vV CiA ftIKK F*|tly Qjlowdy. Saturday and Sunday, with occasional showeri. Sunday. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 112 NEW RECORD HOLDERS ENJOY REST AFTER FLIGHT Taking Things Easy At Natal Alter Race With Death Over Ocean Wm in Air 51 Hours and 59 Minutes Prom Time of/Take off to Landing RIO pE JKNERIO, July 6—(Ah—A wall earned reit wm enjoyed today at Natal by fhrpialn Arturo Farrartn Carlo P. Dclpreto They wore brought there by a Braail mail'piano from Tu tloa. fifty of Natal, whore they finally landed after giving up their attempt on their aeoond log of the purposed non stop flight to this city, The flyers were In the air 51 hours and 69 mnlutes. and estahllahed a world'a distance record That feat waa accomplished when they landed at Point Oenlpabu. tew mica north of Natal at 7 60 p m laat night O RIO OF JANEIRO. July 6- i/F) Two Italian airmen today held the re Cord for the longest non stop flight 4417 miles —making the fUat continu ous Vllght from the mainland of Eu rope to the mainland of South Ameri ra. Captain Arturo Farrartn rind Maj or Carlo P, Delprete brought their huge Karola plane tw rest on the beach at Oenlpabu. ten tulles north of Natal at 7-60 p in (6 SO p m - Eastern 'Standard time), last night,, They had been In the air wlthitgroie minute of 62 hours, having hopped off from Montebello Field Rome, at 7:61 r m Rome time (1:61 p m Eastern Standard Time) Tuesday Set Saw Record They broke the distance flight rec ord es 1909 miles set by Clarence ’ Chamberlin and Charles A. Levine a little more than a year ago In a flight from Roosevelt Field. New York, to Elileben. Germany. After a rest of a» hour and t,wrnty minutes at Pctlot OenipAw the Its! tans hopped 'Vft MStn ror Rh. Jan elro 1600 miles away, but were forced to return on account of fog In their record breaking flight they followed a route p»st Gibraltar and over the ('ape Verde islands and southwest over the Atlantic, before landing on' the beach This course Is ♦643 miles, but an airplane liL used In determining Lhe record. * Survive Slnrm Stormy weather with heavy cloud* put the flyers In peril In the: last' hours of their long flight They had difficulty tn getting their hearings* af ter reaching the coast of Hraxil SlgKTed over Pori Natal st 4 p W. they were belelved tn he headed for Rio Janeiro Preparations were Immediately begun there to welcome the airmen and'special trains began to Tarry enthustasis to the Aftonsn rrlatlnn field to greet the flyer*. Apparently airmen became con fnaed for three hour* and 45 minute* after helnit alghled *t Port Nasal they landed ot» the beach "ten mile* to the north At »:J0 p. m how ever, they took off M* I ' l renaming their flight toward Rio Janpero (Vflrwda nt 4>4d* Air the landing field* alowg the coa*t which are need by the mail plane* of the France-Argentln* serv ice were lighted to guide,; he llallana in their w*y during th«y4i»4it. Those who had floe had to the ttto lantgro flying field In the afternoon remained there throughout the nlghf to wel come the Itallhti* l u«ed One Motor The record breaking flight was made In a Rsvola monoplane of metal and wood construction with » 550 horaepower Flat motor It* tented maximum apeed la 111 the neighbor hood of ISO roilea an hour with a full Joad, and Ita average cruising speed ta between 110 and 125 mile* an hour The machine loaded ha* a <b«l weigh of 13.500 pound* and a dura tion* radio* of more than fi& hour* The 8-t>4,'a* It la known. Is-a slater ahlp of the R-$5, which has been act ive in the relief work for (be lli fated K< bile expedltfon. The alrment aet the dnrstlon ftlrht record at 6k hour*. 24 minute*. 36 1-5 (C*ottnued trout page 3) THE GOLDSBORO NEWS HEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—WRAP BY BUYERS ItI.TOKE THEY BUY. GOV. REFUSES JORDAN PAROLE Mtev. Jordan. Serving Term fpr Bigamy. Refused Parole by Gov. McLean % RALEIGH. July 6-" t cannot tend celefneney simply because the family us "a priauuer u aafflartng wrote Dr. laither Little, pastor First Rapist church of Charlotte, wh« hid O for clemency for Bev. Mr. Jordon, a former Methodist minister, who la serving a sentence In Ktate's Prison for bigamy Governor M< l.c*n letter follows: ■'l have your letter of June 30tli, In which you urge me to pardon Ytev. Mr. Jordon, former Methodist minis ter. who was some time ago. eon vllidted of bigamy In Mecklenburg county and sentenced to Hie State’*' Prison, for the'reason that he hits teen sufficiently punished and that his present wife ia suffering Incon venience by his sepc-ratlon from her. ’■•While l appreciate the spirit and unselfish purpose of your recommen dation In tills rase l , I cannot bring to the .conclusion that Mr. Jordon has been sufficiently punish ed The offense which he committed, aas a very yertoug one, and dim to the fart that Ihrre were no rxtenuat. % Ing drcfimstance* connected with It I am hound to conclude th»t he should be punished as provided by the judge sentence -»■ - , . "Peraonally, I am sorry for the last Mra. Jordon and the Inrnu venlence she I* suffering, but I ran not extend clemency simply hecaiqge the family of n prisoner is, suffering li.conveniecn If i should »dopt that putter, t would tie compelled- to d'acharge from the Htste's Prison and chain gangs of the State a very large proportion of (he prisoners confined •herein It Is 1 almost invariably lie case that those who’ are convicted of violating Hip law* have helpless fam ilies and usually the families suffer m«re Inconvenience than the prlson >rs themselves I feel, however, that the family should be taken care of t.y charitably Inriindt- iiidlvldants end organisations of the community, supplemented... by the apr"prlation v hlch the State makes through the Department of Public Welfare, for (his purpose. Moreover, J cannot tall tn remember "the plight of the ether "wive*" of the prisoner. v<>o are up doubt, suffering Inconvenience on account of hi* reprehett«lhle cfin - .OUCL. :. x——; —l _ t _ "AKSurltig you of my appreciation of yrtur, intercßted and beucvoleni attitude, and regretting tat I can. not see my wav clear to comply with your request, etc," *30.18X1 SOIOOI, HOI NK TO BF HI lI.T AT FAITH SALISBURY. July 6 (Ah The llo e»n county hoard of education has to John I) Brown, local contractor, the contract <f.r building ci a school at FAa.ltt». The (-st will he approximately 330.094) The build ii?4t wll c<mt.»to Id r,ia«s rcoittg, an auditorium, principal * office, teach, era room .fiitf.-wjrtl have aH. modern i onventcag^a»-w. Montgomery- Ward Store Is Now In Girder Stage (’on art net,lon on .the proposed Mont gi.mery Ward building on North John t.ireet, i* progressing veiy satisfac. Iftorvlly according to one of the work ’tft.fty. who is a member of the ion struct Ing force at work In pulflng up lhe steel frame work of the building Surrounded by a high board fence (o keep spectators from geMlng t» close to the rising structure, the sit, n! the building was. a scene of hits fling yesterday. A huge derrick, mounted on a mammoth truck, used ir. lifting the giant steel beams to The Robinsons Hold a Reunion * H . I iiißlinE i Wbrn Senator Joseph T. Robinson, Demo cratic nominee for the vice-presidency, atjd Mrs. Robinson, returned from the party’s con vention in Houston, they got a royal greeting ■t the hands of their Little Rock, Ark . neigh bors, but the most pleasant surprise of all awaited them at home. Here the entire fam MEEKINS H ANDS OUT 149 YEARS IN PAST YEAR District ’'Federal. Judge I’jisscs Sentences Tolaltng TT!T\c;iit, 3 .Month*. ,10 Dstys HAI.KIGTI. July c f/T’l H-ptcucc' iggicgaUmi 149 year- five mouth and in days Were itnpond upon 231 “po r»oha T'oriv'c Jed byj lirTe*,' ui itl tl»r 184 defeiidatHs who plead guilty hv l»re Judge. I M. Mdekin* In Eaatnrp f‘,ir<>lln» «|tsf ri«-t Jcd> ral ■ • irt . during 'he fiscal year ended June 3<», enmpared with, '<_• r«f• •m< < totalling 154 fur the prcvlouN year Violators of the tint I itucl prohtbl lion laws fared badly before Jitdre Mcv-kitrs. trim Imp”-ret svmtpnrrs IC tiling id ytati and .fourth motithu For violations es postal laws,, Judge Meeklns Eatpmted ■tnlrnt'«i lotaTltng .10 y «i* and three days. Tim amount of flnc.v and forfeitures assessed by the court, during tin year •Pi criminal cases amounted to .15 of which amount 11*883.57 was paid The anfdHtr of criminal < > ■<• yy H m th” ctr'tre --Tt-t, rn rtrrtTtrf miring tin; period totalled 'Sift- of which 56# were tried and disposed of. The number of convict j ots totalled 231. pleas of ynlUv were entered by 184: 81 wire acquitted \- toil prossi . V l ' I 0 ’ • a • las ■ . i were dismissed, and 153 wore left "pen.- ' ' ■Sentences totalling eight Vries liticf t> k veu iiiont lie were given dcjJenilJiitt.i found vnltty of violating- tin narcotic set; term.l agg legal lug I" ■ If • ty.j, diiiposyd upon is roi convicted of violating tie Mann act • Amountnrf* litm anil'fjurfcftswui'-ii'*. f t:d J’lyi ' of wlrich amount f3.T36.tl way col ter ted Ikeit proper place on the f. am< taroti, ah <■ day It far * 11"'* tid that tTi■ Ws>r h.i-i of tile Imilditu, will In hegun In -a I«• w d.ij- and utter l|ii . ha* Im'ofi laid, work »n the actual ci imiruction of the flour* a**4 wafts ••f thr butWt-te tt- tv sittd » lit* corning ttf .Montgomery nnj Ward store to (juld-lmo is tak-n a rh. Indication that ihi- < f |. n .. nixed a a being one of the real ien t trig of tiailc m Utts htUwu, GOLDSBORO. N. €. SATURDAY .MORNING. JULY 7.192 N Playgrounds . Might Go On According to Information received . I. rd.i \ bv III! N< w "I"'I 11 bo, ftl tlo- ri fy pTnyggoUltdg, which lire Ult ft>r lhe supervision of It. C. Itohlti .ii oi lb. Mayne i onniy M< ne rlal Luliding. ntuy Ik: >!ittend<d through iin. whole, instead of fir just rf> par of the HHWHtI, aft was the case last jiar. Thi>- prohahilltj of at: ext'-n s ou of The play ground set vl6li t » TTi v : i hiidren n f the rfty Is mndo pmsiW” by ( own ihutloo to tin play inude recently liy Mr* \Utia Well. Mis Kiln IPinten, and the Wayne Found at ion, and other contributions .. it I : M . (lie phxygrakind work, will follow Th:: city futnMicd fpndw fpr run - n'ng four play grounds, and the swim in lii i' pool ill the northern pait of ih<>- city, itiis iigrccmimt hav iug been made at a mooting’ of the Fkmrd of Aldermen several weeks ago. With the • ad/lltlnal iui.mmls tint | ,hi’ hein recently contrHtUted, tC 1 hopiij, and expiicted that thi play • ground program tnay h< it tended fa.j.oiyl* rise .'«u>nUi.r**-66wii*. (dfildirn In the iiiy are regular vlsi Lola, at- oiU-il liX llui .city plal JLIOULIiLi. every day, where games are played, stories age told and ft good t-ltoe In gt-pvral had hy'3he kiddle;- , I‘rimim; rody IN ANNUM. ViEET i - rt N. < I >|»ithHiU‘, >lt ter I’rinl crs\ A-s«»« iittion. Holds Nn ntial ( on. at (ih’Htslioro tliti:KNrilh tint July ?. M’i Tie Tiibd.!e’4as., i «d*#U»r printers a nocl-it o.u op. m d Its uc nnd gtiutiw! ‘I .ev.utciu -a’ AodjefleJu Inti Ip.lsy for two daytf oi Puslne».s dtrcnvslous 'aed <!. 1 < lTr«:utn*-itl. • Auth'o tt .■ of .!.'<• i"i.al r< pu*« w. .. try. p'okct Upon bf tlo printer* as Well (|.|s|tficd. to d pi,i' Cllt d‘y problem- •■! the prlnlptfrriilrirrtry, lii Soith iai m. i wire . signed pla< e (tn the o ..rivention program The-*- Vti Tbdyd': Alexander ltoc»r of r|. .. • dii.at r "fjhe marketing liHV-ail U.. Ult'crii;|ii.on.-it Hmd it iii. i t* T cl In ti" : Illicit Murrdl .11 < is. ir 3 \\ right, Waahlftg'fFi. I* < pre 4.lent of the F. i: ■!. I . •. / • I p'dPi idid. John J. peiitiv. I’lU-iiucgh form* ij. with • • • ••.tTTn- —trnrraui a *: Waghjfißtmi m Washing!on. I). <’... Virgin. South i'arolloa. la.laware, Maryland arid thl.-' grate ware o.i • iiy had gathered in their honor. The picture shows Senator and Mrs. Robinson; Mra. Rob inson’* mother, Mrs. Chester Miller; Mrs. Rob inson’s brother, Chester Miller, Jr., and babv Emily Miller, as they appeared on the porch of the nominee’s home. ( EARHART TRIO BACK IN I .S. AmHia Karhnrl nni Cuiwpmt k»n»i in 'l'ransallantir Flight Knrk in New Yorfc NKW YORK. Jilly fi ■ </K MU<i ' Amelia Kurhurt. Ilr*t woman to fir ) nrro!;-f the Atlantic, stepped la»<k on Aiiu-'fl' iu oil .-nun after ten o'clock today alter a return Jou'io«y 'fr«jni -kim-upti—by Wat i.* reeelYtuce trwlsjr from admiring crowds and tin: official ■ i>n.;i utulkllofiH bf tin «■ 11 With h* r wi re VY timer Stult/. end laiulu GortloU, pllpt and medi an. uu Ini' All.mill hup. • Tin- flyers arrived on the Presi dent |{'a»-i vidt Thursday flight hut it li aim'll on. thn >thip at r.itll they were taken off by Hie cit/- hip Ai.ti ..n di« kial at tile flutter)’. Mi- Lurhart and her companion* w.ri’ *fri van to tlu> city hall Mr the ufTii UI w elt otnr Wiiiilnno t run deii Wmd’w; Hiring llp’udway v werp D'mw ded a llh office Workers iiuxl'mi ("i u glimpse of Ihu woman flyer U»f ..•< Ai Hup mayor M> Ki'i> presented mIT o! the tirret aviators with a CWTOTJ of welcome. hut only Miss farttian i w.i ill .t hy Afayur W ,ijh ' r, «hu i. In falitut pla on a visit. I lii- other two’were signed hy Mr Kec. 1' iiilni. Miss Harhart a the flint j - ' V i . x to fly ar-rnxs th. Atl.ilitti Uio scroll handed her read: "To thn t.iinii sou have slrr.tdy. pron as a l ustdi'as woman, student ’of llte-ra lui. philanthropic worker a m <>ny; %71 !i ijients .»f i h<’ poor, amt 4. a port- you have now added the t'* rotvhtnjt TAXiTet~"ain-otigurri ss of the ail. p. ' v "" tiery. uu.i ..Vm-Mde l ITh -feminine um<i*trty\ whMh hi fa t.rliod ydti 1 victory. will, we .iro i|i, . prove a burning in - epiiiHi.ll: to th* thousands of Ann r ha.” , SPijIU w.i n.ilaime.l for hiit' "deed of .iiOoii.i iliral d.irin. in pUuting the montTpinne Trn nd .liip tp-ross th<v At lantic." >• A3 N-.t ,0 .n.. i,» the leader <*l an-ai ■ hli-rpr ,1 , 1.. i 4 n, • (In glory <if vi< tairy,* r*ad thi m roll, handed Gnr d'oi 1 i,. jrayty Hi.it w. ut ilown the ton t rmel fie tfyio* imluded Con m.mdei Rl* hard i Ityrd. tr*nsatlmi tie ft * * a i.*t North ~|h>ie flyer, amt Aid* rmair f.e maid .1 <ir*'e'man jif tTiU ago. ’ 1 ••<*. ’ ■ *. - o • It:.' |t,l| she I‘iillder "f 1 fi., ;ivy <>l tusnian told Mi-n harhart 1- h> Rie.ieit her The ' ■ 1 t: 1 t'» 0" , ■fl 4 f 1 e .1V Te- T* lion* here,and in Oostuu, Death Ot Lowenstein Still Puzzling Three European Countries PLENTY OF PEP AT SCOUT CAMP Several Stoulm Punned Merit Twin at Court of Honor Meet Friday Pep? Yes there Is plettly .of pep at . amp Tuscarora tbia week. From the yetting and singing that you ran hear from the time you arrive tamp until the time yop leave you may know that there is a very peppy • lid happy hunch around sotnowhuru. And it Is not wasted energy either. Because (here has been quite a lot of work done this week. At the Court of Honor held on Fftday.dhsjy w*re four tnii second class, four fourth dasa and thirty-four merit bardgt tests pssaed The following Is a list of the •counts appearing at the Court of Honor and the tests that they pass cd: ~ v '' lieorge ijt*rr sec»ltd clasa Robin Hood—second class Clarence Wilkins second clans, wood carving. , •William Corbett-* second class? ■*-, Mab Moye— c|as». Easley l , a< »- second class. v '> * Buak Tslton second class John CcnTpcr second clasa. r Tommip Gwsltney —second class. Hugh Jones second class ('barlea Webster wcocmd claas. *. YaTveile I>vlnson—kecond rises. William Houston—second etnas Aaron Epstein flral class, athletics life >So Ing. pcrssnal health . Kidney M.yora first risss, .at hist hr, pioneering, scholarship. I,lnwood Blac khurn -first risss. per soyal health, public health. lirugilmi Spoon* first etnas. -- Johu Lev Best- pioneering, cjrri. it g, ftrcmanahlp. life aaving, athletics Khaw Thel Htcvcns plonenrlng, pu blic health, art. poultry keeping Jack Brown flrat cl»ss. flreman iliip. swimming. ■ ( Jarepcc King' flrcmanshlp. Buster Bt«rr, —first aid tn aulmals, public health. e THck' Thornton—first aid to anim als, wood carving. ' 0 U Billie ftTcjwn athletics, cokklng, ptihllc liealth Luther N«sh surveying. 4'larence Peacock —surveying. Besides lhe alwivw tests bclug pass ed there has lieen several timderfoot t-sta *ud two Juuior Rad Croea Life Baring tests’ passed by the seous'. Thursday afternoon a great abotft w.is hesrtf on tho camp grounds Up on investigation tt was found that Dr. Will Spicer of Goldsboro had come «n the scene with five gallon freeier of' Ice c ream The hoys are still smack ing their lips over the delightful ra membrane eta „ The s'ciuimasters from Goldsboro came out to the catnp to conduct ona of the »e«al»ns of their training MMircce on lost Thursday night. After la-ltn: cntcrtlancd around thee mimp b re tlta scoutinsater*TTeld their little «c>*mloii and then left for home. Wo r-ctv vory rt« 4 ’to hare thaw dour* ■ wljh n« and hope thgy wjlt cuubm again soon. f °. % t "h F.esldes «11 hla other duties Dave 1.1 lea still find* time to he In love Wu see him looking at hla watch very of- Ten. Wonder If ho is looking to sea lhe time of day. -» < Oaorgo Edwards la fast as avery cne know* The other night ha waa wandering around looking for ghosta Evidently he found one, .because he . en» into the tent with a little more ■ pec <1 than usual About h«lf an hour Inter a r.cl. hllig was on the door o ftlic* teot Upon opening the ib or hi* shddnw nnic In it being leTt ' ttrae far heliiud. in his great desire to ' get l-ette ft some wwdatrd crpTTt fK. Wuxtry Wuxtrv In acHition to 1 • Tl feeding the si nut * anil looking aftwr finance and s thousand other things tie Scout Executive has found time to grow an awing <ut his upper Up. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICK PIVI CENTS May Never Be Solved aa NeHh* er Nation Know* Which Nar,o Officially Act r * RARIB. July • {#)—' TH*'daath qf Captain Alfred Lowettirteie. weefthr I’elglaa flnaneler.. was atilt peiaHac three Kuropean Nations teffay. The mystery of hie death la Croatia* tto hnglieh ( haunel aa to whether he lumped ou. hie own accord, or *cc|d rbtly fell, may never be Mini. aerth> nilacly ee U la not knowa which ot n the tWue with ofmrtaf-ewOmrtty. PARIS t/Pi eapUle Alfred Uwr cAsteln. mystery man of Kuropean (ha nice, today proved to ha a more mya lerloaa ft*ure la death. i f roar theories recardiag hla pladfe fmm hla prtrau airplane whUs crahf Inc the North Sea wore aCyueeiL. acekdent, crime. suloAde, er h*hs. There waa a arowln* belief that th* death waa iat arcldewtal The thd* ry of a crime, while aot Impoaalhle, waa ronstdered more aad more lm-' probable. A ho*ax eeemed meat «R --lllely. ■' ■ la Psrls, lon don. Rrueeeta aad Mr tin yitook recated qMoMr When the death of the ram# known. 1 A low wild report that ti e announcement of the dlftt who merely a a«fMscular trick aader the rover of uhwtaeoaitda, still elite w»s arranging aome hhdhio— deal hf reived aome support* « ’*.3 While Blue kna Math falNtf to port the theory Os aa liuldfl. which ■ mptoyeJe of the ftamolor MM. W-M reroanlaed aa h plaualbla oxflaw tlon. Although It la octruamlr dlfl)> cult. If not ImpoeetMe to epeu tM door bf a plaaa against the terrtfia w ind pressures whan the plaaa la (a flight, th* preaaurc would bar* been l«s« When the plan* wa# MSftUIC In S turn. At such s uma UoweuoteM might have been thrown off hla < net by the motloa aad hurled agalaot the door wbleh would open Jest aa. ough to 1* him slip oat Mai league the sea ,s! It teemed probe Me today that the LVaniih aiathAriiiM Milui am e s ww* T vv wwowwTyesww omaw further tnijtiiry than that coaductai at ralala It waa setahHahed hy too tlmijny ther* that th* tragedy hap pened In British waters and thsrefof* French authorttlen wore aot calloA upon to Intervene. o * * "J TWO YBAR OLD MYBTBRY CLBARBD UP YESTERDAY TOLEIX). July d~(A*l —The two year old mystery of the brutal kllllig or Miss Mlly Oroy of Toledo, who wdp struck down and killed tn the rafidt es a relga of terror caused by tha Notorious Toled* Slugger over twa years ago was clsarecl up today with the confession of Charles Hoppe. >4. child slayer, who a little more than a month ago kidnapped little Dorothy SleldKowskt age 7. from bar bed. add attacked aad'strangled her Krouglt to trial here on a char** of aarder la the first degree. Hoppe threw himself ■'ll the mercy of the cquU. pleedtdg aullty Three fudge* “ were hearth* evldnecw o n the mans sanity to be de termined before sentgjfk* was passed, when Doctor La <Juern*r defsaa*. al ienist. started the rourt with the rouncement that Hoppe was the slug, gar that kilted Miss Crop. GOV. AE- SMITH WLL GO n TO FUNERAL OF FRIEND ALBANY. July d—(IPI— Alfred *- Smith. Item or ratio Presidential N»- -mlnee. left late today for Centsrvllle, Maryland (o attend the funeral to morrow of John R Raacowgh, the Governor** friend, an en officer oi the OenetA.l Motors Corporation, who "aa killed In »n accident 1 arlv today Govern)# Smith expects to be buck at th* Mansion tomorrow night when he Roes to Bear Moaatahl park to deliver an address to the Bdw Scout encsmftment. rrom these hg plan* to got to New Ycrfc. _ t*“M

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