f WEATHER | _ jg T. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER M EXPEDITIONS PREPARE TO SEARCH FOR ITALIA / 1 * | ‘ • RwF ' ***' ■ . t 0 *d ■ TRY TO CONSOLIDA TE SMITH BACKERS AGAINST LANGSTON ‘ * •. a-- T W l p Dirigible Which Flew Over North Pole Has Been Missing 3 Days AjaumUen and Sverdrup Lend ing Advice Tf> Norwegian Government in Cano BASE SHIP HELD UP BY TCE FLOES Probable That Italia Came Down North of Spitsbergen; Holm To Search *"+••—** «**•*< OSLO. Norway, May 21— 0P}—‘ Thro* expedition* with a fourth Ip proapect were underway tonight In »n effort to bring aid to tbe dirlgißle Italia now ■lasing were than three day* after bar aurcaaf.fllght to the North Pole. Included among the men pitting thetr knowledge of the polar region r gainst the disaster whfch may have overtaken General Umberto Nobile were such jaeu aa Roald Amundsen, noted polar authority, and Captain Otto Sverdrup famous aa an arctic n yiorer, who are giving their counael to the Norwegian government In pre paring for an expansive relief expedi tion. * » ' WWI* the bane ship CUta De klll ano waa bald up by ief float t*>ai blocked her pregreta and tbe eteam-< Ship Brapgenxa Waa ep route r o n Promaaoe, Norway to Spitsbergen, Lieutenant Heim, Norwegian riylpg eg pert, took oft In a Nerwertan navy hydro airplane from the Horten base for Promoaoe. I lib accordance 'fctb the theory o?l Captain Rlaer Larsen, who probably will bead tbe, BuUn Norwegian relief expedition, that tba Italia came down np«n the Ice somewhere North or Spltabergea, Lt. Holm will explore the north and northeast coant of Kpitfberaen. Every meteroligical con dition Indicated that the Italia must hare come down north of her base la Captain Laraena* opin ion and an air survey of title district appears to of fer the beat prospect of finding tba missing airship. * CORDOVA. Alaska. May 23—</P>—A ' Wireless message Indicating that the Cltta De Milano, mother ahtp of the ItaUan Arctic expedition, waa battltna a fierce snowstorm was Intercepted by tbe Naval radio staUou here today. The message was in Italian. It gave th*o ship's position aa North of ('ape Barren, about *0 degrees nofrth lati tude and said tbe vessel wi* attempt ing to make a n»#*-ce but h*d en ouutered a bad sleet sad *p«W r.term. . * | ARE TO HONOR LATE JURIST Exercises For Judge Robinson Will Bo Thursday After • • noon At 2:SO Members of the bar association of aarronndtng count lea are ewpeeted to attend In layge numbers the memon lal exercises at the courthoiiae hdre Thursday afternoon at 2:Jo tn henor e| the late Judge W. 8. 0. B. Rob inson. The exercises are scheduled, by action of the Wayne county bar, and aa a tribute to tbe man who for ae many year* was on* of the leading gnd amt loved member of tteb-db eoctatum. rt. P. Parker dean of tbe local group, will act aa chairman of tba meeting. Judge Daniels, who wna very close to Judge Robinson, will deliver the principal address, and tbort tribute* will be paid by other members of the bar. Tbe public la cordially Invited te attend tbe memorial service which will come as Wayna County Superior court p«ue*s In It's regular routine to honor the great and good man who ip se more. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING ■HUS MINDS ABB FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BBPOBB THEY BUY. Johnston Man Dead, Five Are Arrested Paul and Aualey Pllklngton, Cart CM 1 dross, and Bardic* and Jamee Narroa are held la Jail in Smith field In connection with tbe death of Everett Eason. 35, whs died Sunday In a hospital from injurtae caused the five man say. by a HU and run driver. Chief of Police Sutton said the five men reported to him that Ka eou was struck by a MR and run driver but upon Investigation a hammer waa found by Bason’4 aid# ’ which caused him to refuse te ac cept the theory that tbe man wa* struck by an automoblla, . DILLARD HIGH EJJVDS SESSION Thirty-Eight Negro Boys and Girin Receive High School Diplomas Dillard High school (cojored) clov ed k very successful year with the commencement exerclaea held la it night at Dillard High School auditor ium. The melons hall waa ailed to its capacity. Several members of tba Board of Education, the Seperinten dant and several other white people were present. C. C. Spaulding. President of the N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Company of Durham, gave the addrblp. What Kind of Education. He said In giving his .definition of education that the proper kind of education la one iVt fits one to adjust himself to others. He urged co-operation with all fac tors making for progress Diplomas were Issued to thirty-eight graduates. Edward Robert Bo a tic, who baa the record of perfect attend ance throughout his entire school ca reer was presented a live dollar bill by Supt. Buy Armstrong. Other award* given were prise* given to Jaeper Raynor, as the boy atudent sad to Alice Herring as tha most useful girl atudent The Wm H. Bryant prise for best essays on health went to Lucille Brown, three dollar* and Lucy Thompson, two dol lars. • Tha award for scholarship went to Jasper Raynor. Music' was rand#red by the High School chorus and a solo waa auag by Cleo Peoples, member of the grad • uatlng class Tbs Salutatory, Tbe New Negro Woman wav given *by Alice Herring and the Valedictory, A Call -to Industry, was given by Jasper Raynor. STOCK EXCHANGE CLOSED LONDON. May 3»—(IP)-The stock exchange here the Liverpool cotton, corn and provisions exchanges and the Parts bourse are closed today. Whitsuntide holiday. Want • Understanding Which Would Save Second Primary Harrison Yelverton, on* of the four candidates for the Legislature, and J. R. Murvln of Seven Springs, one of the thirteen candidate* for the five rtaces on tbe -Wayne Oounty Board of Commissioners, yesterday |pade the suggestion that agreement be reach ed under which a second primary would not be necessary foe these offi ces. Mr. Yelverton said he would like to have It understood that the two who recalve tjie highest number of votes tor tha legislature will be nominated without a second primary. Mr. Mur vln wants the five receiving the high est vote for commissioner nominated. Mr. Murvln submitted his proposi tion in writing as follower ». Seven Springs, N. C. I The probable route and location of the “Italia’’ which is thought te be drifting without gaa toward Noya Zambia Arctic atoms art reported driving her In that direction aa indicated by tbe arrows. " Old Lady Seriously Hurt In Auto Wreck At Dudley Three warrant!—one charging driv ing while drunk, another reckless driving and a third assault With a deadly weapon, to wit an automo bile—had been --sworn out yesterday against Howard Winn, negro, native of Mt. Otlte, but lately residing tn Penn sylvania. aa she result of an automo bile accident in which three Golds boro people were seriously Injured. Mrs Mary Br&wn. aged 71. auste n ad a fractured hip. cuts and bruises about the bend which required twenty live hutches, and wsvere shock. For cn* of' her age, h#%lnjurleg were con sidered eatremely \ serious. Barring complications, however, she la ex pected to recover. J. W. Brown. Inaurnnc* agent wh) live* in Revlo Park, suffered two bad ly torn ligaments in tba body, but waa abla to leave the hospital yester day morning after remaining there overnight. "l 3 - Mr». Mary Hrogden. sustained a broken arm, and severe contusions about'the face and body. At the Goldsboro hospital where the Injured were harried, it was said lest evening that they wars resting aa wall as could be expected. Mrs. Brown, Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brogden were occupant* of the Ford Roadster which wav struck by the Jor dan Roadster driven by Winn and con taining his wife and father, Ira Winn of Mt. Olive. Ira Winn austalnsd so BLALOCK ENDORSES SMITH ('OTTOS BILL « ■■■■■ WASHINGTON. May 24—(AV-U. « • n Blalock, general manager *f (he N, C. Cotton Growers $»-opa Associa tion endorses the Smith bill to auth ortio Southern cotton deliveries on N. Y, Exchange contracts and h* written N. C. Senators asking them to support It. « May 2Stfi,.l>2B. The Editor of Tbe News: In view of the fact that there are thirteen candidates or tbe Democra tic nominations for members of the Board oil County Commissioners of Wayne county, I suggest that we agree that the five receiving the high eat votes In the Primary held on Sat urday, June 2nd, I#2# b* declared the nominees, thereby saving county ex pense of a seeond primary. Thanking you to let me hear from you. I am. Youra truly, J. R, Merrin. GOLDBBOBO. N. GTUESDAY MORNING, MAY 29, 1928 ver* bruises and Howard Wian, the driver of the Jordan, wf« badly hurt, but neither suffered Injuries regarded as serious. Tbe negro woman Waa the most badly Injured In their party. The accident occurred at Dudley on highway forty south oi the city about 5 o'clock Bunday afternoon. Deputies who queAloned those la the wrack. Mid Uut evidence w*slh*t Mv Banwb was driving on hia proper side of the rov«i and that the Jordan, driven by Winn, cam* toward hiir. at a great rat* of speed and on the wrong ride of the road. When It appeared tba; the Jordan was going to drive head first Into hi* car. Brovra, U waa said, pulled aharply to the left, sad Winn pulled to th* left at the same time, tbe can meeting head-on and being badly wrecked. The occupants wdr* thrown clear of tbe wreck. It was sgld An ambglanc* was called and the whit* people were brought to the Goldsboro hospital. The wife of Howard Winn was the only one occupying the Jordan so seriously hurt aa to require the Im mediate attention of a physician and she wna taken to a physician In Mt. Oliva. Winn Is held in Wayne county Jail pending the outcome of the Injuries to the old lady, and it was thought that if she had rallied from the shock and pasted the danger point he might be allowed bond today. POLICE SEEK DRIVER OF CAR Jin Mitchell InjuK3 When Hit- And-Run Driver Strikes Car In Which He Waa Riding Pollco are looking for the driver or the Urge open touring car which let# Saturday night otruck the Kord tour ii’ic car in which J. W. Mitchell and Dob Broafa were riding, and injuring Mr Mitchell. The latter and Mr. Brown had been rn a flah'ng trip and their oar was hit by the heavy touring car at Vir ginia and Mulberry etoeta. The cer, aupporedfy' a Studebaker, did not Hop, and authorities have had-reports es an automobile of that description b»vtng forcad several people off the Mt. Olive highway in a mad ftigbt the seme evening as the accident „ - FIRE AT UAFFNKT OAFFNEY. 8. C„ May H-Vs) Damage estimated at $140,000' wav done by fire which early today gutted the Carrol and Dyerh department store and for a time threatened the entire business district. Assistance wes asked of the Spar tanburg ftre department and a" frdWt waa sent to aid in controlling the flames. KIWANIS HEARS OF PLAYGROUNDS C«l Georg* K. Freeman and Bov, Peter My In tyre Are Ob Regular Program Dr. David J. . Rem who waa la charge of the program at last nights Ktwanls luncheon presented a varied nod Interesting dhtertalnment consta ting of a guessing conteat sad talks or. paUtloa aad children's pfeMpmeaAa In a combination guessing t and memory teat Clairboraa Boyall won a box of cigars—the attendanci prise— for naming >• out of tha 41 fcfeantles constituting eastern Carolina. Col. Oeqrge Freeman delivered a short but emphatic'’ talk oa suffrage. He explained briefly tbe difference between the monnreby fbrm of govera ment and tbe Republic form and pointed out that in accepting tba Re public form private citlaeag retained the sovereign power and were there fore obligated for the government. He said that In hie opinion a cttlsaa who did not vote waa aa mack a slacker as the person who hid oat when duty called for him to fight for bts eoue try, and be added that due to stack ers at voting the country was ran by leas than _Jorty percent tA the peo ple. Col. Freeman closed bts remarks by urging every Klwanlan to not only vets In tbe prigtary but to atso get others to vota. Rev. Peter Mclntyre called the attention) of tbe club to the summer children’s playground program, stat ing that the playground In which the Kiwanla club was especially Interested the one on the Swan property 4a the north end of town, would be able te give greater service tnth* way or swimming pool if'some arrangement could be mad* to obtain free water, Rer. Mclntyre 1n hia talk pointed out tbe notlcsbl* Influence of education, (Continued on page two) "j - Say Leonard Tufts Will Operate Morehead Villa That Leonard Tuft*, developer. of Hnehurst, baa coma Into control or More bead villa, pleasure retort hot el built In connection with More head Hluffn 1> montba ago, waa tbe report reaching Ooldab«ro yesterday Irom Raleigh aonreea. The (Iral Interoat of Mr. TuKa, raid t|he reporta, would be th'e devel opment of a magniftclent golf courae to eotittl.the beat In the Routh. The siory waa that he wobld spend Hd.- 000 on building tbe golf courae alette Reports that the developer of Pina burst has come into control of the Villa came byway of Raleigh, and It la known that tbe Villa has been dot ed for ebauges for several weeka. New Bern advices staled 'that tbe place waa being "don* ' ever bad a Local Candidate For Lieutenant Governor Gives Out Statement Wayne Court Delayed By Lawrence Action • The trial of W. H Lawrence, Durham coat racier tor tbs murd er of Mrs. Aaals Terry, Durham dressmaker, new la progress la Pttlaboro, yesterday delayed the scheduled convening of -Wayne Cettniy Superior coart tor the trial of Civil cases. Jadg* R. a. Nana of New Bara, who te predtdtas ov er th* Chatham county court la Pttuboro, was scheduled to pres ide here but, oa account of the Lawrence case runalgg late thte week could not be present. Jury men who bad bean summoned for yesterday wife* relieved of duty until Wednesday and there tea possibility that there may bo fur ther delay as it te ceasMaaai by maay that the Lawrence case wffl not be over until Thursday. 4 TEST HATS AT ROSEWOOD Farmera Carry Or Experiment To Determine Beet FH Miner■ it Fear farmers of the Rogewood Com ■unity are carrying oat lertljtoer de monstrations aad exporter m& with cotton, corn and tobacco. This la be ing done vritb the coop*ration of the Agricultural department of Rosewood high reboot, the Chilean Nitrate o* Bod* *dacat|oaal bureau aad tbe N. C. Experiment station. 'The cotton experiment te carried oa with Mr. T. M. Ram tn bis tern. This expertemat was worked oat aad lg sugar viand by tbe N. C. Experiment Sutton fores fa this tost are plats with 13 different fertiliser formulas and qaaa idee per acre aad one check plat with no fertiliser. This 1# the fifth year this test baa been la tbe asms way. Interesting results have already been gotten from this aad tba five year average shoUttf eon dot# results about the beet fertilis er tor cotton. • » Tbe Chilean Nitrate *f Rate educa tion Bureau la cooperating ta carry ing on th* fertiliser demonstrations with cotton, corn and tobacco, la these demonstrations are flv* plate. «ach plat having a different kind aad amount of fertiliser. The cotton fer tiliser demonstration Is on Mr. L. M.. Cogdsll't farm. Th# tobacco fertiliser demonstration la on L. C. Mine* farm and tbs corn fertiliser demonstration la bn Mr. C M. Boar roll's farm. This is the third year these demonstration* (Continued on page two) targe sum spent In Improvement*. This new* would aeeai to dovetail late reports that Tofts, one of tbe beef known resort developers In America, waa taking charga of the Villa. The Villa waa built by tbe Morw l.eed Bluffs Company, a development which at oaa time directed state wide attention, but which suffered* In tbe real estate deflation. Tbs Villa la one of the most attrac tive place# in this part of the tttata, and liee within acceaa of the inland water way route from Norfolk to Wil mington, and lb easy ranch of pala tial pleasure yachts which* travel up end drown the Inland waterways from New York to Florida each winter. A yacht basin waa constructed neerAbe (Continued on pegs two) SF I KEMBB OF THE ASSOCIATE!) v prick nvs cams I“I Hs*e Rita «a My lUeart tmi IWkfhtsi of Homo Folks," Csi« v Immßui llaiii HAS HUNG TO NO MAN'S "COAT TAIL”, QBCLARIB Win Not Ssorileo * DNi AM PHmrkjU. For “I II sol tntt my loyally to Brigade ••0 principles for oOTW," ososUdae » statement issued yesterday hy «•»- John D. Langston of Qulfshon. oos* dltfoto for T Irnttaoirl uoreraurw Nhk after continued i||lrto kin OHmSmI him that a* start hi MOf MS t* "coisolUsu'* iht myfsrtifi to tW State agaiast him. •ayt Uu Statement: "Reports coming to mo Srooi a lam avmbor of oooatloo an to Ute offset that a con carted effort It Mac atA to consolidate the eeatlmsat that Ml faronihle to tho aomiaatioo of CkPfr oraor Smith aatatootjao aad laJMM^ hi* nomlaatloa. This hot hats oos phnal—d hy taterrlewo hr m olf 1 oat la thO atnoc Smith tootlooo oa tnortm otroacty Mi doom tor tho Lomtaattoa of Oot. Smith. Thin 0(0- pha*l* ma«o mrikt in not of tho state ft my opponent trmot* to ran oa an A1 Smith platform. oaf Uoa for tho offtee of Usateaqat Ooe oraor. I hopo ho will oot ho ftßoot la sorsn iaacaasoa la thi Bast. otraddte tho iaoao IS tho PUdmQStoad hocomo Ride* i hash t noMsteHy otayhd o*t •tatomont la aaever to jho Wlastep- Salom Journal Qnosttnwmtro. Ikm oot attempted to roa oyoa aa? ptafc form of hootttfty to (si. Smith. "Moot of tho Smith eypporttra t horn talhod with kin hSiM that to lino .with thote pi«o far tslsrtasa. thor rdeoffnlae Os rffkt to hi ey poood to Smith. Sad oCflMtr \ haoo had ryayoet for tholr cohrfoMoSa Aad 1 boiioro oo« that aotwHsotaaitac tho vary do Aalto effort that io bell* mad# hy oomo of tho Mfa* of oostf my opponent#. tho iateHlfoat *ro Smith rotor* will aot ho wSUas te ponoliio mo. because 1 cnaf fallow thorn la tholr news shout Mo oao c quo* lion. Thoy know that twioty-tro yoor* conilotoat domooratte oorrlet lo not a record to ho aiMfsarDr do ■troynd hy dtffmrsaam ahont a modi dot# Whoa has It ooor horn that a North Carolina Dima wot aooli aot hare, docont opinions aad OSSfOOi thonAwlthoMfoasmf reprisals. I haro •ouffhCwo'tupport hr mr oßSoatUoa te Smith. I would ho ootltlod to aoao if that wort ay aoio qoaltSOotloa aad platform. 1 taro aot ooosht to afl§o \ any 000 agaiaat ay opponent, besoms he farorod Smith. It la his right aad prlrllsgo. sad If ho ta othorwkss hotter qnaliAod than I for the pSTfee of Lion tenant (lorornor. ho shonld ho aoorf nated. But ho can't mo oa that as n platform and got away with ti sroa In the Smith Comp, It ho ana. 1 am ssie takon Jo mr eatUoete of North Caro lina Democrats. 1 bars hotel charged by niy opponent In his opening cam paign tntqprrlow with bstpg- n friend of Senator Simmon*, 'lorn in the fi ner chamber' was the language nsed. In other Interflows I hoes boon charg ed with haring tho friendship of a ‘so-called' machine. I ham heretofore Ignored these thrusts, because I ftfcr* *" not cored for contrordray. Bat they hare boon too persistant to remain quiet longer. v“I hero hung on to no moa's coat tall. I hero mode no public claim of say organised support, either «f Sim mon*. Morrison McLean, or Qardosr. .. Continued on page I

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