WEATHER Increasing cloudiness followed hr showers Saturday night Colder Sat urday night. Sunday fair. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER it BREMEN DOWN IN LABRADOR & BERRY BUILDING AT HOSPITAL BE OPENED WEDNESDAY - • mmmmmsmmmmmmmmmmmrn „ *•* ». Exhaustion Os Gasoline Eorces ...TT - -j • . . ~ r -. German Plane Do Forced Landing . _ ~f>.r' . ' . - \ n After Having Spanned Old Atlantic Plane Slightly Damaged in Mak ing Forced Landing Bat t Men Are Sale ISOLATION OF ISLAND DELAYED SENDING NEWB Greenly la Nana* of Tiny tale on Which Plane Found Haven Os Refuge (By Asseadated Pres*) Apparently tally authenticated report* aaaeaaced the German antylMt Eresien sad her f!er mae-IrHh crew have heatca that aviation hasten —■ nnn-*top West ward Sight es the Atlantic They did aol ceaiplet el y achieve i object iye-E It. shell Field or heavea -hat they tied la the eaatera aad westera share* In a 34 hear Jaaip Lem Ireiaad te Labrador, assert dl*- patche* (taa sere nil reliahle seer res <t> Slightly daauiged la a forced descent. the Bremen was mid te reet aader the sheer reck rllg* es Creealy Islaad, a little “del” et the aiap atarklag the northern Up es Labrador. Her f'ew es three- Re yea Tea Nonas'eld, (A plain KeekL aad fnL Fltsmaarlrn— aa ha rated hy the leag arduoe*. alaiest fatal Sight fro at Baldeaael Field, were geest* es the islaad llght!i»a«r The plaae leaded about aooa . yesterday, all reperts agree, hat the eaase es the Isotiiiea es the •pat, ae aews reached the eatslde werld aatil aearly 7 hoars later. It tuw la a wireless aie*sage from polat Aaionr, Labrador, ap pareatly relayed there hy courier sad read i "German plaae laaded flreealy Islaad aooa. Slightly da waged. Crew yrtL' 1 » May Fly Te tUd NEW YORK—<yp>—Mclcholr. repre seatlng tbe Junker's Company In America, announced tonight that l( development* warranted, he would fly the Junker’a C-38, xlsterelilp of the Bremen to Greenly Island, Imbt-- dor. to Jftlri the crew of the German plane s dQpbrtcd to have landed there In Its attempted Island-New York flight. Melchoir asid he would await far the details before deciding deflnlfely whether to ma&e the flight. He said It might be that he could carry re pair port* and ' supplies to put the Bremen In condition to continue he.- lllght to New York . Wert From Baron NEW YORK—OP) The North Ger man Lloyd announced tonight receipt of a wireless message from Baron Von Hucncfeld. one of the crew, of the monoplane Bremen, confirming the safe landing al Greanly ("land. Labrador. Termination of the flight was necessitated by exhaustion of fuel, the Baron reported Tbe m--*- bsge wed: "Made a safe Intermediate landing at Greenly Island, necessitated by lack of fuel and strong headwind* en countered on way, signed Von iluene* feW." lie port Confirmed (By Associated Press^ Growing npprebenalon over the fate of the German monoplane Bre men engaged In the perilous west- ' vard Atlantic hop was almost en t'rely last night with ex ceptionally authenticated reports de clared the machine was down at Greenly Island. LMbrnbor. The plan* was said to have been (Continued on page 5) THE GOLDSBORO NEWS 7 ■ * o 1 J / «. W - ’* - » o . READ Ui THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THETG WJJ* Wants Negotiations Toward World Peace WASHINGTON. April 13-<A*l ■ N't gotiatlona for a world wide treatly solemnly renouncing wap iu f axbr of the PerlGc settlement of international coutroverelee were Intuited today when Secretary Kellog invited the British. German Italian, and Japanese government* to Join FVsncff and the United States in agreeing upon ami sign lag a pact to tli£t ond. It tu the first time in history Ihat the UnUed States lias em barked upon so extensive a project (or the promotion of world peace It has the sanction of President Coolldge «»d the St tie Depitment is confident of its ultimate suc cess. WAYNE MEN AT . SMITH RALLY ~ t Deleft* tint of 100 !■ Numbed Estimated As Being At Battle Talk lit Raleigh . d -Wayne cqunty wax well rcpro*eut ed at the AJ Smith for provident meeting In Halelgh. Thursday night. It was lesrned here yesterday. It was estimated that nd legs than 100 Goldsboro and Wayng county cltliens were among the 3,000 who filled the Raleigh City auditorium for the pur pose of listening to George Gordou Battle, native Tar Heel now suc cossful lawyer In New York City discus* "Al Smith ax I knew Him." "Yqu know I have never seen more l-lcrcst manifest,” said one of those who wa* present for the meetings "than was shown last night. Battle made « good speech, and I believe he knew what -he. la talking about and that Just shout means that Smith wll! be nominated, and I believe he will be elected.” *■ ‘ • Hugh Dortch, local attorney, wax among those yesterday who came out strongly for the Ney York governor. “1 am going to vote for him and work foi him.” said Mr. Dortch yesterday. Some significance waa atUcbed to the fact that J. Knlaon Thomson, who ha* been mentioned as a possi ble Smith delegate to the Houston convention, was among those attend ing the Raleigh meeting Thursday night Mr, Thorn*on. however, has/ not yet commttteed himself definitely and could not be reached for a state: ment yesterday. Concert by Mq.ry Lewis Ends Eastern Carolina Exposition The tumult and the shoutlug dies, the captains and the kings depart. u>d as the last moving picture char acter of the pageant of last Monday fllttod Into Invisibility across., the silver screen at the Big Brick -Ware rvouae laat night the Sixth Annual Kx ,>osttlon of the Eastern Carolina cliam Srr of Commerce was history. Yester day wss a big day wlttl the Exposition -a big day somewhat comparable to the opening Monday, gnd it was gen erally said that If the weather mm had not been such an ornery cusa during Monday night. Tuesday and Wednesday that thy Exposition could Lava been classed os a magnificent success. Yesterday afternoon vraa childrens day with Belfast school winning In NUMBER CASES DISPOSED OF Judge Townshend Is Presiding Over Ssuiom For Judge Nunn of New Bern Three divorces had Own granted and a number of other cases disposed of yesterday afternoon when Wayhe countv superior court reqea«ed for the day. Judge N. A. Townhend of Dunn “'da presiding over the session due to the fact lh:*l Judge Nunn of New Bern, scheduled to hold the court, libre was prevented u>n ac count of conflicts of dales In hi* dis trict. Lessle Faulkner Burton was grant ed a divorce-from N. E- Burton; Ab ner William* from Minnie Elma WIR llama, and Albert J. -Worley from An nie J. Worley. A Judgmmit In the case of C. O. Watlx again*! the Rhode Island Kirn Insurance company over Insurance *a'd to he due following the destruc tWrW IfN Os a warehouse lorat ed h#re hid not beeii signed yesterday. In the action of Mrs. Gertrude Kdmttndann and other* against » Ann Davis. Ihc plaintiff was awarded 4100. In the action of M Bherman again <t Charles Reed apd others. th«> plain: (Iff wss awarded • low Emmett Scott, by hlx next best friend against Carl William* and David Collier, was swarded 160. This action grew out of an automobile accident. O ELECTION BOARD TO MEET TODAY 'yT 1 Gather At Courthouse At 11 This Morning to Appoint Reg istrars And Poll Holders With nobody at all exrlted over the coming primary cauaty board of elections will meet at the court- j house this morning at 11 o'clock (or the pq,rpo*e of organising,"! and ap pointing registrars and polhiolders lor the Democratic prlmhfy to he held In June. George Vann, chair men of the board. Issued tbe official call-»yesterday. Tbh primary I* now only about six weekp and to date there ha* -Jpsn very little dlacusslon as to pos sible <Uyidldates. \ KroW&flyt* distance it looka like It will of tbe most legarthlc prlmpVUs ever staged in the county. (be school parade and then the hun dred* of children piling Ipto the Ex position to see flaby Dorothy John aon dlaport herielf for their amuse ment and then little Itoberta Wynn ot Itnleixh. the danring doll, show them -how it waa done. It wan a good •how and everybody w»» having a big time. Then Loyd Griffin started handing out free ice cream from the A. T. Griffin Manufacturing Co., ,rnd there wee »u< h a rueh that It threatened to break up the show. Mr. Griffin had to deeDt until the prog ram waa over, for It wav desiet or break up the show Rut the kiddlea got their cream after the performance nnd had a great time doing ao. And ae for the concert 'by Mary On Page Three) GOLDSBORO, N. CL SATURDAY MORNING. APRIL 14, 1928 Hrtw Irish Airman « 1 , r * ***-'♦ m w* i “ Jnm mRm j II M I /f I » f wm - " ; I H| -**■ mL I I ■ - . A* . ' * " Commaiulant Jaifies Fitzmau rice, head of the Irish Fcae State Air Force, who hoppeijf; pboard the German transatlan tic plane "Bremen” boundrior the U. S. A. t . WANT TO SELL TO EUROPEANS Tobacco Co-Op Receivers Hove Formed Connection WUh Bremen Company RALEIGH, April Kxpres siidt'belief Hytt Europe "is the prin ciple ultimate market for dark-Bred Virginia tobaccu," the receiver* of the trl-OUte Tobacco Grpwera Coop erative Association in receivership sines June IK, l!*2K have asked permis sion of Federal Courts to market lob acca In Europe. In their report for March, filed In Federal court today the receiver* rtated they had au order for three hundred hogsheads of dart fired Vir ginia tobacco from a Oremen, Ger .na»y, concern which had contracted to sell tobacco. T| e German concern,, however, wanth the tobacco shipped on con signment declaring t-hat foreign buy erx Insist on examining it before buy lug. The receivers as a con*e«iyencc request that they be allowed to ship the 30fl hogsheads on consignment to the Bremen concern. M. L. Corey of Richmond. Vet. one of three receivers for the association was fn Europe last year, seeking a market for tobacco. Ho contracted with the Bremen firm to handle the association's tobacco In Germany. 'land, Danxtg. Chezko Slovakia and Hungary. AMERICAN TO I RI*T IYJIKEI) " DUBLIN Irish Free «Jate. April 13 Reveral American tourists were In jured today when hundreds of tons of rubbish and boulder slid down the side of Mount Errlgal tn County Donegal just as the tourists were nearing the summit. URGES HOME AS NATION’S UNIT - 0 > . Col. lAngutoa Addrem Rulbvr fordton KiwanUiw At iUgubtr Mm ting , / 'x • (Ruthelford Coanty Newel Col. John 14 1-aagetou of Golde boro. Democratic candidate for Ltea {ehint Governor wee tbe principal speaker before the weekly meeting o( the Rutberfordton Kiwaate dub at the Iso therm* I hotel lest Tbore ,day evening. Tbe attendance was good Tbe Goldsboro man dt< not awatloa his candidacy. He eald Ike wanted his audience to think. He wae Introduc ed by Klwanlaa R. 11. Price aad eald in pen: . "'Many people believe that you caa- Opt think as a group without losing your Individuality, but I believe yoa ran. The eeaenliala of good clttsea st.lp are: Home stability, demand for a square deal, tolerance of a decent opinion, reaped for constituted au thority and hqve a real spirit of De mocrecy./ if We have too much floating arouud. bunting for jobs and a home Moat or us do not have a real opln ■<<u »ti many public questions. There h ttfo much "cusslag” at govern ment. It's better to have a weak gov ernment than none at all. We should rot walk around and abase oar offi cials tpeh as Sheriff and county Commissioner* Only half oar gM pic voted In the Inst election. Indif ference of the public to matters of importance. Is one of our greatest dingers. Reel red-blooded cTtlaens Hkn "straight from the shoulder doc trine.” The address wee full of thought cr jj sound advice. IS FOUND DEAD IN HOTEL ROOM —* “6* Heart Failure Regarded A* ('nutting Deatli of Wilson Man la Clinton A travelling men hy the name of Richards of Wilson, wae found dead In hie room at a hotel la Clinton Thursday morning, according to iefor mat ion received here yesterday. A hotel potter, calling at the door of the room, discovered Mr. Richards dead. No tnquest wee considered neces *-ry, It was said, as heart failure was aaslnged as the cause of death. IIOBUKB MAKER HOTEL FIMA PR vGREENBBORO, April U (A*J Grady Pugh, alleged hank robber es caped from the Alenrsnce county jail at Graham yesterday by lathering hie body with eoap and worming ills way through a hole In the bare used for passing food Into tbe celt. Visito rs Praise Progress Being Made in Rural Wayne "We have been In five k(i(*i before rotnlriß here, end I am free to cou less'that we liave not Inspected a county .equal In community progress what we have today aeon In •Wayaa." Kuch w»* the declaration of Prof. J. M |)eau of Mississippi Agriculture and Merhanltw! college, in express- Ing the view* of the party of club ind*n from Mississippi who spent yeatreday afternoon atudying rural e!ub progreaa In Wayne. Prof. Dean made the declaration In the courao of a meeting at Rrogden echoolhouae yeeterday afternoon, a meeting pro ceeding a barbecue and fried chicken aupper in honor of the vlaitors and tendered by'the ateerluTg committee of the rommhnlty club association of the county. The Mlealaalppl party, Prof Dean Governor McLean And Other State Officers To'Attend Ceremonies AGED WOMAN DIED FRIDAY Funeral far Mrn. Martha L. But* wick, 77. WUI Bn B«U Thin Aftsrnuam „ - 4 Tbe tauffal of Mrs. Maltha L. Berwick, who dlad at tha home of bar brother J. S. Lee ofthis city at f o'clock yesterday moratng, will ka bald from tha grave naar Satan Springs Saturday afternoon at I o'- clock. s- Mrs. Barwick woe eetreWy-sevea years of age and had been la declin ing health for several months. She Is survived by one brother, J. 8 Lee of Goldsboro, ooe daughter, Mrs. B. B. Nana of Faison, ooe eon A S. Barwick of Seven Springe aad severals nieces and nephews Her bttsbend. Elisha Berwick, pre ceded her to tfie gave some months ago. * Mrs. Barwick wae o member of the FTee Will Baptist church, aad Hrr |. O. Griffin of thin c*y will conduct tbe funeral xarvtcaa. *, SEN. HEFLIN ROARS AGAIN Lnbcb Al Suillk An Director of fslknii Political MacUM v WASHINGTON, April 13—(A*)—Ogt maneuvering Senate leaders who ecugkt to delay his speech Senator Heflin of Alabama made a now at dbk on Governor Alfred B. Smith of Now York and brought Into tha mage of hie fire Major James J. Walker of New York Clty.^, The Alabaman charged that tj* New York governor and candidate for the Democratic presidential nomina tion la tbe bead of the "Roman Cath olic Political machinal la America” and asserted that tbe Smith campaign fund wav “the largest sad moat car rupt ever used” Mayor Walker wee declared by Hef lin t: be s smooth artist the slickest ell In tbe pond. I UKEEKSBOfeO WDTS GREENSBORO, April IS.-GP)- - Greensboro high school was declared winner of the chief honor in the hign school music con tost xrbkdt etaspd today, taking the trophy for Claes A schools with a" total scorn of >4 points. Aahevllle woe second la Class A division with 31 polats. explained, was made np of men and women who had diatlngulahed them telvaa In commanlty club work la a ronteat In Miaetaafppl and wera a* warded the trip East to atudy rural club coadltloaa In other atatoa. The vlaltora apent yeaterday afternoon In touring the county attended the meet ing at Rrogdan and the community dub gathering which followed and last night heard Mary Lewis ting at ■/hq Exposition Prank Jones, chairman of tha ateer Ing committee for Wayne county, pre rlded over the meeting at Rrogdan yaaterday afternoon*. A. H. Vessay. of Hose wood master vocational sgrlcul tura teacher of the south, weloomed the vlaltora to Wayaa county and Mr. Dean respond, d. County Agent A. K. (Continued on Page Three) MEliflßH OF - - ft THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICK fIVR CENTS Now BuiUteg WMI Hnm T»Wr cater Imum Rseg At llg»Kbl? MARKS START Os NSW UA HOSPITALS CBKPULNEBS O. Wodaeoinp.Aprii iA ttoiagt Goldsboro, wilt bo opened aoeordtag building U to bo used to care for th c tnbsrcnlar lamas of St tohmi rooo to North Carottaa. Thor# win bo open hoooo toy whito people who drilro to rie* the Officials will bo boot aad o» totoreot lop prog root Will bg glow M 11 gJO. On Tbaredap. April IMb. tbo col boiog dooo lor tbolr rooo North »rr^Tt boro of tbolr root N 11 i a. Sf tblo no moar"m IKwoiblo will argil tboowofroo or tbo opportunity to rie* tiMbiastltutieu Ob IX Ml. M. Oggrvg P. RrHt" DM la Mil Ywtahr p FV>l lowing u Itlaooo of poor o poor Ooorgo F. Britt, CS. died at Mo bow Boar Colppoo oboot 8008 yesterday Tunaral service will bo t—mgtiit (root tbo booM at CM thlo oflotoooo bp Nor. Mr. Loalor of tbo Calypso Baptist church ud tatenaeat will bo la tbo cooootorp at Colppoo A r tan plication of Oloooom orlgloot* log oboot twolro Biootba ago oaooog tbo doath of tbo good atau. , Ho hi torrlroi bp tala widow ifdkp •Is childroa. Tbo cbUdroo art Bob' •rt Britt of Wilaiogtob. Mr*. Loooto noot of Norfolk, MM Loots Britt a teach or lo DapUa' coootp ooboolo. Mooof Britt of Waohtogtgo, a C-. aad two cillldrop Jooooo aad Baehol who Biako tbolr homo* with tbolr motbst. \yr, Britt woo aaarrtod tbroo ttooa. tho last tiato to MM Sollp Albritton. A son of tho Into Mows BrittV of Grant ham ’ township, ho llvod Ibr many psora la Wayag county, - moo* " lug to Duplin upon his mnrrincn to Mlaa Albritton. ~ Two brotbnru onroloa: W. Q. Britt Pr., of Goldnboro nod Monos Britt of Clinton. i w OLD »AK WBALS MOTES AT LAST ’VkIGHTBVILIX Banob. April lb UT>—Cbnara rang oat today da tbo ” 80 t >n whwlo. loft on tbo boagh bp Um • avos ulna dap* ago. Onaltp wna tow »d out to uoo bp two powerful tags aft* I r.earlp n wuofc at ofMt to moro tho curcuou away and prnpnro It In.* ih»- rats museum at Raleigb. Thonraads have come barn to aao the giant urn mamatol. la the iaottew dap/ cf its pruasoea. streauoas com plttad worn made bp rentdant that tho < m upiag balk wad scorning + * uMiwu i J .jguuu;,

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