WEATHER tiaaiteae# Mhewers, Friday add ■atarda). VOLUME SEVEN; DUMBER 117 RUSSIAN ICE BREAKER SAVES FIVE OF ITALIA CREW Sweedish Scientist A- Dr Malmgren Dies Before: Aid Arrives KraMta Took Aboard Vigttori Group Last Evening About 9 O’clock OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT IS MADE BY BASE SHII* Total Number of Rferued From Crfir of id Now Stands at ' Eight ROMS. Italy, July 12—. .. o . ■ 1 ... Governor McLean la > Off On His Vacation RAI4UGH. July l»~ tA*>—flov eiuor A.wjW. McLean left tonight fer Camp Tenderfoot, Land-O speiid his vacatiou. He eapacts to Hl* eq ei«M4S u|smi.»s| W be gone aboul al* weeks, Camp Tenderfoot ls%bout iou miles from the White House summer camp of President Coolldge on the Brule River J JUNIORS SEAT NEW OFFICERS ' I* f , a v ——— Announce Committee* Which Wpn in Membernhip Drive Campaign Jt Meeting is regular session last We ll tag the Goldsboro council of the Ju nior Order announced winners of ttie 'membership enntest campaign aud In stalled officers Winning first Jfrlie in the drive for toiw members, a drive tbsi netted 11* uien, -m as the committee headed iq I M" V CJ 111 Ik ill and this giiVqp wm tha award of MO Kacoud prhUe, lh>: greup beaded by W, W. Andreas, $H f third prtsa Wade lljnsOO sls The following weF# Installed as rfflcera: councilor W. C, Spence, Jr vice councilor, N. B Strickland chaplain. W Jesse tUusori; .cundnr ; >r, Hiias I‘uwell; warden, J K .spears; Inside sentinel. 11. Brewer; outside sentinel, Dalton Hath; trustee J. I„ Spence; represetilative, VV W. Audrsws. UARRAMZA IS ON WAY HOME Gave Out False Statement to Be Free of ('rowdN and Haile* -Away/ i ' A ftkijp, July | —Captain Carrauaa, Mexico's - good will flyer, took uff tonight for ,a re lurii flight to" Mexico City. He expect, ad to reach his destlnatl»n in 27. hours Tlie plane rose easily with 3'W gal lons of fuel one of the heaviest toads r. splp has tarried along the hi tnrlc Roagevatt fMRT runway. The weather ws»-ideal*for flying .. Carrsnxn had guttoUJHTtl a slior.t time beforf he. left (tint the take off would be post pound hut when the field was cleared of apectatora, h>* climbed Into the cabin, shook hands With the three who saw him gu snd hade New York good by a. He said he had announced the posiponment as a precautionary mea sure for he feared that should he Dave with a crowtl on the field some of the spectators migJtt geTln the wny. To Be Given Hearing July 18 For Assautt on Locol Woman Badly hurl when nmaulM with a •odu water crut* In the haml*'._as Heed Adam*, well kiiowu resident erf ( Four Oakn, Juhn*ton eotinly, Mr*., Margaret Mill*. who**' addrewa I* giv en a* Goldsboro, ia In a Fayette ville hospital. Adann In at li'«e>-ty 1u Johnston ciiii nly under imh I * f |3O(J Adam* churned, did not stop ijfter beating up Mr*. Wills with 'hi' < tale, but applied I! also to Mr*. Jury Iravl*, » hoy ' add re* in also alien as Ooldabum. > t .claim! will he Rlv»n i» hearturf in Birittltltrld on \\ edne olny, vdfnly lb. II lie rnudlllnn of Mrs is sy. i HUB iht . ail lie preNi ill 11.. In n *ny was net for Wedu. *da / •( this week hui postponed on arcshot or Khv allege* l seriousness of the in .'Utiee of the Goldsboro tuiiiiuii The affair tor which tlu Fnm Oak* 1 The Happy Warrior Has Happy Uay ArJt - J. Mb* s ■ r v ~ - i Hi L J| w*QA f ** * v' 1 * .Governor Alfred E. Smith visited the Boy ’Scout encampment at Kanphwanke Lake in the Bear Mountain* apd received thia hu«e brown Prohibitionists Name W. F. Barney As Their Candidate for Presidency of U. S. CHICAGO, July 12 - vVjd. 1\ Barney. Rockville .Center. N. Y,, was , nominated by the prohibition party loduy an its cuudlilsie for.'the .presi 4gncy. '— —__l. ~ : „, r -2-....-- Harney was deeiared nominated on tile second ballot with f<6 votes out of '2l es.o Herb. ; rt Hoover wai» Sec*nd hi a field ■ *JtU AS votes. jf n .- tloili llorifuer Smith and Herbert. H«over were placed before the .psrty aa aandldates tor the oraanigaxtlftaa • holcfl for presldeut. Hsllollnr came after a prolonged -and HigM'tlmes an egeited argument •otgr the piytform.' Ktforta to 'obtain i.n‘temejil of li.uiver by- resw|«. I low tailed JVM—.-* 4..*aeUe 4 umpiedl, Los Atlgelei. presented the Republl »an presidential < .r James M: Templeton, Cary, N. C., fn- Irodured (he Hbmimratlr standard '.miner :;as a man of Uie people," Afterwards Dr. Tcinplaton explain. sai,- %<■ life of a w>man pstlant iu n 'local fiuspital, only In find that the sefunt luid already been procured here. • " *. is an In h ■ ‘rj is said f,- have oeeur •mV at a flllinr iu m i n Koui Oaks .ji I npeialcd by' 3yi'no> Allen The w • it. -i. Juki il|ey iid :-*<'.ip,-« prtnl.v ea no ft diink Adair.l nmt.e In* iltliiK p i pusals to them, It is ri UUuii. and when Ih,ey re t illed his attention*, he wielded the empty mv da water irate, they charge. According In Jnhn*tod eoimty or flecrw, the two women tame t » So till Held a boot fhree o'clock Monday mariilnit add reported the assault to the Vlteri.fTti olflre ll Is style.l by of-fi. r.r* on duly at the lime lhai both of the a men wen apparently, badly keiltp 111. tj A Mi la-more AWUkMd phvsi. lau. fca* called wad rendered medical aid. lie advised the Women, It la said. In go t.* the huapltal for treatment. Jlowever, they (Continued, ou page 4) GOLDSBORO; N. C. FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 1.1. 192 N i i-iiventl**ii hall and the walk out of John It Hammond, former clilef id p«JI< <* of H< s Moiltes. eiiljvetusi I lie .irocctdluMP which at times were halt id by pirliUKuitary unarJn. li- comollve Igave the rails. The westbound i « W.i.i thir (lllnr more than 4o mill’s an hour when the rods -napped, the Plain ’field atatton' Knylneer M. H oi-<-in*o'. . limh. .I to (Ha top of lhe bnomotlvi Mini amid elond* of steam while he emp tied thy boiler* lliroufyfai4k.■ valves. Half a mih from where the rmls broke the train atopped. It wan only then that*r» learned what h«d happened FKt htH ST.4If KH4MFTH .HF.I.F PARIS, Juiy 12 (A*) Jenny Col der, one of tlie most popular mars in European nutate hall* wlidl herself 'through llie heart Wednesday night, and died Instantly Sff** Colder was 32 year* old mid of Australian ua-, (tonality Paris had “Aeon the acene of her Kteates a rts at U success in re cant year*. derby m a token of their etteem. Ye«, the picturesque headgear is being hauled by • Democratic donkey. _„ _ aII ZZL • . k St«tes Senator George W, Norris us '.N,iii uska today bad hecam# And un- silling cßiulidule for presidency of j Hie I’(jilted .Stales wi Hie tanner labor licked. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ...'S V-t"h o , ’ Despite his rnporied n*fusa! lo liead «ty .tilled party state; the Nebraska senator was placed In nomination at last night’s session of I He. convention lie was chosen on the third ballot, ra celvlng’ Id ballot in It for Norman .TiBSU .Jpf presidenh - , Kor p'e.ildrnl the farmer lahorltes named Will Vereen of Moul llh', Gs , a i-utlon. inlll owner While the farniMr lalmr parly n-oina ahead-wa-itn Hie select low «f ■f indard iKarcrs thrf prohlblEmi \\r. tv. also to hm-iiJi here, 'dlg l UKNloti »H plot form problems. Willi adoptlo* of the platform today, no. mlnatloni for presldenl and vice presi di*nt 'w'ere next In order. > . -PensihlHty -of a merger of tha” pro hibition pijtv and the farmer labor rrcifp noted last TUKhI When both VI 104 d the proposal. WiH SkygiTaper in Raleigh o’ ‘I! J' H liilv 12 j.4*l Members • h Capltal club. loiehtfL orynlaa ri i,l i slate at Him corner oU Martin and Rabahnyy afreets, have aunoqwc-' c«l lh»t they will replace their prefc. cut building with a M story modern f kyaerpaer. The Huh will Use Ihf liip flour of th<> prepo pit coiislruction for club roimci aiid b-nse the others as office i,pace. The building, to cost about j J wll stolid we * abpvn other ' Ini al tall buttling :, liiHmiiilg the Coin ; inerclul Batik and sfr Waller Jwl e>. Junius K. Powell, ‘Warsaw , Banker , Is Given Liberty (HI'KCIAI. T 12 Junius K r--«-11, crylnlS” a li rln of ffv.' years in MitVll Prison lor Violation jdk. t ly«- : : iatr'» hanking law and forgery »h>i* j connected with tint Batik of Warsaw j in liuplln comity, will lot given his freedom on Friday. .Inly 27th, an a" result of Ho- > •i in tii utit I ton signed lo in v by ciinmior A. W. Mcisuan. \" full slat. no nl ol 110 reason* for Ihf l ortiiiiullitooi ia kiron by ikiver ■ i.or M r . SHANGHAI, China, July 42—0P> Ot Ilf. Rgsßl arrested at Canton situ e July !f, forty eight tuwl been executed A similar fate for the oth ers Is cxpri led allldehl ag'tfd-' tom arrested al Hheklung, forty miles fmm Canior have been brought to Cantor for trial There are 17 glrla rmong them The execution of moat of the sfudents. perhaps all Is couslder id MOVIE HOI HK t OIJjtPHEfII 4 DIE CDENO, Italy. July 12 UP)— Four persons were killed slid forty Injured ,11 the collapse of a motion picture house In this towb. _ I uni In receipt of a letter from Honorable \V A. fievin, the trial Jiiilce, who states mnonii other things Powell was convicted of forgery in connection .with tin- operation or the Haul oT”-Warsaw. At the time of the trial mil conviction of Mr. Powell I ‘luted to Ilia Counsel' that while I would enter a sentence of TTve years in the State's Prison, If Powell would *i-fo over all of Ills property for tho of the creilros of the Hank and assist the receiver In the proseew. Ih »t of nhy matters for the collection of additional amounts for the benefit of the of said hank, and 1 i 'mil record-as u prisoner. f w»iiM reconitneml to your Kit ellenry that hts jo-ntence he commuted after be had served something llkryjialf of S.;ntenye So far aa I khow Mr. t€«fiUnu*4 on Pag* Threat -MEMBER Os " THE ASSOCIATBD PRESS PRICK FIVB CENTS, Bum Ur* Operator* Mooting Here Yesterday Votot Car ry Matter (>vor Utntl Jmm- ' 0 uary let„ a PRNI'fPAL OPERATOR IS ' IN FAVOR OF PROPORTION J. A. Bland Wttk Corporation' ( ummbskHi MeeUgWltfe 0»- A nKIeMOMR ' t wMIrMPPVw MUjPPiUr; ' - /- ' A new and modern baa Station MR ting tha city 1 * Importance M (fee oaa ter of bua (ravel la Baetarn North Carolina loomed aa a pagalblWy tee Uoldaboro at eo di«Oat date yester day The propoilttoa of a are e«d .ai% qti*la at alien was preaentad Ro baa lb* ftotal Uohtafeere yealardar. aa| operators of tha city at a meeting at after conalderable dlacutakm It wtw decided to allcftr (fee matter to gl t ver until Jannary I, ltd far further, consideration ||e ewaar of the two leading line* trntaritig Jhe city voted y eater day to go forwdfd at once with * project for * new elation for tike city, hat fei* , rote wag defeated by a combine e], •mailer operator* who did not fit rdf Jnat at preeeat going forward with plan* for a new atattegu ft wee pom% *d oat that a fir# year lean* hfd 'hagfe • Ikon on the preaent qnartet* .at cheat am and Center streets- , . ' Blue prints of a nnwedi'afellwk embodying all tha facilities and mo? >.nl.n«*« of any Mg efty hog operators f*r their eegftSrajtija Meeting with the tgeretors ■# owner* to ge over the iltaettee wee i A. Bland, attorney with the aup corporation <'<>mmi*al*a Hr. Mend preaided at tha masting and went thoroughly Jpto tfed hne alt nation In TiotfMkore. “~— -£r*TlH-£* W A Hooker eT Wilmington we| named manager of the eUUoa kaig ■uc reeding Mr. Dqvte, who waa mean?' gar ttfin a saw waaka ago. ft* '—j., ■ FRENCH H«|P n COLLIRIAI . • L ~ ‘ c. r fffHHii tt r. iMr it day and today Mr*. Handley. Mrs. liarrell. and Mrs Edwards surprised the school at tha recast periods With acme flue ice creem. ■'