WKATHKK Pair and warmer Tuesday. Wednes day tusesaSlag cloudiness, probably Baßuwad by rnia la tbe went 'VOLUME SEVEN NUMBER 44 BREMEN MAY CONTINUE FUGHT ON WEDNESDAY If .. ; • • 0 • . • Sister Ship of Bremen Being Rushed to Canada To Supply Needed Parts CspUla Fitwuricc Quito It* , IwMl With Schiller end Reechee Nataequan DAUGHTER AND RON OF JUNKERS TO AID Wire Direct From Greenly la land Sara Break in Plane la Mac Repaired MONTREAL. April l«—(A*) • Ths Junker's plane. Bremen will continue IU Jour nay to Nov York Wednesday It repairs can bo completed In time. ICo Canadian Press was Informed to patrabls Expect tare Greenly Is local office of the Marconi wireless company The message came from the Marconi company's superlntsdent. W. 8. Barrett, at ths Point Amour wlre leae slat lota apposite Greenly Maud Barrett's Information cams jlirect from the filers at Greenly Island JIIm tn see axe said: "Bremen shaft damaged bat re pairable Except leave (Iresnly Is land. Bremen had fog and mow dur ing part of Its flight. Took Greenly lighthouse for sealing steamer but ascertained it was lighthouse short ly afterward and made lauding on a small pond. Crew wen rather ex hausted but recovered sfter* short V\ t'Nxamarice no Way Qeebee qiHCRFT. April It—tA*» Captain Jams Fltxmaarlce, co-pilot of the trsav-Atlahlle plans Rramtn. who left Grossly MaMI la a relief plane with C. A. mike Schiller this morning landed at Nstaahquan this afternoon MtsmsuriCe and Hchlller will re main ther* tonight. Hchlller and Dr. I.uls Cuilnler went to Greenly Is land from-Murray Ray. Quebec In a plane of the Canadian trane-contln •ntal airways, arriving last night. Another plane, of the Canadian air v.-aya which landed at Seven Is lands this morning after u stormy trip from Mumy Bay with nswsaper men and photographer) will remain at Seven Islands overnight. <Ry Associated Preo*) A sister ship of the Rremvu. the Junkers P-|3 left New York yeeler dsy for Montreal and was to sstubbsh a relief hast either there or ut yneliec today Thc-pJfW? was flown bv Pred Melcholr. Junkers expert, who, wax accompanied by llerta and Er hardi Junkers, daughter and son of the manufacturer,. It was _pla lined to'strip the F-|3 of any parts needed by the firemen and ship them Into Greenly Island, with fuel by plaits. If It should pr iVe 'mposslblo to repair the Greenly Island. Miss Junkers said *he would lake ths crew back to* New York lit. the F-tJ. In the meantime, the Canadian gov ernment Icehergrr Montcalm. was. pushing forward to the rescue and was expected to arrive at the Island today unless the Ice xhonld com pletely block Its coursq. The M >nt cklm was prepared to take the llre mcn and remaining members or its crew on hoard and transport them to, seme point where they could, get all the material they might need for quick repairs to the plane. " , -Wives of both the married member* cl Ih# Rremen crew. Csptaln Flts maurlce and Captain Koehl, announc ed from Europe that they would come 1o America to Join their husbands. They will sail on the same ship leer |»g Cobh. Ireland on April 21. HILWINKLi: 18 TO BK OPtOAED GASTONIA. April 14—<A*>—8«*licl lor John 0. Carpenter of the G»aton Mecklenburg county district, tonight announced he had mailed notice of «andldacy frr Congress from the hth district to tbs Mats bdard of slec tiona Solicitor Csrpenter is opposing hlr fellow townsman, Major A. L, Bul king!*, tb* Incumbent THE GOLDSBORO NEWS mean Q( THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY, BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. .. „ - !'c ■ - ’■ • o' „ » ' , I- . - _ INVITE PUBJJC VISIT HOSPITAL ® o i i -t: • ■ O'Berry Building Will Be Form ally Opgncd Willi Gavernor Present on Wednesday With Govsrnor A„ W. McLean and a number of tbe council of the stats present for the event, tbe formal ipentug Wednesday of tbe O'Bsrry building at tbe State Hospital for Iks Negro Insane here will mark the be ginning. of a new era of uaefulaest tor the institution Completion of the building. It was pointed out. provides facilities for trehtiment of tubercul ar Inakne according to the most mod *rn and accepted standards of exul tation and fills a need for long stand ing at the hospital The building, a large brick struc ture to the left of Uio road as one drtvei from Goldsboro to the Insti tution. Ih a bcutlful one. Captain Nathan O'Kerry, chairman of Ihc bo»rd of directors of Ihe hos pital. and Dr. W. C Unvllle. Kuper mtendeM. and denlrnua of hundreds of Goldsboro people call Wednesday to Inspect the new building and to go over the pD«t A cordial Invitation has been extended to tbe public to visit the hospital between 10 In the morning and 6 In the afternoon Wed nesday. Negroes are Invited to visit the hoa I ilal between the hour* of JO a. tn. aud 6 p. m. on Thursday, leaders of Ihe rgee In North Carolina will be In charge of appropriate exe'rclpes to be held at the new building at 11 o'clock Thursday. 1 ESCAPE INJURY IN BAD WRECK Two Automobiles SidcHwipe Each Other on Highway Number 10 Sunday ..t Two aitt<«nobllcs were b dly wrecked but thellr occupants escaped ilmost unhurt Sunday when the cir I'lintaJDjj)# ,a group of Green* bon one driven by Os Southern l-Hieg and conveying V path ti discharged from ths HI ate Hospital, and Mevoral of hi* mends. >. \ The car driven bw Mct-ean turned ruddeuly Into highway number 10. It was said, and hit by the one In which the Greensboro men—Gene Springer. 8. HI«H» Phelps, and (’has Hickle were riding-. Tbi>»* who saw Ihe two automobiles after the wreck wondered how 1t; W>» that all es caped with their live*. The Greensboro mett received first aid treatment at the Spicer Hanllor lum and then continued. In another automobile, to Newt Bern on their fishing trip Georgetown Folks Object Bearing Sewer Line Cost The rttliens of Georgetown section sre up in arms over assessment) trade against property Owners gfnx rewerage main extension*. Alderman 8. P Mt-Clenny reported at Ihe re gular meeting of the city fathers last i vniing. There were some report* that certain Georgetown property owners Intended carrying Ihe matter to the courts In an effort to resist plying sewer line assessment* Mr. Mt-Clenny appealed on behalf of those objecting to the •ayltis that Its thought this was a matter which tliould be taken cars of by the city « The board listened to the appeal W made by Mr. Mcflenity hut agreed that It had been the precedent of years for the property owner* to la ar Ihe r««! of sewer extension* KIWANIS HEARS ABOUT FARipVG Courtly A. K. Robertson Speaks to Chib At Regular Meeting Monday . Dr. A. H. Kerr hail charge of last nights Ktwaals program and he presented County Agent A. K. Rob ertson who mad a an Interesting talk on faming In general, but he give tpedal ronsMerat.on to the subject of cattle raising In connection with cattlg raising he cgtd It had been hie problem to determine whether or not this was a suitable section soy cat tle raising, and If so to Induce far mers to rstse cattle on a basis which would be profitable. Thkt this la X national cattle raising section had been shown, he said by the excellent pastures which had been produced by tbe few farmers w|ta. bad under tken to have real pasrarws. U was explained that a auccesaful pasture had enabled some farmers to cut tholr feed almos# In hall during the graslng months. The big job he con tinued. was to arouse iutdrost In rat-> tie raising for success required that the farmer must more than like ths Job —be reuat love It, -Wayne county accordtngxno his figures has only one. halt an many nows per given population at do the sections of Ihe country which are recognised aa the leaders In cattle production. In connection with olher farming Mr Robertson said that efforts were bring made lu Improve the cotton and tnbaec-o production -by supplying the most desirable seed to certain (aim ers who would demonstrate the In creased value of tbe varieties select <£ and would he prepared to rurntsh seed ,to lncresr»lng number* - the following year. In this way It wat pointed ont the berft vAfletie* wnl ha detersflued and finally the seed will be available IJirougboul Ihe c u"»v. About 7S acres were planted this ye.r with the objects menllottetl in Iricw. The poultry productloitr'Tte/ said, been materially Improved oVlhg the last few years and was now »tW point w|prr continued iny)rovemcnt was assured. >• ' ■ Rev. A. J. Smith Intrcwlitced Rev. IV. M-y,Vines who Is conducting a re vival at Ihe First Baptist church. Rev. Vines made a short talk in which he compllmeiWM Goldsboro on Its prog css slues his last visit of 25 years ago- Frank Taylor announced Ihdt plans l.ad beau completed for the Goldsboro rlub to meet with the clubs of Green vljle, New Bern, and Kluston al Kinston next Friday night.- It wax voted to euspond the meeting of tho local Hub scheduled for April 23. WILL ATTEPMT LONG FLIGHT FRESNO. Calif., April 18. (A*) A dawn tomorrow Jimmy Angel, war time flier, will hop off frotrg,the Frea iio municipal airport for Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico, on the first leg of a 25.000 mile air tour to Cape Horn and back. After months of preparation and many unforeseen delays, Angel said today everything was ready for tho start. The trip Is expected >o lake two months. add that to absolve Georgetown from this cost would be treating owners id property In this section differently trom owner* of properly In other sec tions. The meeting was lasting on • y twenty minutes. Upon motion of Ihe committee which had Investigat ed the matter the board approved an offer of the Oak Height* company to p«y the city »UM> In clearance of ex* Irtlng obligation* between the city and the development company. Cer tain accf&nt* were to be balanoed Kgainst each other In this settlement Aldermen. Robinson. Water*, and Rrldxer* were named as a committee to luvfstfg tie s proposal itaade by L, Frederick, supervisor of music In the city schools, that the board Continued on page J GOLDSBORO* N. C.TUESDAY MORNING. APRIL 17. 1928 J i : . . 1 *-'■ ■»' ■" ' - ‘ ~ ; ' g< FAR FROM INTENDED"ROUTE 1 * Map shows the direction at the intended rout* oi the trio oi brave trans-Atlantic fliers and the actual path that landed them . at Greenely Island, a desolate speck of land off the aoutherta coast of Labrador in the Straits of Belle Isle, 400 mile* off their _ proposed route. " ’ ' ' * DEBATE FINALS ON THIS WEEK GoMitboro. hktviHe and U- Grpngc Will Send Tmubp To Chßptl (fill TZ'x- CHAPKt- HIM* April 16-Thls Is High school week at the linlveraity ,-.f North Carolina. The d'*l> t-rs a*d athlete* will begin tv pottr Into CHspel llill on Wvdnsa ilay. tltTtivtm (hi ttttth the -wj-cITTTic c nipns IwHJ hi Fterally' cii tted with the high scnbui__y 1 illurr' Several hundred are expeeUdc and they will be accompanied by thetr high school officials, coaches, aud ‘•(her supporters The finals In Hie fourteenth annual slate wide debates ftw the Aycwk Memorial cup will get underway on Thursday night with Ihe first pre liminaries. The thirteenth tepals tournament gets under way Wednss nsy afternoon and the sixteenth track meet early Friday morning. On Thursday afternoon at 2 o’- clock the debaters wfll gathsr In Memorial Hall where they will lee welcomed by N. W. Walker. Dsutt of the School of Education and Vhalr man of the high school debating tin-' lon. Al that time thq debaters prill draw for sectio'us aud .opponents, for Ihe first round of preliminaries. On Thursday evening the detnites will get underway with 200 speak ers representing -60 high schools. These are divided Into 100 team* and will debate In 12 sections one affirms tlve and one negative team being sel icted from each section. The high schools to be presented wort both Sides of the triangle debate* that were held among 200 high school* April 8. Schools sending debating teams In elude Goldsboro. laiGrange Plkevllle. State Dental Society Remembers Dr. Johnson I) r:\Jf. N Johnson of Goldsboro, chairman of the executive committee oi the Association and past president, was honored by Ihe North Carolina Cental Society aa It met In annusl lonvention In Charlotte yesterday. On account of Illness. Dr Johnson cohid not attend Ihe sessions. Artlng on Instruction of Ihe con vention Dennis Keel. . secretary and treasurer of the Association, yester day wired Dr. Johnson as foflows: "The North Carolina Dental Hoc lety cross and stood at atteniion In recognition of valuable services ren dered bv John Johnson whose en forced absence Is most sincerely re sulted. We miss you and wish lor you ft epeed recovery" CIVIL COURT IS CONTINUED * -<o . , j Judge Nunn Arrivw ud Prt •iUlfiH i Ivor siting Wayne Bupcrier * * ■ * *■ 1 'A ■ ' Three judgments signed, a divorce rranted aud the beginning of the owe of D. L. Bdgerton against W. H rm(growth of as auto 4aubK* accident several year* egy. tech was yesterday’s seeelon ot Wayne county superior court (or the -.r'al of elvt! case*. Judge R. 'A. Nunn or New Bern, who wae pre vented from presiding here last mask, held court yesterday, Judge N. A. rownshend of Dunn presided oyer the sessions of lest week. , A judgment was signed hy Judge Towrtqjtend in an actios before he left, accepts tb* will of M. 0. Price of Dudley as his will for filing sad by consent agreement allows those seeking to break Ihe document 91884 each. Price was one of those who had a part In the Williams heirs dis tribution. and the money Involved In the suit was solely what had com* in him from Uie •Williams distribu tion. The Bissell Grocery Company wee swarded a verdict against C. R. Gar ris tor 953.74, and against John W Parka for )200.«7. Mary Shepherd was greeted e divorce from Robert Shepherd. Impanelled as Jurors weret Obi# Hook*. R. T. Kennedy. Fred L. Ad orn*. C. E Sullivan. Georg* P. Rest. W A. Martin, Jr.. L. A. Mayo. E L. Harris. J D. Carr. J. H. Waddell Dewlit Thompson, and Carl Melton. Mystery Surrounds Fatal ‘ Shooting Sampson Negro Mystery surrounds the fatal shoot lag of George Allen Smith, young ne gro of Turkey. Sampson county, who died lu the Goldsboro hospital about noon yesterday. A pistol wound through the neck caused tbe death of the man. » Smith was brought to the Golds boro hospltsl on Hunday. critically wounded, and was accompanied to the hospital by his father and by a whit* man of Sampson by the name cf Rouse. The fattier Insisted that bl* ron had run away sometime ago and that he bed not heard from him until Hunday when three negroes bronght him back in what was appar ently a dying condition. These men. the father said. Insisted that thejt did not know how Smith bad been shot. Sheriff W. D, Grant after \ the Griffith %rder Trial Central Figure is Shot O . • "-.mm*:. - 4 p«t To Death by Matt Nurse Weather Works Cuts A Number of Capers The weather did several extra ordinary things Sunday a»d 8«n --day night, according to recorde kept for the United State* weather Bureau by Mr*. Robinson of Jehu street. 1 During Sunday night the ther mouwter dropped to 19 degress, a dare degree above (resting Mrs. Robinson said tbat ihe could not rimsxpkxr when April II hoi brought gush a tow figure. Lae* April, early, there wep a cold snap bat it did aof come In the middle of the month. ' ■ , Daring tRs twenty fortr hours from 7 mm. Sunday morning to 7 a. m Monday morning, 1.81 Inch ea of rain fell. Mrs. Rohtneoa re ported. This again was very un usual. for while April usually brings frequent'shower*. It Is not generally the case that rain telle steadily for most of 14 hours an It did Sunday. SMITH WILL NOT GO TO HOUSTON Makes Dm)m»Um Tb Tfcto Kfact Tn Ninwpgfgr 4ANKVII.I.E. AphU tor (AP) —Reterser Alfred K kntoh qf . Hew York, Urn eetetaodlng eea dMaie ter Ihe Ibmeuktlr preel- Mtwlllttfl, nk# Is lag a two week's vaeaUea In Ashe till* nIU not attend Ike halt east Democratic Ceaveation al Hens tea la Jens. He mode this fermxl aaneaaee meat at * tselinage with ae««- pe perms* today. Ashed If he might net rha age hie mlad be saMi * “No. I meant that* I wHI set attend. There's aa aM of my - setm COL LINDBERGH REACH WICHITA Drop* In IlnexpgeiMHy’ to Spend Nlf ht And W*rk On Ptnaa WTCHITA, Ken. April 18-(JP) Col. Charlei A. Lindbergh, flying his new cabin monoplane, lauded at Bwal low Field. WlchlU late this after noon. < ol l.lndhurgh will remain In Wichita overnight. Meanwhile making adjustments on his plane, newspaper reporters learned He declined to an nounce hie destination, which pre tumahly is Bt. Louis. . tteath of Smith, got In loerh with ths Sheriff of Sampson county. The lat ter told Sheriff Grant that he had made a trip to Turkey to Investigate the case, but waa told that Smith was In Wayne county and near Golda : boro at tbs time that he waa shot. Other than that, tbe Sampson aber i ftf said that be had not been able ); to learn. 1 No report of a fatal *hoothtg In or ii near Goldsboro had been received | from any source yesterday and local officers discredited ibe story that the I negro had been shot her* or near here i nd then carried io his hcane In Tur key and than rushed back to athe hospital Msantlm*. however, Sheriff W. D. Grant and his deputies will conduct 1 further Investigation Int othe none. I MEMBER Os * ‘ THE ASSOCIATED 'i PRESS PMCB PIWB GBNte ■? -j-mi, .d^rgy * £ Dr. Bcl»tt, TrM pad Practf *r Grirrmi Murdor.KlWod AA • Own mijiUl *.f “S’KJfSi^Kr 1 Efflifr ivwß* UHfIgVILUC. Ks, April liu Mi Ur. (Wrtatopbor O. MbtAtJ mKm dor hn of Mm r«M MM. Mil <iwl to fwtb it Ui firing ■appM'lpi «*•■!* •mplofOM. * •’? _« ,' ‘ Prior to toe ahooUog attoqdaoto df ‘bo hospital reported to yMtofiio « Ttor old phyatclaa bod bog* # log and bod wood abusive MM prpi£p 'irataiMrMM mcbod toward Mo pocbet lilfb draw a fill.* .V. «• ~>■./ . Tbia wm tbo alMotoiM - Newntoa. to. aao|o mim who tipi &^jxthsss’> jorud to tbo la agnate Mbott mfi . uaiag la too prebaMfolif wpotpp* apk Morooo aad that a qaamrhddve' aultod. Ho iMMtofd Tf[ *|T # saf am »ad. Ha .apa iMbab ■ custody oa a cbarga of, awidor. 12 Oa Christmas tor*. X»l«. ||||oM»to ? Mord Griffith, IT. year aid etftoa #* la aobotfa .aiMoroo woo acbott waa arrested oa a tipljfEfd murdar bat prove* aa eMti padipe aarar Indicted ,x 'S CaroUni Bitter RALKIOH. April H-dPMTbP j%- oiab will ba baM taro tmirnt Chae. a Waitoca. Morebend <*jr. hi rut ban Bart aoatbaaa PtOaa, wMa lr fcoowa aatbor. aad JfcNjfMPta «. Eyaoa, racistrar of motor -«*Meit4f ■ » ' ■' ' I'mfiii'liMjiltoi.r • URGE CROWDS ? HEAR OR. VINES . •rffw. » a—» iiLjyte *"C I I mil Spirit” Ia For TMo [Hr* ’** $ ■ * **' if ■■■■MBPMM * lj Incraaatag crowd# ft too first lop tlaf church last otgbt baaN Dr. W. I X. Vlnaa ovaapeUet for to# HoMa Million board of Up iootbara Dap- Hat cenventbm. w*o oa«aaii».Marb- • ns bagaa a two waafca rivtvit barr lad otgbt Dr.. Vlas* apobs pa-tot subject "Tba Opapat of Oed" ostllalnp tba basis tor nitaaaa torotfb tba aartaa of maetiapa. wplab will be tonllnurd each moralag at tHI and’ earb evening at T:4I. ',, "> T;£EL, la bta larawa last abtbt. Dr. Vlnaa gava tear Btbto daftbtUoas of Hod Namely: God la SpHfl; Odd •*» Ught; Ood is lovaj Ood Id dMippM an adequate coaeapUoa of Ood arsed aad bta bearers to act fata their llvOr on ttata conception of. wboaa grant 4 cooaumlag purpose waa tba aafabtiah mant of rtghtaoapaaoa aad tba Mb' atrurtloa of all that la wroep an# harmful to tba beat Interest of |la creatures. Maury Pearson, home mtaploa pbotr leader who la conducting ipochal ad •r< laat night won the hearts as We congregation wits bis aMWartit laederahlp of tba ilnglag Hr. Peor aon thrilled tba coaprapotfoa wttii hta aoloe. He ltertad yeatooday ttifar natation of a largo cborua aboir. caper tally the young people, to saga- » mant the adult eboir. , Ycatarday mortng Ur. Vtaao apobs ,oa "Tba Praaaat Tonaa of BaW*Uoa" aad this morning ba will apeah ono the "Proaant Tense of tbo Holy Cptr -1... f

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