WEATHER 4 mUu. Probably pmwt i «■ eoaat Sunday. Monday •ndy. Wumr. , .VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 43 PLANE CREW MAY HAVE SPENT SOMETIME ON ISLE No Access By Water Is ’• Possible Until Ice Has ' . • • j Broken For Summer *uc *■ t. Propuller •f Plaae Broken In „ Making Forced Descent At Greenly / ft . FOURTEEN PEOPLE LIVE ON TWO-MILE ISLAND i ft - , ■ New York Newspapers Race In Preparations Oniftt Planes Rook North (By Associated Pros* Hm Arat man over to make a non stop went ward airplane flight aero** tba N«tflh -Atlantic ara marooned on a tlay lea bound northern Island, far from the m l lions wailing to walcomv than. After mora than a day aad a half la tbs air. tba last bouri spent An blindly wandering through an Im penetrable fog. tba Junkar’a mono plane Bremen, landed Friday oa Greenly Iglaad, la tke Straits of Bell Ills bet wees New Fouodlaad sad La brador. sfld It learned unlikely that . the Journey could be continued for several days Meeaagea relayed to the outer, world by dog Sled, radio. ■ end telegraph bora aaaurance that tba airplane wee damaged. The three tiers. Baron Von Hueaefeld. Capt. Hermann Koehl and Capt. Jam** Fttamaurlc*. are not in lured aad were belug well cared for bg tke Uay Island's 14 Inhabitants.^ Three faators combined to prevent Immediate continuation of the Bremen Sight from Ireland to Now York. For one thing the fuel tanka wen empty whan tba Bremen lauded ee e UtUe lake on the mile-square Island, and the nearest supply Is acrosa the Ire pack on the mainland. Then massages from the aviators reported that the propellor was broken. And lastly It was bellevad that plane night have great difficulty Ip affecting a take-off from the fro ten surface of the Island even after repairs wars made and the tanks filled, uatil a runway had been smoothed off for 1L ST. JOHNS. N. F.. April U-UP- Men versed In the navigation of the northern waters aa'd today"' that the crew of the-Bcsmen. marooned,On Ice bound Greenly Island, can hope to got away from there only by air at present, Until the Ice field < In that region begin to broak up with the . approarh of summer, these navigators said.there will be no access to the is land by sea. CURTIS FIKLD. N. Y.. April 14. OP)— M. M. Merrill, general manager of this commercial flying field, an. nounred tonight thet six planes char tered by newspapers are being pre pared to By Into Canada tomorrow to get 4s near aa possible to Greenly Island In tho Straits of Bell Isle where the trana-Atlantic monoplane is marooned. ■ BULLS TURNED ! BACK ON MART His her Credit Rat eg Bugaboo In Ammunition That Forces ■f Tufn r _____ NEW YORK. Apyll 11— <JP -Yeari of higher credit rates, the bugaboo of Wall fldeet tamed beck the ‘'bull*" of the stock market. A storm of sell ing arose whan a nearly attack on General motors forced the price down about 95 a share, end appeared to sap all the eathnalaam out of those who have been bidding for the high price ttock. Although a few new leaders of more modest prices were listed to new peaks, the market aa a whole gave the' Impression of an orderly end more or legs weary retreat —* WASH WOTS ICS 14 PLEDGER TO MHITH SPOKANE. We*h_ April 14— {IP— Washington demoncracy today lined up In the grcwnlng columns of dele patloes pledged to the nomination of Governor Alfred K. Smith for the presidency. _ _ j THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ABE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. —— "I ■V./ * ' To Conduct Revival 0 ' B ( % ■ .. DR. VI. M. TIP F.B This noted minister, evangelist to the Home Mission Boar dos the Southern Baptist Convention, will begin a two week's revival at First Baptist Church thla morning. Services will be held dally at 19:39 In the morning and at 7:45 la the evening. - plan picnic HERE IN JULY Odd Fellows of District Will Gal Iter For Day’* Session At Home Here - ________ <* The Odd Fellows of this district will hold a basket picnic at the borne here In July, It was decided at a meeting held in Rocky Mount Friday evening. C. G. Smith of Goldsboro, who presided over the meeting at Rocky Mount In Hie absence of the president, named a special picnic committee to have charge of advertis ing the July event here The commit tee was Instructed U> sae that each of the six lodges In the district re ceives' a communication each month with details aa to the picnic. Two hundred Odd Fellows ought to be at the picnic here, it was stated, representing the Goldsboro, Rocky Mount, Tarboro, Mt. Olive, 'Wilson and Rosemary lodge*. The following Ooldsboro men at tended the district meeting In Rocky Mount: . Superintendent r. H. War ren. of the Odd Fellows Home. L. If. Watson. H. F Winstead, C. H. Moore and C. U. Smith. EARTH SHOCK KELT ° CONSTANTINOPLE, April 14- (IP A alight earth shock wka felt ' In Constantinople at 11:15 o'clock thin morning. A more violent shock was felt In the *ur™nmU{ig country. No r »V>»111 reported this af ternoon \ - - —1 ■ Judge Townshend Signs 17 Civil Court Judgments Sat. Judgment* totaling 1392$ were yes terday signed by Judge N. A. abend tin Wayne Superior court, end ing four action* which O. Watt* bad brought against the Hhode lilunt) Fthn Insurance company for sum* al lotted to be due from the cOtnpafiy following the destruction by firs" of ; the tobacco warehouse which ‘Watt* < per*ted here In 1926 One Judgment I was tor |92S. one for 1975, one for SSOO, and one for 92.625. These aulta represent greater amount* than any yet involved In *ults clenred hy Judge Townshend'* court the past week. The two week'* tension will he continued on Monday morning. Judgements signed IhaAgh yesterday Included! R. f\ lllncra g Inet Hamilton Langston. 9150 for plaintiff. Goldsboro Seringa and Truvt Com pany va R. B: Best and W. H Crad FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY GRANTHAM BOYS ARE ADVANCED 11 Promoted to Higher Degree In (Tab Have 11627.50 In* . vested In Enterprise* Tke Young Ter Heel Farmer* clnh ’ of Grantham school vdvanced eleven , green hands to th# 2nd degree, that of Caroline farmers, at their regular monthly meeting Friday | In ordwf that n boy may be allowed to he advanced to the Carolina Far mer degree e year's inatruction In Agriculture, completed e satisfactory project le their work, be able to recite to memory tha country boyi creed, bo able to lead e discussion when celled upon and hart 940 00 Invested In n productive enterprise as on saving ac fount. „ , The eleven boys have 91627.50 In vested In productive tnterprlses such as hogs, poultry, mules, fertiliser and raring accounts. Durwood Hood has the most money Invested, a total of 9436.50. Th* following boys were advanced to second degree: Durwood Hood. Kirby Thorntou. Russel llollowell, William Rills. Alvin Portor. Marshall Jlnnette, Cooper Hryan. Carlyle Sas ser, Durwood Thorn lon, Milton Rrock <€ . Tammany Boss Cornea For Visit To Smith •ASHEVILLE. April 14-KA 1 ) —A political touch was given the, vaca tion here of Governor Alfred E. Smith by the arrival of George Glv ' any, lammauy leader, who stopped off for *mi overnight vial}. Olvany, who I* ope of Smith’s chief I political advleors. had been on A' va cation In Cuba and Florida dock, verdict for plaintiff for |9do with Intereat from June 29. 1919. Yelverton Brothers, Ine., v* M. W. Mitchell and J. A. Mitchell and wife, i verdict of 9671 40 for Yelverton Hroe. end of 91428 60 for the Fremont Oil ; Ml». I Peopled Hank and Trust Company va Walter Kvann. verdict of f!0« with Interest from December ljt, 1919 for plaintiff.. Cleo Howard by her. • beat frlond. Addle Howard, vs Durharq Hosiery Mills, verdict for plaintiff for 9237.39. Yelverton Brothers. Inc., v* Hen ry Yelverton, verdlot to plaintiff for ;350. Marlon tV. Edgrard* vs Henry and Susan Borden, court ruling that the property in question la property of Bordena. Continued on page 2 WESTWARD PATHFINDERS AND THEIR PLANE * ■ liii'iHiil 1M , Hid German girplang •'Bremen” gad its craw. Left, Cep*. Kochi, German pilot; Bsron Hoe -9 , GOLDSBORO. N. CSUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 11. 4M* FIRST BAPTIST STARTS REVIVAL Dr. William M. Vine*, Hama Mission Evangelist, WiU Da Preaching All preparation* have been coroplet ed for the beginning of a two-waek* revival at the First Baptlat church 1 thla morning. Dr. William M. Vine#, evangel lit with tha home miaaton board of the Southern. Baptist Can* \ml ion. wffl do the preaching, anti apeclal musUftwill be led by Maury Pearson, rholc’leader with the htm.e mission board. Rev. T Riddick a Ives the fol lowing concerning Dr. Vine*: Rev. Wliltam M Vln«i, D.. D.. wi'a born and reared on n farm near Jonesboro, Tenn. Kducaled In the rural public schools and In the High School nt Jonesboro. Tend.. Dr. Vine* completed hia college training at (Jen. tral Normal College, Danville, Ind. the University of Chicago and the Southern Baptist Theological Semin ary at Ijoulavllle, Ky. Hia first pastorat* after leaving the seminary, nt Johnson City, Tenn., wn* n continuous revival and her* was laid thg foundation for the deep spiri tual and evangelical emphasis which has characterised hia ministry. For, ■even and a half year* he was pastor of the First Baptist Cnurch of Ashe ' 111**. N. C. Hera he won a great repu tation as an evangelist and reformer ins (he movement which egertbrew the saloons In th* city was originated iu hia church and under hts ministry. For about four pad a half year* at the Freemason Btr**t Church. Nor folk. Va.. his achievements challenge I the attention of the denomination. This great church wan thoroughly •*- aanized as ntver before and the mem bership grew from liftO to 1200. Sub stantial I m proveni en I nwcfA made on the building and overflowed so that for r-f>*rlod th* Continued on page X • JOSEPH ULMER TO SPEAK HERE ■ * l/Ocnl final Rrkh Order To Hear^ Addtjewt'tßQ President of Fifth Dtatrlct Joseph A.* WllmeV, of Wash ington. D. C., president of district number 5 of the Independent Or der of Bnai Brlth. will deliver an addraas at Oheb Hholem temple here Monday evening at • o'clock. The public, is Invited to the meet ing. Sir. direftor of the activities of Bnai Brlth In the district embracing the Dtatrlct of Columbia. Maryland. North Caro lina, South Carolina and Florida. The vtalt here Is tn connection with a tour to the four local or ders of Bnai Brlth In North Caro lina. Other* to'pe vlaitad by Mr. Wllmcr are at Oreensboro, Kins ton and Wilmington. nefeld, center, financial hacker and peaadnger; right, Colonel FiUmauricc, co-pilot ARE UNINJURED AS CAR TURTLES « o * Automobile CenGßttlnr MM* tiiMpiami Forced Off High way Near City Four member* es tha Mlaelaaippl party which vlsitad Wayna county Friday tor tba purpoaa at studylug community club davelopmaat boro vrera badly abakaa up whan tha au tomobile In sshHb the were riding turfed over near tba bridga oa High way number 19 weat of tke city Fri day night wkila returnlng to Oaldn boro from tba RoaawmHi community club meeting, it w*a learned yeater ***■ K W Gaither, dlatrlet demofiatra t!on agent, was driving the machine, n Dodge sedan, when It met an aatomo hile on the curve. Tha other, oar waa said to have crowded tho one driven by Mr. Oatther and containing tba , rtaitoi * to such an extant tbal It , went over tha embrankmant at the , curve, and tamed over. Glut In the automobile body ware I shattered, and member* of th# party sustained bruises and scratches, but no serious injuries. , One-Third of Counties Are Without Good Maps RALEIGH. April 11—GF)—Nearly • third of tha counties of North Caro lina have no Individual map* of their territory, at least as far as state de partment records reveal, it was polat ed out today hr tha conservation de partment which Is making a stream sanitation and conservation survey. _t— . COOLIIKJE NEB DM ('ONGHATILATIOYM WASHINGTON. April 14— (Aft 1 President t'oolldge mat through the navy radio today a message of oon -1 gratulatlon* to the crew of tho Bre men. o Registrars And Poll Holders . Named For June. 2 Primary • 6 ___ —..Meeting ft the oonrthouae yeeter day th« county board of electtouo named r*(btr»n and poll hoi (tarn who will he In charge of th« Demo cratic primary to ba held Jana S for the nomination of ronnty, state and national officer*. Flfty-eeren man from 19 rot in it precinct* In the county were named to hare charge of the election*. Thoee comprtalng the board of el ecttona are: Oeorge Vahn, Goldsboro rhalrman; Milford Ay cock. Piker lilt; and-Joseph of Mt. OHve. The following were named aa reg istrar* and poll holder*: Geld*here Me. t Registrar—Dan L. Hobson D»m Judge—J. Norwood Holme*. Rep. Judge- Marion Lynch. Geldsbere Me. > Reglatrar -R| C. Crawford. Dam. Judge—V. M. Gtlllkta. * » v ’ . , ' ■m FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY An Unexplained Blast Snulfs Out Lives Os Thirty-Eight Dancert ==j Boys Capture Mama Fox and Her Babe* Here's a story for the fox haa tara. Two boys of tke Odd Fal lows home here roaming through woods )uet east of Kdgewood oa the edge of the city discovered a mama fox end her ulx ha hie* la S' hollow tree. While oae guarded the tip*, another went fore each. Armed with e forked *itck eed the seek the two boy* collected both the mother eed her alt babies. Such we# the atery reaching The Nawa yesterday FIRE DAMAGES 1 - EDVARDS STORE OrigimUed la iUnnked Storage Room Oa BseeaS Mery Abere JewalryJStern ,i Fin dtnaevitad el • **d*d this morning in th* second alary #f the Barth Center utraal hnlldlne •wood aed aaanptad hy Nathan J. Edwards did eanaldvrwM* damage In a stack as hlnelrefu, ahaafla, spraads, stored ta tha ream where the Am ortgtanlil, aed is u- __4 •rM flonr. Tba flaldibara Candy ■HwU u dRRR|w water damage was asp acted 'ta ‘ rwilt aa th* upper Mery as th# / Hf a I*■ ■ ** --- - A * v? MlWonp 1 ifmpVßJt Dffff wa fiDF •oath of th* IdwMrda atom. It was Imyamjbia ta umi an aatheeta as tba ttmag* tala mure tag. Th« erlgta as the flame* was ant narurtnhiudi ' I area Derr and Hr. Kd wards warn partear* In aa Inutsllmunt blankst and bod clothes bnsinesa, sad nnad ta* upper alary Ml th* Edward* star* aa a ■tataffi plat*. Mr. Derr said that thorn ware several tod clothe*, mostly bUakdt* ta tha ream. * Th* flra alarm tarn tamed to at t o'etaefc hy toy J. Parhsr, strait supertatoadeat, who was sp ta dl. roet thy early mamtag watt of th* street cleaning fare*. M* as- Head smalt* saalff from tho •or ead Mary akave tha Edwards ' star* aad atov* th* Caady KNch -90. ' The flra flgbtera war* da ta* acaa* a mbit# after the alarm had seuiplad. aad rsshad base I* , th* upper alary wtadawm The me meat tba wladaws war* crash (4 li i taagu* of flasM leaped oat, hat hy the tenant as wat. cr shot tat* tba window by flra maa stand lag atop ladders, tba "tContinued oa Tag* 8lx) Rap. Judge—E. D. Herring. .. Geldtbera Me. I Reglatrar - Emmett Powell. Dem. Judge C, H. Moor*, Rap. Judge—T. C. Crow. Geldsbere He. 4 - Registrar -W. R. K. Butler. Gem Judge—W. H. Creech. Rep. Judge W. 0. Walter*. Premeut Iteghtrar—J. M. Htong v Rep. Judge G. r Crawford. Dem. Judge—J. T. Wtnbon. Provides** Registrar—W. B Bteaena. Dam. Judge W. L. Parker Rep. Judge— David J. Hollowelt. Bark Nwump Registrar-Joseph P. Did*. Dem Judge—L K. Aycock. Rep. Judge—J. C. Baaaar. .. Continued on page S Tw, MEMBER Qf «' THE ASBOCUTMU MM rmcurmumfi* Os Honor As Dune HMfl M Peat Mkti ~ THOSE OUTBID! BUILDMIfG COULD NOT GIYI ANY AID TraToMuff Hoi—mM Q*ta» THU •mmmMMpdMpA. t|‘ I WEST PLAINS. Mo. April Id—(fft -Thirty eight pureoei Mi tooofc to have keen killed aad *9 aafM ta ■ explosion whioh iimpBMRI a deep* hell over a gara«o heap teat aM. Tweety bodies had haaa pwMtaii RK vq titled early iuil||h | «l>y‘ Richard Ocean. toraey, could Mt UffTOU oa tho «M#o of the kgpiana pad idjiawad mitt Wednesday _ • xplod.d RMMI fond I aga aad dans* hall alas wore iiiffM rd Thirty or forty eeaplM iM«Md|d the dance, hot soma wore Mt R| hall at the time at the Meat. Whgtllkr all escaped who won tjpfdhß fa tho sedrod story RMBMIIfI la mo building Rod tm |M| A terminud lets todar •it vu the am hffMiaa m perieece of my aattn MR* ffM# #. H. Even*,Chicago travail** mMs man who wttneuald ttMi trapady *Tj*> cries of vlctlma VRa any taidaifh u. w. me k. kf)pw wf r*oi)ltl dHu R f "* and the upper Hoar Milapoad As dancers were horied late a MdM furnace from whioh llpro m'fli carried oa. The ftamag pfftraaaat dim doing enytblag, hat Not ateadtag hy and Hetenlag to tboir ortat," n doaea lajured, w*h meoy ut>d*a a fire Which swept the Ogaa Lop*, x comMaad apartment aad hddtaAm block hero this atloraoM. Two of the woman uonoamMd ta th# Ka—itai afiap ka||o mmmA| |M|| the burning atructuru. IVoa bodlse were foaad os the floor of tho «P*M Bo saddoaly did tho fleoie* a*a headway that all ■♦sands as aaeapo ware cut eff ta a law mtadlae. When fireman raeahad the |*m l number of WOmMtlWd ClMthud MM to the ledges es wiodowp V|pg RMM were quickly spread aad”twe >mp Jumped ee names hugea to Hah the window fremue. Opa Ml the wamua "truck a project lag ledgt «M MM* sered a broken leg aad otW IhJtWHIR _ SEEKS GUIDES FOR THE BUND NBW YORK. April U-OV& twenty-year oM blind yoath aaiMf elope today oa tho Itaer Aeeeote fpr gwKserlaad la aeach af> a dug whlgh may he tralaed to fuMM him APd other similarly atfMoted. Morris 8. Freak of MMbvUIATAND Is mekiag the trip wtth the aaeMapUa of Mrs. Oeorge Morris MwUa has eetebllshed breeding keeaqla far Osman shepherd dogs la •**■#♦- laud. If Freak's efforts are mwm»Mt« he will bring' one deg bach wtth Mp and later obtain 49 with a trelaar tor see la thh < cualiy. Tha dot- Freak aeld. la to ha haM with a atmp by tta ussier aad thtoufh vartmm movements hi to guM# tta dWStor i through flreffle. swap fmm nhutmitA . aad up aad down stairs. ) «* . K '"""■ •'

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