Herman park menager ie. Mother andjUughler are doing •tlp«TyT '''Superintendent Roy Parker annona ced yesterday that he would allow Jlggs sud Sue as the two taonk* are octter known, to display their new l*sby to the multitude today weather permitting. *’ • Hu,, was prouder than (he proudest Goldsboro mother as she exhibited her youngster to The News editor and Snperintendent Parker at a private showing yesterday afternoon. And Jlggs, the fallivr, seemed quite pleas ed thpt his offspring should be such a remarkably beautiful child. “Ainf’ he like hla father" Sue said ’o The News, and dhe held tbe run ning little mite of monkeynes* nut for a gpod-Inspection. That nose Isn't It just like Jlggsr But Jlggs. so n.imedOftrcause he favors the famous comic strip char acter broke in with a great excited chatter. *> "Now ain't that Just like a worn in. a blind man could tell that the young ster la Just like Ilia mother l<ook at the ayes, asd the Way he holds his mouth. n , Sue looked pleased, but rliknged the conversation: “Look at this delicate JOINT MEETING OF CIVIC CLUBS Dr. lAughinghouf* Will Be Sneaker at Rotary And » KiwanU Gathering Dr. Charles O'H I-auglilnghouae, state health officer, will be tha apeak ct before a Joint meeting of the Klw nnis and Rotary clubs of the city at (he Hotel Goldsboro Monday evening at 0: 3A o'clock.® At the meeting scheduled by the Kiwanls club, a number of women of tbe etty who are interested In pub ic! health work will be invited guests.e The program will be In charge of Dr. W. 0. Byrd, of the klwantv clnb Dr. Byrd was Instrumental In sectir-1 log Dr. luiugMnghouse to appear for the address ~ » The meeting will tgke the place oT Ihe. regulgr meeting of the Rotary ciub on Tuesday evening. Dr. figure In public health work and he is a speaker of personality add broad perspective. , _—— 1 ■ ■ BLAST OX SHIP KILLS O!JK MAX DAVENPORT. Eng., March *4 UP) —One m«n was killed an<j three ae t iously Injured In an explosion aboard the British aircraft carrier Courage-' ous now In the dock yard here. The men. all engtaeers, were trying out an emerg#ff€y'>ufnp aboard th# vessel when the explosion took place. Cor6ner's Jury Agrees Boy Justified In Killing Farmer Ater consulting wjth cqunty attor ney Dickinson yesterday morning. Cor oner T. R. Robinson decided that It might be better to hold inquest over the body of Drover Thompson. 3H ytf*.r old Fork township man who w u and killed by his 13 year old aoa Woodrow. tn“ytelr home near the Tol er Bridge early Friday nlghh The Inquest brought out and strengthon en the first Impression, of the case - that Woodrow shot hie father to save Mila mother. The six men rmpanelljd us a Jury ruled Out the act waa Jus tified and freed the young fanner hoy. > Mr I '. Thompson! testifying before the Jurors, told of experienc es at the her'frunken hus band extending back ten year* ar.d more. When he was sober he was a good man and a thoughtful hnsbaud, pink akin, you know there was never a baby that had such pink skin as that before." she went on ruffling back tbe soft down a quick but caressing motion, "and look how be curies up kls little toes. Ain't thnt the sweetest thing", and she could not resist planting a moist smack square ou £/»y‘* mouili. "I know that th* doctor says I shouldn't do that, Mid I gue<s he Is r'gbt. but you know lie Is the first baby I ever had and he is Just so eweet.” ‘ 6 An automobile lirlkod past on the nearby drive with a roar, and with a startled and frightened look on her face. Sue grabbed the tiny monk to her breast with all the ln*tlncta<*f a hitman mother seeking lo its young from danger, "And now Sue won't have to waste her mother tnsUnct on kittens," chtm •d In Superintendent Parker, "You remember that" she la tbe same mem ber of the park family that adopted iwo kittens and wouldn’t stand for us taking them sway. She kept them ont there until they were so big they wouldn't stand for bar mothering litem any more and scurried off to start families of their own. Sha seemed quite heartbroken over their rolng but I guess she will forget them now" and ha looked at Sue proudly Inspecting her own baby. Eternal Feminine Even In Death MKM PH 18, Tenn., YfIWIT'H (JP) Believed by police to hay a turned on the gas Jets that t.vk her life and Ihe lives of hei brother and sister today, Mr*. Vivien Broome, tl. divorcee app;Jp ently stood In front of her vault/ mlrrow «nd applied a beauty pre paration as she awaited death to overtake her. When smbulauce dtrvers an* lered the small apartment in which Mrs. Booome lived with her elder slater, Hasel Tate S 3, and hbr brother Louis Tate 1* a sign painter apprentice, they found her rrqmpled on the floor before tbe mirror, a powder puff in one hand a vanity caee In lit# other and traces of powder on her lace. EFFORT'T<rLIMIT~.NITIES GENEVA. Switxerland, March SL OP) —A new British effort toward the further limitation of the tonnage of capital ahipa and their > armament marked the closing hours of the pre paratory disarmament committee to day. , The BritishCferoposaD were as fol lows: I Reduce in size any battle ships to ’ be built In the future from 35.000 lons I lo something under 30,000 tons. ■ ! Reduce in sixe the gune of battle- I ships from the present limit of 14 ; inches to lift Inches, i Extend the accepted life of exists . ing capital ships from 20 to 20 years. but when he was drunk he waa a devil, the Jurors learned. Three chil dren born to the marriage died at birth It was said, because of beatings and rough treatment which thejelfe suffered when nJl*r the tlpte of con finement The story of the shooting of thi husband given by the mother talll*J In detail with the story of the 13 year old son. who fired the fatal shot Thompson had been drinking, for 24 i ours or more. All day he had terror ised his family. Just before Woodrow tired the 20 gague shotgun Into his neck and from close tinge Thomp son waa bending over Mrs. Thompson telling her to pray and pray In a hurry as that was gotift to be her last prayer. * t> (Continued ou page Ufa) GOLDSBORO, N. C SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH Si, 1938 Only Survivor of $-4 if VI * Br* mm. tJtneaa saved James Rise from sbar tn* the fate es hie eemradee In the erew es the wreefceid submarine 8-4. He waa absent frees the fatal trip. Rloe Is Inspecting, th* r*M hull at _JBeetoß.Navv.rsjd do dock COL LANGSTON LAUDS PROGRAM Calk* Snow Hill Event One of Largest Moat Interesting He Ever Attended "One of the largest and the most Interesting celebr itiona I ha vs ever attended In the state", said Col John li. Langston last night, a «*> nuea-t --li.g the I). A. It. ceremonies In Snow 11111. * ‘‘There was not a hitch in tha en tire programme, due lo the splendid leadership of Mrs. W. B. Murphy, of Boow Hill regent of CoL McAllis ter chapter D. A. R., who presided. She Is one of the moat Interesting and dynamic women I hare ever met. The speeches were maaterpksce*. Mrs. K C. Gregory has the same poise ..rd presence tTttft has made her fath | < r a cumm iigllny figure lit public life She know? 1 wlntt t*> s.iy, and slops vtien she his Dahl it. i “One of the outstanding speakers j was Mrs. W,. O. Hpencsr. of Win-1 Mon-Salem. who showed a grasp of hei subject and an nnusual power of speech that captivated the crowd, the Is a slater of Congressman Karr. “Than too, ths three minute speech of Mr*. J. W. Parker, of Perm vllie wee a gem from the' opanriif sentence •to the finish. She can crowd more real stuff In a few brief O i momenta than most anybody I have heard In years. She brought greetings from the North Caroling Eastern Star members. * ~ “But it’s not fair to give all tba pralee to the women, though this was their day. (loveruor McLean measur ed up to the things expectrd of him. Mr. A. R. Newsom, of the historical <»mmission ‘dlto’- and Mr. Paul Frisxelle, attorney of Snow Hill, made one of the finest addressee on the history of the period of the pioneers. It ha* ever boen m.v pleasure to hear. I was In college with i'risoelle. He was a great speaker then. He is s corker now. “Greene county Is a. great fount/. A county that can bring such a large part of It’s 3rltlxenshtp togethar to study mid celebrate It’s history, and uo honor to it’s builders and heroes, lias mighty possibilities as a county of culture as well as one of material progress. ” Wants $10,00)0 For . Losing Her Hubby WAYCROSB. Os.. March 34—<J*) — The unsolved disappearance early this iwwith of the Rev, H. H. Young, pastor of the Central Raplist church came buck into the limelight tonight with the filing by his of an alien, at ion of affection suit against Mrs. E. P Walker of this City. peti tion asked *IO.OOO damages. NotMng definite has been hoard tinea the pastor dropped out of sight while on a trip to Atlanta, hut court officials at Meridian. Miss., bar? said that on March 3. a man giving kls name ns Rev. Herbert B. Young, was married there to Mr* K. T. Walker of Coetaglon, Ky., and New York. Expect Completion Os Gty Airport During This Week FIELD WILL BE OF SUCH SCOPE AS TO MRBT DRMANDS • OF HEAVIEST TYPE PLANBB; EXPECT THOUSANDS • HERE FOR FORMAL OfRNING TO COME WITHIN SHORT TIME NOW Pinal Improvements of tbe munici pal airport suggested by Lt. Murphy ol Fort llrsgg on n final Inspection trip to tbe city, are exported to be complete this week. Tbe airport com mission has announced that plans for a formal opening wil go forward as soon ns the improvement* are finished Tha only changes which Lt. Mor phy recommended were the removal of a few trees on the northeast and southeast corner of tba rteld. These would be cut ont so aa to provide road like stretches through woods which border the port op these sides. Then If necessary, a plane taking off could follow the cleared space If the desired rise were sot secured before leaving the field proper. At the same time, these minor Im jrovements would permit planes to take ofr in the general direction of open country. This would oiler chan rea of bringing tbe machines hack If inglnc trouble developed to earth, elth ct on the old golf course or aboat tbe new ball field. Had tbe new sveaaes Decides He'd Belter Rely on Vaccination There came up oat oT Stoner Creek tewnshtp yesterday a pecul iar! story In * c * rU,B community of th* township ts a colon*f ot Baoctlfloalsts, folks who bet lev* they have attained divine grace, and can do no sinning, so th# re port goes. Tjpse SsaotiftoaHU do lAhcCtnlet lon. But the wife of one member* of the ool oely contracted smallpox. Tba story goes (bat the husband decid ed that tha vautfTpo'x waa « visita tion sent upon tbe family because his wife had had a back-fence squabble with a nearby neighbor. Lest, however, other vtsttallOM be sent, the father decided to have the children vaccinated. They cam* to town yesterday seeking the Inoculation that would protect them. Stock Exchange Seat Sells For $350,000 NEW YORK. March *4— OF) Prices on the membership on tbe New York stock exchange advanced *IO,OOO to a new blfftirecord at 939*,- OOp as total sales crossed the 3.066,- 000 share mark for the third consecu tive Saturday, Heavy profit taking sates checked the rising tide of stock prices but not until -Oeneral Motors bad movad up $4.75 to another n*w high record at *193. closing 13 a shara below that level General motors has added approximately *035,000,000 to the market value of Its shares of com mon stock since the present boom rtarted three weeks ago. Smith Does Not Choose To Run For Sheriff's Office H O. Smith. who was runnep-up iu the lent contnst. doe* not choose to run for the Joh of Sheriff of Wny»e county, he announced yestardny. The announcement from the man who pave Sheriff flrnnt the beet race in the laat go round ie thought to throw the content for the highest of fice in the county between ■’•Sheriff Grant, the present Incumbent, and Jim Byrd of Mt. Olive. Byrd, who wae aleo in the race the lint time, made official announce ment in the Mt. Olive Tribune In It* laat elect U%i that he eat out tor the place and Homer Brock, editor of the Tribune, wrote In hi* <h*t Mr. Byrd wae "going to work to win” While Mr. Byrd’* official announce ment came only thl s week, It ha* been generally understood that he wae TWENTY PAGES TODAY not been provided pMnee wiipld have been forced To 'tabs tbe air la tha general direction ot the high school building and LL- Murphy said avia tors preferred heading toward open country. The runway to be provided will he about 3.56# feet long and will bo es pach scope aa to accoaradate the heav iest type plane, It Is said. Forty acres comprise th* field, which Is port of the city farm, lying non beast of the residence of. Dr. testy and of the Orlffla pork. A tklrty-alx foot rood has boos op ening on the easier* edge of the field and this mod ot tba point ot reaching the Norfolk-Pother* roll rood (rocks turns to th* weet In suek u fashion os to permit autoaMhUea driving to the continue ou pad return to tbe city without turning . round at the spot. Parking space for thousands of nntomobiles will be provided a poo the occasion of the formal epoolag. GRANTHAM BOY WINS CONTEST Man*hall Jenaott tigs 100 OUmt ContwUßta Fvm Tw*»ty- Fhr# CmwUw Marshall Jeanett, young eop of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Jenaett of Grantham township, waa yeaterddy notified that “t» woe wtaMor to the >rßi« contest ' tor vocational agriculture students II Msatarn North Corollas. Th* con test woa sponsored by th* Chile** . Nitrates Educational Bureau. Young Jennet! will get 995 tor wlo ' »tag th* con test, but more than that he sad hla folks hove the sottstac tion of knowing that hla asm* topped 'the list of 1M other young men la j twwbay-ftv* counties who eoataslad for the honor. He waa trained la ag riculture under Prof. 0. F. Seymour of th* Greet hem high school and ft woa sold yesterday that his success indicated the scop* of th* lastroctioa being given. There were two divisions of the contest la which Mr. Jeasctt waa winner. One hinged on hla own cui tlvatlon of two acre* of tobacco and the other oa Me ability to Judge crops. His combined scores la then# two dirts lons won first place for Mm. Oa his tobacco project h* realised *OO3 oa two scree and of thin *mou*t about 9496 waa claar. DAYIR IN NICARAGUA # MANAOUA. Nle.. March U.—UTh- F. Trubee Davison assistant secra tary of war, and Maj.-Oea. James E. Fee hot, chief of the United EUtes army air corps, left Managua this morning on th* last lap of their flgkt from Washington to Panama. > running for the place for nereral month* now. Hl* announcement ta the first official notice of Intention to make the race in the Democratic pri mary to be staged not many week* tway. B. 0. Smith any* he doev not choose is run because he I* too busy sailing Watkins products. The last race cost 1 a prettier penny than he had thought it would, somebody, quoted him ns •aging. _ -,f: The general Impression In tbs county is that Sheriff Orant in right Misty Intrenched In the job. He wen "national attention in Ibe way tfe handled the trying Newsome cnee nad •ays that be has never had so much favorable comment and promises *1 i support i, he In having now. MEMBER OR TBE ASSOCIATED PBIMB j puck pits caim UNVEIL MARKER * APPROPRIATELY wwavamnmMMgob Marks Sowlhorn Hiiiinr «| Graavils Grant aM Glttai Mian Batik ttta SNOW HILL. March 34—(»P)-ThO victory that broke tbi power of (la Indiana In (Bantam Carolina aa4 mm thorn scurrying to Now York wa» celebrated today la a fashion to leave a nark, or rather a Marker, for Um non 3M yoara. Ttio victory oHUif 111 yaars ago. Today tko Daughter* of tha Amort - can Rovolatloa orootad It Markor and unveiled It, kora whara wan owes tko primeval banting ground of nation !a dlaa trlbles, now rick agrlsultorpl land, ytaldtag It* bounty to Aaortea. Tko Mark loft by tka Indiana tokse »n tka name of a Now Talk City to wkick tka Indiana of, North Cato* Una gava tkatr naMa—Chastaogu* and tka travallag Ckaataana ooaraoa. Itrtaraa and programs, carry tka name. Naw Bora, ttaatf was originally known aa Ohattawka. ■■ Tka D. A. K. North Carolina aoa laty, lad by lira. Bata C. Cregary. Salisbury, atoto ragout, ted takra tka load la aractlag markara la raaag -itlon as acktavamants of th« pant nod enduring Ingpiratiaa to tka praaaut and fulura. Mold at North Carolina dadteatad to day. a gboat of a rimmbaraaci of glrao a markar which will UOU for eg sally long caaiurtao to ooom that agrtgultaroi- roogirratlou baa praa pererM—Here In teuton North Coro Don whara fanwteg aaoola. Tka white man waa hh kottlo Mr agrteoltara. tko Indite* MM hia kant •n«. ■ ■ * . to- Iho Mnahpv lodlf MMte' Moooraiaa tka crowatau efetory^Wl nivuuißivt *•* tka Tuaaarora War. tha kattla which audad ta nod lad tka rgMoml of ia futod Taaeorota Indlnoeto Naw Turk. Tka markar algo c iotetunritaa tko aouthara boundary as Lord Oraurtllo’a one-eighth port of Corotloo ' Tka Wttar flgkMog took plaoa ftra Mltoo wart Os teow NIU. March M-tt. ITIS wbga tko ladioaa oudar Hoacoak aafforad the won* Wow avor aapar lonoad by tkrtk Ik North caroNaa. Tka Toamwrwa dwalt ta tertlo county aod la tko lonia aonth of tka Roonoka ate on tka tiir and nrttki rtvora. To tka north Mi notkwaot of A ibermarte aound want tka Makarrtna, Chow Bite iteguotoaka, Motto ways. Cnrrttneka ate Ytoptate Barth what of AUmaarld won tka Mtott* < pa. Cotaekoaya ate Hoaalooa To tka aart of thnaa trthdb rtratoh log to wara tka Mgttggkgo kaata. Matchapoagao, Hattaraa, Oorou, Woccona and Craotawa. Further aootb with about ijto warrtgrt available. On tka atda of tha white mam waa a total as l.rti a loan «Mo to hour •rota, out of Tte to Mg Carte no colony. Contraction as" tka eojrtMl waa tka aIM of tha rai akloa. MiWlfr •hay pliad thalr Indian akifL Tha MatUMnakaata and MaUtehfl*— worn ta mnaancre tko ioteWtanta of tko Both auction Tha Ftealtewa warn to alay tha act tiara ahova Bath. Tha Cotochaa. la what la at grant at Crnv n county, ate tha Coras wgta to gtow down tha (•olonlaU aa tha TaAt ate Naaoa Tha Tonesroraa ote Meherrln* ahd. othar Indiana took tko Albums tola aectite. Mr thalr rolda Borne 1.200 Tavearoraa and «M el ites begun thalr Marehoa on th* might of Saptambor ll—tka *aro tog art by tha wily Indiana. Beauts want ■band. Indiana folio wad. All aaktog food. ' ~r But at dawn tha war wkoopa ranouadad tbroagkoat tka province. Frightful maoa acres raailtf ad. Flru waa sat to many places. many lattlaMaatu. Butchary begum Two bnadrod wkltoa alaia M akar Naw Bara, more than 1M along tha Roa noke rivW. Throe day* ate alfkta of drankon alaagktor and horror. Tko straggling survivals aaatarai and Naw Bora ate fOrtlftod them m Iras Tka rad akin roatlauad hia ilupradattooa. Chief Justice Oala snot anocor from South CaroHna gte tk# ** i (Coattaaad oa Papa Bava«|

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