I »* L * A_,— —■« .*■»_ ly, 1 |«% >M M Unit to tw ■ ttftk | toE >,. ->#,*m j4i-?-r». ,‘ * VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 1H IST BALLOT NOMINATES SMITH Gels 724 2-3 On First Roll Call And 768 2-3 As Ohio Switches Vote iA ,. '* . "<£2'4 A Tatoi of 1U l* Votoa W«w - Al¥wM to Girt NmMmC Urn NORTH CAROLINA VOTED 19 I S SMITH; HULL 4 B S Hal Wm TfclH Mm on B*Uott WUk 71 SbcbmJ With 78 ■ V;I / .* .»*»*■» L*w- (lomor Alfred B Smith of Now York woo nominated for preaidant i-f tb* United Btetea on th# fleet bal lot toalpht By th# Democratic N* ttonal Convention. ’ The *«U which rotliy turned the trick were contrthutod by Ohio which o& tho trot ohll of the BUto bod rot td almost nolidiy for PWB«ren# When the rati cnfl wm completed. Smith hod 714 1-1. With 7SS t-S needed to nominate Ike chairman of tho Ohio delegation obtaining recognition In competition with the epoheemen of other state* who eleo wanted to chong* their rote* to the winner, announced o tat* of 41 from thei eUt# for Bmllh. After Ohip behraonced her v»t* the totals for tb* «r*t end only bel ief stood Smith 741 l-l Hell fc'. irgjm{'j'- ipJ.T#’ > Deo rite 54 I-* Pomerewe » Joes* *!. it Woollen S 2 es Harrison » Ayer* 20 Wott* it Hitchcock 14 Deaohey 41 Thompson S A* Mon es the first toilet woo ov er. Chairmen Meeker of tb* d*l egotloe woe. oa bis feet ookiai fog recognition. The 'lndian* delegation W»» llliewte* seek In* recognition ap parently to change their vote* to Smith. It woo o straggle te get into the Smith bond wagon. Ohio wm recog nleed and got to glye Smith the votes that brdaght the nominal to* North Carolina vot*d Hell 1* 1-1. •»»» * *-»• o ' „ ; , HOUSTON. Jan* 2fl—<**—Men and women fought like boost* to g*t Into B*m Houston bell to watch the Dem ocratic national convention adopt a platform ead nominate a presidential candidate. Mounted policemen were forced t* rid* Into tb* mob to hasp any aemb ■tace of order. Other* guarded the heavy wire tone* surrounding the hall to kaap it from falling before the pashlng. jostling throng- Making a thrill. . Oecaalanally tha crowd became too graat tor tha officers and a few per- MU woild Blip through tha gataa be fore tha otbara ware headed back. Po lice at rarioa* gataa called for addi tional help. Delegate* who arrived late had difficulty In gaining recogni tion In the jam. -Whan they Anally did fetythrough they ware dishevelled, perdplrlag and In a had humor. Bar era) near Igbta occurred In the I crowda, but combatant* ware not kept long enough to engage In ac taal phyalcal ancounten Deaplte the cruah. no caaualtlea ware reported. ■IWDCMBITM *FPROVBi C.lfflNKT pERLIN. Jana 21—Preeldent too Htadbnburg Tburaday afternoon gave Hftrial approval to the paw coalition cabinet formed by Cbnneallor -Her. man Mueller aad It will begin to faac tlon nt once. NOBILE TO iOIN RENTE WORK ROMS, Jaaa Jl—Off*) —-OeeerKl Um berto NoMlatpUl return by nlr to di rect the eearcb for the icebound crew of the Italia. aaya-w~diapatch Thure- Oriff Urtn tftalia. THE GOEDSBOEO NEWS * s READ Ql THB MORNING KHILB MINDS ARB FRESH—BEAR BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUB. (platform has A DRY PLANK 1 DmucrbU Adopt Dochmlmn of Party Prtoeiplw by Vtva Voeo Vsto HOUSTON. Te*. June 11-iA*) . The platforad framed by tb* feaolu f tlQB* committee of the Democratic | ffatlonai eonvautlon waa adopted by Ibe convention by viva voce vote In cluding the much discussed prohibi tion plank over which a floor fight ( •hregtened almost to th* last. The prohibition plank pledges th* ‘ rarty to mak* an honest eßort to an | tore* tha 18th Ameadment and all 1 other provisions of the constitution 1 and lawn It Waa written by Saun ter Qlasa of Virginia, a dry lender, who explained It to the Convention 1 as a pledge of th* nominee of the con- 4 1 ventlon “to do promptly and honestly 1 and efficiently that which th* Re ’ publican party felled to da" ‘ The veto of approval accompanied bv only * few scattering “po'a” wm proceed ad by n abort discussion dur ing which Governor Mo*dy of Tex** told the convention he would rather prohibition l&elf. bet woeld not pre sent a minority report. Qovernor Rit chie of Maryland likewise pleaded for harmonious acceptance of the plank, although b* nald he peraonaly favored * local option as'Yo prohibition The farm relief plank leaves th*. door wide open for the enactment of legislation embodying the equalisa tion fee of the McNa?y-Haug*n hill or any other form of eld, but does not ptoution the legislation which Preat dant Coolidg* bed vetoed upon two .occasktps. s’ A ringing declaration about alleg ed corruption In government under the Republican administration eleo la embodied In th* party* 1928 declare tlon and many other subject*, includ ing tariff, taxation, veteran* aud flood relief, foreign relatione and con servation and reclamation. W. O. Maunder* Again HOUSTON, Jupie 21—OF)—While r trial In Washington federal conrt neat Tnraday. Will be Battled out of court and tha nult far fIOO,OOO with drawn. It waa atated that Needleman, now In Philadelphia, through counsel, had offered to accept 13.000 In settlement, on condition that the defendants pa/ uttorney*' fee-* and coart coats. It waa understood that lawyers for tba de fendants are conferring wHh their clients before making known whether the offer will be accepted. „ The damage suit we* the outgrowlh of the aaaault and mutilation of Nee. d'eman by a band of Martin county men some years ago. two of them lo- j cal men The defendant* In the case were A j "tt Griffin. Hubert Griffin. H D. Orlf- j An. J. 8. Corey. L. A. Groom, I.eete- Kdmondaon. J T. Harrell. Leater Crnf too. Edgar Johnson. Sherwood Roger, am. jamea Heary Gray, Johnnie Gor kin. Albert Oarkla. Hey Gray. R C Stone, Alfred Griffin, Clarence OrU-. ft 1 TOBACCO MARKET WILL OPEN AUGUST2B Hma J" '* *jT ! ®wF & 4fl Mr «•* I * Mm % ./a J SHF r" m,.' Wmmm*, * *, if m' *Sm • k I * : r •. 1 \ WL , JBV • 'ht • mfl H 4 *a • ■, *M| ff v ■ - ] ■ • ■ I 1 'Jmt' Wsamt % ■ ,j v * ~ .. Mm *..* *•* iMp M *.A #“ 3HIN J 1 i OVERMOR ALFRED Es SMITH MANY RUMORS ABOUT MISHAP Newgfßpfrmen Not Allowed In* or Mppaberg Os Skip Chm KING’S BAY. Spitsbergen June 2f. —(A*)—Pog blanketed the Spitsbergen section today preventing farther Sights for the rescue of the men left behind on the Ice floe when general Umberto Nobile was taken off a few oapg ago. * Jt>' (Continued on page two) ‘ «*>c- - r—? —— ftn. Joe H. ColHalu. Wilson Orlffl i. Allen ariffln. Joli\ At Griffin, Grady Smith, A. T. LdllyAJobn T. Smit'i wick, Watford Sparrow. Sr., Welford Sparrohr. Jr.. C. Heath, Luther PeeD, and H. T. Robertson. Os tbeM. three are now serving term In State's Prison for the part they took In the multtlatlon of Needle man They pro lleunla Griffin aud the two Sparrows. Julian Itullock, who also received a prison term, escaped the prison more than a year ago. The mutilation ocurred. Needle man recited In his petition, after hi* arrvet on a charge of erStalnally de faulting a Martin County girl, a tu-o ol men broke into the jail at Wil. lianiHton and forcibly took him away to a point near Williamson and there 1 mutilated him Tim trial of the young Hebrew's at ! lackers attrm ted not only State-wide Attention, but naHonal attention, acme of the metropolitan paper* •ending staff men down to oover what turned oat to be one of the moat mi fatloaal trial* ever held In North Carolina. • - T _->, .aim GOLDSBORO, N. C FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 29, 1928 CITY FIRE LOSS " • IN MAX IS S6O Good Rfcord of Goldsboro Aids in Decrease for State as Whole „ 1 ' r lire lom for May was l only (60, according to figure* lotted I oy Dan C. liotu’y Sta4c hire lu*ura»ce t Commissioner. Tha esrelleut record of the city played Its part In decreas ing the• Are loaa of the State »a a whole. wnoie. " North Carolina shows a decrease lu Are loaa over the corresponding flva month* of 1927. of (452,966, for the I TiHS month of the gear in suceaalon The total tire loaa Tor ’May accord ing to the report, was (379.140 from 174 Area against (384.220 from 266 lire* In May 1927. Os these. 90 were dwelling Are*, v illi loaa of (86, a* compared with 124 dwelling Are* and loaa of (104,- 524 In May 1227. Tha rural Are* numbered 32, with less of (98.110 of which 14 were dwelling*, loaa (IC,BOS. There wa* n* outstanding alpgle lom. the t-'tal gif the (5.000 or mure *.ngle Are loss being 17, nggrefatln? (277.015. leaving a net loss of only (103.125 for the other 157 Area. Defeat Proposal To Repeal Volstead Act PARriO. N. n.. June 28 —(A*)— A proposal to repeal the prohibi tion clause of the Gruled State* I Constitution continued ~to lose ’ ground a* return* came In tnnigtit 1 from Wednesday'* primary P»ur hundred nine preclncta out of 2,- 192 in the State gave 25.T29 agaiu- I at repeal and 20.788 for repeal. , . " 'lt ' TAR HEELS IN PARADE THURS. \- ' „ Gel Into Every Demonstration Except One for Jamce A. Reed of Mlaeeari HOUSTON, Tax, June 21—dder. may g* to tbe chair an Jul; IS. as ha was sentenced to do bj Judge Nunn following hla second con fiction In Chatham county court •< PlttaUrro early thla month. This was learned yesterday. While attorneys appointed by th* cuft to defend the life of th* negro rave notice of appeal following th* tenth sentence. The New* , w*s In fomped last evening that tb* appeal had nor been perfected .It was said that II wan doubtful If It would be perfected, one review of the came by the Supreme court already having been given. Complete record* In tbe cue, H w»s learned, have been turned over to Governor A. W. McLean. The lat ter. It wav indicated, passed them On to Pardon Commissioner Kdwln Brld gert. The News was told that Mr. Pridgors would mak* a careful study of them with special reference to tbe -^^mmaiiiihm^mwmamMram—aMm. 7- P" J ( ourlney C ompletes First Leg of light ( HORTA ISLAND of Knyal. Asorea, Jun* B*. !*• parent* of tba eblldrou taking part la tba artlvttlaa, aa wall aa any Oaa interested la tba playgresa* at tbs city, are urged lb eoam to a* aaaay of tbasa apeolal program* aa tbty caa. Prom them thay will be able la flat aa Idea of what la being acoom pllabad la tba way as eaaatraaUru work aa wall aa eaflertaiaaMat (or tba cbltdraa. *' \ Tba Webb Town eaatar'a program today will bo aao of a aeries of such programs to bs run eg oa tba differ . «t grounds during the rammer Tba rtory that baa been cboeeo for drama iliaUon la aa o|fl oaa among fairy talas, baring a poor girl raised to tba status of t»rlacggi.4broMb merit, and * baring that element so essential to all good Kories, the fruetratlng of , crU through goodnasa. The children bgre been working on their parts an> der the dtrectlen of Mildred Header son sad Mary Laagaton for orer a - weak and are enthusiastically look . *•»* forward to their public perform i * BC * ll !• hoped that a large crowd of adults will bo present. , The Klwsnls program will ba 'mna i “• •* co °d week of aotirltles. will , the playgrounds. Contests of all serfs, , ■c'lng out idiymea. sad slating games . will form the ufajor portion of the maammumaaaamg nentallty end sanity of the negro, if he study showed heals, a further In • estlgstkm Into the unity of Mow. ’om* might be ordered. It wua Indi cated. hut thU wu deemed improb ■hi* ■■!■' v, Newsome killed IKtle Benin Tedder, daughter of MV. and Mrs. Brie Tud aor of Gyeat Swamp township, slitting her throat with a knits to prevent her telling her father that Newaome had ittempted t* sauult her. ThU acoord* ng to Newsome's own confession. The negro wu found guilty and sen tenced to die In the electric chair In • hearing, here before Judge Grady in December. The Supreme court granted him a new trial on the grounds that un attempt at taking Newsome from tbe court officers' whlla the trial progruaed wu not In keeping wttk court proeeduru and falrojtjs A second trial wu held at Pitt* boro early this month, Newsome again found guilty iind sentenced to die la the electric chair July IS. THE ASSOCIATHI* JMHBBS ~. pricr rmi gnu* A Week Earlier Than b Usual •ragip*sr The Ooidaboro tobacco mm** ft*, tether with all «Uflff Masters fUrm* Uwss dtchiti it tl« laiirtfM at tfc§ ww —■ weeewww •* wrap. ■nai 1 the ledk Quollm iad hawdaa markets i taler, t, then three weake later MM ffaatani ( arolina markets. one week earlier Use the flrpt week wmrnmm ft* m ueelen y ***• *■** «'We ’ Itiit m* kflH'inuUd tag* farmers will beuett materially fey the :E-£Ssr£ tba ft ret few dgy» la wea the eape mat year, ft was raid Seyeral Ootdaboro wareklUgauiia wd tobeccouMs waee pieaaat aft flu meeting of Urn Tahanra'Aaaealatleu which Asad upaa the dataa jadtic ‘■Are two Mb of buyer* tor tff* mar. bet this rear. Mg haadrad sad profsaaleaal men of Uw otty bare "greed to five time to aoHctttgf flgr mera to sail tebecce bora thbl year, and this la expected to *mt the hwy Ing com pen lea that tbs efcy ia aamftu enlag to the Importunes of Ms market iif> lin " 11 titrr ar roNrmnra i ‘ VOTE or TON FID MICE PARIS, June gg—(ffVth* Chuag ber of Deputlu gaps g vote es eoa tmtoy. 4S* to YOUNG WOMAN » DEAD OF CANCER EMto CkriaUpltor Mu CM ducts Ssnrlsss OVsr tswilis of MM Ob—is Ajresek (Special to TB* News) KKEMONT. June Hffha*r»» aw* Sosa ware bald yesterday aftoraooa for Mlu Qlenule Ayooufc. daughter ** Mr. and Mra faury Arooek. who died Tuesday following a long Uluara with cancer. Elder ChrUtepber Bwoka wu In charge at tbe aarvtas and n large number of friends wore pnaaot Only twenty-two yuan old, bright and attractive. Mlu Ayceek wu hold ' in high esteem by all who know hot and the large nnatonr of, Serai offer, toga spoke of the love tha cean—aßy held fer her. She had hate aadiygdtoff treatment In a Richmond b»lgllul iSd waa at boms when tha *nd wna In addition ta bar pnruM. MM. Aycock u survived Ip thru* —fff *nd two dtrtera. » • ■ Ak‘ iwßteaffj..' 'iWi*. ■ C