WEATHER Oensrally Fair Sunday and Monday, exoeyf probably* local thunder show era on Use const. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 119 RASKOB FAVORS CHANCE IN LIQUOR LAW OF NATION Favors System That Would Make Liquors Obtainable For Home Social ( ondiMotw At Such Point That Decandence Muat B* Corrected, Says. ' 4 „ WOULD PREVENT RETURN OF SALOON IN NATION Holds Present System Breeds Disrespect For Law and Order BOSTON. July l«— Oft— A sy»- t«Q grhUli would make Intoxlcat tug liquor available (or home con sumption ia advocated lu a latter aaut by Jehu J. Rsskob, chairman ol the Democratic national com; ' mtttee. to committaamen through out the country «ud defhgatna to the Houaton couveulou. The latter waa made public hare today a» awmbers of the Massachusetts Democratic com mittee met (or reorganisation. The lattar which ia thought to hgva bean the outcome of a letter from T H. Callahan, Louisville, Kjf.. regardnlg Raakoh'a aland on prohibition (otlowa: "Social conditions throughout our country hava reached a state of decadence that deiuauda cor rection. My feeling Is that a scheme of control .of the manu facture sale, transportation and consumption of Intoxicating li quor, under which It may be bad for home consumption and pre vent the return of the saloon which It wa« the medium through - where lbs was n> Itsnae waa abused. In auch communities that vote, therefore under a local optiou law would be welcomed by all. ‘ All right thinking people are for temperance, law add order, but w* must have respectable l*wa If we expect them to be respected “All must agree that there la a wide lack of respect for the lßth amendment and the Volstead act, e that If It behooves all of ua to endaavor to secure auch modifi cation of exlsltlng law»a* will gs- | anlt In the restoration of respect of ourselves, our law and our great cotfßtitutlon.’*’ SAYS CRESCENT LAKE ALL RIGHT Letter Front State Health Dept. Representative Reports oft Inspection L. U Whitley, of the State Hoard of Health at Haleigb. was In the city yesterday tpr the purpose of Inspect ing Orescent hake popular local re sort, It wjui lyarned last tftMwfng Mr. Whitley came to make the tnspr*D lake had not been condemned accord j lug It! guthentlc information received by The News last evening. The following Is a letter to lit. (’)rbett from f- 0. Whitley. who mg da Out Utat At Cmt-eo? Lake yes terday. I have Inspected the Crescent Lake located near Goldsboro, ,! N. L\, which Is under the management of Mr. K. W. Rutledge today. I find that the ar 'angemeuta for sewerage waste, show tr bath system, water supply, and method of policing up around the camp sre satisfactory tu/lhe general Miles governing the sanitary manage ment or the ordluary shallow lake us ed for bathing purposes. The condition of the lake's water appeared clean today and the spillway had a heavy overflow 1 was Informed that the source -Vis the lake's Wilier supplies were overflowing wells and springs. This sort of source of watef supply should be an advantage for tslplng to keep the waters as fret frogg pollution as possible. THE GOEDSBORO NEWS • ' ® 1 V ' £ <\ READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE ‘ THEY BUY. # - * ' A • :: o » : • SMITH TURNS ON HIS OLD ENEMY C'Uims New York Reformer Dis tributed I'abie Data On Legislative Record ALBANY. July 14—(AV- Governor Smith turned today on an old political foe, the Rev. .0. R Miller, auperin •endent of the New York State Wlvic league and accused him of ctri ulallng false Information about hia legisla tive record .... . _ He also trained his guns on ■Wil liam Allen Wlilty. the Kansu* editor, who lu a campaign speech Ihe otbar night attacked the l)eg»ocr*llc presi dential nominee Plainly stirred. Smith declared Mr White la asaaillng him had accepted the misleading ward »f Miller. . Fqr years Miller, who has been ac tive In advocating social reform, and the governor have been at <>dds. To day mored to rmnmmt by nn enquiry regarding Whiles attack from a news paper man. Smith aaiiTlie waa satls- I'leiL Miller waa hack of It all. He declared an unfklr and uncalled for effort waa being made to have R ap pear lie had favored the liquor inter ests and had turned thumbs down ou legislation designed to curb g«mbtltig Mid leaglliaed vice. ( ££ REVIVAL ENDS “THIS EVENING Rev. Walter Patten Will Preach at Salem Methodist Church Toniifht The revival service which Rev. R. B. Brown, the partor, ■ lias been t-on ductttrlg?' at Danh-la Fbapel church f> will corny to on end with a service this evening. Much ikiiot lias been shown L. the neet-ng. Special music hrs been directed by Rev. W. F. Shell of Duke University, featuring the musical program toiiight will la* selectJona by the quartet from the Baptist church at Falling Creek;. Rev. Walter .Patten of New HeYh conducted the service at the Chapel last evening TUIh morning the pres 'dlug elder will fill the pulpit at Sal em church. "Mr. Brown will preach at Daniels chapel this unvUilng. —- " ■ T hr*. t.IHHHft K *OT SO WELL NORTHAMPTON, Mass. July 14— f/P) —Mrs.' Ts-hiTr* Goodhue. aired mother of Mrs Fglvlu (*oo||Uge, lit comfortable and her condition is at favorable as It has lieen for some time. Miss Mlrtura Curtis, hospital *u- Iterlnteudeiit, reported todsy. Miss Curtis said that Mrs Goodhue had not been "quite so well" during the rec ent hot Weather, hut denied that tier patient had had a serious relapse. Crops Damaged by Big Rain In Southeastern Part Wayne A rain of torrential force faßing from an hour to an hour and a half It* the southern and eastern parts of the county yesterday damages! crops considerably and badly washed fields In Mt Ollre It w*s estimated that the rain was a total dypth of eight In ches. Tbe N'euse river and streams gen erally in the county werq. rising- rap idly yesterday after continued rains of the past sever*! days. Already ap proaching flood gtage from the heavy d* wn pours of s)| this week. the Neuse was rising rapidly. Government forecasters, however, had not Isgjiied a flood warning. The Boy Scout ramp'at the Mt. OUve country club site escaped dam hige In the cloud burst proportion ram fall according to a lon/ distance call MEX. MOURNS FALLEN HERO—CARRANZA -*7r— lW * - . •; . c*- * v. 7■- ;; FROZEN SEAS LOSE CAPTIV E World Henw Stiry of l 1 next died Heroism of Dr. Malmxrcn. of Sweeden ROME. Juty 14—

—'The Stefani news agency tonight reported receipt by the Nobile bit-*, ablp.Clttl IM Mai ano to the effect, that the Spanish guide Varmln bad been rescued from tbe Ice njpsr Oapt Brun by t.Ue Nor wegian Ice breaker Hrsgauxa. „ v Va rutin was a member of the party ol Capt Sura which set off gome wifltt ais> to attempt to -reach the Italia survivors, lie was blinded by ike glare from the ice hod his two companions were forced, to leave him behind with provisions They were rescued ywsterduy by Hweedlsii and Flnulsli airplanes from P'ojtjgj Island where they had taken refqjte. -STOCKHOLM. Swen. July 14—- iF also ial3 TRal Ili«* Iwir Ttananx carried away all (he provisions of the trio in order to realise their,, plan of reaching North Cape and obtaining help for the six survivors. Including General Nobile whom they bad'left lu camp uu Uu* ttnea- near l'oyut l»Uin*l . The Hweedlsii admiralty tonight said that It had received no conflrma tlon of the doctora death. On the slim chance that he still was alive, Ihey have ordered the Hweedlsii fliers ' In Spitsbergen to make an intensive search to clear up the mystery as soon as possible. FORD TO AID HERB HOOV ER Will He Vire-I’resident of En- Rineers National Hoover ' Organization WAHHINGTfTN. inly 14—<4>)—Af* ' ceptance by Henry Ford of the ioco tiresltTency of llis ttiiovfr f(ir jirvft, dcut .Engineers national committee was announced today by Chairman Work of the Republican national coin mlttee. .« Mr Work w»s infurmed that Ileinry Ford would have an active part In the :hi active lyrrt In the actlvtles of the k Engineers orgsnlsatlon »n behalf of Mr. -Hoove/. " * *• i . . , * . *■ r , ,-4 | (r»m Scout, Kxecutlve W \V. itivern.l to The New« last evening '‘The boy* J j nrr all ri*rht and having a great time” i said Mr. Hlvers. ‘ Hut I have never j seen euch a rain. When J left tjie lake «t the ramp hKp wuh rising at a rate of an Ingh an hour.” , An inspection of the dam »t ■ ths Ml Olive country club Kite had been I made, Mr. Itiver* nald. and It was den rrlhrd an not bring In danger of go ing out. There .are .notin' fifty boy.t i or.c»mped at the site. Tlie min. coming about In Ute afternoon. WUH described* aa being of ! alarming extent in Hie Itudley sec. | ttoii. The higlftfay wan flooded at tills 1 point It wan said. and A. It. Whitman i and all of those ill til* store at the | tUtU town at the time seized brooms (Continued on png* «> GOLDSBORO. N. C. SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 15. 1928 Breaks Six World’* Record* «. ,■ j . ■ Piloting the ngvy flying boat XPN-12 with a crew ot four men besides hiftraelt. Lieut. A. W. Gorton, U. S. N. (inset) broke six world’s aviation records: O) the endurance record for that type ship; (2) range for type : W4oad. covering 1,350 mileg; (3.4 and 5) speed for distance up toTWJOO kilometers, the plane averaging 83 miles per hour, breaking ttt record hsf carrying load* of 500, 1,000 and 2,000 kilogram*, and (6) range for a load of 1,000 kilograms and traveling 2,150 kilometers. The above photo shows the XPN-12 during her remarkable trials. Mayor Hill Knocked, Down r By Truck on Last Evening Miiilor J. 11. Hill escaped, »efl°us Uijiity when knocked down by >• truck rfvi-n by tvslter Siiwmertin, Jr.i ai renter Slid Wpliiut streels almut inrffi I»st evening Mayor llill was slarlfud aciitJZg Wot iiut street from the Epstein corner itml coming 111 the direction of tho Hicks and I Caw ley corner. A woman driving un automobile wua making a wide turn into >Volutit slrt+i from 4 enter at Hi«-ks aud 1 law toy's Mayor Hill was described as having been watching the car as If msdc the turn in order t« ke»qi out of Its path. Young Summerlin, traveling slowly, wai forced to pull over the truck lie was (riving In order to avoid hitting tin* car driven by llie woman , And 111 pulling to Ills left, be struck Mayor llill. knocking hint lo the pave rarnt, lie Instantly stopped*the truck FOUR WARRANTS ARE SWORN OUT —*— ’* c- ImoL For Scrsati/twl Uhvclostires In ( harßt* of Sale of Federal ; fWfitts BILOXI.""'ll**, July 14 —H*v ■ tng — ,J fnrra-jitl fn 'Wtt*; whom he haa labored kin tbe com merce depart me ntTw-Tieven yearn, Herbert Hoover tonight travellad want ward. The flrnt presidential candidate (rom the Pacific coast waa foiiftg home to receive the formal notifica tion ft lit* eteerton as the stamtsnt bearer of the Republican party. Closing hi* affairs an commnrc* . i ecretary Ills final hours In Wash ington *nd hla (act act of ((>• day was to express to Hie head* of divi sion* lu ihe department bin apprecia tion for cooperation in turning the .trui pf commerce away from tbe nar row channel of business into the greet service of public welfare. —o KtMtIKD BY PI.APtRN -r—- HTtH-KljmEx Sweden. July 14— idh Fa pi (tin Hors, jtullan clisusseur and his cpmpMilon the Dutch engin eer. Van were rescued from Foyn tsland by s -a .party coiisigting of two Hweedtsh wave! weaplaass *mi one Finnish plane, says s report re ceived from Ihe Hwedlsh rescue exped ition at flpilibergen today. IKIM H NOTH RKCKIYBB PAR 18, July 14--UPI The text of the FrenVh government acceptance of 1 Herretafy Kellogg’s outlawry of war pact was hooded to Ambassador Her rick today. It will lie tfahsiultted to Washington tonight mid made public on Monday. r T; An.ither rtehi ..r Idtalnead to com* i before the aldermen, tt 1* expected, la • the r«port of the original “cow rom. ■ mlltee'* on the petition of acme half dozen citlzeun made at the laat meet* > line of the board tliat there be a re* 31 i i colialderatlon of the Tlty ordinance ' forblddliiK the keeping of oowi In the i illy after Atijtuftt I. Thla petition wait • referred hack to the original "row i eemmltlet and aaanranee waa given oi the time ttiat a report would be ' made at meeting. < There ban lieeit general Matlafaetlon emong the lhajorlty of the people of the city It wax itald. over the a*ew or. d I nance that chaaea the row* out of town There la hardly any Ukltbood, ■ It U believed, that action of the • | board In paaalng this oydluance will I be reacinded. MEMBER OR THE ASSOCIATED ’ PRESS PRICK FIVB CENT*! Yet Good Will * Maker in Death k ' "* tt it Hemains WtU Be Beat te Meife* City By Train, Tkouffc U B. , Offered Bettleakip « MKXIOO CITY. July IPHXV-An Mexico I rum Dm hie beet M tfce. lea eel *u is mourning toter tor OapC Emilio Caerxns*. . lu many town* the mthto theatre! vara closed sad all aoat ft » ntertaiumeata suspended Fveefisht elect obregoa. for who* a (net edto toratlea had haaa arranged tor Me ad* ' rival iu Mexico City on Sunday, graphed dlrectlac hla supporters Id abandon the (aetlvltloe la Me house, laying that be felt that the »vtaA*T was the only man the ehould boner and mourn. . „ t*it tirn-tre grht Qpgf^ftf If itrrnui fhn Anatiaalt eaakmaaadAP kmm . Muiitlw• IBP AHIvvWMv ffBHMRWBiIf HMi touched the Mexican peefto deeply. The fact that the AatohMed* racked to the loreica office ea eotof aa he heard of tha tragedy to ykppaht Ml rtrHilfiltUffii In ««ldl»Ua le Me e||M| manlfeeUt|o U o( perseaal aerrov had appealed to people of a|| aiaeaae. M Mexican newspaper .toptarad ie> porta detailing tha eorrour of the Aft* iTican people over the taagedy All headlines and other refyephM to the o United Slates ward pr*taed 4a a Mjft rrteadly toahloa aad Utox.lltfiaMf Cape Carraaa died la Map Wa Ittghl baa actually accomplished tha at goad Will aad the Mawiaap peeptol tilude'of their aetihipMhdPtotllctoih border. j j Cept. l arraaaa, Mexl.-aa aviator. Wtti be taken to City from Nee) ' York by irain and not a*Mfd tha r Mexlcnn bnttlleehlp FVrtda whip* had bean placad at tha dtapoeal if tha Cool Idea. \ "* i Tha state DepsrtaMtfTwaa anffted tonight by Ambassador Telia of *tt*l co that ha had rqoaived a miea— from hit goverumaat axpreeelap dp. preclatlon of tha effft of tha hettl* ship to transfer their hero’s body If Mexico, but declined the prepnaol * , — art OHITK IX LANDUM ffOMM » MTt HOLLY. M. J. July 14 tfW- An inquiry concluded today by United States Amy offlaare fseei finding that the plaao ft Oentxia finding that (the plane of Oaptota Emilio <-ar range, who was foehd dead user Chata worth Friday, hid aat been struck by HfbtMa*, fa ft ftrft eaaumed, bnt that Carranae bad ttto death in making n thread laadtae PRINTING SHOP - IS DESTROYED Ar -At Vandalism Practiced aa Petal •Hurt PriaUd Anti. Smith , Literature BYRAOUBB, N. T- Jnly 14—UP> Printing' of pamphlets aitaejttig ernor Smith In believed to harp las te (he wrecking tftey of the prloUas ptani of ft. Th.e ptppa wsh entered by ferCiSg ffeo A dear. All windawn ware shattered, type wae thrown into street Printed mfU ter was destroyed and a large aam bar of the anti-Smith publications carried away, v ~ *. Newton said ha waa glvao an aided for the pamphlets a Hash ago aad that he had run them off accwlhf U Instruction* of the max who gave hint the order. Sometime after midnight the ah«p w*a entered and a patrolman dlacov* ered the vandalism whUs os hla roaad today. The pamphlet was captloapd “When s Jackass learns to stag Teet er »ml s rattlesnake walks oa laps'* It continues In ,t|l* Vain for a a amber as linen and anda “Then Al Smith w• be president and tha country woat If wortlt a damn.” —.