WEATHER Partly cloudy. Wedneaday and Thors day. Probably scattered thuadershow era la the west. ‘ .* VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 121 PRESIDENT ELECT OF MEXICO IS KILLED BY ASSASSIN ATTACK ON SMITH FAILS IN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEET General Obregon Shot To Death Attending A Banquet In His Honor AstiatMiin Approach** Under Gulm of Showing Obregon Some Picture** MURDERER IS CAPTURED BY THOSE AT BANQUET Mexico City Thrown Into Wild Disorder and Revolution {a Feared MEXICO CITY. July. 17—</P>—den eral Alvert* Obregon, president elect of Meglco, wan ahot down 'by «n aa ■»aaln known aa Juan Vei Captriarlo ft he sat at the banquet In In* tinner ‘•'-at a re*taur*nt at San Angel near Mexico City today. The Opium al died almost Instantly. Ill* aaaaaaln was captured and tak en to Jail Eye wltneanea said the rlayed approached the table m which the president elect was sitting and' naked Cover Aaron; Saenz of Uio State] of Nuora l,e<.n If he mtgnt a now | come picture to funeral Obregon. He! pretended to ahow the pltcurea under] which he had concealed a pistol with , which he fired several time* Into th" general'* body. ■The.harrow stricken friend* of the president elect rushed for the slayer who It seemed would lie stabbed to] death or tosn Into However,] cooler head* prevented, and the man wi* taken V* jaW—TTmter a heavy guard , President Calle*. who was in Mekl ca city at rtre time oT the shooting rushed to San Angel to take chary of the body. Mexico City was thrown Into the ntmoat excitement hy the news It la thought In some circles th*t President Calle*. in view of the death of hla auccoaaor. may continue in office lor another term It la thought that President Calle* will retain strong control ever wh t rver alt out lon may arise a* the result of the murder of the man who w«* to « have succeeded him. plough It 'la be. Ileved that a revolution or armed rrislng la not Improbable. No one will venture to predict what n gy occur Iti the future President Calle* laaued orders that pollce_and army officials cooperate In an Investigation of The killing in an ifToft to determine whether It waa an Irresponsible art or the result of a deep political plot The police said that the gssassln confessed, say ing. "I am the man who dld lt." They would not reveal If be added anything so that confession * Washington Stirred •WASHINGTON—(APh—News of the assassination of preadierit elect 'Ohrp gon wa* received In Washington with dismay and'sorrow. The Obregon re. g'me had been leaked forward to by officials here with every belief * that If would bring a npw era In Mexican American relations, so materially Im proved during the close of the term of the President Cglles Ambassador TeJlez was unwilling to he|leve the news and at once tele phoned Mextro City The slate depart, ment likewise telephoned Abassadnr Morrow at Mexico City for details and to express the government’s regret .URN. HOOVE I’D FATHER OllMi Suf. feeing fr»m paralysis C D, Henry, aged father of Mr*. Herbert Hoover wag. rapidly sinking Mdnday. accord ing t« ]|jl* physician* Mr*; Hoorer r-ow enroute to California with her husband. Is expected to .reach here Thursday or Friday. " t HFRPKXIMA BOVS NKNTEXI E PKARISBI RO. Va. July 17— (IP)— JurfSth A C. Guchanan today refused to aet the verdict of • Jury,toGiles Circuit court which found Candlll Dennis, eleven year guilty of killing a playmate, hnt suspended the sentence and ordered the boy commit ted to the rftate Board of Welfare un tll 21 yeeWTof age.- THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FREBH—READ BY. BUYERS BEFORE THEYi BUY* W. 1). MOORE IN CIVIL ACTION r ClainiH Boy Caused Auto Colli, nion and Damaged Car I'o Sum of SI,OOO Three civil suits sicking damages amounting l « **>.23B 31 and j>ne suit "for divorce h*Ve Im-i-u filed Wayne County Superior count here. W. I) Moore, of Goldsboro brings suit for *I,OOO against James Carlton of Duplin county. Complaint filed by YToore allege* that a minor eon oi Mr. Carltnn was al Tault in »u aulo •w bile cpillson In May The accident happened near Warsaw Moore's com. , . ‘ #.. plaint holds that the hoy drove onto the highway from * private side road wtttrcut giving uny w;>rnths signal The local man'says HTs autooi<>blle wik damaged sl*ol*o. Willie Whitfield seek* judgment for tS.tMMKXgslust the Roberta l’*v(ng Co., tiie firm that constructed the high way to Newton Gr»ve. Whitfield's complaint fiolds that he was damaged about the spine when an agent Os the company drove a truck, loads with employees or th% firm, Into a crosstie by the side of the tsad. The Nahum* Hardware pray* Malm of *208.31 against Minnie K. Yelvsr ton, with Interest from July 16. fog s>lege4 , goods purchased. wiiibim jonc* i* the plaintiff la a divorce action against Charity Jones, aleglng abuudonmeut and Statutory charges. EX-RESIDENT dieDtuesihy ff • Remains of Ralph R Lyon Reach City Todav; Funeral At , 5 P. M. Ralph R I.von, former resident of Goldsboro. died early yesterday morn ing. fn Richmond Virginia according to wilrd received here yesterday. Tlie remains will be brought to the city * early this morning and at 5 o'clock this afternoon. Itev J. M. Daniel will conduct fuuersl services from the par lers of the Goldsboro Undertaking Company. Interment will he made In -wmtww mm hy m. *u. ..f the p..r. ''lWs of the .docyjSrd Sjirvivins Mi Lyt>U ‘ire one sister, 'Mr*' Jamer Rogers of Fayetteville end "He in "tbi i '»-■ IIOOVKR nns VINIT HUPERIOIf Wls. July 17 l/Pt - Coni hiding his Jin days' visit wltli 1 President* Cooltdge, Herbert Hoover left the summer White House »t Cedar Island l"dge Tuesday fur a re. repiion at Duluth before his Journey tonight to hi a old In California where He Is to Tie umi lled of hla uohimatiou as the li can presidentlftjj candidate .j Budgett Expense In Running City In Less Than 3 Years W ■ I .1... ■■ . 1..1. , Mow much (lift It COM to' run Qolds J boro’ii city government in .’7? Mow much wa* appropriated f>t ' 1927-I'*? How much wa» expended" I . Mow much Was appt iprfitcd the new bodgotfoi ntinui I ton . These question* arc answered in figure* from the budget for I!'.** 2*' a adopted by the hoard "f aldermen Monday evening. The deficit of *.'!2 7!M 2 t -li"wn explained hv the Igi t that the alder men Jit Vnaking up the budget a year ago expei led to hate the lietu lit o mine i i:iMiii,ooi) Increase in real estate Pay Homage to Gallant Mexican Flyer 'I ■ V I . VHQ Thousands’oi New Yorker* fled reverently M<i the tiAR which InM all that wag mutual oi «-apt ain EmlHo <a • ran,a MbxUiux (bUJaut aiubnv a.lor .f.mid will Huit.l of other .~l l-’ii.l'ful Ih-ral tribute* lu tokun of lb«o •arrow .a Utt ict - untUfmly dMt i Above, i i-> r tin fl f -draped caahet. au-.| ill-" 1-jrtli i.ic- a ulece Proaldeat t’tllei i total tdlwu tin, Mi \ ia.pti ideftt; below, Bebaatlad.< rl - it" #*i < airtcken father, and the International guard of honor which stood w atch over fht ia*set ‘ v State Official To Confer With Board About Co. Jail State" I’rlaljlTTn*jW*cTbT WtittCf" T tie dcpaitiiicot of Ptlbli. Welfare w ill cine l« Goldsle.-ro Mend ij to fell w.iyuc county i immtxxlouera what ,,r change* muxf lie made In the present .L*i! In outer to comply kith r. aul»H‘d»s governla i rlsoits, L. A. Rancv. chairman of the county hoard of commlsxloners. told m* mber* of Ihe <r»ld*h'>r<i Hot*. ary club last evening in addressing' Aha..cJah. It will hi ImiKtssiblc to repair and ■ e q, change the present jail so as so con farm f.v• staff rcquTrt-meiila 'witKoui expending 60.G00 or $70,000, Mr. It .icy. *uld mill he express.- I : the per m n»i opinion ’that it-might Is- let t< 1 tor- thy county and rlinpf in n*»- end go expend ;i it si.-* more mdnef and make such change- I hat will be. ade«|u.'»i*.- tn me. t county i ■T l d. j =>ud county government office riutttlrc njrnt- -of the future... “Oi course.'’; said Mr. Raney. "I don’t know what !ln- folk-, an- c on;- to w mt In 1 ltd * The county nfll-ial r- : v. i-at if .ill request* mad.- hy inunt. tl ,>».! v.«tintllorn lr. a n \aluatlon .. n Ihi it .n a c »,i only about ,$ 1 50,000; heme revenues anticipated were tip! realized. Actually she eltv l«-t year ?pinl an » a • appropriated, hi the bud B*-t. Total. erpeUKi tot last s . ■ vi at wi re i' i !■• *.ll •!.•' 61 IbiT and tile atnouii! v\,m i. < <i ua |lSß.ll.Yl’t The total budget appro prUliroi tilts > ear ary, ?U» <7 4« OUtatde I c dencji p •. - Ihb deficit Jasulng Uirort term notes, it a ■ -aid - .-do it ou ■ : t It* .buiTgi t ■ , <i V• I i Ot I' '1 U- GOLDSBORO, N. C-WEDNESDAY MORNING. JULY IN. 192 R - mctlto had Irpi ii granted in th» lens-t tve budget on tn hr t'-rmatlv adop'- td, the’lav rate t'i y a tt Would h*V‘- ■ l.f n(I SO R i tttf i.Uc will iu atl peohahilllv I *1 20 an lucre*Xu of In ceuts over lust year. ' Hut ou- tux rate,” sSld Mr. R*n .-v, "compares favorably with tcuUUly Jxi this part a;7 atm slate. Tlicro adjolniio . *ntniv that ha* » " fete a* low n K tbit V.ivit. '* TSgr ihe sis - uTcl hi.iid ■ • unty •aWe r ul aanll rlum tea* tfit oylnlmi evpr- - -il by' .Mr Raney-, 1,, (or. Ihe R-itarlan*. lie pointed out ( that tb<- . unity * now (onti-ihuting t-i the p. a tun ni nf Kcv.-tjJ—Wayne h -hl.-nt • ,j * point - i the State. Til,- ,-sjM i.djinr- -r nne I2£L* »MM» or *’.! i.n-ql, he oil wquhl f»r- v d - j « tubercular Isolation building on -Cm county honfc -It.- and («od for the ; t.itlent" might In- prepared -i i tlu* county hotto- klichen a ->ysr>in d--. iared lif tie w»rkliig in some other j i "unties The Dakc roilinlajll ij, f- r i'uSpiUitfLlHtiu would uunlytbufe t.e ■w ii MIC Usu t -in It iIu 1 - ill . i .In %< ul. 'lr It 1 F«ru*nv. ”i T7..,'rfNwc 't,*i. wif •ibwtt i ; ; i■ - - wa« Ti|i> l*. - f -i k. * -a h ■ out ' o d ilk w■ r> h- i ‘ • ■ lie I Ihe Hit: - ; l.ii-iu , n.. Ini-iu. :- ■ tl»a«l- The pi in ip ■! i I , > 01 1 iiilitn -.. in - ml. - I. i I■■ i - 'f. ■ ..:' I to. and l> p : d Itnit llii- hail been done in„ , !ii tiieln flu-, vi .r ■ -1 . ' . 1 show ,<>!.* -cnl 'tax rate fa, i ” -■ 11 ii -e i • ud 111. i. - ■ are tak. " tn . i. ' : di r uAui I.i U-. I. tt'i in 'nuo , i • v>d. ant'-m .Ii R •J , * and p i i nr. i" ,f rued l;> t'i . .Min' .. ti ' hix ! > J'• • sHi-u ( » . * I ; V- ' -TJt ■ I with it xr. .»t IU. re.u.y la pfjnhce n cV*s having 'taken place, tin- ■ v.ilui hmi tor ear# and apiamobtlaa' ’ pfatt rettii"-.-d i only il/W. , » iVfr.a in : : ' 1 , t . I . ... I. . I•V '» % CO-OP MEMBERS TO MEET HERE I’arnif of Vtiur (’auntirs Will Gi.Lher With Manager Hla. lock Thursday Mil In' a meeting of the mem f. xtoi kholders of lluT 'A'ytton a ■ '‘ ui !•• -Goldsboro at th# Gourt’ tl" ,t ,o p, m. Thursday July ts • i iii.< will he-u district'mceffug, anti larincis from Duplin. le-nolr and WJJwua - waU- .awl wttb- lt» 'W-Ovne i .<uuty farmer*. 4 U II Blalock. general minuter will "'ls present at this meeting udi i tin- tui inhcfs u full accuuiitlug ! the"|iast year’* operations to aus w»r am- questions that fli‘>y ha pro-, pteced hy any nu mber, mid to discuss u lit i itic in "i' aml .ITT probUin per. training f<> the as social loti work and Mi.- hnildin* of a ph-ater organlxlP lion m The .elation has Ka<l a very sue . -fill year and all cotton farmers Jill ale Ultrle tod 111 a Ik-1 I i-r vest.-Hi i t in -rk. tin- ari* Invited to utteivl thl matting. »- °' Cdv.ort kni*fn/TC Seven Springs Will Entertain County Sunday School Meet in , i "f i! vvaini!‘t'danly Buu ;,l ■ ■ 111 mill. I tliat ’ . ! 1 I "II .. , i- ,7/ i . .t< rat lit lav and , i, , ' . , ai-1 26, *t the r . (ni ii . > -ii - ; Seven Epriaga. S C. n •• i ■ ‘i;• •; 11l the , ji ,i 1 h IWt».V M>;;] I * I 1 I I-VI I-111 Sup- ; , i, ~ni jnUi r.iroM.ia! . I -M: - * pi ’ I.' ' I • • "bl • } Sew Or lean-i l.a, f'Aiiucll of Religious l.ducmiVin. V. I -ti t h pr. g iam'will be x - Mull Succeeds Dennis a I, M fc ■ Brummit As Chairman Os Democrats Os State To Lay First Brick Sunday School Bldg. YViih brief hut appropriate eer*- ul-ttlex at H o'clock tUi# amrutug. n„. flral brick win Ig M *■* Huiulay school building of Ht. Caul Methodist church J. J. .Icinme, chairman oj) ths commit tee of the church, will preside at the. ceremopie*. and Rev. J._ hi Daniel, paator of the church, will g|v«- a i h»rt sketch of work pre- Jlwl«*yy to the erection of the |Bh.* otto Sunday school unit on Uhest tmt street. Thomas It. Robinson, for many year* l-le ul if tell with th* life of St. Paul, will have the honor or placing the first brisk. The pntittr is tnrtxad lo c*r«- muuies. AGAIN DISCUSS STATION M ATTER Will Secure EnlimaleH A» To* •• t '* ’■ . ( out of Hemodeling I’renent Bun Station With H. Q. Self of Raleigh, bus «*• mlsshvaer of the st«te. prr*cut and presiding. Gcdilsbqro's bus atatlon problem was again discussed with op eiatore of lines entering the city *t a gathering held tier# yesterday morn ing. The question considered ye#te.rdajr waa wind lie r or not It would be fea*. IMc tb repair the present station and place it In first 1 1««* condition •# a station which would meet the r ((Ulrement* which may In- demanded I It during th. next ten ye#c* HkV“ era! contractor* were questioned by In operator* .Jind It w*s decided to ■father estimates on the work which would In- necessary. K/sllmati: would Include a com. p'ete yeiiovatlon of the .jiresyilt build ing. the addition of tiled flooring, senltary appliances and eqntplng the OttUding with nwulngs, troth on the 'enter street side and on th# Chest nut street side. V. - lr -,'---- t .No plan .-mild he develJfrod. how. vcitT. It war declared, which would TO.Tke p'-Jble the loading and un loading of. passengsrs without use of t»-e cllv Htrecfs, Chile hvr< Mr. Helf conferred with 1 |fy officials, the president of the ■ H>ld#horn Alcrchants Association and with a number of i leadur* on the problem which has arisen. It was poln ted out lh*t with 23 busses leaving the city dalljf on regular schedule a I (Hiding planned as a bus atatlon and linking possible .starting and Slop ing httsaes W ithont t'luUerlhg up the | 4 r. .*( * Is needed. « i i • • '■•mij- ih*' m,':, inn l inl«-r i|«il"iyfljirftnri«l. ni v ~k«-K from nil Suiflfay *< hools In i>n (utility urc Invited to particl p.i I r In Uh* work. ( In Hnitr* iif tin* arrangement* for , Iho convention In Dr. A. H. Kerr 1 renldent of the County Sund*y I•. honl :i.-aertntniii. The*** officer* are • qiii'ri.Ml t-j. cooperation 1 > ij,n> > ! rii. r. Hon of a|| pan fftr*, nuporintcndenta and other Bt|u lay school leader* lu (he effort to I n.eke 111, (MnVefttti.v a mines* i ; f n ;s ■ 'li-•< VC .1 it iioil in I d tliat v.-aln thi )'ear a pennant .will be , h hpvl havinsT'la the enliven- IN* '*■; (C dUntteil on Page Three) MEMBER OH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICC FIVI CSNTB Itiwilution Adopted PMgW S«r, i»ort 0 i Party “Fro* C*a. b tabic Up” JOHN a WRIGHT LED FIGHT ON GOV. SMITH He Noaiiaaa Am "Party HoKar,” Citing Pro hibition Stand RAI.KKIH. July 17— builtli sentiment came to the eertsoe at the Democratic stile eseectlve rum mitt tea session tool* IK. preclpt taline • heated debate durtag which the charge vu mode that Mm pwU drntial nominee tied "hotted the plat form '* K ; Thfc attack Stf - pphwr hmi** niadit hy John 8 Wright Os Kalelgb. t"m i hMTenged by Attorney Oeoeret Dannie Hrummltt. who bad jeet ra • I red v < <>mmlttoe. cbalnaaa la Ipr or of Odua VI. v Mutt of Mol by the .hokeyfyO Mad Cardaor, aamlooo /nr governor. M/. Mull woo dtaotif without <i|i|)neUJba. “There Wy any dry plaak In tho pim for either paHy,“ ftremmllf. TtTrTTila'addroealn* Wright, hf oddpfL The Democratic platform carries ap enforcement pi ask and you know ft A resolution Introduced by Oea illetrlct iiedglng •upportVflU party ticket "from constable to preetdPK** furnished tbe fudl for tka oratorical hlaae. It waa read after Mail bad rounded a battle cry-Ar the coming campaign, pledging hlbualf to seek to throw the support of the entire pyrty to the Demecrafle ticket with, on! exception and anaoaaetai plane for a thorough orgaalaaltoß of tbd state. .1 Charles B Wallace of Morebead City touched tho metch to the toad' • when he announced that aa a prorp for bla wife he conld not cease lent J 'oualy eupport the resolntloa “ be. cause he waa roareraaat with Mrc. WalteceSi stn nuona epfkOetOee la the preeldenttal nomination " He aeked permlailon to aubmlt bla wlfae resignation but Chairman Mali rated that a proxy could uH reelgn for % member Announcing that he fouad blmeelf In the aarae aituattoa, W. L. Kalght of ffettfag, offered a substitute tor the Wereen reeolnthm which la ef fect would hare placed the committee on record VC saying that failure of Democrat to aupport tho prmldcatlal nominee would net Impair Me party right in future primaries and cocrea. tiona. ’» Cameron M»rrteon former get#" nor. made a rigorous assault, oa the Knight proposal. “Csrtelniy this committee will net Incite the Deaao. crela of North Carolina to dtaloyalty" he shouted. Pointing »ut that the eiecatfrp committee is the directing machinery, Morrison dsrlared. “The party PCs a right to function, it has a right to loyally" Dr Wrlaht denounced Oorsraor Smith is "Ihe flrit h- |ter" taring the r inee had bol>.'<J U.e dry plank and ’ .idiied that he Lad named n Rspcbll ran as national chairman, which bo ifrosou need ,4s an insult" Similar assertions were made by J. H, Matthews of Bertie. Josephun Daniels look tt)e floor to protest against what he called "In quisitorial methods" wheo member! e.ere attempting to question Dr. , Wright At the same time ha aa r.ount-ed he was In faror of adapting the Wgrren resoluHop. Dr Knixht finally withdrew bla ies«lution. Haying he did so In the light of Hrummitt's statement He alio announced Mrs. Knight wonlg resign if the committee thought party loyalty called for voting the entire ticket. j The Warren resolution waa ad°pteg without a roll call rote.

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