WEATHER Partly cloudy Tuesday, possibly than derahowet* Tuesday and Wednesday. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 114 ————■ J?-. ... - ■ .... —.- . —r- -j- ■ ■ . r ---ya-i , iin ■ , -■ T * —mm. m.. . . -,JU- .■ - - r _ . . ___ .... j. r w - - -- , , ~ " ~ ~ 0 J 2 ■ , _ - 5 ~ . r - ■ 1-V - - 1 U__ f , . 11 GOVERNOR SMITH EXPLAINS STAND ON FARM RELIEF • - f " * If Elected, Would At Once Call Conference Os Farm Aid Leader§ Would Not Wait -for Inaugura tion to Met in Motion Agri culture Relief EXPLAINS HIS POSITION IN TELEGRAM TO SETTLE Stands Squarely on Party's Pledges to Farmers of United States * . ALBANY. July 9— {JP)~ Governor Alfred E. Smith announeed today (lUt it ha la a 1 acted praaldant In November ha will call a conference for the study ot the farm problem at once, without waiting for his Inauguration ho that he will be ready to transmit to Con gress at hla opening session a definite program of farm relief. « "At tb agriculture " ha telegraphed W. H. Rattle, prealdenVof Indiana Farm Bureau Federation, who had sired for the governor's personal position on the mrrimltnral plank tn the Democratic platform '*l stand squarely on the pledge given by the Democratic party at Houston “I understand and sympathise with the objects Which organised axrlcul , lure la strnggling to attain and which enr party has promised to help them saetty* "If tha auction returns dtsrfoaa that I haVa bfen chosen president, I will not wait until I am inaugurated aaforq acting on thla^prohlem. “I »HI, Immediately after tha erec tion. call a conference of leaders to commence at once and continue work I ta assist ms to develop a concrete plan embodylrg the principles of the | Houston platform. IS WBAYY OTXE FOB AfORTA WAHHI|n'OTON. July » UP) Bert Acoats, well known aviator, has been fined a total oDLOOWi by the depart roent of commerce for "stunting" Ha was assessed SSOO for flying that resulted In an accident- at Curtiss Field. R. 1., sod an equal amount fol low flying over The Chicago Muni* c’pal Air Port last May. fi BADLY HI KT IN WRECK '•> NORTOJ?r Vn. .TiiTy .9 —Jame« Ak ers and a man named Hall, of (he liar l*n County. Ky., coal fields. Is not ex pected to lire, arid tw/j, others were lu lured serlously-jvhen (heir autrimo* b'le dropped *0 feel down an embank meat, near Hound (tap. Vt HUNTERS HAD BEST PF LUCK Report to Department of Con servation Thai They . Took r-- 4,529.000 Pieces Suflclent game birds and animals, if evenly distributed among the popu lation. to give an average of almost two to each person in Ihe Stale fell before tha guns of North Carolina hunters during the first seasons un der the new Statewide game laws, PrcHmieary estimate* of the felt of game kilted Huns* the weapon* ftt Wade' H Phillips, director of the De partment of Conservation oproent, from the tabulations now telng mads from the first State game census are. 4.629.590 pieces. These figures are baaed on esti mates from reports of approximately 40 percent oftbe hunters of North Carolina .gathered by means of card queatlonnalres sent- out by the de partment to more thaj# 135,000 11. censed hunters. Leading the field in popularity with the Jjunterx Is the loWly rabbit, the most übiquitous of alt of the game birds and animals, being fnnnd In every section A total of 1,655,- J7O cottontails went down before the hunters, or slightly more thane one third of the combined bag of the ntm rpds. -Wayne county hunters got thefr full share of the, game, cards sent In showed. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—REAS BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY, Expects No Serious , Bolt From Democracy ATHENS, da.. July D-HA 1 ) Be lief that there would toe no serious boll In Southern Democracy tins fall was expressed lure tonight by Robert Ijtilian. editor of the Ashe ville, N. C. ('lllicit, a speaker at the opening of the Institute .of pun lie affairs and international rela tions at the University oi Georgia "The bcs£ guarantee that there will be no serious bolt on the part 0 * of Southern Democratic* U that the thinking people of the south are not ready to countenance now the development of a situation which might result lu the reap pearance of the u#gro as a formln adable factor In the Rr»te In this section. ” SEVERAL CIVIL SUITS STARTED Comptaintii Filed in Office Os Clerk of Court Benin Court Action CotnplainlH starling four civil ac tions have j>een filed In the office of Clerk of Court J. U Hooks. I Glennie Barnea brings .action to tm~ quest the rourf to sell--certain proper | Ilea In which the plaintiff Is part Aetr rcther than to allow a division of the property. u) H. R. Mason sets forth allegations against the Charles K. Thompson Co , r* eking Judgement for $6511 with inter tst from January , 1928. The Goldiborn Development Coin pithy seeks judgment of FJ.oot- with . Interest from August 15. 112? against C. J. Baldwin and wife and prays tor the appointment Os a commissioner to refl retrain property on Rosalie street. ' f The Goldsboro Development .st-irl* suit against 11 (». Bales for s2oH.i' with Interest from September 4,192 T i.nd appointment of commissioner to sell certain lots In Dark Court. MIX SRITH’N LUCKY NVEMI R J i ■in. « NEW YORK. July 9—(A*. Seme ft lends of Oovcrnor Smith have dls covered that the number 6 Is lucky for him Cht Norember 5- UUI?. lu ws« elector! - president of the hoard of aldermen. November 6 is Mrs Smith’s birthday. November I* election day. i TO HR NOTIFIF.It AUGUST 1 \ -——- . - - WASHINGTON, July 9 .- fiWc. that her iWo companions, Wtltm - n and lam *t m.kli-m ite-.N ved all ol the credit '• .jr/J. "1 wa* only a pas-on^cishe a Med 'Jbe alwnc, ;>ii tine was made after she b,ol fca*iic»i ib- uvenlion lb- .st.itciU Ip-wcver that lie was postive that the hcslity of th<* fur west was prim- pally du- Li» tin- el fort - "I I'li- p> •*. fur h»- saw in> evidence d n-d •cants that marked In- fir t' trtal in Wayne Superior Court on , Shu day, I>ecell.her 11. the < .me »j,. .ts t ed to t ’hatbarn County Sufperior Court, where In early Join In wa -again convicted and scnhcneed to du fur Ihc murder of twelve year oil Beulah Tedd« r. VV . t • >m;y •*!. » jUjI. Trim- were on no I ui C 'ei (hid trial g*v*u, NcW-omr, Mclawoil wa* M irtcri) ed tn fa*e County Superior Court to -fl ■ for Mm ir.erder ol a V.» i l.ok'. *> , V, ll.le W .IIIHII M. e, « V1 pill* Hu lari that .1 111 odhoi no f ) lowed the tratl from, the Men ..j j;|,, murder to tile hollar w here ( .V,e|,i ml lived Tilt lie,:io ¥ a convbied largely on title evident. Ik*>th New - on. , and Mr 1.,.( 1,:,.1 begun to , pnipari fill bavin* had mlnlvtrarlon- min -let duitng the past tcu da) GOLDSBORO, N. C. TUESDAY MOKNLNG, JULY* 10, 192 M ur»l tidv.intuye |*~ . i v • • Id, wn h .1, : ; .O' , i I itardi ns resrrnblrti ■.». r!l■ Carolina UtU‘4JU£. a L* t in* He said tin showing al> i miry 1 i. m imp 1 I' 111 'I- f oit « llleil I . --V j lis i.i '■» led* In an out .1 door* every d'ty for ,* year »nd finally produces a ‘ aolllary bud, which i* lauded by every •[ e o til a 0 tn fti ■ in not he. j etftt«e of the bc itll.v of the flower bujl j leoi*o-e of the trouble It has Imwmi j The far *. -I Is wonderful, Im ktild, 1 i.ot Ih>< aii li of tie 'unfavorable con * d'.tioiis tin , have une Itv way |, n f i x-plaiit'l'Oi to luted that many ol 1 '! vir puck.-. h.yl rvc:V_ yi ..wl-ny plant j brought In from - imew-ofher auction j I war. f i y>t alive only by rontljiu- Jvnm arto-li'la-l Watorltig. Jr.veo vacant ijdntai ana **.*<.*•••by tn*. yenrvwr I imopic showed clearly that the conn. ! !r> w.n it it u.i i’.iliv bfautlful I Mcmb* i f ih> dub were reminded I iff the fat that t• xt Monday night, i ladle* uighf The dub wrtl enter |i. In t,:. tr wlv and .wool heart* With La chicken fry at the new country f i 'uli ground* The Hold lioro baseball ' yin li.e il«»i Ikcii invited a* gm-M* ' of tit* • vc: I'V 0 !' It ' i' iDi et the Girl Scout Camp bud ■ deficit of fifty d'dlara Tin lub K d iweuiy dollar* toward I paying ih umounv _m i faylor who wa* in itiui.o program presentw| nn Uittdui. f-tw " the member in (HU. j .i rjuesl hole: VVltui w.» -Me total number of vote* ui tie I >■ o tn' \nal I'oti ’’ What Is the total numlM>t' of V'te in it Coifed Stale* Kleitoral 1 lie -■ II ,v, tn .’u> r r» s h.i* North ] (CuiUioucd Ob Page Pour) MAU’EASANUE CHARGE M ADE * «i .Ml. Olive MiraMtratr in Defend -anl in Case Brought by K. C. Jurney Malfi-sManc- in office Is Hic’ihsrge against D 11 magistrate, which will he railed In Wayne County Recorder'? Court, Moo -clay July 16, the rase having been |H>st|H>uiMl upon petition us couparj for the defense when called be&ro Jndgc Hl*nd yesterday. Yesterday was the lightest "session f ibe court In weeks. )»nly one dsfeit -d belug —atoayd and the c«tin t ndul at noon. l.euwaUy the Monday tesslon mm through until l*t«i lu the afternoon. ’ . The charge-against Esq, Rhodes • ea bteuglit by 11. O. Journey of Mt Olive Hint the bill of Indet ment ml forth 16 He pe rate counts, ludke Hlntid, liowevur, yesterday hou ered petition (list some ulqe of the counts t.*e quashed-: The 'ttidtetment, a long typewritten I K-ument of pages, starts Its al legations by quoting, a report of-Rsq. Mb**4es t» clerk of t-oart J. B. Hook? to the effect fTi"t during a i articular mouth be had net had any hitng to lisas on in the matter of ra < iu*l to th*' Clerk of Court as Is pres < rlbcd by law . Mr . Journey's alleys lions hold that this wa* in error and < ffera geveral cases which, th*- Indct agetH- siales. were tilatsuacsl at during tout m*>pili ami should have lH«en re- I * rii-d Ih Compliance with the law. Failure l<> pro|w-rly report c»aea to Hie Clerk nf Court, uud acceptance of lees and cotunilasionH from the plain, tiff lu ;several «tlmliutj artfons and l.ivil charged against Mr. :ilvM|e-y)who h»s for s number of vears aelcd as inaiiblrate in ,Mt Olive and Is highly thought of nyek j[he county. . ’ ‘ Tom Exam chuTge*l with driving »n aiiioimtliH*- wtitle drrtnk, was the only defendant whose ease was ended jrcs-. ter day He %»s fln«-d |M and epata and sentenced to serve fro day* on the roads, the sentence not to take .flffert $ Ik- 1 o * not drive an j*ut»itinhl>« i<* i|cv» year. „ NO ARREST IN r SHOOTING EASE | iisrnoi (.arrin. Shot by Jap .an- on. Reported hm Im proviiij; '*! Langston, rillliiif' sta ,* - i. slwit and seriously in law Carney 'it? -* wok ago. n'o «maR •, tii-jde lu me case. The *> « - va* i t emed - (is < i-r» w«« sh*7t fhrcmrh th? grnTn rdlowlng »II Hllerratlotr with layngs. ton. it was reported that llie affair grew oat of Harris request to pur lin* - .oil ell-rill I* pint of liquor l.mus ton was quoted ss baying 'said Harris * wed him 25 cents oit a pint pnrrlotis ly 'purchased, The, filling station npernled by Langaton fa about 300 yard* across In Lem>ir (iniiity and about 2 mil*-.* from LaHrauge. Us-rrls )s said (ti he impiminjb rapidly. Herman Park Becomes Play Center For All of Goldsboro What promise* to be the uioet Im portant recreation project, for thel youngster* of (loldiiborii wa* iiartoj >ierday aftcifioon with tip opclf- I nit of the play ii I«• r Hi Merman i I 'ark under the (lit cetron of trained ■ ■' • - , ,> lev*d>-h Vlks Ilium h llronk*. dauith ter, of He»eren/1 Mharljo* llrook* of thU i lly, and a graduate of Meredith College and an eaperlem ed lender of children, lon hi • n -merjretl a* direct or. .■ ■ a The park In exceptionally well equipped for aJilay ground. having a itll. Wu.plu *|... .1. MHK .lilt .111 |o (cresting *oo. Hundreds of children have been findliik ainiiaano.nt there dor if ir Ihi non mer ' month*. The on i 9 Q ly feature that hat been ln< k1 n k ban been (he element of leaderahlp Mr. Hoy Marker, auperintendent. of the park-,—hope* by nopplylng (hi* need ed element to make the play .giouxti 2 Score Die and Many ■ Prostrations in General \ * - 0 * ' - _____ n * Heat Wave Over Land Commissioners Ask Paring of Budgets For tho,je*'oud tlms In Ihra* week eounty Cp«e missUttiera met 111 called session yntrrday and w rratted artth tbv project of adopting a bud»ct for t be new fiscal year. They carefully went ov<*> every Item and return ed prnpoaed budgoU lu the high*, wav' and aehool departihents with the request that If possibl? Die proposed department budgrta for the coming year be pared. The bo»rd was In seas lon for several hours studying finances of thy county. The tuple was also gone lijlo at a special meeting of the board last Frlilar Next Friday wm named as the dale when the bulr get will, again be talked. I‘OULTRYMEN PtCNIC FRI. • **>» ' . j. IdirK* Crowd in Ekpeticd To Hear Dr- 11. W. Kilgore «t * ( lull Mt'fiinK H • The largest crowd tbsi ever assepi hfed In Wayne county In Interest of IMiultry ralalii'g. i* expected to attend lbe pirlnr and poultry meeting at fletioa on Friday of tbla week. The 'picnic and poultry meeting, at Genoa on Friday ul this -week- - The plunln and msetlna will be held In the oak gr«v« at Mr. Walter Moore's home adjoining Crescent l*»ke at 5 o’clock Ir. tho afternoon. c . The main of the program Wilt lie a talk bj Dr, B. W, Kilgore of Raleigh Dr. Kilgore owna a * ora h l .nation (Miultry and dairy .farm, bar ing 2.00(1 laying liens apd a large herd ot flue (fairy eattlr This farm is a 'manclal success slid we- should he able to learq many facta Inter-mi froib (he talk Aunouucementii of In* lerest lo all poultry the couoty will be m*de at ibe meeting. Kvi-ify one Is luvlfed lo take a has. ket and Invite their friends whether they raise chickens or not Come on* end enjoy the picnic,' a good apc-ich and the cool hreexes from Crescent I-ake. r - u J Sheriff Thrift Lives lip to His (’ognomen DETROIT, July* 9—l A*) Hherirf Thrift "l Decatur, 111., lived up to his name. When Detroit police wired him lest week that-thry had arreated J. Donald. 35. wanted in Decatur on ail snsdonmi-nt charge, he asked them tr- h*ild the prisoner kntll Monday. Arriving Dolsv be explained was sn excursion rats from Decatur, ti-day «nd that he hail taken udvan fnge of It to come after hts prisoner . iln i. I lie i < nl. i ,f all Utrillo I •i, « r—* | 7* real lon aellviilen for the city; To nt»ke II |*o««fbln fur j-vpry clflld Irr’tiohUboro to pay dally vtalta to flhi. park, Mr Marker la arranging for a dally bon acrvlee to and from 1 Herman Mark, covering every area of Ihe illy, lie in putting one of IM,i*i ikib’k- in mape. providing Jt wltlt comfort .giving aprtng* an 1 safely device*. The nor vice ahou Id . lie ready hy sometime next week, at - • cording fa Mr Marker. o ' The other play ground* In the, city system will have their final playilay lat Herman Mark, July 13, the an pervl- M Kobinaon. h«n announ ced. Mian* .are. on foot In make that tuny a riiy-wltle, i hlldreli** day. A Itarade. followed hy a track and Held | day and (he staging of Iwo one act hy the Webb Town and Kl wan In center*, will be the feature* a of the day* »etMrtttc*. MEMBER OF THE ABSOCTATBQ PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS Grip of Heat God Elton do From Kiitlorit HU too To l . « Manitoba, Canada • $ 47TH DEATH IN'ST -1,01118 FROM THE HEAT Number Govornmoat EmpUyooi Go Hoaio Early aa Hanao motor MownU NEW YORK, July »—<#>—The fir* nmril hast wow of tbs roar coatiaa »tt to a ftp (b« east today. * Ksiending aa far wool aa Maaltohp, Canada. the torrid weather cawM m«re than too scorn deaths AM many aiora pr»tatt«aa la tka lasted* hours Thunder ahowtra, pradictyd fas tn* i. la tit and tomorrorT"gt»ag Iks Allan- Hr. ■•aboard «nd groat Labaa and *ho wars la tho praHl« p ravineas at Canada pmmlaod roUof- -■*— Vagaries of tka voatkar dlsrapU* telegraph communication kotwoea t%o mat and west with aa agpsaraaca oC the Aurora Borealis In Jaraoatoora. N. V.T rooard break lug hot weather caaaad «aa subside l - "it oadod a marathon (ls*cs la H| With hour. The 17th death la ,• t. Loafs la a week attributed: to the beat occurred today. *, New York fwelUred with tka mod. rury at 11. the ■blgbOatpOtat of tho .jiLiLrowbiwip if Hin a tfr ■**»- polltan area The tempera tote at noon climbed 7 dogives la an hoar. #> In Albany there were throe deaths and sereral drownlngs sad pearta- Hons Eight were deadita Ohio with irmiwrstnree later lod