WEATHER Lecal Thunder showers Tuesday and Wednesday. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER lit ORTHOPEDIC HOSPITAL'PLACES CLINIC IN THIS CITY Goldsboro Selected As Center For Work In Eastern Carolina Cmn Will be Assembled Here For Examination and For Re.CheckinK TO BE CONNECTED WITH „ GASTONIA INSTITUTION ; '•V'- • _ Dp. Ht*ter. Chief SoTgron, Ex* plahm Detail* of Plan in Let let to Llepel Weil The tKHiirr finances having been secured locally, the North Caroline Orthopedic Hospital of tlastonla, will establish an extension clinic In Golds boro t« better serve Eastern N*rth Carolina The first clinic —which will be conducted by members of the f ll»fl of the Oaetonia State hospital—is scheduled for The reday, August 14. vt the memorial community balding Seven thousand dollars have f***u assured—sis thousand dollars locally —for the clinic during the nsst 13 months One thousand dollars was appropriated for tiie work by this Crunty Commissioners, four thousand was subscribed by cttlsena. and ac tion Os the hoard of alderman of Goldsboro in appropriating 11,000 at their meeting last night made aasur. the clinic . Quarters for the clinic will be pro- city amt a trmtued worker employed. The following letter from' Dr O. L. Miller, chief suraeou to, v Lionel Well, who solved as chairman committee jvblch raised the neceaaary money v jti pTal ns all de tails of the project; tt Is onr understanding that this will be an extension clinic to the Btnte Orthopedic Hospital w«rk at Oaetnia, that It v<l!l be hell u unthly and will be, as ,’»r as we can tee now, tbs only clinic wa wilt opej* | n the eaetern part of tha State. Our desire to open this clinic is to make conven ient e«amh»htloaa and certain treat ment. for Indigent crippled children 1 ■•stern Carolina. Aa outlined In my talk to you, we think the idepl plan for the clinic la , to place It in a small home of Its oNrn and put ths general follow up and t field work under the care of a capable, trained wemaq worker. As I further" "Otlined to y<*u, this Would call for an outlay of to maintain -#7.- _POO 00 more yr less for the'first year We do aot have the riioney in our own operating budget, and I am requesting the t of Ooldsboro to foster ' this clinic as a civic and phllantjiro. pic problem and undertake to carry this budget for the first PUT it tugst After the first year we should hsve demonstarted the usefulness as the (Continued on page 4) Drunk, Drives His Auto Into That of Another i Dave Adams, ne|rn, was lacked In ) Warns county jail last evening charg A with driving drunk following an rmomoblle accldtnt on ths Snow Hill highway. Adams drove his automobile • Into that of another negro, wrecking , ' both machines. No one was Injured Officers found a quantity of black berry wine. a quantity of wtrtrtey, and a bottle e( halrtonic In Adams’ machine. " Tc Train in Georgia N. C. Calvary Unit RAL,EIOH/ > !•—<*•>—North teroltna Cavalry unit* or the National Guajd will go to'*F'ort Oglethorpe. Ga. tomorrow for tbelt. annual encamp ehient. It waa -announced at Ilia office 6f AdJutant’J Van B Metta today. Ilnlta to go from thla state Include the Fifty-fifty Cavalry, 8t»te»vllle, ,and troops R. F., and D.. of tlia 111‘Hh from Lftrfolnton. Asheville slid Hick, ory respectively. CONMPIBAt T < HAKGI! WASHINGTON. July 15—<*•)— Per rr W. Howard, jtegro special assist ant to'the Attorney General, Is charg ed with conspiracy t6*Vtolate the liAr prohibiting the sale of a Keder.pLaf t'ce.ln an Indictment which has Aeen returned by a grand Jury at Biloxi, • . .. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS HEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARB FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY, One Explanation of State’s Birth Rate One item explanation of why North haioiinA’s birthrate led the nation last year was disclosed yesterday. During the last IS years. Dr. Henderson Irwin has practiced medicine at Eureka. In this time he baa been the attend - physician for 10 mothers who have borne 12 M children each. No Hilf leta. or twins In the lot. The mo-' thers all live within a radius of , seven or eight milci of K> reka., FOUR NEW CASES TYPHOID FEVER Infection Reported Frm North, ern Fart of County and Brhnrs Total to U Four new cases of typhoid fever bare been reported In the county thi* week. It wsm announced Tt the health department here ye.dcrday. These ( aaeji are lu rite nor the in psrt of the county and bring the lota) number of typhoid caws reported during the uimmar io IZ. : Two cma*» warn also reported from Duplin cwuAty ’yeater. day » c This Increase la a new and added 1 tfßtltE ttl IfTt? ticrtlltty juf IfQK' Ing immunlsallnn • In , raeeinstlon.t’ said. Dr., L. W Corbett, and county health off leer ” Kepec tally la ed to frequent bathing beavbea and pools. No matter how pure water Is, there Is a probability that It will con. tain a slight typhoid germ count and thera aren’t any of us who go Into inter aud come out without hasing had a mouthful of It." ' ~ ~ 7' a Los Angeles Is Off . On Training Flight LAKEHDRBT. N. J.. July 16— —- The IT. 8. biavy dirigible lata Align es took off at 7:15 tonight on a train. Ing flight over waters along the roaat. The shtp ts expected to return tomorrow morning. On Ijoard were IT' officers and men under the n>mm*nd of Lt. Commander R. V* Wiley, who Is relieving Id. Commander Rosend. •hi. while he ip In Europe. This whs the first flight of the dirigible frith Lt. Commander Wiley Tn charge « WHtrWFH f fftHPW TOR shot ATLANTA. Og, July 14-^—Joe P, Johnson, postotflce Inspector . In charge of the local office, and Mor gan Criswell, a member of his, staff were shot oh a downtown street dur* ng the noon hour by HarrylM Dm and, a 6t year Old man of Armen an descent, whs/said he hud been dis charged as a mail carrier in Boston foe. Ilia "liberal views.’’ Wayne County Boy is Champ Pistol Marksman at C.M.T.C. Juat looking at him y»u would pot have thought that he whs anything different from the usual straight, standing young mw «f i 9 or 20 years There was aometblng us the col legiate olr about him. he greeted you cordially, was open faoed ana aort of young chap you would like to<)Spend time with. Hut there'Hvas not lota to tell you that he had recently a«- compllshed a fe»t that pul him on the ! peak In competition with 500 other ' young men at the Citizens Military Training camp at Fort Bragg, and pulled-a feot that l»»d the whole lot lof them looking and wondering how [be did It. But that’* what Myron Reevea. of Mt. Olive. Route 1. did. He, with I Mher Weyue county boya who have 'spent the last thirty days training aa CiU'le Ham's guests at Ft. Bragg, ar. rived (tome/yesterday- and he wore Hie lapel marker saying | (bet he waa the champion pistol shot i of the outfit. There we*e about 1109 GOLDSBORO TAX RA TE REMAINS A T $125 . e> w v NOL PROS TAKEN AGAINST RHODES Ch*rgtH of MalfcaHafltte Anainsl Mount Olive MagUlratc in Co Haptic The sixteen charges originally pre firrcd against D, (l. Rhodes, Ml . JQU.M mgxalrate. Alleging matfrs-- ance In office, dwindled to neiblug In Wayne Couqjy Rm-order'* court yes. tvrday wliejv solictor Kdniundson took • nol |dos with leave. A week ago alien l/ln eha gea were called Judge . H l> Din ltd iiuaahcd utile of the Hi runnta preferred add yesterday Kd ■ mHudson took the nol pros with leave Alien Important state's witnesses fall ed to appear. John Ward was .bound to Superior 6 eowrt, probsMe cutter frtrvfrM! been 8 found lu a magistrals’* hearing on • charge of attempt to committ rapt on Mr» Allas Ward, of nert Ht-ven Kin-lugs Allas Ward w»s'(fcrlared n«t guilty i.f ai ri w Its J as as ■* •» * 1.11 m. U|l«i mnla r ’ » “■ vvvnx on RttT’nnTTTrfiT wojmrr . lbs Influence ol whiskey. A nol proa was taken In the case j charging II J. Bowden with obstruct I lag "affiajit tn his duty". Mr. Howden ÜBder t,he charge alleged, hsd object- < ed tn an official scale tester examin ing hla store scales. ..Rudolph J*racock was fined, 6£fl and costs for driving while drunk »nd cyder to keep tils hinds off a njeer- Inif wheel for ninety days und«r pen. city> of being orderud to * the oouat.y I chain gaug for 3 montlis. Joe Hnitth was declared not guilty ol larceny of a quantity of meat and It rd • _, v - t AUTO DEALERS START MEETING Select Greens boro mm Place for 1922 Convention in Opening; Semion im> ‘ * " MOHKIIKAD OTT, July 16 </ft ■ (necimboro was awarded the next annual convention of the North Caro lina Automotive Trade Association at lire Opening seastuu us the.JS2X meat lug here today. • Rocky 3 Mount and Durham also irught the session The dealers dccid ed to ask the salary and wage com mission to re-establish the night theft Service which wus abandoned several recks ago. Illiusr* MUUMTHM PLASM NKCgtlNti jbIVOBCK , NEW YORK, July 16 Hi 1 ) - The New YofX AlWerl. an loday says Dial Mrs. Marjorie Durant Danlelj dajtghz ter of William C.>purant, wealthy financier. Is lu Nevada establishing residence with the Intention of suing for a divorce. Her husband, Robert W. Daniels, is president of her fath er’s Liberty National Hank. young men enrolled Ju the ■ amp and about 000 of them participated in the Pistol a hot contest I’slug a .45 calibre Colt, wotomallc Young Rerreg scored 192 point* out of s possible 2(H) in target practice at 15 and 25 yarda. Sportsmen say that i* some record. su< h as might m*k«> any trick shot wild west 'performer proud of. When you consider, it was prgued further that It was tnddu with a 45 Colt, such as folks In this country seldom here a < banco of prac (Icing with, it Is doubly remarkable. l.ast year Reeve* tjuallfied as a mark ,mwn with the Hfi*. He w*s recom mend for the third of "white" course ' ,f training at the camp next year t 'You bet I am going bar k,” lie skid > lb The New a yesterday. "There isn't i anything-like that life down there," _ ■ I Returning to Wayne yesterday from i 'he camp were Reeves, and Dortch I Langston of Goldsboro; Willie Hest of t Ml. Olive, route J; Gilbert AJphta of I I (Continued op Page (Our) GOLDSBORO, N. C TUESDAY MORNING. JULY 17, 192* “Mexico’s Lindy” Killed In Crash —- ‘ m- | . _ •** 1* Wf * I yi Ai - fL aa ßKt*'i^ Yf / In M 'f 4 " hi if- 111 * j|||^_ fvll MB C" : “i •«. ' ' ! • - ■■ m —, ■■ f ■ ■’ I - -r- - - |U - -VT--I .1■» A" Bravely' Captain Emilio Carranza (inset) Roosevelt Field on his irtm-stop flight to Mexico City. But the element* were too much lor him. Ha crashed in a berry patch near LADIES NTCHT r KEPT BY CLUB -'■ > H«in UiitruptM Meeting for Tiine But Chicken Fry Finally . Come*. Thru unit L int ■ i :—-....— r Hie Klwanls chicken fry of lust night, after being somewhat demor alized by the shower* in the laic af ternoon. nettled to decide s*»rseaa be tng held In the Us-mieut of the ttr<*g den stAiool hlillding. One might saV It otided u howling success for Ihc vofcca of Klwanlans, In tin i lotting • gongs, drowned rnt thr -wrcT "tnr niony cttufrlbutett by the women guest*. w Aa the time of six thirty approach ed Kiwsnlan . the wives am! ;>wect lioarts, member. of the GoM-Two baseball team and their, iv.lyi and I sweetheart-, utul a i • «'h. •• •• wen all lit a ijno.lry a- to wm-int r the | mirnOwg wattfeTfar -dwwvt- •» planned for the t'ouiitrv Cluo -r • tods I In case of lair t; .r and t o Ho-j t«t oawkMwr To . * '«• nre i ~wwrKsr had also caused a delayed annoum e tiM-nt to be scut out lhai Broadest school wits Ihr place. Cl'Mlds rolled away and t( was cliuuged back to the Country t ilth lake woollier cloud, another change and auioy, the -fflioOl bulldlic the crowd went < IlH'* Ing tit automobiles. V The delay I mu, red and thv /croc - ( Country touring had whetted the up jietlleK of all to "Stffh an < \telM that when thr > reached the tin-ciiihil of ttnr, srhnrrt hmtdtnr amt mvV thr rntr - of u|>prtLlllg "intscellanei'nis'' tool the huge |. lo■ of fried <hi Altn. all* frtl i . grace - yes there -wmr u - pt wrjmf ftrrc*' ent, several of them, 'o Little teii year old Margaret Car rs way, daughter of Ktw+pion t urro way, delighted all present with a mtro tier of aesthetic dance «e|r. lions 1 Brine Kilts *i.. on (he program fpr h solo ft wu. wonderful us lo- did not Re' A. ,1. Mmitls was 1 not on tin p.'ni.raw hut~aft. i drliik ing sonj'thint.' opt ot u t'w i fat* hotth he . nicd to think htoisv'lf the wholi show Httd apparently rev»'rt <d to < hlldho-td y. urn fdr he danced all over the hasejnent floor, trit>|ilng. and swaying «.» that ft was bard to t«-lt whether hu wh- trying to itpltutc -• one-win ted Iwillcrflv or it folUc bca ty -At times, it sc no d iimt jauHlhly he w,4 trying t<> tnillal. .Mbs t»u - raway's d«uc«* Ht ended hia per i formanco Waving u . hickcu, gizzard 1 in onr hand amj a Itv. I It, till mil ’ er and extending his arms appaieet (<\>tiUnued on i’age Bix i Burlin§fen,"N. J., within a abort thna after*hi* deiiarlttre for home. The above picture ahowf all that remain* of Maxico UniveraaL a atater ship of Lindbergh’s Spirit of St Louix, v * < FATAL MISHAP AT BURLINGTON Wlnator Man KUled nnrf Win*. | ton-Salero Woman Hadlv In jured art Auto Hits Hu* HI RLiNUTONi July 14- </P>- Wtl- IJani litirke of Wlnston-Halenv wui Mill'd anil Lydia (tend"* and Mr* A 11. Pritchett also of WluttiHi SaUm were Injured when jhe automobile In which they were riding collided with and Kvithnuid ■' <ireeueb«ro.Ralelgh bus (n ft today.' Iliojso dlatl shortly after ihc a< cl rtrnr It irrtnw t* only HtlgtlTlF IHJBr < d The extant of Mrs. Hrljrliett'a In-1 fct'e.i cnuld not b« ascertained to i.iibt li ags said at the hospital her* 'ir*. Pritchett and the ttro men j wi il th*lr way from Hmlthfiyld to ' 111 Ir ill Winston Hali m, Mr*.! I i i-. U>lt was drlylng i|Vt wkwmety ' FtIUT IVORTlfji Tex., July 16 (A‘) ! J. .iL-Q’liara gnd W. As.-s HisisapoAb - lint I, McDonald who Were-leader* lu ! mi iiusiiire, 4ul attempt to gain roc- j cgnUlqn f«r an unlusl rutted delega-J ! n from Texas-at the Itepublpt an tioaal f'onvt iilloii, today announced ' they *'bn Id bolt the purty and port Governor \; r«g k Raiitb of .< j fork, for prcsidi-tth Eight Kinston Ball Players ■' Are Hurt as Bus Overturns ■ ’wsM^c Jauil club ■*«*« otXjiiUsU'. wlu’ii their' hUfi overturned -near /.(l«ri|Mi |T|(' yc’terilay afternoon late, iiKTln? It "iin u;i '-it.i n'ri. to Kmntun . Hi r |>l m iti-j ilulil-li'irjjjbate. % • TV Injur* .1 Klniu: i |lilt In r. .1 I aiJly vr< m lii'ii Iniuldrr; Tirki. left field anil one of th" tending hitter* of f ill I 11.11. J -..’V’ I. \ >’ M 111 ill’ll V|-. IVI lightly ml in I,lie riba; Pop Dayton, i itlrbcr minor lull*' from . flyfmr ultm*; Pn*, I’ri Hidrnl Vann unil Klll*nn min or lirplujH ami Ihx k, Tln’ir were twelve member* of the l am ;md tin ’ ilrivi r no tin him al iln linn- of ike ai’i l’lom and the rou < h'.tte «»« badly wrnkMt • 'ail l*ai k>t ’lnn r..i b ii'erl til* liiik boddenlj hi Qm ti.’iii Ui ivold . rn<ii .uir « Unlit tar driven hy a woman thjy ( liiiu«il lulc the-path of the him In Inkiiiß, the now highway "to Snow lIUL The juai hint wa« top Ik vy, U C. OP. LEADER IMKU ARREST 1 -v. '• . -• b-a, •; -V . '-A Nrirro (nknmitteeeuui From ’ Ali**iMKippi ('-barged WMb Comtpiracyv) c « —.. l•? —• HIM>X L Miss, Jaly If—(ft—i*i htlous rorecaat Halurday when tha Federal grand jury inveatlgstlng tha in thod* employed*Si 1 KUta Hepubll can leaders in dlatrlhuting patronage udjonrned for the week and appear*! with surprising swiftness today while the body continued to rmialve add!, tlmtal evidence frorru’ ilia scores of wTi heic»es H hail iruinUAmed All hough li«« tHatricj altnrnay and cUter court stimhaes refused con* |- f , from SVashlngton b*t | i i-meknown that Perry Howard, tie. I gro- national Republican commlttee | malt from MUMsslppl. «nd the acknow I edged’party leader in the Htatr had [ been for to yto-j Liaie (he law protilbillng the sale of i * 4ml tdflce ttminmpitt vpfrtnriTrf rtiertcfn I llmt Howard 8 Hubbard, a deputy ! marshal stationed here, 8. R. Red mond hjs hrothdi*, A. M. Rtdmond, | oi"| . Mil L. Patton, jacka»n negroes i conspired nnd received 61.600 for‘the ! nppolninieiit of A. H P. ftussell “of j MitS*-'': ai 10 pul} .I'ußelf Slates Mar* dod i" 'ln. southern district. 4j» am -mm. .mmjjmr.t Aa w*- • dll a Lmlnh , -■ I ■ ' -IpiviXj: ■—i* Pi Thi Injnywd player* anil the other member* «f the team were carried to g 1 " . I,i |»j” . i hy, a number or Kttivnriitkns It ail nit linen, lure f*r the d nihli hf*adiV 53J«nrt,iay afternoon. In Kt’taion. Klntore and Parke'Were the or.’v iwo wim reported el a hoapltnl l*’t imaniinaUon, it »»* a a Id* park* ’■•ft tin hiiKpltal. utter rccclvliiK an ■x > :<tin.i’ t<hi but Rltnore remained (o& '< V nlirlit Kfmore may be out of Ihe name for met line'.’lid Parka and Pop Dayton will In all probability not be able to participate in thia afternoon* content bare, H l» feared. Th’> • who viewed the acene of the wr«i k wondered h«w It wan that the thirteen men yam •‘through the *eel o lit Ait flout nemeone rnetelvlua a a*r b ua Injury. Thi:«nam«>of the woman drhttn the automobile that turned lo'e IV' pa lb of Die hits-could unt be lea/ucd lam tvouiuf. 1 MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS City Budget b Voted by Board Cow Ordioaaca Not to Go kl lb 4oet IfntH After Mewth* of v Board in Atdtte* The Goldsboro city tax rate fef l»n-t9 will remain at |I.M *a aaah SIOO valuation it via - dtetefbldM % city aldsrmsp maatlax laat *l|kt ter a final hnarlng and adoption of Mm budget far thin roar. Tfco total tatefegt appropriation for thta roar la IIMm 1U.14. Os tbla amount Ml tll M tater i deficit for thn pant poor. Thin donate t van ntatnd. van teaarrad through failure to rnnllaa m mock ritown nn thn last bn dart had anticipated, . Thn 'IW-te bedfet had boon adopt* at a time vhnn a revet nation of prep* irty vu bnlng goat throagh vttlt awf. It had bran expeptte M afer «U«h Ilona vonld tacraaa* soom tl.ttt.Ml accordingly thn budgot for thn rate Hound van nattiatad aataf Iteo dje sumption. In thn final tebuldtteg, however. city ml uni loon go lifted abohod an Increase of shoot ftiP.Ogl In at sad of sl. PM.OOO. Bum tho Mte- H of $'33,7X1 for tho past roar. Rofoadlag bonds to tahn mm M thin defi.-ii will hot ho locate It Mg nald. bat abort tern setae vtll tin oold An for aetakt etpaadtttttoc «f tig city laat ynnr. them vorp Mao thlft thn budget aattmatoo, Tho hndgat te ml for laat roar vaa m.Uitffagß the nmoaitt uflaM *0» 1 tdMlMi' The tax rate thin rote Will in ft** th. vuavxx.Jsmteaa^|Mj|| lb# budget for tho dtp far tho ectefit yaar tho conncil voted City tfmmgar Zeno Hoiiuvnll ita ttteaka far Mm "splendid" work down M. JjL ftofgh ton called attentloa to tho 'tete tM| while thn city win realty TMreagdf nut thn locmnan la Urn aumbar of rapidly, thn coot of npomUea of tig polkenwa. that whOo It vaa growing rovdrnmont has ate bona iacreebig but baa actually docrooeoduado* tgg budgnt system Cow OrdtoaMO RoM Os The aldermen voted that flw aew city ordlawce white had prov|dad that no COW he kept la tha oKr gates If* ter A usual I he HOepivded pindteg the flret regular awetteg to Angogt.. this action van takan on aareoht tt jhe fact that the chairman «f the Committee which had boss asked to r< i ouji4ir the ordinance wax ebetet. Several people voire prseeOl expect, in* to bear the report oa tho o#v tea* blem. , < ' y ' '.■**" _ (fpon an appeal preaeatte by Oof. George K rreeman e«d Uoael WMJ the aldermen appropriated lU*t tpr the Orthopedic citato te ha up*rated here by the State Orthopedic hoepMl at Gantwiu during thta poor. INVESTTGAITON NOBILE ASKED rfwcdivh ofriebb M Wiy is Clm Ua IV, th of Or. .•> .. » r-’S. *T STOCItHOUI. July H-CW-Rtete- Uh offtrtnl* today warn coaaMertftf what stupa could bo takes toward't f< rmal Inquiry Into Oeaeret Umbdr t<> Nobile's fetal expedition to ‘the North Pole The newspapers wore sag seating a jnrldlcial Investigation * Tha newspaper Dagblad printed a rtiport of which tha eouroe ate i VlvenT aaylns that General KiMfl -la in Tact the Italian governmeofr prisoner as he la ferbMde* to laikOO the base ship Pitta dl Mllaao he hag slven the world a clear no* count of tho Italia cataetropiw sag li'ter e*Htt»." Swedish flyers la gpltshorgoa haws been ordered t® clear up tha mregffp of fir. Kinn Malmsrens rata. His g alien companions buried him alive 111 the ice. hut the admiralty aanoaaete It had received ;,no oonflrwietle* of tgn Swedish scientists 1 * death. Tie lltte _.. C'ouiUwed te raft Hi) f

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