WEATHER Fair I* ••*< Thundershower. la wot Thursday. Friday thunder abowar* .0 * ' 1 <>_-• VOLUME SBV BN ; NUMBER M * *- i f> l NOBILE PARTY LOCATED; TWO RESCUERS ARE LOST « - * ■ 4 ->■' 9 Wireless Aids Major Maddalena to Discover Ice Floe Prison Spot Drops IN PmiMi of FodMu gad 1 tUiMmm That Will Rollov. Bass wring Mm AMUNDSEN AND FRIBND MISSING FOR TWO DAYS Lift Norway Pori to Hoad For SoiUboraoo And Nothing Slmo Hoard From Them KING'S BAY. Spitsbergen. Jim N —(JPI-Th* barren Arctic fastness to night bad divulged tb* retreat of ala ■ten whe had dared It tout Ite white Ice clad reachee had awallowed twy more. „ General Umtoerto Nobile, chief of the lfclla and five of hlr (ref were fotutd on their Ice caht home tedey and given food and sup plies. but the veteren Mould Atuund aeu and Bene Gulldaud. who left ,T ro ut loe, Norway Monday for Hpltiber gen have hd»a leal for two daye with Httle or nothlug to Indicate where they might be. Ten othera also are loet. the three men who started afoot toward land after the )te|la crashed and the aeven who remained with tba dirigible and were borne away to the eaet when the gaa bag lightened by the loee of nine Os Ita crew reae again. Tbotigb tripe through the air In eearcto of the Nobile have been under ~ way tor aevorel daya by the Norwe - glana Captain Rlsar-Larseu and Lt. Holm, It remnlnad for ir fellow Ital ian. Malor Maddalena. In the sea plane Bavulia 66 finally to find G#n. Mobil* A» W reautt of carefully preer Hinged wtrelene algnallng Maddateng today reached them and dropped 50 peunda of food and auppliea by para chnte before returning to King's Bay. Meddalena’a discovery materially t Tightened the prospect of the Nobile greuj. They have discovered through the wtreleee how to bring the repeue i hip* and plants to them and they have food and suppllen now to llva on the lea flees indefinitely. Rescue they may now regard aa moat a matter of day*, and tea on the float should he I rtlativtly comfoetahle from now on. | , d 1 "■ 1 SMITH LEADERS REACH HOUSTON o Katabllali Headquarter* in Con- Ytntion City and Predict Early Nomination Smith . HOUBTON, Teaaa. June *o—250 for iheierrest of each participant in the lynching and sent a detail of Texas rangers to Join others assigned to duty for ths Demcratic national con vention. ° Storm* Cause Three More Death* And Damage Rises KANSAS CITY, June 20— t/P) Three more deaths »nd mllllous of dollars of property damage were add ed today to the toll taken by storms In the eouthhsrat since last Saturday. Tornadoer la,tin visited commenl tlrs In Oklahoma high wind* Mooti and hail scattered destruction In acc llona of Kansaa and Mlsaourip The three deaths reported today brought the total dead to 12 and mart than a score of names were added to the long Injured The Red Croaa reported 2,200 per son* homeless many of them destitute in four counties around Altua, Okli. where a tornado struck Saturday night. Damage In this aeA»lon was placed At 91,500.000 and Red Cross official* announced that 930,000 veoul te needed for emergency relief work Cota and tents were supplied by GOLDBBORO, M. C THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 21, 1928 W. H. WILLIAMSON IS LAID TO REST Mt. Olive Man Buried Yeatar day Morning In Maple Grove Cemetery 'Funeral services for W. Henry Williamson, who died Tuesday morn mg after ea lllueee of several months were held from the home near Mt. Olive yesterday morning at tan •*-’ clock, aud Interment wee made In Maple Grove Cemetery. Rev. W v M. Baker was lu charge of the services The deceased was the eon of H. O Williamson of Goldsboro, and * broth sr of Mrs. John D. Langston, of this city Other surviving relatives are: the widow, a s»n. Henry, of Reeky Mt.. four daughter*. Hilda, Kathleen, Mol lU and Rebecca Williamson, aud two brothers. Williamson of Ply mouth and John Williamson ot Ral *!gh. The active pall bearers were: H. M Cog, J. J. Whitehurst, J. K. 0l«- dings. F F. Butts, H. J Roberts, Geo. Lane, Jr, and John'feoyall. MARRIED TODAY AFTER 44 YEARS ENGAGEMENT CHICAGO, June 20.-(A*>- William L. Caption, 41, and Mrs. Nelli* R. Hanson, 60, who became engaged 44 yearn, ago. were married yesterday. Parental objection prevented their marriage as they had planned wheu both were young. The years went on and each were married to another. Cannon later was divorced, Mrs. Had eor's husband died. They met again, their broken en gagement was tenewed, and their marriage to aAch other solemnised yesterday. HD FIRMER INHERITS HIS FATHER'S ESTATE NBW YORK. June 20 (*)—Harry C. "Bud" cartoonist, reiritived , the entire estate of his father. Allen A. Fls ber. who died In 1026. accord ing to a transfer tai appraisal filed today. The net estate wea appraised at 9240.716. MINERS IN COIRT Athene, Ohio., June 30 —(4*1 —Re- cent clashes between non union coal jnlners aud union aympathlseri In the vicinity of Glouater h*d reunited today In the accumulation of case* against 100 persona, all of whom .v -V ; KTi' - v R*.., 1! it wn' ' I Bk i This picture radioed across the sea shows Mint Amelia Earhart, "Lady Lindv,” right, and her mechanic, Lost Gordon, left, in the cabin* of the"Friend»hip” just after they had landed at , - Llanelley, Wales, after blindly flying the Atlantic. I.M.U. I Zm. n . gI .—ZILZJZ.. ■ .... 7. .. f—n 7,1, -si-i„ni I Mist Earhart And Comrade* Are Now Thinking Os U.S.A. " T ' j ' ' o ' 0 , LONDON, June tO-HA*> The alr plep* Friendship. hp»il»*. «arr|**d through the success the mission Im plied by its name. Miss Earhart. Pilot Btq|tx and Mm-ltanlclsn Gordon to day turned their thoughts to limn,#. The trio planned to the continent for the week end visiting Amsterdam aud Paris, They will come back to England probably on Tuesday and take passage by steamer for America Wednesday or Thursday, The Dutch,, ulr line haa put a plane at the Americans' service sc*e problems, were among the things discussed at the monthly meet ing of the field division of the State Cooperative Cotton Association held here in the Wayne County Court house yrntrrdsy at 10:30 a m. The*# meetings are held each month Tu the districts, and are for the purpose of gpr4l.l r>ie nt (lurid faced and perspiring Tboee arrivlHg at the aeon# of tha * l Ism near Ift. OUead stepped from i heir care to hevo their oars mot with 'the strains of n Jaai orchoetra aad ilrnlr eyee grooted with the eight of two sections of sheds erected oapoc lully for tho occasion aad the coavao- Irnco of | be guests. fellnfffßf SO In spection of tho ptaat—PKshugh Leo, superintendent of the company"* prop • riles in Goldsboro heediej the Ooldt* boro delegation—that Included teach es suggesting n well gotten up e*de| affair. That the occasion hod boon elabor ately planned waa evident and avury ' possible detail bad been worked *Ot for the convenience of the. feeeu. The barbecue dinner with Mr. Oardaer and Mr. Seawall as speaker* aad with James H Poo. J. W Bailey, and A. P. Tillery also on the program ewdod tb* ceremonies Goldsboro men peasant for tka far ms! opening of tb* ptaat Included: Mr. Lee. local superintendent. Ken (Continued on fem few*