» WEATHER Marti? fair wttk probable tbund*r •btviri oa tha coart. 'TYMny, * % t VOLUMB BBVEN; NUMBER 111 ITALIAN BIRDMEN HANG UP NEW FLIGHT RECORD Two Bfave Fliers Lapd On Beach Ten Miles Up Coast From Port Natal )Ut New DfeUnre Fllgfct Re of 4MO Miles Frow Take-off at Roac RIO M JE.NERIO. July 6—ay with sky-rock et, pin wheel and esnnou tracker thee were eleven such deaths lu the entire country, according to the Associated Press tabulation. Ran) Growing* lathes and rivers, however, egsrted the heaviest tribute to human life dur lug the holiday, 108 d row fugs being teporte<4 Motor car death. ranked reit In number with 54, Heat claimed 12 lives and lightning 2. fhllc 4 were .killed In plane crashes In addition there were IS.deaiK* attributed to other causes directly connected with American observance of the Fourth. The alrplarfe accidents were at Jo -1 et. 111., where a pilot and two pas sengara plunged to death when tk» w|ng of their plane sanpped and at Beaumont. Teg., where one, was kill ed. Three of the motor car deaths came tn racea, drivers being kflled llrOrk gon. Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The number of persons Injured, many probably fatally, ran Into the' thousands 1 Proninture explosion • of a truckload of fireworks at I .amar. Mo, Injured 25 person* as 6,000 gath ered In the public square to witness the display. In the larger cl.tles the hospital list of persona hurt during observance of the day rat) Into III" hundred*. Chicago, with an ordj t.snce prohibiting the sale of fire works. et-hoed all day with firecrack er siploslona, and reports from pol ice and hoalptala that the number In jured wa* probably greater than In tecent years. CHARI.OTTE. July s—t/D-With, only two fatalities and several minor arclitrqta. Couth of July celebration* in North Carolina appear to * have been the quietest and most successful In some time. ■ Wilbur Erown 18. of Riverside Heights, Asheville waa drowned white swimming with friend* In a , ah a. the foot ot Hccme* Creek fail... one mile west of Weavrrvllle..Effort* to save him were futile and his body l.ss not been reclaimed up tt| a lab hour Wednesday night A negro woman. Mary Ffoover, drowned when she stepped Into deep water In a rroek nedr B*ll*bury, «j Kgrl Stanford. .three year Old boy of Durham received cuts altout the (Continued from pagr 3) Time Os Local Ball Games Changed From 4 To 4:30 Beginning on -Wednesday. JuJy UMi all hasehsl games played in (inlds boro as a part of the Eastern Caiolua league schedule, will begin, at 4:30 In the afteypoon*, ln»lead'«kf at I u ‘- er»ek. a* has been thp custom during the past several weeks of the season. Tht* rulltig was passed by an order from the Executive Committee of the lmseb.ni association yesterday .accord Ing to Information received by The New* last night. The change In the starting time «f |he focal games will give huslnass men. emyloyees. and other workers an opportunity of iJTtlng io_ see ihr game from beginning 1o end -an op. prrtunlty that they bave keen hereto. tor* denied, because by (he time they SUSPECT BELGIAN TOOK HIS OWN LIFE Bound For Rome’s Seven Hills i:•' ft Aft 1 , ftr jftr I * 1 * I ■ ■ » . mm ;,£gfc|S #>eP 1 %C9ta. - -XT ■ CONCORD. July 6—(A I )—Plan* for the merger «f nine or the mills fn the Ceniiou chair were approval ui sepor etc meeting* of the -lock holdyrs Ihy-c today at the offices of the & lion*. The company officials? of tlu irerger announced after the meeting will he formally organised a* soon ■* all legal refuirtdbcuta can In met. The uonciru will'be known n« the Cannon Mills Co, with headquarters at Kan napolis. N. C. The capita,! of the new cent patty will he atauit . 1 vr F’afmer Draxued to His Death By Mule CREILNEBORO, July s—f Ran dolph county w«m drag?-d !-• death by a mule today Mr, Hrowri lt»d gone to hi* home from a field Ui which ho had been plowing., uud hud rld'len the mule from the field, when he attempt v frohf Rh-ic work and lonld J get out to the ball park, the game I would already le> off to a void start. It I* al*f. gl-lleved. that thi.. change „wlll bring n large rattendaute to the Ki>mes, and will bring almut even more interest thsn has slrrady been shown In haset.aH this .l-ason Whom double headers liav< to do- pla'yed to tp.okc tip for some game that has bam pr»stpon<-d Ar rained out of course (Tils ruling wilt rot apply, hut unless there ire two rr. T W. lying trt Roanoke Haptdii u chairman of the hoard; IT. T,. Spenee, Carttnwre.' vice I'halrmuu; A U. ('room Wilnilmrtoti. W. K. Ifnr. »l«on. Ho. klm-lwm. Dr J (I. ltrax wcll. Witaker, J K. Jon*-*, Sanford, j(>u.e* (VllHirer WtUon. Mr Max T. Payne, <•>«•»jti3*t>or*> ami J. H, Me- Qncfeti, laikeviow, tnntnhcrH m;vi Mi tviMistonu at W I>STO> sAl.Ktl WINSTON KAKKM. July a-(Tl CllniatftttK a day lti.il Wa t aaid to turtle I'reii tlic hottest as tip- year, n *e vey v'iaUlofm, »«*nit |> over tVLn«l btorm. hut A \V. Jr, and ■hi* - *»ii ii|it a, itl rl. . of Stiie re r thoirt «>f North foroilua inii.iy wound up their annnxt ' oa\ • ’o‘!| a' ’V • 111 < * li ! e ha A With hu itwa dltM’U**iOlMl and * hart* V t|tiei in the e fret ns at which J. liaynrd Clark, < ih '.- o oi.il e •uilldale, »/ Hi • chief in tkiT. Klei el ion of off.eeta and nm'iie :i e J *L’ I 1 • iVCllthut dtv '(ere |V,r< |l.< matter* on the program tic fore ad- A‘uri>inct»u COMMITTEE ON BOOKS TO MEET Methodist Lpiscooul Body Call ed to Meet in tfatihvillec on , Wednesday, July 11th NAfIIIKVIELE, Tenn.. July 6—(A*) •The book rommHtee of the Mathexl isl Episcopal church. South, h*s been (aled to mewt here on tu-xt Wedues dayft July 11, by Its president C. A. Craig of NasbvHle for thu purpose of electtng u successor to Dr, Gilbert jJ* T. Ilorti Ix.ok editor, who Veslgnel l" become cunuacled with Duke uni versity. The position of book edit or Is a ranking offi<-c In the church, the editor editing and punslng upon all to.iuuseripts hnokr, published by th« church “ The inert lag wtl also have before It the election nf a no-rnber of Ihe com mlttec to take of Jo, rt Morgan «f Nashville, whose removal o from the city lef t a vacancy, ~ VT K Odell of C'oucord, N.,C., L a Riombor of the committee. “ " * ,—.- tjl-OHK (IKtJTBN l> I'ARis PARIS July,,.'. io*»n llenry fleaW eod Captain fnllyer. who art attempt jo.- 1,, drcl. Hu- vlot,.- from New York within "3 days, arrived at, |,e P"imat Held from : - r >" Thursday- afternoon Lenoir Farmer, Killed, By Carbide Plant Explosion Mr. J Herring. Sit y<■ hrr. <>f age, n iirnmmi nt of n-.j r j.ifiririfci died in ;i Klinduu lio»|rital nil lent Itu day mornln/ at *. oclotjt a; a result of litjurlca received at about iii-oii of tin- day (m f .i ■ - * lion u i.»rhlbe lighting ptant storage tank which hn *t iH rci lierglng exploded. Tfmfwtnruge tank was of the form that I* burled lii ilo ground, unit of a that will eon tain "Uffirlint of •hi “to 'apply lighting for aoftii* lin Ani onlliiu to wit noiuon, tho *orl» of refilling the tank wav rnm (ilrloil w iiti Hie .j in ■ in mu of „i i uiliik Juat one of the arrow fnetner* that Iv.dd* the ltd In pr#i e. and Mr Her t ing, wa* reaetiihg aero** the tank t« MIC on lb' tidal fastener, when the iWealthy Financier Is ii Said To Have Been One ’’ Os World’s Richest Men Cotton Dusters To . lie Demonstrated The general public are Invited to attend the Field Demonstrations to b« held today from ®: 30 to 1 o'clock at the U O, Thompson farm, on the southern limits of the city on highway No. 40 and at the Matthew Johnson place now farmed by George Garris, on the' FYemunUEurcka road. < ■ Ttie practical uses of riding culti vators will he demonstrated In a •practical manner, cotton dusting machinery will be operat ed under the supervision of Prof. L> <.B. .Weaver, agricultural engin eer of *ist«. College, llalelgli. N. C. Light refreshments will be sarv- , rd Come and Idlng a neighbor. MEN HELD KILLING GIRL ~ ‘ i “ Two GniHoiiia Mon Hound Ov er to Superior Court In BW by for Fatal Shooting / | *% HIUSI.HY. Jaly $-jJh—Hal|* Up pard and Claud* both of Gastonia, were »s*uud svar to Supe rior C«urt here today by Csuuty Judge fatal shooting at. Grovwr of Berths. Evelyn' l.lppard. 13 year old wife of Uppard- Each were held In 33.906 bond. I The young woman waa shot Hun day evening and died to a hospital here H«ndsy. Tha shooting Is said to have m-curred during a party at the l.lppard home. Ham Wallace, who was with IJp pnrd and lleaveoer, was dismissed as to the murder charge but waa fined costs for driving an automo bile while Intoxicated and for tres pass. I.fgcly circumstantial, there being no actual eye witnesses to the shooting exoept Ihe defendants, who did not lake the stand. * . ' ti , ■. - Dr. Kilgore to Address Co-Ops Near Here 13th UALBICU. July 6-OP) Dr* n W Kllaorc. of Raleigh, president of the Cott«n Grower# Cooperative Atsocla ttftn' a»id of the American Cotton Growers Exchange, will address a meeting of* Wsyne county farm-rs tieftr Goldsboro on July 13. DEATH IIKI’KKMNKN NT4H KN 0J o . PARIS. July s—(ff I ) —Tb* death of Alfred Lowensleln had a depressing i ff>-< t on slix-ks In which he “was In terested on the j'arls Rourse Tublxe .speeiully dropped many points Oth-, • r stocks wi*re Influenced downward, among therft hanks, Rentes, Rio, De. 1 I’es rs, and Hue*. Csnsl take the stand explosion oriured The entire top of the lank *u blown Into the air pro hahly a hundred feet nr morn, hut the intsafr made conart with the vlc •'•» In Its fltglit wUh reimltlhg wound v.hlrh proved fatal It t» auppoaed that Mr Herring received the full of. feeta »f from about two hundred iHiimdj* the fuel,, which ei inhere of the family thought mlgh liave been rhxpr.rd from the fr»ed tauk of the storage plant becoming! extremely hot from the auna raya ‘luring the time It wg* lying ou the ground "while the fuel was being plae «•<' In thr lank prosier. They poattlvely fated that the vletlm wa* not *.m<>k n* us had been reported in prevlouai 1 1'ouUuutd on r»|« Four; MEMBER O>P THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICK FITK Cl NTS Hb IMiuMHM«nac« m Mm* 1 ' ertd While Private Ptbßh WBT, ‘ in Air Over ChBMNI ; ‘ PAX 18, July Wfcpthor TBp. tain Alfced Lowinatila. Belgian Hf> ancler. and rtprmtMl M Mali 04* of the richest men (a the wdttd. dt~ llbtntalr final himself from Dm tiny plant which wsihoerlag him acrob tht Kngltsh Channel. and wnathe tte ttm of a tragic mistake. ar«f aikatvft, tonight- Tht naaal routine ptrfbp * rrsrigatlon waa held today at Banin* «ne. where the plane landed whan It \ aa discovered that the wealthy own er had disappeared Wfce In rsallg sites waa conducted only hy a polttoe nab* ' mlsaloner wHlsht power to do Bore than merely ascertain the cewelaatve facta In the am : ' '• ' * Vie The pllet, mechanic, two ytenoganp-- here, and valet. who W*rif, an tbk. plane, teeUfled te thetr k*t* %|| (.owenatein'i death waa t*p reiaeil q| a trhcic mistake. and b nancy flaeib, circles throughout the nwf|| the theory of fnletde wag strongly arged. tt*a adheraata polatldf out that daetag the last few month, many of the iM peel** la which tbs Bflgtaa waa I*, tcreeted. had anftarad fpviman.’ cnslein had helh MlVNlr WWfftad that hla failure te ama** bnis'th Ihe I set week for MM af'lM Ms - in com panic* had preyed on Ml | ulnd. The auletd* theory Wna db.' . counted hy trie ads. "Uawemtab maAr ■ a billion Ipat year, an why s|pstd ha barn worried over flaaaeaa* Mb II reported as Earing said. ' local horses WIN RIBBONS “Doc” aad BMdt Rn Ootmß Hr * Mom* M lacaca Jtm4 Al bert Hnndby at §bw Coldsboro waa well reprasastlad dt the Medgefteld Horae „ Chow Tnanday s. end Wednesday, several hi no and rad ribbons haring been 1 OC»|VO< \ Iff * Messrs Bo 1 loeana and Albert Hagd~ ley on their horaaa "Don” and Black Re*. 4> tr . h, According the Orooaahwro Newt, mure than one hundred heraaa ward ■ntr.red among whloh yorp the MM thorobred stock In North end Bodth Carolina .and It wna a%ld 'tha-' as ere fact that Albert Handley who rain the I orse* with ao much aaoceea waa new at the game, the •howls* nah was very commendable. WAYNE TYMIIIS * ONLY TYPHOID • * it it, __ Report From tlbU Board Os Health Reßtra. Fa* as Ty* , . phos Fewer Scare officials of the Btate Boar 4 0C Health reported yesterday morning that several.cnaoa of a dtaeaao ta Wayne county, thought to he tbs • dreaded typhus fever, had turned Mrt to be typhoid. It was learned last ere r..ng Although typhoid Is a rery ser ious disease. It can be saceesafnHy ' cc mlmtted by vaccination while ÜBH le no inoculation for typhna that the Btate Board of Health Is prepared ta irimlntster on short nrilee ha. North 1 rsrollna. it aald. Three cases of typhas wee* rscMt -1 iv reported In Bsmpeen ednaty. hwt tt > was afterwards learned that Wad , end other testa mode on the pelMta, xhowed that the dteeaa* was not typ hus. as had been thought, tins Him a patients who were reported to hate thought they h*4 contracted the* dip* rase, are now said to M ooavallgtqt.