Showers Tkin4tr. Friday partly rtoady with abowors la iaterior ■ V J 1 •_ VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 106 FAVORITE SONS ARE PRESENTED TO DEMOCRATS HAVING STAGED BIG FIST FIGHT, TAR HEELS WILL BE GOOD - -: : V =. ' » Great Demonstration HX* Staged As Smith’s Name Is Put Forward SiTtral Ftei Fights Over Wheth er Or Not Certain State Standards Get la Parade CONVENTION*,SAT UNTIL LATE INTO LAST NIGHT George of Georgia, Woolen If Indiana, and Ayers of Kan sas Also Offered >» ‘ BAM HOUSTON HIALL* Tayas 27 AM*) —Texas' Mlllltarit Democrat* In National Convention aat lata Into tha n'yhl listening to the praises oil liar (avorlte aona and staging tnora * htch tha praaant Catherine la bed wo of the aplrlted demonatration* for which tha present gathering la ba mming noted. Governor Smith of Now York waa placed In nomination to tha rearing enthusiasm of hit supporter* wh» want him raahad through to a quick culmination. Han at or Georg* of Georgia and Re-i f.iescntetlve Ayres of Kansaa and Voolen also received their rhar* of prala* from iht>»* who apou t scored them as candidates for presi dent < A great Mmtth damonstratlen wa* aat riff by Franklin I) Roosevelt, who r'aced Governor Smith In nomiaatten as the "Happy Warrior" upon whose ahoulden* victory always parched Luring the noisy tribute to the New York governor two or three fist fight* enlivened the parading. them ■ vaulting from disputes whether Sou thern states standards should jolu the Smith procession shout tiie hall, place around the Mleslsstppl «tan- Moet of tha floor fighting took r r 'ace around the Mississippi standard negr the Alabama and North Carolina rfctlon* where outbreaks occurred .n the afternoon. 4 0, ' When the convention adjourned at I1:1S to meet again at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning Senator Reed of Missouri Gllgert M Hitchcock of hie break*, and Alias Pomerene of Ohio nil duly registered candidates remain ed to he placed In nomination. At the Instance of Charles Greathouse, of Indiana, the conven tion adopted a reaolutlon of apprecia tion for the services lo the warty of tha late vice president Thomas |R. Marshall. The convention stood sh sJ lence while a hand played "Nearer 'My God to Thee." When the convention had p*ld Its tribute to Mr Marshall, Josephus Dan Iris, took the stand to offer a rosola "Moe tn eulogy of William Jennings Rrvan. He asked that ihe convention P-mis* to honor the commoner who had spent eo many *gar* of hla life In the service of hla party. * 0. To do honor to the memory of Mr Rrran the convention arose and stood In aliases. "Rock of Ages" was played softly by Ihe hand In the south end of tha hall. On the roll cap of the states. Alabama yielded to Oeor gla and Charts* R. Crisp, of Georgia took tha stand and presented the , name of Senator Walter F. George f • Mr Crisp pleaded for the aurport of other Southern states for Senator George, reminding Alaham tat when she had a favorite son, Georgia had stood by him. He referred to the randldacy of Oscar W. ~Underwood lour years ago. Mr. Crisp spoke for more than 3# minutes for hla fellow Georgian and r parade with many Southern ban ners went around and around the hall for him following. The oast Mata on roll call and Har ry It Sane, chairman of tha dalegae tlon announced "Arisons yields to New York's llluatruus son the nest president of th« United States." THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. "■** . BITTER SCENES MARK HEARING Two Ncnalon Nearly Conte To Mi>w and Coley Blease Ployo Peacemaker HOUSTON, Tesa*. June 23 —</P)— dome of the Intense bitterness over the prohibition laaue which underlies the Democratic National Convention came to the surface today at public hearings today before the platform (ommlttee with resultant scenes of disorder and a threat of a persons! collislson between twsPUnlted Stats* - • ° Senators. For more than two hours sdvocales and opponents of the 13th amendment end th*.„Volstead act battled back and forth In the stately auditorium of Houston's beautiful public library. Ibc climax came Just at the end while Bishop James Cannon. Jr., of the Meth«diat Episcopal church. H, I held the rioor arguing fpr a law en. i fnrrement plank lu giypalf of the 31 temperance organ|satln]jf« of the county, 'lie made statements re-1 gardlng the state of Maryland whose Senator Millard Tydlngs of that commonwealth repeatedly branded a* "fain*."' -a. 4 This finally aroused Senator Car ter Glass of Virginia, the home sf&e of Bishop Cannon. Ihe Senator ad vanced from his place on one side of the hall waving his hand and protest 's against such characterisation. Senator Tydlngs leaped to hla feet and started forward while the crowd ol me" and women that packed the room strained forward In expectancy. The Marylander advanced only a few feet, however, before Senator Cote Blea-e, of South Carolina himself a fig liter grabbed him bv the shoulder* and half forced him by persuasion hack to hla seat. 0 Before that and Josephus Daniels, of North Carolina editor had clashed over the position of Woodrow Wl|son oh prohibition' In urging his plsnk calling for determination of the liquor question by the Individual stats *w> , the Marylander reminded hla hearers that the war president,, had vetoed the Volstead act. "JJon'l praise the yre*t president In one paragraph of your pisiform and repudiate him In (toother." Tydlngs said. Taking the floor a moment lster. iMo'els who says under Wilson for 3 years, made a fiery speech th which h*> protested against "such nuhsllow •! rse of Woodrow Wilsons nam**" Me asserted that Wilson vetoed tn-? Yu': lead act Iwcause It continued two war meaeures that he had asked Con ti tar to repeal - Within a' few months before his deMh." Daniels added. "Me wrote *» lM(«r to a distinguished man ssviutf that nelthe-. the 18th amendment pn •he Volstead act should be changel. I love him to much to siy* his nann. Invoked to bring back the greatest curse that this country has ever had" Tydlngs held a hasty conference with J. P. Tumulty, who wa* Wil*on‘a pr'.tate secretary and who was a spectator at the hearings. The Mary lander then stated that whatever Wil ton might have said or written pri vately the fact remained that he had vetoed the dry law. i ‘‘When the prohibition hear! iga were «• Med. the committee gave th'oe, hour to those asking for a strong | : • on farm relief hefpre yielding which late In the n'ght locked It -elf up with the Job of framing a pia* | form On this suh.commlttee Is one representative of the organized far- j mere, * expectations tonight were that the subcommittee would lie ready to re |.«Vt gaek to the full body tomorrow The platform then will he all over again, % GOLDSBORO, N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 28, 1928 SPEAKER'S STAND IN CONVENTION HALL as flB-±4. - jm w ft M iVIP w!!f • j * mm f * iMi wF' •■■■■l M pr MHM^dMMMHMP 1 Mi - oi - . . • View of speaker's stantl in Sam Houston Hall wlAehe the Democratic National Conveo fion at Houston will its aesaiona —lttt» rnrti -nil Nmsrecl Photo: Claimants Ol Baker Millions Gather In V J,'_ • ' t „ Courthouse And Talk About Their Fortunes FULL SEARCH STARTED FOR ROALD AMUNDSEN AND CREW ONI.A, Norway, Jane 27. (\l'l Search far Kaald Awiandsra and his Hie rompanlaas missing since June IN got under full suing to day a* three vessels sailed from T rum sue for aorihern waters aad other expedltloas were rapidly preparing la Irate. f The Norwegian rriilser I'orden skjold, the french auxiliary ves scl Quentin Kiwsfifll and the sealer Heal tad. left Trsmsae and will searrk throughout Ihe neigh borhood of Hear Islaad. This Is ADVANCE GUARD LEAVES TODAY Will Get liov Seoul Ca*ip At Ml. Olivo Chubtry <‘lull Heady Fi»r Open It a — - The advance guard of tin tump committee of Tuaearora Council Imc j, thl* morning for the Ml. Olive c rr- 1 try chib ump at Ml. Olive'where th< y ; will put everything In readlncKa for,: the Scout camp opening Monday morning., , leaving Uii< morning nc - Oavld Ml* 4 . who wilt act aa attaMaiit ramp : Shaw Ktervna of Benvwj. ' who will In- avtretary; Clarence pea-. cock who la to In adjutant,. Georg* Kd wards, quartermaater; and iimgden Spence, bugler. They will clean off the camp ait* j and gut everything 111 ahip shape l foi the arrival, of the first contingent of tamper* e.trl) Monday morning Their work will be completed before the end of Saturday and on Sunday the camp: will be opened to visitor* for In tpc - \ lion. (loldaboiu tr«Y>p~ number 1. f> and ;*■*’ will camp at tH* site ne«t week. July i 2 In 8. *mlthfle|d Benson. Princeton, I and larGrange, July 9 to 16 Clinton, [ (Continued on Page Poor) land Is midway between Ihe coast as Norway and Npilghergeh, di rectly in the 4»ath of Ihe rente* which Ihe plane carry lug the Not ed explorer was exported lo lake. Miss I. uaisc lloyd, an Interican w»Hi'in who had hired the sealing ship Hobby for a hnnllng exprdl lion off Greenlnnd has placed the ship al Ihe ijlspwsal of Ihe Nor wegian go«einmenl free of ro»l lo searrh for Ain it ml-c 11. The sedfflr will leave Tromwoe foi'hlng’- Bay Sunday. MOVIES HAVING MOST INFLUENCE American Movies Make More Im press Than Missionaries In Eastern Funds - Canada. June 2T. —<AP» [American tpotkiu plrtureH. rather thun nnw'Apapers or nils-ionai ic» ,tre p-o ; riding china Orient wllli their ri'e.Hest Irupr.i or WrMcrn Civlll gating. l>r. Cha- '. (iiJkey of Chic* ,so told the annual meeting, of the hafillat world -alliance. , chink and India, he aald, try to 'square the‘tu rmoil on the mount with 1 1; unboaU, grasping western bualnc»a !II ell atu! I ll- pn jlldli i These sac * lore are portrayed in mot leg greatly niilttalc against the effort* of rataaion. J urtea. I.IMXS HICHKK Chicago. June__27 ~t>P) |i*i>r tliw 3rd j time In two mouth*. Chicago bank* '.tonight announced an in< reaae in the j l'ilere«t rate on their broker* loan* p«dvam Ing the rate to I. |u ,r cent. I>ur •Ig tHi- l.e-t is-vei tile rate j 't»d been 5 1.2 per < ent. The Itank* «!wo announced a "light advand t; , .It* Interest rate* to their customer*. The latent effort to locate the holm | of who are entitled to the Baker mll-i. Ilona in t'allfornlh .is centering tnf Ourdabnro, U developed yesterday when scventy-flve or eighty people, mostly from Johnston and Sampson counties met »| the courthouse here to talk about how they'could get the nillfloas There "are only thirty three Million dollars lying In trnst It} the stato vaults In California awaiting pfomr claimants before being turned o«rr! II wan -aid • Nohody could lie located yesterday afternoon or last night who knew anything definite ahout the meeting In the. mprulng, or who knew anyone '•ho wat lhere. Yet there were eev enty five or eighty preaent . , Cotirf house attache* remarked that they knew there was a meeting of *°mc sort slHiiit an oMate or„gome ihlna. hut who It was or what It was they said they did not know. "One man rarnn in here." said Clerk of four! Hooks, and asked me ts I l-rtew anything about that 133.000,0<W> In California and 1 told him I did not " • tut to dud anyone who was art ully present or who had talknd with one who was present seemed Impossl tde Inst Idght 0 « K L* KdmuntTmJn local attorney teen reported »« interested in the .natter l.omted bv telephone last evening Mr Kdmundson said he had he-'ir our or town and did n**t know en'.Thing about a meeting He ad mitted that there h*d been some cor r< '.poiTdcncjS relative to the Baker million* on the part of hla law firm hut said ''details were not ready Just nw frank ItAv, another member of the firm, hid In the main handled the correspondence, Mr Kdmundson said. Mr. Itay could not In located 'or an. Interview." ' • Kroni other aourtes. The News gathered reports as to the efforts be lli outdo io prove that a number ot| peopW living In Johnston and Samp son. some In (Iranih«m township, iraio their relationship to the North Carolina linker who u> • mrtulsled mil lion* In mines and lands In Callfor (Contlnued on Fa'ge Four) . Affray Started Over • Move To Carry Stale Placard-Into Parade . “ ' W Simmons Says South Will Split Its Vote WASHINGTON. June 17 -UPh~ Senator Himmuiia of North Caro lina |n a sutmuont las not) today said "ho bad not Die all*Mart doubt that tba Southern electoral you. would be badly apllt In tba event that tba Dent or rata nomi nate Governor Alfred B. Smith of. New York. "If Governor Smith ia nominat ed," be declared "It a A real victory for Tam»»nT*hall and the combined Smith toreea in tho northclly Republicans states of the nation which art backing him Rut to the South which has for almost 50 years cast a solid Democratic electoral vote It would be keenly disappointing and ob- BUYSCOTTON . r 25 YEARS OLD Belly Tito ip—. Now Hop* Township Nnpro—. Hid at Otto Thw Refasstf 4* eta. Ut, A bnla of cotton twanty-Ova yaar* old waa purchaaad yastarday by B. G. Thompson from Batty Thompson, negress of' New Hops township, and widow of the lata Jonas Thompson one of tho waalthlaat Wayroai of hia day. The pries paid was S 3 rants pa' pound and tho staple was strict mid dling * "I bava boon bidding on thnt same hale of cotton ovary yaar for tba last twenty flvs," Hid Mr. Thompson 1 "During that lime the pHce haa raag ed from sis cants to forty cants, but it wasn’t until yesterday that tba price seemed to Suit bar. It was In January HMD that the pries got* up to forty cents." The cotton was rataodnn a farm la Saulston township and for'rainy years has boon stored In tba hon.a of tta owner in Now Tlope. "Thera is n Inga amount of old stock rottoo being sold," wont on Nr Thompson. “Not mnby day* ago I bought a ronsidsrnble quantity from N. H. Grady of Naw Hops and Mr. Grady had had this on hands for nino years." There is less raw cotton stock on hand in the county than ia years Mr. Thompson declared. '‘They aro ►riling off all the old stock and it looks now like the boll weevil la gotagrfo eat up all the new crop.” NEW FLAGSHIP REACHES PORT Yacht Hedalnt Taken Place of Kamous Old Atlantic of Flatteries Fleet MOH till RAD CITY. June 37 -<4V "The yacht Hedalcs, which had bast: purrhasod by the state to replace the old flag ship Atlantic of North Caro lina fisheries fleet arrived la port to day from Naw York. The trip down through the inland waterway took a weak. CapUln I .eon ard Nsl»on. brother of Captain John A. Nelson, the fisheries commander was at the helm. ( Vl< TIMA Or lilH WRKCft HI KIKO WTH HOYORN Washington, June 27.- -—With full nllltary honors and a formation of fighting plane* flying overhead. Iha bodies of Major Charted A. Isals, and Id- H C. Busbey, marine aviators, who were killed (Uturday morning la mi airplane crash while enroute to Nicaraugna were buried today la Ar llngtou cemetery. < * I MEMBER OR THE ASSOCIATED PKEBO pricb mm cum Parade Had BUrUd An Kikkwf I*DM I ——el ImffmMMM Am Dm, I in*«cn fiiii vm nvr ii-J Tillra ■ r m CHAIRMAN THOUGHT IT AL SMITH* MOVMINT ( AHHIB 94 D|||m||| OpcMW That Placard Wilt Qm late Mfirrh in Futorp HOUSTON, June 3T —(#» Warm—ff ruled in the North Carol Urn a—Map ft th« Democratic NMlotit CotutUii Tba Smith and aati Smith toff** I are agreed rm DM —bjaot Hfy toft disagreed vtoteatly—tWa dlihgriffl mildly ‘bad finally n«rop« to agree* one juat one thing: nflar tba pdl# presidential candidate bat hOOa SgSto tba North C aroiigg kasaar will be P«f niittpd to go Into g parado ao mattoo why that candidate may bo / ] The Igbt thot baa boos aatorwto back homo for wooka iarod gfe *» convention door today whoa Chba. Mg attomptod to taka tho, North 6*">lUa | banner lata I parade startod «*to, ' Senator Joe Roblasoa oiJWMto ' for office.” . - chairman W. C. Nowlaada, a Hus [ supporter, refused to i nor to bo tabs* ioto Mm parado at WS> ground that bo had ho loMsarttooe go to how K woo to ho haHod WHO Haunders. llroly Elisabeth OMp odltor. joined Maioao hi SS-dßgtt to , iisnnor. o atrsggio WMMk TMMM® t Hens tor Brown oad Jadsp Wm* S broke the booaor to potoSt Mo betag tarried la tho poatoe. T Ik Warns,f New Born came to the aid o< Mr Mom* , l»n<k » • ,* Boat gouts at gimp'Rat nehmro were * tie I pleas for there was a haUio Soto| on in tba Alabama detogaftof ja* he , bind North Cnrollao at tho ooom flap , rad Just scrono tho lot# thorn wgg « , heated arguamgt in tho TSMSMSO scuts. Police wore caUod in oad oaa of them cracked Charles Matoao tot HP head with o black Jgdk bat wtdtoto to* fllctlng serious injbry. Mr. Newlaad aad Mr. Warns nook | received aa Injured head is tho tote* op. ' , .1 But thot woo oil ssropt soldo bp Is agree moot In 0 cauen* called hp to* chairman to notUo the mattor. Choir mm Nowload at the outset of tho , iaucus said that tho "ttstotosaato oo curenco resulted from a mloaodm* standing, some thin kiss that tho dem onstration was for toMth Msoryhody in tho dologatioa. I tool rare favors religious tolerance." The standards won is their pUeoo tonight, tho broken osm b*ridg btos repaired durtag the day- , HOOVER WILL J RESIGN SOON rnmamimMSmmß Will Go To Bapariar, WU.. Jaly 16 To Hui IS‘Rtsi|gillM' ia Psnigß toSMMfImtoMMMB WASHINGTON. JOOO IT.—(P) >OC rontsqr Hoover haa determined to re sign big cabinet post almost at oseo th ordop/to f)« unhampered ia bio rear- > sign for j Hspubllcan caadtdoto to will present Mo rsOidae tlon before July II poroemaity to Pr*d tdent rooltdge at too Bommor Whttg House In Wloconnia tad them will ft to hla home ia California. Mr. Hoover also diocloood toad bit spedrh of accoptaooo at the loprifb can nomination would bo delivered the first week of August at Stanford UM verslty, Palo Alta, Calif.. Whom big hems is located.

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