: •-« . _ . WmmammUMW f< |pt|4TH£U it '( o—rally (air, Tbnrsday u 4 Friday. Warner la West VOLUME SEVEN;- NUMBER 87 MANY URGE COL LANGSTON ENTER 2ND PRIMARY Not Yet Decided .As To Whether Or Not He Will . \ +■ Seek A Second Contest May Tall* Until Official Dndara* Um at Vat# Befavc Bench lag Dscfcrion ° EXPRESSES THANKS FOR FINE SUPPORT RECEIVED Plaeaa Party A bar# Saif la Can aMarlag Matter as Sacand Primary Cal. John D.Langston o( Qoldaboro who mi a close secoud (or LJeuieu iat Governor In th» Democratic pri mary lax Saturday aaid lest oicht that ha bad not mada up hi* mind aa to what her he would and a aacond pri mary. u Col. Langston gave out the follow ing statement: "I have received hundreds o( tela?, grams and other messages (tom Dem icratlc man And woman over North Carellaa, urging and Insisting that I enter the sec sod- Primary *Nr the iJeutengnt Governorship. These men aagee eapreaa the utmost confidence 'la my ultimata victory, if I sbuold g« tprward. “I am netqrkUy gratified by this wldeapread Interest In my political fortunes, and f desire my friends to ■ know that I (ael honored by and am moat apprsplstiva of their support and tbefr gtaereus Insistence that I ga on to victory. I foel deeply my obll- Kttlon to them, and I ask them and the public at large to bear with me while l gWe the quesllou preseated that serious consideration which It deserves. The reeult of the first primary baa not -yet been offlclaly declared and 1 fool I can rooaonably take tbs time nntll the official resalt ts declared. In which Woughtfully to consider also the paramount question es all te me— whether thf party I love, have and gladly served all my life will be better served by my continued candid acy or otherwise. I believe with my frlendp that I can win in a second primary. «nd If that were the only consideration, I would announce now that I would run. I ask ipy friends and the public to give me a few days however to consl|Jfr other matters , which are more Important than any jiereonal ambition of mins.” ¥. D. SINGLETON DIED YESTERDAY o „ End Came in Richmond Hospital Fcßowing An Illoesn of Six Weeks W. B. Singleton, well known (Ireen leaf section man. died yesterday morn e lag 'ln a ftlchmond hpapiul. where he bed gone for treatment six weeks ago htrs. Singleton had been with Iter hns ' band for the past several days, being called to Richmond when a turn for the worse came ■ The remains Will arrive In Colds boro today, hut funeral "HI he delay •d until Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock .hat relatives many arrlvs from dla tsnt points. Mr. Singleton was Identified with the ginning Interssts of the county und owned eevsual ginneries In Way re. ' . • JHe was about 50 years of mgs and U rvlved by hl» widow, tbroo child •on three brothers and one stater. The brothers srs_Albert. Berkley. De veraux, and Hudson Singleton. Tbi sister Is Mrs. Rtgsbeo. , < >■»"■ " I— "» FORMER PRESIDENT OF ;■ |»BT FORCES RICCI’BBS BALTIMORE. June <*>>—lllussi which interrupted his duties at tbs New York conference and Inter caus ed his collapse while delivering si address at the general conference ol * the Methodist Episcopal Church nt , Kansas City lari night brought xboui the death of Right Rev. Luther Bar ton Wilson, retired resident bishop o\ tbs New York area, at hia home here THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ABB FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. •”> * w- *- * t , - 0 . ‘ - „ i ■■mi ■ it— ■ ■■ ■■■_" ■ ■■ ■ ■■■■■ ■» ■■■» - ■ ■ PREPARE FOR FINAL STAGES Southern Cram Fttaa to Bauch For Naxt Taka-Off For Australia . VANCOUVER, Washington. Jana « —(A*) —Capt. Freeborn of the Army Bignal corps at Y* nconv * r Informed the Associated Press tonight that ha had worked with a radio -station at Aukland Now Sealand add had boon nform#d that the monoplane South ern Cross had taken off nt Naeeial Beach, Fija. "On echedule time.” - The New Zealand radio operator ftald that the Southern Cr®F Sopped off at S p. n> New Zealand time. No fetation there had yet picked up the Southern Cross signals, the message said. FIJA, June 7—(d*)~ Thursday, the iraus-oceaalc monoplane Southern (’roes sad its eye* of four planned o start for Brisbane, Australia, at 4 !>. m today which ie-l p. m. Wednea duy oa the Pacific coda (l of {be Unit ed States. Ths flight will be one of 1,752 miles , across the South Pacific ’t-esau In continuance sf the MM mile air Journey from Oakland. Calif., to Sydney, Australia. The plane left Suva at 1):04 a. m. today (3:04 p. m Wednesday Pacific coast time! for the beach at Naselal, landing safely 36 minutes later. The filers and their ptaae were giv en a great send off by the largest crowd ever assembled In Suva as their plane rose from Albert Park for the Short jump to Nasalal. As the great machine took off beautifully from lawn of the park, the mlxWte of all races—Europeans, Americans, *nd Polynesians—cheered wildly and shouted go>pd wishes and farewells in many languagss. Bishop Guerry Still In Serious Condition CHARLESTON, S. C„ June 6—<ri>) —While hla parlshoneers held special prayer services for his recovery. Bis hop W. A Ouerry continued hie Cat tle for life today In ths Riverside h >s pits I where be was carried Mon day after being shot in the chest hv the Rev. J. C. Herbert -Woodward of Brunswick, Oa. Physicians lats today reported that the Bishop was still In a serious con dition %ut that some "symptoms show a slight improvement.” His previous good health sod rugged constitution will stand him In good stood now. they said. Hts pulse today was 106. temperature 101 and respiration 33.' Services with special pre./ers for hi recovery were held In St. Michael's church. A similar service to which the public was InWted was planned fer «W>rrow In^lt/Paul's. St Mary's School Ends . Its First Session's Work An education developing Intelloe tusl faculties along with the moral ride of character through rotigtous principles was given as tbs aim of the parochial school system In Ameri ca by Bishop William J. Hhfey, #( Raleigh, apeaklng last night In Mem oriel Community Building tU the fln lls of 8t Msry’a school: "The coun try's need Is not so much brilliant men,'*, he declared, “as good men With this Ideal Catholics have taken on themselves the added harden of oponlng and maintaining ri their own expense religious schools which hsy« enrolled in the United Ststee over two end s half million pupils.” The youthful bishop stated that ths performance of ths children on the rihge bad impressed him with the need of joy, laughter sod happiness as an esaentlri of Ilf# snd the nocea i-lty of striving for correct cnnnnctn SURPRISE ATLANTIC HOP J" ' 1 - T' + V ' gg * m fr guk-V; Ml K t ■ m ■M Uppcr (left to right) arc Amelia Bar hart, Bos ton society girl, Wilmer Stulta, former pilot for Mrs. Grayson, and Low Gordon, mechanic, who ere winging their way to England Tig Tra pses/ Bay, New Fotmdlaad. The trio bopped off u» n surprise start tiom Boatpt i|J|l Two American Girls Race In Effort Be First Fly Across Atlantic Ocean CURTISS FIELD. N. Y., "June « (JP) —<A race bftween two women for the honor of being the first of their ttx to fly across ths Atlantic grow warmer tonight as Miss-Mabel 8011, "Queen of Diamonds”, sided her tow man crew In preparing the monoplane Columbia tor an Immediate oeeww flight. Charles A. Levine, owner of the ship In which be snd Clarence Cham berlin flew to Oermany last summer, Intimated that the plane would take eff 'sometime tomorrow morning*' fer Old Orehard Mains and that the actual start of the ocean hop wpuld MARRY K. TNpW DBMIBU '« ENTRANCE INTO BNfiI.ABD SOUTIIAafPTON. Eng:. June • OR—Harry Thaw arrived at South: empton today aboard tke AqtiltanU for a visit to England, was refused permission to land by the (ramlgra lion A>fflclal|. . Thaw had obtained a British visa before sailing but nevertheless was rot allowed to land * turn of English as s means of sffectlvs communication and ths sign of cul ture and refinement. “America” be continued, "Is a l*nd of fads, many of which are quite harm less and of short duration, but °ne fad tq be denounced aa a most dang erous tendency Is the bclitUisg, cur rent In so many directions of the her css and the founders of the nation. As blshhp of this diocese. I promise the public that In the parochial school if North Carolina nothing but love 6 0 , tod reverence for the grest men of the past history shall bfe Instilled Into 1 the hearts of our children ” Addressing the pupils Bishop Hsfey , reminded them that vacation would be to them a testing lime for the mor, al training that had beets Imparted during the achool year. "You ara In have a happy joyous time, but you (Continued on Page Six),, GOLDSBORO, N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 7, t»2B be made from there "later in the weak." v Meantime. Miss Amelia Esrlisrt, ri val for the Isarels Miss 801 l seeks was marking time at Trgpassy, N. F., wheN her tri-mopred plane wife patting favorable conditiona for a start oa a night to Enfland. Oliver Le Boutllllerf Miss Boll’s thief pilot snd Arthur Aglee, co-pilot were inspecting the way hers at Intervals during the day! They were net sure tonight that the CofutatA could take off here safely witk a full load, and intimated that fuel for the ISP. ■£ ■ 0 m - 1 L ,| —-- „ TORNADOES ADD TO SUFFERING T Darts of Southern States Ravag ed by Storm, Floods and * Tornadoes MONTGOMI&fV, Ala.. June 6—<ri*» - With the most acuta situation ( in- Crenshaw county! Ala., where a hur« r'lane has made more than 100 per sona homeless, four Southern states tonight were checking damages from torrential rains, floods ank storms. Condition attributed to the weather l-sve caused six death and many per sons have been Injure*) The affected zone extended from Middle Georgia Alabama snd Mississippi Inte lAmtelana. streams In the last three states were on rampage, threatening to wreck conaldernhie more dan:agt. Many (adipic* have been driven from their homes in the lowlands vhile property snd crop damage from the combination - “o? rain floods snd winds un officially bos been estimat ed in the hundreds of thousands of do'lsrs, Alabama us'.t'tasl gusrdstn-n were in t barge of the relief wofk la Crenshaw courtty where the hurri cane last right, thg woreat In tbs h'story of that section destroyed mori then 30 dwellings, killed 1M bead of (V 4. ' 1 '.lvestiH-k and injured scores of per* tri-tnotorad Fpkksr (lower \til\ which for merly belonged to Ceaakia«dcr Richard Byrd. Tbs pleas is pictured taking the sir is Boston harbor. Miss Esrhsrt is s striking blonds, sad Recording to obemvegL <*»«ly resembles long oceah hop would be takas aboard it Old Orchard. jej ftl? The full weight of the ship, loaded, with 467 gallons of gasoline carrying the passengers would be the heaviest ever lifted by s single motor of tbs horse power nt that la the Columbia. Mias 801 l was at Levine's slit as he snd ths two pilots worked to get the ship Into condition. •'.... . • - J: on | Trespass?, N. F. —Disturbed westk er conditions In mld*dc*sa today oom lined with ustavorafle winds here to hold the tr»na-Atlantic ship to Tree (Continued oa Pag# Fsafl HELD FOR MURDER RALEIGH. June UP)— Haywood Knight, Wake county, today was ksld Is jail here in connection with ths death of a Mrs. Harrison, yictim at a automobile crash three weeks ago Is Granville county. Knight, convicted in Wake superior court tkis week for operating an automobile without prop er lights, and Daniel Holloway, hla al leged companion, were ordered held, upon receipt of word from Sheriff J£. D. Hunt of Qranvllle county/ * Senator Simmons Says Tide Now Turning Against,Smith Z«b Vance Turlington, Madffbr la' North Carolina for Judge Hall's prest J dentin] candidacy arid yesterday ta R vtatemant received here:* "I had a long -distance telephone conversation with Senator Simmons <n Washington this morning, snd 1 am glad to state that the Senator says hh and hts associates have every rea son to believe that the Smith move ment Is now substantially receding. “Western delegates who were pick ed off (or Smith early lq the cam paign by Tammany organisation math ods, before the people became srous <d to the Smith menace, are now hear Ipg from the people snd some of them sre leaving the New Yorker with many others becoming restive and uncomfortable under pressure from popular opinion. Senator Simmons and his associates believe that this Murder Charge Against Negroes Scheduled To Be Called This Morning Strange Malady la Cause Three Deaths A strange malady, which Joha sto.t lorfrty physicians are report ed to have booh suable to diagnose on T uesday eaaaed ths third death In three days l< a Pine Level fam ily, according lV reports reaching hers yesterday. On last Thuriday U M Wtggs, was taken 111. Phy alciaua at ths Johnston county bus pltal, Hmlihfleld. wore uname to diagnose tbs: strongs case, aatur- IMr. Wtggs died. On Tuesday two children of Mr Wlggs, aged I ana S respectively, died of the same h'uneral services wars held for Mr. Wlgga Buaday. and for the children Tuesday aflePftoon. Surviving the three docoaood are the wife sqd mother and her week ‘ old Infant. MYSTERY ABOUT NEGRO’S DEATH ’ • f-- *_ r ' Ttrlr Craw of Norfaik Saatkara Trala gay Body as Mm Ob Tracks Wag CaM Mystery surroaade the *satb of aa i.uldentified negro, who Was Maaf oa the tracks sf Urn Nocfolk aeotbsm •bout two mites west of . Deem Tig day algkt. Tbs trata avow of the eaat begad train, comprising several Ctoidaboro man. callsd Kinston polios asking that tbay sand s man down to Invest!- gate. The reporta are that Um trail waa stopped in record time whan ths engineer agw a body on tbs track However, the trala passed evar tbs , body, dragging the negro tor a little distance. “■ f: r . % Kinston officer* who lnvaat£gated stated that tbs astro was aakoow* to thsm. bat that Um msnglsi condi tion of ths body prevented coaiplet* leeogulUea, h*d~tbe man been ancam. The train craw stated that whan tbay reached the body, perhaps a minute after the cars wars brought to a standstill A# body was cold. This led the crew to phone In to .hast' aa' I»- vestigailon seeds. . •» Two Jars,( sod a pocket baits were found near the dead mss. The coroner of Jo nee county bod net ap peared to Inveetigate at the ttase the Kinston officers were M the scans, - - ■■■!*-■ N BBIIKJB PBOJRt'T APPBOYBD WABHINfPfbW, {ana s—OF)—The application made by the Currituck and Dare Bridge Corporation for ap proval of plans for a bridge'over Oar ritock sound, one mile north of Point Harbor, N. C. waa approved by the war department today. movement sway from fthlth will con tinue gad spread furthar and furtbar as it becomes more and YSore mani fest; _ First, That there Is a solid »bl* wa|| of Southern snd Western delegates , numbering already as stated by Senator Reed two days ago. about 460 votes snd that therefore Smith cannot be nominated, sad 1 Second. That even If nominated Smith wpuld practically destroy the Democratic party as s iis\>nsl paty. sad would disastrously defeated In the general election. Third, That Tammany has set oat to raptors oar Party to make It a national Instrumentality for Tsm m*uy and all that Bmttt sad Tam mAny stand for. _ J ' „ "The Senator says that the revolt (Continued Oa Page I) •. ZJt o MiCMRRR o|j ' THE ABSOCUTn PRESS * i. immmmmrnm* PRICE FIVE cam ( her fed With gtarvtaf ud Whlnßiliß U H MfLl*- Nagrcdß, Ta DaaUl ' f ' GODWIN CASE AGAIN * • GETB ON SrDE TRACK DuriWy S&^TV> Wsy ne C'ounty Rupartor ooari wffl probably complete this mdnU«| Um i. Smith sod Georgs Dwhota, ygaag white nma gtperlag oat as Um atMk a# > tant at Whttmaa's stars, Uadlff. tag i nUr apes ths ssm siHftng pirfa against James m3T Aasalla -WMU. aw xroes, la Um death as Vsrm«U ‘ffblta.. * m' aagmaa . The state charges that the JMgraea practleally starved thf gtrl to fMft md that lbs death war aaataßplat ta OrtatasUy the chargee , ggatagt Henry Godwin s taps MU hag apt Jones- wars as# taday, but the east agatast the wirwa waa switched, ahead of ft last WIMR Um Wooten Hobbs, p*Wf T.iatlWfa man Miiipe Kaoil jUo tke AmUHM », sssewows news as wa a#ee *ke •. YgM Marvin Strickland. Qnllibafn fraeal mntlmiiUnt y * arraigned for trial yaetnf!bL%a Bit jt *,| | _ —| v iflmil (<>llowiaC BrVwgV pOr tM RSPE r om the room Insanity waa tbs dateas# MtUMM tor Smith, aa the tmea watt tavwabi yeeterday. The Stats hat P-rUoaffr rnanlafwl tip arm fkfaiap mSSmw* wapw . gHmpEßpmHmHß^mHpmnm neya said tbay might pat Imllp oa tßa stead la Ms oWa behalf. Jaasas lUM. Freak BMC sat Bddie DanMs ta a civil sstlsa Mwapbt ta a compromise uttltm—l. rafstvid iudgmeat tor sgalaat ths AlM*- tlc Coast Hoe railway tar lajartaa »ustained ta aa dado train aaWselea. the sum repreaontlag hewevar. oaTy -x peases tacureed aa a reeMt as the oocMeaL If. O Kelly waa toaad pat pallty of falaa proteose James Milton, alias James Middle tea submitted ta a'ahfrie it Papery snd was eeataaoetf U eight meathe « ch the roads. Mettle Freeman Leverr waa gmri ed a divorce from Wllay H. Lawery on the grounds of nyyaHon, ) mraiNG iroirna Min ' PARIS, June 4— (Jig—me Faria Herald today said Oeoeref jepa J, Pershing had reeelved # a eaddeß call to pstnrfi borne sad sailed aaegpsitad If oa the LeriaaUma yesterday, legs inr, Paris for Cherboarg ta ta etst*- mobtle after the beat trala had degart rd. , , : ; . MMkriga PBISB WON ON RACBBTWOMI CtMB IXJNDON. Jeae I (0) MMa Bg* ma, clerk fore breweea Baa M IW toes woa the 116.00# pood* (Opgrai imstsly M 26 .000) prhe as the MBr of F» I stead's ticket la the etoah flO ebange sweepstakes oa today's dm bp,

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