I WEATHER Partly cloudy Sunday Monday increasing cloudiness followed by ihowera Nut much change In tem perature VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 108 SMITH BEGINS TO PLAN DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN Goes To New York City Today To Confer With Leaders As To Program , Os Fourth of July WUI He Mtror Add tow Fro* City Hall Slops Is Now York NEW YORK TRIP HAS REAL SIGNIFICANCE i- I Nominee, However, Hon Little Real Information To Give Out As To Plans " 1 * ft • Albany. N. * • Jun* M. —(4*1 — Council'* of war to determine tba strategy te datarmlna tba Democratic presidential campaign ara *to begin at caca. Governor Allred E Smith will go to New York City tomorrow and It . va» learned that ha haa appointment* with paraona whoaa opinion* on polit ical mailer* ha valuta highly. jft th«*a preliminary coufarancaa the rough general plan of battle would be drawn up and a|l Indica tion* ar# that they will call for a whirlwind campaign that will land Smith and hi* running mala. Senator loaaph T. Hoblnaon from coaat to coast, and from tha Canadian bor der down Into th* aouthmoat atata Governor Smith haa revealed little cf lit* tha fact that ha la going to NevF* York on Bunday to k*«p two appolntmanta on Wadnaa d*y, Indicate* that there are Impor tant mattara to bo diacue«ed at once, even before hia Fourth of July ap • potntment. On tha Fourth th# gov ernor la to apeak at Tammany Hal! and In tha evening from the atept of th* city hall. WOMAN FALLS FROM PRECiriCKi I»KAD| , HISBAXD IN HKLD Marshal, June« SO—(Pl —Mr*. A. price died In a local hospital today from tnjqrie* received when *h* fall iff • 45-foot praclplc# near her# yes terday Har husband la hald In Jail without bond pending an Investiga tion H# wa* wltlia har whan ah# fall " BISHOP CANNON CALLS MEETING Or> - ~ ~ National, International and Sip cial Problems Will Be Ditt* cussed at Meeting Lake Junaluaka. N. f, „uue 30. OP>—A conference on social aarvlc# l>*re July 4 to 7 for diacuaaion of na tion*!. International and auclal prob lems baa juat been called by Bishop Jama* Canon. Jr. ./ plicopil church. South. Th* conferancc will ba in connac tlon with tha annual roaatlug of tha board of tamparanca and aoclal »arv ic* of th# church hara on July 4 and 5. Dr. E U Crawford, of Montgom ery. Ala., and Waahlngton, where th# board * headquarter* are maintained, will report ou activities of hi* depart ment during the pa#t year. .£> The conference on aoclal queatlon* will bring to l-aka Junaluaka aaveral prominent leader* In the Method!*! church, it waa announced Tba fam lly. marriage and the home will be dlacuaaed by Dr. M. J. Rxaor, cpneid ered an ouUtandlng authority on *o c*al hyglana; International relation*, by DT. Unley Oordon. aecretary of the Church Peace union; Indus trial relation*, emphasising labor of women and children, limitation hour* and night work, by Dr. Broadux Mitchell of Jobpi Hopklna university . Prohibition and law Inforcement. aa a topic will probably he determined by the reeolutlona of the two political party conventSma, and church leader* expect Bishop Cannon to lead In thla dial rich « Public aesaloaa. round table dlacua »|nn* and buaineaa meeting* will mark the meetWty of tha board' of icmparaac* social aervlc* and th* conference on social aervlc# hare, opening on Jaljr A•• t a THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING .WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEh BUX. 7 0 * FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY Seek Relatives of Man Died In Winston The Naw# wa* yaatarday .re quested by Wluatoti -Salem author ities to assist in locating relative# of Georg# Floyd. *aid to be from Goldsboro, who died in ■ -Wluat m hoapltal oh Juue 14. The body I* now held at a W|n*ton-Saleiu un dertaking company, aa a aeaieb la being mad* for relative* of the dead man. Quegtlouluk of local authorities her* yaatarday failed to reveal any information, concern -3 a Georg# Floyd who once re ed here According to the do. acrlption given N*wa. Ftoya waa about 45 year# old. 5 feet eight Inches tall, weighed about 1(0 pound* and bad a acar ou the right forehead. MEXICO IS TO ' PIjCK PRESIDENT . A GenCral Obregon la Only Man Seeking Peirflotu Job In Country South Mexico City. June 3<J -(A*)— The duly qualified and certified voter* of Mexico will go to tbr'polls tomorrow to elect a president for the six week* terra atirtmr Tmcrmber 1. General Alvaro ofTregon l* the oaly candidate and "lechnlrally will be elected »# (him aa the ftrat ballot la ca*l in hi* laVbr. ' „ « NEGRO SHOOTS IP RICHMOND Kill* Youth, And Seriously In jurien Hk Parentn With out Any Cause <f RI(TIMONI). June 30.V<A>> Firing llliout known reason, a Negro wlih a shotgun fatally wotinded uiia and Injured two others in their home near her* today. Th* slayer moatly trailed, aacaped and an intensive search wa* being made for him to airht. Hum (Irtnunell, 15 .an 1 adopted son of Henry Grin.mall, died a few hours after the shooting in a local hospi tal. Hl* mother wa* not ekpected to live through the night and the fa ther was confined iu a boßplla! with a serious wound In the stomach which ph)aiciani believe will uot fa tal. f- Polica soon arrived on the scene end took up the *e rch for the Ne gro u erf Acra*ed Slayer Arraigned Chicago, June 30 (£*> John Hem. accused a* stayer of "Big Bill' Murphy, wa* arraigned In police court today’on a charge of n.urder And the hearing waa continued until July nth to enable police to gather further evidence. • Wayne Delegates Honored At Epworth League Meeting Warn* county Epworth Leaguer* copped their full ahare of the honor* at the State <'(inference of the league concluded In Loulaburg the p*at week. Jame* Starling, of Relfaat, wa* ae iected to represent the North Carolina Kpwurth league In the oratorical eon tent to tie staged at Junaluaka ih Au lust Young Starling In this contest will clash with repreaeutatlves from State leagues east of the Mlaeiaelppl The topic of hi* declamation wIH bj4 “The Missionary Motive of the Pres ent Generation " Gherman Cobh, of Goldsboro, was te elected treasurer of the conference and Rev H E. Brown was re-elected editor of the league department of . 3 \V i w ■|L > • jgk o' * ' PROGY SIMMONS, , MARY CHRISTINK BRYAN. Daughter of lilr. and Mr#. P. U Sim- Daughter of Mr. and Mrk. G. N. Bryhn mona. 802 K. Mulberry Street. of Ilaiay Htreet. , At the pre-chon) clinic for children *ho will enter Walnut afreet school thla fall. Mlaa Peggy and Mi*a Mary Christine were rated 100 percent physio ally perfect. SECOND ARREST IS LOOKED FOR Raleigh Aulhorjlien Continue Investigating Chum- Death Ixtcal Girl Raleigh, June. 30.—(fl*) —Another arrest I* Expected soon in connection with the death of vita* Irma L. Robin, son, a school teacher of till* city;' fol lowing Hie arrest of M 11 Davl*. a* elatant slate entomologist, on a charge of advising and procuring •» abortion, Coroner -Waring stated Saturday. The arroat of Davl* wa* made at the atate teat farm In Kdgecamlx* county and the prisoner furnished 82.f*00 bond fur hta appearance before J Lloyd Tilley on July 6. The war rant waa sworn out «t the Instance <>l Mrs. T W. lllcketl, WlTke county welfare officer.. - The aulhorltiea have Information t'<nt the alleged aborthiji w** per formed by a physician In Durliam and pow have turned their ullen t»**n to that phase of the caae. Farther Inqalry Farther Inquiry Saturday disclosed that Mi** Roliinaon was In Rex lion pita) for seventeen days, mitering that - institution at 4;45 on the afternoon if June 2. She died at 8:52 a m. no June IN. Entrance Into l.h# hoapltal followed Iht day after the youug wo man la alleged to have undergone an rperntien in Durban* She went to the Jionie of another KaTelgh woman after coming from and from 'I’M home went to the hospital The admission card of the hospital reveals that M H ltavls.now unde* bond In connection with the case, guaranteed the payment of all ax primes of Misti Robinson while she whs under treatment. He has since p«'d nil the hospital bills. It I* un <|er*tuod » Davis hap emffoyvl an atlorney to look after' bis interest after having lurii'shed the 82,500 bond which was signed by 0. W, M. Fountain, of Tar boro. „. (kroner -Waring ataterl Saturday that he did not know the county wel ff'nntlnned on Page t-'ourl . A. . . . . the North Carolina Chrisfign Advo cate During the conference at latulahurg, Mr. Brown circulated each morning a mlineogiaphed newspaper giving the high lights or the previous day's Conference Miss Kula Rack lev was again it anted aecretary of the New Bern district League Miss Kuckley had b< en selected as s member of the faculty of the conference, but the se rious Illness of a sister prevented her r -Gonn attending. The following represented Golds boro and Wayne at .the meeting i Kvelyn Kgper. Miss Spence. Gherman Cobb. Kmtnett Brown. Mildred Mow I ell. Alton Taw. James Starting, and ! Rev R. E. Brown. GOLDS BORO, N. C. SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 1,192 H * j i V | jy ulfeL SEVEN NATIONS I ENTER AIR RACE I ’ _ - • ••» liariotmg Take Off From Detroit In Bennett Cunt petit ion and Head South Detroit, Midi., Juue 80—— Carrying the colors o aeyeu net ous -reeking premier honor* In the Jamea .Gordon Bennett balloon tace —12 bal loons were uulraebed from tbelr moorings late this afternoon. *- i» Th# German Bag, pilofed by Rln merr-hacber, was the firs*, to sail nwuy at 4 p m. Air current* Indi cated that the bags would take au almost due south course. DUKE STUDENT IS ASSISTANT Rev. W. F. Shell Aidint Rev. R. E. Brown on GoMoboro Hr* > cult This Summer f„ r ■ __ it “ l> For Utf past thraa auvnrni>rii tha Duke commission haa sent out yonna men from the Schott! of Religion tit Duke University to help on the rural marges of the North Carolina and -Western Carolina Metbodtai' Confer, encce. And the .Goldsboro circuit haa trad one of these paid helpers #*ch of the three summer# This summer g very high type young minister who ha* had on# year ** a pastor In the Arkansas Conference and who Is now e graduate student at Duke Univer sity has been *e-nt l<i<g*stal Ihe pastor of the Goldsboro circuit. Hev Robert F Brown in his program of rural Bible schools Rev. W. F Shell Is s native of Arkanaa i. uiy A H Magna Cum Uude “f Hendrix College. Conway, Ark., IH2B Mr. Shell Is a sludeni of religious educut tlon and Is very eager ft»r the work. The'suminer program for the Goldsboro circuit Includes tta meet, logs apd four dally vacation Bible ectiottls. The flrTrv linking an A, school will be held at Itsiilrl* Chapel begin ning July 8 The Bible school will be held iu connection with the revival and will assemble oath morning at ill o’clock. Mr Brown and Mr. Shell Will lake the children through a up • t-lal series of lessons prepared on the gospel of St Mark The text book used If an original hand made mlftieo graphed booklet prepared by Mr. Brown and Mr. Shell. Each child will be supplied w'lh lids booklet. The pasta* of the circuit will do Ibe preuchingj difrlng the meeting and Mr. Khdl will lead the elaglng. The meetings on Goldsboro cir cuit will follow In lAtla order; Dan- Ids. Thompsons, Salem. Fine Forest. Khenexer and Saulslon, and at th* close of each the date for the next will he announced Danlefs Chapel, beginning July 8. Preaching at night onlyv The Bible school dally from 10 to 12 a m . beginning Monday morn ing. July 8. HOUSTON GETS . - BACK TO SELF Job at Ci««ning Up AfUr Con vention la About . \ Com plot mi ,\ i , Houston. Tea. June Id.—tA’l—With all Ihc shouting and most of th¥ street < leaning done Houston today turned from tha turmoil of nominating Dam "Cratio randldatua for President and Vice-President to the timehuhored custom of resting uutll the cool of the evenipg. A' few banners hung front down on building*.' It was too hot to beglii taking thehi down Traffic officers who during the week pranced tbelr horses along the downtown stteete ecught shade. The hoof* of their mounts sank Into the pavement, eottn -tied by a temperature Well above 80 throughout the day. o Bam Houitou Hall, which resound csl to the best Democratic oratory the speakers could produce, was As serted, save for a few workmeu w%o were taking down the decoration* aud packing them away (or, tha Fourth of July. SIXTH WEEK SINCE WRECK ► * 0t « Weal he.( ( ondiUt** CoflftbliM , To Prevent Rescue 6t IMUa’a Crow KING'S HAY. Jun* M._(JP)_ To day the start of the aistb week alnce General Nobile and bla Italia crank ed on the Ice off northeaat land, aaw weather, up( only laltiug the efforts but increasing th# peril of the alx refugee* whose location It tgown. p Another ggy pa*a*4 without of the nine mlaaing member* of the Italia's crew or of th* party of six which Roald Amundsen. organised for search and rescue In a Preach seaplane WORK ON WAY TO WISCONSIN • o. ; * Will Rmrign From CAbinrt To Direct FoTtmre* of G. O. P. 0 Campaign WASHINGTON, June 30—</P»—With the presidential tickets of the Ma jor political parti#* selected. Repub lican leader* went ahead with their plana for opening Ike campaign while Henalor Work, chairman of th* Re publican National Committee, waa *B rout# to Wisconsin to submit bis re signation. Following closely the expression of the Republican bellof that the cpm r-aign must be fought out In the east with New York came the intimation that Secretary Hoover would einpha six* his party's stand on the prohi bition question In bla apeecli formal ly accepting the nomination. There was’a possibility that he would go further than a more declaration for enforcement of the law and call upon the American people to give the law a fair triad. *. . Will Ask Companies Place I Two Sets Buyers on Market nr o * Inlervlew* with directly olf'cere at the leading tobacco buying umpa ules will be scheduled for this week In continuation of the movement i« secure ■ double net of buyer* for the local market thi* fall. It w»a an-' nounred yesterday. Correspondence haa already bean begun to arrange conferences with the company officials relative to the double aet of buyers. It was sCd Committee* representing the civic or. sanitations of the city will go to con. fer on the propoaltlon aa soon a* definite dale* aud hour* can be ar ranged The Interview#, however, are ex pected to be cleared this week that the city may than turn Ita undivided ! FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY Bishop Mouzon Says Nomination Raises A Moral Issue Finds Money Lost More Than Year Ago <r • Roy Wtlsou. who Uyes ou Bhar. Iff Urat.ta plantation east of etiy, wa* three dollars lo th* g«cd' - yesterday. A year ago wlrile ploughing In a field lie lost (but* dollar bills. Thla week while ploughing in ihe same field no uncovered ik# currencF- It wAat weather beaten. Soiled and frayed, but It wa* the regl green e«;l Wilson went to the hank yeatci day and got three 'ale* new clean : one* for them. ' ’<!► ’ ' Five Cases Typhoid In Wayne Co. at Present mmmrnmmmmmm Th* annual campaign *f th* city and county health department to In sure vaccination against typhoid fe ver wlir*come to an end thla week. Dr. L. W, Corbett announced yaeter. day. The schedule of vaccination clinics will be completed. Vaccina tions. however, will continue lo he provided from th* health depertaMal office throughout the summer. There ar* now five case* of typhoid In tha county. Dr. Corbatt anomnead A Mr. Whitley of Webbtown died of th* disease and It la from oontac* with him or p*«pl* who were In con tact with him that (Boat of tha caae* Jtave developed. It WjU a«Jd. National Guard Pilots Killed In Afr Crash INB CAMP. Jun# Sg.— Of) —U H 1-eßoy Von lAckum. M, of tbs Nat ional Guard air aervlc*. was killed Instantly and hla companion, lA J Hunter, was erltically injured when the plane they were flying from New York to this camp craabed.down her late todsg. Both lived In New York. STORMDAMAGE IS SUBSIDING Total Death Lint la Tennetmw DUatatera Moknlg to Flvt People ' Am i. mu, „m NAHIIVII.UC, June 30 -UP)-The havoc of rain and wind storms which for two days have virtually paralyx ed middle Tennesaee appeared to have quieted late today. , Communication tinea were opened waters while still mounting slowly la almost every direction sad fling) offered nn threat of further rite. , The twenty foot wall pf water -de based when Burgess falls power dam cent Itself down a ten mile gorge which was largely uulnhablted and joined the' water of Cany Fork river which already spread desolation.. Th* only serious remaining traffic bar rier occurred her#'’ waa a Tenne ssee Central ratlrqad washout whieb tied up travel on that road. attention to boosting the market Ad ditional names algned to the Hat of buainea* and profeaalonal men who have agreed to give time and effort 'in Intereating farmera of the section in aelllng weedt in Ooldsboro thla year now bring the total number es signature* to more than 1000. Th# News learned. These signer* will not be permitted to forget their promise and a definite schedule of tours for the purpoee of having those who slguad the paper **k growera to sell here 1* expected to be arranged. The Interest the city la showing In the market and In agreeing to get out and work for It ts expected to I * (Continued ou Page Ifour) MEMBER OR THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS Saya In Hoar of Part! Mast A*aia Tam ta Woman a i United Stolon AGBBEB SMITH STATEMENT on dr| LAWS UNTUfaLY Charbfto CiUaaa laaaaa Stata* man! ( opcamlaf Praoant Sit nation^ charlotte, Juae W.-w4#>*-‘to great**! moral problem Otileh Ik* people of A Mark* a* erer torn coafroatod vh K*dpMil*i aaaa I ton by tto nomination *t Oovotrndr f nith of New York m tto Democrat candidal* for Prooldenty, IM*| Edwin Mouaoa, MttkoOM Bpkeeopei rtaurrh. Booth, declared today la a statement "Attar yaara *f education coadaotad to tto hlghaat iplritaa) leedarsMp di tto 'Alton, tin prohibition of tto U-, quor traffic trap vrkttaa lata tto nan. Mtimtiou of tto repnblld,“ tto ataia ii*nt aaid. "la hoar of soft to tarn -ignia to tto woman of 'America to* mora tot them rstaa tto toyi tor u..d and hoam aad native land"" - Bishop Mouaon dacimad that h*. wanted to thank Qovortor Smith far. hla clear statement ta hia man to it* convention at Houston eeeeptlag the nomination, daolartas tot It W«f. well known that to toUeved "that . ih*re ahonld ha fnndamaatat ahoasdh ■i the pretest provisions Nr natlotal prohlhittoa .*• I Sara# fatly with lhg «UW»IS| mada by JoaepMU tlptlih in'tor effect that Oevartoy tontht atatfC want on prohlhtttoa In u* tetafjtnh cf acceptance wna annscsnary, #* timed and lacked coaalderatios far • large element of hid party." Youth Will Conduct Free Witt Services Eddie Chamblgo. M-ysar-old sto d*nt at Baraka College. Aydaa. will (111 tha pulpit at the tone Will Sap* • tat church at 11 o'etaek thto morning >nd • o'clock thin evening- Hla tapla in the morning will to "Walking With Christ," and in tha arsalng "Sane* m tha Night" , ' Young ChemMee gave ap wart an Tha Newa lereral moat ha ago ta en ter Eureka Collage to propara him* mil for tto mintory. USES KNIFE TO ’* END ARGUMENT —mmgmmm •So Rom us Baaai of Idataad* non town la Now Lochai la city sail ° • ■ w ... A rutting sffray on Orator street at 11 o’clock I eat sight woe the aee oud to 24 hourn la Qoldeborm Romus Knell, of Mmundaratewa eettled an argument with Jim Boyta. who liven on a rural rente on el the city, by pleutlng hie runty, long-hind* #d knife in hit bock Whether or aot •hay were arguing about XI Smith c ould net to learned. Ongtaia Jack Fulghutu found Boyta aankad itom hla wound and poatad him est to get first aid. Kasai I wee looked np to await a hearing Monday. Lmte Friday night Grnoat Job naan, negro, used bfa knle ta do a*gMt carving job on the pan** of hla • wectleT Apple Ball Phlltlpe. Be a'aahed Tar deeply aeroea tto nealp, g time or two aaroas thd took, and then plpng*d tto knlfa blade Into tor back until tba lunge were pierced. Reports ware that Johnson said tM girl wna trying to "twe-thae" ttaa. Ha made hi* esekpo following tto cutting and aow the police are searching for him. „ g_a 4 TRICK DRIYRB KUUO - 1 ■■■ ■ * Murfreesboro, June •#.—ToUunM Teal. If. employed aa a truck driver for a highway contractor engaged la Tseurfacing route II soar harm wag killed iaatantly last evening when Md truck turned over. • .a 0 U. •

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