WEATHER Portly cloudy. Raturday and Sunday, with occoaional ahower* Sunday , VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER US LOWENSTEIN MAY BE ALIVE IN SOME HIDDEN SPOT Current Rumors Point To Facts That Tend To * „ • i *■- ■ * • - Disprove Death Theory Some Think He Hbh ( lumen to DlßafrpMr, But Only For a Length of Time ——— *— LONDON, J«ty 7-DP)- Aspects of Ihc Lowenateln case deepened today when there win no definite fart e»- tnbllehed respecting the dla*pp«ar pnee of the Belgian speculator and ftnader which had not Iteen known before but (n Brunei.) memorial ser vices for hint were postponed tonight. Therefore, there were In many qusr. ters, questions as to what technical action lo take on rumor* that hava been current that JONDON. July 7—(A*) Discussion of the mivtery of Captain Alfred Low enstein's death by a fall from his air-; plane Into the sea went on space today Kfforta to find hla body at the point where the crew of his pl»ne and It* other occupants assert he fell Into ths English channel through accld enlslly opening Ihs exit door of the plane hare been futile. The pllof and mechanic of the plane spent several hours cruising about Ihe spor In n. lug In a fruitless search Thesis made at l the do«r of his plane to l«ok out ov er (hr sea and the landscape. Mob Attack? Fair For Mfetreating Children 0 BLACK ROCK. Ark . July 7 t/Pl Roy Mullen. Deputy Prosecutor, said t n night that no action had been tak en as yet against the crowd of ap proximately ISO mrp and women who a ester day beat Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Rhodes, after the couple had been con vleted of mistreating their two adopt ed hoys hy tying their h»nds together riid hanging them from the barn raf ters. No sooner had Justice Franks pronounced sentence of ten days In Jail and ten dollars each on the con pie. than the crowd surged forward. Ihe men heating -Rhodes and the worn eji, his wife The riot was quelled In s minute or so hy Justice Wells, but it wa* two hourse before It was con sidered safe to atari for the Jail With the prisoners. BANDITS ROB H MAYOCK BANK . Four Armed liandiU Bitter The Bank on Saturday Morning ELIZABETH CITY. July 7-fsp> Four armed bandits entered the Har.l. Os Currlltteh at Moyock %pur inv morning, held np the three (I?r* .I.* 1.1 j side at the point of s pistol locked them In the rault *#d escape I with available cash on the counters, accord Ing to Information reaching here. The handtt* escaped In »n auto rto blle In the dlretclon of Elisabeth C/lv with a hastily formed -posse In pur suit The loot was estimated at from $«o to, SI,OOO. Those locked In tire vault were understood lo be W. W Smith, cashier; J, It Thorne. assistant cashier. and Miss I.ena Powcrc,: hrookkeeper. 1 The bandits enlered shortly after ten o’clock the haftk was dea-lf ed except for the stall Police at F’l lafi' lh City were notified and plrced it guard at Camden Bridge to Inter cept the bandits If they came that far. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Larry Newsome May (Jet Short Respite Newsome, Wayne Co r ily negro, sentenced to die in Ihe Friday. July 13. for Ihe ■slaying df IJ yeai old Bettis T.d dor. may gel a brief respite from death ID was sentenced to. tic on July 13, hut the court allowed lirnl to day a to perfect his to the Supreme Court. His-40 day* will not be up until July 18. Ihe yppral. however, has not b*"*u l ed. and Edward Bridges said 'to day that he would take up Attorney General Brummlt.' ’lni ration of Igw relating to the ct-ts. BANKERSTRY AGRI COURSE Bankers Lo Small Towns and Cities to Take Two Day Short Farm Course KAI.BIGH. July 7 DF) Banker* lu the small towns and cities of North Carolina will be glven-nii opportunity lo learn more about the agriculture of the state In * Iwo day short cour*. at North Carolina' State College on Thursday and FrMwy. Aifguat 'l mid 3. It was announced tonight, hy I. D. Echauh. dean of agriculrc at U*e,,col Thfa course, he aald, will he held Jurlhg the time I hat between 7(hi and H;io farm boys and- girls will lie at, the rrrflrge tn attend the annual Fnnr-tli c!ub short course The tioya and girls will arrive on July 30 and remain on the tampus through August 3 for a v eek of Instruction It la expected that one or two of these young people will have a part lu the program lo be srranged for the honkers. This agriculture Rhort course for obiikers Is u new departure for tin college, said Dean Schutth. hut It will be an attempt In famllarlxe them with feme of the economic problems now confronting farmers of fbwatafV. Thr enure* will be held In cooperation with the agriculture committee of the :-'talc Bankers Association. The program for the two days ir being prepared and U expected to b> if mpleted In the next few days Most of the leelures and addresses will he made hy certain member* of the hflfnk ers organisation and hy members of State College faculty. The program of agriculture work being advocated by extews’on and fortes re ti -workers will oe one of the Interesting feature* to tr lie dlaruaaed at the session, aald i)eaii Hchatih -<■ *• > 291 Lives lx>Ht When Transport (Joes Down SANTIAGO. Chile. July 7 Two-hundred and ninety-one lives wire Inst when the transport Ang am os sank today In the hay of Aran to, according to Informal cn given out tonight by the Minister of Mar *ne*. Eighty of the victims were passenger* and onlv ftvc of tile etew weHFpfNved. according to reliable reports from the Marino Department The captain of atrip rorfimmed tnrttifhrotrthi hi.d,. HENCIE MIT PKEMEHIT ITEM * OSLO, Norway. JUly 7 The |, cue of l»leut ; l.nndhari.' Swidlhli fly an lee floe off Northeast l«oid wa* er. Xjom Hie Nobile encampment tt VKO<»\KI» ON KOI K IN rOTOMtt KIVEK IH REMTRII WASHINGTON. July 7—(*») »ef hert l.ugenlieel, marooned up a rock in tin Holomac ftlver rapid* when Ma con*e uverlurtred Friday after. 1 noon was rescued Saturday after h»v It g spent more than 12 hours clinging | to Via uncomft)it*ble perc^. Where Polar Drama Is Unfolding • W e . , . From tiia sicCTWfthe Citta di Milanu General Unihcrto Nobile (inset) is aiding rep reaoiitativos of five, nations in their gcarch for —the crew of the lost dirigible Italia. In aililT tion the cxjtcdition* are atfctnptmg to find , some clew to the fate of Roald Atmirtdscn, [Polar hero, who was forced down with his coiw Crescent Lake Dam Partly Washed Away By Cloud-Burst Friday Night The large dirt dum which form* ihe Iwiin that makes Cresccui Lake, iwip resort, located n<*r the Mmint Ollflty highway three, mile* from G d ie hurt wan practicnly washed. tiway by tie hewtv rwin* <»/ FrW*y ttigh'. It wa* learned yviterd.oy morning The first rallT, which wn* nl 0 to. *t*d hs it continued lo pour. th« water in i}ht lake he.. . 11 to ris ■ »r»j>l«lI > . I ,P u short titttl- u l aa 1 uniuetg oy, Uot 'fiodeti wall which Mirrounil- ysTTif tic tllk I flit tl.ilil I" about ill hour the water h >d risen to such a depth that It pouring over the wooden vails to the depth trf ftre Inc n* 0 A serious wtoth out front till* fifi.t torrential down pour w«r pre/euted hy the extwislvi u“c of *lll.l y 1 r.itrgle.pollit* where the wnd ;-e, fn-. ■(I io°lia»c lein most weikeni,' to iiour or *0 late? however, ihe situs Dr. Corbett Warns Public Against-Typhoid Fever 4t' ' * ' In 1 4 \\ < 'itlx it, c.: Hi. vv.n hi . county heiilrh department, In mi lutci I view with • .\i Mil representative ym ! t rd a »*. .lid that II wis ilic il<'i .1 the department In warn the pc uple ! in 4hlttection, who intend v ifne on ucitloni to. itonfir . of] Typhoid Fever. Typhoid has <»* cured) i "Uiiih-H mu) i. vj*r> fi* ihta year, It wa» aald Special care should lx' t»k*'ii In the, i!«um pi in u of drinking water) white on r I rip, , espei tally If lhe trip ti mudehy auto, »aid j>r. Corbett. "Litis o. tlmyii a |(c >,Ji will Ti.. driving a lona a roiid. wol In i me thirstv. and ■ — * * ’ * slop at \ -.print a ii, pump , i . •. > * it none of the other" .»r hamly Thi,~ Is trery 4 a* ytltl can never tel! W.hat kind of germs thine water «"ttr et: contain.: GOLPSHOKO, N. C. SIMLA A MORNING. JULY 8. * j Dot. at the lake again a**umv,l a l| .nd like prop all' II when H »e i (Ibtid. hutst t>'ilteii water over the ‘ spill way of the dafn lo a depth of ► eight Jnehev Httil put water river the wiaahoi wttH An-alt o»ere«tte4 depth *f' - veil lie 1u,.. cnrrylf|»T away, main of t lßi -i*a>id hags which had been piled •II she dam More Mini hags were ! brought into u*e, und frenzied gtirl e ■ 1 lie p.. rt I th- pro|t: li tor m lln 11 1 iiipl hi:, .. 1 p-t VTlteil a dangerou* washout that would have .iM4t*4ef a ok biUidrud* vs doltt/a. liieareliti- to Mr. Itntleilgi- In an In. : tervlow With U N. w- i I dr* ! War at fir it Used in :t 11 jßrmpt lo I check the Imiteodlng break, hut as I fii'J a* it ten* plated in Ihe rain . vrei.k»*AetT |M>ls It would be • washed i away, and sand bar In large qunn i*ftlr'. bad tu lie resorted lo to stop Die I piiitring of. tin fl'»od over the darn ! Tfil. wa- finally stopped, hill rml he I|t re -evi>*jl Iruudrcd mlo feet of t'oilx i' on .1 Tin N< wit Ik ' ft. ' a »* li In 11. rto I !"|> t ime flniN and drink somi- reliable ■ •'! i pop" than To flirt >i si i lie dt^i-ax . -awh aa Iv fill eT -rST warn’iiiK. ■ f'tfie I ream a and lakes 'ln tWT i eii Si it. . also many apt uik«, vrelt, ’■a) vihat i*pji.-,ir bjcil'kflfic ;”e h; ' beep .found, In cont*lu j i .r.Ket 'u ha* :erU. * , {(unions wtnfe tiying No reach »t»arty. wbUe inset at top arc two of the rescue ships at anchor in King's Hay harbor. . I I dirt hud iK'eii waalied out troui Hut re; ride of the dam where the water | ! * . hallow. ■' Worker* were kept Inlay all ulght repairing *mull break* In different i ptaccg Ttcv-rat giiTtcj'*. tleacrlbed s* 1 filling ahoul walMt deep” Were Wilt'll, id l>iit 111 Ihe roty'd below the dam by water th»t weut over be fora the stiirm 11" i ,nl jinil the wstars lit TYie Lake hud receded to a certain extent. A watihman was also kept mi the look out ut the coiurtry clutrlake d«m ~ v> hlt'lc Is Mitl}",:* ahu/t way above £res 1* nt tali It w»* explained mio if this rbmt had broken, lha preanure. Jiftoin the water might luivi- 1 aiiHnji 11. 1 J'resei-jit Ijike dam lo go alro. A* anon a* the rain stopped and f'ttt|Kir*ry repair* hath he mi made. 1 team* and wagon* were secured at 6 o'clock yeKterday morning, dlrat wa* I hauled to ihe dam hv the car load, .md nil the diupage w»h repaired by 'i ecriy leal night W. C.T. B. HARD \(;\li\ST S Wl>f 5 yyv -— = — ■ Art* I fKioif Their to nwiri-rs ( ampaiun (UU «i’o, July T i/l*i Htato i’r 1l j '!* nt.* of the Wuniin'x chriatUu Tem .uic< 1 i H.n will be tinted In i c-m 11 from III' Nat tonal nl f i i I to rupporl Hfrhrtl HooV tr In hi I, i' ’i 'initial earapulttn ami to ah] in tin ilefi >1 ot Smith and help « Ire t dry mi rntur of eon*iex* and I* tin littiii rvy uf the temprra'tcr in 1 n at A'/h tHld on duly 1“ li nt.d nation. Orman Fliers Bring Down Old Record And Put Up Brand New One Big StEte Body* May Meet Here in Fall The m "About 4...* hundred .util 111 ty |i(“- pl«> In Uoldabore c-alleU Thu New* luMt ulght Im-iwcbii the hour* oT nine end eleven wan tin* to know, “what ans those f,u rvny light* In the North western aky”, in there a fire any*~ where arouiul,*’ ant] many other elicit iiuestiou*. It I* hollared that the unuaual die. play of tho Ailra boreal!* In the ehy last night attracted the attention of practically half the pnpulatton of the city. The Atini ftorealt% or great Northern llghjy * thlpfil of perpet ually *routnf> the Arctic circle end In the extereme northern part of North America, hut It la eery aeldom that the reflerUoits from the “hi# firework*'* may tie ttecn thia far youth. * - ; ■ .. On 9o. before, about flee year* an* 1 I'aKt nlßbt'a cllvplay of the light* were -ern In Goldaboro, but It wag not nearly *0 brilliant, The probable rea son f»r the clearneea of the display la,at niKht la that the atmospheric condition* are such ae to permit the reflection oPthr Auc* ftoreafla to s pear a« far e‘>uth »* North t’-arollnn. g’ o. P S. TO MEET HERE JULY II TH Kcptihlintn Nominee for Gov ernor and Lffcutenanl Gov ernor Will Attend Thera' will be g **• together meet leg of prominent member* of the Re publican party of thl* section, pn Wednesday July 11th at 10 a. m., It v.a* learned yesterday. This audio* ha* been called toy W. II Maher, of Clinton, candidate for Lieutenant (iovernor on tlic Kepubll i-*.u iL.kai. ,—— .- It I* understood that C. A. Jonea, national committeeman of North Caro linn, aud Herbert K Heav/ell t nomi nee for (Jovernor on the Republican tl< act. along with .number* of othey, ■leading Republicans will lie here for Bi lan and that a real organl: ration for the Republican campaign will he made at thla.meetlng. The Motel tloldabofo haa been sel* etlijJcTfS their nieetl'llK place, arrord try to T. (V Crow, chairman of the VTHTnc County E»ei utlYe committee r.f the ItcputyfKan parly. (ifHUI Mam Whmt SSSMMi I \vAbTtTXnTffsrr WT im - W flood Chicago, waut named weat >ui (MhiiMilgn manager of Herbert t> ~ Hoover. .Saturday. Kfigry of A1 Smith Lynched by Kluckers BIRMINGHAM, July 7 oP|—The Itlrminghan Newa will announce to morrow that an effigy of* Governor Al Smith waa lynched by the mem t>ioH of the Wuhouina. Alabama Cla v«ru of the Ku Klux Klan several dax* .ego. More thnn two huudrevl persona w ere I ntlip part) that was addressed by the bailsman who de nounced (he -1. mi roller, tacit, « u dl ’eil at the Houston ('(invention, and voiced condemnation o fthr I’ope . of Rome, MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS Surpassed Flight Record) by 81* Hswrs end Fifty Minutes DbtHUlLvGermany, July 7—<*>— Surpassing Ut* old record of dsns ttoo in th* air by atx bosra asd fifty two mlnutas, tha Gansan filer* m -I+c** and Zimmerman landed thetr Junkers plan* here at dfld tonight,, after having bean in th# air tor •• hour* and H mtaute*. Tha former re cord of if hours and M mtsstea waa held by Captain Arturo •errarta, and Major Carlo P. Delpre. *f Italy. Profeeaor Hi|jo Jankers, jsat hank from the Culled Bute*. waa a gr*W ful spectator an Rats plane piloted alternately by Rtsttoaa asd Ilmaaer man. reeled of the tall tslerouad* on th# inonotonoaa shuttle between Dessau and Lattalg. which meaat a new rppord and hoa*ea for Odraaaajr and hi* plan*. Ho waa th* trot tar greet the airmen aa they climbed “ from their plana, asd usufistslsted 'them on thafr achievement , DtapftAU, Germany, Juts 7.—<*V- aviator* Rtatlca* add. Zimmerman established * *ew world record for a duration flight at '1: o'clock Saturday aftrenooS. they hsd surpasaed by an boor tha ItaNsa ro cord «f it hour* and S 4 mtautei and wore aim flylag y SPIKE PUT IN * PASTORS HAN Preacher, tu MJSESMMN of Court, Had Plssuod tu Ifr dlo ScruMU DALLAS. Texas, Jnly T.—<*V—Th# scores of ovar-allod asd hesaetad » women, who for two days hod elav complete tfth- jMld«metjK-:- H«pt Ist Tabernacle win* thalr poa tor la In J«tl for coatappt oT cowl, tailed to return to thslr urert today tleapite threat* to dare JdU aaatoooe Its smooth tin roof, ham of paint, reflected the heat ware* from a hiss ing aun, and the half finished was under the daard of a deputy sheriff vieanwhllo Jute* Towne Toeaf, who granted an Injnnetles against th* work, put a aplke la the flea of Rav. Hull Anderaon to deliver * series of radio addreaees from the county Jail tomorrow. He leaned as order forbidding th* installing of tha ssatp i.ient In the Jail. Th* mlßMar had arranged to broadcast over a radio outfit operated hr Dr. i, fr**k Mhf rl*. who Is here assisting la th* fl|U to complete th* Üboraacls. '* *bk— J DEM. MACHINE SOON TO START Will Be Attended by Al Suit* Who Will Sugg** 8 Wssk fN«—f Igw - - NKW YORK. Jnly 7— Dnrtng the coming weeh the maohlaery wtlt be set up for the presidential cam palkn of Alfred E Smith. Os Woi* , readay the National committee hold# j tt'a ftrat meeting for the aelectten Os a chairman and other bsetaeas. Doth Smith and hie running mat*. Robin yon, will attend, and It la generally 'eapcFted that when tbs meeting ad journ* tr* campaign arisage menta will he settled It haa baas 'earned that Smith will tSggSSt to the committee an eight week's cam paign during which he will deliver cot more than two epeechealg nay '•ne week He will tell send • peaker* to atraeglc point* and ar r*nge for a national radio hook ap. FLY MIN NAKK ANOTHER MOT KAZAN. Ruse la, July T——Tbs American aviator* Meara sad Colly* f'er arrived here from Moecow at ; Saturday evewtag. They expoet to leave for Kurgan Siberia, at t o'clook i Sundav morning. 1 * •