.in * I .i. m inm m 11. —- WEATHER North Carolina local shower* Thurs day us Friday. '' r' • ■ VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 110 ITALIAN AVIATORS BELIEVED TO BE NEARING GOAL Were Reported To Have Been Seen Above Cape Fear I§le Last Evening Had Covered Over Half Os FUfkl But Worst Part Yet to Bo Traversed ROME, llalr. Jaly i—(API Two air. m«n war* tonight belalved to be aoma where ovar tba South Atlantic more than too thirds of the way of their flight from Roma to Permaubuco. Praail, on the mainland of South America. Capt. Aurturo Sarrarin and MaJ Carlo Delpret* were sighted at fi P m., Qreenwtcb time above the Cape * Rear laland. radio dispatch** said. St Vincent, Cape Pear laland ia ap proxtmately 3,000 miles from Home, and 1«\>0 miles from their destination hut the 1600 miles Is regarded as the most basardous portion of their entire trip, aisce It is almost eotlrel< a wat er route, while (he first 3,000 miles court was largely over land There 1s no certainty of their land ing when they reach Pennaubuco. if they are able to hold np to that point If their fuel holds,out It la aaid they may continue further South, posalbly 1 to Rio DeJtnerlo This wna regard ed aa particularity apt to happen rlace the aviator* ware intent on lofting the long dtatance record now held by the American nviator*. Cham- Lerllu, and Levina who flew the tat ters plane a distance of approximate ly 4.OSS miles on their Atlantic flight ♦rom America to tha coast of Oar «ai*y. ROME. July 4—<J»>>-Two Italian airmen were presumed to be speeding westward today In an attempt to make the first non atop flight from tha continent of Europe to the main land oP South America, Captain Arturq, Perrarln and Major Sarto P, Delpret* hoped to reach Pernambuco, Bratsll. about 4.635 mile* from Montlcello Field, Italy, toon after dawn tomorrow. If *nr cesafnl. they will break the dlatgnre flight record of 3,90!* miles aet by Clarence Chamberlin and Charles A Levine last yaar. They already hold the dareilon flight record of 5* hour* 34 minutes and 26 1-8 aaconda. Taking off at 7:21 o'clock last night, (hay had the advantage of a full moon on the early portion of their flight. Prom Rome they Intended to go peat the aoutbern roaat of Sardinia through the Strait of Gibraltar, pa at the Capa Verde laland* and the Island ot San Ferpando de Norochana In the . east of Rrastl. The airmen calcu dated their plana would be slightly beyond Gibraltar at dawn today and would reach the vicinity of the Cape Verde lelanda by twilight. They are ualng the name plane in which they established the duration record It has a cruising radius of -.bout 66 hour* and la equipped with 560 horsepower Plat motor. Tha plane had a radio aet. which Major Delprats Will operate. The Poliah flyers. Captains Idal gowrsky and Kappula who Intend to bop off from La Bourget. France thi* morning for tha United States, post joned the flight when they received ■ aports of unfavorable weather over the Atlantia Cnptnln Idslgowrsky enld he was anxious to but would take no < hancea. The plane will head directly for the Aaorea and then for Halifax The airmen hope to make the trip in 31 hours. **■’ Lieutenant Commander Louts, Ja rnme Paris, piloting a French sen plane. expects to start for she United States shortly from Brest. Hr will make his first stop at the Island of Payal. tha Aaorea The French government dispatch boat Vllledya Is now In Best harbor, -ready to flow tha plana to sen at any moment and attempt to maih t.tln wireless contact with tt until g landtag la mada at F»yaL THE GOLDSBORO NEWS RR*n in THB MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESHi—BEAD BID BUYERS BEFORE THEY BU& PRESIDENT HAS EASV BIRTHDAY Celebrate* 56th Birthday With Oaly Newspaper Men aa (lues la t SUPERIOR w/j., July 4 (API President Coolldge celebrated hu v'fty llxth birthday today with only newspaper reporters and pressmen a# ilia guest* With them he shared till* breakfast, and then allowed them to i accompany him on n flatting trip. Los ing no time after the arrival of hla gueata he waved goodby to Mr*. Cool :age and hla son John and led the way up tha stream *nd crossed a couple ot amall lakes into a larger ou# of clear water which wna pertodl islly disturbed by the breaking of :rout. Hla boatman deftly and silent ly steered hla canoe to where the trout seemed moat active In their ef forts lit securing their mornings de licacies with but little success; fln rlly however the President wka award ed a hefty strike and for several min. utes the newspaper men were treated to a skillful ply of the nlmruds *f f< rts in making a successful landing of his catch, and were more then sur prised, «a wa* the President himself when the wlley catch wna finally con quered to find that he had caught two of the finny tribesmen, the larger of which weighing shout three and one half pounds. •When the party returned from the fishing trip they were treated to a seventeen pound *blrthday cake and cigars, after which they were waved good,by by the President and Mrs. Coolldge. WILD BIRD PAYS VISIT TO TOWN Mountain Grout* Flies Into Western Town and Taken in Sight* CLACIER PARK. Mont.. July 4- (4*l—Although the blue grouse la the wildest of the grouse family, on* that visited Glacier Park the other day was the exception. J. R Rice, Great Northern depot egent, *aw a big bird come running across the Glacier Park hotel lawn,. It entered the open door of the depot, croaned the waiting room and ran out through the front door. From there It made Ita way down Main street and finally went into the Montan gdFage It allotted school boys to pick tl up on their arms. The bird seemed to enjoy being carried by the boy*. When the school bell rang and it waa released, the bird winged its «ay high in the atr and sailed back tv the mountain home from which It cam*. Camp Tuscarora To Be Run On Indian Plan This Sumpter Camp Tuscarora had"'the best open ing in Its history laßt Monday morn lug when Scout* from Goldsboro, Hen son *nd Atlanta, Ga., began to arrive mil set thing* to stirring- Before the afternoon swim the tenLa had been cleaned out and decorated, and tied* put In place. S The camp thl* year Is being run on the Indian plan.-the camp,being div ided Into two Indian nations with • great chief over each nation. Kach nation is divided Into tribes with chiefs over each tribe Hldney Meyer* In chief of the Routs nation, and Buck Tilton la chief of the Maftiawk nation The honors for the first Asya program are divided betweeu th* two nation* as (he Aatect tribe of th* Mohawk nation won- tent decoration, and the Black feet tribe of the Souls nation wliinliiff the .first ball game of the present camping season from the tecta by th* enormous score ot 16 to J 4. LOCAL FOLKS HA VE MIRACULOUS ESCAPE U. S. Admiral Honored in Japan ■ H I H v ‘ :'"•A.- * r r I I ■ ■ M ■*——l————^ You get n breath ot old Japan in Uu* photo ot fashionable Koyokan reauurant in Tekio by tha banquet which waa given to Admiral Mark Admiral Stunki of tha Japanese navy. Tha • Bristol 0. a -N. (second from left), ip the host ia shown fourth from ‘ha lafl PARDON ASKEI) FOR SPARROWS lg Serving Time for Mutilation of Needleman Bark in 1 1925* RALEIGH, July 4—(An-Appllca tious for paroles for F*. W. Sparrow | end UU son. F. W. Sparrow, Jr., sent to State PriaWi in May. 1935, to nerve from *i> to It* years each for nartlctpatlng in the mutilation of Jo* If. Needleman. Philadelphia, have ;uat been made to Pardon Commission c,r Edwin B. Bridger*. Judge N. A-” Sinclair, the j»r« •Hiding Judge at the Needleman trial and Solicitor Dan Gilliam who proMecuteil the caaea. were among those slgnlne th epet It lon along., with Jurors and a number *1 Martin county citizens. AL SMITH G w O. I*. CLI R 61 AS OPEN Kit IN ALBANY, N. ¥. AlJfctNY, July 4— UP)“ A "ftmlth republican'' Club ha* opened head quarters In this city in the office of William A. Humphrey, n- Republican and a close friend of Governor Smith. Mr Humphrey announced the pur pose of the. organization a» the win ning of Tndependepent i# Republican vote* for the goVernor NO INKIRKIENTN IMF' IN' COMMITS MEXICO CITY. July 4 - (JPL- Eighty insurgent* among whom were two described as Oath d.o -»i lent * were killed Monday 111 vsriiius lombata with federal troop* In the State of Jalisco.' Th.p headquarter* patrol of the' camp gay the opening camp fire pro-j gram which was enjoyedre.it|y tjv. the Hcouta. The Black(fet.trlbe hu 1 charge Tuesday night arid did them selves in putting; <>fer a most j -enjoyable entertalnnienC—th) 1 ,4ltarr brothers featuring for, the entenaln era. , ' «• The following ramperf are register ed for this week: , Mohawk Nat ton Buck Tilton, chief Aatect Trll>e John Cooper, CJiicf: Russet Montague. Tommy . Gwallney, Ben Farmer, (b>ri|on Talton, Buck Tslton. Hugh Jones Cherookee Trlbn—Clarence Klntr, Chief; Dick Oliver, Adlai ((liver. Billy Griffin, Charles Webnter. Hubert Par ton, •WllUam Hounlon, Uml* Leven. ■cn. Ntals Nation Hldney Meyers, Cbiaf. (Continued on Page Three) GOLDSBORO, N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 5, 1928 MAN GOES OVER j NIAGARA IN BALI- HpringfifeM Man Shoot World'* 1 Greatest Fall* in a Rubber Hall NIAGHA f2u,B. N. y; July 4- (4N—For the third time In hlatory (Be unconquerable Nlagra F'aU* »•* conquered again today When Oene A (.■•dealer es Springfield, Mass, went over the Iterse* shoe falls »B the . Canadian aide In a specialty con structed rubber ball, while about 160 pqiqWe lining Ihw river Imnk oil i Iwth side* cheered and applauded i Ludsler was reamed from th* l iver about a mile ll••l.tw the, falls by ii Mr. till) In att open row boat, and the fir's! person to greet the 'plucky inlveutu«wr when he was hauled from M* ruhlier hall «ih hi*, slater. He waa only slightly hrulsed which waa or ' caatoned by the terrific bouncing Os I the hall wjtlle passing through tb*, ! -■■pid* shove the falls. 'T-didn’t even . think It *ll happened so fast" slated Mr. Ludstyr on being questioned re garding hla experience. ROUTE TEN GETS RECOGNITION 'Ke-Forentation Program For N. ‘ Cn Meets Approval of Stale (kfternor | ItALFJICiH. July 4—(A»)—lmp*>»t- K'niee of the policy of reforestation In j vt, I red In protection of North Caro ! Itna’a young trees' along Highway U | J No. 10, Ootdshuro to Moreltcad City, j ha* Just brought forth favorable com I Iment from Governor Mt iantn. “Ever since I have t*een governor "| he said, “I have tn-en trying to sires* i j the Importance of reforestallou, es | pet tally for the protection of , our I >oung tree* In eastern Nbrth ftsro- J hno. It require* considerable agita-. i lion aiid education of public sentiment to get results. “The general attitude of the people -toward this important matter Is ralh ol Indifferent and the state depart ment nl ri|n*ervrtlon and devejop ment has been doing * great work In bringing this Imimrtant matter to puhljc attention. „ 1 “I repeat the idaP-ment that Jheie vuiing forests properly looked after, will bring a much greater final re turn thau-can lie derived from eultl rated crops Thl* la especially true of the pine trees In K»Ht*rn North Caro lliia, which have a ryphl growth, 'teaching a UHahte size In 20 er 2.5 Iye»r*. Moreover, they grow on land* which are not particularly from an egricuitural viewpoint.'' o STATE FAIR IS MAKING READY 2520 New Otaint ContrarUd tor To Be Placed in Audi l '■ torium “ RALEIGH. July. 4 (A*)— tArrange menta for holding the North Caroliu* Htate Fair here next fall art rapidly taking sbapei Manager W. B. Moy* has just let a contract for the In stallation of ,2.620 senla In |b* new giandatand at the fair grounds. . Tha chairs will coat 82 80 each, made of elm wood with arm reals, bv a Hickory company. IHMI MABATHO* HU It BY NKtIRIIIiN ORDKKKU HTOPPKD NEW YORK. July 4 —(AV-A negro dance marathoDln Harlem gfng stop ped early Wednesday morning 'on or. der of Leu Hi I Harris. City Healte Cnmmisaloner. who said he ‘found the lour surviving couples In no physical condition to continue. The dance started sixteen days ago. ■—-* „** ■| T - 1 - | . 4 HARTLEY IMHH.R, JK. , WINK HI’I KN IN KRAI, RUDEB LIVINGSTON M«nt. July 4 UP) Hartley D<Mlge. Jr., of New York, nephew of John D. Rockefeler, ha* woii his spurs In regulation rang* fashion."’ ' The ftrteen year old youth thrilled kpertatora at a rodeo here-Tueeday when he rode a wild »l*er to a flnlab, City Has “One Os Safest And I Sanest Fourths ** In History Ona of the safest and Yadeat F'ounn* jf#*Ve ever h»d here” was the w»y one of ttie lo<-al police officers described yesterday’s paaslug t)f this year'* Fourth of July. During th* tntlre-day. no wrecks were reported, nor were any victim* of “too murk ahlne” placed under arrest. The t>* ir crime wove of the pa*t week end ha.d seemed to have pagaed. and a qulat, broken only by thes hum of automd. hit* motors, the conversation of pass Ing pedestralns and the falling of a few pin*, prevailed over the city. In the- morning, a good part of Goldsboro's population went out to Griffin's park to see the Manufactur ers trim Kinston. Then In tk* after, noon, a large number of Goldsboro fans went over to Klnatou to ;ae* the /skme thing happcn'Wgaln The highways leading to Wilming ton and to Morehead City wore lined with cars going and coming, during tha day, evidence of th* fact that “the Mrs. Watson and Children Painfully Injured When Car And Truck Njeet on Highway --- | , J|, fT r KLUCKERS ARM y KLAN MEET Hay Arms to Be Used to Pro tect Heflin Who Woo Hchedul do to Addreoa Klan a • NEW YORK. Jt»l» 4— UP)-To l«- aur* protection to Senator HefUn. who waa scheduled to addreoa a Klan mooting at Jamaica, but fallad to arrive, a crowd estimated at fifteen hundred men many of them armed, were gathered on the acena JgMay,. and when queetloned about tbalr arm* explained that If neceaaary. they were It be used ta protecting the Hanator (rom any possible violence. Polka r* ported that nothing could bn don* about the shew of arms, aa all IM men were deputies, or had, obtaladl pt rmlt* to carry them from Justkas it thf Peace Tb# tlma waa takaa up with various caramoaies. and It wa* aot natll taur that R was laaraed that Heflin waa In Toledo and had de cided not to attend tba meeting. - _L i. FIVE IRJI RED BY riREURACKRBN CARPKNTBRIA. Calif.. July 4— <JP) Five i»er*ona war* In Jared, tbre* when aparka from fire cr«ck#ra lg altad a b&x of dynamite capa Hark Lang and Hla aon, Marvtn 18 of Santa Barbara, were tha mosT earl i Ally Injured, and Itftl hop* wag bald for l heir recovery Lang'a wife ala' was seriously Injured ENTIRE JIGOHLAV • CABINET RRMIUNM HEUIRAIHC. Jugoslavia. July 4-> (A*) (Premier Vukltchevltch handei, the resignation of tb* entire cabin#' In King Alexander Wednesday. GRATIFYING, ; TO SMITHITF. ■' N<»rtb Carolinian in Now York Communicate* With Govern or McLean o. ; * RALEIGH. July 4—<6>)—"Your aa surauce of loyal aod active aupport ot Governor Smith waa vary gratifytn* to your friends her#,’* said a telegram tent Governor McLean by Fred D Holies of an Investing bank ftnr o» New York. '* Mr. Holies, a nstive of North Carolina, handles quit* a few North Carolina city and municipal Honda He wag referring to a recent state, ■•■ it or the governor who pledged hi* support to the Democratic noml In s. h«s are the place In hot wealh er"; for those who like to bailie, the waves, and atroll the hoard wallP Crescent Lake had It’s quota as pa' runs, t»o. who went to the local resort to seek some relief from the Intense heat that came dowu with the rays from the broiling auu. Aa one little fellow- drga«kil_ln the latest aty.# replica of hla dad’s bathing suit, said, "as long as you stay under the wat er you’re cool:" So a good many ol il.c visitors to the laie donned bath 1 leg suits and went In* There . were some few, bowaver. t ho looked with disdain on proposal* (hat they too. should go to the beach, or "let's go fishing" These stayed at home lounged around and read theis favorite magazine or took th« car out and went for a short spin out Into the coonrty for a mile or two Altogether. It waa. a great and glortuos Fourth. MEMBER OH THE ASSOCIATES PRESS - prici mn cum Mrs Ad Watson and Mira* ffcMdrpn. of this cRy sad Bstdl HoaeyflUtt and David Turlington. of Clint**. all Mg a miraculous MctM fropl WiMi In jury sad possible death wbsft ! tftf. Ford sodas diivaa If Mrs Wiftaia, •nd a heavily lydea Obevrolnt fr«ek drlvan by Hoaeycaft. eraabad tMdtMr on the Mount ODv* Highway J«t* across (ba riw bridge, abotft MMy mil** fro* town, at ntan thirty m Ulsht Tbs sedan was CWnflntdly gy mollshsd, being \int4 IW' d* Iff i ids and an ggj* Mball br tbs impact. Tba track was aftniaradi over on Isa «Mo almost directly rcroan tba blybway. lambltMr fbtal iinr# ont Into thy road, ’-* ** • ! ' '*» Mrs. Watson was said to )MVWbayw rsiurnlhg from CtWMMt Uto MMfc bar thrsa child ran altar liadMg.affflf ihe day out at tba resort, sdMy'pnfr cycott and Tarllayto* wada rayartOg truck land as farnltnm. jvbjdjl * tbty 1 ba laarnad. Driver# at tßtf tlitflil «»rs baay an to bow tba imjgfcgjW 1 nelly occurred. It ttnttiy bitpta^d •ba dust and wind jmd^bfimj^y Ikwa 1 itßbway" It wan sad. Tba exact axtaat as tba t*Jurles4 ill tba parties cos Id aat ba lahridj at i lata boar Inal nl*bt, byf It wu r» ported that turtlayton, oWabr as be traab. had • attend a dlslocbtyd ii» while Mrs. Wit ay a* gaotslaed 'stafal cuu and bralSsm abont' tba ’ W, and ona of bar Itttlb boys hid » daap cat across taa of bM wrbd. til of tba occupbnti a# batb inn uffarad from braises and spy sboek tut aa fay as caald ba Wrnsd last iitbt, no ona was seriously Injured Turlington and HoseycuttweTd tubas •o tba boats as f, C. Ulrtss ap Pina street far amdlaal kroahpw*. Vhlla Mrs Watson apl Aitldrati wan shea to thair bona. About a half boar after tba wreet » colored man. who was said by wit •esse# to hart bean worblay at * yir <gv In Dudley, and who mas drtvlaga *ord touring car, crafkad tats (ba wracked cars, breaking dobm tbs ’rent wheals la Ms ear, and Stripping rt the top Ha escape* lyjbry. It way said. I same " ■ — i ■ i Thrtee Die Near S, Cs ; Town Within 2* Hour* CERRO GORDO. S. ftj. Idly V-05 -.Tragedy stalked through this hi. lon during tba paat 34 hours, leeway • h-aa dead and another hiving nar ' rwly eacap'H death. John 8. Orsug r, of the Feathery Bay auction. gif Horry. S. C-, committed 4gtal% ar fatally shooting hla add Id law; i ’•n named Causey. Tba father in 'aw. waa said, after tba abontfag. *» b have attempted to ktn Ms daughter, " nit aha succeeded In biding Tba tblrl I«ath occurred near Wbßavtlla lag* ' n ghi whan the alas year eld aan as Bass Is Bowen waa latently killed • when struck by aa auto drives by • Thomas Jones or New torn. r . .. v - POLICE OPPICBBT BCLUfT ENDM 4TH PlfltC fO» TIME phtcaoo' July «-(#»—a pal ice ad flcar'a bullet Wedataday ended a ttb of. July picolc for three youths baP»rd r it coaid get started. Hergesnt <T»rla Callahan saw tba *' {joys Ifi what appeared to ba an at* '* tempt to steal tlraa from a parked automobile eafly today Me called tj ' them to stop, sod wkao they ftedPld ' fired, first lato the Hr and them «g them One bullat killed Cbaflee Beg* ' d er, 30. year old son as tba- BchoHd Real Batata campaay band. S UK . . ■

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