. WEATHER . Generally falx Friday sad Saturday ex oegt local Utuadershewers Saturday in extaaase west portion. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 123 LOWENSTEIN’S BODY IS FOUND IN ENGLISH CHANNEL WEBBTOWN IS VICTORIOUS IN PLAY CONTEST Final Count la Webbtown 39, Ki wanis 37 In Playitroßnd Competition 30C WITNESS SWIM ■ C<> CARNIVAL AT POOL Kl.a4blt.yvrm.nl (.roup iJ Winner in Dramatic Contest Wit* Ptae Tree" : Th* Wnbbtown playgfoum won a clotely contented play (U) at the renter y#*t*raa> afternoon, the final rntynt showing Wtbbtowu 39, Kiwanli 17. Some three >ud *e crip pled children la indicated In letters to the Gastonia hospital, copies or Lionel Well TtMiee letters —one fro* which h»TS peen received here by some \t miles from Goldsbarp and the other from some 50 miles from' Goldsboro —say that children wnoi hare had treatment at «>Jie Oaat»nt«i! hospital cannot be takvi back ror chat rvatjon because the money rot j the trip cannot be procured. With the clinic for Eastern f'.orth Carolina 1 >n Goldsboro they bill be able to sp-1 pear here for examination The ftr*t clinic will be held at the Memorial Community Building July | 1R with Dr. O. .L. Miller, chief *nr-j Reon of the Gaatonli hospital. In charge Cllnlca will be held here earn •uccedlns month for the next year and It la considered probable that In the end a (ranch of the Gastonia hos- ; pital will be established hi re The sum of |7.o SHH ■k tI \ ► J I y*|m S y J i fl Iks V jyi rAMl 1 I / ■ 1- 11 VI 'mfdmr- SdAJf B aim.- M v^ Bearing a charmed life op a doien battlefields, General Alvaro Obregon, president-elect of Mexico, was shot to death ag he sat among his friends at a banquet in the Rtfle town of San Angel just outside the gates of the capital. On the pretext of submitting several of hhr draw ings, Juan Escapulario, a cartoonist, ap proached and sent seven bullets crashing into us*' / ytv a revolver concealed under a hat. With Waving Os Cutlasses* Itlood-Thirsiv Pirates .Sail IJpwn And Capture Goldsboro COUNTY BUYING MORE NEW CARS iLasj; June 76 New Autos I’yr. chained in County and Year'* Ako Only 41 * | Dcsplty the so-called “hard limes'’ raid to be gripping North Carolina the rltlxexna of the T.«r Hoof State as« buying more automobiles fhk year liotu Umiv did la lU2J. Xlg utui t«- I cased Thursday, In Kuleigh, by the ptate Department of Revenue allow I The report on sales of new cars in Continued on page 2 trom Goldsboro ra-r.e thu> letter ' U Dr. Miller: July 2. n2B Dear Sir: "fUi-rwir j iTTfKTrff*nrTiii~rmi 1 would love to carry ii in up then for Dr. Mi|l<>r to \i< him «• bp, ha' done so much “o lit.»■ but 1 hanj* the money. It » Mil i i. <• $ -:. ,un ) that I han't got. If you would coni' j closer by so l c. il- 1 u > I v -uM !ov< ■ U go, hut cant no.v t'.'dcr the pro 1 x»c*ltlon, hoping to hat « m i return I your’ trend." The follow tue. letter I *i m a pf*in i not-over 60 miles from Goldsboro. j My Dear Miss McCollum: 1 Q ' 111 -I !•' etv l| > - .'jr I'll'! tin! it \ M | u.» to send-'l) to your cjinle Julv .it! Jor 12th. f would be so glad for l to go and take the observation \V have had unavoidable roy.i«... and over »nd we are not fliratu ially able-to sefld him; I asmii. Voifthnl ! , not for the lack of lntere.»| or /ippre I latien that he does not come for j certainly do appreciate everythin ! you have done for him In the p >sl 1 ,Mnd w;ish be could take < very oil ei vat lon that you wopld. aivcr—hike t ejve him And If It didn't cost ns any i thing to get him there, ije wo: i |] i, (Continued Qn I'ase Three) Wi'lminjctuniany Given Glad. Hand as Tliey Stop in Grids t boro FerlShort Tin>e on (rood ) Will Till# of Thit Part of State. PRAISES HOSPITALITY EXTENDED BY THE CITY By JOHN D LANGSTON i| With tltn screaming of the I tooting of whletlee. and the ringing ri of bells the Feast of the Pirates" moL 'jggadi *p>ept urtu ljt.Mdibncu jtuytgr • day afternoon at 5:20, htttiSvA guatd of three motorcycle*. Tin- motorcade, l iindir the leadership of Dr. (]. G. | Speer, chairman . i the motorcade f-et-mwJUmt, stag cutipoaed Os twenty ”4 five cats' a< cording to Dr. Speer, sev en! having dropped from the pro cijshlon In Kinston, to go on directly I lain Wilmington. 1 A welcome committee made up of Mayor Jack Hill. L. A. l.aney, chair J j trail Os the Wayne county board of 1 commissioners, Walter Denmark, soc . jnt»rv of t!ic fiildsb’ito ( If,iTill er I * ■ Mini i' :n! 'i . . i of hr fa went ur on Ihe KTii -lou I Tiliw a j To “nietT » the- eelvicade, and emor* tin in Into t t! c i ') I pon teaching Cen -street, t the parade, of snadtVy eofn.— 1 p4'»et*- ft ihdeu »'i!i ou.l' le . sped d ij to (he i "rtier of Center and Chestnut Street , (j where the lead ear of the pro-' *~jofi •• halted As the pirates swung d' f *n i from' the cars, a group of Oo| *itw>ro edia«nt rushed forward, and tn v 1 (£°V- S tyere Soofi made to feel were .mc Dr Speer In commenting on tt)e t welcome the p»rty received, '■sill, i th is tlie kind of thing that, h' lp t '(, make n project a wares*. Wo i' h ive M ' ved (tie kind of wch' in r every town we have parsed through l and this plilt of got.nl fellowship and * ro')pcra> t. (ban ever before.” Tlytn J»e *;i<• 111 u tin id show's that John-.luiiKon of New Bern, wilt discuss a M\rlmuni Altendanci”; A. II Kerr, of iioldsboro. "('lull Fro. 1 cams" Felix Harvey of Kinston; ■'l'ommittec Funrtlons''; W. ||. Monlgomt- y. of Vi|ni ingtonV “Dofl ..n»<• OM'Ctlves”: c n Rowlett of tireenvllle, "Relationship of Zone- to (Continued on pag'd two! ■' ’ 7 Cases Diphtheria IP Reported In 2 Days n'evcii case 4of diphtheria have , been reported at .tin" beallh de Mituieui In tin last two days Five v'ainfi li,ldicn of Del l Parks, ne. gress living near Rosewood, and tlu negress herself have the din i "e- 'I he mother of these children Is ill in a tiiliercnlar Aiospital. and tin fattier died with tuberculosis . > lit .1 >l,l!' ago A f.ve VPansold Phillips child of the city also has diphtheria and Mark t'andi II o Indian Springs .township was re ported a» siif.'erliiK from the same Double. This Is 'an uuusuaHy large number of • ase• of this con tag, >u. disease for the lime of year of those 111 had ever taken (lie Ini in u ni/.t l lon for (he dl*-oii Old Baby, Born Out of Wedlock * - r ■ BRONSON. Mich, July - The story of Che killing of a three i lay it old baby, after H had been Ti) nw timrert mother *t tfce ta»HMn4 her parent* In the hope that they could Rive the child | home, wiw be liir Invest Ig.tted by here to. night . \ The ha by was kllleti by Ward Wes •el, 11l w.hn told pol|ce lie „„w the form move In u cartjbotird box tit which it was left by the mother, then tliioUpK. It wan a intake hurled a I:.rge stone Int" the 1 tmpfovlscn ciW •t'le. The tragedy occurred-et the farm home of John Bloom,- when Wessetl iHu io the tonHk * “ ’ f ■ Police toduy obtained an admission from Mlm Marie Bloom 1», a ter of the family, that the child wa* Lora to her Monday njfhl. Rtow ifie iiit »111 it\ an orchard. *fie ula! and hi pi the lilrth secret from her par. flit* laist nlßhl. aecordtni to the ftrl. nlie placed the bnhy In a driveway at lhe home. hopinß the parents *vß*l see 11 when they returned from a hand eonci ft. . k Members of the Bloom family tola officers they s»y the bo* but drove arnnnd It w ithoafi |nve*t|gu i,on Wes set following the Bloom »»- tr mobile, saljl lie gtnpped, went up to the bn* and saw a,large stone oh the covey. Inside was say. ■ I «a« something moke,** he rontlnu cd ‘t thought It wus a snake, a;* i took th* stone and'noshed It as hard 'At ’ ,'ih I < 011UI ” Os rider* tonight, declared they uyulil cnnllnue Investigation before aelTiig an Inquest” ” SPEEDERSPAY BEFORE MAYOR .4-. .. . Three Vinlalors of City Speed I.a wx Tried in City Court \ —terdiy «* A total of five cases, three of which Were speeding 1.1 Vs-r dl*|»"Sefl ■■f In city, cmirt at I, he regnhir Thttrs day scihlou yesterday morrllng before jiix honor, the Mayor, The frequency til s|h edlnc. eases In the city courts session* of the p.isi few weks is said to Ire a rc-nlt of * vlgourou* cant lialgn a; I'tist viol.i'ors, "f »lit* spied IHK tawarinnKtrdw r vpcrlrd that-«nr result of this "tightening up - ' on Speeding there will soon be air evld est 'tekgt>n(*a of «*»< ntfmtnsr «r ■ gy fii'TirWbtftff,twr~rpe*B xtnes ~ • Tin (■dlrm.iig i'Ssi'-i were tried and disposed of yesterday. Vernon •Cttuart. while, paid affine of five dol|ar« and the cost tin • eh" r t!'- of speeding an automobile .1 .ii k Unr. white, charged * jwlth pending an automobile, was ti t ofl ■viih the payment of the euhf»eui Jf war hie fit Ml offeu.,e. Will,am I’ipklu. colored, paid five nolllgrs and the costs on a charge of speeding an automobile The man,tree of the local Jtelk and Kflrd department stores were assess ed with the i-osts on a charge or vlo lutUrg the Mdvertislng laws ll was said that the signs and banner* dis played in front of the stores,*era n»t -(l.»pla.vetl In accordance with tta art m i using oidlnam es >T tie eitv f..t< it of these stores «re st present having ' h' v t nniiiul lie, , and ■he hannei v ■ td.lu llrtrti ing tlwMleS were the i nrs referred, to la the charge. Belgian Millionaire Identified By Wrist Watch That He Wore Under Love Ban \ ■-1 ■ Hr* R \nt - ; iH a. , ■ ' ■k < I J ‘W Ogden Goclet, young Harvard graduate, who, it la whispered along Park avenue, was the subject ot a recent tete-a-tete between his father and Miss Louise Gruody, musciai com igy wgrCwwp will aHwiPt to have declared his intenttpn to cut off his son without a dol lar in the event he married the pretty actress. She declined to discuss the itory befgrj she for i vacation abrojqT ~ STORM SWOOPS INTO ILLINOIS Four Perannit Killed and Proper, ty Damage WtH Run Into ThouMUids CHICAGO, July is- Mh—Four p«r ..un* urp dead and hundreds of thou* and of dollar* worth of crop* gud property ruined a* the result of wtiftl uni rain storm which sw-mpt north, i usf Ulllrtuls today. The wind, which at time* reached a velocity of 64 mile* an hour, blew 'lie man from a roof to his death »nd Dew dpwn u high tension ilectrle wire on another, electrocuting him A woman golfer was killed by light ening and a man golfer was killed by lightning in liermond. I ml., a sub. iirh. “ i .'Hiousssdw; nf e»4t*r« - **r» fkiwl»4 liy the heavy rains. Lightning darnag iil nine hou 'o* in t'hleaga alone Hall road traliiK were delayed as ifitlch as H mlnulm In the fhlcugo territory. District Co-Op Members Get SII,OOO And Something More Member# of the North Carolina Cot. ton 11 rower* Cooperative Association / Wayne. linpjtn. Lenoir and Wilson county'got more than the 611,606 due •nn» in fiha) seUlement Hit ITi# ita sonal pool of lust year at the district •reefing Ikii) .ill the i ourthou*^v!»^ds tii'U.n aiiciuuiis /tltrr'iot Word that •in August I ui 4 Uli lu Ihe arr.rm.6n Utev arc to - he entertained at a dta ;trie I Imrbeeue ;il_ Uim Wayne County Fair trrmiuil* They gpt further word tbu( front thi* distance the full price lor lolt m look pretty good. *’* IL B Blalmk, of Raleigh, general uaugirn of the 4*KocJ»tlon, handed ou the checks tritallng lll,on and die mu tk« tragedy raag. *d rrom theoriea of aocidewtal death to hoax. Members of Mm LoWeoateta r imily and Initiate fHeads of the' financier aterna*asly denied that M had any reason to cdmmlt suietda - Tba rimuag of. the hadar mitt sanm to expedite settlement es the eetati He wes a rittsen es Balglam aad Mm * lawi of that country preHeda Sid tf'kntlnued oa page two) gradually beginning to get the do pa rn what cotton may fc* expected to do nest. Compilation es data aa to price trend* la a comparatively aa#' ru rut ton of ttw thnhgmpa, hot tt It proving more inccaaaful the older tkt experiment-- become#. aaid Mr. Mt. lttlu Z **-■ Tl¥ ffmirtHl dWrlbuled yesterday in final aettlement for aeatonal pool* 'or dlatrici member* la part of IK*.-’ WO being dlatrlbutad la North Caro, line among membdra In the atata. Tha euro doe* not Include aattlaaant far the optional pool, under which tha firm her control* the eelling data at III* cotton.. The county unit of tba aaaoclatlna waa rporgaulxed and J. D. HI net at Hone wood tnada chairman, N. 4- Itowell, vice chairman, and W. W. 4a (’run secretary. Crank Jotjee,»local manager, mad* announcement about the district bar becue to be held at tha Pair Oronada here August 1 , at 4:SO In the altar, noon Mr. Jonea told tha member* that It »a« going to be a harbaepd that would go down In bltUary aa ltd P