WEATHER Fsir MMI niw la Interior Friday. •Harter Mr toHowed hr thunder I VOLUME SEVEN; NJUMBER Bft ARRAIGN 2 IN WAYNE COURT FOR FIENDISH CRIME > . h» «, ■ c George Dußois Found Not Guilty Robbing Store A. R. Whitman R. L. Sadtli la FoaaS Guilty and Wll Ba Scntaocad So»c ttaM Taday SPEND HOURS IN SEATING 10 MURDER CASE JURORS Jama uai A moil* WWW Charg ad With Starvlag aad Uaating Little Nagraaa Death with ten Aurora seated attar examln •lion of thirty-fir* veniremen. Wayne Coaaty Superior apart will this morn tas peooaed with caau charglbg ■alter again at Jaitet Wfrjej aud Am elia White, eegroea, la the teeth of ▼onaoll White, aln* year old Negro** aad daughter of White hr another wo maa. Solicitor Claweon Wll I lama eald laat alght that he would **>, ®>r a tint degree murder verdict. Thu Mate chargee that White and hie wife all but starved the little ne greet to death upd then finished the job hr frequently weildlng a leather thong aad a belt with a metal buckle •boat her body. The one# yeaterday rtt reacted • grantor number of negroes to the Weyue court house than bad te#« In the balldiug la many yean. The room waa filled aad the galleries packed Chargee of robbery against Oeorge Dubois aad R. I . Smith had held the attontiou es the court throughout the day. aad it waa about I o’clock laet evening before the wmntnation of van Iremen to select a Jury was began. The process was a tedlue one with M B. Loftin and Col. Roacoe Butler of Clinton representing White: Hugh Dortch e«d N W Outlaw appearing for A near! la Jfhlte aad Solicitor Wil liams pleading for the State. No Jur or weot unchsllenged and the caution displayed by each attorney In accept an to fly the Atlantic. (International Newsreel) ASKS PRAYER FOR WOODWARD Bishop Gusrry Not Thought To Know AmuUlnat Ended Hie Own Life "CHARLESTON, 8. C„ June 7— (AP) —The Right Reverend Wm. A. Ouer ry. bishop of the South Carolina Dio cese of the Protestant Episcopal church seriously wounded Monday by the Rev. J. H. Woodward who com mitted suicide a few minutes later made his first reference to the shoot Ing today. Addressing Dr. R. 8. Chth rartk, on* of the attending phyaidaus. Bishop Ouej-ry said. "Poor Woodward, pray for him. Father forgive him. be knew not what he did.” Dr. Csrthcartk. said he gained the unprediloQ that the Bishop does not know of the Rev. Mr Woodward's suicide All eymptonmy were bettor, laid the report Issued by the doctors tonight . ... -..... BYRD SPBAKHtS? LEESBURG " RICHMOND. ' June., 7 -Governor Byrd spoke at Leesburg Wednesday night In favor of the proposed coa sdtutlonal amendments, to be voted >*n -at the next general election. •he flight wouliThe made without mia hap. Lyon who had lost his spectacles was hampered somewhat In reading hta navlgathAi chart! 1 out not Incapa citated. ; - Behind the crew lay 5,533 miles of flying from Oakland. Calif, toward tha goal of Sydney. Australia. Thera remained only 2.252 ml lee to bo flown and their Journey of 7,300 miles would be ended. In Brlsbsnde. Lyon and Waraer, It was planned, would leave tho South ern Cross; their Australian compan ions going without them to Sydney, 500 miles away ia the great plane. GOLDSROMt N. C FRIDAY WARNING, JUNE 8, IMB FAINT SIGNALS FROM DIRIGIBLE Hope for GomoiiM NoMh and 17 Ib lUHsjTCrow Is KINGS BAY, Sp&bergea. June 7 (RV-Twice today IBs radio opfrator es the citte IM WlLuo. bane ship of Ceaeral Umberto BoMles loot polar sxpeditloa heard weak signals which he was sure were from operator Bla gi. radio men en tde dirigible Italia. The signals were Um week to dechip er. Hopes that the! Italian Uouoral aad hie 17 eampan|ons survive were revived amoug the teeeo seem hers of the expedition at Klhg's Boy. The Bret eigoale .were heard early this merplag. Conditions then were nafavoraMe for goajl redio trAnsmts rloo. The operator op the Cttto Dl Mil eno then addressed a message to Bta gal. telllag him to Jry again it I p m. when it would |e a Httle darker end more favorable for traaamlaahm. Again at the afternoon bear, the operator thought ho caught weak slg nala. It waa Impooaihle, however, to make out what the sender was try leg to eey. « „ * ■■■■"« i. iin. i one ini pienn-■. ... .mi... Gov. McLean Given Out Number Paroles „ RAUDtOH, June 7—<•)— MoLaoo today stgate pareU* that gave freedom to almilßte. removed g .uspended sentence from another and scat three man from State prtaoa to Attests Prison. Baatohco of another waa cemmuted. Among thoae" paroled were: George Kxum. Jr, Craven coaaty, convicted Ot a punitory offense la lUI and sentenced to 11 years la State prison. Howard WIIHu, Pamlico, convicted of %ioUtl*a_of the prohlbltiene and sen tenced ll months oa the route. FLIGHT FLASHES CURTIS FIELD, New York Jane T —(AP7 —Oliver Lt Boittlller, pilot of the monoplane Columbia, ia which Mine Mabel 801 l plana a traaa Atlan tic flight to Europe, announced to night that a Jgke. off fo| Old Orchard, Mala* would be made at 2 e'ctock to morrow morning. CtJRTfB FIELD, N. Y. —(d*)—Mine Mamebl 8011, the “Qaeea of Dln mohte” who aspires to be the flrdt of her sox to fly the Atloatic, set forth or. her greet adventure, hat she neg lected t* Inquire about the weather prospects. As a result she no further along her pato tonight than If she hud never etoyMtr~N Miss 801 l took off tWI moratfg with two men, pilot and a mechanic, beading for Old Orchard IS*, bat the sun was soon lost to eight la dense banka of clouds and after six hours of futile groping for the mein coast, a scent 300 miles away, the Columbia was forced back to It* storting place. *ad the flight wax abandoned for the day. Five minute* ester the plane left Dr, Jams* H. Kimball «f the with er bureau telephoned to the field that fog between her# and Old Orch ard made a flight Impossible. Tomorrow be said, tb# fog would he dispelled and tb* short first leg *f the Journey could be mud# wltbeutdlf flculty. Delivery the afternoon of the new plane ia which Thus R*ch*. of Oer ii)any. hope* to fly to her homeland, caused msny to be out to so* tho pre •eot plena of women fllera and pas > angers as a three cornered race, also each ted denied gay Men lawhC TRBPABBY, F. — UP)—A smell leoh In the o|| tank of the F»kke rne noplane Frieathlp wao discovered let* today aad Wllmer Stultx. pilot of the plane on It* propesed traaa-Atlau tic flight announced that tho tab* off for Europe would not bo attempted until tomorrow. RepHra were made *0 1 n'ght. , Don C. Humphrey Ia HuU'a Wayne Mpr. •Wayne coaaty la aJaraet uaael utously tor Jadg* Cordell Hall a* the Deaaocratlc candidal«, fori president, declared Doe c. Hum pkrey, prominent attorney, who waa yeaterday auaeuaced an Hall piaattr coaaty. Mr. Humphrey's etoteaeoot ad to H«H aeatlmoat la the'coaaty la baaed, he Mid. apon report* gatherad from every end *t tho eouaty “Moot of the original Smith me#*, bo declared, "have loot latoPM th the Smith candidacy, having real ised ibag Hall la th* real favorite of th* coaaty bad state.” THAW MAY GO ON TO FRANCE Starts Gat KagfcMl CfeWMta Ruliaf Kdcftef Him Oat Ptbtb la Vais LONDON, Juno 7—(JF)— Harry K. Thaw's effort* to enter Ragland ap peared all la vain tonight. Ha mania * — Mr*. Bans Pop* suffered- uerienu Injuries *nd Miss Bertha Pollerd. h*th es Praeotoa resolved bruises and cat* wkha an an tom obit* la which the/ war* riding bit another mschlae boot Raleigh last night A warrant charging Tim Man gam, Raleigh with _/*ckl#e* driving 4r*a teeued. »* ' 1 Trr*umaw»m-^«mm«M—■ ir ANOTHER ATTEMFT bade AHftiMSINATB TSO-LIN SHANGHAI, June 7—(N I )— Telegra phlc advice* from TloaUln etot* that another nnanccossfal pttompt was mad* yesterday afternoon to aeeeaeta at* Marshal Chang Tao-Lla tb* form er Northern Dictator vM Is n*t at Makdea. Two arrests were mate McLean Asks Friends Not to Suggest Him as A Candidate RALHIGH. June 7- <*) While Smith aad Hull forces today Ware bat tling for strength In th* coaaty con vention Saturday. Governor A. W. Me* Loaa, who had a number of delegate* to the coaaty convention pledgad to him la tb* precinct meeting*, declar ed that be waa not a presidential can didate. ;/ Replying to letters from Ms friends who had proposed his name at the precinct meetings the Governor wrote; ”1 am not bow aad hove not boon at nay tlm* either a votaatary or re ceptive candidate tor the Dmaetwatle nomination for th* presidency. I shall appreciate It.if yoa will see that my name is not presented to your ooa ASKS CHANGE TAX SALE LAW LAM DttpHn Optmty CRlssrs Forward PMltite TV Qdt MclaMd Governor MojLoaa la railed up»u -a a letter by Judge Heavy,4)> Grady, "to recommend to the aqgt general Assembly the repeal of this iaiqalioaa law th*t require* the sheriff* to sett l-iadk oa Jane i. or oa the find Moa day la Jane, aad to cepwll th* S 3 par coat penalty ih#."’ Judge Grady'S letter to Mi. McLean followed receipt by th* Citato* Janet of a, petition of 3500 Duplia county taxpayer* seeking restraint of auto of thoir laud* tor taxes. Failure of trunk crops lu Duplin wee blamed tor the" Inability of the taxpayers t* fp ttetr lex**. They ashed that aula of their lands be restrained until full la writing the Governor, Judge Grady declared that the condition coder which the Duplin taxpayers are laboring la more or lea* general to t aster u North CM rolls*- He oajie at tention to the fact that he he* grant e dlnJunction* such a* MUght tu the Duplin petition, (o Craven, Pantile*. Carteret and Dpplin oquatle* on anh vtaatlally th* ground* stated la tea petition, but frankly admit* tesla tor his aettea. Judge Orady also urge* th* Ooy rruor to eook pasoan* la the leflala ture of a "Juat aahool law” u t rented for th* hardbhlp* now tmpasid d* rom* North GnrollhMnnoMM by the prORDt Iftttßl. -.. r t FIVE DIVORCES" GRANTED TTTORS. Court Gsto CWM Mobwblo Th TMs Dntail Wort Dwfaf Five divorcee wore nrahted dur ing »dd momenta of th* ooart Hkfor* lodge R. A. Nana In Wayne Super ior court yesterday. Nettle Adams* was granted an ab relut* divorce from Clovalaad Adam* on th* of abaadeame«t and waa given caatody of a child bora to the union . . On etututory s rounds. Snow Rotlp Newsome was given a divorce fr*m Clarence Newsom*. Ernsts Canaea was gnaated a dtv ore* from Arthur Caaa*a *a the ground* of seperation for the period .eqalred by Btatat* to entitle AM to divorce. 1 Statutory rrounds were ale* atleg -d for tb* divorce granted Mark Tay tor against Don Taylor. Three ether cease were disposed of. Ray Alford submitted to transport ing whiskey aad haring whiskey far th* purpose of eal* aad waa sentenc ed to se’-ve II months on the reads, capias sot to teen* daring good bo* bavteur. A Ilk# disposition was mad* of a similar charge against B. L. King. willlqjn Wo*d was served to lt months on tb* roads for eafebreaktag aod larceny. van tion oa Saturday next or at tha SUtq convention th* Tuoeday follow ing. Zob. V. Torliagtoa, manager tor CoqJeil Hull, laaaed a etatemeat to night that warned Hull supporter* •gain «t tact ice he said would ho used agalist Hull by Smith men Saturday. He referred to th* practice *f county conventions passing a resolution “that 1 all Democrats la good aad regular ! »tending who urlah to gp to the State 1 Convention shall ba psnalttsd to act ■ as delegates from this county.” 1 Mr. Turlington mid each n reeolu- I- tion would he "loaded with dynamite r I against th* aatl-Bmtth as no*. I want .* (OonUaaad an Vasa Fear) as i.nmnn #htel MluMßKit Or THE ABSOCIATKD PREBB p Mob vm tauvn Report b Made Bv (>raud Jury tag Srataai Mi 0. K. mml c . WPPPiWP'..* . % Recommend etloa at the UUff of legislation which will glee WIIM county a RWMMt brjr, ta pvt m leaet, to miilni to the to port of im rut jary Mb raiwtir efteraeo* ta ledge R A. Nava. Oth • r l ate rest lag Hearn la the report ara tba clsaa Mil at health glee* the par obaalag system of the kichway eaat niaaloa, at tbs ctork at apart aa w* farPa faaa ta tort) Bctteae* aad atta Uoa ot the aoaaealty tar tpprarawaai at the Jell. ' ’ • aj: ' *ome, sheriffs otttoT Oath* aSS lagtatar at taati sfifee wlltoai afftoa and health dnurjtoaal ata tout aa performtag ta a toanaar apgHMMIA* SSSSSH lha resort Ml i ' 111 tA ' -i* i igatloa aa to tha eaaaa at tie ttw on tha part of oestela wttaaaaoo HI rlrtj eaaaa ta natWi Utah teas, aai found that tha taatt ta aa wap wag chargeable to tha stalt at eahft. II A» lag tfaa la every eoga ta tha taUara to psymeat of aoata by IMltahto. "We made thoroagb atftaattoa -l oy» •• Mil IM WMI ms weald libewtae laatat apoa a aaw aai paoeed'at'tha 1 Maria* aaaatoa at the whereby ah eattraty aaw greed Jary will pot Ml to ha ailtd ••d at eaeh tana at the aoart. "We r.nnuaiaaf that g oopy at mahTe North OaroUaa etatathl ha parchasod for the aae at the WtoWt” | shrSerSSe TWO LOCAL MEN Jeka I, MwuS wM W. M. Owatu Initiated k Cara- RAUtoOH. June 7—Thatr lehr North Carottaa Shrtaem tamed haato ward tonight with to aaw lehlea, who bed crossed the "hot eaads" today to* eluded ta tha taaatoarahip at toadaa ttmpje The hall toatght hroaght to a close the cereadatol eaaetew. Tha rltmix. however, tar a wewdertog city that looked on, same with tha midday parade down fhytolttaMa street. TO the blare at tha toaWa Lead aed tha heat ot the dmto degfi ‘ the Nob lee led tha roped taUtotaa to parade.' Ampmg thpoa taMtoMd toll were: W. F Dowdy, Now SWU; tJ n Bdwerd*. Qoldehere; W. W. Katot Kinston; w. M. Owaha Mdahaaw end A W, Wootea,