WEATHER i * Halo Tuesday. •lightly colder on :be coast. Wednesday generally talr with rising tamper alar*. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMHBB 38 ADDRESS OF McLEAN OPENS ANNUAL EXPOSITION Suggests Organization Regular Truck Lines To Run to Eastern Cities CM. John D. Luiaton Delivers Addreno of Welcome; Felix Harvey, Jr. Replies CAPTAIN O*BERRY LAUDS McLEAN IN INTRODUCTION Senior Queens, Stunningly Beau tiful, Are Presented By Senator Roy all Bigger >»<] better than ever, ae the •how folk* publicity men write, the jilgth Eietern Carolina Exposition wai launched ttagniflrlently here ye a terday. Oorernor A. -W. ffcLean waa here to head the mammoth and color ful parade, and to deliver the opening •ddreae. then the big pageant *a» on. McLean did more than Juki make ae opening Exposition address, he left a thought that caused many an Eastern Carolinian to put hla thinking rap oa and It waa predicted that some of hla suggestions might be carried out. Formal opening exercises were held In the big Brick Warehouse fol lowing the parade The thousands who had gathered In tha Exposition Hall for the Governors address were welcomed to Goldsboro by Col. John D .Langston. "We ex tend open arms to yon. the city Is years.” he suld. and cheers broke out. " Eastern North Carolina must go forward until It *fill occupy a pos itlon 2nd to none W rounded develop ment In the South,” said Col. langa ‘oa rad he epoke .of the Kaslura Carolina Chamber of Commerce a« the organisation which was doing great things toward this end Felix Harvey. Jr.,'' president of the i'.astern Carolina Chamber of Com merce. replied to the address of wel come and spoke In high tertian of the position which Uoldsboro holds In the section and In the pleasure the or ganisation had In staging k» sixth exposition here. He complimented George' 1 A. Royall. local clllsen for tha parj he played in aiding in the organisation of the Eastern Carol! n% Chamber of Commerce, and briefly outlined the work which It has ac (Cout'nued on /Page Eight) SHORT MEETING KIWANIS CLUB ► o “ Dr. A. 8. Oliver of Benson Praised Spirit of Goldsboro In ExpoHiiion The program at last night’s Klwams meeting wee abbreviated so that members wh6 desired could attend the Exposition. No speiker had been se cured especially for the occasion, but Dr. A. 8. Oliver, a visiting Klw ni lan from Benson compumehted highly various affairs of tloldsbortf. He said Inal the starti of the present Eastern Carolina’Exposition was the great est klArc Its beginning six years ago. ]n praising Goldsboro ad « business center he explained that \j was known as the best buslnesa_LrWn in Eastern Carolina not because Its business was consplrlous at certain period of the year but becauae It held up practlc nlly uniformly throughout the year }le was especially enthusiastic over the work In Goldsboro which was "really worth while," that Is the de velopment of future cltlsrnshlp. He went on to say I hat In this respect Goldsboro, due mainly to the Boy Front activities, waa second ‘tw no town In the elate with the possible ex rfptlon of Wilmington, and that he thought Goldsboro’s would equdl Wit mtnglon’s If It was As well advertised Groat, work as conducted hern he thought waa unquestionably the h<*at lu tire slate stating aa evidence the fart that Ooldaboro aa the home of one out of the aeren highest ranking Sr out a of the United Btatee. President Miller in replying to Dr. Oliver called to the att«ntjo*eof the club to rating which was given the Benson Kiwanls club at the lust In (Continued on psge S) THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. . Gov. Says Something To. Think About gU Aft GOVERNOR A. W. McLEAN Establishment of regular and de pendable truck llnee to carry produce from Eaatern Iforth Carolina truck farms to metropolitan markets was urge«| by Governor A. W. McLean In formally opening the Eastern Carolina Exposition here yesterday afternoon, EXPECTS^VETO ” OF FARM BILL Fc*m Predicts That President Ccolidge Will Again Object To McNary Measure . ... 5, WASHINGTON, April 9-MA*)—An other Veto for the McNary-Huugon lurm relief hill was predicted today' by Seuntor Fess. Republican. Ohio, but the political debate revolving about ithe bill during the day was not re&- xerded by Its sponsors as nuy bin uerunce' to early action. The way waa cleared for a vote by agreement among senators from the cotton producing state* on a eerie* '(t amendments limiting the powers of the proposed farm board to Impose j the equalisation fee. With the approv al of the charges, another majority for iiie hill was predicted. The amentias:Mug would provide thet an advisory coupe 11 be named for each commodity and would prohibit the I board from acting without the con- 1 sent of a majority us UrA" council. tVlJllo Senator McNary, Republican. Oregon, author of Ihe bill looked .with some favor tin ilia amendments he did not commit IHmsclf. Fesa’i warning of a veto, sounded In the rourre of the debate on the flqpr of the Senate stirred tip the Democrat* who asked if hq spoke with authority. The Ohioan constantly replied that he based his belief only on the I sr.ntkd Judgment of the president and not on any dried word from the White House. Presidential Nomination Seeks Speaker at Dinner Goldsboro and Kaxtcru North Carolina ant theft first aample of Na tional ftemorratlc polltlral timber of the season when Senator George of Georgia will deliver the annual ad dress gt the dinner of the "Eastern Carolina Kx poult ion at the Grant Varehuuse, near the HIR Brick, at 1J:30 thin morning. Advance ticket :*ale yesterday Indicated an attendance if several hundred for the orcaalon. The addreea which Senator Georae will make before the dinner of the or ganisation will be the only address he\wlll make of the Kxposition. The Georgia atateaman haa twenty-elaht direct ballot a for him In the approach 'it* national convention at Houatou and there Is aotne speculation a< to whether or not ha may not rorrall home rjf North Houston ONWA Y TO FUNERAL HERE FATALLY HURT PRESENT JAIL IS INADEQUATE Slat* Health Officer SubaiiU ■ Annual Report to Governor A. W. McLean RALEIGH. April 9—" Jail seldom as td". 1* the notation given two county jails In North Carolina, those of Camden and Hyde counties. doußtleas Indicating a peaceful and law-abiding cittseuship, according to tpe rsport submitted by Charles O H. Langblng- Uouse. secretary of the Bute Board of Health, to Governor A. W. McLean, as a result of Investigation* -eui In spections made of city and ctpinly jails and convict camps In the Btate during the past tew months, r A summary of the report abows that j 29 county Jails have been Im proved in their sanitary management; six have been provided with new an icxes; three have boen built anew; two have been remodeled; five .have been condemned, offlclsls of three ofy these agreeing to make necessary Im provements Immediately: 41 prison camps have Improved their sanitary conditions; three new prison camps have been constructed: two are under construction; four counties are plan 's. ring to construct new camps aud four camps Have been abolished. A policy of Information and In struction has been carried on by the Inspectora, ftnanqgrm»nt and county commissioner* having been conferred *U(.h a* iq proper methods ~*f handling prisoners from a health end welfare point of view. Bpleudld i ‘.operation has been received and excellent results lwvq been obtained, Dr. latughinghouse Veporfs. stating that officials of the counties and cit ies have shown every consideration to the Inspectors and offered them the fullest assistance and cooperation In bringing about the desired result’s. Included In the report was the fol lowing. Wayne; Old Jail building; Inade quate for prison population, sanitary maintenance very poor, commission ers have promised to construct jail in accordance with HLate regulations; two new camps, sanitary conditions very good. Stocks Move Upward * As Exchange Reopens ■- ■ »■■■■ —■ a. YORK. April 9 (JF) -Wall | street brokers ans speculators re freshed by three day suspension of business on the Now York stock exchange started another sglld bux> lug movement today which capsfed more than three score Issues, to re cord high levels before It pus check-. e4J>y profit takHng Final quotations disclosed some Irregularities, but gains which ranged from II to 118 a” share again predominated. Total Bales crossed the 4.000.000 • share mark for the sixth time In history and 767 .individual Issues were traded In, » new high record for all time. delegate* aa a result of hie appear ance tu Goldsboro today. What sort of a welcome he will re i *tve from the leading Democrats of thn alate will be noted with Interest , .Felix Harvey, Jr., of Klnaton. presi dent of the Eastern Carolina Chamber of Commerce, will preside over the meeting and music will be renders? by the Arabian Kerenaders. the Chic ago orchestra which arqjgad yesterday afternoon for the Exposition. The Goldsboro -Woman's club Is In charge of serving the dinner and haa / prepared an aggetltlng menu. Tick ets will be on sale th’a usi' tiin* at me Goldsboro Chamber of Commerce ut the Rig Brick Exposition offices and et the door of the banquet hall. "We were sorry," said Secretary Continued on page 2 GOLDSBORO, N. C.TUBBDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 1028 Here Are Senior Queens, Folks j- . *. ° ■ '*. . ». ~ * , “V' 1 I ' V ‘ '.-‘.“’-’t;' ’ ,s " ■'s t ' ' MINN 'MIRIAM MTADftR? * Kinston \ 9 \ The greatest crowd that ever attended an Exposition of the Eastern Caro, line, yesterday voted Mica Frances ll'oiey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Honey of West Cheat mu street, as Mias Goldsboro In the Senior Queen's contest and likewise voted Mies Miriam Stadlem. daughter of Mr. end Mrs. H. Btndieni, as Mies Kinston. These two young women ere now duly crowned Senior Queens at the Exposition, and wore each awarded |260 In reoognl tlon of the queenly nttributee which the votes of their friends denoted they were entitled to. 1 * Miss Honey received 35.025 votes end In Second In the Goldsboro sad Wayne county voting was Mies Ruth Yelverton of Fremont who received 2X275. Mies Rtadiem received 42,925 votes end running aeceod In this clang was Mhse Martha MHRnrmn of-Weltece who received 94,818 voteer ' More than 19,000 people thronged through the Exposition hall yesterday and lent night and It waa almost this morning before, the greet battery ot adding machines which Secretary Bartlett had assembled could tabulate all the votes cast " »' HOLD DEBATES THIS MORNING MUut Ijuigslon and Mr. Powell On Affirmative; Miss Biazell and Mr. Griffin on Nefativn • , Beglunltig at 10:20 o'clock this morning before the studeut bodies of the three schools represented. Golda toro. Kinston, and Wilson will carry through their triangular debate. Ooldaboro will meet -Wilson' at Kins ton, Klnaton will meet Goldahota at Wlleon, end Wilson la Scheduled to line up ngaiust Kinston In Goldsboro., The public is invited to hear the debates. v , This debate was postponed from Inst Friday night, the regular time selected by tb« officials of the state contest. Many of the 'high school* throughout the state held their de 'uates on this while others de cided on a dale a day or two earlier. 0 The contests before the student bod ies tomorrow will first of their kind ever held by schools. Heretofore, they have debated at night before very small crowds. Tltk students are anxious to hear tiicV query and though they will imjJllH! given the opportunity of hearing their own representatives, they have Indicated a keen Interest In the contest* Should both the-’afflrmative and the negative teams of hool win out, those debaters would wlu Ihe prlvel fge of going to Chapel 14111 In enter the finals. Goldsboro Is boasting of a strong combination this year. Mary Langston and Dan Powell, on the kfflrmatlve, and Eleanor Higxell shfj Lara Griffin, on Ihe negative have worked hard on their debates this spring In an effort to roach the finals. All have taken part In the elaas de bates and won out above others rOm petlng for ptsees on the trtnWßular team. The contest at the high school Is scheduled to begin promptly at 10:20 and alt those from the city Interesting In hearing Ihe query. “Re solved, that the MeNary-llangen farm relief bill should he enacted by Uon; gregs" are Invited td come nut. The debates wilt be over lu lime for an early lunch. W TM> • MMM m ■evt. I K wrr^l® MINN KKANC’EN HOMEY ' Goldshore E. J. FULGHUM IS INJURED Falls Three Stories When He Steps Into Elevator Shaft In v K J. Fhlghum. local Insurance and' 1 real estate man, guetalned a broken leg when he stepped iulo en elevator shaft and fell three slorlas la Wil mington about midnight Saturday, ac cording to word received here. Details of the accident were not available hut auQigutlc Information re reived contradicted 6 earlier reporta that Mr. Kulghum was In a critical condition. $ Mr. Fulgum got out ot one elevator according to a report and stepped Into what he thought was the door of mother. It was an empty abaft and he fell three. stories to the basement below. Friends said that It waa re markable that be escaped with bis life* Captain Jack Futghum father of the Injured 'man, planned to go to Wil mington this morning If the condition of bis son will permit will bring blm trom the hospital to Goldsboro . Judge Announces Winners In Big Exposition Parade After a lengthy deliberation the parade Judge* granted first. seoond nnd third prises respectively to the following a* having the be*t float* In the Eastern Caro Ana Kx position yes terdny afternoon: Young Hilly Bplosr. Hoy* 11 and Borden and Business and Professional Women* club. a said by one of the judge*, "It »M a difficult problem. Indeed, to decide juat who were (he leading three. H. Weil and Bro*., float In white and pink end pretty girls was truly a hard one to relegate outside the pale or the winner*, a* wa* the Htreet Cleaning department of the city of (!old*boro which included the luebrslc gambols of Red Morgan, tbs town'* leading tlmo gnesaer, Rite and her baby and tbe otheT finery of thy clean work*; Talbot I’arkea's firing of Today’ll Program At The Exposition TLENMAY—APRIL It, IMN ItiM —Aaaaai Blnnor Eaetsrn CnroUan Chamber ol ( ommerre, t ailed Ntate* Newsier Walter E. George, speaker. liN p, m.-- Kxposltloa Doors op e ! oa. tiM p. m. —Concert by Orches tra. lid* p. m.—Roby Dorothy John sent NaxnpheOe ArUsL , tiM M’Ho UosUm. Daring AcL |:4M— PnntaOT nod Arden, Badea trie port erasers from Leaden, Eng land. 4iM P- m. Rlllle the Blech race Entertainer. TiENIIAY RIGHT - 7:99 p. m. Been Open. 7iW Aencert by Orchestra. 8:15- Baby Derathy Johns#* N:ts--Pnntaer nod Arden. Ailh HHlie Heines, mi Austin*. 9:9o—Annual Style Shew, l iving medeh. 1 99 Noelng Exhibits. 11:90 Batldlag Cleoee. BLAMES KLAN FOR RIOTING e. ( "■ Roy 8. Barclay Malta* A Rota tions Ai Hearing oa Klaa Injunction Bulla FITTBBURG, scan.. AprtP t—(*V- Riots, a kidnapping ,and attempted lynching wef'c laid at the door of Pennsylvania rent, Knights of the Klu Kins Klan by Roy 8 Barclay, a former Cyclops anil private investi gator for a Pittsburg lodge of the hooded order who testified today at lbs Federal court hearing oa klaa Injunctloa ealta. Appearing in behalf of flter former klonemen who hare naked Abe coart ito appoint a receiver for the organise tlou In Western Pennsylvlnln. Barclay said he participated with other mem here of the order In the escapades at the direction of Bern D. Rich, former Grand Dragon In this elate. Detailing the riot at Carnegie. Pennsylvania, August 25, 1922 In which a Klansmau was killed nod sov eral others Injured In a battle with townspeople Barclay, who formerly waa Identified with Central Klan, Pittsburg,. testified Imperial Hiram W. Evans gave the signal for the march of the members from a Bell Into the town ot Carnegie. Ho sold Rich rod* In tlie front tine of auto mobiles gt the time the clash occur ird between K)ansmei> and Carnegie ctUgene. >i • GERMAN PLAVK MTILL «N HOII. DUBLIN. April »-B*cause ot con tinued Inclement weather, the trans atlantic fUght attempt of the Jank ers monoplane Bremen will not start todsy. coal, wood and sand transportation equipment jvjsjh color scheme carried out complete byway of the driven of the coal vehicles. * Thla judge said further that while little Hilly Splcerg get up ad Inflal tum which won first prise lacked a lot lo elaborateness U made up In un irpieneav. what with the old time colored mammy, and the baby held tight In loving arm*, the paeudo country doctor, catching the aye aaa lly as the premier claimant, and as being so strictly In accord witn the name Pioneer llo»p!tal The snow drifts of cotton] the polar r aid miss Mary Sherard-complying *ilh the advertised coolness % the 0 \ ■ General Electric refrigerator won or.d'for the firm of Royall and Bor (Continued On Pact Three) MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS L. B. Sasser o ' y A * > f**' Died Monday Wllntingtaniaa Waa Ka Rn(« * To E. D. L. Gartay Faaaral Hart When lajarad L. B. Sum dr** atari SWaer and .»* of the moat prominent men ia Hue tern North Carolina, dtad at tha Jama* 'Welker hoaplul. Wlttalagtn*. a „ (aw minute* altar It o'clock, rector' dir moraine u.| remit oI Injur tee received whoa IM automobile la which ha waa riding turaad over g milaa aaautil Kananevltle at II o’clock Sunder morning. Three .other occup ant* of the car received oaly aU*ht tat* jurlaa. * Dr. Baaaar waa aa route tor OoMc ooro to attaod tha faaaral as M 0. I. Outlay, brother ot N, Curler, an other occupant of the'car, C. ft. leg ■tea, ton la law as Mr. Ourtap. was driving the car. Hie wife the daughter of Mr. Oarley, waa also la tha ear. The party waa driving towarde % (icldaboro and Upright rear tire had a blowoat, caaaiag the’ ear ta ewerv# over a four-foot embunkmaet. Tha left treat wheal waa ctruahed. and aa a reaait the car tamed completely oh ar throwing Dr. Soever agalaat tha window when he received tha blew that m net'bare boon total to him. Af ter turning over, tha oar righted R aelf on tha whaela. Mr. Ourlejrreceived a ccalp wound and the other oeeayaatf of the car were allghtlr brained apd fried. A Mr*. Thorn**,of Waraew brought Mre Gurley waa canted to OuMabore hr Arthur Smith Bertia ftaala carried Ms. Boggeea to Ooldahoro and later brought Mr. Oerter hack to WUwlag toa. v , . Dr. Saaaer died « few mlautaa nf-‘ « ter It o'clock. Though nattering wMh a large gaah on top of hli head which teemed to purely** him, he wwe coae rioae and afile'to talk. DP Benner ha* lived In Wilmington many yearn, and had made tha drug tmalneea pi* occupation ever afaaa ba became on* es the plapeara la thht line. He waa wall known la fraternal Mrclea v «> ’ * * DT. Baavar waa atatftwo year* old tad waa a BOS' as tha late Captain A. U. Baaaar of PUrk towaahlp. He tavea throe brother*. and David Baaabr of Ooldebere, aid Jack 1 Saaaer of Wayne county, and ana ale tar. Mr*. T. M. Jordan as ftsMgfc. Funeral lervlce* will ha held from tha bom* thin afternoon ta Wilming ton and tha body will he taken to ? Jouaeboro for Interment RECOVER PART STOLEN MONEY «mmawcaawwnmma Negro Mfrclui l®l SfWthl Thousand DaHntw A»d Valu able Banda Taka. TARBORO. April (JP)-Officer* today bad recovered fd.dPO of the mm Rtolen from tb* ante as a ft. Junto*, wealthy negro merchant hern. Satur day night Edward Jem**, nephew es the man robbed, ronTeamed to the theft end *»ld officer* where he had hidden ghe money ia a hollow atump near Ahoe- * kl*. Young Jem** ke out on flteO - bond until enperlor court eaa hear hie caaa. Tb* elder Jamet at Brat deeterad 122.000 had been atotea bat new aaye that tb* each waa conatterubly lea* than that, atecha funniagh the total to the llrat figure. All tha atockeSrare found thrown behind a bureau in hi* home. Hdwurd Jam#*' father, wealth? Ne gro of near Abeekla, want an hit bond. Mrftftßft TRIAL ftrißS BREVARD. April »—(£)—The trial of Joe Revia and bln daughter. Mr*. Laura Roblnaon. charged with tha murder *f IMy* Robtneon. the wo man'* huabawd, opened In' TraaayU vent* HU per lor fourt her* thle morn ing. The eelecthm es thh Jury waa mill underway ehortly before neon.

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