I— in 1. .WEATHER Pertly cloudy Wednesday and Thar* Any, with afternoon-,thundershowers. a VOLUMEBEVEN NUMBER 115 DEMOCRATS PLAN CAMPAIGN AT CONFAB TODAY Askp Southern Headquarters Senator Robinson, Vice Presi dent Nominee, Sees Need For Work in South NEW YORK. July lA—UF)—Mum ban of the Democratic National Co»- ■ lt|N gathered here today for the first meeting with the candidate* for the presidency »nd vice presidency tomorrow t» dec de on ■ plan of bat tle , > i- ■; j Senator Joseph T. Robinson of Arkansan, candidate for vice presid ent yrtyed -a day ahead of Oovernor Alfred E. Smith of New York, who broke his journey from Albany to attend the annual Boy Soont outing at Bear Mountain. The Arkansas senator, who was per manenl chairman of the Houston con ventton Issued a statement In which he urged the national committee to conalder the advisability of establish ing a Southern headquarters to com bat what he saw as an organlsesd es. fort In several Southern states to de feat the Democattc national ticket. With Senator Robtnaon waa Jesae H. Jonas. director of Jlnance of the national commmlttee and Jones issu ed » slstement summsetatag the fin al report he wll make tomorrow. This showed that the campaign committee will etart Its labors with "no Inherited debts and with a hank balance of about $200,000 " Ona of the latest arrivals of those who will attend the council of war to !»err(ur.w»s Clem selection of 'whose successor as chairman of tha notional committee will he oue of the first acts of the committeemen. In talking with reporters. Senator Knbtn eon said that he could pot speak with any certainty about his campaign a t - Uvitiaa until after tomorrow's mpet imt. bnt h# said there was no doubt that he would make a number of speeches In the west and middle west ■ The subjects of concern to me and other democrats just now are for consideration and decision by * the national .committee In Ms meet hi 5 tomorrow. "Tha selection of a national fchalr- I man and the conclusion as W what organisations are required, and how and where they ahull be set up are of very great importance. Too n.uch stress cannot be laid on the value of an organisation that shall extend Its activities to every part of the country. "t would like to have the commit tea ghre attention to the proposal to establish a bureau or headquarters at sows central point In one of tho southern states for° tho direction of th« campaign In the south. Condi tions In that section are very differ ent from those which have prevailed In other national campaign* "As organised effort I* In program In several southern States to defeat the national damecraOc ticket, and whlla the force and volume of this movement Is not yet known. 1 am oT the opinion that couad policies should* 1 prompt our party manager# tojjneeC this opposition decisively and promptly., ■» ‘J ‘ The best manner In which to off ret the opposition In the south Is of course largely tor determination by the national committee and It might be that some effective manner other than that herein suggested will be devised, I wish lw give emphasis 1° the advtaabtllty of meeting the con ditions referred to uggreslvely. "Respecting* the custom that ha* prevailed for many years I prefer not to enter upon a discussion Os political lasuaa except in a very general way until the formal notification cere monies which It Is expected will take place some time next month. The date has not yet been derided upon. ‘ The energy and enthusiasm of the democrats of New York which must be manifest to evpryone la a tribute to Gov. Smltht whose personal mag netism and genuine interest In tho welfarq of the masses, makes him the outstanding personality in the po lo! Ins of our time. (TRTIH. T« HK NOTIFIED WARHINOTON. July l.» (#> The dite for, notification of Henator tlr of Kaasss of his vice president Ist nomination by the Republicans was fixed today for August l*. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINOR ARES FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. * • t —* «< GRANTHAM INSTRUCTOR MAKES HIGHEST SCORE “Out on a Big Bat” \ " i‘j '*■ ;i . I ’ j ‘ a Poliowing tho nctivitieo inci dent to New York’e official re ception of her end her two com panions, Wilbur Htnltz and i»on Gordon, Miaa Amelig/Earhart, Boston girl flier, visited the Medical Centre Hospital, dis tributed floweye to the children and, in talking wish frame, de scribed herself as "a social worker out on a big hat. , DRUNK DRIVER IS HELD IN B AIL i •< Charlotte Man in He Charged For Fatal Accident and fdt - ™ AxMaalt I ; “ t'HARIdITTE, July t«—-Bond of $ 10.tHHi was set today for 11. D. Hearener of Llnoulnton. charged with murder In with the fats) .-. jury <»f Harriett Hammond of -f’har lotie In an automobile accident . In addition a bond of S3OOO will be rdoulred for hi* appearance on charg es of assault wltb a deadly weapon, violating the Turlington act. and driv ing an automobile while Intoxicated.. Mrs. Hammond and two other »ccu pants received serious Injuries when ITeavenerVcar fiTsakl to have struck that driven by Mrs. Hammond. . V- IMS ■ I II ” woman »I:th plane record ROCHESTER. England, July Hi (VPl— Lady Hestb.v.noted woman flyer, '.accompanied by Miss t'erelle .O.'Breln, ‘.(•day crested what la claimed as a new altitude record for a light met>t seaplane- Their se«led barograp t/J showed that the machine reached a tietgtit nf ts.fmto feet -—— TO HOli (QNPRIEirrE . HUNT|V(7TON W. V*. July 10— Tal-v ' fThoiatisflcd pith a proposed compromise hy Northern end South ern railroads for a 36 cent differential on lake cargo shipment*. operators and tholr atlorneyi are planning-to bold a c\nfeVes***!.pro bubly next week to dlscuss'dreame of meeting the situation State Cl. O. P. Candidates Will Confer Here Today H. K. Heawell of Carthage, Ilepubll fan candidate for OoYernor; C. A. .'nnax. of- Llnrolnloii, national rogu mitteeman for the 0. O. R. ; from North Carolina; and W. H, Kt*her of ('Union. Republican raodklHo f°r 'leutenant governor wl|l meet with Ihr C O P. committee* if thr nlnr room tew In the third con- al the Hotel horo this morn Ilia Plana for the ram pairti In III* dlatrlrt will be adopted fit the meetlmt, \ir. FJaher told The New* over loot distance UkJephuiie yr, tvrday afternoon The niofrrancr' of the tlepuWlc*h >«dera for tl»p coming campaign wax called by the <’tintVn man agd i**on« of a aerlea of meeting* being held ov. rr the State. Yesterday Kern well and Jf-naa attended a confab of alxth dta-. ((let Republican* In Wilmington. "* WAREHOUSEMEN HOLD MEETINi; Prettideftt Urges Abolition Os Hiring Drummer* and Truck* —By Hciucs ROCKY IT, Jalj !«-t(AP>~ I rgiag ahwllllqa es what lie term ed “cat throat methods", W. W» Lravelj. of Rocky Mount opposed ;; the kMa* of “drummer*" and trucks bf warrkugscuien Iw the principal address todu) at the an nual contention »f the North Carolina IYarehc>usemeu‘s *»s«- rlutlnu held at NSSI>% Springs nenr here. '? Disrussjen es an agreement with regard to the a«e v ef drum mers and (rucks brought oat the * statement that warehouse wen nf one market kad net been able to reach an agreement among them selves and Jh*t another mnrkrf was unwilling In commit Itself unless all other markets were on the same totting. President P. C. . Vi stal. Hock) Meant. appointed a eemmsttee to lank. Into the altnn tlnn. Offleers elected today weret President H. IL Hogg. Wrrentlllei vice president ftentlrn I- I’, Tapp, Klusiant sec rets rj . treasurer, Hunter Hem lug Kinston. . : GRAND JURY TO BE ASKED ACT Pont mustier Kuvm He Had To t ontrtlwtt Wr«f Cent WVagwr To.. Keep His lob “ ATLANTA,' July Id—(/P)—The Sen ate? cnquiry inUi aliened irregularities In Kcpiihllcsn patronage gathered ■■mom*nlurn today when wHh'fheficcir- ■ gla hearing two-tfttrel* compHctcd the rulecommit tec announced the govern ment planned to ask Immediate grand jury Investigation of similar chargea Ip Mississippi ( The announcement coming during s dashing session of qylry here said that Mrs. Mabel lllebfandt. assistant 1). TC f ttoriiey. gcueial. was en route to niloxi.' Ml«*., to request grand jney-wetton.-A-mpeir r*f testimony affirming and denying 1 Miat the Republican organisation in fic'trgia Intel dispensed post office pat r«*nage for tlnanriat, ronsltlnratlon crowded the docket with seti*atl"iiß at the second day's hearing, j S. N Tboinjiwnp. poitmastcr a.t Kast l*nlnt. Gs., a Republican told the committee that he had rnfltrtbtried ■ 5 percent of bl-e salary to the party organl*»stlon and (lid nut think he e ould hold hi* office unless he made thr payments. He said may other postmaster felt as he did. * „ 1,. 1., ’Spence, Hall Ground. Ga.. tesflfiyd that .lotuv W. Martin, treas urer ot the Georgia Ceenlrat Commit tee, asked him for s6t*d to secure the rc-appointment of Mr*. Kputire as iwtstmtst.re'ss 'at‘ that place. Ctlg* Mebanr of HeaTiiforf. candidate for Conan;*" fr»m thla diafrlrt, and Mr. Ileuaa tvf Nhw Ibrrfi, elector, are also expected to ailptid the meeting h* re today A letter from the Sampson man nrg pd .local Republlcana to turn out In >j numbers to thr gathering at |ke Ho. trl 4hl» morning. The conference will qjw aiaiird ut Id o'clock with Mr KlaHet, »# temporary chairman Counties embracing thr third dia ttict and expected to arncl their i ie r j entire committees here for thr wiif I talk are. Sumption. Duplin, Wayne, Pender, Onslow. Pamlico, Carteret, •, Craven ail'd Joneia ij. No deflnte program haa hern map- I |ed out for Coitalderailou al the aath. I cilng but candidate Seawell and com- 1 inrUeernan .Whaa are expected to be) (Continued on Page Pour) GOLDSBORO, N. C WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 11, 1»28 Durham Physician Is Held In Death Goldsboro Girl ■ • i a c i■■ in. n m i. iw I’nbftble Cause Ftund in Durham Hearing After Davis Testifies lllcga) Operathm Was Performed hy I>r. Mike Robeson; Bond of $4,000 Required A . DPBKAK. July Mt (A*l- -I’robable (taw vie found at.the hearing today 1 J.l the esse of Dr Mike Roberson,! charged with performing an Illegal ; rperatlon on Irma Louise K ebluso.i.! o w tioidsboro young woman who taught i In tha tjtatvtgli public schools last i tear and the court bound thee ihyslclau over to the next term of Superior court under If.tHtt) bond. The 8tal« used ak Tts chief wlinen* L If Itself .State; Department em ploy*, of Raleigh, who said he had I ptctnlsed to marry Miss Robinson. , Davl* testtflad that Dr. Ituberson! r«‘rfe»rmhd the operation for which be j. waa Indicted. Da«la said he pale) . the physician |6u for the operation. He added that he lifongbt the woman bark to Raleigh, took her to (tie homo of Mrs K. K Forsytha Death Cell Agrees With I*arry Newsome (‘onflnemeut In Ihe death cell at Stale Prison, Raleigh, has not kept t .arry Nfwimme. Wajmc negro sentenced to death t for the murder »f little Heul i Tedder, from ’get ting fat. It waa toM'Bpd yesterday. When Newsome was entered at the Ht»te Prison fie weighed not. men" than ILj p' wa; affirm TtW'ffiKwHßUq: Nov he tx weighing about 130 so I4t> pound* The New* learned. Newsome will not die In the chair oil July 13. Ae> histioit YRate attorney Goneral Prank N*sh ha* euted hlr Haah found that under the law appeals ffloel by attnmeyx rofttfartiur tiro - rittshe.ro trlel hut not e "mpleted must her rule’ll on In the* Hnprcrac •jourt. Tbit* mvAua the negro gets a reprieve nutll l|ic fall at le»s^ COYNES PLAN IS FAILICIKL SEEKS HUSBAND o & , . . * ... - Ikatrirc Albert to Vl;irr> In Or der to I’rpvide Onmfort for 1 I'areni-, . n.aaNi .k .. im.wAfmee. *trfy »«■*- •iebre Albert, tbe t4.y«**i-<4d *'Auc tion (ilrl” of Siren, Wl* u haa renew*- ed her c.t.ttwt through with If, fioyuea' attl'ole to ward her "having-a goodtlmi'' du.iu.it thrvwtv fliontha' period re.isont ahe gave today ,sos a an< tiling th ar rangement.- "He loirl me when w« fir at rume down here that he wanthd mo to thief aome young fellowa and have .* good lliue.’' ahe "When I did, he objected. He accused me of llvlig rude t'i him, although 1 »|- t (Couliuued on pag« 4) '.here she “tH’iil the nfcht and wa* taken from there the next day to a : local hospital. Miai Itoblnsnn dlcft j a tew days late£ " \ Doctors W. 11. Dewar anil H. Q, Turner, of Raleigh TT-stlfloel as ; to their rogstectlona with the caaa. i Dr. Dewar said ha attended the ybung woman before her , Illness, uddlng that he' had formed tha opinion that she was In a condition i then. Dr-. Turner corrnliorated Dr, Do i war In Ihla testimony aud said he at i limit'd Miss Robiuaoti juae netore aha elied Her death wax h> p«l»on growing out of an Illegal i.ptr«j I li, lie suiel Airs. Forsythe aud Davla are -bonds, pending a hearing barn on e liaises In r innartion with the death of Mis« Rohlnfcoh. TO VISIT CITY Want ltaMeball Uiar lo Attend Game Here While Touring South K Lundla. the ca«r of baseh.ill,. was ■ been Invited to visit Goldsboro and at fend the Manufacturer* Stcmim"a game on tho afternoon of July 17. _ The baseball dictator is making a j tour of Hie Ttouth and on July 1# will he In Augustu.Thr (tvltotU* 1 . tu vbeil Goldsboro and look over tjj.i newly formed Rnsterti Carolina !e»- t«c was exteuiletd by tko Goldibtr-t Rase hall company ,nd ondor»»-1 ly the civic organisations of GoldvVre. i That thr Invitation will r« tit* mere than passing - pt-eted. The success which hat at tended the Kuctern Carolina l*i.t*Ug t in it fie-..l «essb>n has been pheu- m ■l mid this la expected to set in f*v ;o. of pe-rsuudlng Mountain Landis to | (•( !•( pi the Invttatlein. r whrrtirr wr not tnrwift se}Jlig l(•> direc tion* left In a notel>ifi»r« he *hot liiiiKclf, \VIHIam' / t»r*»«iy, pro*j>«rou* I‘uplln county farmer who lived 10 mllex South or here. «** burled at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon. a • v Lying In hi* bed *t l»i» plantation :aalden<’f early yeaterdi.y, ITraffv tented a double barrelled ahoixun to ward hlnmeif and'polled The note about the coffin f*rfj found by number* nf .the bouaehold »tli ri.ilied to boom when the n»ar of (ho,gun atari b-d them. , , When (iiJelv iienned th« coffin note, lav down in bit and took tit* life, lie ehded * I raged)' • whit h had it a ly>- v iiuiliia several year* ago ll*' wa* a i;c«d*Uearted •wan, Orady, free-and Sets Duration Mark >« jr . \ j m 1L... N VO ft) jRk | Bji Ap- -. Mv. Cornelina Uiatiex, »bovg, who, i.t w. wSUI IIIUI em pilot, remained continuoun- / ly in Ihe eir tor 85 hour* 31 } minutea, thu* beating the Italian duration record by nearly aeven hours. The two German fHere dod*ed severe etorms throughout, remaining over Imipgig and Deaaau moet ot the flighty heaFw ave!s“ AT LAST BROKEN Dverraul Skien and Rain Thru out Yfelerdai Ghtdened ’ Goldwhoro —— Goldaboru y cater day found sweet icllef from (he sweltering boat which ill*- anvnll dil ya |l IIH AIAUIMII ihli f HalH* t v ““La aaja r»ww emu "‘r from the 4 ’life of the city. Ovarcaat skies romlng abnqt 2 o'clock were fnf lowed shortly b a y a gentle dripping tain that cantlnusd during tha re mainder of the afternoon. The thermometer had been stand ing well above ninety when tha re fteshlng rain started but dropped down to the comfortable eighties by tie late afternoon, -f The heat w»vr which has held tha r*ty for Ihe week bus bean asnaral over the Atlantic Seaboard to Manito ba. Canada, and has been acenDbynn l"l by Two -geore doalhu and many problation* In ibe- big city areas of tho nation. No best prostatloue bars been re|M>rteel In Goldslntro Get White Collar Man,: Orders Judjre Harding CHARi/tTTI-;. July 10.—(A8- "Get the white collar nian" and let the Negro go if both cannot he captured Judge W. K. Hardlngl presiding In Mecklenburg Hit parlor Court admon ished peace officer* today. He referred lo a case where testl mony showed that a Negro wa# ar reete'd while -vlllug whiskey to a wall dressed while man. easy In oilier day* loved -bln drink, ilia hoy* drank with him. One time tl e dr i ok |^i u went a little further than Usual and in a drunken hrawl. (irady *' ft one id lit* strapping young son a, a fine young specimen of manhood, to deal Is. lie never look a drink after that The law took It* course and ha served time fur the fatal affray. About a year ago he returned home, freed before by .had" worked nut the sent. • nee given him by the Judge haeauae he hud been a model prlxnner. tic. took up hi* life where he had left It off-on the night he killed his fr«n. But he wa* a changed man, •juleter. more subdued No more did ho turn to the bottle for-an rJblle'at ■ng hwig, friend* noted. ®: lContinued op r*f a Kour) MEMBER OF THE ASBOCIATBQ PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS G. F. Seymour Attains Honor Twit* In SucrenJve Ymrn Bai Warn* iMtiwctar Lai No. (anUm FWU Twice is coaeeeetlve r«K> km Wtjru county agriculture teacher* been selected u high mm in the profession lu the State 0. r. Oaf* tuour. ' agricultiur* Instructor at Grantham high school yankerday re ceived from Ho jr H. Thomaa mmt* vlaor locution la the eta yeera It haa hem functioning. Mr. Blalock said: “Within the past ill years we have handled over 710,000 bales of cotton for our members with a total veins of over So.ooe,Mfl dollars. Not a bats of this cotton has been unaccented for to oar member*. NpA''! dollar of the 50.000.M0 baa beet lost In handling this vast sum through butt ed hanks or h defunct ootten n»tll. ••We have sccuigulated ovre 7SA.- OOfl dollars la reserve funds, every dollar or which haa been safely pre served and ’either returned to the members or Is held latarl fftr them until ■ uch time ■* It may be ordered paid bark U> theta.- ;w* have Induced our members to grow a better Maple inch to Inch, ' {COAUglldd OA PMi ***)