WEATHER Partly c toady aad colder. Friday. ■atarday showers. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 47 »■ RELIEF PLANE OFF TODAY WITH PARTS FOR BREMEN • '-38’',. i c o Balchen and Bennett Will Pilot Tri-Motor Ship Leaving Detroit o Effort To Bo Mode Moke Non- Stop Flight to Point Noar Grecnly Island „s _ - MIGHT HUNG CREW BACK TO NEW YORK . -*■ f> » .-7 - f* ' ■ . “ . ' ■" RcHof Plane Groomed to Take Air Pram Fond Field At Dawn Today DETROIT. April 19.—W”) -A plan* wm a roomed tonight at the Foid air port for a take-off at dawn tomorrow to carry auppliea and repair* to the Trani-Atiaatk- Germea plane Bremen dlaahled and stranded on Oreealy Is land, In the froien north land. The relief pinne. a trl-motored Ford Airship Is to be piloted by Floyd Bennett and Bert Balchen who wgr# to be accompanied by Thomas Mulroy •nd Chariot J. Murphy, the latter a representative of the New York World thronah which the North Am erican Newspaper Alliance is ipon " soring the expedition. The Stars planned to make r'non stop flight to Murray Bay* Quebec, pad then to Oretnly Island to deliver , parts needed for repairs on the Bre men to enable it to complete Its trip to New York C ty. If they are unable to prepare the Bremen to take the efr. the tescuers planned to taka tho plaue stranded crew. Major James Fit/.man rice. Capi Hermann Koehl and Baron Von Huewefe|4 to Now York. QUAKE KIIXS THIRTY-TWO Report* Baffin to Com* In Os Earthquake Damage In Bulffaria f - SOFIA. Bulgaria. April Tnlrty-tWo persons have been report ed dead in a aeries of earthquake shocks which rocked Boris and South ern Bulgaria last night Reports from Phllippnpolla the most Important toprn of Southern Bulgaria ■tay that 30 persons were killed there and more than 100 injured with the possibility that the list will grow as more complete reports are made Ser ious damage was caused In tha lower quarter of the city here there are a number of new buildings and the population today was in a state of panic DEPUTIES MAKE NUMBER RAIDS \ , Pour Out Over 1200 Gallon* of Beer, Seise Still and Destroy Galvanized Outfit Twenty-seven barrel# of beer, to taling ever 12 • In the morning the raids of the de puties led first to the Sleep Creek rnn ft Ind'an Springs township "“•Ahrre five barrels of beer were poured out. Contlhulug to the Cray Thicket aec th»n of Broaden township eight bar rel! of mash were wiostrnyed st one old still sight, continuing i path from the spot down s branch yards the officer!! came upon a atlll In op eration. Three negroes operating the plant eacaped: here II barrels of h>sr were poured out. and still sailed, and several gallons of whiskey sels- 1 rd . ' I in tho afternoon the deputies switch «d their operations Into Plkevlll* tftwirshlp discovered ■ galvanisbd oil Crum being, operated as a atlll. des troyed It and poured out three bar rels off beer nearby. Participating In tbe raids were De * put ten J. C. Kornegav, Roy Precise,' and Ashley Whitley. 1 __ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS RElb IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY- Two Goldsboro Men Taken In Kinston (Courtesy Kinston News leader) KINSTON. April a thrilling chaae. which occupied 2't minutes of mad driving over high way number 10 between LaGrang) and Kinston, Kinst!>n police late tonight captured Henry Oodwla, Obldaboro, and Jim llopcwi 11, als » of tjoldsboro. Tbe men were txkeu Into cus tody after 12 gallons of liquor were discarded lu a small autv-'Y mobile which they were driving. Godwin fold police Capt here that he was at the present time under a $30,000 bond in Goldsboro for having eloped with another man'a wife. The men are being held here for trial. * TWO FIRES IN CITY FRIDAY Chevrolet Truck Badly Burned And Idutd of Fertiliser ’» Destroyed . i » Two flrq i.Urm.i were turned In vesierdap About 10 o’clock sparks falling on a negro - home In the Roblnsou Manufacturing Company sccth'ii brought tho comp my lu-a run Discovered early, the flames were ex tinguished before they had done much damage About nrton the fighters were called to the Oak Heights filling stations. Firemen said that the gas tank of a Chevrolet truck waa run over and the gas dripping onto the hot ex litust ignited. Moat of the cab was burned off the truck and a load of fertiliser destroyed. The name of the farmer susUMning the damage could not be learned. JUNIOR PLAY TONIGHT WEEK Clan*. Worklnq Hard In Prepara tion For Prowitinff “Th« New Poor” (By Billy Simmons) The Junior plsy has been an ofl uual event of the Goldsboro High School for s number of years, the pur pose being to defray the expenses of the Junior- Senior Banquet «"d nth tr Junior oetlvitles “The New Poor" a farce In three acts by Cosmo Ham ilton .has been chosen as the pl»y for this year, and will be presented at the Mason. Theatre,. Friday night. April 37. The try-out content was held sev eral weeks prior to the selection of the play lu order to obtain the play best suited to the talent of the cltw. Those, taking part In the play are Alex Melatan. Henry Moore. Dented riHllkln. Zclma Mlnter. Slocum Orr. Mark Best. Selma Parker, Pauline Panned. Elisabeth Simmons. Nina Hines and ,Archie Pate. Rome of t hose taking part in *hi s play have already taken part In some of the previous aehool plsy* and I have shown remarkable histrionic ab ility. Alex McLean. who appeared In Charm last year as a book salesman will take the leading New Poor. Slocum Orr. and leath was i-ausrd hjr | a complication of diseases. Funeral services will be condncted from the home at 2 o'clock this after- j noop by Rev. A. #-. Rmlth, pa dor of! the Hrat Baptist churtAt. Members of tjie Barac class of First Baptist church, of which Mr. Westrsly was j n devoted member, are scheduled to as jiallbeirers at tbe funeral. In- j terment will be in the family burying ! ground near the home, The deceased, a. good and truo cltl- i xen is 'survived by his mother 3 sis- ! ter. Mrs. It.. A. H-trlckhuul of! Whitakers and Mrs. C. B. Bartholo mew of Goldsboro; three brother*. J. E.. L A. and L. 11. West ray, all cf Goldsboro. Negro Speakers Express Appreciation For What North Carolina Is Doing For Race Appreciation o{ the nygro rare for what the Hi lit 5 Os North Cirolln* I doing for It provided distinguished I< adera-of the rare with their tly'nn yesterday when they addressed at audience riinmn#.,r\loKe to l.Oftff upon the occasion of opening o! the new OBcrrv tytuiijng at the Hoe pltal for the to call and Inspect the biri|ditig and ■ gain aonte conception of wb’t the J state la'doing for the unfortunate ■ colored Insane.'* explained t’aptaln j O'Berry, aa chairman of the hoard of j directors. “Beratiae the auditorium | here was entirely too small to have P* rmlttod hoth racea to hare gathered at one time Had not thta been the ■■ •-.lee there would hare been one pro | gram with representative speaker* llrom both rare* talking to a mixed I fudlenre" Hue Singing Heard As en opening number. Ih*v sang | America all of It—and wlShu vol- GOLDRBORO. N. C FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 20, 192 H . g M , . » | - r -| ',| CASHIER SHORT | IN HIS FUNDS ■ , M«n Whc Fndcd Hit* Llfff As ExHinicrr* Arrived. Sh rt , *23 HLDO STATESVILLE. N C.. Aprlf 19 —(Ai National bank examlnpra tonight had n«B their examlnulios' of the hooka of the < ommcrc al N»- ‘ tiunai .Bunk. although annuumemenl was made tjiday that W. D. Turner.! I PreetdcnL that a shortage of 1334.()0n, -had been found 111 the book* of D.j cashier, whs killed himself yesterday. | Brief announcement by Mr. : j iiiride In connection with a statement; ! that director*-, Instilut on had ! ordered it and turned over to tho exwn.lnor waa tbe only Informs-! > tiun made public. There was no ex-j plunatlon as to how the shortage oc- 1 Umrrcd or what may have become e the money. Ausley was buried at 4 o'clock this afftrnoon. He shol himself while In' his room at a local hotel. «> | tme and harmony that filled the | treai atone and cement building wltb | t reverberating beauty-that pulsed | ind pulsed and warmed every patrlo- Ic heart. And Utef. every mm and vomen, boy and girl standing erect .id nt attention, they sang tbe Star Spangled Haner and there *m a ter jnr In their voice* pud a ibinr In tbe •yes that spoke of faithfulness and -bi-p love send devotion for tho flag ind country whose national anthem they raised. Four Younge negro men sang quar tett selections the great audience rhyvnlcally ar opt* pan led thorn these young m*n Florence Kamp son. Abner Sampson. slid Dock .(Sykes, rung as only the child of music can sing, their har mony baaed not upon tho trallied art of flu- intHji IVi hot njion tho deep seated feeling for harmony. Then the rhoir—picked shim tb« negro choirs oif the nity—Joined in "Steal Away" and those of the white rues who heard were lifted up and car ried Into communion' with higher things. Time after time. Captain O’- Berry found occasion to compliment the choir on Its m«niii>r of singing. Rest. It F. Johnson returned '»■* Get Decision ; Unanimously High School Debatora This Morn *• inff Advance To Bcmi-Final* In Chapel HUI Having won their a aer ies of 13 preliminary elimination eer ier last evening, Goldsboro High school debaters wIH this morning ad vance to the semi-flails lu compstl- Frn for ths Ghsrlss B. Aycock ds- Isiting cup at tbe Unlvsrslty of North f’aroilna, Hupei Hill Esra Ortfflu telephoned his father E. B. Griffin late last night that M'ss Eleanor. Bis* toll and himself had won tlieir eod tcKt la one of the proltmlnsrlss and that Miss Mary Ungstoa and Dan Powell. dchaJing In anothar hail, had won their contest. The semi-Anala wilt get atarted about 9 o’clock today, and tha finals about • o’clock Ihia svan ing. E. B. Griffin wl'l go thla morning to Chapel Hill and Join tha Goldaboro party already-thera with tha Ideal de list era. >.' * Both Goldsboro trams won thatr decisions by unanimous decisions, ac cording to a call from Principal I*. T.. Hamilton to Tho Nawa early this mornfng. - r Os tha fifty-two teams who eompat td yesterday 1.7 affirmative and 13 negative teams ware selected tq go into tha arml-finals-today'The afflr mn’lvc teams: Scotland Nook. Rox jt sro, Grace. Apex. Slier City, Lexlng -1 ten. Leggetts, Washington, Ooldakioro Kinma. Ansonvllla, Mara „HtU and Candor ! . The Pillowing negative teams sur viv'd tha preliminaries: Trjroa, I Goldstk .-a, Mar* HUI, Plkavlllt, Hc<“t land Neck, Lexington. Rockingham. | Reidsvllle. Koxhoro, Washington Col legiate Institute, Mt. HoHynjbarty jagif l>f Mr. and Mrs. Vl. P. CnlOreth and Owen Pets, rife d 7, ebn of Mr. and Mrs. K. RXPate. who were Injured when qjyvTbUldcd with an automo bile driven hr Willi* Taylor at Oreenleaf Wednesday last night reported as still suffering, from tbs’effects of the accident "I carried my boy home from the hospital et noon," aatd Mr. Cntbretb last night "But he hs# a high fever tonight. I can't see that hs la any better, and Mr, Patna boy, the "«* I who had his tongue cot badr. Juat (vomited ujs*a quantfyr of blood.” Mr. Culbycth said that measnra menU made by himself. In company with Deputy Sheriff J. C. KoAcgoy indicated that Mr. Taylor must hava been traveling at a high rate of rpeed at the time the accident oc curred The boys were chasing a Hall with which they wer* playing when they - bit the automobile. It had been < I aimed. “We took a steel tape measure,** 1 said Mr. Culbreth .and It wna t# feet from where the brakes were first ap plied -as shown where the wheela had slid—to where the boys were Mt, and irom where they wane hit to whore ’ car stopped wae 13 feet a"d 10 In ches. I Juat wanted the report about * how fast the automobile waa going kept straight.** Mr. Culbreth, Indicated last even-’ !n» that Indictment* would be aakef i against Taylor, driver of the auto mobile. »"■ i . MEMBER Or THE ASSOCIATED napoo rl%CioO w PRICK PITS CSMTB Warn Butler ~.rsM£tsaf In what waa tarmed one of the tloae which the BapohUeoil party hds sver staged, the G. Q. P of the third to Senator Marioa Bailor oatßao the why and wherefore* of Whg he bol perfected tbstr organisation foe the vented at the meeting. delegate to the national coavenUaa to N held in Kansas City srtth Jtto B. Apparently the Shew sapgortera a»d Lowdan supportnrs were as will hr. Ptahar waa leR uaiastmomd as to the coaveattoo. The election of the Sempaeh omega delegate to the ooaeegjfloa aad Mm presage of a-roeolattos aMMfatlaf the ret era of a RepabUoed admtais t ration wish the request that the-Boa rutary of Agricwlter* ha ee loot ad from the sooth and from Worth Ce#*Uns tw the person of Beaotor Butler nfOrq the OUtHtlwiilH (ifVtlOpSMlI t)Mt Mil* one. " ffinihm ones MeboM editor at the Iteaufort Hearn, man nominated »a the ticket as a BMdtfIMMBSrjBMVMr. "I tried to gat them hht to aefhteato me.*, said Mr. Mohege calling |t The o News office. "bat they Jnat host 9ft luslstlag, Just foread ft as mo This la going lo ho n Repabllaan yaar and we will get two or.three Ooagrert men and the third Last as wall ho om of these district*" earned T. Oardner. 0 f Ban atari uhgtomv of the rongreoaloaal commute*. To Comprloo th* third daiogate la the state execetlve committee vara named D, M Joaae of Cgrtgrot. J. R . Hsadloy of Ooldeboro; George V. Butler of Sampaea aad Mra. Hoary J Kelson of Felooa. sy The cooventloa wag celled to ardor hr Richard Marring of Cttntan and Henry J. Palana of Palaoa mafte per manent chairmen. Mr, Mehahi woo rsmod secretary. Reeolntlods endorsjag Sana the Bai ler as the man far the place at See* retary of Agriculture vara as Mtavs Whereas, the Booth ft Urn greatest egricultaral section of the Catted States, and Whereas oar groat section has vod er been repreeohtod l» PreOtdeofs cabinet by o Secretary of AgrtogflM* gad Whereas the moot vital thing tor the agricultural Inter##!* of th* Booth Is to b* represented hy an Intelligent true friend of ogrienftepe vh* hnov* fully the baric needs to mrdm Ogri tallure prosperous new thototor*. Resolved, that th* it I mate seal from the Congressional Bftlftot to the next National Rapahllcsn Cowan t|i>n be and In hereby Inet reded to *oe ni* vote end inflaaaoe In orory hoe oruble way to the utmoat to the end that such s conrpetaat Bnatham auui may be Invited hy th* next HtglM esa Preeident of the Catted Mates to serve In his Cabinet gs Secretary of Agriculture. Resolved, that this coavanttaa rt rnemtM sad Indore# the Honor able Marioa Butler. Os Sampson eons ty. for Secretary of Agrioeltare -By reason of hi# txpertsocp vtth,. apd grant Interest In the prnbtomt Os Ike farmer w# bailee* him eminently :D*d lo fill this position Adopted by acclamottoo. . rftll.DftKH SEE MI’SITB KAI.KIOH. Aprtt 1» VD —Th* State Msseom her# to enjoying lam* attendane* with mdhy school children parties from all seetlen* of Hortl Carolina vlaHtng the tastitatto*. re ported Curator Harry T. naeto . -i