WEATHER Pair, warmer In east portion today. Wednesday fair fresh southeast and VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 32 Believe Jealousy Caused BrutaljMurder Qi Durham Woman, Finding of Bdfty Is First Step in Solution Bridge Mystery Cononnr'a Jnry FMi Mm. Tnrry Waa Brvtoly ud Tlnwin Ik Ifernr SHERIFF'S SEARCH FOR MAN IN SOUTH' CAROLINA Dwka Wnnnaa Battered te Hava Baa Miriml Night SfeLatt Har Haaw IS CORINTH, N. C, April I—(H —The brutal ntrnMi to which Jealtusy moy resort were rsvseled this mora- IM with the flndio* of « horribly hmi*ed body, Identified as tU*. of Mrs. Annie Terry. 45 of Durham, who nod been mteeing from her ho«K since March 14 when she left bn the pro teose of going to Greensboro for a visit. The body, which hod been is ffe waters of the dope tear riser since •nM night on the dny the women left lame, wss recovered near the dam of • tbs Cirollnn Power and Light < <>m posy's plant I miles below A rents ferry Itrldge, Jrom which she aas tossed to her death. It waa seen floating st the snrfece ,by Many Nscbanon, young .married man of Corinth cbmmuulty. It la ex pected that several others who have been active In the search will shste In the 1 101* reward offered by the sheriff of Chatham and Lea coamles. A coroner's Jury wss Impensllvil an rftar observing the body went to Pitts horn for a secret session. It decided that Mrs. Terry came to he- death ns a result of e •brutal assault" and woe drowsed In the water* of the Cage Pear riven thrown from Avents | terry bridge by a ‘'person or person* t uknown to the jury.” Mrs. Terry was recognise! by her daughter Mrs. Mery Yandlc of Dur ham who reached the scene a few hours after news of the rec„>*-jry came Phe was dressed exactly as Mis j Yandlr hat! predicted sit • wmlt or when found. Item* of Jewelry that could be positively Identified a* be longing to the minting Durham wom an were found upon her person. Sheriff Ula Tr. who bes been In charge of the search, declines to nn nounce the name of the man In whose search he and officers of Chatham end Lee counties Journeyed to S. Caro lina only to find the men was gone. They are inclined to the not'on that the horrible affair is the result of jealousy and they think' It is possible that two men are Inyolred. FALL BLAMES REH BLICANS i .* —■ «Num Three Lenders in Party Who Suggested Writing of Famous Letter * BLPABO. Tex.. April 2-(/Ps—'Three Republican leaders —a fs.mer cabinet member who la now In Europe— a senator and a former sew. r— have been- nqmed by Albert B Pell, former secretary of the Interior, us l,.ivti'K advised Mm to writs the famous Mc- Lean letter to the Senate leap >: D im« committee in 1923 In an effort to conceal s loan of 1100.000 from Ed ward Doheny. oil magnets. ° "Phil, hta friends revealed today, de clared' that the party leaders urged him tij cever up the loa» from Doheny fear that pohllc knowledge of the transaction would result In char ges that, the Republican admlnlstra-< lion bed favSPed the oil man is its Msxicaa oil policy. He said the three men visited him* while ho was sick In bed In *Wssh ljglon. .... WASHINGTON—UP)—Both Sena tor Smooth of Utah aod former Sena tor Lenroot of Wisconsin denied flat ly today that they had anytime sug gested to Albert ft. Fell that he write the McLean loan let tir to the Senate Teapot Dome com mittee. Replying to'Suggestions that he was the eenetor mentioned by Kail ns having advised film to write the committee Senator Bmooth aatd that (his was "absolutely untrue. He ex plained that after Poll come lo Washing top on 111 man, he suggested to Lenroot that, the termor Interior secretary owed It to himself and to the cnnuhlttee to tell sbost the source of the fhmie with which hohad pur, (.based the Harris ranch. ' THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THR MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BE BUYERS BEFORE TREE BUY. Tragic Development In Saulston Shooting Case The strong constitution of Ajnixtah Smith. Anniston man who was seri ously wounded vdbsn he hailed at the door of Hinton Boat loot Friday night, yesterday asserted Itself and lie seemed to have conquered pneu monia which developer following hie wounds. At the Goldsboro hospital where ha is a patient it was said last evening that he was resting comfort ably. A raving mod man, Hinton Boat charged with shooting Smith, wan yesterday committed to tho Insane asylum In Raleigh. For a number of hours before the man from n prom inent family wm committed to the Raleigh Institution, It required the Choose 3 Members iL . , ' \ .. .. Highway Commission Three men were yesterday elec ted to membership on the -Wayne county highway commission by tne highway commission electors meet lug to fill vacancies created by ex piration of terms. W. P. Rose of Golds boro was nomad s member of the commission from euccedlng O. C. Kornegsy. The Goldsboro appointment, carries with ft the chairmanship of the board. . From the third district. H„ C. Holmes w*e elected to succeed George L. Hecton. Prom the fifth district. R. J. Lewi, urns named to suetesg-Mnsr self., Twenty-aAx electors, represent iag various sections of five dis tricts Into which the county Is dlv ld»d. % mads the elections. IRISHMAN MAY JOIN GERMANS V ——— Head of I Hah Free State . Air Force Makes Trial Flight . In Bremen DUBLIN. April The Ocr •nan plane Bremen made s trlai flight nt Badonnel slrdome this afternoon »<th Col James Fltsmaurice. basil of the Irish Free State airforce, se as r.tstan pilot. „ While Col. Fltxmsurice and the Psldonnel authorities dsny that he will replace Arthur Bpindler. as co pilot With Captain Herman Koehl on the Bremen's trans-Atlantic flight the nsture of today's trial, r mpled with the departure of Bpindler Inn Dublin, etrengthened "a belief that there has been s hitch In tho plans of Baron Henefsld, sponsor of the project * Baron Honefneld was a pAnsongs today In the plane while • Captain Koehl and Col Fltxmaurice handled the dual controls. .9 « The expedition continues to await favorable weather. Godwin and Mrs. Jones Get ~ A Postponement ol Hearing Henry Godwin and Mrs. Rials Jonea 'returned to tlM> city after having beon arrested In Bt. l*>uls registered ai der assumed namys st the Ponthn hotel, did npt receive s hearing before Judge Bland as had been expected yesterday morning. The hearing w«s postponed until April 23-s two wesks team of civil court will begin her* next —and It was Indicated that the charges might bo earned directly to snperloV court. Godwin and Mrs. Jones will fare x charge of fornication and sduHrr) mid Godwin will also face k charge of abduction nnd elopment. , The hearing was not gone into yes terday morning. 1t explained on account or the absence from ths City of an attqrney employed- in the- com. Hern red License Falsely. W. I. Kennedy was fined SS4I and floats after the couA hod round that he faltely procured a marriage Goldsboro, n. c. Tuesday morning. April a, i»ss strength of three man to keep him quiet 5 A short thno before the commit ment. w. H. Smith, of Seulston, swore out n wsrrsst for Boat charging him with aeseult with e deadly weapon. Amtitah Smith end Henry Hum. wars o« their way to Goldsboro Fri day night to socure a doctor. They stopped at the Beet home. Islanding to ask permission to use tho tele phone. and their halls were met by the report of a shotgun. Smith was peppored with shot from his ankle to his chtu. nod was bleeding Intern ally when* brought to tho Goldsboro hospital. , ST. PAUL HEARS REV. R E BROWN Inspiring Sermon Bogina Holy Week Observance At SL Pnri Methodist Church An Inspiring sermon by Rov. R. E. Brown on the topic •'The Stone which the builders rejected" last ulght launched Holy Week service* at Bt. Pan! methodlst church. The series te uuder the etuplcee of the Kpworth league of the Church. In Ifts sermon lost evening, the popular young pastor of Goldohoro Methodist cirenit employed a stone which he (m secured while on e euu i<> HixauiutU Hock. to make hta illustrations. The method was effective end commended grant attention from the good-stood congre gation. Miss Btella Crone led the meeting end Mrs. K. W. Rtulcdge rendered sn excellent solo . This evening at 7:30 Rev. Edward Earnhardt it one~of the rising yoang ministers of the North Corolla.* con ference. "Tell tbe folks to corns sud bear him.” said Rev. J. M. Daniels. ls*t night, “Services will lost only about 46 minutes.” Ou Wednesday. Thursday and Fri day night, Captain A. H. H. Young ol the Salvattou Army preach. MAX AMD CIILD DROWXKD WHEN MAT CAPSIZED TARBQgpO. April 3—oP>—Two persons, a man dhd child were drowned anj two others, saved from the Tor River waters last evening when a boat In which they were rid ing capelsed. Clarence Riggs bee, 34), cotton mill employs, and Henry Curry. Jr., R. were drowned. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cufty, Tsrboro. parents of ths child wart taken from the waters both In s sen.l-consclous condition, by Howard H, Hussy, a pnaser-by. '* ' _ ~ •, ; • ' * o HETERB STORM IX XI MIA MOSCOW. April J -UP)-Dispatches from the Crimean Peninuls state that tXe mountslaoug region there hes bene, swept by n violent stornj Houses were destroyed in many villages and crops and orchards damaged. lor his son. Kennedy thought the -tine too much and appealed. Bond waa fixed at |IM. Appearing st Cm ■ rrioc of Register of D-uds, Kennedy had requested ths llcen».\ 9 hen told that he would have to ce tify to the n srrlaresble age of the E'.*l« be nsk td if s signed statement from the girls father os to her ng, would bt satisfactory. He was told ths: it would vrvordlng to evidence submitted, and went away. In a nhor. tIOH he re lumed. bearing a statement purport ing to bear the signature of the girls father. It turned out. however, that I'te girl’s father had never signed n statement. Mealtime, however the young couple bed been married and -estrrday's court action iq no way af fects thorn. Xegre Women l ight la Church At the |)egro Holiness church in ths (Continued on page 6) AMERICAN LEGION DRIVE IN PARIS ifc w V * IIP Iff jP ■ V ' ■ |p , : m jSSSm - H ••’■Z . . E3L Mtggm.: : r* - «—»■ -m General Pershing meetg Julian Thomas, commander of the Paris post of the American Legion, at a luncheott iu Paris where Pershing inaugurated a drive for legion building funds. Hundreds Battle Forest * Fires in Ozark Territory RUBBKLVILLE. Ark.. April 2—OP) - Reports of one death nnd numerous forest fires In the (Mark national for est reserve have been received by tbe lorest servlc berk Five warrants for the arrest of ptr lOM orinti with settling first In the forest wire Is u J today. i • WALDHON, Ark.. April 3-H/W The fury unabated by the efforts ot more than 900 men. forest fires to n'ght were sweeping through Alkane os two national forest reserves after having claimed their first victims, a child who was burned to death when the Tlllsy home In Baxter cotytly wti destroyed. Five new were reported following early reports that the flames were under control- Two Arksnene natlaunl guard plan- COTTON PROBE DRAGS ALONG Wm. L. Clayton Still On Stand After Lapse of Week In Replying to Marak «, WASHINGTON, April S -A/Pir- A contention by Wm. L. Clayton, cotton merchant who baa atoutly denied all charge* of speculative: market <%>e ra tion* hurled at him by Arthur E. Mar ah. New York Exchange broker that cotton ape dilations la a "fin* art" and deserve* a useful purpose iu making a market for the commodity gave a newlwlai toda yto the pro longed cotton enquiry. Clayton'* view on the subject afere developed as Incidental to his weeg lcng effort to make specific denial um der oath 19 the Marsh charges. Re entered Into an explanation of his rhlpments of 172,600 bales to New York atoraxe, a movement which Marsh alleged wa* designed to 4e*- # troy and 'did destroy parties In thfeai future market, leading up to the 1627 general craih. v' "It la alleged,” said Senator Smith "That the shlpmente depressed fu ; lures market dlsasterously. Why dldnt Holden of your futures contract take tt upT v f Claytaia s*ld It bad not moved out to millers because at no time since It was shipped nor In the I*2o-27 sea son had It not been possible to buy cheaper In Southern markets. - es patrolled the area today flying dan gerously low through walls of Moko and as cloaa to tke flaming tope of giant ptines la aa effort to detect now fires or incindtorlot whom officials w-y are probably to Moom far the numeroas outbreaks. The region abounds fa game and ft waa pointed oat that anscfapulons hunters probably set the fires to drive gam# to easy kill. , . « Krroria to trench ths flrqa kooasae of ths rapid gala aod "bsokflree" «ud It i>4 fighting srt.qhe only matb odas used by more (ban m men who are tolling nigbt and day *n ths furnace like forest. No town ts threatened by the fires, hat unless checked they may mtnsns scattered farm bodies. Air Force Hoods Reach Washington WASHINGTON, April t<—4/Py—W. Trubes Dariaea, assistant secretory of war. for aeronsutlcs and Major General James E. Fechet, chief of the army olr corps, leaded At Bolling Field today at 1:16 p. m. 'The flight ken from Fayetteville. N C.. was the Met lef of a round trip to tbe Panama Canal, where they Inspected army aerial defenses. The (Here took og this saoraiag from Montgomerjr, AM. 17,000 Telephone Calls Made In Goldsboro Daily KiWsnlaa Bruce Ellis was In charge of the program at the Kiwaota meet lag last night and he won fortunate in securing as entertainers Mr. Hor ry A Isxander, Miee Bhadie Catting hem end Mrs. Joe Flowers, a|l of ths Southern Bell Telephone Co. They Treseated a unique aa dlatoreetteg program. f ’ - Mr. Alexander. Commercial Rep resentative of the compeay aod who Is stationed at Raleigh, made a short talk la which he briefly some of the outstanding devetop ments mode by tbe Bet! Telephone Co. He said that since He beginning ftfty-two yearn ago the company hod been pioneers In the perfection of wire telephony, radio telephony, tele photo sad tke vitaphoae. la eownec tlon with the telephone system ho stated that at present rroMMnta of the United States may bold long dis tance conversations with parties In County Commissioners • Consider Number Items Oi Business on Monday Rom Awarded Half Million Dollar Job W. 9. Bees.' pwmnlaeut leoal contractor, waa yesterday award ed tbo contract for eoastnMttoa work at Ft. Bragg totaling ftftM.- IN Thirty-five eon tractor* from various tarta of Um United Biatea tad submitted bM# for the project hat tbo Wd of Um Qaldsbern man waa tbo lowaat. Mr. lom will be gin oa tbo work, provided by toe government In tti program of ad ding to tbo faclUtloa at Mart Bran * WATERS NAMED FROM WARD ONE .. ' *"* . # " City Father* SatoetLacal Draff* “mESVwIJ"* MBMMWMW W r. Root last night tondarod Ida resignation to Iba board of alder men from ward oaa and Iba bnati uanted Qoorgo HP. Jr., drag* gtet to f|l| Um vacancy. Tbo resigns lloa of Mr. R|n and tka naming of Mr. Waters to fill bio pteoe faaUrad tka regalgr drat Monday aoalaan at tka city tethers Mr. Roaa raatgaod Hla aldcrmaalc connection oa ac connt of the fact tint bo waa yea tortfay namod chairman of tko Waynp connty highway commission. A promtnont citron la remarking to Mm Nbwa an tpo stoettea of Mr. Rooo aald, “ffiwrge Water* l s « wfe and conservative alderman.” '■g WILLIS SUPPORT SPECULATION Cm Mm* Vfny Bo Maa Bought By Fonuor feppprig* of * Smblbt Fvwm Okla * COLUMBUS: O, April » —<4^— privod of their drat choice tar the Republican presidential nomination by the aad den den Mi of Senator Frank B. Willie, candidate for detegaffa who were pledged to tko eeaotor way ilt row their engport cither to Prui* dent CoolMga. former governor Low den of Illinois or vtoe president Chea. Dawes, It waa indicated at WIIIU Med quarter# kero today, » PoeeibHliy that the Willis delegates I may seek the draft Mr. CoolUge not withstanding his rtpMtsl declarattpaj that ha~3oas not "choose to ru «u ’ admitted by the folldwers of th« ' Into senator. I mm. . BOAT IS MUUOKD . PLYMOUTH, Edgy April I —UW- I The Dutch lifeboat gebuttvaer. which 1 wai expected to call hare ea mate » to New York froai London, has saf i feted damage to her sal Island rtggglng | during a gala la the English channel. flee leans Atlantic countries. la discussing the local station ho said that approximately 174 M ea»M were made each day of which sboat IS* were long distance caJLIa. To care lor the long distance coa dec tides the company already hae 88 circuits lead- Ing out of doidsboro end ate now planning'to increase this number, f Mr. Alexander introduced Miss bhsdle Cot ting hem, end Mrs. Joe Flowers, chief operator and Super visor. respectively, at the local ex change. They gat ea a very amusing entertainment showing the ope ration of the exchange as Imagined by many patrons. A miniature switchboard was eat up la the room and bath Udias took parts of operators an swering Imaginary calls aad making tn.agtaary connect lona for the heaelt of the audience they repeated aloud the conversations (heard '-and their (Continued on page I) inaiwen OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVB cams Numbor Bofuro Bwrftc Is qa*gt Hearing Rotative to „ lMfroMsl lagan g REPORT OP AUDIT IS OiTRM BOARD Cawtjf f » Wayne eookty «M|kdmm meet ing i» regnlar eieefen JMlirteP moya log had a bu«y time of it, Itstentng to tax complaints, conalderlag tka fib pert as to the recent anitt of the county 1 , booSs, appointing las llotora and arraagtag for refinancing a t connty notes. ITnup cOttßty BRtRB ItFalluM ftMi. w ee an e ——s—se so • y *e MO will be renewed aoder anthurtpa tien mad# by the board yoefnrdny. April St, one tor »M.M» April SO, eon 'M iico.oeo May 1. end one May t tor following " were “appointed a* tax Hatersi Qeldsborm V, R Utbnm and W. A. Carter; U rant ham JO. 9, Jackson; (lrent Swamp, J. R. Ay cock; Indian Bpriage B. 9. Herring, Jr.; Nahanta. C. *. Wppta; New Mope. Claud* W. Beet; Whittle. 3. C. Hales, Banlhtan. oserge Oofenr; Btoeey Creek, Ed Camls; Bwgden, Aycock; Fork B. KlUa Howell. errning (he connty*, bookkeeping, Me • edit report made to tie baglgl y*»- Icrdiy •rmUui of ncoßr»H taViEf Em a made toward" an ndegaate lodge* ptnn but riatg* tba| there 4 ritt iwmp (of ’ !faprov«ttt«nc nMk|ti ~ $g \M* 9 uiu m JHSf ntoitTSt be by a bond, end the atato* ha* Hot keen fegnired? Ex ossa of ÜblntMM over assets are .Hated as* but It la «p •jilaluH that provlatou kot beea modi 3* take cure of |HI,»M es tfcie aumuaf W a ported ad yearn. gJJQp Attractive laußbb Ramdv la Wnf u, r „ I* WL. I ** 7- " 1 paivwCtitt features of the Hninoos trade" tor the week preeeadlag Caster is ike formal opening tonight of the f ‘ tnderkite ledhe*. vendy Ip on Center attest at Um Wgyae Mhm Ht ore’s old Hocetiou. at right esteefc. atAbhlch um* sonvealr* will be gtr •a ell visitor* and musts wHI he «Mr « 4 for several boor*. The buyers ‘tor" the new iiniern have last returned from Um Berth "om where the UMiwAadhi pudbae »d lb rapidly arriving mad mask la al ready here and will be oa dtepfey Ibia evening, tbo nopo will be ea ante t il tomorrow uorwlng. The store Is decorated with erases - i.lored walla ralievod with abtnte draperies, making ft vary attraetlve. *a one of the proprietors stated pen lerday thla Is e timely npenjM glv- Ing the ladles of this section e atm wider scope for their tat* Easier shopping. He also extended a eardtaf welcome to the people at Ooldebero end vicinity to attend the formal penlng tonight, to reeotye a aakvantr und hear tome good orchestra mnala. r% ~ t ii. "Favor Poctal Rale Revision Dojmwarf Washington, April t—o) —A downward reririon Os the postal rates, calling for a restoration of tbo lMi chargee, was approved today by the House In unanimously peering Me Orient bill. The mensare now gees to the easts. The bill weald eetnbttab a one sent poet card end would lower rates ea second and third etnas mall matter, including newspaper one melßaf charges and ea parent pant meter. • - - ——« RBMLFTMNT ftIGWIB WASHINGTON. April c ongressional rtitliUm detorttaf Mr tional origins prariPlnk IP At IMS immigration act waa signed taday Iff FfcaMgfri

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