WEATHER ntMnlljr fair and warmer Wednes day and Tburaday. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER S 3 JAPAN AND CHINA APPARENTLY ON VERGE OF WAR % • 1 * ’ „ . - " .. ° Japanese Ministry Has Approved Movement Os Army Division to China v“ J 11,000 Soldiers Await Sanction Os Japanese Emperor To « Move Into IVingUo „ HEAVY FIGHTING HAS ALREADY TAKEN PLACE Battle Occurred When Japan Attempted Form Neutral Zone Along Railway fr - LONDON. May * —(JP)—Japan and China have come to the point where a declaration of war seems Immin ent. 1 An actaal state of warfare already eiUl»,for there has Keen heavy fight tng between the Japanese troops and tbe Chinese Nationalists In Shantung province. « A Japanese army division, number lag from 15.000 to men awaita «he sanction of The emporer to pro ceed to Tslngtao on the Shantung peninsula The Japanese ministry has already approved the movement of these troops.. The establishment el a neutral tone embracing an area on seven miles on either side of the Tkinan-Tatngtao railway was arranged Ay the Japanrse general In command and the Chinese troops wert ordered to withdraw out ride this nine. Th* Insurance of a proclamation to this effect brought retaliatory mraanrea by ibe Nation alists. who fired on a Japanese regi ment. A geadral engagement inened, the Japanese blowing up an ammuni tion damp, selling' fire to the bar iseka and carrying on a fierce offen sive. The Naflonall|ts attacked In Urge numbers alpng tbe whole line of the mll^f. Pek biased vice* say that the battle wa» raging at U o'clock Ibis morning hnt details as to casualties were lack ing. ' Chapel Hill Merchant Is Bound To Court CHAPEL HILL. May «- UP>—W. 11. l>ong. charged with manslaughter In conection with the death of Charley bullock, negro here on April 28. was bound over to Superior court at a bearing today before Mayor Zch Qvunrtl. Bond was fixed at *l,it grade children will he p-eally Improved A hfgh percentage of attendance, la essential to a child In the first grade if he Is to make progress not only In his flret year hut all through the grades. This fact la very often overlooked Bo he fair with him and see that he has a good start physically "The doctor 1 !? and nursee of tbe town have very kindly consented to giye us their services on these two days and wa hope that each child will have '(he advantage that this clinic for pre-school children offers.’* -■ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ Di THE MORNING ftHILE MINDS ARB FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEE BUY. " % F i .. f Only One Wayne Vet At Little Rack Meet Th°ugh itnly a sh»dow of that old strength which In old dayi moved Earth and Heaven, May tie county 4n not ydt unrepresented In the national encampmeuls of the Confederate veterans asaoclatlon. Rufus Ham, Goldsboro veteran. Is representing the local camp In the meeting now in progress at Little Rock. Arkansas. The number "I members In the local camp has now dwindled to a itlltn teen. These veterans will be honored at ex erclaea scheduled by the local D, , A. R. ed Thursday. DRAW JURORS WAYNE COURT Name* of S«venty-Two Men Se lected For Jury Service - „ Beginning May 28 a ■■ Meeting in special aesslou yester day afternoon the t'uunty Board °f commissioners drew a Jury for the mixed term of Wayne County Sup erior court beginning May 2*th,. The first week of the court will be |tven to civil canes and the second week 10 ■rlmlnal. The Hat as procured la as follwa: First Week Willis Howell. W A Crawfijixl. J. II Rich. R 8 Woolen, Wulter T. Bell. R H Dillon .A. R. Jackson. L. A Pearsall. W R. Hick*. I. K. Witherlngton. Addison H»wley. J. T. Howard. H. A. Simmons. W. P. nawson. J F Pecle. O H. Pelt. W. A". Seymour, Lionel Hooka. E. H. Rain. Harvey Sykes, Ernest P. Pale. Ira Marlin. Wright Smith. JVR. Bart lett, M. E. Wlnhorne, George Cla/- lon, W. W.*. Andrews. J. M. Rasa. H. N Smith. Thomas Moore, C. If Burroughs, O. R. Register. G. C. Royall. Jr., W. E. Rope, Owen OJnn. George P. Newell v Second Week J. 11. Howell, H R Wiggins, E. T. Ferrell, C. E. 'Wilkins, Sherman Jernlgan. K E. Summerlin. L. L. Aycock. George It. Heal, Nathan Wolfe L. L. Gurley. J. R Jennette .P. F. Kelly, J. A. 8lrll»ud. Herman W, Ellla. J C. Pate. E W. Broadhurst, Wedmlae lewis. Lonnie Dali, John Anderson, B. F. Pate, R. E: Diggs, Hardy Talton. James J. MorHs, J. Z. Hinson, 0. A. I.ancaHlcr. Wado A. Smith, B. F. Bogud. J. ; T. Flowers. A W Gltllkln. B F Nance, tillea B Smith, Owen Peele, Jim "Bradshaw. J. Beck Thompson. N. W. driirriek. J. H. Grltfln. D. J Hollo* i 11.. IhkvlH • Polls. L. I). Minshcw, H C Hendflg. L. "T. Rrowrj/ .1 W. I>-. wseit.ln-*C fltnlUlw. #. Wig gtna. II (P: * Wigglns/K. R Kluit*. Fred J. Vollmi. antyJ. L. Brldgers. Formal Opening City Airport Scheduled Fpr May * Thirtieth May SO was deflaltely sel a* Ibe dalf far Ihe oiflclal opealwg of the g.wldsboro nianirlpal air port at a meeting of tlrpori Pom mlsoloa la Ihe office of Ihe Gold* boro Chamber of Commerce last even lag. Thirl j commercial filers In this section will la Immediately exteaded lavltataoa* to attend Ike opening, and SennUr F. M. Mn mnns and Congressman Charles 1.. tberneth) will he asked to see what caa he done toward having the War Department send planes from I angle) Field, Virginia and from Pope Held, Fort Bragg, lo take part la tbe opening ceremo nies. A program of lateresllng eon GOLD6BOBO. N. C. WKDNKSDAY MORNING. MAY 9, 1928 GREENVILLE DAM BREAK Z 3 LT*~ ‘ ~IZZ^ ■ F+v . • *( 1.. ftvMQg »—A . 4m Ik ■ SBajfrj This photo ahowa water gratfually trickling frnn, the great dam at Greenville. 8. C. which suddenly cracked cntiMlng thousands of iivranns In the Saluda Valley to flee their home. TABLE not’K Govt; R. I’., May 8 —‘(A*) Stubbornly roalMlng the pres sure of the Mg artificial lake iLrroa'.- nd. Table Ro< k Dam tonight still bol l while Rom its base Aalers ruaheil Senate Republicans Win First Round in Tax Fight WASHINGTON, May B— (A*} Sen » ate Republicans successfully defend ed their t2oo.ooti.tmu (ax redneUon pan against the opening attack of Democrats today tor Urge reduction* In line with their f23&.d00°000 prog ram • On all almost straight party divi sions. the RepubllcaUa restored the 10 percent cluh dues taxes |o the fe ;enue bill which the House bad voted to cut in half and which the Demo crats souglft first t>> rut In hulf ami .hen to rtpaal. On another parly line' l up the proposal of Democrats to re peal the ten percent adihis-lon lax was rejected In favor of the. RepubM ran plan lo increase the exemption from the lax from 75 cents uximlasloua to those of $3 and leas. Th* Republican vletori-s, which CONFEDERATES START MEETING Only of anti Jackson At Little Hock Encampment LITTLE ROCK. Ark., May 8 —(/1»» Rlxly-thrco , years after Ihe war which ended lu defeat for them. 3uort United Confederate veteran- -but a mere handful” of the w hich made up of the urini* < t»f tln> c.onfed crary—tonight opened their 38tli an nual reunion. lesfs In which Ihe planes here for Ihe opening will participate Is lo be worked nut and this will he announced 1n,..n few days. It. C. Denmark, secretary of Ihe rnm nilsslon. said IMI night. A series of prlxes are |o he offered, these Crs to he offered for airplane s, for stunt fly lag. and for the longest distance I revelled In rrarhing tke field. Specie! arrangements will he made to rare for Ibe parking of hundreds of aut»nii>Mtr« ahont the field and In sarb fashion that there will he no after traffic Jam It was announced. The ceremonies are expected I* attract thousands to th« city for that day, through a leak discovered four days ft , ago, steadily reducing danger a sudden danger would preripitale on Saluda river vjiney Flngtucers lnilu|r afler a survey, de were regarded Aft on the Reputi liran f2( platc.gnd the'Demo cratlc |32*,t)0(i,000 program. came *oon «f»er it was learned that Presi dent Coolldge believes < that unless lougresa slows up on Its nppropria ticuis an iin reave rather ban a reduo llon In laxe- w 1.11 !*> necasary. Itetmbßc.nus have only u ni,t|otlly of one in thn Senate iunl today on the ilrat ruK call on repeal of the admis sion tax. proponed hy Senator Him- - mon*. North t’arolina. ranking Demo crat on Ihe finance committee; a t;e vote of 4» to 10 resulted Because vlre l> iM-eaidcnt Da we* declared Ihe amend ment lost without casting hla vote, another roll call was taken and- Ihe Republicans defeated the amendment 4? to 29i WALNUT STREET PROGRAM GIVEN .Music Wee' Will lie Continued At Willi m Street School Tonight The -Walnut street school auditor turn was »<>o small to hold the large crowd# that rum" last night to bear, the second of the mnslr week pro grams. Pupils of the school presented t a group of s'inßH and *n operetta "On A. May Morning Karly" Both the songs and the operetta won much ap plause. . ' She |ui It- week attraction* will Im tlnmsl thi.'; evenlhg with a .prng ram at the William street school, he rtnnlng at * o'clock The program Is as follows : Hone* Itv fourth grade. Hmllcs and Tears In IhC-Tree The Woodpecker. “ S«ngs by filth grade. Italian Darden and May Song,. The Swing. ' faptlvis Songs hy sixth grade. Miller's Daughter. In Kareeden. 1•< ; r i--, Mene. Dixie Songs hy seventh gr*de Kitty of Coleraine. 1.111 In tty. I,ightv I,ike a Ho»a Violin solo- Miss Wstera. Operetta:' •'Midsummer Days dn f'alry f>and.” King J. C J»hn*t»n. Queen .-Dorothy Pearson. Puck — Norwood Middleton <•■; Will o' the Wisp James Mct’lennif Oojtlnned on page 2 flared that thr probability of the bug* earthen dyke eoltapalag deerrnaed hourly as. the lank and two flood drains opened were discharging ap proximately lOjHtfl.oufl gallons of wat er an hour. WARSAW HIGH SCHOOLLENDS Col. John 1). IdtnffßlM Os tatter horn Is Commencement Speaker (Special To tbe Nows! * WARSAW. May 8- -Thfl tommence merit of tjie Waraaw high achool wap , ctnbd hcr> mnlghi with an addreaa da Lvortd liy Pal, John D. laingatnn. of Goldsboro, and the preaontatlon of diplomas hy B. C. 4iske, county aflp crintendmit of public foalructlon for Duplin. D L. Carlton, chairman of iHe.d’atr|ct achool committee, lutro d'tced Col. Langston. The large audi torium wraa well filled loathe occa rlou. despite tbo unaeisonuable weath-' cr "It la a long and tlreaome Journey that lies ahead as you prepare to take your part In the natlon’a activi ties,” Col Langston (old the gradu ating <-leaf “What equipment will you carry.? If you carry a mem dealra for higher wages, you have no meegege nud constitute a liability rather than an asset to your elate and nation ’ You travel light, strip yourself of slj, but a spirit of dedica tion and sacrifice. The world if full of'failures In all walks and profoa dons Every moment time marks the Piling of ihogc that fall by the way sub*. The law of r<*mpc mat lon la too fixed to .deny TTasclflsh aervlca Its Dual award.' ' 01 Ml HI MIMED BINNING IN RKMM.K ItILLINION NEW YORK. May 8- 4AP> —'The Hat t f mis iug in tin* collision fu which she stovcrnmFW dr«*dge pfnrealnk waa re a group of Ihe feeding men In the medical profession in Ike Ktale.rt barherne will he held at six o'clock In Ike evening and following Ihnl a business session In which Ihe visitors will deliver addresses. Tfcose who have accepted In vitation* to Ire presented are: Dr. r. I*. ITM'aln, of Nontkern I'iues, Nnperlntendent of Ihe North I urollns TnlrerenDr Naal tarlnnu Dr. L'y Thompson of Jacksonville. nationally known country doctor and philosopher; Hood and Andrews File * * * Notice of Candidacies For Places in Assembly Rose Gets Work ■ At Fort Bragg WASHINGTON. May 8— (A 1 ) - Award «»f coniracli f°r »ew c»n aiructlon at army ;>oei» announced today by th«. Wat Departmenl In* eluded ' Vttrl Hragg. N. C.. Iwo field ar- Ulleiy barrarka to W. F Roue. Goldsboro. N. C.. 1385.1 M; six pany offltera quartera and seven nott-commissluned offlcora quan ta rx to *W. T. Uragory, Norfolk. Va. *113,918. INvrl Henning. Ua., F. and A Duarte! .barracks to, Murclt Bros.. Couwlruction Compdny, St, two pnat, hospital, to the Falmar- Splrey Coast ruction Ou. rhsrlotu N. C.. *138.4*6. . ROTARY CLUB IN VARIED PROGR’M " 1 Reports of Convention. Talk By Wilson Yoolh. and Mask Numbers Please Reports from the Greensboro con vention, n talk on H A Boy's Ideal Dad" hy Elmer Mettlnger. Wilson high school atudnnf, and vtoltn aalaetjens Jh f Mlaa Mhude Lunul acnempanlmt «n the ffhtnr by ffra. W. L Frederick .inch waa the regular meeting of tke Goldsboro Rotary club last evening. Reporting on various phases as tha r*nventlon were Leslie 'Wall, Dr. W. H Smith, Rabbi I L Frannd. Tom O'Barry and A. A. Joseph All clean ed the coavehtion In Graanaboro last week aa a worthwhile experience. Young Dellinger in hla talk on what a boy expects of dad a very favorable Impression and won tha undivided attention of tbe Rotar tana A boy expects hla father to llva up to tha high Ideals which tha hoy mind apaociates with tha term, said young Oeltlwger and said that no greater rebuff or disappointment cold cbm* to any boy than tha on* who finds that hla father does not measure up lo the standard pet. Miss Dunn's selection* on vio lin were rendered with feeling and war* roundly applauded by the Ro tarlana. Dave Pike waa announced a« chair man of the program for the next meeting. Fourteen WAmen and Children Are Poisoned LITTLE ROOK. Ark... M*y 8 Fourteen victims of ptnmirine poison ing were lu hospital* her* tonight and several others were reported to have aitfffred alight attacks aftdt Ibey had eaten at a lunch counter rv'a downtown, store. Those In the hospital Included 12 women and two children. Dr. W H Kankla of Ckarlotlr, (•rnrr arrrrtarj <•( Ik* M«U board of hnllh and non brad of Ibr Itakr boapltalliatlon work la >orth and South Carolina) Or. Wilbur Oatldaoa. i'«rmrrlj •( Ike Jpbaa Hopblaa drdlral Srbuol forall;, Hat now deia of Ibr •Srbool of Wrdirtar of Oahr t at tank); Or !• II tfanniaf, dran of Ibr dMitral arbool of tkr I nl trralt) of \orlh Carolina! and Or. J H Hu 11 It t. profraaor of I’atboloff) In Ike I'alreralt) of >«rth Carolina mrdlral arbool. Or. Tharma* KHr ben, dean of Ibr Wakr I'orral Mrdlral arbool and rlrrlrd prraldral of tkr North Carolina Bird lot I apqtrt) (Continued Ob Pact Thru#) . •» MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS pbicb nva came W. Wiley Andrew*. PrsarißSMl Belfast Farmer, Seeks UF pert el Faraem m' _____ HOOD IDENTIFIED WITH * BUBINEBB IN COUNTY Nine Dnya Remain In Wkkh Te Kile Official Notice es CandMaey. The local political situation took u* other interesting turn yesterday who* W Wiley Andrew*. Belfast motion lamer, nod Gurney I*. Need. Gold* boro bualaou man. died notice vM George Vann, chairman of the Wayee county board as eloßlona. of their candidacy tor tho loflelature. Throe »ea tiled oClclat netice a s their candidacy fw a pleat o*'.tm County Board od Corbntltaionera. U f. Raney wt N. B. Berger, nf the preaeat board! and A. T. Grltln. manufacturer, who announced Me can didacy In the preea laat wmL Arnold‘w. Byrd, o< MtOMve. who haa represented Wayne Car dpweral' term*, wua alao la the cRy ynetentey. "scattering political prepapaada* as ha termed It. Mr< Byrd find notice with Urn election hoard several day* nee. Harrlaoa Yelverton of Goldsboro who waa ia tho Reno* with Mr. Byrd at tho loot session, haa net yet Had There remain only nine days now - In which candidate# may girt official notir# or their intention. The New*, particularly to the ttndj or* as the county. M 1 am rnanhiK «pt the farmer tlekat," ho naya. Mr. An drew* I* one of the moot saccmnfpl farmer* as tho northern part Os Mil county and la wall known In, the oily., He lea traetbe la the local Jnalor fin der and acting paat Councilor. Me wee educated at Guilford Collate and haa loag been Identided with pahlls Uauea of the county. Mr. Hood waa born on a term to Grantham townehlp and mound to Goldsboro Is DM. Ho la prominent ly Identified with the buaioaae iater eeta of the city, and county, being the founder of the Hood Byatam banka and president of tke Hood System Pltatco Corporation , For Mg yearn ha waa conaectod with tbo Wayna National Beak. Ho baa repreaontad bis ward on tho board of aldermen of GoMd horo for one term. iJhe. Mr Andrew*. Mr. Hood la proaKlneat in tho Jnalor Order of the city. GENERAL METTS TO BE SPEAKER v « .Memorial Ekcrefama Will Bt HcM At Benterrflb Ob OMM* * I Say Afternoon Adjutant General J. Van i he North Carolina Guard will ha the principal apeaker at Memorial day exercise* to be held at the Battle of Hentiinvllle aft*, 17 miles from here. Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock, it woe learned yesterday. , The exercises have been ptaeaal by the United Daughters of Confed eracy of Hentoßeille and wr|lt be ntag » 4t thla evening afterTJ boor* nnd Id minute# In the air. They said that weather conditions bad been grow* mg more end m*re atfrrwMte