WEATHER ■win Start,, ana prtalW, Baa cay. Not much change la temgpratafb. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 84 g- .» 'tarn- . .. -ail-.- ..isr.a:'v. ■■■", , ■; it?' '"l'.zrrt •: .- f ‘ ■ rsr-sr-.- s=arj.~ r.-~ rr;-—. - , axt .5:.,'.-=ss DEMOCRATS OF STATE READY FOR PRIMARY TODAY COL LANGSTON CONFIDENT ON EVE OF PRIMARY ELECTION In Slate Primary, Interest Seen In Race For Lieutenant Governor m Two Contests; On In State ' ■ Lieutenant Governor and Con* alas loner Labor Printing to Be Nominated Goldsboro *nd Wayne county wIH hold • reserved seat In the spotlight Id today's state Primary In that Cot. John D. Langston conceded as t:i« leading candidate lieutenant gov crnor, taos Goldsboro The race tn which Col. Ijengston opposed W. If. «. Burgwyn >nd R X Fountain Ik the moat Important in the state pr?- ® mary an there la n» contest for the* place of Governor. 0 Mas Gardner or Shelby, winning the nomination with out opposition. 5 The nomination for lieutenant gov ernor aad far of labor and printing are the only ones to h-v decided^upon In the state primary to f. v day. of Labor and Printing Frank D. Grist, the Inrjum heat. la opposed ay l(. U. Bhlpmnn of « Raleigh.;former commissioner and by A. J. Peterson, toltor of the Chatham Record, and formerly editor of the Sampson Democrat, published tor many years at CUnton, "tata officers who will he namin»t ed without ct%est* are; O. Ms* * Gardner, for Governor, and the fol lowing Incumbent* Secretary of State Jf. A. Hartness. A'uditQr. Bax ter Durham. Treasurer B. R. Lacy, Superintendent of Public Instruc tion A. T. AHen, Atty-Gen. Daunts 0. Brum mitt, Commlealouer of Ag riculture. W. A. Graham. Commis sioner of fnaurhnce Dan C. Boney. Commissioner of Revenue' Rufus A. Doughton, Corporation Commiaslon er, W. T. l*ee and Associate Justices V.'. J. Brogden *nd Oeorge W. dton • nor. * t Congressman Charles 1,. Aberne thy wins the one nomination ror this district unopposed. . Congressmen opposed are: John H. Kerr, of th# Recond hr H G. Robertson and o*c»r P. Dickinson: Rdward W. Pou. of the Fourth, by Thomas Creekmore and Paul W. Mack; William C. Hammer, of the Seventh. by T. E B*tiley and A. V Balwlnkla of the Ninth, by John O. Carpenter and Arthur Talm«d«e Abernathy. V RALEIGH. June I—UP) North v Carolina Democrats go to the noils tomorrow to nominate conpreeslon si snd elate offlcera In a primary which ta to climax an active cam falgn that has been exceptionally free from that bitterness whlrh once mark ed heated stump sjyeaklng races of liast years. Piv* congressmen, a lieutenant gov ernor aad a state commissioner of la bor aad printing will be nominated. Tn theee ceuteeta. the campaigns daring the past several weeks has been mart ed to some extent by claims of parry leaders, one favoring Oovernor Smllh for the party's candidates and the ethers bitiln* Congressman Cordell Hull lor the same candidacy. py>r the past week, leaders of both of Smith and Hull movemenU have been Issuing statements to the effect! that the primary will result. In their favor Both state races are three cjrrse ed. The race for the HeuTenant fcover nnrahtp nomination has brought HD Smith for president Issue to the front probably nqre ao than any of the ofh cr campaigns this year. John D.-> T ,angst on of Ooldsboro snd R T. Founts!" of Rocky Mount, oppose fho nomination of tha New Jerk governor *» while the third candidate >W. H. 8. ' Burgwyn of Woodland. It an avowed fuppntr OC BnKh. Don’t Forget To Cast Your Vote In Today’s Primary Election TARBORO HEARS COL LANGSTON Local Mu CaatiMM Against Making America Dumping (•round for Europe TARBORO, June I—“ Let Europe •IB" , •'0 . • keep her own trash, and American i upltal and labor can always harmon ic t their own difficulties," said Col. John D. Langston, of Goldsboro, In ■Ullverlng the annua) high school ad <tress here tonight. problem that must give serious concern to our future rltlscn*htp {■rise from the fact that North Caro line u fast becoming an indnatrlat tale, in fact has already become so," d Co|. Langston ' "Capital, labor, and the general public have rights duties that demand the moat thoughtful study leal Injustice be done to one of the three groups. How nn these groupa be protected, so co ordinate their actlvltlea as to main tain their Just rights snd work no Injury to other groups. Certainly, we are not aiding-tn this solution by per rnittlng hordes of Ignorant and vtc luue aliens to come Into thia count nr. Txst the vicious aliens obtain monet ary power, and he It la Who become* the oppreeslve capffsllst. I>ct him fall, 'and he It Is that becomes the pernic ious as ltat<w Os l«tlor circles; I*t Europe keep her own trash, and Am erican capital and labdr Can always harmonise their difficulties. I refer to Irtish and not (ltd fearing people, who have ' crated to America, bringing with them the hlg’ii Ideala of the beat or their countries,” Southern Cross Flies Over Pacific to Honolulu Field HONOLULU. June 1— UP)—Spann ing the Pacific Air lane from Oakland California ths giant trl mono plane Southern Cross landed at Wheel er iheld here today at 12:19, p. m. I’aclflc coaat time, completing the first leg of n 7,7*8 mile air trip from California .to Australia. The 2400 mile hope was msde tn *7 hours snd 28 minutes t A" race with the fast falling gasoline fitpply developed In the closing of the flight and there were tenae mo menta when the plane's radio, which had sent out a dramatic accounf of the hopes, fesrs snd emotions of ths crew of four flashed a message, “Yes ws are lost.” , There wee little gasoline to spare when the great plane came to a halt a’ter Us long cruise from the main land It was the 6th time that the air ptysage had been successfully nego tiated. Commanded by Captain Chart-* Kingston! Smith and with a cffV fit THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN HUB MORNING WHILE MINDS ARB FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. ■''.■ i , i ' The News Will Give - Primary Returns Tha .News will thia evening give returns of county and state prim ary tq be held lu the State today. Friends of the paper are Inylted to a "returns party" to. be held in front es The News beglomna about 9 o'clock. A special telegraph wire has been placed tn the office ror the occaalen and returns from the State will begin to come in about • o’clock. Announcements will be made as the returns are receives. For those who rind it Impossible te be present for the "returns par ty", Information will be supplied from telephene 1261.- ® GOLDSBORO, N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE t, 1928 Hot Contest Ahead Wayne Today** Primary for Comml*- stoner's Nomination Will , Prove Moot Interesting •When the voting boolhi et the 19. precincts |* Wayne county were thrown open with the rising aun at 4;<7 this morning, the county wu ccnlornted with Its most Interesting Democratic prtmary in /cars. Red-hot contests yet free from bit terness and perannsl animosities, are jtn for the five places for county ceremlsßtoner. for the two places In i.the Geperal Assembly, and for the Ftate Senate. Yeeterday saw the can d'dates making last minute rounds among their friends In efforts to cor , Tail the vote today, and the setting sun found every man Jack who saesa office firmly confident that he win get the Job be ta looking tor. Probably the m&U Interesting race Is for county commissioners. The t've members of the present board— L. A. Raney. N B Berger, Gao W Williams, If. L. Blssell. and C. F. Herring—are out for re-nopUnattou. Others seeking the nominations are A. T. Griffin. Ooldsboro manufsc- I r.trer. Martin Dennlug and J. Herman Denning. Grantham township plant ers; Deems H. Pate. Belfast section farmer; Jaa. Hr. Murvln, Bevdn Springs merchant: J. IT Mii**7TVc. Goldsboro wholesaler; Charles K. Coor, Fork township farmer; and C. W. Oliver. Mt. OHye bgdker. Custom has had It .those familiar with *nch things said last night, that tha five bighoit on the ticket will be granted the nomination to oppose the Republicans at the general election hi the fall. It was regarded as quit* probable that a second primary will be neces sary to decide the four-corneted race for the two places in the general «s --j ■Mtmbly. Here again the In's. A. W. Byrd, of Mb Oliva and Harrtaorrtjret verton of GoTdsKbrt, seek re-nomlna t'on. Both have represented Wayne for several sessions. * Others seeking the nominations are W. Wiley An drews, Belfast farmer; and Ouruey P. Hood. Ooldsboro man. , Jatnea J. Hatch, local attorney. Is oppojjng Kenneth C. Iloyall, Inrum bttwffor the State Benate. Hatch an nounced hla candidacy on May IS, the | i*st day for filing of notice, and both (Continued on page 6) Charles relief pilot. James Warn er. radio operator and U. Harry Ly cn navigator, the piano took off from Oakland at 8:61 a m. Pacific time yes terday, ''Wo had a wonderful trip. Ne trou ble gt all,'* said Cspt. Kingford-Snslth first to legve the plane amide the ap plause of the emotional Hawaiian populace. "We will continue oa plann ed to Cuba " If alhedule It followed Ihe filers will hop off within s day or two on the second leg of 3100 miles to Survey cn the Tlhy FIJI Islands. The take off will be froimj specially construct ed runway on the sands of KAIal Is land. Escorted by army nod -nary planea the Southern Cross flew over the Held, circled and taxied down lu front ot the reviewing stands where more then 20#0 people had gathered. Gov ernor Farrington of Hawaii was first to greet the craw. __ „ Ballot __________ *' DEMOCRATIC STATE PRI MARY HALLOT For Ltoatoaaat fionmar (Vote for one) John D. Langston W. H, S. Burgwyn. R- T. Fountain. Fop Conuntoatoner of Labor and Printing Frank D. Grist- Oscar J. Peterson. M. la Shipman. democratic Bounty pri mary BALLOT For Stato Sonata & (Vote for one) James J. Hatch. ' Kenneth Roy all Fer Honae of Ropreoentativoo ' ((Vote for one) Harrison Yelverton W. Wiley Andrews- ArnoTd W. Byrd. Gurney P. Hood. \ For Coroner: (Vote for One) o jj 9 ThomaH K. Robinson B F Winstead For Sheriff (Vote for One) Jaa. W. Bird 0 " Wm. D. Grant o For County ('ommitmioners (Vote for Five) Martin Denning J. Herman Denning C- F. Herring, Sr. Deems H. Pate n Jas. R. Murvin L. A. Raney C. W. Oliver , t Herbert L- Bizzell J. R. Musgrave Chas. E- Coor N . B. Berger T TV|T Geo. W. Williams A. T. Griffin % * For Justice of The Peace Goldsboro Township: (Vote for Fifteen) T. H. Henley * * W G. Britt Sr. DE. Glisson ‘ '” H H. S- Toler D. L. Edgerto n W. J. Baldwin W. H Cole A. T. Sanford C » Fred G. Smith # C- K Edgerton ' Sim Ward r Garland Yelverton Paul Best " • T. W. Vick G. C . Dees Geo. D. Sasser n? FOr (ontable » (Vote fo r One) W. G. Smith F. B. W. F. Cuddington A. P. Gardner • , n - - -- i ARMSTRONG IS MADEXHAIRMAN Local School Superintendent To Head Committee on Stale High School Text Books PILEiGH June 1— <£•)— Rny Arm strong superintendent of the Golds boro city uch<*ols was elected eh*ir n'-t> and Miss Kate Fl*PH£ >f Rock ingham. 4 gecretary State high school text book committee gt g meet log today with state superintendent A. T. Allen. The committee which w*e ippolnt «d by Oovernor Mcl*egn and Dr. Al len adopted rules of procedure for publishers desiring to submit texts Tor cse in high schools of North C«ro »,w • J a Wayne's Candidate For Lieutenant Governor V \ c- _ e \< \\ • ' | JhH Ha ' Eu'; . -mjnpi /fi . | -.'r% 1 wd mßmWv/; ■ //' IHBF (X)L. JOHN D. LANGSTON A nUtement i«»ued yesterday by Col. John D- Langston, who today Is offered to the voters of the State for the Democratic noni nation for Lieutenant Governor, expresses confidence in the out tome of today’s primary. *• Lawrence Sentenced Serve 30 Years in State Pri, PITTSBORO, Jane I—(API— Tea week* sad l«t da)* after the trial had opened, a Superior Court Jury today foaad W. H. Unmet, Durham rontrortor, guilty of murder In the eaepbd degree In, couoecflou wRh (be death es Mrs. Aaale Terry, Dar bam dress maker. Judge Nunn sentenced Law rence te serve Sfc> years In stated prlnon nnd refused him privilege of hall when his roaaoel gave ne t’ce jtf appeal t* the snprrme court Lawrence gained permUslo* mt the roari te Nr ronGaed to Jail at Burfcap pending oml rente of the appeal. (Ne Juror said the Jury -took four ballots, the first vote show Turlington Urges Continued Efforts on Behalf of Hull Continued efforts os behalf of Cor dell Hull a« agaliiHt Governor Smith »re urged In a letter received here yesterday from Zeb V. Turlington, state manager for Hull. Mr Turllng ten urge* that conference* be arran ged and steps taken tn ttae np unln strutted delggate* for the Hull slate lxwal Hull supporter* were rcpflrted yeeterdsy as preparing to act upon the suggestions of Mr. Turlington His letter was «a follows: "I hope you and other leading sup porters of Judge Hull and opponents rt Governor Al Smith, tn your County will at once hold a conference for the. purpose of gettlag worker* to visit every precinct to Impress nil Dem**- erdta and especially our |>emooratlc women and rural people with the nee easily of attending yonr County con vrnUpu oa June 9. Let a* get « great lug 9 favored first degree mar der, A far saeaad degree, aad 4 arquMfsi. «u the seemed eedn, be said 7 fevered setaad dagrea and I acquittal, wlflle the IBM hulldt stood with >• jurors favor ing second degree murder UUd two bolding oat for a first degreo verdict. a The contractor was apparently nervou* as (be 12 Jurors, beaded by the foreman, M. W. Huvras,' Hl*d In at taita o’clock nad nn* nounccd fkey had reached a vTV diet. • ftcnlence was not passed homed lately Judge R.U. Xann agreeing to a request by J, Elmer Long, I, icotcaunt -Go vernor nnd one of lowfeoce’* attorney* for g delay to permit a ronsultattoa. gulhcrlng of the Democratic voter* thcmaelvee at our > minty ropventions in order to *ce to It th*t the will of the Democratic rank uud fil* ahull prevail and not miscarry. Pleaaa see the Icadiuit men and women support ers of Judge Hull and opponents of Smith In your, county without delay, confer with them and get general cooperation In a great effort to en tain the largest attendance at your county convention June 9lh. that has been seen In years All Democrats— HPt tytly those who hnvr been chosen as [aweinhip delegates— but also those who are not delegates sboulc attend Tlitdr presence will Help coo rolidate and perfect the great victory P / for Judge Hull and against Al Smith. d« creed by the Damocratlc masses ta tOo*tinged oa jmgs flro> MRMRKR OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS price Era atom Most Reports Are Favorable Race is Bttw— Uaaftea Mi asi Om or QtlMr •# W» mls lii AM BM SOnttib Report* fr«m all CWOlll OMOft two Indicate that thereeo far liastaa ant Oowaraor la botwoos CM. John & Langston aad aaa dp tha other es the two «m oppoatna feds, sPioadtog tea statement teeaed yesterday hf Oat. Lea—low *n the eve of tettay*e pvttn » n The statement le w follow*: "I ehall not wiajn Ota endtomary #*- t ravage at claloM as the topt day of mx earn pa Urn. Mr frtoada wtee tha opinion 1 wltt ha tha 'hint that haa convinced Ma ther art probably right, la tha that that rm porn irfiiri rcniniy wsiMpirVvq|i ora to tha effect that M fight la ha* t Wean ala and aaa er tha other of at ophoaoata. Tha cnunltoo only rapart that tha tight to hatwaaa Mr two at* ponaata. '•« "I aaa all tha aaoca satlsdtod wMH air mmpnlgn haoahaa air MMa folha have atoM ho lapaltr hafttad hto «$i “I have triad to reedaet toy alii nlaad tha teat Mtoto* egto are nien'of atladtos aad loyal ! ifiHorrili. ’’Shottui my **pm*im <* ***** be realtaed. It will th a etotery oh i rcompanted hr *»r rafoteln* ©rev the defeat of brother Democrats. M»«ds l fall lo art the ntojority, tha StoSf potntment will net ho-wdSMsd fto bitterness. "I want to aayraaa to tie paea' a* the elate ay apprddatloe of thalr courtesies la enahltag at ta prmsnt rar clalma. Thalr rtd te the awra aye predated hecanae I MPa hMS flMto* r ial I r onahla t% do any poMttanl os* Vert Mac " ‘ _ ' / “John 0. Untaw* JOHNSTON LAD KILLS HIMSELF ______ 14-Yenr-OW Onto* Grtoni Ta ■ 8m MsM Wlnm WWrr* » abspls Uakasw* A tragic happening tee* place to the rnrbett-Hatcher aoettoa oh Twee day afternoon Whoa Wlllto U* Oh* ■fljy _ _ _ belt, the fourteea year oM adopted son es Mr Walter Ctorhott. took hto own Ufa by ebortlaf hlmseM Jftth a »hot gun, eaya tha Smith field Harold. The boy was la tha yard whaa ha killed hlmenlf. ataaa showed thrt ha had art tha fas op, tie! tb U with a string and pnMod tha Wring causing the gan to so off. The hoy te said to be a bright yonag fid low etaadtng well la hta atoaaee at school. lie eras tohaa from the Ch>- dren‘s Home society es Mr. Corbett whe» tha hoy wad ohiy reran ream as age end for eaves mar*.ho had Itnl ta the Corbett home. Me la said to ham nltowm sign* of melancholia, grieving because ha wealed to aaa hie mother, whom tae Corbet te did not know when te J«* tats. v When the boy wee toned Taaaday afternoon. Governor Kirks#** waa sent for. but Mr. Klrkmen did ao. drew a* Inquest necessary. Tha tuner el waa held Wednesday afternoon. Infant Killed by Car Which is NM Halted«. CHARIJOTTM June 1 MR M« McAllister aged I MM this aftomaoa of * fractured shall rasultlag from being run down by na net—aMle ye* ter flay afternoon. Polio* tonight wore searching for the cor eal two hoys end two'girls who apod OOTOf alto* , hi 11 tae the child. .V-WmS

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