WEATHER Mostly fair Thursday and Friday V cept local thondarahjwcra, Friday af toraaoa la areat aud aorta coatral. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 122 NUMBER ARRESTS MADE IN OBREGON ASSASSINATION ", * * - - - Merchants Ask City To Use Influence Toward New City Cus Station PASS RESOLUTION AT MEETING HELD YESTERDAY AF TERNOON—LARGEST OPERATOR OF BUSES IN CITY FAVORS NEW STATION Meat lag yesterday afternoon with H. H. Jenkins. president In the chair, the Qoldsboro Merchants As sociation adopted a motion calling on the city aldermen tb take aucli step* •a they deem usateaaary tn acquaint the Bus Commission of the Corpora tism Coßrmla*lon that Goldsboro wants and needs a new bus station. A discussion of the bus station pro blem, together with the appointment of a commutes to decide on plana for dollar day, occupied the . merchants In tlslr lathering Operators of bus lines hare one ▼ota -for each bus leaving the qjty daring the day. and aa Lherc are 22 buses leaving dally, twenty-three vou ek deride matters pertaining Ao systems. It was said. Mr. Gresham, c.wner of the Safety Tranalt line, has 11 * votes and aa the largaat operator in tha city. He favors going forward »t once with plags for a new st»tion,. the Merchants were tpld. R O. Self bus commissioner, was quoted as saying that Goldsboro needs a new station as as saying th*t PUNORECKED; AT SPECULATOR C * v ■■ Tar Heel Flier Among Thotte Hurt In Vtelt to See Tun* My WeWk.Out BPBDITLATOR. N. V.. July 18— (&) C.'iV.-Bob of New York, one of Commander Richard Ryrd'a financial bcckers end Wm Winston, a Curtiss field pilot, were injured here tonlfht when their t-gbls plane crashed Into a tree on tb* links of the Hamilton, cohntry club. Both were cut about the face. B. J. Gtmbel. New York merchant and Sum Fryor, of. Greenwich. Conn.j C«ne Tunney's closest friend. Escap ed Injury The plane was wrecked The party, guests of Mr. Bob. came here this afternoon by air from Cur tin field to watch Tunney work out. _ tB RALBTOH. July 18 (A I )—Win WliF Men slightly injured In art alrplfen* crash at Speculator, N. Y , today la a native of Wendell. N. C. He la one of the beet known commercial pilots of tha aaat. During the winter ' he made several trips from N*w York to Florid*, stopping at Raleigh. He piloted an Associated Press photo grapher to Oreenly Isle to secure pic tures when the Bretpen landed there with Major Fitsmaurlce and his Ger pfnwpintftftft at the end of thrtr I Trans Atlantic flight. MRS. CHESTER FIELDS DEAD Welt-Known Woman Os I’lkevllie Route 3. Dies After Ulnean t. PIKEVILLK,. R. F D. 3. July 18 The hearts of relative* and a post of friends were saddened on July'3 when the wife of Mr. Chester Fields pass ed away. The large number In as tendance at the funeral on July 4 showed the love held for the good woman. The floral offerings were many and beautiful. Mrs. Fields had been very sick for several weeks, though It had been thought she was well on the way to recovary when ahe suffered a relapse and died. She is survived by her hus band apd two children, the elder three years old and the youngest about a month old. * Mrs. a prominent place In PleaaantaGrovs church and Sunday school, Hyr presence will be missed by all. V^'aMA THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY, • 7 • * * " " V • It would be secured If the city Indi cate* through aictiou from Its civic organisations Its board of aldermen, and Ita Merchants Association - aud Chamber of Commerce, that it Inslats on a new station. I~ r The motion to ask the city aldermen to take steps aa are necessary In the bus station situation was made by A- A. Joseph and seconded by Leslie Well. Tn consider the matter of a dollar day and report I>si-k to tnc assorts, tlon on Wednesday July 25. the fol lowing were named as a commVtee Leslie Well. A. A. Joseph. 0. P. Matthews, L. K Stalllnaa and Ttun. Newbold. <• - Mr Joseph called attention of mem hers to the credJt rating service pro vided by the association and urged that-the members make mrf.-e frequ-l ent use of this service. "The Durham' association has hundreds of .calls for irtdlt ratings about prospective cus tomers each day and the merchants save money by using the credit bur eau. This service should lie more ut!|! xed In Goldsboro." he said RIOT OCCURS IN FEDERAL PRISON ~ t -v, One Man Injured in Melee Fol. lowing Unaureenaful Effort * To Escape ATLANTA. July it-A/t)— ltoy Gar dner, California mall robber and Joe Crbaypua. Ohio, -serving terms for a I'ke offense, precipitated a riot late today when they attempted to scale the walla of Um* F«4ee*i prhten here with a ladder. One man was hurt during the melee which followed the unsuccessful break for freedom, « guard named Runre being struck over the head with the but of a gun by a prisoner. Police reserves called In from the Atlanta department aided the prison fitfUlal* In restoring order. CANDIDATES MAY HE BARKED FROM BALI.OTT V SAN ANTONIO, Texsi. July 17 JP) —DetttorraUO candidates In Texas who refuse to support Governor Al fred W Smith of New York, the party nominee for president may be barred front a place oh the primary ballot. We court of civil appeals ruled here tedsy. JUDY RAYFORD FINDS BORGLUM Duke University Student Arrives In Raleigh in Niek of Time To Find^rt^st RALEIGH, Jujy IS (As) Judy Ra/ ford, the Duke I'nlverslty. student from Mobile. Ala., rode Into Raleigh . with, a friend motorist tbbr afternoon fust In time to catch (iutzon Borgium. the sculptor who has announced hls itftwatfcin of m»h»n* the year old f-rte* and srtbrt- hre protege MOMM of the soul and genius shown by the boys' work.' te 4 After s cordial hut not demonstra tive greeting, they headed for Rh h mond in Horglum'a fast roadster Rayford escaped missing his bene {prior by a hair's brpadth. Borg'nm was checking out at s local hotel, leasing funds for the poy, when the bitter, hatless, dusty and a little tir 'd, from the four day cross country trek from his Alagama home, ap peared in thn lobby. The sculptor's llrst question was whether the boy had lunched Rayford told him that hr had sndJ Borgium then questioned htm about the trip Rayford said he left Mobile Sunday morning, makjng bis v.av te, Athens, G*. hy yesterdnv trorning From there he went to Ashe ville where lie-missed Borgium by only »Yew hours last liight. m Pilloried Nobile . *A | PB*s "Now, say you who flew, how your leaders botched the job?” demand* Vladimir Myakofsky, Russian poet, in o the Com munist paper Yoth Pravda, "We await Nobile’s live word. Why have you fled? Where i> Malmgren? Has he died or have they left httn ehYeF* COMERCE GROUP HOLDS MEETING \ Hoard of Directors Name Com mittee to Confer With Alder: men About Hum Station Appointment of a committee to confer with the hoard of alderman re latlve to. » hew bus station, anchor L. i “*ro6if"ijj I preparation of a program ter the annual dinner to he het»t tn September, and a vote fav\ing a fund for advertising the Goldsboro tobacco market were Items of business trnnw ucted hy the director* of the chamber of commerce meeting, lg*t evening. As th» eommtHee from the nrganl- j rollou to confer with the aldermen about the need,for a new bus station were named. Col, George K. Free, man. K. C. Hoyall, Thomas H- Nor wood. \Y. A. Dees and Paul Yelvcr lon. “• Funds to advertise the tobacco mar kel will be collected locally under the plan'voted last evening The Ho ' tury club, the Klwanls dub aud the Merchants Association will be Invlt ed to nqme a committee,.of two men ■ each to act with two men from the OrgaulxuUmi to ofjer services to the local warehousemen In the Interest of the tobacco market. The program for the annual dinner w|ll be prepared by W. (1. Denmark. eec-retoey , GKIITTVA IttKS WFSM KIRTS* WRIT Ik WS.MMI DKKBY KALAMAZOO. July 17 Grai iwn Kse- wow vwe fim heaf ift thw 170,000 Great American paring derby here this aftcfMtfm. High land Scott was second with Winnipeg third. Ilerry the Great. *3eau Grsttou • and Patehen Boy a is., stalled The time Tor the first heat was 2-00 3-4. * NEGRO s.{oo IN CASH When Arrested Here For Al. leged FayelfeVtlTe Crime Had $76 On I’erson Two young dig roes, shout 11 yaiiri 1 '„td“ wcre takVii Into < uslody here oh e*terdsy on » charge of having stol en 8300'from a Fayetteville m»gl«- iiate whose tn*tne could not be learn ed ' .lame Hnhlosoq. better known as • Blue" Robinson. Ooldsboro negro, wn* one of the h4tya and the other j h • cousin George Itennls of Fayette ville. Ray Thompson. Fayetteville ne gro, was s»id- hy the boys to have rpllt with tlieiq in the money. When found hen i>-- -plain clothes offjNi Rhode the Atildngon anil Dcnnt- Ne. rnw < hod $Tt In < ash. and had fn*» ft|m-ut s-'me |3« for goods at b local store. They said a che< k for I too „sd bern hidden under » rock Just put tdde Fayetteville The little negroes hired a transfer cor to h liu- th-jji |<> mdtfsUiKj after they hail lifted the miglstrnte*a from a tattle In the rear of big store ! GOLDSBORO, N. G THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 19. 1928 Funeral Train A- Bears Remains i> >• 01 Hero Home Triumphal PttxfMHion of Few c Duys Ago Ik Become Fun eral Dirge OBREGON FOLLOWERS- VOW TO AVENGE HIS KILLING President Calles Ad«|M* Strong Measure* to Prenerve Or der In Nation MHXH'O I'ITY. July 111 (A*)—Fed. Cfsl iHalitcl police late Today arrest ed and held f«r investigation Emilio t'aasdo. proprietor of the restaurant w here t’.eneral Obregou was killed at Sttn Angel, aud all twelve emphirees of that pl»ee. ITitfn heodqUurtcrs auuoiincctl that Hie assassin of General Obregon had tieen identified a* really Jose De- Tcrsl, an art atadent. teed »> v—rk. a native of iaigq.c MEXICO CITY— (/PI The body of General Alvaro Ohrgguu, president el ect of Mexico, was tonight, eti route to lilv home lh Solior*. lijs death left the capital in mourning and . de. .u unc-lng the assassin who fired toil lets friftn his posted while his victim was. partaking of a luncheon given ip < oleinutlon of hU helntf chosen for the office of chief executive. T ' a> Just before G»e train pulled out of Che statlon hjaf thla aflcruuou tiniua »‘i(l» of followers of the Obreidm pol icies raised their right hand and took a solemn o*th to fdej and to see thal punishment t» risked npoii those responsible for his ceath. This wus done at the Instance of a .member of Gontt-reM. WWt> *» the o-tU wae *+w» turned tn FrPXtdsnt > alle-. standltiy ucorhy and -aid. "W< demand of you Justice by the punishment of those who were guilty if murdering Obregdn.” cb "7* w MKNieo UTY t/Pi Aaaaseinarhm '■f President-Elect Alvaro Obregon caused atrlngeni measure today to curb disorder. ° .CanaorahifS was In force,. Putt, e and -oldler patrolled the streets of the r.ipits) and the rftads of the surround lug countryside; The artrty was pre pared for an emergency, all treiop-c being ordered in h»rrnck..c nnd held 'i readiness, in c.fAc of..#| nfit, r There were iniumherahle rumors ip the capitsl of ufiriaings ‘and other krtttng*. but ail proved to be. tuitriir. Intense excitement picvalltd eyi re.. wl’.ere. hut neither the newspapers or the government had aW Info: •nation J of trouble breakbiK out anywhere in ■the republic The w.i- ilep >; Inien! to i’l'flV t.-T i ninmunlijiie A'ayiug tliaL the amV> guaran tee the lufbtlc peace , . - President wss surrounded by n strong guard All saloons were clos ed s* werg (bctrlrits aml uUno places *>f amusement. » Many of those known tojMVMPP"ns The., hi-adqnarters of Luis Miinjuee, >* cretary «f lalmr aud (lln egon's preatest politbai opponmil. were urrounded hv a gtianl wt Uu liihiain-a, of President Calles, who., feared that fOonttnned on I’are Mix i Raises Cucumbers As Big As WatermeloGs u‘*- ■ J F Williams. Aft Olive, It. F. it. is known as a farmer who knows how to make ctops hehav themselves, ills strawberries si. ways t»ke higher' prlcjCa «ft The market and his pure bred stock I. the talk of his section. New he goes and grows some cucumbers that are nearer the size of wau > melons than they ire cucumbers." Nelllier are they and eerdlv. »• it usual with big cur um ber si but are firm and tasty Mr Williams bropght a basket of the big f-llows lo town yeHferdwjj for display. Two of them were it least, ff in< he's long and Jhches la clr ' umfei ' ll' C . - ■ c Jackson gild the fig lit. eirs will be tlie Nat tonal .guard troops flri.nt N’orih f*-,'Molina Souih < ur»Iln» Georgia and Teiim—se. wlihh form the -pill thlrthili encamped' lei tip- first time iIEAROUARTERS TO BE SET UP Mull < 4mU** tt tib ÜbndbfK Hfb*- ilve to ExlMwivt* ( umpaiKn T In Slutc,. It,\l.Kli;ll .lull is f/l’l Campaign headquarters for the Demm rsttr par Tv will be I'l.ihli-iiiirto li'lcigh OBus M Moll, ~ii.Ho. new chairman of the 1 .x'-cntlve comtniitiii. announced rutiicht. a he went Into the second ; , ,| Ihl- d»v w nil politics'. ■ cadcr- The offices wllf be openwi s.n.i: ,-i .mi.ihle qnsrtftil are found he , -nl * . O. Max GMdnc nominee for gov ernor: a nil sever*! of the candldstrx for congress, psrtlelpated In tne coiu feyrni i-s, s|ilct were to map .iic jmressUc .j-aaiin-‘igo ■f-re-dbe ,stst e smi nsitonal ticket Financial pfiTtn V. ere discussed It W s ■ uliderstsod but no ststemrnt-,w. rr pi ids-:i -tn gkstlf 1 - »U •IlllflJM*-, meat by ’ Hip supervisor, H. C. Ilob- Incon. Two one set'plays for child" ten, a series of .contest, «nd a -water tarnlval at the ITesbytertan Pool, which t» under municipal operation, will be the features of the after noon's entertainment. The dramatic side of the program »I. l ntld prove iif g!tc»t Interest to both 4v*- parrots wf the chlldrsw taking part and to all ths palrona of the l.fsyirofrnd tHov*»e«l Play acting I- oue ( of the most delightful pastimes oi youth They enjoy pretending, even nt their own devised games. To be al lowed to set out a part to a real oiama Is always ■ memortabla event in. their Uvea. The Webb Town renter will revive “The House In the Woods" I hat de- ITgUUnI little fslry tale play which was iwven on the Webb Town grounds * weeks sgo. At that staging It DRY DEMOCRATS BEGIN MEETING ID H;irton amt HIhIIOB CAllN4>n HiRVCKt Art*n> In Stew They SUrted ' 0 j.' AHHEVIU.E. July 18~ (dP)-Ths Poutbern confarence of, dry Demo crats In an executive session late to clay appoiatod a-eoMNWiG** ivntebrt Ing of two members from each state ,r<4>- rrsented to work out a state maul of policies, purposes and program. ' Dr. A. J. Barton. Atlanta, Baptist leader, was chosen chairman of (he conference. Bishop James A. Gannon of the Methodist Episcopal c ( hurch, flouth was elected Secretary. Adilnmawi ’by dry leaders frem throughout the South war# beard at a mass meetlug held In the conference luUJ I'TiiglM. with Lha women hsvlua a considerable voice In the proceedings. Mrs'. Jesse W Nicholson of Mary land. president of the National Wom an's fuunQcrallc I.sw Enforcement ifeagne, told the conference that 78,- Dffi) PUBU'U, miffllltri frf Fflt argsalsa, tlon Jtfre **- one opposed t« ■ the tiemocratlc nomtoee." This sbt said was because "he represents Tnmmane and a corrupt system of govi-rnaseai based "ii special favors jynt privileges "r.d lev »nMb Tammany has opposed every Democratic candidate for the presidency since the' (lays bf iSimuet J Tlbleh. It having fought Gleveland ij,i ran. Wilson. Cox and Aavls." L [ The women In the nrgnalzatlon f •0„ the -ftn i*l division of Its seasonal pool; to’lts me'rnhere tomorrow, l ! . B Bl*tock, vvn«-ral manager, said today. Anmng the larger, participating, counties In this distribution is W»|»» with tU.IHKt. "The premium netted for ettoon over 7-8 middling this year has hi' ii 8.1 .» bale ».< compared wnb Ii " i.'lnst sesaou." Mr. Blalock;said. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE mn CENTS v.-** received with Back praise by dU who witheaeed It. The story. ruaalag I ruiT to all (Bleat of Mk( Mllfl lM ltn prince and princess. Tk* yaw hat ynurpnaiu* lata lee, lika Olhdmrllm la ral*«d fro* tk* status of a wort, in* girl by rapturing tk* fancy as a i.obl* prion lo dlaguia*. Oaly Ik ting particular caae, D»* towiffc ed and tka lovely lady romrop tig spell by get* of klodaoaa. The Klwanta caatar will prodaoa levely pin* traa which sighs far •‘The Piaa Traa’* a f»uclfml tala as a want* laavaa of gold. A pomaaalvs a< magic powofa. hearing tta limsill fa ••Idea t«f cloth It la a gold garb. Wf oaoa clothed. It kacapag tit pray of tkierea who atrip H ot all Sljl| groan laavaa. like tome as hem. Again Its wish la gratltlad. Iff a goat comoa along tad sate all 4)0 troan laavaa. After tkoaa two gro». lona disappointment#, It daetdee that ■, * SMITH GATHERS : DATA TO MAKE IPHISADDRESS Lemma of Flacai AfMtra Os Governoiaot Frgmi Rapra am tattre By rag i ai-bany, fair ii m Oiaafe Oovamor Smith has mat yet plaago| into the actual prapartloa as hie a#» re planes speech, is la aai»alll|t t data for it Already ha has a nomgtohi ( background of flacai operatleaa as , lb* federal govern amat obtained flraO land from Rapes eaatatlvu Byraa. at Tenneaaaa ranking liQUiai On tiff hone# appropriations nifjltta* a*i 1 In the next few weeks probably wff 1 discuss various phases at govdraawd ’ <«l policy with other caagroaala^at 'Byrne Albaay at tie preaL dantlal nomlnoa's Invttatloa departing t yesterday after ha had dhma*o*4 t pproprlatton problem at length wMI ’ Ms heat. , ff tentative plana of tka daaseersdo I are carried lint Smith haa mar* thaa , a month to whip his aodopteaaed i speech into shape, M now la expected , that ha will be npMfttd otflelally as I hie nomination dartag tka ..weak ot , August 11. with tka oarimaay for kla [ running rants. Senator Kebineoa, pea. I lu.Wy «-<>ming in the leetweek ot Ap *u*t. ' ■ ." ■“ F This would bring the addraasaa at , both* the democratic nominees after . those of the republican standard hear ora, as the data far Herbert HbortCh . notification la August If and that dt . r-cnator Currti. August If. +:iaborata plantar* being made la . hroadc»st Oovarnor Smith'* speech which will be delivered from tka •»•** r dt the »taio capltot hare. A netted wide hookup, with 110 or morn sta ■ tlons In chain la contemplated -■ ' t Youth Dies Following Operation For Stall* „ _____ o Herbert Casey. 1< year old aoa aP Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Casey, died at a-. • local, hospital early yesterday more i lug. Young ( easy underwent aa eg* • l erallon for sinus trouble 10 days ago. «j Funeral was held from tpe home at . Calypso at 5 n’ckok. yesterday after* I noon *nd waa conducted by B*v. Mr. of Ih* Calypeo Baptist church. >* Hurvivtng are the parents. tWp I brothers. J. C. and R. 8. Casey; sad • four sisters. Mrs. low Pr|uce. of Ra-' I Jelxb. Mrs- D. C. Casey of New Tort City; and Mtose* Br* sad indie Ca##y*j