WEATHER Partly el*wdy wKh local I bunder - ■bww la the lauHor Friday >t U 4 Saturday ' VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 100 HOUSTON MAKING READY FOR DEMOCRATIC HOSTS * ’ 1, • « . Sf' . a <• O - A . Activity Is Confined In Main To Informal Conferences In City Hut Leaders of Convention Are Net Expected Arrive Until Last Moment SEN. ROBINSON WILL 0 BE MEETING CHAIRMAN Cordell Hull of Tennessee la Only Candidate On Field . AaYet HOUSTON, Texas. June 21— UP) WltU tuauy of the big. guna of tba party yet to arrive, the la»k minute dr.'ve to Un# up delegate* #r and sfx’ust Allred Smith in uext week a democratic convention waa held In übey«ur« today, with activity confined mortly to Informal conference* and Tn. end of circulating around la hate| lobbiea by leaders now on the ecene. . • \ tfbe tendency all around seemed to be to awutt the arrival of and or aome of the party strategists before any definite attempt should " l#e made to butdi up convetlon align ments that would result either In vie troy or defeat for tpe Njf.w York govd 0 Many big atkte delegations irom far dlatfnt points probably will not get Into Houston until the aye of the convention, which open,* Tuesday at noon In the Mammoth polllaeum built for the occasion and ,coruHr*! acve/al acres of ground. However moat of the big leaders are expected to be on the scene before the end of t.hq. week. Included „i*< tpia number are Senator ffded pf wnfiuri who Is the outstanding challenger b{ Smith aa the presidential nomine*, sn< Senator Robinson, Arhsnaaa who la slated to be permanent cbalrmstt of *th# convention, an honor wfclch lias come to him twice within eight yeaflfc£ The keynoter will be CUude O Dowers, New York newspaper editor and writer who will ctoms to the con vention as • delegate from the empire slate. ' 0 Os the half dosan men whose names bare been proposed ' foe nomina tion, only ona Cordell Hull si Ten nessee. Is now on tba ground. Ife explained that he came not can didate. although he has the'*»nUd en~ dorsement of the Democracy X oY his state bat as member of-the national - committee, to assist in arrangements for tba convention. FOUR CIVIL SUITS FILED On* Divorce Action end Three Routine Actions Instituted Here Four civil ■Wits have been file* re cently In th* office of clerk j. B Hooke three of them of nature end oae a divorce action. The J. R. Watklne Company and Corporation »iasftit C. J. Carr, B. V Carr, cod H , H. Hobbe. a anil for 91U?.25. with Intareat from Nov. 1. I*l7 ttlleged to be due on balance dee under contract and for goods aold. Fremont Oil Mill Co., va J. Edgar Rogue, gait,,tor IM.SB with Internet from. January 1, IM7,_ alleged to be due fpr good* purchased William Bryant va Metropolitan Ufa I nan ranee Company, aeeking Judge ment for the aum of |M per montn from Oct. 1. IMW with threat, remla aion of premiums paid alnce 192*. The allegation la that the plaintiff had a dlaabillty clauae la an insurance policy with the company, that he be came totally dlaabled In IWS, that toe company paid the monthly disability fee of »M to 19M and then atopped without cauae or though the disability had not been removed. Laura Grady Price agalngt Elwood Price, plaintiff aeeks dissolution of marriage vowa under grounds that abe was under age when »be ran away and wae marlred In 8. Carolina aad under around* that the defendant *a believed to have been at the time of marriage of unsound mentality. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ' , READ IN THB MORNING STOLE MINDS ARB FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY, . 9 , c * o Members Merchants Association To Meet . The membership sh Oo'td«- boro Merchants Aaaot-Hlon will me*' wt the assembly £»,•»*, ’•* ,l1 Goldsboro Uhamber of Commerce at )U :-C this morning. H 11. J*r kiut i aid sat of the at i * *•••» Will make a repoif of Inc recvii’. State con yen lion held In Bltuabeth r City, ether Items of lap'itance tn tho summer p.ogrant of •!»«. a*- uocla'i .n will be breagit; up oi.d a full ettendsuce ft urgml. SCOUT CAMP TO OPEN ON JHV2 4 • ■ I _ . b RcKistrati ns Already Coming bi For Encampment At ML Olive CountryCClueh e Camp Tuacarofa the B».y Scout Camp for all Scouts in Wayne, Johns ton. Duplin aiid : 8 unpsoii counties will open on July 2. The camp will be held thla year at the Mount Olive Country Club the •am* > Ui»'*tK»n as lost yoar. Heglstrations are coming In In headquarters In large number, and trout dll Indications, this is going to l>« the banner year of camping for 'Scouts In thiv district. IA worthwhile prrfg-ram baa been worked out by tba camping commit-’ tee and. a few of the things to be taught; are Indian ceremoijluls. han dicraft, wood carving, personal health public health, camping, sanitation, swimming, life saving, astronomy, elv 1 lea. and other physical and mental ac tylltles. \, - The groul leaders that have been ".elected thla year are: David Liles. Assistant Director, Marten Whltted, WBCretary, Clarence Peacock, Adjut ant, Oeorge Kdwards, Quartermaster. Spence, Bugler. These ScdStv #11) leave Coldaburo on the 28 to put the camp In ahape for the group that will arrive on Monday morning following. BASKKR ” APPROVED BV HOOfKK WABHIKOTON. Jun# it—<A*l j. H. Nutt, CMcweland banker, has been approved by Secretary Hoover, Repu blican presidential candidate aa treaa i-rer of the Republican National com mittee. It waa said here today Just be Tore the conference that waa to plan campaign details began. Phillipine Islands Send Representative To Reunion .WUh representatives prevent Irom points as widely separated at the Wooten CTan, bigger and better t’lai. ever, met four houndrod strong at Seven Springs yesterday !n annual reunion. Dr. William.l. Wooten of Greenville, was elected president; 8. A. V/.oten of Mt. Olive, first vice-president: Mrs Wooten (lulley of Clayton, second vice president; Miss Imogene Barrett W Durham, secretary; and D. F". Wootr.i treasurer. *• A permanent committee was cre ated to gather all historical data and facts relative to this famous family In the new world and to "edit' and print" a volume recounting the atorv. Mrs. Dalay Wooten Smith of Ra leigh, waa made chairman of the mu sic committee and at future family re unions, the occasion will be enlivened by the clan aonf. Council Wooten, oldest yet the moat young member Qf the clan. was pte- I sent for the occasion and defied the broiling aun to deliver a speech that | pleased the Womens mtghtOy and | stirred them to plenteous applsuse soy ffie grand old man of Mt Olive ! The election of a permanent core - luiltlee to work out and prtat the GOLDSBORO. N. C. FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 22, 1928 COOLIDGE HEARS BLIND PREACHER 4 BP fIE flMpriiL jnt fp** b SB II p| A: p • ■ Prtttident Coofidge listened attentively to tf»e sermon ot Rev. John Taylor (upper left with the President and the Kev. Dr. R. Ernst Bayes of Superior, Wit.), b ind pgstor of the Brule Congregational church, on the first Sunday of Governor Smith Believes Prohibition Provisions Should Be Amended In U.S. NEW YORK. June 21—Gover ror Smith declared tonight that he bad wot altered his previously slated belief that there ‘ sgriuld be Amend ment of the present piohlbithjt) pro visions.” The governor's statement was made •!n reply to written question present ed to him by a reporter of a local newspaper aa follows . Ml view of the question raised i.bout Norman Mark's statement, The World wishes to kuow: Hum you changed your belief there ah»uhl l*C amendment of the present prohtM tlon provisions ” SMITH MKN TO HID STO* i RALEIGH, June 21~<*V-A party consisting of m. H. Jones, who dir ected In the 8/illh for preedent i am* palgn In North Carollan. Jnmes Grif fin and Brantley Womble, Raleigh at torneys, and R. K- Powell, Washing - lon publicity n»n of the campaign, left here this morning for Houston and the national demouerattr conven tion family history, together with other work accomplished and the good time had by all. marked the occasion as one of the most constructive In all the history of Wooten family reunions. Bsyvlew resort, uear Washington, won the honor of entertaining the Wooten* for the next family reunlod) being selected over nominations from a half dozen <»f the resort spots in , Eastern North Carolina. Topping off the day's gathering, which • had started at 10 o'clock la the moinlhg. was a picnic dinner and one such a* the Seven Springs bid not seen since the days wh-u tne Indiana roamed through the *. .-tlon. Here, as in the other numbers on the day's program, the Wootens did them selves proud, their gastronomic feat it attesting the culinary arts of their housewives. , The representative from the Philip pines was Mr. Oliver, a brother of* Wooten Oliver ,of Mt Olive. Hairy Nettles, for eight years representative 1 fnire. Buncombe in the General A*-, aembly and now candidate for the] speakership pf the house jas present from Asheville. Mr. "Nettles manic,l Jf i j - Into the ramily, marrying a ddughfer of Dr. J. Y. Joyner. | hia nration, afterwards congratulating him upon ha discourse. Above at right i* Miss Elisabeth Terry, soloist of the church, who •ang for tha Preaident, and below the Presi dent's party arriving for the service*. ,"l have not," the Governor replied vi rholly with emjihsata aa thy uegs tie*. In m formal slateuiout leaned at Houston today. Norman E. Mack, na tional committeeman from New York, baa said thut "Governor Smith be- I'eves ftlat If *ny state desires a ccr tain alcoholic coutfnt beverage, that state has the right to determine that percant." He addvd that If a state wished to be wet It ehuuid aay so. Subsequently Mr, Mack explained that the views were tits «wn and lie TfAIRDRKSSERS ASSN. MEETS ConMider Ways of Improving PnofcHßion At Meeting Held At Hotel Goldnboro The monthly meeting of the North Carolina Hairdressers Association was held In Private dining room of the Hotel Goldsboro. Mra. Anne L. Burton proprietress of the Rose Beau ty shop was hostess of the aesiM-iatlon •add it was largely due to her efforts that the meeting proved to be the most successful and largest attend- 1 } of any held so far. 0 The speaker of the evening was Prof A. Clglr Sager k lecturer and beauty culture educator of not# re cently of New York and now in charge of the Southern -srhool of le-au ty vulture at Norfolk. Va., and affil iated with the K T Scott supply Co., of Norfolk. l*rof. Sager spoke of the advantages securing to the proses s'pti In other parts of the country -through organisation and cooperation rod suggested practical plana for Ilia • llmnatlon of evlla and' the securing of better conditions in this work. De lightful refreshments were served by Mrs. Burton and o>wry ou# expressed a great satisfaction with the success and value of this meeting. The next meeting will be held at the headquar ters of The Carolina Beauty Supply Co., Raleigh. N. C. July 2nd. The of ficers of this organisation are J. H. Brown, president. H. M. Horton, sec retary and treaeurer. Those attending were: J. H Brown, Brown’s Be*uly Shop. Raleigh; R M Horton Sir Wtl ! ter Beauty Shop, Raleigh; W. T tirade. Carollua Beauty Supply Co. , Ifaleigh; Mrs. 1,. A. Clary<*s. Ideal Beauty Shop. Wilson.; Thelma Torbert Ideal Beauty Shop. Wilson; Lillian | .’ones Ideal Beauty Hhop, Wilson; j faunle Cooper. Wilson Beauty Shop. did not speak for the New York Got ernor. Governor Smith was Infufmej IheLi Is a current report Ihnf In evens of hie nomination as prealdeiitlal candid ate be would resign as Gvoernor of the Stale of New York Mr. Bnillli , \> replied: , "There Is nothing to that." Asked If he would «ut;,< <t the a«in,* of a person for vice pretlden t'al nominee Ooveruor Hiiilth replied 5, « ' ”Tli»t is aomeililng ts,ye, *lll have lo work out down there. Collec tive Judgment la always the but, < -t r rr- . IHKRMOHRYKK 4T #2 IN KU.KH.H WKtINKttBAV RAUEKJH. JOTieTl \A‘) Hi a<i(lfi| >2 drtrees In mid afternoon, hunt temperature fur the awund successive d«y established • new Hlkli mark for IftSf. It reached >1 yeaterday. Weath «.r Htirvsu suUtorltlei predh ted I >w rr irmpcjsiuies toulsht with linJica tinna of a atorm. PKINCKMM HKU'A ItIVOIM Kll BUOIIAHKHT. Kum:ilil«, June .’I ,/Hl—The l>u« harem court* ha*v* 6 . * O'* grunted a oivnrca to Hrlnceas Helen from li'nre Carol. former <r«wi ■ .. . n * prime of '(tun unlit > Digging Foundations For Montgomery-Ward Building Montgomery - Ward, tuu tonally t.uuwo merchandise .organization, will (><■«'upy m brick structure In be erected on John street, Jun south of the oar barn of the A. li. Motor root patty. Various rrportH, rumors, ;yidAll*‘u . r lona aa to what had !»*■' the I lan for a tloldsltoro brain It "f Hi'' •tore ware reel when exeat* . Hon work wan started for (hi* slur* on Koulb John afreet. It will h • u two-atory brick affair nod will ta * r on John atreet. There la no tr*|h t, » In the report! that the structure I ill face on Mulberrjy -atreet ll wot hum ad. J. W. Jones la supervising the «■& ravatl»n work, hut Mr Jones nowlA not be reached last even Inn for *a statement. Tin- exmvuilou Work I now several feet down. u The property where excavations arc /ring forward la that of Mis- Bn I a Hizsell and Miaa Mantle llizxell. by The New* lagt cronlns -fwe Information regvdlng the 'bill'd, mg the MUses Itizzell confirmed the report that It be occupied by Republicans Make Work ■» National Chairman For Campaign Now liuOffing Will Nairn Tobacco Committee Thip P. M. Th« ilk ciminiUeeat *lv mr.i i, vigil *, minlttee. who wl I '?ai;va*‘ tlotdwbo,- and I'.irja of *U> c ,o».ty 111 lilt! lilt. I' II Ilf M CIH t‘l ~, 1.1 uit Jlvldeh siipjeiti ol the tehV<« m irk. Ib'»* »ar w ii) l>. u«'i-»i.'>cq <ll llllr <fU»rU«KWI, II »«« VtUl'd y«* It *May. Tlie conunlttm* will vinndsy irtornlHß at oV'n« l*r tbc officej/ot t'oatwierce to blntk out tl»s city Into districts, for pmp r canvas* ‘3 i NETTLES SEEKS SPEAKERSHIP Itfl From Buncombe Hayr - llk Time Speakership Went Wait Attain Harry Nettle,-. pr*'t»lne!n Aalwvlllc rtikea anil for the p.M| eight years ciin* »f <iui representatives i'i>* lluiKHnie 1b the Oenwtal Aaasmhly u seeking the speakership of the Him**' in the Kimlii* assstan. Tb|» he revealed while lu the pity yester day *h route to ftevcn Spring* where hr attiMnl. il th* Wnot*-n re,union. "tt’* been way hark lu ISttl slue* BunedHlba had |h* sp> skerehlp". salts Mr. Netftaa. ~4Wt th- folkm up ml* . way holleyc I liar It* ulmiit our time j to have It again." l’h»rr Pf Mecklenburg *■* *pea|- it of th.*''lions* four yearn »g« .«n«1 It. T I'uuiiialii or HiKAy Mount, r* unity nominated as l.lctilemnt (lot ninor th** Hcfnnrrats. was speaker at the last session. Accompanying Mr Nettles on his trip to Coldshort! was l»r. J. V, JftJTr net, (armor superintendent us the state system of education. IHI'l l'Y HIIOT ‘ IIAIKICH, June 21 4/l«) Waka county authorities tonight continued fhatr efforts to clear op a uiysterlous •hi tiding in t lie Hliatnkalt sortion 1 when thiee tieputles sheriffs wore fir *4 up«ii liy unknown parties, lielleved to have h.*t.ii rum rpmier*. J jrf; \ KMV I’KAIIIKM, IHMtKIKM l> VI,Iit.IIIKY (OINTY HI*AHTA, June 21— lloporis from various - Actions ofllie county lmll cate that htere art* mil many pearlies and cherries In tlo« county this yon? However apple* will be - pleniifut tin lees Something unforeseen happens ,t<» i Ihcm In the future. M .iilK"«nfcry Wf rd. lull * *ld Hi'y h*n nifc furtlmr Informalion, to klvc out »t picvnnt. They st*tcd, however tffki 'in. hul'ihtiK would front only "n foilu and would tic two stories high. It..ports given out in |(u- city last winter had h< eti to the effect that the ri inpaiiy had wcenr* d the site at Wal nut und Jeniis street f»r u store. I’lunri had’enne to su<-h extent that or . 1*1i... ih ilfswrn •< li nJ !*<•-n completed for the '.it*-, it was aid. Hut this mat, iir never materialised uml the first definite information ohl'hiuhUi c»me -terday «.Im ii exi rivoiiy; ‘ub South John it».<t wui cunffratKl as being •ol i liuilillilK for 110- Montgomery- Ward pcopfe. Is>< itll.en.of i » t i»rc In H in connection with placing rvti.n Mores In a number of the '(’ties of the United Ktaten. The company has gbiiw Ipall* known ai u in'll! or dor house, hut within bront immthi, tins < ntered th" sctnil field. In North f'andlna stores have hccu opcu «d In It.ilctgh and planned for flrrens hors, Charlotte, and other points. i MEMBER Of] THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICK FIVE CENTS Will Keniim I*hue in Cabin* An Interior Secretary by End * Os Month COMMITTEE MEETS TO TAJJt OVER ITH PROGRAM A...■» Herbert Hoover Not Yol UoeWed W hen Hr Will Give Up HU l‘ujt In Cabinet »o' ,J ' 'm*m*"***"+ g WUHI!INOT«N, June Jl— It.puhlicsu Cdfcpuigii has It unced today la Washington under the personal snpervltlsa’ of Bscrstsry Hooker wnd Hewatnr thirtls. Its prssl denttul and vtoo presldaaflat oomta eea. A aronp oft went yf any members of the iiwrtouat commltts# met th* caadt ilstcM and In an entknslasMo aasatoa itlfted ths slats of eodunittM oM cers presentad to thsai and juHhorls tti the first steps I* ths cam pal* a -Hwbafi Work,, aacrslary of, ths In terior wax Stectsdf ustnmal chainaas and annonnesd that his rest*nation from the cabinet would ha Prsssntsd in I’resident Cohlldgs befur# tbs sail of tbs month. Chairman Work anaoubesd that ths cat rat qampalftu headquarters Would hs opened tn Ws*hlu*tm» but that sa Kastern headquarters would bo ops* i d lu New York and a Wrsyrn head nunrtsni at CMcaao. ’ v > that tbs rommtttss had temporarily Hecrkary Wsrb also .mads public srranßsd t«r tbs formal notification d Hecretary Hoover of bta nomlas- t. kb. rato’ima'twMMM “* July while Benatijr Curtiss will bs nut If led at Topsia. ! Sec ret ray Hoover declined to malm my annouiuwatent sf Ms plans or a* to the time of his rsstguaUon from the cabinet. **l will make a speech some dap”, he said, ‘ and then say what I want bi charey to the WHsra." —— ;!»r r ( WILL CONSIDER GAME REFUGES Eastern North Carolina Bln tod To (Jet Three Undee De partment Plans He finite action |s expected to be tnkeii on the proposed swtabUabmsaP of several gam* refuge# at a gt eating pi Ihe state board of conservation aad dcre|opment at Kalsigh on Joaq, says <« ‘A. MtoollT deputy tauM copuala sloner. . , ?* Hefußo establishment proposals from several parts «f ll»s"Rit# ars nthonx thoaa t|)»P- face tbs board for disposal at the .cumin* . uwattug. Anjtn* these are two that burs boon i.pptoved by tbs game committee, one in Hinke* county and tho other oa M t tonal forest lands in Tramylranla county. rro|i*sl|ioos for the creation of rs fi|kcs lu at least thru* eastern North Carolina counties according ts dlrec tor VVnde H l’hilllps. will also bn considered. These Include areas Ta llruttswlck county near Wilmington, one In Oaten county, and, another near (Irlmeslsnd. This meeting of the board has been railed especially to consider '-TKlu* mailers and to plan administration npd regulattoo details far next y«o*. VA. DELEGATES UNINSTRUCTED HpmocralN of Old Dominion En durw i sth Amendment Os Const iliition lIOANOKK, June 21 (At—Th* Vh jdnla IVnuHTsilc convsnlton ended * tiHrmonlou.i session at 6 o’clock ttlxht by adopting a platf«rm tng Vrafl and corruption in govsrd ment the prtnctpal leans tn th* com t"R iiatiiipal election and naming *•- liisirurdcd delegstlona to cast thq ■ talc s 2t votes at Houston.

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