* * o ' ' . • - ? ■ ; -• , - Don’t forget To Cast Tour Vote In Tomorrow’s Primary Election WEATHER Partly cloudy Friday. Showers Friday •fte.nooß or night la east portion. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 83 15,000 WITNESS OPENING OF GOLDSBORO AIRPORT *' w' ' .* 4 ■ * ' c ‘ • ~ .V; ’ ; Richmond Flier First « In 2 Contests and A1 L * . Stewart Wins in Race Gnat Crowd TkriH* As Porevit hiPlumi Da Skew Their npeea PORT EXPERT SAYS LOOK TO FUTURE AND PLAN IT ConuMcroe Air Branch Repre sentative Say a City Has Unusual Opportunities Port Opening Contest Results Are Listed Bombing contest: tint place. J 8. Charles cf Richmond, c» j« wild- In 11.1 fact of target; ae<-oßit fc* Brocken lore ugh; third. Al Stew, art. Balloon busting contest: J. 8 Charles, of Rfchmord. who with bis plane crashed 4 oat of S of tm tiny air B*»3 Al Stewart apd Kd Brocken bo rough tied for second , Race ftr commercial p’a tea.: Al Btewart. fi at over the 25 mil: . ceuree la If:30; J. H Charles sec ond In 17 seconds; H. R Poinds* Ur. third; Ed Brockenbirough, fourth. No dertaona made In stunt fly* IM * .. , Parachute .lump ca’lcd off when all pilots refuse I to all >w lump from the r ships. Daredevil wing-walking stunt (.Tnifer aaare skits and with the rarest breath of a wind blowing. 14.- 000 people yesterday afternoon aaw five army and navy planes and els civilian ships formally open the Ooldsboro city airport, placlnn the capital of Wayne at the forefront lit preparation tor the future In com-, merclai aviation In this part of the •late "What you need to do," said A. P. Taliaferro, si-port expert who had been sent to the city by the depart ment of rommerce to be present for the opening. "Id to loqk aliead> flvc years and adopt a comprehensive plan tor that t int." Mr Talllaferro spoke at the preliminaries which came be ture the events sow the plane*.- “You have unusually fine oppor tunities here," said the Commerce De pertinent expert. “Your field is large and lies wall, but I see the day not far away when you will hate from 12 to 20 planea arriving and depart ing each few honra Instead of a d»sen down to participate In formalities, And they will be going about the usu al boat ness of man. not lust celebrat ing- » But the 15.000 who perked 11.000 automobiles from • half mile about tbe did not come out to hear a speech, and ont of ronrtesy did they cheer Mr. Taliaferro and listen t« .Major Hill expreae a welcome. The folks «eme to see some airplanes do iheir stuff, and they were not disap pointed. For before tbe day wae over the thrill seeker* had had the thrill* es the loop the loop done over end over again, the spiral dive toward tne earth, and had felt that rising of th«| heart Into the throat as the trig Cnrtia Hawks roaring and throbbing unde*, tbe hand* Os their pilots loomed about the field. Major Brett of Langley Field show ed the folks how It was done and tpen nosed his ehlp t*w»rd the home base, aiming to be at home In time :o get a liath and get Into evening clothe* for a party hie wife was staging He fig ured he would be there In 45 minutes, for that wee the time of a couple qf navy planes In coming down. After he had had hla shorn and gone on. Lt. Davis took the attain an anny plane the Curtis Hawk T-21 anp enter lined the crowd enstenslvely. Al Cain of Raleigh wanted to Jump cut Os some plane while It was 2500 (Continued on page 5) THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARB FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY, • Gets Important Post Bljte ■ v x' i I mv ' v-JFb 'I^BB ' ' " "" > - " Mug Mary Elizabeth Baker, daughter of Got. Baker of Missouri, is to be the bssistsnt •ergant-at-arms during the Republican National convea tfa« st Kansas City. JEALOUSY IS CAUSE TRAGEDY - <> High School Student Shoots H- • Sueetheart And Then Turn* Gun On Self • . / OMAHA. Neb., May Sl—<4*l—Alice nratnerd 17 year old high achool stud *pt was shot and killed while walk ing home school here late today by Walter • whV then turneo ihe weapon on himself. He wai taken to a hospital where~f»e died an hour later. ' «» , ■' •; | School mates of the girl said they believed Bchuart wee actuated by Jealousy. Thpy said he apd Alice had been quarrelling. V? ’ i'M ' Body of Minister s Drifts For Miles AVA DEW BORO, May 31— (**>—'Tbe means by which the Rev. J. F. Nalls pastor of the .Lllesville Methodist church .who wee Wednesday gtveu up fur- drowned was transported from Bluett Falls, dam down the Pee Her river »*>me 25 miles near Cheraw, * C., remained * mystery tonight. Me at Patrick t’i|s morning end taken In chargu by hi* family. ** Uncle Sam Trying to Make - Sampson Blues Bigger Now With the Sampson Hpcklehurrles oegltinlng to ride toward the North ern markets, fie United ’States De partment of Agriculture ban sent a man to Clinton to attempt to locn-o plants capable of strll further* Im provise the slxc and quality of tLe J«mou< blue*. The prices for the first shipments are expected to reach as high ay < t : V> crate, and tne next few day* will see the berries fUlng forward In hulk In order to aid the development of s cultivated huckleberry In this «fn tion the government, through the de pertinent of agriculture. Is of rring two dollars for Sampson plan'* psgr mr harries 11 » ; xteenth* of inch in dlamater. B. C. Crabha. a representnt've of •he nepartment 'e at the Rfn* King I 'tel, Clinton and will pay for the platite. Mr Crabbe Is equipped with rmall metal measuring rings, with which to determine the slxe of the her f ts, 5a order to get ilte two dollar*. GOLDSBORO. N. C. FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 1. 1928 Col. Langston Issues Note Os Thanks to Democrats of Wayne With tomorrow, Saturday, June 2, the date of the primary, in whiifh he will oppoae R. T. FounUin of Rocky Mount and W. H S. Burgwyh of Woodland for Col. John D. Langston yesterday issued the following note of thanks to the people of Goldsboro and Wayne County; TO THE DEMOCRATS OF WAYNE COUNTY: . I would be ungrateful if I did notsexpres# to my neighbors and fellow Democrats of Wayne County, my deep appreciation of the wonderful way you have stood behind me in my race for Lieutenant-Governor. It seems to me that everybody has been willing to lend a helping hand. That haa always been Wayne’s way. And I want you to know that if lam nominated (and I expect to be), I shall be more zealous tHan ever before to pre set ve the confidence you have shown in me, by your acta and °words of encouragement. * JOHN D- LANGSTON. WAYNE COUNTY BAR HONORS MEMORY OF JUDGE ROBINSON At the asm* hour that memorial services for the late Judxe W. If. V O B. Robinnon were underway In the courthouse yesterday afternoon, the greatest ’ collection of arm*. navy and coitimerclal plane* ever assemb led In thla pa-t of tbe country weke through and contest* such a* Goldahori( never aaw before. Yet not even this attraction eurpate- Ing a* It did in' Interest the appear ance of Barnum and Bailey. Rlngllng Brctbera and John Robinson rolled i.i*i one, could prevent a Urge crowd from gathering to pay tribute to thetr devoted ft rend, the late Jurist When Chairman H. B.'Parker of the Wayn* Bar which scheduled the meeting called the occaslog to order nud offered Judge D H, Bland aa prpatdlng officer, the court room was comfortably fill*!, Opening preye wee by Rev. Peter Mclntyre, of the Presbyterian church, one Intimate STATE STUDENT KILLS HIMSELF Sophomore of Charlotte. Believed To Have Been Worrying Over Examination RALHKIH. May 1 31 (A*)—Phillip r Burnhan,, of Charlotte, a State Col lege sophomore whose body was found bis room thla afternoon, committed suicide by shooting himself through the heayt. the coroner announced to night following an Investigation. * t The coroner salt! worry over failure to pass an examination In physic* and ability to make only grade D In military tactics wa* tbe apparent cause of the student's act, KH KKD BY MIXK MARgtiALU M»y 31—Kicked several times by an angry mule, Geo Dill. Madlena county farmer was near death tonight tn e hoelptal her*. the finder of the plant. which mint hare two or It. mi'M mark tin- plant, and tufvlsii Mr. Crabbe of Its location. Neither the plint nor the trull muat tie dis turbed. i" Mr Cralbbe. after finding plania with the largo berries, takes a few sprouts from the plants tor cultiva tion and development. The following bulletin has been issued by the depart ment on the subject: "The United States Department »t Agriculture fishes to locate some of the beat wild Big Blue nucnteoerry bushes In North Carolina and wlTl pay 12.00 to anyope who will show Its rep resentatlve ■ hush with two or more berries that wUt not pass through the 11 1-6 Inch hore In the irTtal gage fur rlshed by the Department^ “When a picker finds a bush with berries that will not go through tKY* hols he should not' pick the berrtea, hut should get In touch at once with (Continued on Page Four) with the good man whose memory was to be honored. , Mr. Parker presented Judge F. A. Mantels as the speaker of the evening. And quite truly did Judge Daniel* paint hie late lamented colleague, ao ’ruly that iba spirit of tba one honor ed seemed to hover about Judge Dan tele In hi* paper—which we hop* to print full In The News at a later date —caught fully those delightful and distinguishing characterlntlcs which made Judge Roblneon the man he wag. He re-created the late Jurtat * u«J Illustrated the points made with apt illustrations- drawn from the IWe of Judge Robinson. v »; Judge Daniels said in part; It never occurrbd to him to aug p.tul hla earnings st the sscriflcs of his conscience Or hi* erase of propn- him wealth acquired by the oppression or Jbe poor, extortion hp >Continued on Peg* Eight) FREMONT WILL , END ITS FINALS t Dr. Ajidtnon of SUte College Will Deliver Annual Literary Address Today (Special To The News) FREMONT, May 31—-With clast day exercises held this, evening and graduation exercise* to be held to morrow, rriday morning at u o'clock the annual commencement at Fre mont high w hom will be history. To night's program look the form of a play written by Margaret Pitt man and Flora Crew* Beat aod fitted It May Be’’ In which members of the graduating class took parts the prop, lieu imagined them fitted to'lfll in life. It was an original idea and waa well received by the audience. The salutatory was delivered by Glenn Aycock and Inlroduftlon by Fiance* Hooka. The commencement address Friday morning will be delivered by Dr. W. of Bute college, * who will be Introduced by B. F. Aycock. Twenty boys and glrla are complet ing the high school course this year They are; Leonard Kooks. President Ixnilae Hkycs—Vice President. Martha Mumford— Secretary. Vernon Aycock—Treasurer. Olenn Aycock. flora Hooks, Ed- William Flowers. Cbarraa Hooka. Ed na Peacock. Margaret Pittman. Oraee Winders. Hasal Yelverton. John Ay cock. Hilda Davit, William Hayes, •lames Jeffreys. John Peacock. Paul ina Smith, (’turtle Worrell, Harold Yelverton. MJfKLL WOST TALK OF MOTIVE* WABHINOTON, May H— ifale Italia, may have landed somewhere is Alaska after Mb' flight 1 over the Pole. Relief ex peditions already are under way to search for the yell bad Italian- TO COORDINATE •RESCUE EFFORTS . * -»■ Experts Meet in Rome end Dls cuss Plans for Aiding Italia ’> a i—a ROME.* May 31-OP) tbe difflcuUlca to be” faced In aeareblhg tor General Nobile, hie rompinU* and the mAlng dirigible tUW*. the Ital lab government l» sotting about In a i-yetematlc way to prepare tor tba teak. Alt the eiemeata of time, place and rlrcumstanooe, which Interrupted the flight of lb# Italia, hive bran care fully considered. There waa a con vince of expert* from the navy and to coordinate all eftorU to work for rtlr departments and a representative of the foreign office todav for the pur pose of deciding on tba bast methods the rescue. X Warren Statement Declares State Supports Sen. Simmons RALEIGH. Mur Sl.—(/P) —North Carolina Democrats. both men •’’d woman are "supporting Senator Sim mons” In hi* atilt ude logytrd th* Smiili candidacy declared T. D. Wat* ren. of New Bern, formerly chairman of Ih« Democratic Blate Committee In a statement Issued here today. Mr. Warren who wan party chair- In Nofth Carylina for 8 year's said: *‘l have aeen in newspaper* dur ing Ihe pant three day* repeat ed state ment* by the Smith State nianay ment making the ‘ woh-n't aort of claim* with reference to the results of lam Saturday's precinct meeting*. While these claim- arc,made for the purpose of propaganda and do not re ally deaerve any attention I cannot refrain from referring to the Smith claim with reference to the third Con gressional (I I stir t which Is my home dlstlct. This Smith claim la unqual ifiedly false. | want the people of North Carolina to know the fact* with reference to this u alter, The truth 9-Year-Old Boy Dies When Hit By Auto On Northern Edge of Gty CROWD CHEERS FIRST STUNTS ■ .!■■■ «A> Went Does Some Daredevil Worti In stoat of News Office Yenterdsy Morning m ■■ i ii ■ Blurting ou the program of stunta yesterday waa tbe performance of tare-devil Billy >Weat, in frrat of The Goldsboro News office al I*;M. Thla performance went off on sc he duled time to thd minute. Over two thousand people at a consnvatlve ee* * male crowded the streets, on porch v* sod even on the roofs qf building* In the vicinity to catch • glimpse of tbe daredevil at his yrork. An amusing Incident during hla *i urns happened when a photograph er waa taking picture* of the stunts ncc’dently dropped hla plate holder *nd broke several photo* which ha >ad taken. Aq amusing howl went ip from the nearby watchers who kidded Billy about breaking the camera. The feature* of the** stunt* were n blindfolded to# hang from a speeding Whippet car followed by the Invert*# riding o n the front bumper. fr i. Thla stunt g»v* way to an Inverted rid* on tbe top «f the car follows# by a hang by ohe foot from the para .ride, concluding tlw stums -Warn art ed for ten men from the crowd to vol- I’iteer to pull ou ouST rip* held by him. tied to the end es another rope was a Whippet auto, taking one end of the ropes In each hand Billy Want allowed the ten men on one eld* ami the auto on the other to put) with tholr inmost power In nttgmpt to break hla bold oh the rapes. Neither iha car nor ttie men hewever made him give up and be completed bis Pro gram without mishap. CHARGE SEVEN WITH ROBBERY Conn‘.ry Club Held Up and Robb* ed Os 8100.000 Following O u Race ..I. i. ’ IN DIANA POUR. Ind., May 31-(Fl Seven men, captured bear Imban * la#.,- today after an automobile chaae who are being held for questioning *n connection with the bold up »f a i “unify club here last night were placed under 55.000 bond each on or der* of the chief of police. is that every county in the third dis trict went overwhelmingly for Judge Hull and amaahly defeated the Smith leaders and the Smith candidacy. The greater number of countlee In the third dtatrtct went solidly for Hul! and against Smith, and county of the district will Smith Have an much as om*-third of the county con vention strength. v ”1 have examined report* from the whole state and have conferred with men from every section who know the situation In their respective sec tions. I make the positive assertion that there la not a doubt that the Hull and Ar»tf-»ipith forces have car ried every ( ongrt-aslonal District In N with the possible exception of the tenth "The vote whereever the people were given an opportnnlty to vote In pre clnct meeting* last Saturday, shows that the State is solidly supporting Senator Simniohe. our great leader In hie attitude with reference to the-, Smllp candidacy. MEMBER Os THE ASSOCIATED PRESS HUCB FTVR emm 1 Rurdte Fktcl.tr Boaster HsrM To Pirwwt «d Ml Frmcttirod CORONER’S JURY TO investigate case Hoy Lad Dariod Across Rig*- way I* Play Art Bocaa* Omni ' Pnrdle Fletcher Beatify, I jtear «M io« of Mr. *ad Mrs. 4T. W. Butty, •lit ftthtr ».aim y offtctr. Tha accident occared A. fr«ot of tat Sui ration Amy hall nehr tht eottan 0 .. >lll aa highway timber R adU cf tht city. ■kWtnct gat ha rad by Tht Nt»« waa that tht little Hay MO tana* dcrtat tht tenet ta slay, atarteg btek and aa ht m to Mr. Hhwaat aounded bia kora. Tfcla eegtead to vnnerva tht lad tad ht tarhtd wkta partially scrota tht atraat sad aunt lor tht other aids agate, fib heerre car atraok kMa aad kb lias \tei>i< pavement. Mia akali teat (Mo t«rtd aad atvtrai Uatet tirahp Tht drktr of tht aar. iinkib i 'ektd tht ttetekta lad a* pitted him la tht teachtet-dad rwahdd tea tio*pitai, tht hop's «aMter a Mr. Vaahoy aad g M» JEMLArtatog*- lag. Tht Iteptdt howtrtr, had hWM fatal aad wtdlial Isitaaa oowli «t tor tht lad. la a ftw asaps enta ht Mr. Haaateoad wtt almoti pride* rated by tht stcld—t lait sight tag did til that ht omM to toatote the btraarad partata. A Conner's Itten gatloo of tha aceldtat. hawtrtr, waa Mt to ht bald at lb e'eieck tbit mam- „ lad Tht Bttalty family sored to Ooldo bqro from iohatoa oouaty aad the remain* of Bardie win ha tekoa to Pariah Manorial charch tear Flat fteytl thia aftaratoa whan faatral aad Interaeat will tate place, tha funeral to start at 4 o'clock. Mar. J. H. ftrfssella’ potter of St. Jeha’e charch, will he In charge of the bar* rlca, aad wilt ho eaattod kp Mot. Mu Roaa of tha Bsptiat charch. bn imw stop MOP TO tiXKb cm MKMICAU. Lower California, Mar v SO—(/h—Major Mobarta Pier** ehkf of tha Maiicaa air fonts hepped off ft is of a. m Wtdntoday ftaat a ary aalt lake had U nllta soathodat of ban on a not atop airptea* Bight to Mexico CHy. ALLBALLOONS ARE NOW DOWN r.dd Raff Pilot BngrtMscrt Harroiiny Tin* laKWctrle • Stem • PITTBBURO, May All of the 14 balloon# that took off ta tea optional elimination race wan hollar* e