1 WEATHER Fslr m 4 slight oooler mdey. •Mirti? fair, followed by Ikwto ko \ p VOLUME SEVEN: NUMBER 94 _m ' ™ Lowden Withdraws His Name As Farm Relief Plank Not to Liking CmtmUm Staves 20-Minute ' Deaeeuatration When Hoov .. er’e Name Put ' EQUALIZATION FEE 18 OUBTED FROM PLATFORM 17 a# North CaroHua’a Veteu Are Cast For Cow«orce Sec re tally CONVENTION HAUjKinw. City. Jane li—OPV— Herbert Hoover wee rboeea tonight aa tbe Republican no mtoee tor president. A single roll coll In tbe Notional convention told wltn impressive finality tbe story of his overwhelming victory against a unit ed field at rivals. •When North Carolina cast 17 of It* SO votes for Hoover, he had received a majority, and later his nomination was agade unanimous. A foregene conclusion ever since the convention met last Tuesday, his nomination quickly became • reality The final count the allied candidates ag ilnst him In complete route. -V The toIIOWiUT .telegrant wee sent to Mr. Hoover tonight by Senator Moses chairman of ths convention.: “Tb# Republican National Conven tion by a sweeping majority which baa since bqeu made .unanimous amid great enthusiasm has named you aa KS candidate tor the presidency in . jMI campaign No modoage of Infornu u t'oa which I have ever sent to anyone baa ever given me as much satlafsc tiou as this to you: I send it to you th tbe name of a united, enthusiastic and mlltant party organisation which has turned t# you as the inevitable leader In the ronteet which confront* as. ft la dot so much that we give you this nomination at that you nsw earned the right to It. Your training your equipment «nd above all. your character make yog the leader for whom the party has looked that there may be halting In }he progress of the Ihnlted States undqr policies for which you are warmlv approved bv the people and to which you .have contributed so much. The coavttlon •till in session, would apprecl its » mesaage from you and I hope that you may bn able speedily to send It to us.” levin Withdraw* CONVENTION HALL. KAMA* CinHlU-Ai the Republican con venOew met to cast the ballot aomlaat !pg Herbert HooVer tor the yrentd eacy tonight, former Oovernor Frank 0. Lowden of Illlaels. tbe chief can didate against him. withdraw hta name from consideration because he could ant accept as satisfactory (he administration farm relief plan wAt* ten today lato tbe party platform. Springing a real surprise tbe Cover tor authorised the reading of bt% withdrawal from the platform In tbe place of tbe • peach which was to h*ve been delivered placing him in nomlna tlon. The denouncement followed clue ely on a sqcond 20 minute demonstra tion fgr Hoover who Just previously had been placed in nomination. Mounting the platform Just aa the b>g Hoover racket waa dying out, Ot is F. Clean. Republican nominee tor the Senate In llHnota and the man who waa to have nominated Lowden announced bluntly that the former governor had authorised him to make the statement by which he released the delegates from Illinois and else where pledged to hlnu That the gov critbrs retirement did not mean tbe entire withdrawal es the field of allied candidalea against Hoover, however, became apparent a moment later when Will Wood of Indiana addreso ed the convention placing In nomina tion Senator Waiaon. Hoover took the convention by storm ea tbe delegatee gathered te ratify fomally their ejection of him aa tba party'! candidate tor tbe pram dency (OMtlnoed ea Page Sts.) THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IH THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. • « , «• . -ySrVyTjCSpiF'e T*T«Y'- - v © «, NOMINATED I ° * ■ * HERBERT HOOVER * CITY HEADS ~ GROUP THREE ■«* l- ~ v Btnte Department Education Is sues Cost Finding Statistics Foe Schools RALEIGH. June 14-(A*) —On the basis o! school attendance by Nortn ( e roil "a white children -In elemen tary grades, cost of alatrucOon U ow ; the Increase. The fciuti department of public in structs n today announced figures re vealing that in 1921 21. >3 S 3 a month would pay the evertge Instruction cost for each pupil In dally alien 1- mi.-c. while In 1920-27 tt took It m.iplk tor the same purpose. The cumber of pupils per teatber is nhiivit the same each year bo h cn rniollitu nt and attendance basts. Ih rs U an averaae of 3S pun's «a --• riled and 26 In attandancs te each tc tcher and principal employe I in c'emin’ory white schools of No*th Carolina, Bines this Is true .the de partment report said, the number rs pip'ls pet teacher has no besri.ig np on the Increase In cost of Inst ru-Mon. The per cent of enrollment In aver age dally attendance, however, has a direct relation to the rifle of Increase of cost per pupil In srdrage daily • ttehdance. This percentages has cllghtly Increased from 72.2 p. c. In 1922-13 to 79 0 p c. In 1923-27. This fact tqpded to alow up the Increase cost on the attendance basis, as compared. With the increase In cost per pupil enrolled In the rural school system. Tran slyvania ranked first In cost of In struction. the monthly per pupil enrolled being 13.71 and tor pupil in attendance. >5.44. Avery county stood at the bottom of the ranks with $2 09 and 12.32 Charlotte led Ihe city group 1 with IS 22 enrollment cost and fS 55 at tendance cost, followed In order by Winston Belem. Durham. Qreensboro. Raleigh.. Asheville, High Point and Wilmington. Goldsboro headed city Group 2. with 14.39 and >2.54 followed, by Relisbury, Gastonia. Wilson Elisabeth City. Concord, Kinston, Rocky Mt.,l Henderson and New Bent. In city group 3. Greenville led with 14.52, and >5.51 coats, followed by Fayetteville. Hickory. Reldsville. Tar boro. Btatesvllle. Hurllngton. Bmllh fleld. Moores villa, Mt Airy, Dunn. Roanoke Rapids, Islington, Washing ton. 'Morganton and Shelby . ('oat In Shelby school waa tno low est In the three city groups the fig ures being >3 IS on enrollment and 13.91 on attendance. QOLD6BORO, N. & FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE Ift, 1928 LAUNCH MOVEMENT ON BEHALF WEED MARKET Point erf Control ■ .. —.. ' - " whs BfIBMBH H jtt wk * Jfar ■ bW * «■ BL mW JH jRk -A M wL. MgH ' üßk 9* f ,■ ,'k ~ > w L Above is thoWn the spotker’g stund u the Kansas City auditorium, where the *nf»vorahle. • NOBILE PARTY ARE MAROONED Injariee Keep Tlraae Fro* Timv* ding and Radio Ttttn Story of Suffering KINO'S BAT. Spitsbergen, JIM 14 —UP)— Hop* that Oanaral Nobile and the fire man marooned with him an the lee near F"y»o Inland might he able t« make their way to eome bit of land In that etdatty weia dUelpet ed tonlght-^l •Word“Plfc* that due to injnrlee to General Nobile and Natala< Ceeclonl, motor chief, who suffered a broken lex when the dirigible craibed the party la unable to wore from tta present poeltion. General Nobile aaked far enow epectaelpa, enow ahoea, medlcluee end gum boota. Thla (let la eloquet of condltlone which Bb and hie com panion* are faring. It Indicates ttuu the glare of the nan on the enow haa affected their eyeaight and that heat haa aoftened the anow go that they auffer from wet feet. Polar beara hare rtaitad NoMle’a party but hare prered friendly, ehowlng nothing but cufloilty at the preaence of the caatnwaya. WOMAN CANT CQtIM HOarrcd. Juno 14— Mrd. Carlqtta Cockburn. of Los Angelea. Thureday waa atrlcken from th? recorda aa a claimant of the fire million dollar catate of the late Cotta Crabtree once "the darling of the American atage” Mr*. Cockburn. o*e of the leading figure* In the long battle orer the Crabtree mllllona, claimed to be a daughter of the late Annie Leoneld. of Seattle, and the late Jack Crabtree »f Tom but one. Arleone, the latter a brother of Lotta. To Hold Mass Meeting At Courthouse Tuesday June 19, at 8:15 P. N. BIGGER JOB FOR L 0. FONVIEIIE \ K V * M *Fir trie CaaMMUijr Demonstrated •MHO M mannas- at tbs Quids boro brepcb o t tbs fHrulUtt Gas snd Electric cosnn '»■ *** pest tbrss years, resulted yesterday is L. O. Wwvlslls bfHnt name! new business manager at all tbs ties es tbs,, big e*mpoay in KturtW. Goldsboro, New ism. Wash la* ten, brass sills snd Fayetteville. Mr. Eon visile's otfies will we !<► sstsd is Kinston but bs will continue to make OoMsboro bis borne. Hu will spend several days sseb month is tbs different towns when tbs Caro tins Oss ban ptelu. As now bnslissi sssssssr he «;U direct continual ramps igoe far •Jnsf business." In Its position,* «i» M in complete charge at press »top work tor properties mined pi Jl.**,- ees t it sms sbost s rear ago Ant K. Block wood combined tbs gns ptentt of Ooldsboro. New Bern. Klast*d, Orsenrllls end Fayetteville os tbs Csrolino One end Klsctrlc Company Tble company bos enrefnllf rbeeb*d its records dering tbs pent rear end being Impressed Vlth tbst nndsr Mr Vonrislls In Ooldsboro. selected bim for tbs pines of “now business” mono o * . gar. In snnanneing tbs appointment thy compssy gore ant tbs followle* elate menu "Mr. F*nvlelle bad snrssd tbs '•teem end confidence of the peoptd of Osldabors. snd ws cm spsnk tbs same for bim !» til osr ether prt>p*r ties, end neb the coopsrstioa of e|i onr consumers to tbg. end that the teat ssrrlcs may berendered b* our company. CIMbJMb C*JhMß*m flaUi T. Ed for Orocs will nocossd Mr. FVwviaile no manager here. Teeter day's New Bern Bun-Journal bed tbs follswlng article of Mr. Omcsi „ T. Mdgor Orocs, fer several more manager of tbs local plant end office of tbs Carolina Oas and Moctrtc com pany, has received notice of bis true* fer to Gelds boro, succeeding tbs moi£- •gsr there, who hke been promoted to soles manager for tbs district. Mr. Grace will leave tbs last of tb's er first of next wosk fer his now pnr. Mrs, Grace sad children are In Suffolk where they fore taken » few days ago by Mr. Groce beconse of tliaeea of tbolr little girl. They wtU join Mr. Grace in tbs Wayne tfj »ater. SUce coming to New Bern Mr. and Mrs. Orocs hove made 0 number oi friends. Mr. Orocs bos been active In the cofpmnnity'e activities and Is S member of tbs Rotary dob. « _— » ■■ .■■—b, bcmilh eltbr to amtic RIGA. Jens 14—Rttseloa Aviator Rlbnshkßi boarded the Soviet ice breaker Maligan off the Murmansk toast Thursday, said a dispatch from Leningrad. Me will Join tbs Nobile sir relief fleet when the Mallgou gets close enough to make eeaplane flight possible. __ rLART mtHAGID THOMLABVILLB. June 14— (API The Olen Anne PnnMl plant, operat ed by Thomanvllle Chair company, outelde tbs city Iho its. «■■ partially dearteyed by fire late this afternoon Half the butldlpg was destroyed Tbs lane will run into several Jrtoua and dollari. It Is understood. disect c l.Hstnaes ** |m ftkftm MKMftMM OR THE ABSOCIATRQ ] PRESS 'iF;'-’- •" i -A: o_.l price pim cam w,u p2LS£• c^ 9 ! km PpwMe »gt , TO BEND COMUfTTIETO TOBACCO ABBN. A, T. Orifiß Comfort Jens BV, te limed the es bnyew be dttwMdJbrthe Im cobibbalm thii «U * ■■ MH Hid, d t onTUblng efto!S preeenee of see* MdMB and pee feenfhnel man of G»i+tbsru at tho meeting, efforts will be «N« te bgfp farmers es the county seam M gad attend the gathering gad enpeeeb themselves an the eubieot . ’ ' The committee es the OlMflidil Sf deciding open the nmuer es tin m mmm fnw mHI mjmi ® aOe Bwwß BwelM M turn es the Assoc toUe* ea June rr*at Old Mat Comfort To* and deMc boro'e committee will be e* band. A. T. artffln. wee lost evening named chairman Sf lbs IliMlf and be will advise WRb the tebeeee interests of tho «Mgr hi iMedM the - . a 0-0— |! wn e-» —|g|bA rntmovniDip, if WN ifW MN IVni Tbs Importance es hgvttig GeMo* • boro riireniUiW ngpeer befhre this committee end pethten fir