weather Oturtil; Ulr Tmfcy u 4 Wi4hv *»f except scattered Thuader show Lm li alunma I - ' * V ; -•• ‘ VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER l H GEO. W. WILLIAMS RESIGNS FROM COUNTY BOARD Why Question Democracy Qf Men Who Have Given Their Lives To The Party Tbia la Qaary Aakad by Col , Langston la StaUawot la gged Y«rterday “SAVE HARPOONS FOR ENEMY**, IS ADVICE; Daalok and Stmaioao and Otb ara WUI Ba Found Working | For Party In October a " 'F~ ' "*’* » A«ains leading Democrat# or any Democrat M they or he Inlands to support the party ticket seem* Ilk# intuit. d#cla r #a Col. John D. Laug*- ton In a attument itauad laat nl|*t The ttalemejM taadai think It D about time tor a halt |« be c*ll#d upon enquiries I*, lead ing Democrat# ot the State at to whether they are solns to aupport the Democratic ticket We hare had i>rt fha'lea before In thla elate, and con. rcntlon tight# galore, all vlgorobq contact* agalAat and on behalt of c«a didatea * • * "Witness the Blmmone-Carr; Hln>- mooa-Kltchln; Crate-Kltchln; Met fleon Oardner; MrLaan.Balley con teak W*a It deemed necetaairy to ralae doubts aa to the Democracy of leading Democrat* after thoae party tight*? What la there aboth the re cent ronteata that ahould glee an much concern aa to\be Democracy ot the#* who War* apent their lire* fight log for the party? Why rale* doubta that ahould not aitot, if party record# are worth anything. Who la It whoee 9 Democracy la ao highly bntahUehed and fully proved, that haa the right to praoent a quea t'onnaira. Simmon# or Daniel* or Morrison ~'v>r He Loan or hundred# °f other# who hare been fighting the party's ha it fra tor a quarter of a century, whether they will now re main trua or bolt To me It aounda I'ke unneceaaary ‘inanlt and to not helpful to harmony. It la patter to aare the harpoon* for the enemy, and not waate too m*ny on Imaginary de tertera While aome people who are new talking pot ahou at Simmon*? twiddle their thumba In October. Sim raona and Daniels and othor suspect* will be electing tb* Democratic tick et. DOCTOR HELD FOR ABORTION Dr. Mike Robinson Out Under S4OOO Bond for Alleged Ille gal Operation RALEIQH, July S.—Charged with contributing to the death of Mlaa Loutae Hoblnaon, school teqeb •r of this city, by committing an ab borttob qn her. Dr. Mike Robertson, of Durham, waa arrested Monday la ‘that city on a warrant aworn out by Coroner Lawrence M. Waring, of Waka county, aa the latent develop menl la the death on June 19 of the young teacher, It waa announced by the coroner. Dr. Robertson wa* arretted"'iftar Solicitor L. 8. Brasafleld and Coroner Waring want to Durham Monday and caoferred with Solicitor Umatead. of that district. Tha warrant was iasu *d by the clerk ot the Recorder's Court of Durham aud Dr. Robertson wap ralaaaad under $4,000 bond. A hearing la sat for Tuesday. July 10. In tha Rbcordefh Court. On hia return from Durham, .Cor oner Waring elated that a warrant had been issued against Mrs. K. K. Forsythe, of tig South Person street, charging her with aiding and abet ting In abortion. / Developments in tbe case followed a busy week end Tor Coroner Waring whoee movement* included a motor .trip to Tarboro for au Interview witn M. H Davie, assistant State JCntomo logist. who haa been Implicated In the case. Da via now Is under $2600 bond pending a bearing Friday be fore Lloyd Bliley. Coroner Waring Monday did not disclose detailed information be haa ■gained sine# working on tka case, (OoaUnued Ah rag# Four) THE GOLDSBORO NEWS WRAP IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ABB FRESH-BEAD BY, BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. # _ * • * * % ' , , • o *. * * % . FREMONT FIREMEN GO TO AID OF PIKEVJLUE A tour minuter run of tha Fre. mont flrw department tb Plkevlllti laat evening probably saved the latter town a serious firs. A Cadillac automobile caught fire in Collier's garage Pikeville and the spreading riames threatened to n deatroy the garage. The adjoining r business block, must have cer tainly been destroyed also. An 808 call to Fremont brought the tbemteal "equipment of tbe lattar town In four minutes from leaving Fremont's engine,, hall. "We cer tainly appreciate what they did for us," Addison Hoses told Tbe News over the telephone last eve ning "Things looked mighty bad for a minute or. two, Fremont aura ly trawled aa white." Mr. Hose# 1 told Tbe New* that the actual darn age'i done was Insignificant The call to Fremont Waa plo»«T'bjr E >. Vail of Pikeville and the Fre mont fighters were on the scene in eight mluute* after he made the ceil. About v twenty-five Fremont people rushed to Pikeville along with equipment. BADLY WOUNDS FATHER IN LAW 3 '-mumwmmu tap** ’•;>«**“» f Jap Langston Shoots B. J. Gar ris Through Groin After \ Dispute Jap Langston, operator of o much trequohted filling station Just over the Lenoir county line near La- Graage, shot and sertonMy wounded bis father-In-law. B >J GarDa. about 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon, accord ing to information supplied Tbe News yesterday Reports from Kinston were that Garris asked Langston to sell him a pint of liquor, that tb* latter refus ed. saying he waa still due twenty live cent# on'a pint purchased pre viouely Words followed,The News waa Informed, Garris was described as having left the place but a* hurl ing an empty soda-water crate back Into the building. There was a fur ther exchange of epithet*. Langston advanced from hla place qf business He waa met by the term ”8 h" as he left the door, and pursued Gar. rla around tbe station. The latter i vldently made a sudden turn to f*c.t tils pursuer, aa Langston fired. Tbe News wa* informed. The ball‘from Ih* pistol pierced Garris about the loins and went tlfrough tbe body. Stopping just under the akin on Die opposite side. * Until yesterday afternoon Grinds h»d not been removed to a hospital lor treatment, nor h*d Langston been placed under arrest. The New* waa Informed, fmngston was continuing *t his business aVJhe filling station. Tests Disprove Reports Os Typhus Fever In Sampson Co? Fears of an epidemic of the deadly tiphus fever In eastern North Caro Itna wers completely allayed yester day when word receled from Samp son county said that Dr. John R Kerr of Sampson, county health officer, had been proved not to have the die eaae Dr. Kerr, who U a brother of Dr. A. H. Kerr of Goldsboro, and two o'bera h*d been reported as suffering from the disease which In time* past ravaged Kurope, leaving thou send* dead behind It. Blood teats completed yesterday rhowsd, however, that Dr Kerr wa* not suffering from typhus. Prior to the receipt of the bloog test*, ‘however. Dr. O H. Laugblny houte. state health officer, , and Dr A. H Taylor, also of the health d«- I artment of the State, had agreed that a diagnosis, first reached by Dr Kerr, that tha malady -was tha deadly ty QTY COURT HAS HEAVY DOCKET, A Total of Sixteen Casco Dto posted of At-Regular Monday •# Sesaion Yesterday To the city hall they Docked yester day morning, both white end colored, to auswer various 4nd sundry charges against them before his boAor, tha Mayur, at the regular Monday mo>u lug aasalon of city court It was one of the heaviest dockets that has ap peared la several weeks, a total of slstaan oases being disposed of. The folowlng cases were tried. Mary BuJlock, colored, -hirijed charged with being drunk, was aa acased with a fine o fflva dolara and tbe costs H. L. Lea. white, paid a fin > of ten dollars and the coals on a • hsrge of a asult, tbe aasault having • -oar red some time ago. T W. Merritt, white, chargei e"t», receiving and having whiskey In his possession for tha puapoae of sale, gras bound over to the county rn:rt- Uato Ricks, colrtred. we* bound over to tbe county court on a charge of carrying a concealed wetpon Note Hardy, oolorgd, pall lw*d«l lars and tbe costa in bis case on a ebarga of speeding an autumcblle. Dr Daa Powell .White, pud the coat# on a charge of vtrVuig tb-- xasiltary laws Rajrmus Ci/ell. white, va* bound over to the county court uu a charge •i: assault. John McKeunon colored was ebarg *»• with disorderly co.i'j". but Ills case waa dismissed. Matthew l4>e. colore,d pad. tljv (oats on a charge of reckless (trivia*. •' • 'i , , I * ' *•' , Ben Campen, Jr., was fined fire dollars and the coat* In his coe on a charge of speeding an automohtte Louts Thompoon. white, chained with being drunk waa let off with the payment of the cost* In h» case. Ben Alberson, colored, wa# fined five dollars and the costa in his case or a charge of assaulting hi* wit*. Quinn Hlrkn, colqred, paid tead « No ronlirotation of Reports Os Finding of body of Roald Amundwn o a n LONDON, July 3 (Afi—For ■ brief «pa?'e of lime today an Mcumflrmed Report was current that the Isidy of ('apt. Roald Amundsen had been found In (lie sea off Norway. This (■me In the form of u message to the Exchange Telegraph Co., purported to h* Don Oslo, hut definite Inquiries at Oslo J, nled the report. Thu* the late of the noted Arctic explorer who went to aid In the search for general Umberto Nobile and Ills companions remains a mystery. Meanwhile Great Britain has taken a hand In tha rescue work Two large seaplanes, the.aU ministry announced are being made ready and will shortly Join other .searching expeditions In tb* uorth. NO NEWS ON 4TH In ketptnK with a policy of several year’s standing The Goldsboro News will not be issued, tomorrow, July 4. » negroes who bed witnessed sudden death descend among them, stood in terror Coroner T R Rohtusou empanelled a Jury over Ihe body Sunday after noon and tha verdict was that Snap per came to his death from a blunt luatrument In the handa of Wheeler. The latter had not been taken laat evening. * , The. killing of Snapper occured about 5:30 Sunday morning. Abont o:3u, In the Little Washington sec tion of the city. Hosanna Whitley and Ethel Tyson began to qaurrel about a man. officers said. They were at the h«me »f Will Smith, negro. Th# •Whitley w»man (Jailed suddenly from the room, swooped to an adjoining racks, rummaged In a bureau drawar and reappeared with a pistol. *>KFe pointed the weapon at the Ty -on woman and fired four times. The shota look effect In tit* stomach of tfie woman and she crashed to the Boor, groaning. The wounded wo man gas taken |o the Goldsboro Hos pital for treatment and the wietder o| the pistol was ronflnsd In Wsyo* county Jail to await th* outcomt of the Injuries. " CITY TO SPEND 4TH QUIETLY Trips to llrarheM. Crescent Lake r and Other Kenort* are Be ini; Planned The Fourth of July tomorrow will l |>U“H quiet!)' enough In O«ld*boro No ofllolal celebrat lou or observ ance of the IB2nd anniversary of the i (*‘rnlne of the l*eclar»tlon qf Inde pendence ha/ beaa ,»pl "ined ijor the i clt* | ‘ Koltowiujc it* 'jstt*! polley and the ;>< I Icy of a number of the paper* of | the State. The News will not be Is sued pn the morning of the Fourt tomorrow. While there will be no ofAciat eh. rervance here, folk* will take I the Fourth as suits their taste. I A good m*ny housewives will de t vote enlarge par! of today In getting te»dy fried chicken, stickles, haip andwiche* and other derKlous'lSTtoleM' j for trips to the beaches' Wrlgbts v.lle and Atlantic—or for a day at Crescent l-ake. The Old man., however. Insists- that te Is going to spend at least hslf of the Fourth In getting the meriting nap he has beeu trying to get for , fifty years. (Continued on Page Four) JOHN HINSON IS FINED SSO Seven Springs Man and Broth er are Found Guilty of Hi* Hinting an Officer John HI noon, of Seven Sprlnii. tu \\ »y»t' County Recorder* Court y*a -11-rd»y convicted u( restating an officer aud fined S6O »nd coat*. Fres. It.u Hlu»on. • brother us Jotin llln lo«, wan jonvlrted “f assaulting an officer and fin*d fid and coata. John 111 u non. evidence tntrodocad at the trial, ahowad wan boisterous In a Haven Hprlngt barbar abop (>«-puty Hherll Damon Button aekad b'm la be qulat. Hinson waulejl to know II Button wasn't a deputy sheriff When the latter replied In the affirmative. It wait brought out. H naon In titled that there weren't bnough d—deputtee In Wayne" to lock hit up. . Aa Button struggled with the man. It waa aaid. Preston Hinton cam a up and struck the deputy In the eye. John lllnnoii la alao under bond of |2g Meeting of Commiilgiigrg' , Ueorg* W. William* of Mt. 011* yesterday tendered Ms realgaaMaa m a member of the Ways* county heard of commiasloaam aM laat Clark *f Court J. B. Hooka, la jpu. 1 cordanc* wltb public Mel of ttof ata|* appointed J. Herman Dana lag tkj Grantham township fa (Hi pat Ue wji ■j» pi red term Tb* realgnatloa at Hr William* waa a brM ante to tags adleot *WT mediately" aad waa left W*b lb* tHV*p o* court foiiawtag tb* r*gasm fttfjt Monday seaaiou of WbTbf eMapiyk era yesterday * Tb* board met at 11 o'oteeb aad w*r* tu saeetoa uaUl i, gat adlouraed’ to m*«t agata oa Friday tu go lato tb# matter of p**t*ctiag * «euaty badM*- for tbi* year, * The r**tgb*tipa of ' Hr- WUltamg. who wa* jt*f*at*d t«r rw-noatfattatf at th* r*c*at Dem»ceall* primary, la tb* ftret r**lgnation from tba lutrf in tba fenrtaaa yea n iMgl pP. NbeHi baa acted aa abdt Daring tbte tlw he has only one* grevloaaly barn eaH. *d upon to axarclaa tb* tolfibpWi power V*st«d la tb* Itlafb by Urn gab' lie law*. That waa taM) ta dafith if Frank B Jordan Mr Daaalag. nm 4 to fUI , 9ft Mr. Williams place mas aagHaaldd from tb* southeastern part of tip county m tbo racaat Ptmaaralf* A tb* voting H* wtl b* gwora la. gad with tba immgktafitaaw It thato Mr non com** la N*v*«ibe tod It W l3t until lb* ftret week ta dhaambar tbit tb* new board la tanaelly mated. | CITY’S BOOKS IN FINE SHAPE Auditor Report* mi KmnUb 6f Semi Ahimml Bumlbblmh of CUy Buaiimoo . Tba books of tha cHy of Gild* tad are la batter aha#* tbao M aaVaraf years, c. N. Good*©*, Raloigb ouCto* fled accountant, told tbo boflld of fiM darmsn last evening la ragnrtlag 00 tb* semiannual auto of tbo oRg- Ip* Ooodno* mod# tbo naggaMUk that corlala old see ousts that bovo remain ed on tbo books for a another of year* b* cancelled' off to Hgktao tba task of bookkooplto Amooota to Id cancelled, iflift rim—a aa jail no ia accepted, would total Okoat sl,dM b* Hit Mr. (loodao* roonoLmooddd charging og certain poring aaaOOO menu held agalaat tbo Federal for*, •rnment for pavement aoor tbo goto office, and a dirt*rest gmaidgri fur assessments for pnvlag abutting city property. Ha racommolded furtbar that no partial tea payment tom tbl% |6 be accepted. Alt df th*** racom* inendatlon* will bo goa* late by tbo budget committee of tb* board wblob l will m**t at Id o’clock this momiag. On tb* petition of C dtt Oeorg* K. Freeman and Uoaal Wall, lb* mm of 1150 was sppropftatad toward a* penaM In brtagfbg tha aanoai ooa vention us tb* North Carolina Fwodt* ry .Association bar* ia September. The aldermen heard 8. U Rooe make a at roar plaa that th. board r«***> alder tb* ordtaan** forbidding tb* keeping of cowa In tk# city nftar Ad* gunt 1. Alderman Denials moved that this matter be referred back ta tb* original "cow" committee Alder* mao McClenny waa o* bla last ai cn-c anu protestiag that *ll t »•*« l.v* yam to get a report out at tbit comuiltiee." L, “H. t we will report back at thd neat toe, ting on tkia matter, ‘ biaadi ly, intei p« a*d Mr. Denials sad bla mac lion ca*r.ed. , Ko"cwing tbte hualaasa lb* alder* iiifu went Into executive naqjifm wltb only th* members of tbo boar! ant. >■ k|J| WHU'OIIB - NEWTON 1- Tbs farmora'toi townspeopl# of Catawba Cennty wora glad ta aa* a aoablag rata MU V|M^|