WEATHER fMtly ekeudy Mi oooj*r lull/ MUmi kg «k**m ihii.ii ' . , i .in i VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER ft Williams And Griffin Conditionally Ask 2nd Primary Notice Filed Last Evening “ - • ’’ *f '• «• a Want 8«c«Ml Race For Cnmmls ■iMora NoniMtiM In Cat* Second Race In State ■ ©. W. Wlllhms of Ml. Ottvjuuad- A. it. Oriftin of Qotdeboro. Sixth »ud seventh men respectively In tb* race f*r nomination* on tka Wayne Coaoty Baa«« of Commissioners In tha inaa J primary laat »i«bt conditionally TU «d n at Ice requesting a aacoed primary ca Jus* M.,, Tha condition under which both ftlad ia that they Will withdraw thalr request for a second primary la caaa t aacoad primary to aot hel4'a tba State. . , Tha soar aacond high Candida tea— Mr Wltllama. Mr. Griffin. C. F . Her ring. 8«\. and C W. Oltvur—had an -111 midnight last In which to sire no tice as to whether or not any oae re quested a second primary to contest the nomination of J. H. Denning. J. R Marvin. H-. B. Barger, and Deejas 11. Pate. Who ware high man In their order *hme<i. but did not receive a majority v>t*. L A. Raney, chairman of the present board was the only man given a majority nomination la the June I rptlng SJy. William« in esplalning hla con ddlonaj request for a aacond primary tseued tha following htatemeat: "Not for a moment Would I pal Wayne county taxpayers to the added ogpenee of a imrond primary to de termine Democratic nominees for the county board of commissioner*. T» damped anyth log for myaalf or for my red too ; which might pat tho whole to tome aacrlflce b foreign to my na 'tare. If there ta a second primary In tha Stele, however a county primary could he run off in ceaneetlon with this and with practically no extra expanse “My frtuwde of the MV- Olive aactioa have all urged me eonaietenily for the peat several days ta pah for a run off contest, In caaa there to to he one In the state, t, % r ■* I have filed with the hoard of elec tloae for ~ a second contest for la it night at midnight was the Anal hoof for giving this notice. In case, how ever. later development! show that there will be wo second primary In the Mute, then I shall not ask on* at th* hands of the Wayne people but shall contentedly abide by tha reeuits of last Saturday. "My friends in asking n.* to request a Second primary if one to to be held in the sUte have pointed out thct > the nearest commissioner to Mt. Olive will be 11 miles If the June 1 voting stands. They have urged that Brog den and Mt. Olive should have a rap raaanUtive, sad it la tojgmuch In con sideration of them as of myself that I am filing for 4 itcond primary. This notice, however., will be immediately withdrawn In caaa It Is proved there will he no second run-off In the State, or a request from another source for a aacond content In thb county." a . __ (tenth Blacks Smith ' WASHINGTON. June 9—(JF>— Os the lIM delegate* to the Democratic National Convention all but the 74 from Kentucky. North Carolina, and Virginia have been selected. Two third of 7SS 1-1 will be required for nomination The present line up; Smith—Mb of which 14 are In dis pute. Reed—ll* of which 11 are In dto jute. * No candidate at present la claiming tha following’"111 delegatee: Alabama 14. Arkaaaaa II: Florida 13; Mississi ppi 20; Tsmaa M; South Carolina I*. Os tha thru* atataa which have not yet saieeted delegate*. Kentucky has North Carolina 14; Virginia 24. I/HTIBVILLE—-(4*l Result* of Democratic county conventions In Kentucky today Indicated that the ma Jorlty of delegates tp the State con vention to be held et Lexington. June 14, wonld be uninstructed . In a few counties opposition Gover nor Smith was voiced but early re ports Indicated no Incidents where the reeoHMiene opposing him had been adopted. ! J *~ l/PI-Temporarily (Continued on Pag# Six) THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDB ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. £3 . I*. • . ' •<r '** % o 3 FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY HULL HAS LARGE MAJORITY OVER SMITH WpVTCTORY >1 inTx)inties I Almost Cwplito Returns Give Thimmcmm 755 Votes smi New Yorker 414 . a RALEIGH. June *—OF) —Backed by Senator Simmons and other forces op posed te Governor Smith for the bear '>cratic nomination. Cordell Hnll, fav orite eon of Tanneaaea, took a long load over the Near York governor la rumber of Instructed delegates to the Hat* convention as almost complete return* from today's county Democra tic convention were tabulated by the Associated Press tonight. On ,lbe face of returns received bare Hull had for Him 751 and t fraction of tbd 1953 delegates com prising the convention, while Smith md 414 sad a fraction. The ualnatrac •ed contingent, numbering MS and a ft action, will bold tha balance of pow >r In the cooventlon Tuesday, when. North ('wrollna's 24 delegates to the Houston nominating assembly will be chosen. 4 Seventy delegatee were reported is rtructed to vote for a "a dry" candid He and 30 plus to rote against Smith Senator Read of Missouri received x few scattering delegatee and frac tional representation. Others who were credited with support In the In ti' acted delegates war* senator Sim mons. Governor McLean, ©wen D. Young, Josephus Daniel* and Claude Bowers. Far the most part./, (hey were cre dited with fraction* of dtlegete*. Co—Mi atUI to be beard from McDowell, Mitchell. , Montgomery, Swain and Washington—were not ex netted te change the relative standing of the contenting forces materially. The conventions, held In 99 county heats ware marked by spirited fight* In • great many instance*, report* lieer said Rut Wilson county was the only one in which a formal contest was filed. Hull forces in-control of the gathering elected a full ticket of 18 delegates pledged to the Tenness eean over the protect of Smith adher tnta. who'contended they were e»tlt led to f ve seat* on the basis of rela tive voting strength. The State convention la expected lo he called upon to settle the dispute. Although Smith trailed Hull lo the number of instructed delegates, W. B. Jones chairman of the Smith cam paign committee Issued a statement Uta tonight In which the claim was made that supporters of the New York governor would control the convention. “ ; £ fiJNto TROOPS ENTER PEKING PICKING. June 9 —(Jf*) —(By Naval Radio Delayed)—S i]t thousand Shanal troops under the command of General Shang CheW entered Peking Saturday night. I Court Session This Morning To End Case Against White After contlulng Id session until about 1 o'clock this morning Wayne County Superior Court hearing the cage of Jamas White, nlgro charged with the murder of hla daughter Ver meil 'Vhtte. waa adjourned until 9 o'clock this morning. Solictor Claw son William* has yet to make the dosing address for the State and Judge R A. Nunn to charge th,e Jury- S o Pprnar for a moment aalxad tha courtroom yfltierday morning as Am-j ells White co-defendant with hex hus band, fell suddenly In * dead faint, her body stiffly rigid. She lays for sometime In a state of coma. Physi cians said that It would probably he Impossible for her to continue In the, trial and after a consultation. Hugh ! Dortch, her attorney, .entered a plea I for her (If guilty of murder In the secoqd degree The plea waa aCk'pted by Solicitor Williams hut aentenca r had not been passed by Judge Nunn when court recessed early todky. | 9 * ‘X P . 2nd Newsome Heiring Mon. i Wayne County Essay Winner - * m . kiss INEZ DA YIN ° Miss Inez Davtg of bur ska was de clared chamfßorf In Essay Contest in Wayne County with S9o competing from seven communities. The subject of the Essay bplng "Cooperative Mar koapig as It Affects Thq Cottpn F*Hm or.” The contest was sponsored by tha American Cotton Grower* Exchange. Memphis. Tenn. And the North Caro lina Cotlon Growers Cooperative Mar keting Association. Raleigh. N. C. I srnißiij ' «gß>' r tr—rw C•. rtt: /?' :sz-jz. Tornado Rips Through Section of Arkansas LITTIJO ROCK. Ark, June !»—<AP) —A tornado In Northeastern Arkan sas Injurln gthree persons and scor ing heavy damage was the climax of rain and wind storm* which swept the northern and central sections of tha state today. 9 W '■ ■■ i Sergeant Run Down And Killed By Auto CHATTAN4KKIA. Tenn., June 9 lAA —Sergeant Henry Wl*<, 6th Cal vury waa killed today at Fort Dgle thfnpe whfn struck hy an automobile driven hy the wife of Private Jones. Wise was marhlng a detail of troops along a post road wß<-n run down. An Investigation was ordered py liar y authorities. Bishop Guerry Died Early Last Night CHARI.CHT'O.N, 8. C. June * -(/P) Rlahop William .9*. Guerry, who waa rhot and seriously wounded by the Rc*r J. E. Woodward. Monday died i at 9:36 tonight. . . The SUte has Introduced numerous witnesses who testified Jo Inhuman treatment of Vermeil White at the Maud* of James and Amelia White. The'fitght session got stgrted at 7:30 p )m. and was featured hy Jam (* Whirr taking the-stgud Imhla »w* behalf. He denied categorically the charges made against him He did ad- ; mlt, -however, beating Vermeil on the morning of Easter Monday. The child, h( said had gone to' Sunday school i !the day before with her s**T> mother. Amelia, and had so misbehaved that she had Us bring her home. White laid For this, he told the court, he promised her a healing Monday morn log and gave It 1o her He denle<|g|ltAt 0 he had applied a terribly burning lini ment to the wound* following the (mating. Roscoe Hu tier, representing James White, rojight to show through Ihe .testimony of Dr. W. C. Unvtlle as j an expert that the emaciation of th* I— . (Continued on page S) GOLDSBORO, N. C. SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 10, 192 M 4 WILLBECALLED IN CHATHAM CO. 1 Nalinnal Guard Infantry mail and Machine Gunner* Will Move Ta Protact Court. 0 Infantrymen and machine fanners wtll may* on Ptttsboro Monday morn- Itg to prelect Eafpy Newsome vfy* a, county negr*. wlimgoba on trUjnhert Monday far hla llfeVMur-tluirg* of murdering llttto Beulah Tedder, 14- year old Wayne County girl, whoae lifeless sad knife harked body was found In a clamp of bushes near bar home laat December. The authorities art not expactlng a repetition of tha affitr that took place In the Wayna County Superior f ourt laat December, when Newsom* was first tried, but they are taking precautions. * 1 * 4 - ‘ Infantrymen from Company A. ,120th Infantry, and machine gunner* of the Durham Machine Gun Com pany. North Carolina National Guard, will be despatched early Monday morning lo Pfttaboro to guard against mob violence. Adjutant General J. Van B Malta said Saturday. Gqwt la lava Charge Prisoner Sheriff W . D. Grant, or Wayuy will !bn In chart* of tha prta*»er, it v learned yesterday, and he together with most of hla depaty force will he In Chatham for the. hearing as witnesses Depdttoa Gardner. Smith. Kornegay. Hales. Plainclothes Officer Rhode# aAd the Chief of Police Dor sey of Fremont will be called as yrit t’esxri for the atata. Dr. L. W. Cor l,att frill also ha called. A Chatham .county attorney will be appointed by the court to assist M B. iKiftln, Goldsboro attorney named by. Judge Grady at tha last trial, to asslat In defending Newsome. , Some thought laat nlgFf that the Whit* trial In prograa* In Wayne Superior court might run so late Igto Sunday night that the Chatham court might he delayed In gattlng under way with tho Newsom* r«ae Monday morning. Solicitor William*, however, bald that the hare would be erded In ample time for the Chatham court to be called at 9 o'clock Mon day mornlng v Ta l aa Regular Juror* No special ventre has been sum nioried lii Chatham. Solicitor Williams ►old. but the regular jury of thlrty-slx summoned for criminal court will be used. Solictor WllllsmiFhas been busy at odd moments the past week In re marshaling his evidence and the case should go forward with rapidty when once called M R. during the past week has *lao been In conference with a number of witnesses. Much interest was being manifest In the ran* yesterday gfd It la quite prq hable that several hilWdreJ Wayne county people will drive dally to .PilCsboro to follow the c*ae. The second trial »f Newsome was moved from Wayne Superior court to Chatham county court hecause It was reported. It was feared another ef fort might be made to lynch New some. At Ihe trial laat December t Judge H. A. Grady, presiding. Sheriff W D. Grant, of Wayne brandliinitd and fired gun* •« the ronrtronm when l relatives and friends of tha mulVered rtrl surged forward and tried to take Nawsome. / It wii largely because of this dis order that prevailed at Newsome'* ilrst conviction which occurred on Sunday, December IL' Inal that the Supreme court granted him a new i trial. Aa»ocl*t* Juatlcn B. J. Brogden | holding that the disorder precluded a (fair trial for the defendant General Mett* said that about fifty guardsmen would be aent to Pfttaboro , to protect Newsome "We are not «a (Con'tinned On P*s* Four) ' , ■ an 1 ' r:" - • O' > Will DDotcs Carol ' HP Jfl Ur':". t wlr f ’J'-' w /,tj Patience ha* ceaaed to be a vir tue with the former Prince** Helene of Greece, and the mother of the boy king of Ro mania ha* announced she will J seek a divorce from the «► ferown Priece Carol. _ AYCOCK WINS aUB CX)NTEST 45,000 Penirie Attend Coatama ity Club Meetings in 11 Centera Pant B—S> -»- • a 4> Aycock. community club wink th* mammoth silver loving°cup for hav lug turned In the best rsoord In at tendanca during the eight month* competition just (omplated, Frank Jones, chalrmvn of the ataertac com mil tee revealed yesterday. Aynock had an average of 144 percent of tb* school census ej ihe community at the laat month of competltian. Indian Springs wqa a close runnemp for the cup and Smith’s chapal was la thfrd place. ’ During the eight months of the com petition a total of 45,000 people at tended the 192 meetings held la the 12 clubs competing for tb* cap. Last rear, 26.000 people attended meetings, showing an increase of 20,000 during th* past season. The program h*a been *ucc*uafully financed and at the and of the ueaa*n the steering rqmmlttee reported (Continued on page I) May Provide Free Rides For Kiddies to Park Playground A new playground fealnre which promises more delightful recreation to the chlldm of Oe|dsb«ro than h over yet been offered them hr new hi lug worked out by Mr. Roy Parker, Superintendent of Streets and Parks, and the playground committee, ac cording to an, announcement by R. C. Roblnaon. director of the Memorial CommosHy Building. ~ ft I* a project which. If surceee (plly carried 4ut, will make It poeal hie for practically every boy and girl In the city to take dally (rips td Her man Park where they will have,the privilege of playing under th* direc tion of trained leaders; where they will have th* freedom of the excellent ty equipped play area to awing or do as they like—where. In fact, they may recreate as thalr whihaa d'etate. It I* Mr. Parker'* Idea. Be to ' tone to have the children of tb* city enjoy th* park which baa h»en *o well supplied with attraction* far them He plan* to mn a trailer to th* t ° ; —■ <2 FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY i ’ Senator Simmons Is • • - Endorsed Roundly By Wayne Co. Convention ,77' V ~aiTTT~ ' ■ tat Wayne Delegates State Convention msmmmmmmngmmnmmmsmsmmsmnmmmnmmsmmsmmmmmmmmm The following are th* delegatee named' at the couaty convention heru yesterday: Fevering Uavurwer At Bmttk Delegate*—(to*. K. Freeman. Mrs N. W ‘Outlaw, r. B. Aycock. R. H Edwards. J. F. Thomson. Thomas G'Berry. B B Lae. Alternate*— M R. Bobtneon. Jr . Hugh Dortch. F. K. Borden. Sr . S. > Teague. Mrs. C. B Wlljdna. K ,L. Herring. D. H. Bland. Favoring Jndg* ferdoH H*U Delegates—J D. Lqsgston, W, B. Allan. D. C. Humphrey, Clntborn* Royal), V. M. Gllllkln. kfra. Ben t'ampen, Mr*. J. R Raper. A. Humphrey, W B. Leßoy, LA. Raney. M T. Dickinson. J. R. Aycock, Frank Peels, W. E. Lewi*, l. A. Best, K A. Stevens. B. D. Ham. F. B. Dan iel*. Alternates- W F. Tojrlor. W. H Langston. Wyatt Blak*. Dr W H ©nbh. Mrs M. R. Jones, Mrs. J. D. -Daniels. Ben Cseey. D*v* Ovsnpau. E. N. Ricks. J. L Crawford. F. B McKmne a J Martin. W. J Hawaii. Mrs. O. A. Norwood, Dr W.O. Sut- Von. r M. Johnson, W F Moor*. 0. A. Yelverian. ■ TWO KILLED IN TOM ABO WICHITA. Kane.. Jans 9—Two are deed five more or Ice* seriously Injur ed and many slightly Injured as a re sult of a tornado which struck near Caldwell, Kansas Frdtay midnight, nc cording to delaped reports reaching here Saturday. • j— m i »«■ .—jr; Dees Heads Wayne Democratic Party W A, Deea. native of Wayne and well known Goldsboro attor ney. will direct the activities on the LamocraU «»f Wayne county this Year. Chairmen of th# precinct con vent Inns of the party moating yaa jerday following the County Cwu ventlon received with regrets tb* resignation of Cot George K. Free man who has been chairman past year, and circled Mr Dees to fill Ihe vacancy. George Vann wa* al erted secretary. i different sections, primarily tboot i parts where children not bloosed with conveniences of pley space and i opportunities for deserved pleasure i live, gathering up the boys end girts , *nd carry them to the park and t*7 turning them home after they have had their fill of play. <r ; This will virtually briny the fine*! playground in North Carolina right U their doors. The trailer wilt he - clean; theer will bp competent meg I In charge of It Once kt th* park there wtll befiiratned directors to taka > charge (V the children and organise them Into play groups. All aorta of ' games, such as baseball, qootts, pitch ! ing horseshoes, race*, relays, chock i era, ring games, singing games, fol^ 1 games, and th* ifEw wflf W oa tb* dblly programs. Then too there' Is that fin* let of ’ swing*, sea-sawe, 'giant strides. 4fl > other pieces of equipment on which ■ will he th* added pleasure of th* opt i (Continued on Page Three) '7"~ ft ■» , " w»wi ,i, iiy 11 ,i» ipi ii. i iiijipp MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIT* CHfll Judge Hull Gpla 18 ftptngaUp U State CmvmMm th 7 For 8«llk favor a a nummsT AH HOUSTON DELEGATE c,^»a%r - ----- O % .- • 5 Way** county Plata? a*P hP* to? Smut r. H Simona, tar o*r*U Hull of Taansaaaa an* strongly aialnst Qonraor A! MU of Hpp York CHy. Than* fact* arm prom* bayOa* * donbt la tha Warns DomoersMs ana rantl*a kaM at tha Memorial tarn muaHy BuiMtot yiauriny ■Amt— which raaalta* la aauktuc H Mant ra tar Judp* Hall U» tha Utata hanran tloa an* T dslapatss to* Oorsraar Smith of Haw TOrk. . t , * This dlrUloo of tha M <atap*>na tha roomy la *ntltM to tin atatf coaraatioa la Ralalph nast TpfSday waa proportioned r upon a af*w *1 •traatth la tha manta tea lar aaah candidate. TW» ahour .f Strnapth waa called far hy Saaatar Keaeth O ttoyoll an* tad lasted 1W | | rataa for I rota* tor tha^^^^gMMML pates war* raorn^M^Tram tha Meow poratc* towns of Mm eonatft * ttf strictly mini praotnau manfly indication aaU* fronts final tha New Yorkar. y. * With a ronaint ERlrnf npproml from all Hall aapporta* an* (ram tha majority of tha Smith jiff taa a ranolntlon oadoralnp Soaator 9. M. S«mm#na a* national commltitaman waa naanlmonaly sdoptSJ. Thin rd aolnUoa was offsro* byOol. John n of Coldaboro wh* primps* iha raaolnthm with an #|Of***t a** m*rlnp tribal* for tha lhaiar lina i»r who baa for an lons raprpeeasad . hi* *tat* and natloa wWt. sodh dla* tiartfoa. Tha conraattoa show** how ft fHt toward Roast or StmmnPa hy appfor- » lap Col. Laagstoa'a rWlnthm as fallow*: * ' Whoraaa. tha Santa Sonata, from North Carolina, ruralfold M- ita moas. ha* for ttfrfy yanr* wt*h wisdom, oinrasa. alasst llf r tuSatar. seal and f*r**tpbt labored an* snarl' r ead to *afapaard tha IdtaaaU as hi# *t*t* aad nstloa. sad la an data* has praatiy r a ban cad tha prsstlp* as his party la th* stats aad Mattoa. an* Wheraaa. It la tha dastra as tha Oomocrary of Wayaa aonnty tha* thla a root aarraat of his patty, stats and nation shall ha hoaorad wh—sir ap portonlty ariaos to da hlaa Now. tharataa. la K Stool rad. that tfce Doarararrsey of Warns ooaaty ta coaraatloß aaatmhlad. aadaraa ■ana tor ruraHoM M. Slntmoa* for Mattoa al ( ommittramaa far tha aa*t ensatnp foor yaaro aad InstrmU Ha detonates to tha Ptst* coarantlon an Jana MS 1?*« to taa and work aasMaaPaiy ta accordant* with this ahPoraaafaat Ramyhroy far FalMaal Don. Ci Hamyhr*y. pr*mtaaat at torn *y who ha* acted aa maaa*ar far Hilil ta th* roaaty, wtH ha fsAwsJ by Hull datapatas from Warns aa saa of th* two dtlagato* from tha district to th* National can root too at Bsastoa this bsina decided t»y too c°n*sattoa In an amended motion proaaatod by Col. Langston. Th# lattsr jworad #t first that th* Mir* Wayaa atraapth of 26 rot*n rot# solidly to» ■*y as national d*l«pat*a la tha erant the district caucu* Indicat** that tni Conpr**sm*a from TaMssaea hai a ' (Continued 00 Plfi Three)

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