Democratic County Convention at Memorial Building at 11 A, M. WEATHER . Lm*l Ikewtn Satnrdsy Sunday r»tu Nat amah abuft in wapparataM. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER M - - - -'-Si 1 'T '■■ " .a!.' 1 , r:';-g-!T.a:r . .'..-i-g.;---:—.-.-ul- ■■ " ,x.i. i, 1 iu«a—Baa—=ga=aa Plane Conquers Tropical Storm andßeaches Brisbane An Air Bridgi Across Pacific SwwtMwrw C*p» 7,1 M Milas Over W«w Ftyia* Tw Credit BHIIBANK. AaatraU*. —(Saturday)—Tb# »pan»l“"“ * zrn bruM arrived bar* fro* tla W .Islands »% t Tba Southern Cthi bad bridged w* Pacific by air and Australia and A* erica das** bands across tba wat •r. ', la tbs allot** position wars Cap tatas Cbarlss Klagaford Smith sad CtuHlss Ulai. sons #T Australia; tbs •avlaslbr waa Harry W. Lyon ail tbs radio operator Jasisa Warner, sons .f Amsrola. " Oalss that thrsatsssd destruction wars fought by tbs ptsae and Its four •usa midi of the flight of I?<2 noil** across tbs foatbsrn Pacific. v Tbs city's nqlay reclaim when they alighted was soarcaly beard by th* - filers, their hearing deadened by tbe away boars roar of tbs three motors of tbs plane. 1 The flight stags ended today -was tbs third great Journey of the Padfl ecaaa by tbe bo others Cross In Itr afer passage tram Oakland. California, toward Sydney. Radio mssasgss from tbs aviators described It as wore has ardoua bye ass of tbs storms saeoaa rad. than tbs two laager anas that UNIVERSAUSTS i. "■ Savon Spring* Univaraaliat Pan tor Appeal* on Program At Egnanavillc Üblvsraallsta of North Caroline gathered at Ksaanavtile yesterday to comaadmorats a /Mating in tbe Dap 11b oounty seat June I. 1917. when a Soothers Unlveranllat convgutlon waa organised end a Saltation to Pos terity and a Confession of Pslth ware adopted. Plans for tbs celebration which is an annual event were In the. hands of <>Dr. P.. B. Bishop, pastor of tbe First Unlverssllst chnrcr of Reeky lit. and superintendent of the Unlverealist de nomlantion in North Carolina. Dr. Bishop stated that the anniversary program had been completed la (de tail and that many visitors from *ll ever the state, were presoat for the event. The day's program took place at the Duplin county high school In Ksaanavtile. Tbe preiram got anderway at »!»• With Rimer Matthews presiding. Pre- Hadaary music was In charge of Miss er Pauline Bodell and Mary Lou Wil kins. After a hymn the Scripture and prayer waa In charge of Rev. Ordeli t. Bryant, of Cllatwi. while the wel lome address waa delivered by Mayor t L. M. Jolly. *f Qraanaboro Th# his toric addraas followed, by Rev. H. L. Canfield of Greensboro. Than c*me is order th* following aeries of addre****: “Untveraallam In North Carolina Today" by John E Williams as Greensboro, president er tbe Untveftmllst State conventlen; What sod Where la Hell?, by Rav. J. T. Plttgerald. of Sevan Springs; and ; What sad Whsr# Is HsavsnT by Rev W. D. Bodell of Klnaton; Aftay *p polntment of tbs 1929 celebration com mitts* the meeting was adjourned for Itoner. operator at Hagsn-Hagaa «" be mad Qusmbusch picked up u sup posed **•. O. B." • %' THE GOLDSBORO NE'VV'S UKAn Os THE MORNING WHILE MENDS ARB FRESH—READ BE BUYERS BEFORI THEE BUT, COUNTY DEMOCRATS WILL CONVENE TODAY • . * ?'■ . ° v ■ i 2 Durham Men Hurt As Auto Turns Turtle Two mam bars of a party of flvo wars so badly~Mjarad th«t tney bad to be carried to s local hospi tal for treatment after their car turned over oa highway number 10 west *f tbs city late Tbcreaay sight It waa learned yesterday. The Injured are J. A. Taylor and a Mr. Kelly, both said to be from Durham. Three other Dur ham men who were occupants of tbs Dodge sedan—said to havuj turned over several tinted— taped injury. Tbs party was trav I tiling In tbs direction of Golpa- I bore when tb* accident occurred. I FRED HAKEEM IS CALLED BEYOND Vfc —4S Popular Young B—in— Man Dias In Aakavtfla - Sanatorium Trad Hakeem, 24. popular yoang man of tba city, dled at T o'clock on ’where be had gone* somaOaM ago for troatmoat far tabarouloals of tba Funeral *Snriaag jp||i AMhM In Henderson tb* komd of Mr.nak ‘tem'a father, oU Sunday and bailal made there. Mr. Hakeem waa a native of Syria »nd from • family of ancient culture. As a lad he cams to Goldsboro and for many years waa connected with Nell Joteph\ ladles ready to wear shop. Mr. Joseph being bis ooasln. A jonng man given to thoughtful con templation of 11*1, be was ever can f.derate of and waa highly r* carded. A buainea* career had not t*k m hts mind from tb* finer things of life sad he waa a remarkably writ wonted young man. He was a member of Bt Mary’s Catholic church bora, *f th# “ft<*ly Name of Society" and of life Knight's of *Columbq». The disease which caused hia death developed almost suddenly several months Ago and quickly had Us way with a body that bad appeared a fine and hardy specimen pf manhood. With him at the time of his death wars hia rather, a slater. Neil Joseph. Georg* Farfour, and Joe Hallow. Neil Josephs' ladies ready to wear shop was closed yesterday out of respect for the deceased . BIHROF IMPROVING CHARLESTON. S. C„ Jane A-IAV- Th* Right Rev. William A. Ouerry waa Improving Friday at Riverside In- Armary. Drs. Hobart Wilson, R. 8. Cstheart and J. J. Laßocba announced the bishop Is talciug nourishment reg ularly. CA. Ouerry ia bishop of the South Carolina diocese of tba Protes tant Episcopal Church. Ha was shot Monday by the Rev. J. H. Woodward who than took hi* own life. Seven Witnesses in White Case Testify For State ‘ Testifying as an espert for the State. Dr. L. IV. Corbett city and county health officer/ yesterday ex nreaaed the oplnten that the death ot‘ Vermeil White ydfeng negreea. was auaed by starvation and crual and nhum»n treatment at th* hands of someone. James sad Amelia WhIU are charged with tha murder of tha child. White'* UligetlmaU daughter by aaetber woman. Court convened at 9:30 yesterday morning and held continually on the case until 12 o'clock last night with '*sp*ct of tha earn* rootlne tor to day. Even then It wag* doubted by earn* whether or not the actlen would be completed without u Sunday ses sion of. court. One attorney waa q*ot THE ROUTE OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS ■ I I XI P U §I^HBBESIb OJJPT. a T. P. ULM. 00-pu** JAM gW WARNER. Radio Ofseatse * . ft - ;'-;...^ ' ' •ARC- MAMRT ETON. Maria*tad PARP. **•™* Th* above picture# show tb* root# of the Southern Croat, together with Its Intrepid crew, In It* remarkable Bight across th* Paciic. Tha plana landed yesterday at Brisbane. Australia, having Sown 7,200 miles from Oaklaad, California. > FRI STRATI: ATTEMPT TO RILL BA ROIL TOKYO, June •.—OP)— Alert mem bers of hie bodyguard Friday frus trated an attempt to assassinate Baron Giichl Tanaka, premier of Japan When tbe premier arrived at Uyeno station a In tha clothes of a laborer tried to atab him with a dag ger. Tb* bodyguard prevented th* at tempt and arrested the would-be as sassin. Baron Tsaaka was not hart. m »s saying that he had subpoeaaad tuirty-fonr witnesses. Only seven witness** ware called during the 18 hours of court yester day. most of the time being given to receiving th* testimony and to. crooa examination of Dr. Corbett and Dr. C. Dillard. Jr., negro physician. Both Dr. Corbett and fsi. Dillard exagiia ed the child shortly after its death. It was the refusal of Dr. . Dillard to grant a death certificate that first brought the case to the attention of tbe authorities. l>r. Dillard had been attending the child but said the Ill teas he "diagnosed waa Insufficient to have caused her death wlthia such a abort time. (Continued on page S) 4 GOLD^EtOBO, < 01. Uhl A MAT TAKE OFF BAT. CURTISS FIELD. N. June «.- (AV-Tfco monoplane Columbia with Miss Mabel 801 l a* passenger will probably make a second attempt at dawn Saturday to By from hare to Old Orchard, Maine, the Brat leg of a transatlantic flight. Captain Arthur Argles, co-pi lot of the Colupsbi*. tele phoned the flying flkld Friday maratag saying that h* would Inspect tbavmo tor later In the day, but that th* flight would not get under way before dawn Saturday. SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE I, IMS Claim Italia Reached ‘ By Radio Last Night ROME. Italy. Jun# *—<»)—'The Stefan I News Agsacy announced tonight that the Cltta IN Milano base ship for General Umberto No bile’s expedition maintained radio connection for 20 mlautea today with the IMrlglbl# Italia lost In the polar waste since May 2S, ° Th* dirigible gave her bearings which corresponded to a place 20 miles north «f -Capa Lalgh Smith, the easterly extremity of North East Lend. The message* were ex changed about 7 p. m. Greenwich time tonight. LEONARD TUFTS WILL RUN VILLA RBf IM MaapmkMmdi fWita IftM v* IP Upfll IrIvnMMMIO llVvflOp NMRt JtMsrt Hriri be Jim It, ArrrerwJ YasUriMy . Reports published la The . Neva sometime ago kp th* effaet that Lea* nerd Tufts, davajppar .as Pleahurat and Roaring asp, would seowam tha Operation of Mora bead VIII*, war* confirmed yesterday. Tba hotel will re-opea June li under th* manage meat of Mr. UtU, It waa effletally sanoenoed. followlag a . eoatereae# between Mr Tasia sad *wa4»a as the Villa |a Raleigh. This asneunCrmant Rad ha At ex pected for •«*** time aad apaoulattona have been made aa to th* a*w asaa agaawat of tha hotel. OsUy loot sight, however, waa • definite daty Ml for the re-opealng of th* hatal uaAor tb* aiaaagamsnt as th* Ptaoharat «• *aay. . Th* Ratal boa haaa deood tor a few Ipßka. while naisfalag Mtiastri re pair* aad impravaasaata. Th* laaMk work d*a* oa thoas. laaladlag pHsttr lag aad pataMag. Mow rooflag to be ing put on in plane* a*4 row far*lab |M«I Cm ••PrwrWfP# are being mad* especially In tha tab hr aad dining ro*m. It la Wxpactad'to h* aaa of tha moat ap to dAo aad modern hotel, la th* r*gl#a. CRITICIZES DUBOIS JURY JMft Nurb Bhosra gariREREiBB of Hack Actlbe t SeiHli Grin M Ybepb aamswanaamaaga Jurors who freed Georgs Dubois, French Canadian of a oharg* *f rob bery g r«w leg out of jh* hold up at A. R. Whitman'* ator# several months ago, where severaly oriUakmd by Jadg* R. A. Nuan in Wayn# lap srlor court yesterday Burning ** h# passed aa opinion before eeateaclng R. L. Smith former shoeataker to att to alao yoar* la state priaea tor tha offanaa. 0 ‘. \ Th* Uttar had ooafaaaod hia part In th* wild west Ilk* bald up, and said that there was aa other m*a with him hat that hia mlad waa a blank aa to wh* it. waa. Smith taalatad that ha was insane at tha ttos* bt com muted tba act. Several witness#* id entified Dubois aa th* aa* wh* baa" Implicated with Smith la th* caaa, but he offered aa allM to tb* effect that he waa la Goldsboro at the Crystal rats at tha time tha crime waa com mittoed. Judge Nunn hi voicing tba epbrioa of th* court as ha passed sentence, said that It was a vary serious thing when f Jury turned looaa a man idan (Oontlaued Oa Peq* IMS May Have Guardsmen, Attend Second Larry Newsome Case RALEIGH. Jan* «—Probabl!'** »h»l National ri ard*m*n may b* a*ut Is protect Larry Nowboom. alUgiliy d*- »«nt*4 RTryn* County a**r*. wh« to** on trial n**t Monday In Chatham county **parlor court at tar th* murder Uat Dt«fflb»r of » Warp* county d*v«lcp*l Prlday. 3ov*raor McL*an. tin* aakad U any pUna had b*«n mod* by him tv Kind National Quardamtn to protaot ewnomc aald troop* would b* adnt to Plttrboro "It th* clrcua»*Uno-H warranted It." H* added that hi la k**pio( In cloa* touch with tha ultu all on. N*w*om* wb* woa craaud a n*w , trial rocontly by tha'Plata gapr*m* Wayne to Select 25 Delegates to Attend State Meeting tues. Smith Getcßum Car After 20 Mile Chaw After a spectacular 20-mils j chase as highway 4# north of the city. Carl smith, Wayaa aoanty molercycl* deputy, tala yesterday aatadd a Chrysler U aatomoUt* ■■on tain lug ala gallons Os whtakay. You eg Smith "pick ad ap" tha oar three as!)** north of Ctoidsbere add hts calls f*r th* driver—a a*|ro— to halt war* unheeded He gave pursuit aad tha Chrysler a earned to hav* th* bettor of tbe afga flseing car.--* new efi—jtad' parsalng Btotercyel* shat through that taw* at lb* rata of seventy five mites aa bewr. Th* chaa* coa. tlaaad to the A. O. EC railway bridgf this side of WUaoa aad bar* the aogro mad# aa aftort to torn highway sad Yeaag Smith waa kg this time ao near behind that ho avoided reeking fc#(ia keep relatives ana friends of litli* Beaulah Tedder, the child alleged to hav* bean hilled by Newsome, from lynching th# *#xrt> Newsom# had been arrested tha pre vtoua Friday and Aad gone on tritl Saturday Th* Supreme court held that Jadgv Grady erred la charging the Jury