WEATHER Loeai ikovtra u 4 thuaderstorr. t Tuesday Wednesday partly cloudy Not uck chut* to temperature. VOLUME SEVEN; NyMBER 10S DEMOCRATIC CON. AT HOUSTON AT NOON TODAY Selection Ot Smith Certain MaaafW* of Now York Goreroor However, Am Making No Brnggari Claims FAVORITE SONS WILL * HAVE FIRST CHANCE Convention Will Convene At Noon and Claode Bowers Makr Keynote Tonight HOUSTON, Turn. June 26 - With *;n on • handful of favprlt* ii U and doubtful delegations. De mocratic party chief* and tha man um"’ of tha various prealdenllal candidate* today aaada tbalr Juvt die; fora convention aurvayaa. mo*t of men convinced Bmlth of New York had pianly of vote* In sight tq win " *ba no® Inal lon Delegation caucuses got and* way . kinring tha day. but many of the® bad no direct bearing on candldacle* an the line of the delegate* previously had been determined. Fro® none leak Inga, however, leaders expected Ir get a definite line fro® nncom mltteed delegates on Juat what vote Smith would pole on the first ballot ImQ today that still waa In doubt, r Hbo ugh tha New Yorker’s support, era cohtlnuad to spread tha word that nothing now could atop him that ts It wasn't Smith on the first ballot It would bo on tha second. In contmct with the usual practice of making claims on the eve of natl iorfal conventions, Oovernor Smith's managers stuck to tbelr policy of saying little. They declared posltl valy that their man had “morn than ««> vote#** WKh 733.13 needed to ne mln ttr but declined to go ,'urthkr than that. £ To all appearances the Smith lead' era appeared to he mating no effort* to force a first ballot nomination, «eemfni!'l?ontsnt to put over their candidates after the favorite sons bed had full opportunity to show their strength. Th«y continued to ehrug shouldars at effort* of tha opposition to h#»d off the governor* nomination, plain tly confidnt that auch ocClvity would let their foea nowhere. Although no definite claim* of atre gth cam* from the official head quarters of the Icadtng candidate*, many of Smith's lieutenants mad<\ whit they said wore accufate t»bu latlone which showed that he wa* above the 700 mark In sure fire del* gates. UGHTSESSION COUNTY COURT ■ j.l Collector for Credit Store Found Guilty of Simple Trespass That E. M Padgett, collector for a local credit store, used means tc strenuous undur thq circumstance* In an effort ip collect the weekly pittance on purchases made by one customer. the court agreed yesterday end fined him 320 and one-half the q «cats for simple treepas*. The proa* cutlng vMtneaa, a woman. Instated, that Padgett threatened here and •oid her he waa gotn to have her locked up by the officers. J. -W. Sadler, special night pollen man. waa arraigned at the a»mr time with Mr. Padgett. Judgement was suspended a* to the letter. Padgett gave notice of appeal to Superior fourt and bbn? wa* t’*®* l at 91M, Ray Howard was found guilty of i.ot ♦roperly providing for hla wife but Judgemsnt was continued until r ;..July • upon payment of coat*. Jeasl* Browd took |4 I*. the courl found, aud benaded out aa aeutence o* the coat* and withheld figrther sentence upon good behaviour for ,12 .month*. Kid Shine, alia* Georg# Fisher, got money through fraud and for It he got ninety day* on the road. Ethel Newkirk was the prosecuting witness against Ethel Tyaon for a* saalt. Nat guilty wa* tha verdict of lbs court THE GOEDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING IVHILE MINDS ABB FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BIOL ’ '■ - ■ ' ■•■ ' , V , / • * * V .ad’'' ■ v. - I’. . » . ft' v-.ii *> m 5 • WHERE THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION MEETS TODAY ■ j . ' r , f '? ■■■K' . -r ■■ r' ■■ 1 ii# # ( | | 9 Jl j „ XfTI j ffl NLJ . .1. V. % | I | m j fit I • • a * Jrm I ' ■ ? WAfm u I fFUk. e?v ■gsae.m’ .f ■ l w l J | rjf ij j i. Lai v f 11' IXEIX9MSIjT IB Ml JL I It l riiHviiSKMf; - - - » i I mair dff V tUdwf rirMw ul jMMmh kMmMHnEHs IB J& FI i>au6il uißgfa 1 ■ D r I vbmbi ras wv » r wm» i ■ to niygf nmi mi vj ib viih si wav t, i r ib ■ssbii ■* .nf tu,' I’IILIIfIS Tf'Kfl Mi'W ■ '1 It *1 » wymT |A|| | |pOM || wm II UjMK f s §1 r gjjjl Jpi I? rw* mm /j■ Jj- ijk |H - A 1 1 J - ... M .*iW» B . -3Kb Ty 9L|f IT T1 u ft ' The C-olliueum, Houston, Texas, elected for Convention * Bowers Keynote Speech This Evening HOUSTON. Tex , June 25.-<*») —Op covering at noon the democratic national convention after the make-up of various com mKlae-i ha* been announced, wll’ rsetM unlll 7 p m central stand ard tin.*. Shortly if ■*• that hotfr. Claude G. bower*, aa temporary chairman, wtlf deliver h'.'i keynote address. The original first day schedule had called for Bowers >o . speak shortly after noon tomorrow, but a meeting of (he democratic national committee today it was dec alec, to delay th£ apeech until evenlna to insure better radio distribution. MAN ATTACKED THEN ROBBED NcgnocH Held for Highway Rob bery After Sunday Morn ing Stick-Up Willie Henderson ais Johnnie Henderaon, Negroes, are held In the city jail charged with highway rob bery and Robert Burch, and Harvey Vhirchlnson are held aud charged *ith aiding and abetlng as the out trowth of the hold-up of John B>ew- Dt, whit* man o"u North Greeulesf •treet early Sunday morning. The Negro** will be given a hearing In •Ity court today. It ts eipected, Stewart slopped hi* car ai the store of Allas Coley, U ws# learned tnd west Inside, As he t ame out he vaa knocked do*n by, Willie Mender ion and the latter with others set ' ipon the felled man aud robbed him A Mr Harues who had been -ccompanylng Stewart was repreasnt d as coming to hi* aid: and he*tupl|n County Authorities «o i ■■■ i ... After being held here for several hour* upon a call from Duplin county. A. K. Merritt and J. B. Johnson, of Magnolia. were freed hy Sheriff W. D. Grant yesterday afternoon. They had been arrested when a call from Duplin county askad that they be taken into cuatody on a c hurge of ilKMitiui into the automobile of Joel Lewis of Mt. Olive. The men were arrested here yester day morning and held until after noon. Sheriff Grant aud Ilia deputlea had questioned them rloaely and 'hey denied having shot at larwls o- hi* car. No one ruining from Dup'.iu au thorities to axk their arrest, Hhcrlff Grant yesterday afternoon a'lowed them to go. | Several hours later Mr. Lewis came In person to the sheriff's office asking about the men The latter was quoted as saying that the Magnolia men.hail fired a load of shot through hla wind- I shield. MISSISSIPPI DVKi: BKItkS MEMPHIS, Tenn., June 2&.—W) —A ; privately owned levee on the Mfaals , »*PPi river at Luxura, Ark., broke late today, reports here to the Mississippi commission said: Approximately 1.100 teres had been Inundated at ft: 15 p. m.' GOLDSBORO, N. GTUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 26. 1928 I roft-Hpringed ambulance would ag gravate the flow of blood, they said So they set about stopping the flow, But Sunday (%■ life which for fit ly yeprs had been given to building and accomplishing departed. * From the home at 2 o'clock yester day afternoon funeral services were held by Rev. J. W. Gardner and (iff. W. B. Carter, of the Primitive B*UH l st church, the faith of the deceased were Incharge of services. The widow, three brothers, tbreq eisters, and ten children survive. The brothers are w. D Bartlett of High Point; U O. Bartlett of tPikeVllle township and Fred Bartlett of Golds, boro. •£he sisters: Mr*. Willie Pelt, Mrs. C. A- Jackson, and Mrs. Richard liar*. The children: Milton, Jaraex. Hub ert, I.oyd, Marion. Jess* Linc.olu and Utah .Bartlett, and Misses Kula und Martha Bartlett ; •> DR. KILGORE TO MAKE TALK *>. *. —*. Poultry Club Will Meet On Mr. Moore’g Farm Near ... cent > Tha Wayne County Poultry Asso elation will a picnic slid a apeak Ing program iKrid*y, Jdly 13th at It p. m. UPtK* oak grove on Walter Moores farm. adjoining Crescent latkc Dr. H. W. Kilgore of Raleigh President of the North Carolina Cot ten Growers Cooperative Association mid President of the American Cotton Growers Kxchange, will be the speak er. Dr. Kilgore haa approximately 2000 laying lien.v on hla farm at Cary, N C., and is making a success of the poultry business both In producing commercial eggs aud In selling breed .eg stock, lie will tell ns fully why poultry raising Is a success on his larm. Therefore It Is a wonderful opportunity for the poultry raisers of Wayne County to hear him spekk. Kvery one Interested la poultry raising is cordlslly Invited to go and a basket and' help enjoy the occasion. Don't forget the date, time rnd place, Friday. July 13th at 5 P. k at the Moore place, adjoining CfWsceot Laktf. Tobacco Committee - Meets At 10 Today The committee of thirty selected to cetrvaas Goldsboro aud ask all business sad professional men of the city to give time to soliciting tobacco for the local weed market to the end that 'a double aet of buyer* may be placed oa the mar ket here this year will gather at 10 Aigtfafr UR* taiiifrtßg to , Use Chamber of Commerce assembly room. A. T, Griffin I* chairman of the group. Notices urging all mem berm of the committee to be present have been twice mailed to each one, and it wag said yesterday that upon tha response to this request depends to a large extent whether or not Goldsboro can he arouaeo sufficiently for tb* tobacco market to secure the double aet nf buysrs LODGES HAVE INSTALLATION Goldiibftro and Wayne Bodies of • A. F. & A. M. Install Of t fleers For Year Before a large number of the reasons of the city, Goldsboro and Wayne. Lodges A. P. and A. M. last evening held a Joint installation of officers Tha retlrlrti officers wished the Incoming officers well In UreD duties and tha Incoming officers pledged themsslras to coutlnnsd prac Hess calculated to advance the cause of Masonry In the city. Rareral in spiring talks wars made. * , The following officers were Install ed: master of Wayne lodge -B. ,Q. Smith; master of fioldsboro Lodge. T. L nillikln; Senior warden, Way Be N. f). Owatney; Senior war den, , fioldsboro, - Luther Thomas; Junior warden, Wayne—Hoy L, Yel verton; Goldsboro, K. L. Slmmona; Treasurer, Wayne, George Water*, Jr.: Goldsboro, Roy Bsseer; Secre tary, Wayne—ll. V. Orr; Goldsboro. J. E. K lllcks; Henlor Deacon, Wayne Dewey Hunt; Goldsboro, J. C. P-te; Junior Deacon, Wayne, J. C. Cnlllai,) Goldsboro, T. L. Wow; Htaward*. Wayne. C. C. Webster and H. B Bl its, Goldsboro. Troy Pate and P. O. Middleton. GROVE ESTATE TO EDWIN, JR. I’ariit Medicine ( ontpenv Mil* lionn Will Cone to Alike villo Citizen 8T LO(JIK, Mo.. June (d*)—Mra. Edwin W. Grose, widow of the found er of the Paris Medicine Company, who died last Wednesday, left the bulk of her 13,000,000 estate to her son Edwin Jr., of Asheville, N. Or, .it he came known here today when bis will was filed for probata. Committee Leaves To Present Claims For An Early Opening of Belt FOUND MINER TOWN MODERN ‘ % Talbot Parker Givge Kiwaniana Different Hart of Picture Os Mtaiug v,. < * Talbot Bather, entertained tba Kl wsnisaa at Ik at aighla luncheon with an in ter eat lug talk la which ha de scribed hia vWlt through a coal mine at Holdaa, Waal Virginia. Ohara ha waa visiting a abort Una ago. Oa hla arrival la tba t#*a ha waa great!/ aurpriaad. ha said, at tba dwellfaga-ef tba minere which tr.ada ap a settle ment that waa entirely ipodara aad far from the uakapt collection of di lapidated beta, aa mining campa bad usually been pictured to bin. la hla description ha carried the main bars with him ieto the mine at the abaft, through miles of uadergrouad tea sels, and Anally oat again at the tipple, where the coal waa loaded Into railroad care At each stage pf the trip features of the mlae ware de scribed end Incident* told regarding special features of the work and the hasarda connected with it. To the lis tening Kiwaniana the trip was made I more realistic by a number of photo agraphs of the mlae interior. These |were passed around aad explained I during the talk, A ulnars cap with |lga.p attached waa also exhibited " Klwanian Parker'* talk revived la manhood days when ha spent eight months mining gold ore. From his ta pe riencs, he said wi should be thank ful for the luxuries in the shape of coal and metals, which are us through the dangerous toll of the min er. At the beginning of the meeting Cel Bain..vice-president of the dub, who la during the absence of Pres. Miller, read a letter from the president and delegates A. G. Wood ard and L. M. Boas who are attend-1 Ing the Kiwanis International Con-' vent lon at Seatt In. Washington. The | latter described n wonderful trip and closed with greetings for Goldsboro and the Kiwanis club. By unanimous vote the club decid ed to make the meeting of July 2a I "Indies Night" whan Kiwaniana and their wive# and sweethearts will en joy a chicken fry at the Country club grounds. . , CATCHES GIANT » CARP IN NEJUSE V. Glimon Urea Flour Dough and Cotton As Bait That At tract* Small Whale 1 '' 0 President Coolldge ought to take some fishing lessons under V. Gliason pf Goldsboro, routs 5. or else Mr. Oils son Ipas taken some under President Coolldge. Anyway be yesterday caught n carp weighting 10 pounds in the Neuae jtr* er between the bridge and old boom This is tbs second big carp caught in this part of the Neuse by Mr. Gllseon, the other one weighing 11 pound*. Within the lent four months at leaat four carps of giant proportions have been taken from the Neuse there. Ilere'a what he caught him with," said one of Mr. Qllssons young son*, n chip of t the old block, and he held up n round white ball of something. “What's that." The News asked. "Flour dough and cotton,” replied the youngster. "It’s fine for carp’* "Guess I’ll give him to someone who eats carp* end such," Mr. Gliason re plied when asked what he Intended doing with him. Boy Is Drowned As , His Boat Capsizes HICKORY, N. a. June 21—(jPI-A hoy said to be Jtojr Ticket of arnnlte Phils was reported to have been drowned In Lake Hickory near her* this afternoon. He was thrown iato the wateir when a sailboat In which be was playing turned over. • MEMBER (HI - THE ASSOCIATES PRESS PRIOR five cams Kverythfcf Hatton fnvwreMa far t Advancement of Date Ai WOULD TURM HAWMM into sectßW iaiu— Pst/tton WWja^gwaai^ Keprseentstlvee of the Batters Qa "llna Cham bar of OMMNMfc kifksi by a petition stgmed by tkgaamidg at Sat thle eectiea, left |WRr -014 Mat Comfor«, Virginia, • Wedneedny they wBl appear before Ike aelea comaelttec of the United Staten Tobacco >ggns|»tHra I* aak for the °psnlac of bright halt market, on Aagast 11. tatted es oa the first Monday la topiagdwr ap Mg m.B at nnlSSaw. wr H Sn. IB ML Olive and rremaat sad han4ra«e of Warns ooanty tamers. If tba opening date M Pwjf Br war 4 two 'Waafea, Ms mUUae dollars Will he turned- late trade ebaaaeie la the Maateni aecttoa at a Una* whan bualaeas la generally vary dull. * There la a general faeilag Vhfk, * r wlU he advaaeed at-MaMua •'action are known to tovar dm ai vaocement of the dhl* At the same time Od*gto la ra quefting an edvaaectoeai at tba span an aorllar opening data Car bar. ma»- kets and this would fit wan lato tba sebeam to sat Harwood tba Mattoni Carolina dates. The committee which left yaetor- ' day for Old Point Comfort la made lup of Pblta Harvwjr, Jr, prssjdaot of 1 the sectional srgaahmatlim; M. 0. Bartlett, secretary; Pint n tarn 111 pf | Knew Hill, W. H Wooiard of QPiga villa; and Jay X. Welds of Klaatpa Report on setioa of tbeir pattMea to •ha commute# of {he Tatonts Aaae- elation will not to made toM# Thursday, it la expected- . j ' "If can to tarMd toto (he ohanhele of trad* to Aagaat, *ae of the dullest amnUm la tba poor. Pastern Carolina will to toMdKtod tremendously," Bartlett safe "Tba minute the tobaeeo market o#aw# tba big sssson’ starts' In this gaatlaa Not only th*nasade of grawarp aftrayw short es fnadt at tba cad at tto aam mar. but people la varl**# other lin es wfR bcnsfltted " Nearly all track eropg have Man 1 allures this year ao far aa retar as to growers wars concerned, Bartlett de clared "The revuaao from tba potato crop has beta disappointingly aautll Potatoes are going togging at 91 to 11.26. bach a alt nation bag act tomi experienced by the spud growers In yearn. Returns from ether crops here been email. Tto eßaatlea that has resulted makes It Imperative that Use wepd markets to epaa ad earlier than is other years." BKCOITD MKMBKB ITALIA SAYXB KINO’S BAY, Spksbcfga*, Jana B. <4*)—A second wens her of tto crew of the 111-fated Italia has bees reamed tonight by airplanes bat (our uttoM and the crew of a winched Bwaedtoh airplane still were amrootied ah an tea ; enhe. Meanwhile on the tooad Arctic apaeea there an It other man at whom there has bees be trace. Fol lowing removal of General Umberto Nobile from the ice cake retags, tto motor chlefa of tto Italia, fcooctoai. haa been rescued aad praaomibty tak en to the bene chip Cite Di Milana, now at Virgo Bay f# miles north pf . here. The condition of CsßOtoal. wbopd leg was broken in the creak which marooned the men Wpg